- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd.
- Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either:
- a) the GPL v2 (or any later version)
- b) the Affero GPL v3
- Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses
- JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
- A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are
- available: visit www.juce.com for more information.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- //==============================================================================
- /*
- This class represents an instrument handling MPE.
- It has an MPE zone layout and maintans a state of currently
- active (playing) notes and the values of their dimensions of expression.
- You can trigger and modulate notes:
- - by passing MIDI messages with the method processNextMidiEvent;
- - by directly calling the methods noteOn, noteOff etc.
- The class implements the channel and note management logic specified in
- MPE. If you pass it a message, it will know what notes on what
- channels (if any) should be affected by that message.
- The class has a Listener class with the three callbacks MPENoteAdded,
- MPENoteChanged, and MPENoteFinished. Implement such a
- Listener class to react to note changes and trigger some functionality for
- your application that depends on the MPE note state.
- For example, you can use this class to write an MPE visualiser.
- If you want to write a real-time audio synth with MPE functionality,
- you should instead use the classes MPESynthesiserBase, which adds
- the ability to render audio and to manage voices.
- @see MPENote, MPEZoneLayout, MPESynthesiser
- */
- class JUCE_API MPEInstrument
- {
- public:
- /** Constructor.
- This will construct an MPE instrument with initially no MPE zones.
- In order to process incoming MIDI, call setZoneLayout, define the layout
- via MIDI RPN messages, or set the instrument to legacy mode.
- */
- MPEInstrument() noexcept;
- /** Destructor. */
- virtual ~MPEInstrument();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the current zone layout of the instrument.
- This happens by value, to enforce thread-safety and class invariants.
- Note: If the instrument is in legacy mode, the return value of this
- method is unspecified.
- */
- MPEZoneLayout getZoneLayout() const noexcept;
- /** Re-sets the zone layout of the instrument to the one passed in.
- As a side effect, this will discard all currently playing notes,
- and call noteReleased for all of them.
- This will also disable legacy mode in case it was enabled previously.
- */
- void setZoneLayout (MPEZoneLayout newLayout);
- /** Returns true if the given MIDI channel (1-16) is a note channel in any
- of the MPEInstrument's MPE zones; false otherwise.
- When in legacy mode, this will return true if the given channel is
- contained in the current legacy mode channel range; false otherwise.
- */
- bool isNoteChannel (int midiChannel) const noexcept;
- /** Returns true if the given MIDI channel (1-16) is a master channel in any
- of the MPEInstrument's MPE zones; false otherwise.
- When in legacy mode, this will always return false.
- */
- bool isMasterChannel (int midiChannel) const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** The MPE note tracking mode. In case there is more than one note playing
- simultaneously on the same MIDI channel, this determines which of these
- notes will be modulated by an incoming MPE message on that channel
- (pressure, pitchbend, or timbre).
- The default is lastNotePlayedOnChannel.
- */
- enum TrackingMode
- {
- lastNotePlayedOnChannel, //! The most recent note on the channel that is still played (key down and/or sustained)
- lowestNoteOnChannel, //! The lowest note (by initialNote) on the channel with the note key still down
- highestNoteOnChannel, //! The highest note (by initialNote) on the channel with the note key still down
- allNotesOnChannel //! All notes on the channel (key down and/or sustained)
- };
- /** Set the MPE tracking mode for the pressure dimension. */
- void setPressureTrackingMode (TrackingMode modeToUse);
- /** Set the MPE tracking mode for the pitchbend dimension. */
- void setPitchbendTrackingMode (TrackingMode modeToUse);
- /** Set the MPE tracking mode for the timbre dimension. */
- void setTimbreTrackingMode (TrackingMode modeToUse);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Process a MIDI message and trigger the appropriate method calls
- (noteOn, noteOff etc.)
- You can override this method if you need some special MIDI message
- treatment on top of the standard MPE logic implemented here.
- */
- virtual void processNextMidiEvent (const MidiMessage& message);
- //==============================================================================
- /** Request a note-on on the given channel, with the given initial note
- number and velocity.
- If the message arrives on a valid note channel, this will create a
- new MPENote and call the noteAdded callback.
- */
- virtual void noteOn (int midiChannel, int midiNoteNumber, MPEValue midiNoteOnVelocity);
- /** Request a note-off. If there is a matching playing note, this will
- release the note (except if it is sustained by a sustain or sostenuto
- pedal) and call the noteReleased callback.
- */
- virtual void noteOff (int midiChannel, int midiNoteNumber, MPEValue midiNoteOffVelocity);
- /** Request a pitchbend on the given channel with the given value (in units
- of MIDI pitchwheel position).
