- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Carla plugin/slot skin code
- # Copyright (C) 2013 Filipe Coelho <falktx@falktx.com>
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- # the License, or any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # For a full copy of the GNU General Public License see the doc/GPL.txt file.
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Imports (Global)
- from PyQt4.QtGui import QFont, QFrame
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Imports (Custom)
- import ui_carla_plugin_default
- import ui_carla_plugin_calf
- import ui_carla_plugin_zynfx
- from carla_widgets import *
- from pixmapdial import PixmapDial
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class PluginSlot(QFrame):
- def __init__(self, parent, pluginId):
- QFrame.__init__(self, parent)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Internal stuff
- self.fPluginId = pluginId
- self.fPluginInfo = Carla.host.get_plugin_info(self.fPluginId) if Carla.host is not None else gFakePluginInfo
- self.fPluginInfo['filename'] = charPtrToString(self.fPluginInfo['filename'])
- self.fPluginInfo['name'] = charPtrToString(self.fPluginInfo['name'])
- self.fPluginInfo['label'] = charPtrToString(self.fPluginInfo['label'])
- self.fPluginInfo['maker'] = charPtrToString(self.fPluginInfo['maker'])
- self.fPluginInfo['copyright'] = charPtrToString(self.fPluginInfo['copyright'])
- self.fPluginInfo['iconName'] = charPtrToString(self.fPluginInfo['iconName'])
- self.fParameterIconTimer = ICON_STATE_NULL
- if not Carla.isLocal:
- self.fPluginInfo['hints'] &= ~PLUGIN_HAS_CUSTOM_UI
- if Carla.processMode == ENGINE_PROCESS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_RACK or Carla.host is None:
- self.fPeaksInputCount = 2
- self.fPeaksOutputCount = 2
- else:
- audioCountInfo = Carla.host.get_audio_port_count_info(self.fPluginId)
- self.fPeaksInputCount = int(audioCountInfo['ins'])
- self.fPeaksOutputCount = int(audioCountInfo['outs'])
- if self.fPeaksInputCount > 2:
- self.fPeaksInputCount = 2
- if self.fPeaksOutputCount > 2:
- self.fPeaksOutputCount = 2
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set-up GUI
- self.fEditDialog = PluginEdit(self, self.fPluginId)
- self.fEditDialog.hide()
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def getFixedHeight(self):
- return 32
- def getHints(self):
- return self.fPluginInfo['hints']
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def recheckPluginHints(self, hints):
- self.fPluginInfo['hints'] = hints
- def setId(self, idx):
- self.fPluginId = idx
- self.fEditDialog.setId(idx)
- def setName(self, name):
- self.fEditDialog.setName(name)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def setActive(self, active, sendGui=False, sendCallback=True):
- if sendGui: self.activeChanged(active)
- if sendCallback: Carla.host.set_active(self.fPluginId, active)
- if active:
- self.fEditDialog.clearNotes()
- self.midiActivityChanged(False)
- # called from rack, checks if param is possible first
- def setInternalParameter(self, parameterId, value):
- if parameterId <= PARAMETER_MAX or parameterId >= PARAMETER_NULL:
- return
- if parameterId == PARAMETER_ACTIVE:
- return self.setActive(bool(value), True, True)
- elif parameterId == PARAMETER_DRYWET:
- if (self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_CAN_DRYWET) == 0: return
- Carla.host.set_drywet(self.fPluginId, value)
- elif parameterId == PARAMETER_VOLUME:
- if (self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_CAN_VOLUME) == 0: return
- Carla.host.set_volume(self.fPluginId, value)
- elif parameterId == PARAMETER_BALANCE_LEFT:
- if (self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_CAN_BALANCE) == 0: return
- Carla.host.set_balance_left(self.fPluginId, value)
- elif parameterId == PARAMETER_BALANCE_RIGHT:
- if (self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_CAN_BALANCE) == 0: return
- Carla.host.set_balance_right(self.fPluginId, value)
- elif parameterId == PARAMETER_PANNING:
- if (self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_CAN_PANNING) == 0: return
- Carla.host.set_panning(self.fPluginId, value)
- elif parameterId == PARAMETER_CTRL_CHANNEL:
- Carla.host.set_ctrl_channel(self.fPluginId, value)
- self.fEditDialog.setParameterValue(parameterId, value)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def setParameterValue(self, parameterId, value):
