- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the Water library.
- Copyright (c) 2016 ROLI Ltd.
- Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Filipe Coelho <falktx@falktx.com>
- Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of the ISC license
- http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license/
- Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
- purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
- copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- #include "CharPointer_UTF8.h"
- #include "../memory/Memory.h"
- #include <string>
- namespace water {
- //==============================================================================
- /**
- The Water String class!
- Using a reference-counted internal representation, these strings are fast
- and efficient, and there are methods to do just about any operation you'll ever
- dream of.
- @see StringArray, StringPairArray
- */
- class String
- {
- public:
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates an empty string.
- @see empty
- */
- String() noexcept;
- /** Creates a copy of another string. */
- String (const String& other) noexcept;
- String (String&& other) noexcept;
- #endif
- /** Creates a string from a zero-terminated ascii text string.
- The string passed-in must not contain any characters with a value above 127, because
- these can't be converted to unicode without knowing the original encoding that was
- used to create the string. If you attempt to pass-in values above 127, you'll get an
- assertion.
- To create strings with extended characters from UTF-8, you should explicitly call
- String (CharPointer_UTF8 ("my utf8 string..")). It's *highly* recommended that you
- use UTF-8 with escape characters in your source code to represent extended characters,
- because there's no other way to represent unicode strings in a way that isn't dependent
- on the compiler, source code editor and platform.
- */
- String (const char* text);
- /** Creates a string from a string of 8-bit ascii characters.
- The string passed-in must not contain any characters with a value above 127, because
- these can't be converted to unicode without knowing the original encoding that was
- used to create the string. If you attempt to pass-in values above 127, you'll get an
- assertion.
- To create strings with extended characters from UTF-8, you should explicitly call
- String (CharPointer_UTF8 ("my utf8 string..")). It's *highly* recommended that you
- use UTF-8 with escape characters in your source code to represent extended characters,
- because there's no other way to represent unicode strings in a way that isn't dependent
- on the compiler, source code editor and platform.
- This will use up to the first maxChars characters of the string (or less if the string
- is actually shorter).
- */
- String (const char* text, size_t maxChars);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a string from a UTF-8 character string */
- String (const CharPointer_UTF8 text);
- /** Creates a string from a UTF-8 character string */
- String (const CharPointer_UTF8 text, size_t maxChars);
- /** Creates a string from a UTF-8 character string */
- String (const CharPointer_UTF8 start, const CharPointer_UTF8 end);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a string from a UTF-8 encoded std::string. */
- String (const std::string&);
- /** Creates a string from a StringRef */
- String (StringRef);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a string from a single character. */
- static String charToString (water_uchar character);
- /** Destructor. */
- ~String() noexcept;
- /** This is the character encoding type used internally to store the string. */
- typedef CharPointer_UTF8 CharPointerType;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the number of characters in the string. */
- int length() const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- // Assignment and concatenation operators..
- /** Replaces this string's contents with another string. */
- String& operator= (const String& other) noexcept;
- String& operator= (String&& other) noexcept;
- #endif
- /** Appends another string at the end of this one. */
- String& operator+= (const String& stringToAppend);
- /** Appends another string at the end of this one. */
- String& operator+= (const char* textToAppend);
- /** Appends another string at the end of this one. */
- String& operator+= (StringRef textToAppend);
- /** Appends a decimal number at the end of this string. */
- String& operator+= (int numberToAppend);
- /** Appends a decimal number at the end of this string. */
- String& operator+= (long numberToAppend);
- /** Appends a decimal number at the end of this string. */
- String& operator+= (int64 numberToAppend);
- /** Appends a decimal number at the end of this string. */
- String& operator+= (uint64 numberToAppend);
- /** Appends a character at the end of this string. */
- String& operator+= (char characterToAppend);
- /** Appends a character at the end of this string. */
- String& operator+= (water_uchar characterToAppend);
- /** Appends a string to the end of this one.
- @param textToAppend the string to add
- @param maxCharsToTake the maximum number of characters to take from the string passed in
- */
- void append (const String& textToAppend, size_t maxCharsToTake);
- /** Appends a string to the end of this one.
- @param startOfTextToAppend the start of the string to add. This must not be a nullptr
- @param endOfTextToAppend the end of the string to add. This must not be a nullptr
- */
- void appendCharPointer (const CharPointerType startOfTextToAppend,
- const CharPointerType endOfTextToAppend);
- /** Appends a string to the end of this one.
- @param startOfTextToAppend the start of the string to add. This must not be a nullptr
- @param endOfTextToAppend the end of the string to add. This must not be a nullptr
- */
- template <class CharPointer>
- void appendCharPointer (const CharPointer startOfTextToAppend,
- const CharPointer endOfTextToAppend)
- {
- jassert (startOfTextToAppend.getAddress() != nullptr && endOfTextToAppend.getAddress() != nullptr);
- size_t extraBytesNeeded = 0, numChars = 1;
- for (CharPointer t (startOfTextToAppend); t != endOfTextToAppend && ! t.isEmpty(); ++numChars)
- extraBytesNeeded += CharPointerType::getBytesRequiredFor (t.getAndAdvance());
- if (extraBytesNeeded > 0)
- {
- const size_t byteOffsetOfNull = getByteOffsetOfEnd();
- preallocateBytes (byteOffsetOfNull + extraBytesNeeded);
- CharPointerType (addBytesToPointer (text.getAddress(), (int) byteOffsetOfNull))
- .writeWithCharLimit (startOfTextToAppend, (int) numChars);
- }
- }
- /** Appends a string to the end of this one. */
- void appendCharPointer (const CharPointerType textToAppend);
- /** Appends a string to the end of this one.
