- #!/usr/bin/env python3
- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Carla Backend code (OSC stuff)
- # Copyright (C) 2011-2019 Filipe Coelho <falktx@falktx.com>
- #
- # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
- # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
- # the License, or any later version.
- #
- # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- #
- # For a full copy of the GNU General Public License see the doc/GPL.txt file.
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Imports (Global)
- from PyQt5.QtCore import QEventLoop
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Imports (Custom)
- import ui_carla_osc_connect
- from carla_host import *
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Imports (liblo)
- from liblo import (
- Address,
- AddressError,
- ServerError,
- Server,
- make_method,
- send as lo_send,
- TCP as LO_TCP,
- UDP as LO_UDP,
- )
- from random import random
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- DEBUG = False
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # OSC connect Dialog
- class ConnectDialog(QDialog):
- def __init__(self, parent):
- QDialog.__init__(self, parent)
- self.ui = ui_carla_osc_connect.Ui_Dialog()
- self.ui.setupUi(self)
- self.setWindowFlags(self.windowFlags() & ~Qt.WindowContextHelpButtonHint)
- # Make PlainTextEdit background the same color as the window background
- palette = self.ui.te_reported_hint.palette()
- palette.setColor(QPalette.Base, palette.color(QPalette.Background))
- self.ui.te_reported_hint.setPalette(palette)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Load settings
- self.loadSettings()
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Set-up connections
- self.finished.connect(self.slot_saveSettings)
- self.ui.rb_reported_auto.clicked.connect(self.slot_reportedAutoClicked)
- self.ui.rb_reported_custom.clicked.connect(self.slot_reportedCustomClicked)
- self.ui.le_host.textChanged.connect(self.slot_hostChanged)
- self.ui.le_reported_host.textChanged.connect(self.slot_reportedHostChanged)
- # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def getResult(self):
- return (self.ui.le_host.text(),
- self.ui.le_reported_host.text() if self.ui.rb_reported_custom.isChecked() else "",
- self.ui.sb_tcp_port.value(),
- self.ui.sb_udp_port.value())
- def checkIfButtonBoxShouldBeEnabled(self, host, reportedHostAutomatic, reportedHost):
- enabled = len(host) > 0
- if enabled and not reportedHostAutomatic:
- enabled = len(reportedHost) > 0
- self.ui.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Ok).setEnabled(enabled)
- def loadSettings(self):
- settings = QSafeSettings("falkTX", "CarlaOSCConnect")
- if settings.value("ReportedHostAutomatic", True, bool):
- self.ui.rb_reported_custom.setChecked(False)
- self.ui.rb_reported_auto.setChecked(True)
- else:
- self.ui.rb_reported_auto.setChecked(False)
- self.ui.rb_reported_custom.setChecked(True)
- self.ui.le_host.setText(settings.value("Host", "", type=str))
- self.ui.le_reported_host.setText(settings.value("ReportedHost", "", type=str))
- self.ui.sb_tcp_port.setValue(settings.value("TCPPort", CARLA_DEFAULT_OSC_TCP_PORT_NUMBER, type=int))
- self.ui.sb_udp_port.setValue(settings.value("UDPPort", CARLA_DEFAULT_OSC_UDP_PORT_NUMBER, type=int))
- self.checkIfButtonBoxShouldBeEnabled(self.ui.le_host.text(),
- self.ui.rb_reported_auto.isChecked(),
- self.ui.le_reported_host.text())
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @pyqtSlot(bool)
- def slot_reportedAutoClicked(self, clicked):
- self.checkIfButtonBoxShouldBeEnabled(self.ui.le_host.text(),
- clicked,
- self.ui.le_reported_host.text())
- @pyqtSlot(bool)
- def slot_reportedCustomClicked(self, clicked):