- self.fParameterIconTimer = ICON_STATE_ON
- if parameterId == PARAMETER_ACTIVE:
- return self.setActive(bool(value), True, False)
- self.fEditDialog.setParameterValue(parameterId, value)
- def setParameterDefault(self, parameterId, value):
- self.fEditDialog.setParameterDefault(parameterId, value)
- def setParameterMidiControl(self, parameterId, control):
- self.fEditDialog.setParameterMidiControl(parameterId, control)
- def setParameterMidiChannel(self, parameterId, channel):
- self.fEditDialog.setParameterMidiChannel(parameterId, channel)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def setProgram(self, index):
- self.fParameterIconTimer = ICON_STATE_ON
- self.fEditDialog.setProgram(index)
- def setMidiProgram(self, index):
- self.fParameterIconTimer = ICON_STATE_ON
- self.fEditDialog.setMidiProgram(index)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def sendNoteOn(self, channel, note):
- if self.fEditDialog.sendNoteOn(channel, note):
- self.midiActivityChanged(True)
- def sendNoteOff(self, channel, note):
- if self.fEditDialog.sendNoteOff(channel, note):
- self.midiActivityChanged(False)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def activeChanged(self, onOff):
- pass
- def editDialogChanged(self, visible):
- pass
- def customUiStateChanged(self, state):
- pass
- def parameterActivityChanged(self, onOff):
- pass
- def midiActivityChanged(self, onOff):
- pass
- def parameterValueChanged(self, parameterId, value):
- pass
- def programChanged(self, index):
- pass
- def midiProgramChanged(self, index):
- pass
- def notePressed(self, note):
- pass
- def noteReleased(self, note):
- pass
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def idleFast(self):
- pass
- def idleSlow(self):
- if self.fParameterIconTimer == ICON_STATE_ON:
- self.fParameterIconTimer = ICON_STATE_WAIT
- self.parameterActivityChanged(True)
- elif self.fParameterIconTimer == ICON_STATE_WAIT:
- self.fParameterIconTimer = ICON_STATE_OFF
- elif self.fParameterIconTimer == ICON_STATE_OFF:
- self.fParameterIconTimer = ICON_STATE_NULL
- self.parameterActivityChanged(False)
- self.fEditDialog.idleSlow()
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def showDefaultMenu(self, isEnabled, bEdit = None, bGui = None):
- menu = QMenu(self)
- actActive = menu.addAction(self.tr("Disable") if isEnabled else self.tr("Enable"))
- menu.addSeparator()
- if bEdit is not None:
- actEdit = menu.addAction(self.tr("Edit"))
- actEdit.setCheckable(True)
- actEdit.setChecked(bEdit.isChecked())
- else:
- actEdit = None
- if bGui is not None:
- actGui = menu.addAction(self.tr("Show Custom UI"))
- actGui.setCheckable(True)
- actGui.setChecked(bGui.isChecked())
- actGui.setEnabled(bGui.isEnabled())
- else:
- actGui = None
- menu.addSeparator()
- actClone = menu.addAction(self.tr("Clone"))
- actRename = menu.addAction(self.tr("Rename..."))
- actRemove = menu.addAction(self.tr("Remove"))
- actSel = menu.exec_(QCursor.pos())
- if not actSel:
- return
- if actSel == actActive:
- self.setActive(not isEnabled, True, True)
- elif actSel == actGui:
- bGui.click()
- elif actSel == actEdit:
- bEdit.click()
- elif actSel == actClone:
- if Carla.host is not None and not Carla.host.clone_plugin(self.fPluginId):
- CustomMessageBox(self, QMessageBox.Warning, self.tr("Error"), self.tr("Operation failed"),
- Carla.host.get_last_error(), QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.Ok)
- elif actSel == actRename:
- oldName = self.fPluginInfo['name']
- newNameTry = QInputDialog.getText(self, self.tr("Rename Plugin"), self.tr("New plugin name:"), QLineEdit.Normal, oldName)
- if not (newNameTry[1] and newNameTry[0] and oldName != newNameTry[0]):
- return
- newName = newNameTry[0]
- if Carla.host is None or Carla.host.rename_plugin(self.fPluginId, newName):
- self.setName(newName)
- else:
- CustomMessageBox(self, QMessageBox.Warning, self.tr("Error"), self.tr("Operation failed"),
- Carla.host.get_last_error(), QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.Ok)
- elif actSel == actRemove:
- if Carla.host is not None and not Carla.host.remove_plugin(self.fPluginId):
- CustomMessageBox(self, QMessageBox.Warning, self.tr("Error"), self.tr("Operation failed"),
- Carla.host.get_last_error(), QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.Ok)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- @pyqtSlot(bool)