- @param textToAppend the string to add
- @param maxCharsToTake the maximum number of characters to take from the string passed in
- */
- template <class CharPointer>
- void appendCharPointer (const CharPointer textToAppend, size_t maxCharsToTake)
- {
- if (textToAppend.getAddress() != nullptr)
- {
- size_t extraBytesNeeded = 0, numChars = 1;
- for (CharPointer t (textToAppend); numChars <= maxCharsToTake && ! t.isEmpty(); ++numChars)
- extraBytesNeeded += CharPointerType::getBytesRequiredFor (t.getAndAdvance());
- if (extraBytesNeeded > 0)
- {
- const size_t byteOffsetOfNull = getByteOffsetOfEnd();
- preallocateBytes (byteOffsetOfNull + extraBytesNeeded);
- CharPointerType (addBytesToPointer (text.getAddress(), (int) byteOffsetOfNull))
- .writeWithCharLimit (textToAppend, (int) numChars);
- }
- }
- }
- /** Appends a string to the end of this one. */
- template <class CharPointer>
- void appendCharPointer (const CharPointer textToAppend)
- {
- appendCharPointer (textToAppend, std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
- }
- //==============================================================================
- // Comparison methods..
- /** Returns true if the string contains no characters.
- Note that there's also an isNotEmpty() method to help write readable code.
- @see containsNonWhitespaceChars()
- */
- inline bool isEmpty() const noexcept { return text.isEmpty(); }
- /** Returns true if the string contains at least one character.
- Note that there's also an isEmpty() method to help write readable code.
- @see containsNonWhitespaceChars()
- */
- inline bool isNotEmpty() const noexcept { return ! text.isEmpty(); }
- /** Resets this string to be empty. */
- void clear() noexcept;
- /** Case-insensitive comparison with another string. */
- bool equalsIgnoreCase (const String& other) const noexcept;
- /** Case-insensitive comparison with another string. */
- bool equalsIgnoreCase (StringRef other) const noexcept;
- /** Case-insensitive comparison with another string. */
- bool equalsIgnoreCase (const char* other) const noexcept;
- /** Case-sensitive comparison with another string.
- @returns 0 if the two strings are identical; negative if this string comes before
- the other one alphabetically, or positive if it comes after it.
- */
- int compare (const String& other) const noexcept;
- /** Case-sensitive comparison with another string.
- @returns 0 if the two strings are identical; negative if this string comes before
- the other one alphabetically, or positive if it comes after it.
- */
- int compare (const char* other) const noexcept;
- /** Case-insensitive comparison with another string.
- @returns 0 if the two strings are identical; negative if this string comes before
- the other one alphabetically, or positive if it comes after it.
- */
- int compareIgnoreCase (const String& other) const noexcept;
- /** Compares two strings, taking into account textual characteristics like numbers and spaces.
- This comparison is case-insensitive and can detect words and embedded numbers in the
- strings, making it good for sorting human-readable lists of things like filenames.
- @returns 0 if the two strings are identical; negative if this string comes before
- the other one alphabetically, or positive if it comes after it.
- */
- int compareNatural (StringRef other, bool isCaseSensitive = false) const noexcept;
- /** Tests whether the string begins with another string.
- If the parameter is an empty string, this will always return true.
- Uses a case-sensitive comparison.
- */
- bool startsWith (StringRef text) const noexcept;
- /** Tests whether the string begins with a particular character.
- If the character is 0, this will always return false.
- Uses a case-sensitive comparison.
- */
- bool startsWithChar (water_uchar character) const noexcept;
- /** Tests whether the string begins with another string.
- If the parameter is an empty string, this will always return true.
- Uses a case-insensitive comparison.
- */
- bool startsWithIgnoreCase (StringRef text) const noexcept;
- /** Tests whether the string ends with another string.
- If the parameter is an empty string, this will always return true.
- Uses a case-sensitive comparison.
- */
- bool endsWith (StringRef text) const noexcept;
- /** Tests whether the string ends with a particular character.
- If the character is 0, this will always return false.
- Uses a case-sensitive comparison.
- */
- bool endsWithChar (water_uchar character) const noexcept;
- /** Tests whether the string ends with another string.
- If the parameter is an empty string, this will always return true.
- Uses a case-insensitive comparison.
- */
- bool endsWithIgnoreCase (StringRef text) const noexcept;
- /** Tests whether the string contains another substring.
- If the parameter is an empty string, this will always return true.
- Uses a case-sensitive comparison.
