- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited
- JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
- licensing.
- The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license
- http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission
- To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or
- without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and
- this permission notice appear in all copies.
- ==============================================================================
- */
- namespace juce
- {
- AudioChannelSet::AudioChannelSet (uint32 c) : channels (static_cast<int64> (c))
- {
- }
- AudioChannelSet::AudioChannelSet (const Array<ChannelType>& c)
- {
- for (auto channel : c)
- addChannel (channel);
- }
- bool AudioChannelSet::operator== (const AudioChannelSet& other) const noexcept { return channels == other.channels; }
- bool AudioChannelSet::operator!= (const AudioChannelSet& other) const noexcept { return channels != other.channels; }
- bool AudioChannelSet::operator< (const AudioChannelSet& other) const noexcept { return channels < other.channels; }
- String AudioChannelSet::getChannelTypeName (AudioChannelSet::ChannelType type)
- {
- if (type >= discreteChannel0)
- return "Discrete " + String (type - discreteChannel0 + 1);
- switch (type)
- {
- case left: return NEEDS_TRANS("Left");
- case right: return NEEDS_TRANS("Right");
- case centre: return NEEDS_TRANS("Centre");
- case LFE: return NEEDS_TRANS("LFE");
- case leftSurround: return NEEDS_TRANS("Left Surround");
- case rightSurround: return NEEDS_TRANS("Right Surround");
- case leftCentre: return NEEDS_TRANS("Left Centre");
- case rightCentre: return NEEDS_TRANS("Right Centre");
- case centreSurround: return NEEDS_TRANS("Centre Surround");
- case leftSurroundRear: return NEEDS_TRANS("Left Surround Rear");
- case rightSurroundRear: return NEEDS_TRANS("Right Surround Rear");
- case topMiddle: return NEEDS_TRANS("Top Middle");
- case topFrontLeft: return NEEDS_TRANS("Top Front Left");
- case topFrontCentre: return NEEDS_TRANS("Top Front Centre");
- case topFrontRight: return NEEDS_TRANS("Top Front Right");
- case topRearLeft: return NEEDS_TRANS("Top Rear Left");
- case topRearCentre: return NEEDS_TRANS("Top Rear Centre");
- case topRearRight: return NEEDS_TRANS("Top Rear Right");
- case wideLeft: return NEEDS_TRANS("Wide Left");
- case wideRight: return NEEDS_TRANS("Wide Right");
- case LFE2: return NEEDS_TRANS("LFE 2");
- case leftSurroundSide: return NEEDS_TRANS("Left Surround Side");
- case rightSurroundSide: return NEEDS_TRANS("Right Surround Side");
- case ambisonicW: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic W");
- case ambisonicX: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic X");
- case ambisonicY: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic Y");
- case ambisonicZ: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic Z");
- case topSideLeft: return NEEDS_TRANS("Top Side Left");
- case topSideRight: return NEEDS_TRANS("Top Side Right");
- case ambisonicACN4: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 4");
- case ambisonicACN5: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 5");
- case ambisonicACN6: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 6");
- case ambisonicACN7: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 7");
- case ambisonicACN8: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 8");
- case ambisonicACN9: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 9");
- case ambisonicACN10: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 10");
- case ambisonicACN11: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 11");
- case ambisonicACN12: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 12");
- case ambisonicACN13: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 13");
- case ambisonicACN14: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 14");
- case ambisonicACN15: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 15");
- case ambisonicACN16: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 16");
- case ambisonicACN17: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 17");
- case ambisonicACN18: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 18");
- case ambisonicACN19: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 19");