- self.checkIfButtonBoxShouldBeEnabled(self.ui.le_host.text(),
- not clicked,
- self.ui.le_reported_host.text())
- @pyqtSlot(str)
- def slot_hostChanged(self, text):
- self.checkIfButtonBoxShouldBeEnabled(text,
- self.ui.rb_reported_auto.isChecked(),
- self.ui.le_reported_host.text())
- @pyqtSlot(str)
- def slot_reportedHostChanged(self, text):
- self.checkIfButtonBoxShouldBeEnabled(self.ui.le_host.text(),
- self.ui.rb_reported_auto.isChecked(),
- text)
- @pyqtSlot()
- def slot_saveSettings(self):
- settings = QSafeSettings("falkTX", "CarlaOSCConnect")
- settings.setValue("Host", self.ui.le_host.text())
- settings.setValue("ReportedHost", self.ui.le_reported_host.text())
- settings.setValue("TCPPort", self.ui.sb_tcp_port.value())
- settings.setValue("UDPPort", self.ui.sb_udp_port.value())
- settings.setValue("ReportedHostAutomatic", self.ui.rb_reported_auto.isChecked())
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def done(self, r):
- QDialog.done(self, r)
- self.close()
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Host OSC object
- class CarlaHostOSC(CarlaHostQtPlugin):
- def __init__(self):
- CarlaHostQtPlugin.__init__(self)
- self.lo_server_tcp = None
- self.lo_server_udp = None
- self.lo_target_tcp = None
- self.lo_target_udp = None
- self.lo_target_tcp_name = ""
- self.lo_target_udp_name = ""
- self.resetPendingMessages()
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- def resetPendingMessages(self):
- self.lastMessageId = 1
- self.pendingMessages = []
- self.responses = {}
- def printAndReturnError(self, error):
- print(error)
- self.fLastError = error
- return False
- def sendMsg(self, lines):
- if len(lines) < 1:
- return self.printAndReturnError("not enough arguments")
- method = lines.pop(0)
- if method == "set_engine_option":
- return True
- if self.lo_target_tcp is None:
- return self.printAndReturnError("lo_target_tcp is None")
- if self.lo_target_tcp_name is None:
- return self.printAndReturnError("lo_target_tcp_name is None")
- if method in ("clear_engine_xruns",
- "cancel_engine_action",
- #"load_file",
- #"load_project",
- #"save_project",
- #"clear_project_filename",
- "patchbay_connect",
- "patchbay_disconnect",
- "patchbay_set_group_pos",
- "patchbay_refresh",
- "transport_play",
- "transport_pause",
- "transport_bpm",
- "transport_relocate",
- "add_plugin",
- "remove_plugin",
- "remove_all_plugins",
- "rename_plugin",
- "clone_plugin",
- "replace_plugin",
- "switch_plugins",
- #"load_plugin_state",
- #"save_plugin_state",
- ):
- path = "/ctrl/" + method
- needResp = True
- elif method in (#"set_option",
- "set_active",
- "set_drywet",
- "set_volume",
- "set_balance_left",
- "set_balance_right",
- "set_panning",
- #"set_ctrl_channel",
- "set_parameter_value",
- "set_parameter_midi_channel",
- "set_parameter_midi_cc",
- "set_program",
- "set_midi_program",
- #"set_custom_data",
- #"set_chunk_data",
- #"prepare_for_save",
- #"reset_parameters",
- #"randomize_parameters",
- ):
- pluginId = lines.pop(0)
- needResp = False
- path = "/%s/%i/%s" % (self.lo_target_tcp_name, pluginId, method)
- elif method == "send_midi_note":
- pluginId = lines.pop(0)
- needResp = False
- channel, note, velocity = lines
- if velocity:
- path = "/%s/%i/note_on" % (self.lo_target_tcp_name, pluginId)
- else:
- path = "/%s/%i/note_off" % (self.lo_target_tcp_name, pluginId)
- lines.pop(2)
- else:
- return self.printAndReturnError("invalid method '%s'" % method)
- if len(self.pendingMessages) != 0:
- return self.printAndReturnError("A previous operation is still pending, please wait")
- args = [int(line) if isinstance(line, bool) else line for line in lines]
- #print(path, args)
- if not needResp:
- lo_send(self.lo_target_tcp, path, *args)
- return True
- messageId = self.lastMessageId
- self.lastMessageId += 1
- self.pendingMessages.append(messageId)
- lo_send(self.lo_target_tcp, path, messageId, *args)
- while messageId in self.pendingMessages:
- QApplication.processEvents(QEventLoop.AllEvents, 100)
- error = self.responses.pop(messageId)
- if not error:
- return True
- self.fLastError = error
- return False
- def sendMsgAndSetError(self, lines):
- return self.sendMsg(lines)
- # -------------------------------------------------------------------
- def engine_init(self, driverName, clientName):
- return self.lo_target_tcp is not None
- def engine_close(self):
- return True
- def engine_idle(self):
- return
- def is_engine_running(self):
- return self.lo_target_tcp is not None
- def set_engine_about_to_close(self):
- return
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # OSC Control server
- class CarlaControlServerTCP(Server):
- def __init__(self, host, rhost):
- Server.__init__(self, proto=LO_TCP)
- if False:
- host = CarlaHostOSC()
- self.host = host
- self.rhost = rhost
- def idle(self):
- self.fReceivedMsgs = False
- while self.recv(0) and self.fReceivedMsgs:
- pass
- def getFullURL(self):
- if self.rhost:
- return "osc.tcp://%s:%i/ctrl" % (self.rhost, self.get_port())
- return "%sctrl" % self.get_url()
- @make_method('/ctrl/cb', 'iiiiifs')
- def carla_cb(self, path, args):
- if DEBUG: print(path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- action, pluginId, value1, value2, value3, valuef, valueStr = args
- self.host._setViaCallback(action, pluginId, value1, value2, value3, valuef, valueStr)
- engineCallback(self.host, action, pluginId, value1, value2, value3, valuef, valueStr)
- @make_method('/ctrl/info', 'iiiihiisssssss')
- def carla_info(self, path, args):
- if DEBUG: print(path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- (
- pluginId, type_, category, hints, uniqueId, optsAvail, optsEnabled,
- name, filename, iconName, realName, label, maker, copyright,
- ) = args
- pinfo = {
- 'type': type_,
- 'category': category,
- 'hints': hints,
- 'optionsAvailable': optsAvail,
- 'optionsEnabled': optsEnabled,
- 'uniqueId': uniqueId,
- 'filename': filename,
- 'name': name,
- 'label': label,
- 'maker': maker,
- 'copyright': copyright,
- 'iconName': iconName
- }
- self.host._set_pluginInfoUpdate(pluginId, pinfo)
- self.host._set_pluginRealName(pluginId, realName)
- @make_method('/ctrl/ports', 'iiiiiiii')
- def carla_ports(self, path, args):
- if DEBUG: print(path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- pluginId, audioIns, audioOuts, midiIns, midiOuts, paramIns, paramOuts, paramTotal = args
- self.host._set_audioCountInfo(pluginId, {'ins': audioIns, 'outs': audioOuts})
- self.host._set_midiCountInfo(pluginId, {'ins': midiOuts, 'outs': midiOuts})
- self.host._set_parameterCountInfo(pluginId, paramTotal, {'ins': paramIns, 'outs': paramOuts})
- @make_method('/ctrl/paramInfo', 'iissss')
- def carla_paramInfo(self, path, args):
- if DEBUG: print(path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- pluginId, paramId, name, unit, comment, groupName = args
- paramInfo = {
- 'name': name,
- 'symbol': "",
- 'unit': unit,
- 'comment': comment,
- 'groupName': groupName,
- 'scalePointCount': 0,
- 'scalePoints': [],
- }
- self.host._set_parameterInfo(pluginId, paramId, paramInfo)
- @make_method('/ctrl/paramData', 'iiiiiifff')
- def carla_paramData(self, path, args):
- if DEBUG: print(path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- pluginId, paramId, type_, hints, midiChan, mappedCtrl, mappedMin, mappedMax, value = args
- paramData = {
- 'type': type_,
- 'hints': hints,
- 'index': paramId,
