- /*
- * Carla Native Plugins
- * Copyright (C) 2013-2023 Filipe Coelho <falktx@falktx.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- * the License, or any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * For a full copy of the GNU General Public License see the GPL.txt file
- */
- #include "CarlaMathUtils.hpp"
- #include "CarlaMemUtils.hpp"
- #include "CarlaRingBuffer.hpp"
- extern "C" {
- #include "audio_decoder/ad.h"
- }
- #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6))
- # pragma GCC diagnostic push
- # pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Weffc++"
- #endif
- #include "zita-resampler/resampler.h"
- #if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ > 4 || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6))
- # pragma GCC diagnostic pop
- #endif
- typedef struct adinfo ADInfo;
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // tuning
- // disk streaming buffer size
- static constexpr const uint16_t kFileReaderBufferSize = 1024;
- // if reading a file smaller than this, load it all in memory
- static constexpr const uint16_t kMinLengthSeconds = 30;
- // size of the audio file ring buffer
- static constexpr const uint16_t kRingBufferLengthSeconds = 6;
- static inline
- constexpr float max4f(const float a, const float b, const float c, const float d) noexcept
- {
- return a > b && a > c && a > d ? a :
- b > a && b > c && b > d ? b :
- c > a && c > b && c > d ? c :
- d;
- }
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct AudioMemoryPool {
- float* buffer[2] = {};
- uint32_t numFrames = 0;
- CarlaMutex mutex;
- AudioMemoryPool() noexcept {}
- ~AudioMemoryPool() noexcept
- {
- destroy();
- }
- void create(const uint32_t desiredNumFrames)
- {
- CARLA_ASSERT(buffer[0] == nullptr);
- CARLA_ASSERT(buffer[1] == nullptr);
- CARLA_ASSERT(numFrames == 0);
- buffer[0] = new float[desiredNumFrames];
- buffer[1] = new float[desiredNumFrames];
- carla_mlock(buffer[0], sizeof(float)*desiredNumFrames);
- carla_mlock(buffer[1], sizeof(float)*desiredNumFrames);
- const CarlaMutexLocker cml(mutex);
- numFrames = desiredNumFrames;
- }
- void destroy() noexcept
- {
- {
- const CarlaMutexLocker cml(mutex);
- numFrames = 0;
- }
- if (buffer[0] != nullptr)
- {
- delete[] buffer[0];
- buffer[0] = nullptr;
- }
- if (buffer[1] != nullptr)
- {
- delete[] buffer[1];
- buffer[1] = nullptr;
- }
- }
- };
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class AudioFileReader
- {
- public:
- enum QuadMode {
- kQuad1and2,
- kQuad3and4,
- kQuadAll
- };
- AudioFileReader()
- {
- ad_clear_nfo(&fFileNfo);
- }
- ~AudioFileReader()
- {
- destroy();
- }
- void destroy()
- {
- const CarlaMutexLocker cml(fReaderMutex);
- cleanup();
- }
- int getCurrentBitRate() const noexcept
- {
- return fCurrentBitRate;
- }
- float getLastPlayPosition() const noexcept
- {
- return fLastPlayPosition;
- }
- float getReadableBufferFill() const noexcept
- {
- if (fFileNfo.channels == 0)
- return 0.f;
- if (fEntireFileLoaded)
- return 1.f;
- return 1.f - (static_cast<float>(fRingBufferR.getReadableDataSize() / sizeof(float))
- / static_cast<float>(fRingBufferR.getSize() / sizeof(float)));
- }