- */
- bool contains (StringRef text) const noexcept;
- /** Tests whether the string contains a particular character.
- Uses a case-sensitive comparison.
- */
- bool containsChar (water_uchar character) const noexcept;
- /** Tests whether the string contains another substring.
- Uses a case-insensitive comparison.
- */
- bool containsIgnoreCase (StringRef text) const noexcept;
- /** Tests whether the string contains another substring as a distinct word.
- @returns true if the string contains this word, surrounded by
- non-alphanumeric characters
- @see indexOfWholeWord, containsWholeWordIgnoreCase
- */
- bool containsWholeWord (StringRef wordToLookFor) const noexcept;
- /** Tests whether the string contains another substring as a distinct word.
- @returns true if the string contains this word, surrounded by
- non-alphanumeric characters
- @see indexOfWholeWordIgnoreCase, containsWholeWord
- */
- bool containsWholeWordIgnoreCase (StringRef wordToLookFor) const noexcept;
- /** Finds an instance of another substring if it exists as a distinct word.
- @returns if the string contains this word, surrounded by non-alphanumeric characters,
- then this will return the index of the start of the substring. If it isn't
- found, then it will return -1
- @see indexOfWholeWordIgnoreCase, containsWholeWord
- */
- int indexOfWholeWord (StringRef wordToLookFor) const noexcept;
- /** Finds an instance of another substring if it exists as a distinct word.
- @returns if the string contains this word, surrounded by non-alphanumeric characters,
- then this will return the index of the start of the substring. If it isn't
- found, then it will return -1
- @see indexOfWholeWord, containsWholeWordIgnoreCase
- */
- int indexOfWholeWordIgnoreCase (StringRef wordToLookFor) const noexcept;
- /** Looks for any of a set of characters in the string.
- Uses a case-sensitive comparison.
- @returns true if the string contains any of the characters from
- the string that is passed in.
- */
- bool containsAnyOf (StringRef charactersItMightContain) const noexcept;
- /** Looks for a set of characters in the string.
- Uses a case-sensitive comparison.
- @returns Returns false if any of the characters in this string do not occur in
- the parameter string. If this string is empty, the return value will
- always be true.
- */
- bool containsOnly (StringRef charactersItMightContain) const noexcept;
- /** Returns true if this string contains any non-whitespace characters.
- This will return false if the string contains only whitespace characters, or
- if it's empty.
- It is equivalent to calling "myString.trim().isNotEmpty()".
- */
- bool containsNonWhitespaceChars() const noexcept;
- /** Returns true if the string matches this simple wildcard expression.
- So for example String ("abcdef").matchesWildcard ("*DEF", true) would return true.
- This isn't a full-blown regex though! The only wildcard characters supported
- are "*" and "?". It's mainly intended for filename pattern matching.
- */
- bool matchesWildcard (StringRef wildcard, bool ignoreCase) const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- // Substring location methods..
- /** Searches for a character inside this string.
- Uses a case-sensitive comparison.
- @returns the index of the first occurrence of the character in this
- string, or -1 if it's not found.
- */
- int indexOfChar (water_uchar characterToLookFor) const noexcept;
- /** Searches for a character inside this string.
- Uses a case-sensitive comparison.
- @param startIndex the index from which the search should proceed
- @param characterToLookFor the character to look for
- @returns the index of the first occurrence of the character in this
- string, or -1 if it's not found.
- */
- int indexOfChar (int startIndex, water_uchar characterToLookFor) const noexcept;
- /** Returns the index of the first character that matches one of the characters
- passed-in to this method.
- This scans the string, beginning from the startIndex supplied, and if it finds
- a character that appears in the string charactersToLookFor, it returns its index.
- If none of these characters are found, it returns -1.
- If ignoreCase is true, the comparison will be case-insensitive.
- @see indexOfChar, lastIndexOfAnyOf
- */
- int indexOfAnyOf (StringRef charactersToLookFor,
- int startIndex = 0,
- bool ignoreCase = false) const noexcept;
- /** Searches for a substring within this string.
- Uses a case-sensitive comparison.
- @returns the index of the first occurrence of this substring, or -1 if it's not found.
- If textToLookFor is an empty string, this will always return 0.
- */
- int indexOf (StringRef textToLookFor) const noexcept;
- /** Searches for a substring within this string.
- Uses a case-sensitive comparison.
- @param startIndex the index from which the search should proceed
- @param textToLookFor the string to search for
- @returns the index of the first occurrence of this substring, or -1 if it's not found.
- If textToLookFor is an empty string, this will always return -1.
- */
- int indexOf (int startIndex, StringRef textToLookFor) const noexcept;
- /** Searches for a substring within this string.
- Uses a case-insensitive comparison.
- @returns the index of the first occurrence of this substring, or -1 if it's not found.
- If textToLookFor is an empty string, this will always return 0.
- */
- int indexOfIgnoreCase (StringRef textToLookFor) const noexcept;
- /** Searches for a substring within this string.
- Uses a case-insensitive comparison.
- @param startIndex the index from which the search should proceed
- @param textToLookFor the string to search for
- @returns the index of the first occurrence of this substring, or -1 if it's not found.