- 'rindex': -1,
- 'midiChannel': midiChan,
- 'mappedControlIndex': mappedCtrl,
- 'mappedMinimum': mappedMin,
- 'mappedMaximum': mappedMax,
- }
- self.host._set_parameterData(pluginId, paramId, paramData)
- self.host._set_parameterValue(pluginId, paramId, value)
- @make_method('/ctrl/paramRanges', 'iiffffff')
- def carla_paramRanges(self, path, args):
- if DEBUG: print(path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- pluginId, paramId, def_, min_, max_, step, stepSmall, stepLarge = args
- paramRanges = {
- 'def': def_,
- 'min': min_,
- 'max': max_,
- 'step': step,
- 'stepSmall': stepSmall,
- 'stepLarge': stepLarge,
- }
- self.host._set_parameterRanges(pluginId, paramId, paramRanges)
- @make_method('/ctrl/count', 'iiiiii')
- def carla_count(self, path, args):
- if DEBUG: print(path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- pluginId, pcount, mpcount, cdcount, cp, cmp = args
- self.host._set_programCount(pluginId, pcount)
- self.host._set_midiProgramCount(pluginId, mpcount)
- self.host._set_customDataCount(pluginId, cdcount)
- self.host._set_pluginInfoUpdate(pluginId, { 'programCurrent': cp, 'midiProgramCurrent': cmp })
- @make_method('/ctrl/pcount', 'iii')
- def carla_pcount(self, path, args):
- if DEBUG: print(path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- pluginId, pcount, mpcount = args
- self.host._set_programCount(pluginId, pcount)
- self.host._set_midiProgramCount(pluginId, mpcount)
- @make_method('/ctrl/prog', 'iis')
- def carla_prog(self, path, args):
- if DEBUG: print(path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- pluginId, progId, progName = args
- self.host._set_programName(pluginId, progId, progName)
- @make_method('/ctrl/mprog', 'iiiis')
- def carla_mprog(self, path, args):
- if DEBUG: print(path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- pluginId, midiProgId, bank, program, name = args
- self.host._set_midiProgramData(pluginId, midiProgId, {'bank': bank, 'program': program, 'name': name})
- @make_method('/ctrl/cdata', 'iisss')
- def carla_cdata(self, path, args):
- if DEBUG: print(path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- pluginId, index, type_, key, value = args
- self.host._set_customData(pluginId, index, { 'type': type_, 'key': key, 'value': value })
- @make_method('/ctrl/iparams', 'ifffffff')
- def carla_iparams(self, path, args):
- if DEBUG: print(path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- pluginId, active, drywet, volume, balLeft, balRight, pan, ctrlChan = args
- self.host._set_internalValue(pluginId, PARAMETER_ACTIVE, active)
- self.host._set_internalValue(pluginId, PARAMETER_DRYWET, drywet)
- self.host._set_internalValue(pluginId, PARAMETER_VOLUME, volume)
- self.host._set_internalValue(pluginId, PARAMETER_BALANCE_LEFT, balLeft)
- self.host._set_internalValue(pluginId, PARAMETER_BALANCE_RIGHT, balRight)
- self.host._set_internalValue(pluginId, PARAMETER_PANNING, pan)
- self.host._set_internalValue(pluginId, PARAMETER_CTRL_CHANNEL, ctrlChan)
- @make_method('/ctrl/resp', 'is')
- def carla_resp(self, path, args):
- if DEBUG: print(path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- messageId, error = args
- self.host.responses[messageId] = error
- self.host.pendingMessages.remove(messageId)
- @make_method('/ctrl/exit', '')
- def carla_exit(self, path, args):
- if DEBUG: print(path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- #self.host.lo_target_tcp = None
- self.host.QuitCallback.emit()
- @make_method('/ctrl/exit-error', 's')
- def carla_exit_error(self, path, args):
- if DEBUG: print(path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- error, = args
- self.host.lo_target_tcp = None