- ADInfo getFileInfo() const noexcept
- {
- return fFileNfo;
- }
- bool loadFilename(const char* const filename, const uint32_t sampleRate, const QuadMode quadMode,
- const uint32_t previewDataSize, float* previewData)
- {
- CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(filename != nullptr && *filename != '\0', false);
- const CarlaMutexLocker cml(fReaderMutex);
- cleanup();
- ad_clear_nfo(&fFileNfo);
- // open new
- fFilePtr = ad_open(filename, &fFileNfo);
- if (fFilePtr == nullptr)
- return false;
- ad_dump_nfo(99, &fFileNfo);
- // invalid
- if ((fFileNfo.channels != 1 && fFileNfo.channels != 2 && fFileNfo.channels != 4) || fFileNfo.frames <= 0)
- {
- if (fFileNfo.channels != 1 && fFileNfo.channels != 2 && fFileNfo.channels != 4)
- carla_stderr("loadFilename(\"%s\", ...) has not 1, 2 or 4 channels", filename);
- if (fFileNfo.frames <= 0)
- carla_stderr("loadFilename(\"%s\", ...) has 0 frames", filename);
- ad_clear_nfo(&fFileNfo);
- ad_close(fFilePtr);
- fFilePtr = nullptr;
- return false;
- }
- const uint64_t numFileFrames = static_cast<uint64_t>(fFileNfo.frames);
- const bool needsResample = fFileNfo.sample_rate != sampleRate;
- uint64_t numResampledFrames;
- if (needsResample)
- {
- if (! fResampler.setup(fFileNfo.sample_rate, sampleRate, fFileNfo.channels, 32))
- {
- ad_clear_nfo(&fFileNfo);
- ad_close(fFilePtr);
- fFilePtr = nullptr;
- carla_stderr2("loadFilename(\"%s\", ...) error, resampler setup failed");
- return false;
- }
- fResampleRatio = static_cast<double>(sampleRate) / static_cast<double>(fFileNfo.sample_rate);
- numResampledFrames = static_cast<uint64_t>(static_cast<double>(numFileFrames) * fResampleRatio + 0.5);
- if (fPreviousResampledBuffer.buffer == nullptr)
- fPreviousResampledBuffer.buffer = new float[kFileReaderBufferSize];
- }
- else
- {
- numResampledFrames = numFileFrames;
- }
- fQuadMode = quadMode;
- if (fFileNfo.can_seek == 0 || numResampledFrames <= sampleRate * kMinLengthSeconds)
- {
- // read and cache the first few seconds of the file if seekable
- const uint64_t initialFrames = fFileNfo.can_seek == 0
- ? numFileFrames
- : std::min<uint64_t>(numFileFrames, fFileNfo.sample_rate * kMinLengthSeconds);
- const uint64_t initialResampledFrames = fFileNfo.can_seek == 0
- ? numResampledFrames
- : std::min<uint64_t>(numResampledFrames,
- sampleRate * kMinLengthSeconds);
- fInitialMemoryPool.create(initialResampledFrames);
- readIntoInitialMemoryPool(initialFrames, initialResampledFrames);
- // file is no longer needed, we have it all in memory
- ad_close(fFilePtr);
- fFilePtr = nullptr;
- const float resampledFramesF = static_cast<float>(numResampledFrames);
- const float previewDataSizeF = static_cast<float>(previewDataSize);
- for (uint i=0; i<previewDataSize; ++i)
- {
- const float stepF = static_cast<float>(i)/previewDataSizeF * resampledFramesF;
- const uint step = carla_fixedValue<uint64_t>(0, numResampledFrames-1, static_cast<uint>(stepF + 0.5f));
- previewData[i] = std::max(std::fabs(fInitialMemoryPool.buffer[0][step]),
- std::fabs(fInitialMemoryPool.buffer[1][step]));
- }
- fEntireFileLoaded = true;
- }
- else
- {
- readFilePreview(previewDataSize, previewData);