- If textToLookFor is an empty string, this will always return -1.
- */
- int indexOfIgnoreCase (int startIndex, StringRef textToLookFor) const noexcept;
- /** Searches for a character inside this string (working backwards from the end of the string).
- Uses a case-sensitive comparison.
- @returns the index of the last occurrence of the character in this string, or -1 if it's not found.
- */
- int lastIndexOfChar (water_uchar character) const noexcept;
- /** Searches for a substring inside this string (working backwards from the end of the string).
- Uses a case-sensitive comparison.
- @returns the index of the start of the last occurrence of the substring within this string,
- or -1 if it's not found. If textToLookFor is an empty string, this will always return -1.
- */
- int lastIndexOf (StringRef textToLookFor) const noexcept;
- /** Searches for a substring inside this string (working backwards from the end of the string).
- Uses a case-insensitive comparison.
- @returns the index of the start of the last occurrence of the substring within this string, or -1
- if it's not found. If textToLookFor is an empty string, this will always return -1.
- */
- int lastIndexOfIgnoreCase (StringRef textToLookFor) const noexcept;
- /** Returns the index of the last character in this string that matches one of the
- characters passed-in to this method.
- This scans the string backwards, starting from its end, and if it finds
- a character that appears in the string charactersToLookFor, it returns its index.
- If none of these characters are found, it returns -1.
- If ignoreCase is true, the comparison will be case-insensitive.
- @see lastIndexOf, indexOfAnyOf
- */
- int lastIndexOfAnyOf (StringRef charactersToLookFor,
- bool ignoreCase = false) const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- // Substring extraction and manipulation methods..
- /** Returns the character at this index in the string.
- In a release build, no checks are made to see if the index is within a valid range, so be
- careful! In a debug build, the index is checked and an assertion fires if it's out-of-range.
- Also beware that depending on the encoding format that the string is using internally, this
- method may execute in either O(1) or O(n) time, so be careful when using it in your algorithms.
- If you're scanning through a string to inspect its characters, you should never use this operator
- for random access, it's far more efficient to call getCharPointer() to return a pointer, and
- then to use that to iterate the string.
- @see getCharPointer
- */
- water_uchar operator[] (int index) const noexcept;
- /** Returns the final character of the string.
- If the string is empty this will return 0.
- */
- water_uchar getLastCharacter() const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns a subsection of the string.
- If the range specified is beyond the limits of the string, as much as
- possible is returned.
- @param startIndex the index of the start of the substring needed
- @param endIndex all characters from startIndex up to (but not including)
- this index are returned
- @see fromFirstOccurrenceOf, dropLastCharacters, getLastCharacters, upToFirstOccurrenceOf
- */
- String substring (int startIndex, int endIndex) const;
- /** Returns a section of the string, starting from a given position.
- @param startIndex the first character to include. If this is beyond the end
- of the string, an empty string is returned. If it is zero or
- less, the whole string is returned.
- @returns the substring from startIndex up to the end of the string
- @see dropLastCharacters, getLastCharacters, fromFirstOccurrenceOf, upToFirstOccurrenceOf, fromLastOccurrenceOf
- */
- String substring (int startIndex) const;
- /** Returns a version of this string with a number of characters removed
- from the end.
- @param numberToDrop the number of characters to drop from the end of the
- string. If this is greater than the length of the string,
- an empty string will be returned. If zero or less, the
- original string will be returned.
- @see substring, fromFirstOccurrenceOf, upToFirstOccurrenceOf, fromLastOccurrenceOf, getLastCharacter
- */
- String dropLastCharacters (int numberToDrop) const;
- /** Returns a number of characters from the end of the string.
- This returns the last numCharacters characters from the end of the string. If the
- string is shorter than numCharacters, the whole string is returned.
- @see substring, dropLastCharacters, getLastCharacter
- */
- String getLastCharacters (int numCharacters) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns a section of the string starting from a given substring.
- This will search for the first occurrence of the given substring, and
- return the section of the string starting from the point where this is
- found (optionally not including the substring itself).
- e.g. for the string "123456", fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("34", true) would return "3456", and
- fromFirstOccurrenceOf ("34", false) would return "56".
- If the substring isn't found, the method will return an empty string.
- If ignoreCase is true, the comparison will be case-insensitive.
- @see upToFirstOccurrenceOf, fromLastOccurrenceOf
- */
- String fromFirstOccurrenceOf (StringRef substringToStartFrom,
- bool includeSubStringInResult,
- bool ignoreCase) const;
- /** Returns a section of the string starting from the last occurrence of a given substring.
- Similar to fromFirstOccurrenceOf(), but using the last occurrence of the substring, and
- unlike fromFirstOccurrenceOf(), if the substring isn't found, this method will
- return the whole of the original string.
- @see fromFirstOccurrenceOf, upToLastOccurrenceOf
- */
- String fromLastOccurrenceOf (StringRef substringToFind,
- bool includeSubStringInResult,
- bool ignoreCase) const;
- /** Returns the start of this string, up to the first occurrence of a substring.