- self.host.QuitCallback.emit()
- self.host.ErrorCallback.emit(error)
- @make_method(None, None)
- def fallback(self, path, args):
- print("ControlServerTCP::fallback(\"%s\") - unknown message, args =" % path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- class CarlaControlServerUDP(Server):
- def __init__(self, host, rhost):
- Server.__init__(self, proto=LO_UDP)
- if False:
- host = CarlaHostOSC()
- self.host = host
- self.rhost = rhost
- def idle(self):
- self.fReceivedMsgs = False
- while self.recv(0) and self.fReceivedMsgs:
- pass
- def getFullURL(self):
- if self.rhost:
- return "osc.udp://%s:%i/ctrl" % (self.rhost, self.get_port())
- return "%sctrl" % self.get_url()
- @make_method('/ctrl/runtime', 'fiihiiif')
- def carla_runtime(self, path, args):
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- load, xruns, playing, frame, bar, beat, tick, bpm = args
- self.host._set_runtime_info(load, xruns)
- self.host._set_transport(bool(playing), frame, bar, beat, tick, bpm)
- @make_method('/ctrl/param', 'iif')
- def carla_param_fixme(self, path, args):
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- pluginId, paramId, paramValue = args
- self.host._set_parameterValue(pluginId, paramId, paramValue)
- @make_method('/ctrl/peaks', 'iffff')
- def carla_peaks(self, path, args):
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- pluginId, in1, in2, out1, out2 = args
- self.host._set_peaks(pluginId, in1, in2, out1, out2)
- @make_method(None, None)
- def fallback(self, path, args):
- print("ControlServerUDP::fallback(\"%s\") - unknown message, args =" % path, args)
- self.fReceivedMsgs = True
- # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Main Window
- class HostWindowOSC(HostWindow):
- def __init__(self, host, oscAddr = None):
- self.fCustomOscAddress = oscAddr
- HostWindow.__init__(self, host, True)
- self.host = host
- if False:
- # kdevelop likes this :)
- host = CarlaHostOSC()
- self.host = host
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Connect actions to functions
- self.ui.act_file_connect.triggered.connect(self.slot_fileConnect)
- self.ui.act_file_refresh.triggered.connect(self.slot_fileRefresh)
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Final setup
- if oscAddr:
- QTimer.singleShot(0, self.connectOsc)
- def connectOsc(self, addrTCP = None, addrUDP = None, rhost = None):
- if self.fCustomOscAddress is not None:
- addrTCP = self.fCustomOscAddress.replace("osc.udp://","osc.tcp://")
- addrUDP = self.fCustomOscAddress.replace("osc.tcp://","osc.udp://")
- else:
- if addrTCP is not None:
- self.fOscAddressTCP = addrTCP
- if addrUDP is not None:
- self.fOscAddressUDP = addrUDP
- if rhost is not None:
- self.fOscReportedHost = rhost
- lo_target_tcp_name = addrTCP.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
- lo_target_udp_name = addrUDP.rsplit("/", 1)[-1]
- err = None
- try:
- lo_target_tcp = Address(addrTCP)
- lo_server_tcp = CarlaControlServerTCP(self.host, rhost)
- lo_send(lo_target_tcp, "/register", lo_server_tcp.getFullURL())
- lo_target_udp = Address(addrUDP)
- lo_server_udp = CarlaControlServerUDP(self.host, rhost)
- lo_send(lo_target_udp, "/register", lo_server_udp.getFullURL())
- except AddressError as e:
- err = e
- except OSError as e:
- err = e
- except:
- err = Exception()
- if err is not None:
- fullError = self.tr("Failed to connect to the Carla instance.")
- if len(err.args) > 0:
- fullError += " %s\n%s\n" % (self.tr("Error was:"), err.args[0])
- fullError += "\n"
- fullError += self.tr("Make sure the remote Carla is running and the URL and Port are correct.") + "\n"
- fullError += self.tr("If it still does not work, check your current device and the remote's firewall.")