- // cache only the first few initial seconds, let disk streaming handle the rest
- const uint64_t initialFrames = std::min<uint64_t>(numFileFrames,
- fFileNfo.sample_rate * kRingBufferLengthSeconds / 2);
- const uint64_t initialResampledFrames = std::min<uint64_t>(numResampledFrames,
- sampleRate * kRingBufferLengthSeconds / 2);
- fRingBufferL.createBuffer(sampleRate * kRingBufferLengthSeconds * sizeof(float), true);
- fRingBufferR.createBuffer(sampleRate * kRingBufferLengthSeconds * sizeof(float), true);
- fInitialMemoryPool.create(initialResampledFrames);
- readIntoInitialMemoryPool(initialFrames, initialResampledFrames);
- fRingBufferL.writeCustomData(fInitialMemoryPool.buffer[0], fInitialMemoryPool.numFrames * sizeof(float));
- fRingBufferR.writeCustomData(fInitialMemoryPool.buffer[1], fInitialMemoryPool.numFrames * sizeof(float));
- fRingBufferL.commitWrite();
- fRingBufferR.commitWrite();
- fEntireFileLoaded = false;
- }
- fTotalResampledFrames = numResampledFrames;
- fSampleRate = sampleRate;
- return true;
- }
- bool tickFrames(float* const buffers[],
- uint32_t bufferOffset, uint32_t frames, uint64_t framePos,
- const bool loopingMode, const bool isOffline)
- {
- float* outL = buffers[0] + bufferOffset;
- float* outR = buffers[1] + bufferOffset;
- float* playCV = buffers[2] + bufferOffset;
- if (loopingMode && framePos >= fTotalResampledFrames)
- framePos %= fTotalResampledFrames;
- if (framePos >= fTotalResampledFrames)
- {
- carla_zeroFloats(outL, frames);
- carla_zeroFloats(outR, frames);
- carla_zeroFloats(playCV, frames);
- fLastPlayPosition = 1.f;
- return false;
- }
- uint32_t numPoolFrames, usableFrames;
- {
- const CarlaMutexTryLocker cmtl(fInitialMemoryPool.mutex, isOffline);
- numPoolFrames = fInitialMemoryPool.numFrames;
- if (numPoolFrames == 0 || ! cmtl.wasLocked())
- {
- carla_zeroFloats(outL, frames);
- carla_zeroFloats(outR, frames);
- carla_zeroFloats(playCV, frames);
- return false;
- }
- if (framePos < numPoolFrames)
- {
- usableFrames = std::min(frames, numPoolFrames - static_cast<uint32_t>(framePos));
- carla_copyFloats(outL, fInitialMemoryPool.buffer[0] + framePos, usableFrames);
- carla_copyFloats(outR, fInitialMemoryPool.buffer[1] + framePos, usableFrames);
- carla_fillFloatsWithSingleValue(playCV, 10.f, usableFrames);
- outL += usableFrames;
- outR += usableFrames;
- playCV += usableFrames;
- bufferOffset += usableFrames;
- framePos += usableFrames;
- frames -= usableFrames;
- }
- if (fEntireFileLoaded && frames != 0)
- return tickFrames(buffers, bufferOffset, frames, framePos, loopingMode, isOffline);
- }
- fLastPlayPosition = static_cast<float>(framePos / 64) / static_cast<float>(fTotalResampledFrames / 64);
- if (fEntireFileLoaded)
- return false;
- if (frames == 0)
- {
- // ring buffer is good, waiting for data reads
- if (fRingBufferFramePos == numPoolFrames)
- return false;
- // out of bounds, host likely has repositioned transport
- if (fRingBufferFramePos > numPoolFrames)
- {
- fNextFileReadPos = 0;
- return true;
- }
- // within bounds, skip frames until we reach the end of the memory pool
- const uint32_t framesUpToPoolEnd = numPoolFrames - fRingBufferFramePos;