- Internally, this will determine whether the pitchwheel move is a
- per-note pitchbend or a master pitchbend (depending on midiChannel),
- take the correct per-note or master pitchbend range of the affected MPE
- zone, and apply the resulting pitchbend to the affected note(s) (if any).
- */
- virtual void pitchbend (int midiChannel, MPEValue pitchbend);
- /** Request a pressure change on the given channel with the given value.
- This will modify the pressure dimension of the note currently held down
- on this channel (if any). If the channel is a zone master channel,
- the pressure change will be broadcast to all notes in this zone.
- */
- virtual void pressure (int midiChannel, MPEValue value);
- /** Request a third dimension (timbre) change on the given channel with the
- given value.
- This will modify the timbre dimension of the note currently held down
- on this channel (if any). If the channel is a zone master channel,
- the timbre change will be broadcast to all notes in this zone.
- */
- virtual void timbre (int midiChannel, MPEValue value);
- /** Request a sustain pedal press or release. If midiChannel is a zone's
- master channel, this will act on all notes in that zone; otherwise,
- nothing will happen.
- */
- virtual void sustainPedal (int midiChannel, bool isDown);
- /** Request a sostenuto pedal press or release. If midiChannel is a zone's
- master channel, this will act on all notes in that zone; otherwise,
- nothing will happen.
- */
- virtual void sostenutoPedal (int midiChannel, bool isDown);
- /** Discard all currently playing notes.
- This will also call the noteReleased listener callback for all of them.
- */
- void releaseAllNotes();
- //==============================================================================
- /** Returns the number of MPE notes currently played by the
- instrument.
- */
- int getNumPlayingNotes() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the note at the given index. If there is no such note, returns
- an invalid MPENote. The notes are sorted such that the most recently
- added note is the last element.
- */
- MPENote getNote (int index) const noexcept;
- /** Returns the note currently playing on the given midiChannel with the
- specified initial MIDI note number, if there is such a note.
- Otherwise, this returns an invalid MPENote
- (check with note.isValid() before use!)
- */
- MPENote getNote (int midiChannel, int midiNoteNumber) const noexcept;
- /** Returns the most recent note that is playing on the given midiChannel
- (this will be the note which has received the most recent note-on without
- a corresponding note-off), if there is such a note.
- Otherwise, this returns an invalid MPENote
- (check with note.isValid() before use!)
- */
- MPENote getMostRecentNote (int midiChannel) const noexcept;
- /** Returns the most recent note that is not the note passed in.
- If there is no such note, this returns an invalid MPENote
- (check with note.isValid() before use!)
- This helper method might be useful for some custom voice handling algorithms.
- */
- MPENote getMostRecentNoteOtherThan (MPENote otherThanThisNote) const noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Derive from this class to be informed about any changes in the expressive
- MIDI notes played by this instrument.
- Note: This listener type receives its callbacks immediately, and not
- via the message thread (so you might be for example in the MIDI thread).
- Therefore you should never do heavy work such as graphics rendering etc.
- inside those callbacks.
- */
- class JUCE_API Listener
- {
- public:
- /** Destructor. */
- virtual ~Listener() {}
- /** Implement this callback to be informed whenever a new expressive
- MIDI note is triggered.
- */
- virtual void noteAdded (MPENote newNote) = 0;
- /** Implement this callback to be informed whenever a currently
- playing MPE note's pressure value changes.
- */
- virtual void notePressureChanged (MPENote changedNote) = 0;
- /** Implement this callback to be informed whenever a currently
- playing MPE note's pitchbend value changes.
- Note: This can happen if the note itself is bent, if there is a
- master channel pitchbend event, or if both occur simultaneously.
- Call MPENote::getFrequencyInHertz to get the effective note frequency.
- */
- virtual void notePitchbendChanged (MPENote changedNote) = 0;
- /** Implement this callback to be informed whenever a currently
- playing MPE note's timbre value changes.
- */
- virtual void noteTimbreChanged (MPENote changedNote) = 0;
- /** Implement this callback to be informed whether a currently playing
- MPE note's key state (whether the key is down and/or the note is
- sustained) has changed.
- Note: if the key state changes to MPENote::off, noteReleased is
- called instead.
- */
- virtual void noteKeyStateChanged (MPENote changedNote) = 0;
- /** Implement this callback to be informed whenever an MPE note
- is released (either by a note-off message, or by a sustain/sostenuto
- pedal release for a note that already received a note-off),
- and should therefore stop playing.