- This will search for the first occurrence of a given substring, and then
- return a copy of the string, up to the position of this substring,
- optionally including or excluding the substring itself in the result.
- e.g. for the string "123456", upTo ("34", false) would return "12", and
- upTo ("34", true) would return "1234".
- If the substring isn't found, this will return the whole of the original string.
- @see upToLastOccurrenceOf, fromFirstOccurrenceOf
- */
- String upToFirstOccurrenceOf (StringRef substringToEndWith,
- bool includeSubStringInResult,
- bool ignoreCase) const;
- /** Returns the start of this string, up to the last occurrence of a substring.
- Similar to upToFirstOccurrenceOf(), but this finds the last occurrence rather than the first.
- If the substring isn't found, this will return the whole of the original string.
- @see upToFirstOccurrenceOf, fromFirstOccurrenceOf
- */
- String upToLastOccurrenceOf (StringRef substringToFind,
- bool includeSubStringInResult,
- bool ignoreCase) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns a copy of this string with any whitespace characters removed from the start and end. */
- String trim() const;
- /** Returns a copy of this string with any whitespace characters removed from the start. */
- String trimStart() const;
- /** Returns a copy of this string with any whitespace characters removed from the end. */
- String trimEnd() const;
- /** Returns a copy of this string, having removed a specified set of characters from its start.
- Characters are removed from the start of the string until it finds one that is not in the
- specified set, and then it stops.
- @param charactersToTrim the set of characters to remove.
- @see trim, trimStart, trimCharactersAtEnd
- */
- String trimCharactersAtStart (StringRef charactersToTrim) const;
- /** Returns a copy of this string, having removed a specified set of characters from its end.
- Characters are removed from the end of the string until it finds one that is not in the
- specified set, and then it stops.
- @param charactersToTrim the set of characters to remove.
- @see trim, trimEnd, trimCharactersAtStart
- */
- String trimCharactersAtEnd (StringRef charactersToTrim) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns an upper-case version of this string. */
- String toUpperCase() const;
- /** Returns an lower-case version of this string. */
- String toLowerCase() const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Replaces a sub-section of the string with another string.
- This will return a copy of this string, with a set of characters
- from startIndex to startIndex + numCharsToReplace removed, and with
- a new string inserted in their place.
- Note that this is a const method, and won't alter the string itself.
- @param startIndex the first character to remove. If this is beyond the bounds of the string,
- it will be constrained to a valid range.
- @param numCharactersToReplace the number of characters to remove. If zero or less, no
- characters will be taken out.
- @param stringToInsert the new string to insert at startIndex after the characters have been
- removed.
- */
- String replaceSection (int startIndex,
- int numCharactersToReplace,
- StringRef stringToInsert) const;
- /** Replaces all occurrences of a substring with another string.
- Returns a copy of this string, with any occurrences of stringToReplace
- swapped for stringToInsertInstead.
- Note that this is a const method, and won't alter the string itself.
- */
- String replace (StringRef stringToReplace,
- StringRef stringToInsertInstead,
- bool ignoreCase = false) const;
- /** Returns a string with all occurrences of a character replaced with a different one. */
- String replaceCharacter (water_uchar characterToReplace,
- water_uchar characterToInsertInstead) const;
- /** Replaces a set of characters with another set.
- Returns a string in which each character from charactersToReplace has been replaced
- by the character at the equivalent position in newCharacters (so the two strings
- passed in must be the same length).
- e.g. replaceCharacters ("abc", "def") replaces 'a' with 'd', 'b' with 'e', etc.
- Note that this is a const method, and won't affect the string itself.
- */
- String replaceCharacters (StringRef charactersToReplace,
- StringRef charactersToInsertInstead) const;
- /** Returns a version of this string that only retains a fixed set of characters.
- This will return a copy of this string, omitting any characters which are not
- found in the string passed-in.
- e.g. for "1122334455", retainCharacters ("432") would return "223344"
- Note that this is a const method, and won't alter the string itself.
- */
- String retainCharacters (StringRef charactersToRetain) const;
- /** Returns a version of this string with a set of characters removed.
- This will return a copy of this string, omitting any characters which are
- found in the string passed-in.
- e.g. for "1122334455", removeCharacters ("432") would return "1155"
- Note that this is a const method, and won't alter the string itself.
- */
- String removeCharacters (StringRef charactersToRemove) const;
- /** Returns a section from the start of the string that only contains a certain set of characters.
- This returns the leftmost section of the string, up to (and not including) the
- first character that doesn't appear in the string passed in.
- */
- String initialSectionContainingOnly (StringRef permittedCharacters) const;
- /** Returns a section from the start of the string that only contains a certain set of characters.
- This returns the leftmost section of the string, up to (and not including) the
- first character that occurs in the string passed in. (If none of the specified
- characters are found in the string, the return value will just be the original string).
- */
- String initialSectionNotContaining (StringRef charactersToStopAt) const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Checks whether the string might be in quotation marks.
- @returns true if the string begins with a quote character (either a double or single quote).