- if (fRingBufferR.getReadableDataSize() / sizeof(float) >= framesUpToPoolEnd)
- {
- fRingBufferL.skipRead(framesUpToPoolEnd * sizeof(float));
- fRingBufferR.skipRead(framesUpToPoolEnd * sizeof(float));
- fRingBufferFramePos = numPoolFrames;
- }
- return true;
- }
- uint32_t totalFramesAvailable = fRingBufferR.getReadableDataSize() / sizeof(float);
- if (framePos != fRingBufferFramePos)
- {
- // unaligned position, see if we need to relocate too
- if (framePos < fRingBufferFramePos || framePos >= fRingBufferFramePos + totalFramesAvailable - frames)
- {
- carla_zeroFloats(outL, frames);
- carla_zeroFloats(outR, frames);
- carla_zeroFloats(playCV, frames);
- // wait until the previous relocation is done
- if (fNextFileReadPos == -1)
- fNextFileReadPos = framePos - frames;
- return true;
- }
- // oh nice, we can skip a few frames and be in sync
- const uint32_t diffFrames = framePos - fRingBufferFramePos;
- fRingBufferL.skipRead(diffFrames * sizeof(float));
- fRingBufferR.skipRead(diffFrames * sizeof(float));
- totalFramesAvailable -= diffFrames;
- fRingBufferFramePos = framePos;
- }
- usableFrames = std::min<uint32_t>(frames, totalFramesAvailable);
- if (usableFrames == 0)
- {
- carla_zeroFloats(outL, frames);
- carla_zeroFloats(outR, frames);
- carla_zeroFloats(playCV, frames);
- return framePos < fTotalResampledFrames;
- }
- fRingBufferL.readCustomData(outL, usableFrames * sizeof(float));
- fRingBufferR.readCustomData(outR, usableFrames * sizeof(float));
- carla_fillFloatsWithSingleValue(playCV, 10.f, usableFrames);
- fRingBufferFramePos += usableFrames;
- totalFramesAvailable -= usableFrames;
- if (frames != usableFrames)
- {
- if (loopingMode)
- {
- bufferOffset += usableFrames;
- framePos += usableFrames;
- frames -= usableFrames;
- return tickFrames(buffers, bufferOffset, frames, framePos, loopingMode, isOffline);
- }
- carla_zeroFloats(outL + usableFrames, frames - usableFrames);
- carla_zeroFloats(outR + usableFrames, frames - usableFrames);
- carla_zeroFloats(playCV + usableFrames, frames - usableFrames);
- }
- return totalFramesAvailable <= fSampleRate * 2;
- }
- void readFilePreview(uint32_t previewDataSize, float* const previewData)
- {
- carla_zeroFloats(previewData, previewDataSize);
- if (fFileNfo.can_seek == 0)
- return;
- const uint fileNumFrames = static_cast<uint>(fFileNfo.frames);
- const float fileNumFramesF = static_cast<float>(fileNumFrames);
- const float previewDataSizeF = static_cast<float>(previewDataSize);
- const uint channels = fFileNfo.channels;
- const uint samplesPerRun = channels * 4;
- const uint maxSampleToRead = fileNumFrames - samplesPerRun;
- const uint8_t quadoffs = fQuadMode == kQuad3and4 ? 2 : 0;
- float tmp[16] = {};
- for (uint i=0; i<previewDataSize; ++i)
- {
- const float posF = static_cast<float>(i)/previewDataSizeF * fileNumFramesF;
- const uint pos = carla_fixedValue(0U, maxSampleToRead, static_cast<uint>(posF));
- ad_seek(fFilePtr, pos);
- ad_read(fFilePtr, tmp, samplesPerRun);
- switch (channels)
- {
- case 1:
- previewData[i] = max4f(std::fabs(tmp[0]),
- std::fabs(tmp[1]),
- std::fabs(tmp[2]),
- std::fabs(tmp[3]));
- break;
- case 2:
- previewData[i] = max4f(std::fabs(tmp[0]),
- std::fabs(tmp[2]),