- def slot_showCustomUi(self, show):
- Carla.host.show_custom_ui(self.fPluginId, show)
- @pyqtSlot(bool)
- def slot_showEditDialog(self, show):
- self.fEditDialog.setVisible(show)
- @pyqtSlot()
- def slot_removePlugin(self):
- Carla.host.remove_plugin(self.fPluginId)
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class PluginSlot_Default(PluginSlot):
- def __init__(self, parent, pluginId):
- PluginSlot.__init__(self, parent, pluginId)
- self.ui = ui_carla_plugin_default.Ui_PluginWidget()
- self.ui.setupUi(self)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Internal stuff
- self.fLastGreenLedState = False
- self.fLastBlueLedState = False
- if self.palette().window().color().lightness() > 100:
- # Light background
- labelColor = "333"
- isLight = True
- self.fColorTop = QColor(60, 60, 60)
- self.fColorBottom = QColor(47, 47, 47)
- self.fColorSeprtr = QColor(70, 70, 70)
- else:
- # Dark background
- labelColor = "BBB"
- isLight = False
- self.fColorTop = QColor(60, 60, 60)
- self.fColorBottom = QColor(47, 47, 47)
- self.fColorSeprtr = QColor(70, 70, 70)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set-up GUI
- self.setStyleSheet("""
- QLabel#label_name {
- color: #%s;
- }""" % labelColor)
- if isLight:
- self.ui.b_enable.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_off2.png", ":/bitmaps/button_on2.png", ":/bitmaps/button_off2.png")
- self.ui.b_edit.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_edit2.png", ":/bitmaps/button_edit_down2.png", ":/bitmaps/button_edit_hover2.png")
- if self.fPluginInfo['iconName'] == "distrho":
- self.ui.b_gui.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_distrho2.png", ":/bitmaps/button_distrho_down2.png", ":/bitmaps/button_distrho_hover2.png")
- elif self.fPluginInfo['iconName'] == "file":
- self.ui.b_gui.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_file2.png", ":/bitmaps/button_file_down2.png", ":/bitmaps/button_file_hover2.png")
- else:
- self.ui.b_gui.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_gui2.png", ":/bitmaps/button_gui_down2.png", ":/bitmaps/button_gui_hover2.png")
- else:
- self.ui.b_enable.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_off.png", ":/bitmaps/button_on.png", ":/bitmaps/button_off.png")
- self.ui.b_edit.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_edit.png", ":/bitmaps/button_edit_down.png", ":/bitmaps/button_edit_hover.png")
- if self.fPluginInfo['iconName'] == "distrho":
- self.ui.b_gui.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_distrho.png", ":/bitmaps/button_distrho_down.png", ":/bitmaps/button_distrho_hover.png")
- elif self.fPluginInfo['iconName'] == "file":
- self.ui.b_gui.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_file.png", ":/bitmaps/button_file_down.png", ":/bitmaps/button_file_hover.png")
- else:
- self.ui.b_gui.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_gui.png", ":/bitmaps/button_gui_down.png", ":/bitmaps/button_gui_hover.png")
- self.ui.b_gui.setEnabled((self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_HAS_CUSTOM_UI) != 0)
- self.ui.led_control.setColor(self.ui.led_control.YELLOW)
- self.ui.led_control.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.led_midi.setColor(self.ui.led_midi.RED)
- self.ui.led_midi.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.led_audio_in.setColor(self.ui.led_audio_in.GREEN)
- self.ui.led_audio_in.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.led_audio_out.setColor(self.ui.led_audio_out.BLUE)
- self.ui.led_audio_out.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.peak_in.setColor(self.ui.peak_in.GREEN)
- self.ui.peak_in.setChannels(self.fPeaksInputCount)
- self.ui.peak_in.setOrientation(self.ui.peak_in.HORIZONTAL)
- self.ui.peak_out.setColor(self.ui.peak_in.BLUE)
- self.ui.peak_out.setChannels(self.fPeaksOutputCount)
- self.ui.peak_out.setOrientation(self.ui.peak_out.HORIZONTAL)
- self.ui.label_name.setText(self.fPluginInfo['name'])
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set-up connections
- self.ui.b_enable.clicked.connect(self.slot_enableClicked)
- self.ui.b_gui.clicked.connect(self.slot_showCustomUi)
- self.ui.b_edit.clicked.connect(self.slot_showEditDialog)
- self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.slot_showCustomMenu)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def getFixedHeight(self):