- It is also true if there is whitespace before the quote, but it doesn't check the end of the string.
- @see unquoted, quoted
- */
- bool isQuotedString() const;
- /** Removes quotation marks from around the string, (if there are any).
- Returns a copy of this string with any quotes removed from its ends. Quotes that aren't
- at the ends of the string are not affected. If there aren't any quotes, the original string
- is returned.
- Note that this is a const method, and won't alter the string itself.
- @see isQuotedString, quoted
- */
- String unquoted() const;
- /** Adds quotation marks around a string.
- This will return a copy of the string with a quote at the start and end, (but won't
- add the quote if there's already one there, so it's safe to call this on strings that
- may already have quotes around them).
- Note that this is a const method, and won't alter the string itself.
- @param quoteCharacter the character to add at the start and end
- @see isQuotedString, unquoted
- */
- String quoted (water_uchar quoteCharacter = '"') const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a string which is a version of a string repeated and joined together.
- @param stringToRepeat the string to repeat
- @param numberOfTimesToRepeat how many times to repeat it
- */
- static String repeatedString (StringRef stringToRepeat,
- int numberOfTimesToRepeat);
- /** Returns a copy of this string with the specified character repeatedly added to its
- beginning until the total length is at least the minimum length specified.
- */
- String paddedLeft (water_uchar padCharacter, int minimumLength) const;
- /** Returns a copy of this string with the specified character repeatedly added to its
- end until the total length is at least the minimum length specified.
- */
- String paddedRight (water_uchar padCharacter, int minimumLength) const;
- /** Creates a string from data in an unknown format.
- This looks at some binary data and tries to guess whether it's Unicode
- or 8-bit characters, then returns a string that represents it correctly.
- Should be able to handle Unicode endianness correctly, by looking at
- the first two bytes.
- */
- static String createStringFromData (const void* data, int size);
- /** Creates a String from a printf-style parameter list.
- I don't like this method. I don't use it myself, and I recommend avoiding it and
- using the operator<< methods or pretty much anything else instead. It's only provided
- here because of the popular unrest that was stirred-up when I tried to remove it...
- If you're really determined to use it, at least make sure that you never, ever,
- pass any String objects to it as parameters.
- */
- static String formatted (const String formatString, ... );
- //==============================================================================
- // Numeric conversions..
- /** Creates a string containing this signed 32-bit integer as a decimal number.
- @see getIntValue, getFloatValue, getDoubleValue, toHexString
- */
- explicit String (int decimalInteger);
- /** Creates a string containing this unsigned 32-bit integer as a decimal number.
- @see getIntValue, getFloatValue, getDoubleValue, toHexString
- */
- explicit String (unsigned int decimalInteger);
- /** Creates a string containing this signed 16-bit integer as a decimal number.
- @see getIntValue, getFloatValue, getDoubleValue, toHexString
- */
- explicit String (short decimalInteger);
- /** Creates a string containing this unsigned 16-bit integer as a decimal number.
- @see getIntValue, getFloatValue, getDoubleValue, toHexString
- */
- explicit String (unsigned short decimalInteger);
- /** Creates a string containing this signed 64-bit integer as a decimal number.
- @see getLargeIntValue, getFloatValue, getDoubleValue, toHexString
- */
- explicit String (int64 largeIntegerValue);
- /** Creates a string containing this unsigned 64-bit integer as a decimal number.
- @see getLargeIntValue, getFloatValue, getDoubleValue, toHexString
- */
- explicit String (uint64 largeIntegerValue);
- /** Creates a string containing this signed long integer as a decimal number.
- @see getIntValue, getFloatValue, getDoubleValue, toHexString
- */
- explicit String (long decimalInteger);
- /** Creates a string containing this unsigned long integer as a decimal number.
- @see getIntValue, getFloatValue, getDoubleValue, toHexString
- */
- explicit String (unsigned long decimalInteger);
- /** Creates a string representing this floating-point number.
- @param floatValue the value to convert to a string
- @see getDoubleValue, getIntValue
- */
- explicit String (float floatValue);
- /** Creates a string representing this floating-point number.
- @param doubleValue the value to convert to a string
- @see getFloatValue, getIntValue
- */
- explicit String (double doubleValue);
- /** Creates a string representing this floating-point number.
- @param floatValue the value to convert to a string
- @param numberOfDecimalPlaces if this is > 0, it will format the number using that many
- decimal places, and will not use exponent notation. If 0 or
- less, it will use exponent notation if necessary.
- @see getDoubleValue, getIntValue
- */
- String (float floatValue, int numberOfDecimalPlaces);
- /** Creates a string representing this floating-point number.
- @param doubleValue the value to convert to a string
- @param numberOfDecimalPlaces if this is > 0, it will format the number using that many
- decimal places, and will not use exponent notation. If 0 or
- less, it will use exponent notation if necessary.
- @see getFloatValue, getIntValue
- */
- String (double doubleValue, int numberOfDecimalPlaces);
- /** Reads the value of the string as a decimal number (up to 32 bits in size).
- @returns the value of the string as a 32 bit signed base-10 integer.