- std::fabs(tmp[4]),
- std::fabs(tmp[6]));
- previewData[i] = std::max(previewData[i], max4f(std::fabs(tmp[1]),
- std::fabs(tmp[3]),
- std::fabs(tmp[5]),
- std::fabs(tmp[7])));
- break;
- case 4:
- if (fQuadMode == kQuadAll)
- {
- previewData[i] = max4f(std::fabs(tmp[0]) + std::fabs(tmp[4])
- + std::fabs(tmp[8]) + std::fabs(tmp[12]),
- std::fabs(tmp[1]) + std::fabs(tmp[5])
- + std::fabs(tmp[9]) + std::fabs(tmp[13]),
- std::fabs(tmp[2]) + std::fabs(tmp[6])
- + std::fabs(tmp[10]) + std::fabs(tmp[14]),
- std::fabs(tmp[3]) + std::fabs(tmp[7])
- + std::fabs(tmp[11]) + std::fabs(tmp[15]));
- }
- else
- {
- previewData[i] = max4f(std::fabs(tmp[quadoffs+0]),
- std::fabs(tmp[quadoffs+4]),
- std::fabs(tmp[quadoffs+8]),
- std::fabs(tmp[quadoffs+12]));
- previewData[i] = std::max(previewData[i], max4f(std::fabs(tmp[quadoffs+1]),
- std::fabs(tmp[quadoffs+5]),
- std::fabs(tmp[quadoffs+9]),
- std::fabs(tmp[quadoffs+13])));
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void readPoll()
- {
- const CarlaMutexLocker cml(fReaderMutex);
- const uint channels = fFileNfo.channels;
- if (channels == 0 || fFilePtr == nullptr)
- {
- carla_debug("R: no song loaded");
- return;
- }
- fCurrentBitRate = ad_get_bitrate(fFilePtr);
- const bool needsResample = carla_isNotEqual(fResampleRatio, 1.0);
- const uint8_t quadoffs = fQuadMode == kQuad3and4 ? 2 : 0;
- const int64_t nextFileReadPos = fNextFileReadPos;
- if (nextFileReadPos != -1)
- {
- fRingBufferL.flush();
- fRingBufferR.flush();
- fPreviousResampledBuffer.frames = 0;
- fRingBufferFramePos = nextFileReadPos;
- ad_seek(fFilePtr, nextFileReadPos / fResampleRatio);
- if (needsResample)
- fResampler.reset();
- }
- if (needsResample)
- {
- float buffer[kFileReaderBufferSize];
- float rbuffer[kFileReaderBufferSize];
- ssize_t r;
- uint prev_inp_count = 0;
- while (fRingBufferR.getWritableDataSize() >= sizeof(rbuffer))
- {
- if (const uint32_t oldframes = fPreviousResampledBuffer.frames)
- {
- prev_inp_count = oldframes;
- fPreviousResampledBuffer.frames = 0;
- std::memcpy(buffer, fPreviousResampledBuffer.buffer, sizeof(float) * oldframes * channels);
- }
- else if (prev_inp_count != 0)
- {
- std::memmove(buffer,
- buffer + (sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(float) - prev_inp_count * channels),
- sizeof(float) * prev_inp_count * channels);
- }
- r = ad_read(fFilePtr,
- buffer + (prev_inp_count * channels),
- sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(float) - (prev_inp_count * channels));
- if (r < 0)
- {
- carla_stderr("R: ad_read failed");
- break;
- }
- if (r == 0)
- break;
- fResampler.inp_count = prev_inp_count + r / channels;
- fResampler.out_count = sizeof(rbuffer) / sizeof(float) / channels;
- fResampler.inp_data = buffer;
- fResampler.out_data = rbuffer;
- fResampler.process();
- r = sizeof(rbuffer) / sizeof(float) - fResampler.out_count * channels;
- if (fResampleRatio > 1.0)
- {
- if (fResampler.out_count == 0)
- {
- CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_UINT(fResampler.inp_count != 0, fResampler.inp_count);
- }
- else
- {
- CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_UINT(fResampler.inp_count == 0, fResampler.inp_count);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT(fResampler.inp_count == 0);