- return 48
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def recheckPluginHints(self, hints):
- self.ui.b_gui.setEnabled(hints & PLUGIN_HAS_CUSTOM_UI)
- PluginSlot.recheckPluginHints(self, hints)
- def setName(self, name):
- self.ui.label_name.setText(name)
- PluginSlot.setName(self, name)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def activeChanged(self, onOff):
- self.ui.b_enable.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.b_enable.setChecked(onOff)
- self.ui.b_enable.blockSignals(False)
- def editDialogChanged(self, visible):
- self.ui.b_edit.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.b_edit.setChecked(visible)
- self.ui.b_edit.blockSignals(False)
- def customUiStateChanged(self, state):
- self.ui.b_gui.blockSignals(True)
- if state == 0:
- self.ui.b_gui.setChecked(False)
- self.ui.b_gui.setEnabled(True)
- elif state == 1:
- self.ui.b_gui.setChecked(True)
- self.ui.b_gui.setEnabled(True)
- elif state == -1:
- self.ui.b_gui.setChecked(False)
- self.ui.b_gui.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.b_gui.blockSignals(False)
- def parameterActivityChanged(self, onOff):
- self.ui.led_control.setChecked(onOff)
- def midiActivityChanged(self, onOff):
- self.ui.led_midi.setChecked(onOff)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def idleFast(self):
- # Input peaks
- if self.fPeaksInputCount > 0:
- if self.fPeaksInputCount > 1:
- peak1 = Carla.host.get_input_peak_value(self.fPluginId, True)
- peak2 = Carla.host.get_input_peak_value(self.fPluginId, False)
- ledState = bool(peak1 != 0.0 or peak2 != 0.0)
- self.ui.peak_in.displayMeter(1, peak1)
- self.ui.peak_in.displayMeter(2, peak2)
- else:
- peak = Carla.host.get_input_peak_value(self.fPluginId, True)
- ledState = bool(peak != 0.0)
- self.ui.peak_in.displayMeter(1, peak)
- if self.fLastGreenLedState != ledState:
- self.fLastGreenLedState = ledState
- self.ui.led_audio_in.setChecked(ledState)
- # Output peaks
- if self.fPeaksOutputCount > 0:
- if self.fPeaksOutputCount > 1:
- peak1 = Carla.host.get_output_peak_value(self.fPluginId, True)
- peak2 = Carla.host.get_output_peak_value(self.fPluginId, False)
- ledState = bool(peak1 != 0.0 or peak2 != 0.0)
- self.ui.peak_out.displayMeter(1, peak1)
- self.ui.peak_out.displayMeter(2, peak2)
- else:
- peak = Carla.host.get_output_peak_value(self.fPluginId, True)
- ledState = bool(peak != 0.0)
- self.ui.peak_out.displayMeter(1, peak)
- if self.fLastBlueLedState != ledState:
- self.fLastBlueLedState = ledState
- self.ui.led_audio_out.setChecked(ledState)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- @pyqtSlot(bool)
- def slot_enableClicked(self, yesNo):
- self.setActive(yesNo, False, True)
- @pyqtSlot()
- def slot_showCustomMenu(self):
- self.showDefaultMenu(self.ui.b_enable.isChecked(), self.ui.b_edit, self.ui.b_gui)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def paintEvent(self, event):
- painter = QPainter(self)
- painter.save()
- areaX = self.ui.area_right.x()+7
- width = self.width()
- height = self.height()
- painter.setPen(self.fColorSeprtr.lighter(110))
- painter.setBrush(self.fColorBottom)
- painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True)
- # name -> leds arc
- path = QPainterPath()
- path.moveTo(areaX-20, height-4)
- path.cubicTo(areaX, height-5, areaX-20, 4.75, areaX, 4.75)
- path.lineTo(areaX, height-5)
- painter.drawPath(path)
- painter.setPen(self.fColorSeprtr)
- painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, False)
- # separator lines
- painter.drawLine(0, height-5, areaX-20, height-5)
- painter.drawLine(areaX, 4, width, 4)
- painter.setPen(self.fColorBottom)
- painter.setBrush(self.fColorBottom)
- # top, bottom and left lines
- painter.drawLine(0, 0, width, 0)
- painter.drawRect(0, height-4, areaX, 4)
- painter.drawRoundedRect(areaX-20, height-5, areaX, 5, 22, 22)
- painter.drawLine(0, 0, 0, height)
- # fill the rest
- painter.drawRect(areaX-1, 5, width, height)
- # bottom 1px line
- painter.setPen(self.fColorSeprtr)
- painter.drawLine(0, height-1, width, height-1)
- painter.restore()
- PluginSlot.paintEvent(self, event)
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class PluginSlot_Pixmap(PluginSlot_Default):
- def __init__(self, parent, pluginId):