- case ambisonicACN20: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 20");
- case ambisonicACN21: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 21");
- case ambisonicACN22: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 22");
- case ambisonicACN23: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 23");
- case ambisonicACN24: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 24");
- case ambisonicACN25: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 25");
- case ambisonicACN26: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 26");
- case ambisonicACN27: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 27");
- case ambisonicACN28: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 28");
- case ambisonicACN29: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 29");
- case ambisonicACN30: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 30");
- case ambisonicACN31: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 31");
- case ambisonicACN32: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 32");
- case ambisonicACN33: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 33");
- case ambisonicACN34: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 34");
- case ambisonicACN35: return NEEDS_TRANS("Ambisonic 35");
- case bottomFrontLeft: return NEEDS_TRANS("Bottom Front Left");
- case bottomFrontCentre: return NEEDS_TRANS("Bottom Front Centre");
- case bottomFrontRight: return NEEDS_TRANS("Bottom Front Right");
- case proximityLeft: return NEEDS_TRANS("Proximity Left");
- case proximityRight: return NEEDS_TRANS("Proximity Right");
- case bottomSideLeft: return NEEDS_TRANS("Bottom Side Left");
- case bottomSideRight: return NEEDS_TRANS("Bottom Side Right");
- case bottomRearLeft: return NEEDS_TRANS("Bottom Rear Left");
- case bottomRearCentre: return NEEDS_TRANS("Bottom Rear Centre");
- case bottomRearRight: return NEEDS_TRANS("Bottom Rear Right");
- case discreteChannel0:
- case unknown:
- default: break;
- }
- return "Unknown";
- }
- String AudioChannelSet::getAbbreviatedChannelTypeName (AudioChannelSet::ChannelType type)
- {
- if (type >= discreteChannel0)
- return String (type - discreteChannel0 + 1);
- switch (type)
- {
- case left: return "L";
- case right: return "R";
- case centre: return "C";
- case LFE: return "Lfe";
- case leftSurround: return "Ls";
- case rightSurround: return "Rs";
- case leftCentre: return "Lc";
- case rightCentre: return "Rc";
- case centreSurround: return "Cs";
- case leftSurroundRear: return "Lrs";
- case rightSurroundRear: return "Rrs";
- case topMiddle: return "Tm";
- case topFrontLeft: return "Tfl";
- case topFrontCentre: return "Tfc";
- case topFrontRight: return "Tfr";
- case topRearLeft: return "Trl";
- case topRearCentre: return "Trc";
- case topRearRight: return "Trr";
- case wideLeft: return "Wl";
- case wideRight: return "Wr";
- case LFE2: return "Lfe2";
- case leftSurroundSide: return "Lss";
- case rightSurroundSide: return "Rss";
- case ambisonicACN0: return "ACN0";
- case ambisonicACN1: return "ACN1";
- case ambisonicACN2: return "ACN2";
- case ambisonicACN3: return "ACN3";
- case ambisonicACN4: return "ACN4";
- case ambisonicACN5: return "ACN5";
- case ambisonicACN6: return "ACN6";
- case ambisonicACN7: return "ACN7";
- case ambisonicACN8: return "ACN8";
- case ambisonicACN9: return "ACN9";
- case ambisonicACN10: return "ACN10";
- case ambisonicACN11: return "ACN11";
- case ambisonicACN12: return "ACN12";
- case ambisonicACN13: return "ACN13";
- case ambisonicACN14: return "ACN14";
- case ambisonicACN15: return "ACN15";
- case ambisonicACN16: return "ACN16";
- case ambisonicACN17: return "ACN17";
- case ambisonicACN18: return "ACN18";
- case ambisonicACN19: return "ACN19";
- case ambisonicACN20: return "ACN20";
- case ambisonicACN21: return "ACN21";
- case ambisonicACN22: return "ACN22";
- case ambisonicACN23: return "ACN23";
- case ambisonicACN24: return "ACN24";
- case ambisonicACN25: return "ACN25";
- case ambisonicACN26: return "ACN26";
- case ambisonicACN27: return "ACN27";
- case ambisonicACN28: return "ACN28";
- case ambisonicACN29: return "ACN29";
- case ambisonicACN30: return "ACN30";
- case ambisonicACN31: return "ACN31";
- case ambisonicACN32: return "ACN32";
- case ambisonicACN33: return "ACN33";
- case ambisonicACN34: return "ACN34";
- case ambisonicACN35: return "ACN35";