- }
- prev_inp_count = fResampler.inp_count;
- if (r == 0)
- break;
- switch (channels)
- {
- case 1:
- fRingBufferL.writeCustomData(rbuffer, r * sizeof(float));
- fRingBufferR.writeCustomData(rbuffer, r * sizeof(float));
- break;
- case 2:
- for (ssize_t i=0; i < r;)
- {
- fRingBufferL.writeCustomData(&rbuffer[i++], sizeof(float));
- fRingBufferR.writeCustomData(&rbuffer[i++], sizeof(float));
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- if (fQuadMode == kQuadAll)
- {
- float v;
- for (ssize_t i=0; i < r; i += 4)
- {
- v = rbuffer[i] + rbuffer[i+1] + rbuffer[i+2] + rbuffer[i+3];
- fRingBufferL.writeCustomData(&v, sizeof(float));
- fRingBufferR.writeCustomData(&v, sizeof(float));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (ssize_t i=quadoffs; i < r; i += 4)
- {
- fRingBufferL.writeCustomData(&rbuffer[i], sizeof(float));
- fRingBufferR.writeCustomData(&rbuffer[i+1], sizeof(float));
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- fRingBufferL.commitWrite();
- fRingBufferR.commitWrite();
- }
- if (prev_inp_count != 0)
- {
- fPreviousResampledBuffer.frames = prev_inp_count;
- std::memcpy(fPreviousResampledBuffer.buffer,
- buffer + (sizeof(buffer) / sizeof(float) - prev_inp_count * channels),
- sizeof(float) * prev_inp_count * channels);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- float buffer[kFileReaderBufferSize];
- ssize_t r;
- while (fRingBufferR.getWritableDataSize() >= sizeof(buffer))
- {
- r = ad_read(fFilePtr, buffer, sizeof(buffer)/sizeof(float));
- if (r < 0)
- {
- carla_stderr("R: ad_read failed");
- break;
- }
- if (r == 0)
- break;
- switch (channels)
- {
- case 1:
- fRingBufferL.writeCustomData(buffer, r * sizeof(float));
- fRingBufferR.writeCustomData(buffer, r * sizeof(float));
- break;
- case 2:
- for (ssize_t i=0; i < r;)
- {
- fRingBufferL.writeCustomData(&buffer[i++], sizeof(float));
- fRingBufferR.writeCustomData(&buffer[i++], sizeof(float));
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- if (fQuadMode == kQuadAll)
- {
- float v;
- for (ssize_t i=0; i < r; i += 4)
- {
- v = buffer[i] + buffer[i+1] + buffer[i+2] + buffer[i+3];
- fRingBufferL.writeCustomData(&v, sizeof(float));
- fRingBufferR.writeCustomData(&v, sizeof(float));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (ssize_t i=quadoffs; i < r; i += 4)
- {
- fRingBufferL.writeCustomData(&buffer[i], sizeof(float));
- fRingBufferR.writeCustomData(&buffer[i+1], sizeof(float));
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- fRingBufferL.commitWrite();
- fRingBufferR.commitWrite();
- }
- }
- if (nextFileReadPos != -1)
- fNextFileReadPos = -1;
- }
- private:
- bool fEntireFileLoaded = false;
- QuadMode fQuadMode = kQuad1and2;
- int fCurrentBitRate = 0;
- float fLastPlayPosition = 0.f;
- int64_t fNextFileReadPos = -1;
- uint64_t fTotalResampledFrames = 0;
- void* fFilePtr = nullptr;
- ADInfo fFileNfo = {};
- uint32_t fSampleRate = 0;
- double fResampleRatio = 1.0;
- AudioMemoryPool fInitialMemoryPool;
- Resampler fResampler;
- CarlaMutex fReaderMutex;
- struct PreviousResampledBuffer {
- float* buffer = nullptr;
