- #include <FL/Fl.H>
- #include <FL/fl_draw.H>
- #include "Fl_EQGraph.H"
- #include "common.H"
- #include "../Effects/EffectMgr.h"
- #include "../DSP/FFTwrapper.h"
- #include "../globals.h"
- #include <rtosc/rtosc.h>
- #define MAX_DB 30
- Fl_EQGraph::Fl_EQGraph(int x,int y, int w, int h, const char *label)
- :Fl_Box(x,y,w,h,label), Fl_Osc_Widget(this), samplerate(48000)
- {
- memset(num, 0, sizeof(num));
- memset(dem, 0, sizeof(dem));
- num[0] = 1;
- dem[0] = 1;
- ext = "eq-coeffs";
- osc->createLink("/samplerate", this);
- osc->requestValue("/samplerate");
- oscRegister("eq-coeffs");
- }
- Fl_EQGraph::~Fl_EQGraph(void)
- {}
- void Fl_EQGraph::OSC_raw(const char *msg)
- {
- if(strstr(msg, "samplerate") && !strcmp("f", rtosc_argument_string(msg))) {
- samplerate = rtosc_argument(msg, 0).f;
- } else {
- memcpy(dem, rtosc_argument(msg, 0).b.data, sizeof(dem));
- memcpy(num, rtosc_argument(msg, 1).b.data, sizeof(dem));
- redraw();
- }
- }
- void Fl_EQGraph::update(void)
- {
- oscWrite("eq-coeffs");
- }
- void Fl_EQGraph::draw_freq_line(float freq, int type)
- {
- fl_color(FL_GRAY);
- float freqx=getfreqpos(freq);
- switch(type){
- case 0:if (active_r()) fl_color(FL_WHITE);
- else fl_color(205,205,205);
- fl_line_style(FL_SOLID);
- break;
- case 1:fl_line_style(FL_DOT);break;
- case 2:fl_line_style(FL_DASH);break;
- };
- if ((freqx>0.0)&&(freqx<1.0))
- fl_line(x()+(int) (freqx*w()),y(),
- x()+(int) (freqx*w()),y()+h());
- }
- void Fl_EQGraph::draw(void)
- {
- int ox=x(),oy=y(),lx=w(),ly=h(),i;
- double iy,oiy;
- float freqx;
- if (active_r()) fl_color(fl_darker(FL_GRAY));
- else fl_color(FL_GRAY);
- fl_rectf(ox,oy,lx,ly);
- //draw the lines
- fl_color(fl_lighter(FL_GRAY));
- fl_line_style(FL_SOLID);
- fl_line(ox+2,oy+ly/2,ox+lx-2,oy+ly/2);
- freqx=getfreqpos(1000.0);
- if ((freqx>0.0)&&(freqx<1.0))
- fl_line(ox+(int) (freqx*lx),oy,
- ox+(int) (freqx*lx),oy+ly);
- for (i=1;i<10;i++) {
- if(i==1) {
- draw_freq_line(i*100.0,0);
- draw_freq_line(i*1000.0,0);
- } else
- if (i==5) {
- draw_freq_line(i*10.0,2);
- draw_freq_line(i*100.0,2);
- draw_freq_line(i*1000.0,2);
- } else {
- draw_freq_line(i*10.0,1);
- draw_freq_line(i*100.0,1);
- draw_freq_line(i*1000.0,1);
- };
- };
- draw_freq_line(10000.0,0);
- draw_freq_line(20000.0,1);
- fl_line_style(FL_DOT);
- int GY=6;if (ly<GY*3) GY=-1;
- for (i=1;i<GY;i++){
- int tmp=(int)(ly/(float)GY*i);
- fl_line(ox+2,oy+tmp,ox+lx-2,oy+tmp);
- };
- //draw the frequency response
- if (active_r()) fl_color(FL_YELLOW);
- else fl_color(200,200,80);
- fl_line_style(FL_SOLID,2);
- //fl_color( fl_color_add_alpha( fl_color(), 127 ) );
- oiy=getresponse(ly,getfreqx(0.0));
- fl_begin_line();
- for (i=1;i<lx;i++){
- float frq=getfreqx(i/(float) lx);
- if (frq>samplerate/2) break;
- iy=getresponse(ly,frq);
- if ((oiy>=0) && (oiy<ly) &&
- (iy>=0) && (iy<ly) )
- fl_vertex(ox+i,oy+ly-iy);
- oiy=iy;
- };
- fl_end_line();
- fl_line_style(FL_SOLID,0);
- }
- /*
- * For those not too familiar with digital filters, what is happening here is an
- * evaluation of the filter's frequency response through the evaluation of
- * H(z^{-1}) via z^{-1}=e^{j\omega}.
- * This will yield a complex result which will indicate the phase and magnitude
- * transformation of the input at the set frequency denoted by \omega
- */
- double Fl_EQGraph::getresponse(int maxy,float freq) const
- {
- const float angle = 2*PI*freq/samplerate;
- std::complex<float> num_res = 0;
- std::complex<float> dem_res = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < MAX_EQ_BANDS*MAX_FILTER_STAGES*2+1; ++i) {
- num_res += FFTpolar<float>(num[i], i*angle);
- dem_res += FFTpolar<float>(dem[i], i*angle);
- }
- float dbresp=20*log(abs(num_res/dem_res))/log(10);
- //rescale
- return (int) ((dbresp/MAX_DB+1.0)*maxy/2.0);
- }
- float Fl_EQGraph::getfreqx(float x) const
- {
- if(x>1.0)
- x=1.0;
- return(20.0*pow((float)1000.0,x));
- }
- float Fl_EQGraph::getfreqpos(float freq) const
- {
- if(freq<0.00001)
- freq=0.00001;
- return(log(freq/20.0)/log(1000.0));
- }