- case topSideLeft: return "Tsl";
- case topSideRight: return "Tsr";
- case bottomFrontLeft: return "Bfl";
- case bottomFrontCentre: return "Bfc";
- case bottomFrontRight: return "Bfr";
- case proximityLeft: return "Pl";
- case proximityRight: return "Pr";
- case bottomSideLeft: return "Bsl";
- case bottomSideRight: return "Bsr";
- case bottomRearLeft: return "Brl";
- case bottomRearCentre: return "Brc";
- case bottomRearRight: return "Brr";
- case discreteChannel0:
- case unknown:
- default: break;
- }
- if (type >= ambisonicACN4 && type <= ambisonicACN35)
- return "ACN" + String (type - ambisonicACN4 + 4);
- return {};
- }
- AudioChannelSet::ChannelType AudioChannelSet::getChannelTypeFromAbbreviation (const String& abbr)
- {
- if (abbr.length() > 0 && (abbr[0] >= '0' && abbr[0] <= '9'))
- return static_cast<AudioChannelSet::ChannelType> (static_cast<int> (discreteChannel0)
- + abbr.getIntValue() - 1);
- if (abbr == "L") return left;
- if (abbr == "R") return right;
- if (abbr == "C") return centre;
- if (abbr == "Lfe") return LFE;
- if (abbr == "Ls") return leftSurround;
- if (abbr == "Rs") return rightSurround;
- if (abbr == "Lc") return leftCentre;
- if (abbr == "Rc") return rightCentre;
- if (abbr == "Cs") return centreSurround;
- if (abbr == "Lrs") return leftSurroundRear;
- if (abbr == "Rrs") return rightSurroundRear;
- if (abbr == "Tm") return topMiddle;
- if (abbr == "Tfl") return topFrontLeft;
- if (abbr == "Tfc") return topFrontCentre;
- if (abbr == "Tfr") return topFrontRight;
- if (abbr == "Trl") return topRearLeft;
- if (abbr == "Trc") return topRearCentre;
- if (abbr == "Trr") return topRearRight;
- if (abbr == "Wl") return wideLeft;
- if (abbr == "Wr") return wideRight;
- if (abbr == "Lfe2") return LFE2;
- if (abbr == "Lss") return leftSurroundSide;
- if (abbr == "Rss") return rightSurroundSide;
- if (abbr == "W") return ambisonicW;
- if (abbr == "X") return ambisonicX;
- if (abbr == "Y") return ambisonicY;
- if (abbr == "Z") return ambisonicZ;
- if (abbr == "ACN0") return ambisonicACN0;
- if (abbr == "ACN1") return ambisonicACN1;
- if (abbr == "ACN2") return ambisonicACN2;
- if (abbr == "ACN3") return ambisonicACN3;
- if (abbr == "ACN4") return ambisonicACN4;
- if (abbr == "ACN5") return ambisonicACN5;
- if (abbr == "ACN6") return ambisonicACN6;
- if (abbr == "ACN7") return ambisonicACN7;
- if (abbr == "ACN8") return ambisonicACN8;
- if (abbr == "ACN9") return ambisonicACN9;
- if (abbr == "ACN10") return ambisonicACN10;
- if (abbr == "ACN11") return ambisonicACN11;
- if (abbr == "ACN12") return ambisonicACN12;
- if (abbr == "ACN13") return ambisonicACN13;
- if (abbr == "ACN14") return ambisonicACN14;
- if (abbr == "ACN15") return ambisonicACN15;
- if (abbr == "ACN16") return ambisonicACN16;
- if (abbr == "ACN17") return ambisonicACN17;
- if (abbr == "ACN18") return ambisonicACN18;
- if (abbr == "ACN19") return ambisonicACN19;
- if (abbr == "ACN20") return ambisonicACN20;
- if (abbr == "ACN21") return ambisonicACN21;
- if (abbr == "ACN22") return ambisonicACN22;
- if (abbr == "ACN23") return ambisonicACN23;
- if (abbr == "ACN24") return ambisonicACN24;
- if (abbr == "ACN25") return ambisonicACN25;
- if (abbr == "ACN26") return ambisonicACN26;
- if (abbr == "ACN27") return ambisonicACN27;
- if (abbr == "ACN28") return ambisonicACN28;
- if (abbr == "ACN29") return ambisonicACN29;
- if (abbr == "ACN30") return ambisonicACN30;
- if (abbr == "ACN31") return ambisonicACN31;
- if (abbr == "ACN32") return ambisonicACN32;
- if (abbr == "ACN33") return ambisonicACN33;
- if (abbr == "ACN34") return ambisonicACN34;
- if (abbr == "ACN35") return ambisonicACN35;
- if (abbr == "Tsl") return topSideLeft;
- if (abbr == "Tsr") return topSideRight;
- if (abbr == "Bfl") return bottomFrontLeft;
- if (abbr == "Bfc") return bottomFrontCentre;
- if (abbr == "Bfr") return bottomFrontRight;
- if (abbr == "Bsl") return bottomSideLeft;
- if (abbr == "Bsr") return bottomSideRight;
- if (abbr == "Brl") return bottomRearLeft;
- if (abbr == "Brc") return bottomRearCentre;
- if (abbr == "Brr") return bottomRearRight;
- return unknown;
- }
- String AudioChannelSet::getSpeakerArrangementAsString() const
- {
- StringArray speakerTypes;
- for (auto& speaker : getChannelTypes())
- {
- auto name = getAbbreviatedChannelTypeName (speaker);
- if (name.isNotEmpty())
- speakerTypes.add (name);
- }