- @see getTrailingIntValue, getHexValue32, getHexValue64
- */
- int getIntValue() const noexcept;
- /** Reads the value of the string as a decimal number (up to 64 bits in size).
- @returns the value of the string as a 64 bit signed base-10 integer.
- */
- int64 getLargeIntValue() const noexcept;
- /** Parses a decimal number from the end of the string.
- This will look for a value at the end of the string.
- e.g. for "321 xyz654" it will return 654; for "2 3 4" it'll return 4.
- Negative numbers are not handled, so "xyz-5" returns 5.
- @see getIntValue
- */
- int getTrailingIntValue() const noexcept;
- /** Parses this string as a floating point number.
- @returns the value of the string as a 32-bit floating point value.
- @see getDoubleValue
- */
- float getFloatValue() const noexcept;
- /** Parses this string as a floating point number.
- @returns the value of the string as a 64-bit floating point value.
- @see getFloatValue
- */
- double getDoubleValue() const noexcept;
- /** Parses the string as a hexadecimal number.
- Non-hexadecimal characters in the string are ignored.
- If the string contains too many characters, then the lowest significant
- digits are returned, e.g. "ffff12345678" would produce 0x12345678.
- @returns a 32-bit number which is the value of the string in hex.
- */
- int getHexValue32() const noexcept;
- /** Parses the string as a hexadecimal number.
- Non-hexadecimal characters in the string are ignored.
- If the string contains too many characters, then the lowest significant
- digits are returned, e.g. "ffff1234567812345678" would produce 0x1234567812345678.
- @returns a 64-bit number which is the value of the string in hex.
- */
- int64 getHexValue64() const noexcept;
- /** Creates a string representing this 32-bit value in hexadecimal. */
- static String toHexString (int number);
- /** Creates a string representing this 64-bit value in hexadecimal. */
- static String toHexString (int64 number);
- /** Creates a string representing this 16-bit value in hexadecimal. */
- static String toHexString (short number);
- /** Creates a string containing a hex dump of a block of binary data.
- @param data the binary data to use as input
- @param size how many bytes of data to use
- @param groupSize how many bytes are grouped together before inserting a
- space into the output. e.g. group size 0 has no spaces,
- group size 1 looks like: "be a1 c2 ff", group size 2 looks
- like "bea1 c2ff".
- */
- static String toHexString (const void* data, int size, int groupSize = 1);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the character pointer currently being used to store this string.
- Because it returns a reference to the string's internal data, the pointer
- that is returned must not be stored anywhere, as it can be deleted whenever the
- string changes.
- */
- inline CharPointerType getCharPointer() const noexcept { return text; }
- /** Returns a pointer to a UTF-8 version of this string.
- Because it returns a reference to the string's internal data, the pointer
- that is returned must not be stored anywhere, as it can be deleted whenever the
- string changes.
- To find out how many bytes you need to store this string as UTF-8, you can call
- CharPointer_UTF8::getBytesRequiredFor (myString.getCharPointer())
- @see toRawUTF8, getCharPointer, toUTF16, toUTF32
- */
- CharPointer_UTF8 toUTF8() const;
- /** Returns a pointer to a UTF-8 version of this string.
- Because it returns a reference to the string's internal data, the pointer
- that is returned must not be stored anywhere, as it can be deleted whenever the
- string changes.
- To find out how many bytes you need to store this string as UTF-8, you can call
- CharPointer_UTF8::getBytesRequiredFor (myString.getCharPointer())
- @see getCharPointer, toUTF8, toUTF16, toUTF32
- */
- const char* toRawUTF8() const;
- /** */
- std::string toStdString() const;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Creates a String from a UTF-8 encoded buffer.
- If the size is < 0, it'll keep reading until it hits a zero.
- */
- static String fromUTF8 (const char* utf8buffer, int bufferSizeBytes = -1);
- /** Returns the number of bytes required to represent this string as UTF8.
- The number returned does NOT include the trailing zero.
- @see toUTF8, copyToUTF8
- */
- size_t getNumBytesAsUTF8() const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Copies the string to a buffer as UTF-8 characters.
- Returns the number of bytes copied to the buffer, including the terminating null
- character.
- To find out how many bytes you need to store this string as UTF-8, you can call
- CharPointer_UTF8::getBytesRequiredFor (myString.getCharPointer())
- @param destBuffer the place to copy it to; if this is a null pointer, the method just
- returns the number of bytes required (including the terminating null character).
- @param maxBufferSizeBytes the size of the destination buffer, in bytes. If the string won't fit, it'll
- put in as many as it can while still allowing for a terminating null char at the
- end, and will return the number of bytes that were actually used.
- @see CharPointer_UTF8::writeWithDestByteLimit
- */
- size_t copyToUTF8 (CharPointer_UTF8::CharType* destBuffer, size_t maxBufferSizeBytes) const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Increases the string's internally allocated storage.
- Although the string's contents won't be affected by this call, it will
- increase the amount of memory allocated internally for the string to grow into.