- PluginSlot_Default.__init__(self, parent, pluginId)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set-up GUI
- self.setStyleSheet("""
- QFrame#PluginWidget {
- background-image: url(:/bitmaps/background_calf.png);
- background-repeat: repeat-xy;
- }""")
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def paintEvent(self, event):
- # skip parent paiting
- PluginSlot.paintEvent(self, event)
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class PluginSlot_Calf(PluginSlot):
- def __init__(self, parent, pluginId):
- PluginSlot.__init__(self, parent, pluginId)
- self.ui = ui_carla_plugin_calf.Ui_PluginWidget()
- self.ui.setupUi(self)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Internal stuff
- self.fIsActive = False
- self.fButtonFont = QFont()
- self.fButtonFont.setBold(False)
- self.fButtonFont.setPointSize(9)
- self.fButtonColorOn = QColor( 18, 41, 87)
- self.fButtonColorOff = QColor(150, 150, 150)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set-up GUI
- self.setStyleSheet("""
- QLabel#label_name, QLabel#label_audio_in, QLabel#label_audio_out, QLabel#label_midi {
- color: black;
- }
- QFrame#PluginWidget {
- background-image: url(:/bitmaps/background_calf.png);
- background-repeat: repeat-xy;
- }""")
- self.ui.b_gui.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_calf2.png", ":/bitmaps/button_calf2_down.png", ":/bitmaps/button_calf2_hover.png")
- self.ui.b_edit.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_calf2.png", ":/bitmaps/button_calf2_down.png", ":/bitmaps/button_calf2_hover.png")
- self.ui.b_remove.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_calf1.png", ":/bitmaps/button_calf1_down.png", ":/bitmaps/button_calf1_hover.png")
- self.ui.b_edit.setTopText(self.tr("Edit"), self.fButtonColorOn, self.fButtonFont)
- self.ui.b_remove.setTopText(self.tr("Remove"), self.fButtonColorOn, self.fButtonFont)
- if self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_HAS_CUSTOM_UI:
- self.ui.b_gui.setEnabled(True)
- self.ui.b_gui.setTopText(self.tr("GUI"), self.fButtonColorOn, self.fButtonFont)
- else:
- self.ui.b_gui.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.b_gui.setTopText(self.tr("GUI"), self.fButtonColorOff, self.fButtonFont)
- self.ui.led_midi.setColor(self.ui.led_midi.CALF)
- self.ui.led_midi.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.peak_in.setColor(self.ui.peak_in.GREEN)
- self.ui.peak_in.setChannels(self.fPeaksInputCount)
- self.ui.peak_in.setOrientation(self.ui.peak_in.HORIZONTAL)
- self.ui.peak_out.setColor(self.ui.peak_in.BLUE)
- self.ui.peak_out.setChannels(self.fPeaksOutputCount)
- self.ui.peak_out.setOrientation(self.ui.peak_out.HORIZONTAL)
- labelFont = self.ui.label_name.font()
- labelFont.setBold(True)
- labelFont.setPointSize(labelFont.pointSize()+3)
- self.ui.label_name.setFont(labelFont)
- self.ui.label_name.setText(self.fPluginInfo['name'])
- audioCount = Carla.host.get_audio_port_count_info(self.fPluginId)
- midiCount = Carla.host.get_midi_port_count_info(self.fPluginId)
- if audioCount['ins'] == 0:
- self.ui.label_audio_in.hide()
- self.ui.peak_in.hide()
- if audioCount['outs'] > 0:
- self.ui.peak_out.setMinimumWidth(200)
- if audioCount['outs'] == 0:
- self.ui.label_audio_out.hide()
- self.ui.peak_out.hide()
- if midiCount['ins'] == 0:
- self.ui.label_midi.hide()
- self.ui.led_midi.hide()
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set-up connections
- self.ui.b_gui.clicked.connect(self.slot_showCustomUi)
- self.ui.b_edit.clicked.connect(self.slot_showEditDialog)
- self.ui.b_remove.clicked.connect(self.slot_removePlugin)
- self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.slot_showCustomMenu)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def getFixedHeight(self):
- return 75
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def recheckPluginHints(self, hints):
- if hints & PLUGIN_HAS_CUSTOM_UI:
- self.ui.b_gui.setEnabled(True)
- self.ui.b_gui.setTopText(self.tr("GUI"), self.fButtonColorOn, self.fButtonFont)
- else:
- self.ui.b_gui.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.b_gui.setTopText(self.tr("GUI"), self.fButtonColorOff, self.fButtonFont)
- PluginSlot.recheckPluginHints(self, hints)
- def setName(self, name):
- self.ui.label_name.setText(name)
- PluginSlot.setName(self, name)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def activeChanged(self, onOff):
- self.fIsActive = onOff