- return speakerTypes.joinIntoString (" ");
- }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::fromAbbreviatedString (const String& str)
- {
- AudioChannelSet set;
- for (auto& abbr : StringArray::fromTokens (str, true))
- {
- auto type = getChannelTypeFromAbbreviation (abbr);
- if (type != unknown)
- set.addChannel (type);
- }
- return set;
- }
- String AudioChannelSet::getDescription() const
- {
- if (isDiscreteLayout()) return "Discrete #" + String (size());
- if (*this == disabled()) return "Disabled";
- if (*this == mono()) return "Mono";
- if (*this == stereo()) return "Stereo";
- if (*this == createLCR()) return "LCR";
- if (*this == createLRS()) return "LRS";
- if (*this == createLCRS()) return "LCRS";
- if (*this == create5point0()) return "5.0 Surround";
- if (*this == create5point1()) return "5.1 Surround";
- if (*this == create6point0()) return "6.0 Surround";
- if (*this == create6point1()) return "6.1 Surround";
- if (*this == create6point0Music()) return "6.0 (Music) Surround";
- if (*this == create6point1Music()) return "6.1 (Music) Surround";
- if (*this == create7point0()) return "7.0 Surround";
- if (*this == create7point1()) return "7.1 Surround";
- if (*this == create7point0SDDS()) return "7.0 Surround SDDS";
- if (*this == create7point1SDDS()) return "7.1 Surround SDDS";
- if (*this == create7point0point2()) return "7.0.2 Surround";
- if (*this == create7point1point2()) return "7.1.2 Surround";
- if (*this == quadraphonic()) return "Quadraphonic";
- if (*this == pentagonal()) return "Pentagonal";
- if (*this == hexagonal()) return "Hexagonal";
- if (*this == octagonal()) return "Octagonal";
- // ambisonics
- {
- auto order = getAmbisonicOrder();
- if (order >= 0)
- {
- String suffix;
- switch (order)
- {
- case 1: suffix = "st"; break;
- case 2: suffix = "nd"; break;
- case 3: suffix = "rd"; break;
- default: suffix = "th"; break;
- }
- return String (order) + suffix + " Order Ambisonics";
- }
- }
- return "Unknown";
- }
- bool AudioChannelSet::isDiscreteLayout() const noexcept
- {
- for (auto& speaker : getChannelTypes())
- if (speaker <= ambisonicACN35)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- int AudioChannelSet::size() const noexcept
- {
- return channels.countNumberOfSetBits();
- }
- AudioChannelSet::ChannelType AudioChannelSet::getTypeOfChannel (int index) const noexcept
- {
- int bit = channels.findNextSetBit(0);
- for (int i = 0; i < index && bit >= 0; ++i)
- bit = channels.findNextSetBit (bit + 1);
- return static_cast<ChannelType> (bit);
- }
- int AudioChannelSet::getChannelIndexForType (AudioChannelSet::ChannelType type) const noexcept
- {
- int idx = 0;
- for (int bit = channels.findNextSetBit (0); bit >= 0; bit = channels.findNextSetBit (bit + 1))
- {
- if (static_cast<ChannelType> (bit) == type)
- return idx;
- idx++;
- }
- return -1;
- }
- Array<AudioChannelSet::ChannelType> AudioChannelSet::getChannelTypes() const
- {
- Array<ChannelType> result;
- for (int bit = channels.findNextSetBit(0); bit >= 0; bit = channels.findNextSetBit (bit + 1))
- result.add (static_cast<ChannelType> (bit));
- return result;
- }
- void AudioChannelSet::addChannel (ChannelType newChannel)
- {
- const int bit = static_cast<int> (newChannel);
- jassert (bit >= 0 && bit < 1024);
- channels.setBit (bit);
- }
- void AudioChannelSet::removeChannel (ChannelType newChannel)
- {
- const int bit = static_cast<int> (newChannel);
- jassert (bit >= 0 && bit < 1024);
- channels.clearBit (bit);
- }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::disabled() { return {}; }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::mono() { return AudioChannelSet (1u << centre); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::stereo() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::createLCR() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << centre)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::createLRS() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << surround)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::createLCRS() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << centre) | (1u << surround)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::create5point0() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << centre) | (1u << leftSurround) | (1u << rightSurround)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::create5point1() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << centre) | (1u << LFE) | (1u << leftSurround) | (1u << rightSurround)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::create6point0() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << centre) | (1u << leftSurround) | (1u << rightSurround) | (1u << centreSurround)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::create6point1() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << centre) | (1u << LFE) | (1u << leftSurround) | (1u << rightSurround) | (1u << centreSurround)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::create6point0Music() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << leftSurround) | (1u << rightSurround) | (1u << leftSurroundSide) | (1u << rightSurroundSide)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::create6point1Music() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << LFE) | (1u << leftSurround) | (1u << rightSurround) | (1u << leftSurroundSide) | (1u << rightSurroundSide)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::create7point0() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << centre) | (1u << leftSurroundSide) | (1u << rightSurroundSide) | (1u << leftSurroundRear) | (1u << rightSurroundRear)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::create7point0SDDS() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << centre) | (1u << leftSurround) | (1u << rightSurround) | (1u << leftCentre) | (1u << rightCentre)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::create7point1() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << centre) | (1u << LFE) | (1u << leftSurroundSide) | (1u << rightSurroundSide) | (1u << leftSurroundRear) | (1u << rightSurroundRear)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::create7point1SDDS() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << centre) | (1u << LFE) | (1u << leftSurround) | (1u << rightSurround) | (1u << leftCentre) | (1u << rightCentre)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::quadraphonic() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << leftSurround) | (1u << rightSurround)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::pentagonal() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << centre) | (1u << leftSurroundRear) | (1u << rightSurroundRear)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::hexagonal() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << centre) | (1u << centreSurround) | (1u << leftSurroundRear) | (1u << rightSurroundRear)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::octagonal() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << centre) | (1u << leftSurround) | (1u << rightSurround) | (1u << centreSurround) | (1u << wideLeft) | (1u << wideRight)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::create7point0point2() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << centre) | (1u << leftSurroundSide) | (1u << rightSurroundSide) | (1u << leftSurroundRear) | (1u << rightSurroundRear) | (1u << topSideLeft) | (1u << topSideRight)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::create7point1point2() { return AudioChannelSet ((1u << left) | (1u << right) | (1u << centre) | (1u << LFE) | (1u << leftSurroundSide) | (1u << rightSurroundSide) | (1u << leftSurroundRear) | (1u << rightSurroundRear) | (1u << topSideLeft) | (1u << topSideRight)); }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::ambisonic (int order)
- {
- jassert (isPositiveAndBelow (order, 6));
- if (order == 0)
- return AudioChannelSet ((uint32) (1 << ambisonicACN0));
- AudioChannelSet set ((1u << ambisonicACN0) | (1u << ambisonicACN1) | (1u << ambisonicACN2) | (1u << ambisonicACN3));
- auto numAmbisonicChannels = (order + 1) * (order + 1);
- set.channels.setRange (ambisonicACN4, numAmbisonicChannels - 4, true);
- return set;
- }
- int AudioChannelSet::getAmbisonicOrder() const
- {
- auto ambisonicOrder = getAmbisonicOrderForNumChannels (size());
- if (ambisonicOrder >= 0)
- return (*this == ambisonic (ambisonicOrder) ? ambisonicOrder : -1);
- return -1;
- }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::discreteChannels (int numChannels)
- {
- AudioChannelSet s;
- s.channels.setRange (discreteChannel0, numChannels, true);
- return s;
- }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::canonicalChannelSet (int numChannels)
