- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
- JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
- licensing.
- By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 6 End-User License
- Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy (both effective as of the 16th June 2020).
- End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-6-licence
- Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy
- Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
- www.gnu.org/licenses).
- ==============================================================================
- */
- namespace juce
- {
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- Represents a 2D affine-transformation matrix.
- An affine transformation is a transformation such as a rotation, scale, shear,
- resize or translation.
- These are used for various 2D transformation tasks, e.g. with Path objects.
- @see Path, Point, Line
- @tags{Graphics}
- */
- class JUCE_API AffineTransform final
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates an identity transform. */
- AffineTransform() = default;
- /** Creates a copy of another transform. */
- AffineTransform (const AffineTransform&) = default;
- /** Creates a transform from a set of raw matrix values.
- The resulting matrix is:
- (mat00 mat01 mat02)
- (mat10 mat11 mat12)
- ( 0 0 1 )
- */
- AffineTransform (float mat00, float mat01, float mat02,
- float mat10, float mat11, float mat12) noexcept;
- /** Copies from another AffineTransform object */
- AffineTransform& operator= (const AffineTransform&) = default;
- /** Compares two transforms. */
- bool operator== (const AffineTransform& other) const noexcept;
- /** Compares two transforms. */
- bool operator!= (const AffineTransform& other) const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Transforms a 2D coordinate using this matrix. */
- template <typename ValueType>
- void transformPoint (ValueType& x, ValueType& y) const noexcept
- {
- auto oldX = x;
- x = static_cast<ValueType> (mat00 * oldX + mat01 * y + mat02);
- y = static_cast<ValueType> (mat10 * oldX + mat11 * y + mat12);
- }
- /** Transforms two 2D coordinates using this matrix.
- This is just a shortcut for calling transformPoint() on each of these pairs of
- coordinates in turn. (And putting all the calculations into one function hopefully
- also gives the compiler a bit more scope for pipelining it).
- */
- template <typename ValueType>
- void transformPoints (ValueType& x1, ValueType& y1,
- ValueType& x2, ValueType& y2) const noexcept
- {
- auto oldX1 = x1, oldX2 = x2;
- x1 = static_cast<ValueType> (mat00 * oldX1 + mat01 * y1 + mat02);
- y1 = static_cast<ValueType> (mat10 * oldX1 + mat11 * y1 + mat12);
- x2 = static_cast<ValueType> (mat00 * oldX2 + mat01 * y2 + mat02);
- y2 = static_cast<ValueType> (mat10 * oldX2 + mat11 * y2 + mat12);
- }
- /** Transforms three 2D coordinates using this matrix.
- This is just a shortcut for calling transformPoint() on each of these pairs of
- coordinates in turn. (And putting all the calculations into one function hopefully
- also gives the compiler a bit more scope for pipelining it).
- */
- template <typename ValueType>
- void transformPoints (ValueType& x1, ValueType& y1,
- ValueType& x2, ValueType& y2,
- ValueType& x3, ValueType& y3) const noexcept
- {
- auto oldX1 = x1, oldX2 = x2, oldX3 = x3;
- x1 = static_cast<ValueType> (mat00 * oldX1 + mat01 * y1 + mat02);
- y1 = static_cast<ValueType> (mat10 * oldX1 + mat11 * y1 + mat12);
- x2 = static_cast<ValueType> (mat00 * oldX2 + mat01 * y2 + mat02);
- y2 = static_cast<ValueType> (mat10 * oldX2 + mat11 * y2 + mat12);
- x3 = static_cast<ValueType> (mat00 * oldX3 + mat01 * y3 + mat02);
- y3 = static_cast<ValueType> (mat10 * oldX3 + mat11 * y3 + mat12);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns a new transform which is the same as this one followed by a translation. */
- AffineTransform translated (float deltaX,
- float deltaY) const noexcept;
- /** Returns a new transform which is the same as this one followed by a translation. */
- template <typename PointType>
- AffineTransform translated (PointType delta) const noexcept
- {
- return translated ((float) delta.x, (float) delta.y);
- }
- /** Returns a new transform which is a translation. */
- static AffineTransform translation (float deltaX,
- float deltaY) noexcept;
- /** Returns a new transform which is a translation. */
- template <typename PointType>
- static AffineTransform translation (PointType delta) noexcept
- {
- return translation ((float) delta.x, (float) delta.y);
- }
- /** Returns a copy of this transform with the specified translation matrix values. */
- AffineTransform withAbsoluteTranslation (float translationX,
- float translationY) const noexcept;
- /** Returns a transform which is the same as this one followed by a rotation.
- The rotation is specified by a number of radians to rotate clockwise, centred around
- the origin (0, 0).
- */
- AffineTransform rotated (float angleInRadians) const noexcept;
- /** Returns a transform which is the same as this one followed by a rotation about a given point.
- The rotation is specified by a number of radians to rotate clockwise, centred around
- the coordinates passed in.