- def editDialogChanged(self, visible):
- self.ui.b_edit.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.b_edit.setChecked(visible)
- self.ui.b_edit.blockSignals(False)
- def customUiStateChanged(self, state):
- self.ui.b_gui.blockSignals(True)
- if state == 0:
- self.ui.b_gui.setChecked(False)
- self.ui.b_gui.setEnabled(True)
- elif state == 1:
- self.ui.b_gui.setChecked(True)
- self.ui.b_gui.setEnabled(True)
- elif state == -1:
- self.ui.b_gui.setChecked(False)
- self.ui.b_gui.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.b_gui.blockSignals(False)
- def midiActivityChanged(self, onOff):
- self.ui.led_midi.setChecked(onOff)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def idleFast(self):
- # Input peaks
- if self.fPeaksInputCount > 0:
- if self.fPeaksInputCount > 1:
- peak1 = Carla.host.get_input_peak_value(self.fPluginId, True)
- peak2 = Carla.host.get_input_peak_value(self.fPluginId, False)
- self.ui.peak_in.displayMeter(1, peak1)
- self.ui.peak_in.displayMeter(2, peak2)
- else:
- peak = Carla.host.get_input_peak_value(self.fPluginId, True)
- self.ui.peak_in.displayMeter(1, peak)
- # Output peaks
- if self.fPeaksOutputCount > 0:
- if self.fPeaksOutputCount > 1:
- peak1 = Carla.host.get_output_peak_value(self.fPluginId, True)
- peak2 = Carla.host.get_output_peak_value(self.fPluginId, False)
- self.ui.peak_out.displayMeter(1, peak1)
- self.ui.peak_out.displayMeter(2, peak2)
- else:
- peak = Carla.host.get_output_peak_value(self.fPluginId, True)
- self.ui.peak_out.displayMeter(1, peak)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- @pyqtSlot(bool)
- def slot_enableClicked(self, yesNo):
- self.fIsActive = yesNo
- @pyqtSlot()
- def slot_showCustomMenu(self):
- self.showDefaultMenu(self.fIsActive, self.ui.b_edit, self.ui.b_gui)
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class PluginSlot_ZynFX(PluginSlot):
- def __init__(self, parent, pluginId):
- PluginSlot.__init__(self, parent, pluginId)
- self.ui = ui_carla_plugin_zynfx.Ui_PluginWidget()
- self.ui.setupUi(self)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set-up GUI
- self.setStyleSheet("""
- QFrame#PluginWidget {
- background-image: url(:/bitmaps/background_zynfx.png);
- background-repeat: repeat-xy;
- }""")
- self.ui.b_enable.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_off.png", ":/bitmaps/button_on.png", ":/bitmaps/button_off.png")
- self.ui.b_edit.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_edit.png", ":/bitmaps/button_edit_down.png", ":/bitmaps/button_edit_hover.png")
- self.ui.peak_in.setColor(self.ui.peak_in.GREEN)
- self.ui.peak_in.setChannels(self.fPeaksInputCount)
- self.ui.peak_in.setLinesEnabled(False)
- self.ui.peak_in.setOrientation(self.ui.peak_in.VERTICAL)
- self.ui.peak_out.setColor(self.ui.peak_in.BLUE)
- self.ui.peak_out.setChannels(self.fPeaksOutputCount)
- self.ui.peak_out.setLinesEnabled(False)
- self.ui.peak_out.setOrientation(self.ui.peak_out.VERTICAL)
- self.ui.label_name.setText(self.fPluginInfo['name'])
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set-up parameters
- self.fParameterList = [] # index, widget
- parameterCount = Carla.host.get_parameter_count(self.fPluginId)
- index = 0
- for i in range(parameterCount):
- paramInfo = Carla.host.get_parameter_info(self.fPluginId, i)
- paramData = Carla.host.get_parameter_data(self.fPluginId, i)
- paramRanges = Carla.host.get_parameter_ranges(self.fPluginId, i)
- paramValue = Carla.host.get_current_parameter_value(self.fPluginId, i)
- if paramData['type'] != PARAMETER_INPUT:
- continue
- paramName = charPtrToString(paramInfo['name'])
- paramLow = paramName.lower()
- # real zyn fx plugins
- if self.fPluginInfo['label'] == "zynAlienWah":
- if i == 0: paramName = "Freq"
- elif i == 1: paramName = "Rnd"
- elif i == 2: paramName = "L type" # combobox
- elif i == 3: paramName = "St.df"
- elif i == 5: paramName = "Fb"
- elif i == 7: paramName = "L/R"
- if self.fPluginInfo['label'] == "zynChorus":
- if i == 0: paramName = "Freq"
- elif i == 1: paramName = "Rnd"
- elif i == 2: paramName = "L type" # combobox
- elif i == 3: paramName = "St.df"
- elif i == 6: paramName = "Fb"
- elif i == 7: paramName = "L/R"
- elif i == 8: paramName = "Flngr" # button
- elif i == 9: paramName = "Subst" # button
- elif self.fPluginInfo['label'] == "zynDistortion":
- if i == 0: paramName = "LRc."