- If you're about to make a large number of calls to methods such
- as += or <<, it's more efficient to preallocate enough extra space
- beforehand, so that these methods won't have to keep resizing the string
- to append the extra characters.
- @param numBytesNeeded the number of bytes to allocate storage for. If this
- value is less than the currently allocated size, it will
- have no effect.
- */
- void preallocateBytes (size_t numBytesNeeded);
- /** Swaps the contents of this string with another one.
- This is a very fast operation, as no allocation or copying needs to be done.
- */
- void swapWith (String& other) noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- #if 0 //def CARLA_OS_MAC
- /** OSX ONLY - Creates a String from an OSX CFString. */
- static String fromCFString (CFStringRef cfString);
- /** OSX ONLY - Converts this string to a CFString.
- Remember that you must use CFRelease() to free the returned string when you're
- finished with it.
- */
- CFStringRef toCFString() const;
- #endif
- #ifdef CARLA_OS_MAC
- /** OSX ONLY - Returns a copy of this string in which any decomposed unicode characters have
- been converted to their precomposed equivalents. */
- String convertToPrecomposedUnicode() const;
- #endif
- /** Returns the number of String objects which are currently sharing the same internal
- data as this one.
- */
- int getReferenceCount() const noexcept;
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- CharPointerType text;
- //==============================================================================
- struct PreallocationBytes
- {
- explicit PreallocationBytes (size_t) noexcept;
- size_t numBytes;
- };
- explicit String (const PreallocationBytes&); // This constructor preallocates a certain amount of memory
- size_t getByteOffsetOfEnd() const noexcept;
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /** Concatenates two strings. */
- String operator+ (const char* string1, const String& string2);
- /** Concatenates two strings. */
- String operator+ (char string1, const String& string2);
- /** Concatenates two strings. */
- String operator+ (water_uchar string1, const String& string2);
- /** Concatenates two strings. */
- String operator+ (String string1, const String& string2);
- /** Concatenates two strings. */
- String operator+ (String string1, const char* string2);
- /** Concatenates two strings. */
- String operator+ (String string1, char characterToAppend);
- /** Concatenates two strings. */
- String operator+ (String string1, water_uchar characterToAppend);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Appends a character at the end of a string. */
- String& operator<< (String& string1, char characterToAppend);
- /** Appends a character at the end of a string. */
- String& operator<< (String& string1, water_uchar characterToAppend);
- /** Appends a string to the end of the first one. */
- String& operator<< (String& string1, const char* string2);
- /** Appends a string to the end of the first one. */
- String& operator<< (String& string1, const String& string2);
- /** Appends a string to the end of the first one. */
- String& operator<< (String& string1, StringRef string2);
- /** Appends a decimal number at the end of a string. */
- String& operator<< (String& string1, short number);
- /** Appends a decimal number at the end of a string. */
- String& operator<< (String& string1, int number);
- /** Appends a decimal number at the end of a string. */
- String& operator<< (String& string1, long number);
- /** Appends a decimal number at the end of a string. */
- String& operator<< (String& string1, int64 number);
- /** Appends a decimal number at the end of a string. */
- String& operator<< (String& string1, uint64 number);
- /** Appends a decimal number at the end of a string. */
- String& operator<< (String& string1, float number);
- /** Appends a decimal number at the end of a string. */
- String& operator<< (String& string1, double number);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Case-sensitive comparison of two strings. */
- bool operator== (const String& string1, const String& string2) noexcept;
- /** Case-sensitive comparison of two strings. */
- bool operator== (const String& string1, const char* string2) noexcept;
- /** Case-sensitive comparison of two strings. */
- bool operator== (const String& string1, const CharPointer_UTF8 string2) noexcept;
- /** Case-sensitive comparison of two strings. */
- bool operator!= (const String& string1, const String& string2) noexcept;
- /** Case-sensitive comparison of two strings. */
- bool operator!= (const String& string1, const char* string2) noexcept;
- /** Case-sensitive comparison of two strings. */
- bool operator!= (const String& string1, const CharPointer_UTF8 string2) noexcept;
- /** Case-sensitive comparison of two strings. */
- bool operator> (const String& string1, const String& string2) noexcept;
- /** Case-sensitive comparison of two strings. */
- bool operator< (const String& string1, const String& string2) noexcept;
- /** Case-sensitive comparison of two strings. */
- bool operator>= (const String& string1, const String& string2) noexcept;
- /** Case-sensitive comparison of two strings. */
- bool operator<= (const String& string1, const String& string2) noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** This operator allows you to write a water String directly to std output streams.
- This is handy for writing strings to std::cout, std::cerr, etc.
- */
- template <class traits>
- std::basic_ostream <char, traits>& operator<< (std::basic_ostream <char, traits>& stream, const String& stringToWrite)
- {
- return stream << stringToWrite.toRawUTF8();
- }
- /** Writes a string to an OutputStream as UTF8. */
- OutputStream& operator<< (OutputStream& stream, const String& stringToWrite);
- /** Writes a string to an OutputStream as UTF8. */
- OutputStream& operator<< (OutputStream& stream, StringRef stringToWrite);
- }
- #include "StringRef.h"