- {
- if (numChannels == 1) return AudioChannelSet::mono();
- if (numChannels == 2) return AudioChannelSet::stereo();
- if (numChannels == 3) return AudioChannelSet::createLCR();
- if (numChannels == 4) return AudioChannelSet::quadraphonic();
- if (numChannels == 5) return AudioChannelSet::create5point0();
- if (numChannels == 6) return AudioChannelSet::create5point1();
- if (numChannels == 7) return AudioChannelSet::create7point0();
- if (numChannels == 8) return AudioChannelSet::create7point1();
- return discreteChannels (numChannels);
- }
- AudioChannelSet AudioChannelSet::namedChannelSet (int numChannels)
- {
- if (numChannels == 1) return AudioChannelSet::mono();
- if (numChannels == 2) return AudioChannelSet::stereo();
- if (numChannels == 3) return AudioChannelSet::createLCR();
- if (numChannels == 4) return AudioChannelSet::quadraphonic();
- if (numChannels == 5) return AudioChannelSet::create5point0();
- if (numChannels == 6) return AudioChannelSet::create5point1();
- if (numChannels == 7) return AudioChannelSet::create7point0();
- if (numChannels == 8) return AudioChannelSet::create7point1();
- return {};
- }
- Array<AudioChannelSet> AudioChannelSet::channelSetsWithNumberOfChannels (int numChannels)
- {
- Array<AudioChannelSet> retval;
- if (numChannels != 0)
- {
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::discreteChannels (numChannels));
- if (numChannels == 1)
- {
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::mono());
- }
- else if (numChannels == 2)
- {
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::stereo());
- }
- else if (numChannels == 3)
- {
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::createLCR());
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::createLRS());
- }
- else if (numChannels == 4)
- {
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::quadraphonic());
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::createLCRS());
- }
- else if (numChannels == 5)
- {
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::create5point0());
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::pentagonal());
- }
- else if (numChannels == 6)
- {
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::create5point1());
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::create6point0());
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::create6point0Music());
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::hexagonal());
- }
- else if (numChannels == 7)
- {
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::create7point0());
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::create7point0SDDS());
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::create6point1());
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::create6point1Music());
- }
- else if (numChannels == 8)
- {
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::create7point1());
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::create7point1SDDS());
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::octagonal());
- }
- auto order = getAmbisonicOrderForNumChannels (numChannels);
- if (order >= 0)
- retval.add (AudioChannelSet::ambisonic (order));
- }
- return retval;
- }
- AudioChannelSet JUCE_CALLTYPE AudioChannelSet::channelSetWithChannels (const Array<ChannelType>& channelArray)
- {
- AudioChannelSet set;
- for (auto ch : channelArray)
- {
- jassert (! set.channels[static_cast<int> (ch)]);
- set.addChannel (ch);
- }
- return set;
- }
- //==============================================================================
- AudioChannelSet JUCE_CALLTYPE AudioChannelSet::fromWaveChannelMask (int32 dwChannelMask)
- {
- return AudioChannelSet (static_cast<uint32> ((dwChannelMask & ((1 << 18) - 1)) << 1));
- }
- int32 AudioChannelSet::getWaveChannelMask() const noexcept
- {
- if (channels.getHighestBit() > topRearRight)
- return -1;
- return (channels.toInteger() >> 1);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- int JUCE_CALLTYPE AudioChannelSet::getAmbisonicOrderForNumChannels (int numChannels)
- {
- auto sqrtMinusOne = std::sqrt (static_cast<float> (numChannels)) - 1.0f;
- auto ambisonicOrder = jmax (0, static_cast<int> (std::floor (sqrtMinusOne)));
- if (ambisonicOrder > 5)
- return -1;