- elif i == 4: paramName = "Neg." # button
- elif i == 5: paramName = "LPF"
- elif i == 6: paramName = "HPF"
- elif i == 7: paramName = "St." # button
- elif i == 8: paramName = "PF" # button
- elif self.fPluginInfo['label'] == "zynDynamicFilter":
- if i == 0: paramName = "Freq"
- elif i == 1: paramName = "Rnd"
- elif i == 2: paramName = "L type" # combobox
- elif i == 3: paramName = "St.df"
- elif i == 4: paramName = "LfoD"
- elif i == 5: paramName = "A.S."
- elif i == 6: paramName = "A.Inv." # button
- elif i == 7: paramName = "A.M."
- elif self.fPluginInfo['label'] == "zynEcho":
- if i == 1: paramName = "LRdl."
- elif i == 2: paramName = "LRc."
- elif i == 3: paramName = "Fb."
- elif i == 4: paramName = "Damp"
- elif self.fPluginInfo['label'] == "zynPhaser":
- if i == 0: paramName = "Freq"
- elif i == 1: paramName = "Rnd"
- elif i == 2: paramName = "L type" # combobox
- elif i == 3: paramName = "St.df"
- elif i == 5: paramName = "Fb"
- elif i == 7: paramName = "L/R"
- elif i == 8: paramName = "Subst" # button
- elif i == 9: paramName = "Phase"
- elif i == 11: paramName = "Dist"
- elif self.fPluginInfo['label'] == "zynReverb":
- if i == 2: paramName = "I.delfb"
- elif i == 5: paramName = "LPF"
- elif i == 6: paramName = "HPF"
- elif i == 9: paramName = "R.S."
- elif i == 10: paramName = "I.del"
- #elif paramLow.find("damp"):
- #paramName = "Damp"
- #elif paramLow.find("frequency"):
- #paramName = "Freq"
- # Cut generic names
- #elif paramName == "Depth": paramName = "Dpth"
- #elif paramName == "Feedback": paramName = "Fb"
- #elif paramName == "L/R Cross": #paramName = "L/R"
- #elif paramName == "Random": paramName = "Rnd"
- widget = PixmapDial(self, i)
- widget.setPixmap(5)
- widget.setLabel(paramName)
- widget.setCustomPaint(PixmapDial.CUSTOM_PAINT_NO_GRADIENT)
- widget.setSingleStep(paramRanges['step']*1000)
- widget.setMinimum(paramRanges['min']*1000)
- widget.setMaximum(paramRanges['max']*1000)
- widget.setValue(paramValue*1000)
- if (paramData['hints'] & PARAMETER_IS_ENABLED) == 0:
- widget.setEnabled(False)
- widget.valueChanged.connect(self.slot_parameterValueChanged)
- self.ui.container.layout().insertWidget(index, widget)
- index += 1
- self.fParameterList.append([i, widget])
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set-up MIDI programs
- midiProgramCount = Carla.host.get_midi_program_count(self.fPluginId) if Carla.host is not None else 0
- if midiProgramCount > 0:
- self.ui.cb_presets.setEnabled(True)
- self.ui.label_presets.setEnabled(True)
- for i in range(midiProgramCount):
- mpData = Carla.host.get_midi_program_data(self.fPluginId, i)
- mpName = charPtrToString(mpData['name'])
- self.ui.cb_presets.addItem(mpName)
- self.fCurrentMidiProgram = Carla.host.get_current_midi_program_index(self.fPluginId)
- self.ui.cb_presets.setCurrentIndex(self.fCurrentMidiProgram)
- else:
- self.fCurrentMidiProgram = -1
- self.ui.cb_presets.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.cb_presets.setVisible(False)
- self.ui.label_presets.setEnabled(False)
- self.ui.label_presets.setVisible(False)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set-up connections
- self.ui.b_enable.clicked.connect(self.slot_enableClicked)
- self.ui.b_edit.clicked.connect(self.slot_showEditDialog)
- self.ui.cb_presets.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.slot_presetChanged)
- self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.slot_showCustomMenu)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def getFixedHeight(self):
- return 70
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def setName(self, name):
