- /* Copyright 2016, Ableton AG, Berlin. All rights reserved.
- *
- * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- *
- * If you would like to incorporate Link into a proprietary software application,
- * please contact <link-devs@ableton.com>.
- */
- #pragma once
- #include <ableton/link/Beats.hpp>
- #include <ableton/link/Timeline.hpp>
- #include <chrono>
- namespace ableton
- {
- namespace link
- {
- // Returns a value in the range [0,quantum) corresponding to beats %
- // quantum except that negative beat values are handled correctly.
- // If the given quantum is zero, returns zero.
- inline Beats phase(const Beats beats, const Beats quantum)
- {
- if (quantum == Beats{INT64_C(0)})
- {
- return Beats{INT64_C(0)};
- }
- else
- {
- // Handle negative beat values by doing the computation relative to an
- // origin that is on the nearest quantum boundary less than -(abs(x))
- const auto quantumMicros = quantum.microBeats();
- const auto quantumBins = (llabs(beats.microBeats()) + quantumMicros) / quantumMicros;
- const std::int64_t quantumBeats{quantumBins * quantumMicros};
- return (beats + Beats{quantumBeats}) % quantum;
- }
- }
- // Return the least value greater than x that matches the phase of
- // target with respect to the given quantum. If the given quantum
- // quantum is 0, x is returned.
- inline Beats nextPhaseMatch(const Beats x, const Beats target, const Beats quantum)
- {
- const auto desiredPhase = phase(target, quantum);
- const auto xPhase = phase(x, quantum);
- const auto phaseDiff = (desiredPhase - xPhase + quantum) % quantum;
- return x + phaseDiff;
- }
- // Return the closest value to x that matches the phase of the target
- // with respect to the given quantum. The result deviates from x by at
- // most quantum/2, but may be less than x.
- inline Beats closestPhaseMatch(const Beats x, const Beats target, const Beats quantum)
- {
- return nextPhaseMatch(x - Beats{0.5 * quantum.floating()}, target, quantum);
- }
- // Interprets the given timeline as encoding a quantum boundary at its
- // origin. Given such a timeline, returns a phase-encoded beat value
- // relative to the given quantum that corresponds to the given
- // time. The phase of the resulting beat value can be calculated with
- // phase(beats, quantum). The result will deviate by up to +-
- // (quantum/2) beats compared to the result of tl.toBeats(time).
- inline Beats toPhaseEncodedBeats(
- const Timeline& tl, const std::chrono::microseconds time, const Beats quantum)
- {
- const auto beat = tl.toBeats(time);
- return closestPhaseMatch(beat, beat - tl.beatOrigin, quantum);
- }
- // The inverse of toPhaseEncodedBeats. Given a phase encoded beat
- // value from the given timeline and quantum, find the time value that
- // it maps to.
- inline std::chrono::microseconds fromPhaseEncodedBeats(
- const Timeline& tl, const Beats beat, const Beats quantum)
- {
- const auto fromOrigin = beat - tl.beatOrigin;
- const auto originOffset = fromOrigin - phase(fromOrigin, quantum);
- // invert the phase calculation so that it always rounds up in the
- // middle instead of down like closestPhaseMatch. Otherwise we'll
- // end up rounding down twice when a value is at phase quantum/2.
- const auto inversePhaseOffset = closestPhaseMatch(
- quantum - phase(fromOrigin, quantum), quantum - phase(beat, quantum), quantum);
- return tl.fromBeats(tl.beatOrigin + originOffset + quantum - inversePhaseOffset);
- }
- } // link
- } // ableton