- */
- AffineTransform rotated (float angleInRadians,
- float pivotX,
- float pivotY) const noexcept;
- /** Returns a new transform which is a rotation about (0, 0). */
- static AffineTransform rotation (float angleInRadians) noexcept;
- /** Returns a new transform which is a rotation about a given point. */
- static AffineTransform rotation (float angleInRadians,
- float pivotX,
- float pivotY) noexcept;
- /** Returns a transform which is the same as this one followed by a re-scaling.
- The scaling is centred around the origin (0, 0).
- */
- AffineTransform scaled (float factorX,
- float factorY) const noexcept;
- /** Returns a transform which is the same as this one followed by a re-scaling.
- The scaling is centred around the origin (0, 0).
- */
- AffineTransform scaled (float factor) const noexcept;
- /** Returns a transform which is the same as this one followed by a re-scaling.
- The scaling is centred around the origin provided.
- */
- AffineTransform scaled (float factorX, float factorY,
- float pivotX, float pivotY) const noexcept;
- /** Returns a new transform which is a re-scale about the origin. */
- static AffineTransform scale (float factorX,
- float factorY) noexcept;
- /** Returns a new transform which is a re-scale about the origin. */
- static AffineTransform scale (float factor) noexcept;
- /** Returns a new transform which is a re-scale centred around the point provided. */
- static AffineTransform scale (float factorX, float factorY,
- float pivotX, float pivotY) noexcept;
- /** Returns a transform which is the same as this one followed by a shear.
- The shear is centred around the origin (0, 0).
- */
- AffineTransform sheared (float shearX, float shearY) const noexcept;
- /** Returns a shear transform, centred around the origin (0, 0). */
- static AffineTransform shear (float shearX, float shearY) noexcept;
- /** Returns a transform that will flip coordinates vertically within a window of the given height.
- This is handy for converting between upside-down coordinate systems such as OpenGL or CoreGraphics.
- */
- static AffineTransform verticalFlip (float height) noexcept;
- /** Returns a matrix which is the inverse operation of this one.
- Some matrices don't have an inverse - in this case, the method will just return
- an identity transform.
- */
- AffineTransform inverted() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the transform that will map three known points onto three coordinates
- that are supplied.
- This returns the transform that will transform (0, 0) into (x00, y00),
- (1, 0) to (x10, y10), and (0, 1) to (x01, y01).
- */
- static AffineTransform fromTargetPoints (float x00, float y00,
- float x10, float y10,
- float x01, float y01) noexcept;
- /** Returns the transform that will map three specified points onto three target points. */
- static AffineTransform fromTargetPoints (float sourceX1, float sourceY1, float targetX1, float targetY1,
- float sourceX2, float sourceY2, float targetX2, float targetY2,
- float sourceX3, float sourceY3, float targetX3, float targetY3) noexcept;
- /** Returns the transform that will map three specified points onto three target points. */
- template <typename PointType>
- static AffineTransform fromTargetPoints (PointType source1, PointType target1,
- PointType source2, PointType target2,
- PointType source3, PointType target3) noexcept
- {
- return fromTargetPoints (source1.x, source1.y, target1.x, target1.y,
- source2.x, source2.y, target2.x, target2.y,
- source3.x, source3.y, target3.x, target3.y);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the result of concatenating another transformation after this one. */
- AffineTransform followedBy (const AffineTransform& other) const noexcept;
- /** Returns true if this transform has no effect on points. */
- bool isIdentity() const noexcept;
- /** Returns true if this transform maps to a singularity - i.e. if it has no inverse. */
- bool isSingularity() const noexcept;
- /** Returns true if the transform only translates, and doesn't scale or rotate the
- points. */
- bool isOnlyTranslation() const noexcept;
- /** If this transform is only a translation, this returns the X offset.
- @see isOnlyTranslation
- */
- float getTranslationX() const noexcept { return mat02; }
- /** If this transform is only a translation, this returns the X offset.
- @see isOnlyTranslation
- */
- float getTranslationY() const noexcept { return mat12; }
- /** Returns the determinant of the transform. */
- float getDeterminant() const noexcept;
- /** This method has been deprecated.
- You can calculate the scale factor using:
- @code
- std::sqrt (std::abs (AffineTransform::getDeterminant()))
- @endcode
- This method produces incorrect values for transforms containing rotations.
- Returns the approximate scale factor by which lengths will be transformed.
- Obviously a length may be scaled by entirely different amounts depending on its
- direction, so this is only appropriate as a rough guide.
- */
- JUCE_DEPRECATED (float getScaleFactor() const noexcept);
- /* A ready-to-use identity transform - now deprecated.
- @deprecated If you need an identity transform, just use AffineTransform() or {}.
- */
- JUCE_DEPRECATED_STATIC (static const AffineTransform identity;)
- //==============================================================================
- /* The transform matrix is:
- (mat00 mat01 mat02)
- (mat10 mat11 mat12)
- ( 0 0 1 )
- */
- float mat00 { 1.0f }, mat01 { 0.0f }, mat02 { 0.0f };
- float mat10 { 0.0f }, mat11 { 1.0f }, mat12 { 0.0f };
- };
- } // namespace juce