- self.ui.label_name.setText(name)
- PluginSlot.setName(self, name)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def setParameterValue(self, parameterId, value):
- self.parameterValueChanged(parameterId, value)
- PluginSlot.setParameterValue(self, parameterId, value)
- def setMidiProgram(self, index):
- self.midiProgramChanged(index)
- PluginSlot.setMidiProgram(self, index)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def activeChanged(self, onOff):
- self.ui.b_enable.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.b_enable.setChecked(onOff)
- self.ui.b_enable.blockSignals(False)
- def editDialogChanged(self, visible):
- self.ui.b_edit.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.b_edit.setChecked(visible)
- self.ui.b_edit.blockSignals(False)
- def parameterValueChanged(self, parameterId, value):
- for paramIndex, paramWidget in self.fParameterList:
- if paramIndex != parameterId:
- continue
- paramWidget.blockSignals(True)
- paramWidget.setValue(value*1000)
- paramWidget.blockSignals(False)
- break
- def midiProgramChanged(self, index):
- self.ui.cb_presets.blockSignals(True)
- self.ui.cb_presets.setCurrentIndex(index)
- self.ui.cb_presets.blockSignals(False)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- def idleFast(self):
- # Input peaks
- if self.fPeaksInputCount > 0:
- if self.fPeaksInputCount > 1:
- peak1 = Carla.host.get_input_peak_value(self.fPluginId, True)
- peak2 = Carla.host.get_input_peak_value(self.fPluginId, False)
- self.ui.peak_in.displayMeter(1, peak1)
- self.ui.peak_in.displayMeter(2, peak2)
- else:
- peak = Carla.host.get_input_peak_value(self.fPluginId, True)
- self.ui.peak_in.displayMeter(1, peak)
- # Output peaks
- if self.fPeaksOutputCount > 0:
- if self.fPeaksOutputCount > 1:
- peak1 = Carla.host.get_output_peak_value(self.fPluginId, True)
- peak2 = Carla.host.get_output_peak_value(self.fPluginId, False)
- self.ui.peak_out.displayMeter(1, peak1)
- self.ui.peak_out.displayMeter(2, peak2)
- else:
- peak = Carla.host.get_output_peak_value(self.fPluginId, True)
- self.ui.peak_out.displayMeter(1, peak)
- #------------------------------------------------------------------
- @pyqtSlot(bool)
- def slot_enableClicked(self, yesNo):
- self.setActive(yesNo, False, True)
- @pyqtSlot(int)
- def slot_parameterValueChanged(self, value):
- index = self.sender().getIndex()
- value = float(value)/1000.0
- Carla.host.set_parameter_value(self.fPluginId, index, value)
- PluginSlot.setParameterValue(self, index, value)
- @pyqtSlot(int)
- def slot_presetChanged(self, index):
- Carla.host.set_midi_program(self.fPluginId, index)
- PluginSlot.setMidiProgram(self, index)
- @pyqtSlot()
- def slot_showCustomMenu(self):
- self.showDefaultMenu(self.ui.b_enable.isChecked(), self.ui.b_edit, None)
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def createPluginSlot(parent, pluginId):
- pluginInfo = Carla.host.get_plugin_info(pluginId)
- pluginName = Carla.host.get_real_plugin_name(pluginId)
- pluginLabel = charPtrToString(pluginInfo['label'])
- #pluginMaker = charPtrToString(pluginInfo['maker'])
- #pluginIcon = charPtrToString(pluginInfo['iconName'])
- if pluginInfo['type'] == PLUGIN_INTERNAL:
- if pluginLabel.startswith("zyn") and pluginInfo['category'] != PLUGIN_CATEGORY_SYNTH:
- return PluginSlot_ZynFX(parent, pluginId)
- if pluginName.split(" ", 1)[0].lower() == "calf":
- return PluginSlot_Calf(parent, pluginId)
- #return PluginSlot_Pixmap(parent, pluginId)
- return PluginSlot_Default(parent, pluginId)
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------