- return (static_cast<float> (ambisonicOrder) == sqrtMinusOne ? ambisonicOrder : -1);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- //==============================================================================
- class AudioChannelSetUnitTest : public UnitTest
- {
- public:
- AudioChannelSetUnitTest()
- : UnitTest ("AudioChannelSetUnitTest", UnitTestCategories::audio)
- {}
- void runTest() override
- {
- auto max = AudioChannelSet::maxChannelsOfNamedLayout;
- beginTest ("maxChannelsOfNamedLayout is non-discrete");
- expect (AudioChannelSet::channelSetsWithNumberOfChannels (max).size() >= 2);
- beginTest ("channelSetsWithNumberOfChannels returns correct speaker count");
- {
- for (auto ch = 1; ch <= max; ++ch)
- {
- auto channelSets = AudioChannelSet::channelSetsWithNumberOfChannels (ch);
- for (auto set : channelSets)
- expect (set.size() == ch);
- }
- }
- beginTest ("Ambisonics");
- {
- uint64 mask = 0;
- mask |= (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN0);
- checkAmbisonic (mask, 0, "0th Order Ambisonics");
- mask |= (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN1) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN2) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN3);
- checkAmbisonic (mask, 1, "1st Order Ambisonics");
- mask |= (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN4) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN5) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN6)
- | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN7) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN8);
- checkAmbisonic (mask, 2, "2nd Order Ambisonics");
- mask |= (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN9) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN10) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN11)
- | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN12) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN13) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN14)
- | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN15);
- checkAmbisonic (mask, 3, "3rd Order Ambisonics");
- mask |= (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN16) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN17) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN18)
- | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN19) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN20) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN21)
- | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN22) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN23) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN24);
- checkAmbisonic (mask, 4, "4th Order Ambisonics");
- mask |= (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN25) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN26) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN27)
- | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN28) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN29) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN30)
- | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN31) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN32) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN33)
- | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN34) | (1ull << AudioChannelSet::ambisonicACN35);
- checkAmbisonic (mask, 5, "5th Order Ambisonics");
- }
- }
- private:
- void checkAmbisonic (uint64 mask, int order, const char* layoutName)
- {
- auto expected = AudioChannelSet::ambisonic (order);
- auto numChannels = expected.size();
- expect (numChannels == BigInteger ((int64) mask).countNumberOfSetBits());
- expect (channelSetFromMask (mask) == expected);
- expect (order == expected.getAmbisonicOrder());
- expect (expected.getDescription() == layoutName);
- auto layouts = AudioChannelSet::channelSetsWithNumberOfChannels (numChannels);
- expect (layouts.contains (expected));
- for (auto layout : layouts)
- expect (layout.getAmbisonicOrder() == (layout == expected ? order : -1));
- }
- static AudioChannelSet channelSetFromMask (uint64 mask)
- {
- Array<AudioChannelSet::ChannelType> channels;
- for (int bit = 0; bit <= 62; ++bit)
- if ((mask & (1ull << bit)) != 0)
- channels.add (static_cast<AudioChannelSet::ChannelType> (bit));
- return AudioChannelSet::channelSetWithChannels (channels);
- }
- };
- static AudioChannelSetUnitTest audioChannelSetUnitTest;
- #endif
- } // namespace juce