- CustomMessageBox(self,
- QMessageBox.Warning,
- self.tr("Error"),
- self.tr("Connection failed"),
- fullError,
- QMessageBox.Ok,
- QMessageBox.Ok)
- return
- self.host.lo_server_tcp = lo_server_tcp
- self.host.lo_target_tcp = lo_target_tcp
- self.host.lo_target_tcp_name = lo_target_tcp_name
- self.host.lo_server_udp = lo_server_udp
- self.host.lo_target_udp = lo_target_udp
- self.host.lo_target_udp_name = lo_target_udp_name
- self.ui.act_file_refresh.setEnabled(True)
- self.startTimers()
- def disconnectOsc(self):
- self.killTimers()
- self.unregister()
- self.removeAllPlugins()
- patchcanvas.clear()
- self.ui.act_file_refresh.setEnabled(False)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def unregister(self):
- if self.host.lo_server_tcp is not None:
- if self.host.lo_target_tcp is not None:
- try:
- lo_send(self.host.lo_target_tcp, "/unregister", self.host.lo_server_tcp.getFullURL())
- except:
- pass
- self.host.lo_target_tcp = None
- while self.host.lo_server_tcp.recv(0):
- pass
- #self.host.lo_server_tcp.free()
- self.host.lo_server_tcp = None
- if self.host.lo_server_udp is not None:
- if self.host.lo_target_udp is not None:
- try:
- lo_send(self.host.lo_target_udp, "/unregister", self.host.lo_server_udp.getFullURL())
- except:
- pass
- self.host.lo_target_udp = None
- while self.host.lo_server_udp.recv(0):
- pass
- #self.host.lo_server_udp.free()
- self.host.lo_server_udp = None
- self.host.lo_target_tcp_name = ""
- self.host.lo_target_udp_name = ""
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Timers
- def idleFast(self):
- HostWindow.idleFast(self)
- if self.host.lo_server_tcp is not None:
- self.host.lo_server_tcp.idle()
- else:
- self.disconnectOsc()
- if self.host.lo_server_udp is not None:
- self.host.lo_server_udp.idle()
- else:
- self.disconnectOsc()
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def removeAllPlugins(self):
- self.host.fPluginsInfo = {}
- HostWindow.removeAllPlugins(self)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def loadSettings(self, firstTime):
- settings = HostWindow.loadSettings(self, firstTime)
- if self.fCustomOscAddress is not None:
- self.fOscAddressTCP = settings.value("RemoteAddressTCP", "osc.tcp://", type=str)
- self.fOscAddressUDP = settings.value("RemoteAddressUDP", "osc.udp://", type=str)
- self.fOscReportedHost = settings.value("RemoteReportedHost", "", type=str)
- def saveSettings(self):
- settings = HostWindow.saveSettings(self)
- if self.fOscAddressTCP:
- settings.setValue("RemoteAddressTCP", self.fOscAddressTCP)
- if self.fOscAddressUDP:
- settings.setValue("RemoteAddressUDP", self.fOscAddressUDP)
- if self.fOscReportedHost:
- settings.setValue("RemoteReportedHost", self.fOscReportedHost)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @pyqtSlot()
- def slot_fileConnect(self):
- dialog = ConnectDialog(self)
- if not dialog.exec_():
- return
- host, rhost, tcpPort, udpPort = dialog.getResult()
- self.disconnectOsc()
- self.connectOsc("osc.tcp://%s:%i/Carla" % (host, tcpPort),
- "osc.udp://%s:%i/Carla" % (host, udpPort),
- rhost)
- @pyqtSlot()
- def slot_fileRefresh(self):
- if None in (self.host.lo_server_tcp, self.host.lo_server_udp, self.host.lo_target_tcp, self.host.lo_target_udp):
- return
- lo_send(self.host.lo_target_udp, "/unregister", self.host.lo_server_udp.getFullURL())
- while self.host.lo_server_udp.recv(0):
- pass
- #self.host.lo_server_udp.free()
- lo_send(self.host.lo_target_tcp, "/unregister", self.host.lo_server_tcp.getFullURL())
- while self.host.lo_server_tcp.recv(0):
- pass
- #self.host.lo_server_tcp.free()
- self.removeAllPlugins()
- patchcanvas.clear()
- self.host.lo_server_tcp = CarlaControlServerTCP(self.host, self.fOscReportedHost)
- self.host.lo_server_udp = CarlaControlServerUDP(self.host, self.fOscReportedHost)
- try:
- lo_send(self.host.lo_target_tcp, "/register", self.host.lo_server_tcp.getFullURL())
- except:
- self.disconnectOsc()
- return
- try:
- lo_send(self.host.lo_target_udp, "/register", self.host.lo_server_udp.getFullURL())
- except:
- self.disconnectOsc()
- return
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @pyqtSlot()
- def slot_handleSIGTERM(self):
- print("Got SIGTERM -> Closing now")
- self.host.pendingMessages = []
- self.close()
- @pyqtSlot()
- def slot_handleQuitCallback(self):
- self.disconnectOsc()
- HostWindow.slot_handleQuitCallback(self)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- def closeEvent(self, event):
- self.killTimers()
- self.unregister()
- HostWindow.closeEvent(self, event)
- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------