- */
- virtual void noteReleased (MPENote finishedNote) = 0;
- };
- //==============================================================================
- /** Adds a listener. */
- void addListener (Listener* listenerToAdd) noexcept;
- /** Removes a listener. */
- void removeListener (Listener* listenerToRemove) noexcept;
- //==============================================================================
- /** Puts the instrument into legacy mode.
- As a side effect, this will discard all currently playing notes,
- and call noteReleased for all of them.
- This special zone layout mode is for backwards compatibility with
- non-MPE MIDI devices. In this mode, the instrument will ignore the
- current MPE zone layout. It will instead take a range of MIDI channels
- (default: all channels 1-16) and treat them as note channels, with no
- master channel. MIDI channels outside of this range will be ignored.
- @param pitchbendRange The note pitchbend range in semitones to use when in legacy mode.
- Must be between 0 and 96, otherwise behaviour is undefined.
- The default pitchbend range in legacy mode is +/- 2 semitones.
- @param channelRange The range of MIDI channels to use for notes when in legacy mode.
- The default is to use all MIDI channels (1-16).
- To get out of legacy mode, set a new MPE zone layout using setZoneLayout.
- */
- void enableLegacyMode (int pitchbendRange = 2,
- Range<int> channelRange = Range<int> (1, 17));
- /** Returns true if the instrument is in legacy mode, false otherwise. */
- bool isLegacyModeEnabled() const noexcept;
- /** Returns the range of MIDI channels (1-16) to be used for notes when in legacy mode. */
- Range<int> getLegacyModeChannelRange() const noexcept;
- /** Re-sets the range of MIDI channels (1-16) to be used for notes when in legacy mode. */
- void setLegacyModeChannelRange (Range<int> channelRange);
- /** Returns the pitchbend range in semitones (0-96) to be used for notes when in legacy mode. */
- int getLegacyModePitchbendRange() const noexcept;
- /** Re-sets the pitchbend range in semitones (0-96) to be used for notes when in legacy mode. */
- void setLegacyModePitchbendRange (int pitchbendRange);
- private:
- //==============================================================================
- CriticalSection lock;
- Array<MPENote> notes;
- MPEZoneLayout zoneLayout;
- ListenerList<Listener> listeners;
- uint8 lastPressureLowerBitReceivedOnChannel[16];
- uint8 lastTimbreLowerBitReceivedOnChannel[16];
- bool isNoteChannelSustained[16];
- struct LegacyMode
- {
- bool isEnabled;
- Range<int> channelRange;
- int pitchbendRange;
- };
- struct MPEDimension
- {
- MPEDimension() noexcept : trackingMode (lastNotePlayedOnChannel) {}
- TrackingMode trackingMode;
- MPEValue lastValueReceivedOnChannel[16];
- MPEValue MPENote::* value;
- MPEValue& getValue (MPENote& note) noexcept { return note.*(value); }
- };
- LegacyMode legacyMode;
- MPEDimension pitchbendDimension, pressureDimension, timbreDimension;
- void updateDimension (int midiChannel, MPEDimension&, MPEValue);
- void updateDimensionMaster (MPEZone&, MPEDimension&, MPEValue);
- void updateDimensionForNote (MPENote&, MPEDimension&, MPEValue);
- void callListenersDimensionChanged (MPENote&, MPEDimension&);
- MPEValue getInitialValueForNewNote (int midiChannel, MPEDimension&) const;
- void processMidiNoteOnMessage (const MidiMessage&);
- void processMidiNoteOffMessage (const MidiMessage&);
- void processMidiPitchWheelMessage (const MidiMessage&);
- void processMidiChannelPressureMessage (const MidiMessage&);
- void processMidiControllerMessage (const MidiMessage&);
- void processMidiAllNotesOffMessage (const MidiMessage&);
- void handlePressureMSB (int midiChannel, int value) noexcept;
- void handlePressureLSB (int midiChannel, int value) noexcept;
- void handleTimbreMSB (int midiChannel, int value) noexcept;
- void handleTimbreLSB (int midiChannel, int value) noexcept;
- void handleSustainOrSostenuto (int midiChannel, bool isDown, bool isSostenuto);
- MPENote* getNotePtr (int midiChannel, int midiNoteNumber) const noexcept;
- MPENote* getNotePtr (int midiChannel, TrackingMode) const noexcept;
- MPENote* getLastNotePlayedPtr (int midiChannel) const noexcept;
- MPENote* getHighestNotePtr (int midiChannel) const noexcept;
- MPENote* getLowestNotePtr (int midiChannel) const noexcept;
- void updateNoteTotalPitchbend (MPENote&);
- };