- uint32_t frames = 0;
- } fPreviousResampledBuffer;
- CarlaHeapRingBuffer fRingBufferL, fRingBufferR;
- uint64_t fRingBufferFramePos = 0;
- // assumes reader lock is active
- void cleanup()
- {
- fEntireFileLoaded = false;
- fCurrentBitRate = 0;
- fLastPlayPosition = 0.f;
- fNextFileReadPos = -1;
- fTotalResampledFrames = 0;
- fSampleRate = 0;
- fRingBufferFramePos = 0;
- fResampleRatio = 1.0;
- fResampler.clear();
- fInitialMemoryPool.destroy();
- fRingBufferL.deleteBuffer();
- fRingBufferR.deleteBuffer();
- if (fFilePtr != nullptr)
- {
- ad_close(fFilePtr);
- fFilePtr = nullptr;
- }
- delete[] fPreviousResampledBuffer.buffer;
- fPreviousResampledBuffer.buffer = nullptr;
- fPreviousResampledBuffer.frames = 0;
- }
- void readIntoInitialMemoryPool(const uint numFrames, const uint numResampledFrames)
- {
- const uint channels = fFileNfo.channels;
- const uint fileBufferSize = numFrames * channels;
- float* const fileBuffer = (float*)std::malloc(fileBufferSize * sizeof(float));
- CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fileBuffer != nullptr,);
- ad_seek(fFilePtr, 0);
- ssize_t rv = ad_read(fFilePtr, fileBuffer, fileBufferSize);
- CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_INT2_RETURN(rv == static_cast<ssize_t>(fileBufferSize),
- rv, fileBufferSize,
- std::free(fileBuffer));
- fCurrentBitRate = ad_get_bitrate(fFilePtr);
- float* resampledBuffer;
- if (numFrames != numResampledFrames)
- {
- resampledBuffer = (float*)std::malloc(numResampledFrames * channels * sizeof(float));
- CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(resampledBuffer != nullptr, std::free(fileBuffer););
- fResampler.inp_count = numFrames;
- fResampler.out_count = numResampledFrames;
- fResampler.inp_data = fileBuffer;
- fResampler.out_data = resampledBuffer;
- fResampler.process();
- fInitialMemoryPool.numFrames = numResampledFrames - fResampler.out_count;
- rv = fInitialMemoryPool.numFrames * channels;
- }
- else
- {
- resampledBuffer = fileBuffer;
- }
- {
- // lock, and put data asap
- const CarlaMutexLocker cml(fInitialMemoryPool.mutex);
- switch (channels)
- {
- case 1:
- for (ssize_t i=0; i < rv; ++i)
- fInitialMemoryPool.buffer[0][i] = fInitialMemoryPool.buffer[1][i] = resampledBuffer[i];
- break;
- case 2:
- for (ssize_t i=0, j=0; i < rv; ++j)
- {
- fInitialMemoryPool.buffer[0][j] = resampledBuffer[i++];
- fInitialMemoryPool.buffer[1][j] = resampledBuffer[i++];
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- if (fQuadMode == kQuadAll)
- {
- for (ssize_t i=0, j=0; i < rv; ++j)
- {
- fInitialMemoryPool.buffer[0][j] = fInitialMemoryPool.buffer[1][j]
- = resampledBuffer[i] + resampledBuffer[i+1] + resampledBuffer[i+2] + resampledBuffer[i+3];
- i += 4;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (ssize_t i = fQuadMode == kQuad3and4 ? 2 : 0, j = 0; i < rv; ++j)
- {
- fInitialMemoryPool.buffer[0][j] = resampledBuffer[i];
- fInitialMemoryPool.buffer[1][j] = resampledBuffer[i+1];
- i += 4;
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (resampledBuffer != fileBuffer)
- std::free(resampledBuffer);
- std::free(fileBuffer);
- }
- };
- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------