- /*
- ZynAddSubFX - a software synthesizer
- Microtonal.h - Tuning settings and microtonal capabilities
- Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Nasca Octavian Paul
- Author: Nasca Octavian Paul
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- */
- #ifndef MICROTONAL_H
- #define MICROTONAL_H
- #include <cstdio>
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include "../globals.h"
- #define MAX_OCTAVE_SIZE 128
- namespace zyncarla {
- class XMLwrapper;
- struct KbmInfo
- {
- uint8_t Pmapsize;
- uint8_t Pfirstkey;
- uint8_t Plastkey;
- uint8_t Pmiddlenote;
- uint8_t PAnote;
- float PAfreq;
- uint8_t Pmappingenabled;
- short int Pmapping[128];
- };
- struct OctaveTuning {
- unsigned char type; //1 for cents or 2 for division
- // the real tuning (eg. +1.05946f for one halftone)
- // or 2.0f for one octave
- float tuning;
- //the real tunning is x1/x2
- unsigned int x1, x2;
- };
- struct SclInfo
- {
- unsigned char octavesize;
- OctaveTuning octave[MAX_OCTAVE_SIZE];
- };
- /**Tuning settings and microtonal capabilities*/
- class Microtonal
- {
- public:
- /**Constructor*/
- Microtonal(const int& gzip_compression);
- /**Destructor*/
- ~Microtonal();
- void defaults();
- /**Calculates the frequency for a given note
- */
- float getnotefreq(int note, int keyshift) const;
- //Parameters
- /**if the keys are inversed (the pitch is lower to keys from the right direction)*/
- unsigned char Pinvertupdown;
- /**the central key of the inversion*/
- unsigned char Pinvertupdowncenter;
- /**0 for 12 key temperate scale, 1 for microtonal*/
- unsigned char Penabled;
- /**the note of "A" key*/
- unsigned char PAnote;
- /**the frequency of the "A" note*/
- float PAfreq;
- /**if the scale is "tuned" to a note, you can tune to other note*/
- unsigned char Pscaleshift;
- //first and last key (to retune)
- unsigned char Pfirstkey;
- unsigned char Plastkey;
- /**The middle note where scale degree 0 is mapped to*/
- unsigned char Pmiddlenote;
- /**Map size*/
- unsigned char Pmapsize;
- /**Mapping ON/OFF*/
- unsigned char Pmappingenabled;
- /**Mapping (keys)*/
- short int Pmapping[128];
- /**Fine detune to be applied to all notes*/
- unsigned char Pglobalfinedetune;
- // Functions
- /** Return the current octave size*/
- unsigned char getoctavesize() const;
- /**Convert tunning to string*/
- void tuningtoline(int n, char *line, int maxn);
- /**load the tunnings from a .scl file*/
- static int loadscl(SclInfo &scl, const char *filename);
- /**load the mapping from .kbm file*/
- static int loadkbm(KbmInfo &kbm, const char *filename);
- /**Load text into the internal tunings
- *
- *\todo better description*/
- int texttotunings(const char *text);
- /**Load text into the internal mappings
- *
- *\todo better description*/
- void texttomapping(const char *text);
- /**Name of Microtonal tuning*/
- /**Comment about the tuning*/
- void add2XML(XMLwrapper& xml) const;
- void getfromXML(XMLwrapper& xml);
- int saveXML(const char *filename) const;
- int loadXML(const char *filename);
- //simple operators primarily for debug
- bool operator==(const Microtonal µ) const;
- bool operator!=(const Microtonal µ) const;
- void clone(Microtonal &m);
- static const rtosc::Ports ports;
- //only paste handler should access there (quasi-private)
- unsigned char octavesize;
- OctaveTuning octave[MAX_OCTAVE_SIZE];
- private:
- //loads a line from the text file, while ignoring the lines beggining with "!"
- static int loadline(FILE *file, char *line);
- //Grab a 0..127 integer from the provided descriptor
- static int linetotunings(struct OctaveTuning &tune, const char *line);
- void apply(void);
- const int& gzip_compression;
- };
- }
- #endif