/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ const int kilobytesPerSecond1x = 176; struct AudioTrackProducerClass : public ObjCClass { AudioTrackProducerClass() : ObjCClass ("JUCEAudioTrackProducer_") { addIvar ("source"); addMethod (@selector (initWithAudioSourceHolder:), initWithAudioSourceHolder, "@@:^v"); addMethod (@selector (cleanupTrackAfterBurn:), cleanupTrackAfterBurn, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (cleanupTrackAfterVerification:), cleanupTrackAfterVerification, "c@:@"); addMethod (@selector (estimateLengthOfTrack:), estimateLengthOfTrack, "Q@:@"); addMethod (@selector (prepareTrack:forBurn:toMedia:), prepareTrack, "c@:@@@"); addMethod (@selector (prepareTrackForVerification:), prepareTrackForVerification, "c@:@"); addMethod (@selector (produceDataForTrack:intoBuffer:length:atAddress:blockSize:ioFlags:), produceDataForTrack, "I@:@^cIQI^I"); addMethod (@selector (producePreGapForTrack:intoBuffer:length:atAddress:blockSize:ioFlags:), produceDataForTrack, "I@:@^cIQI^I"); addMethod (@selector (verifyDataForTrack:intoBuffer:length:atAddress:blockSize:ioFlags:), produceDataForTrack, "I@:@^cIQI^I"); registerClass(); } struct AudioSourceHolder { AudioSourceHolder (AudioSource* source_, int numFrames) : source (source_), readPosition (0), lengthInFrames (numFrames) { } ~AudioSourceHolder() { if (source != nullptr) source->releaseResources(); } ScopedPointer source; int readPosition, lengthInFrames; }; private: static id initWithAudioSourceHolder (id self, SEL, AudioSourceHolder* source) { self = sendSuperclassMessage (self, @selector (init)); object_setInstanceVariable (self, "source", source); return self; } static AudioSourceHolder* getSource (id self) { return getIvar (self, "source"); } static void dealloc (id self, SEL) { delete getSource (self); sendSuperclassMessage (self, @selector (dealloc)); } static void cleanupTrackAfterBurn (id self, SEL, DRTrack*) {} static BOOL cleanupTrackAfterVerification (id self, SEL, DRTrack*) { return true; } static uint64_t estimateLengthOfTrack (id self, SEL, DRTrack*) { return getSource (self)->lengthInFrames; } static BOOL prepareTrack (id self, SEL, DRTrack*, DRBurn*, NSDictionary*) { if (AudioSourceHolder* const source = getSource (self)) { source->source->prepareToPlay (44100 / 75, 44100); source->readPosition = 0; } return true; } static BOOL prepareTrackForVerification (id self, SEL, DRTrack*) { if (AudioSourceHolder* const source = getSource (self)) source->source->prepareToPlay (44100 / 75, 44100); return true; } static uint32_t produceDataForTrack (id self, SEL, DRTrack*, char* buffer, uint32_t bufferLength, uint64_t /*address*/, uint32_t /*blockSize*/, uint32_t* /*flags*/) { if (AudioSourceHolder* const source = getSource (self)) { const int numSamples = jmin ((int) bufferLength / 4, (source->lengthInFrames * (44100 / 75)) - source->readPosition); if (numSamples > 0) { AudioSampleBuffer tempBuffer (2, numSamples); AudioSourceChannelInfo info (tempBuffer); source->source->getNextAudioBlock (info); typedef AudioData::Pointer CDSampleFormat; typedef AudioData::Pointer SourceSampleFormat; CDSampleFormat left (buffer, 2); left.convertSamples (SourceSampleFormat (tempBuffer.getSampleData (0)), numSamples); CDSampleFormat right (buffer + 2, 2); right.convertSamples (SourceSampleFormat (tempBuffer.getSampleData (1)), numSamples); source->readPosition += numSamples; } return numSamples * 4; } return 0; } static uint32_t producePreGapForTrack (id self, SEL, DRTrack*, char* buffer, uint32_t bufferLength, uint64_t /*address*/, uint32_t /*blockSize*/, uint32_t* /*flags*/) { zeromem (buffer, bufferLength); return bufferLength; } static BOOL verifyDataForTrack (id self, SEL, DRTrack*, const char*, uint32_t /*bufferLength*/, uint64_t /*address*/, uint32_t /*blockSize*/, uint32_t* /*flags*/) { return true; } }; struct OpenDiskDevice { OpenDiskDevice (DRDevice* device_) : device (device_), tracks ([[NSMutableArray alloc] init]), underrunProtection (true) { } ~OpenDiskDevice() { [tracks release]; } void addSourceTrack (AudioSource* source, int numSamples) { if (source != nullptr) { const int numFrames = (numSamples + 587) / 588; static AudioTrackProducerClass cls; NSObject* producer = [cls.createInstance() performSelector: @selector (initWithAudioSourceHolder:) withObject: (id) new AudioTrackProducerClass::AudioSourceHolder (source, numFrames)]; DRTrack* track = [[DRTrack alloc] initWithProducer: producer]; { NSMutableDictionary* p = [[track properties] mutableCopy]; [p setObject: [DRMSF msfWithFrames: numFrames] forKey: DRTrackLengthKey]; [p setObject: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedShort: 2352] forKey: DRBlockSizeKey]; [p setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: 0] forKey: DRDataFormKey]; [p setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: 0] forKey: DRBlockTypeKey]; [p setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: 0] forKey: DRTrackModeKey]; [p setObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: 0] forKey: DRSessionFormatKey]; [track setProperties: p]; [p release]; } [tracks addObject: track]; [track release]; [producer release]; } } String burn (AudioCDBurner::BurnProgressListener* listener, bool shouldEject, bool peformFakeBurnForTesting, int burnSpeed) { DRBurn* burn = [DRBurn burnForDevice: device]; if (! [device acquireExclusiveAccess]) return "Couldn't open or write to the CD device"; [device acquireMediaReservation]; NSMutableDictionary* d = [[burn properties] mutableCopy]; [d autorelease]; [d setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: peformFakeBurnForTesting] forKey: DRBurnTestingKey]; [d setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: false] forKey: DRBurnVerifyDiscKey]; [d setObject: (shouldEject ? DRBurnCompletionActionEject : DRBurnCompletionActionMount) forKey: DRBurnCompletionActionKey]; if (burnSpeed > 0) [d setObject: [NSNumber numberWithFloat: burnSpeed * kilobytesPerSecond1x] forKey: DRBurnRequestedSpeedKey]; if (! underrunProtection) [d setObject: [NSNumber numberWithBool: false] forKey: DRBurnUnderrunProtectionKey]; [burn setProperties: d]; [burn writeLayout: tracks]; for (;;) { Thread::sleep (300); float progress = [[[burn status] objectForKey: DRStatusPercentCompleteKey] floatValue]; if (listener != nullptr && listener->audioCDBurnProgress (progress)) { [burn abort]; return "User cancelled the write operation"; } if ([[[burn status] objectForKey: DRStatusStateKey] isEqualTo: DRStatusStateFailed]) return "Write operation failed"; if ([[[burn status] objectForKey: DRStatusStateKey] isEqualTo: DRStatusStateDone]) break; NSString* err = (NSString*) [[[burn status] objectForKey: DRErrorStatusKey] objectForKey: DRErrorStatusErrorStringKey]; if ([err length] > 0) return CharPointer_UTF8 ([err UTF8String]); } [device releaseMediaReservation]; [device releaseExclusiveAccess]; return String::empty; } DRDevice* device; NSMutableArray* tracks; bool underrunProtection; }; //============================================================================== class AudioCDBurner::Pimpl : public Timer { public: Pimpl (AudioCDBurner& owner_, const int deviceIndex) : device (0), owner (owner_) { DRDevice* dev = [[DRDevice devices] objectAtIndex: deviceIndex]; if (dev != nil) { device = new OpenDiskDevice (dev); lastState = getDiskState(); startTimer (1000); } } ~Pimpl() { stopTimer(); } void timerCallback() override { const DiskState state = getDiskState(); if (state != lastState) { lastState = state; owner.sendChangeMessage(); } } DiskState getDiskState() const { if ([device->device isValid]) { NSDictionary* status = [device->device status]; NSString* state = [status objectForKey: DRDeviceMediaStateKey]; if ([state isEqualTo: DRDeviceMediaStateNone]) { if ([[status objectForKey: DRDeviceIsTrayOpenKey] boolValue]) return trayOpen; return noDisc; } if ([state isEqualTo: DRDeviceMediaStateMediaPresent]) { if ([[[status objectForKey: DRDeviceMediaInfoKey] objectForKey: DRDeviceMediaBlocksFreeKey] intValue] > 0) return writableDiskPresent; else return readOnlyDiskPresent; } } return unknown; } bool openTray() { return [device->device isValid] && [device->device ejectMedia]; } Array getAvailableWriteSpeeds() const { Array results; if ([device->device isValid]) { NSArray* speeds = [[[device->device status] objectForKey: DRDeviceMediaInfoKey] objectForKey: DRDeviceBurnSpeedsKey]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < [speeds count]; ++i) { const int kbPerSec = [[speeds objectAtIndex: i] intValue]; results.add (kbPerSec / kilobytesPerSecond1x); } } return results; } bool setBufferUnderrunProtection (const bool shouldBeEnabled) { if ([device->device isValid]) { device->underrunProtection = shouldBeEnabled; return shouldBeEnabled && [[[device->device status] objectForKey: DRDeviceCanUnderrunProtectCDKey] boolValue]; } return false; } int getNumAvailableAudioBlocks() const { return [[[[device->device status] objectForKey: DRDeviceMediaInfoKey] objectForKey: DRDeviceMediaBlocksFreeKey] intValue]; } ScopedPointer device; private: DiskState lastState; AudioCDBurner& owner; }; //============================================================================== AudioCDBurner::AudioCDBurner (const int deviceIndex) { pimpl = new Pimpl (*this, deviceIndex); } AudioCDBurner::~AudioCDBurner() { } AudioCDBurner* AudioCDBurner::openDevice (const int deviceIndex) { ScopedPointer b (new AudioCDBurner (deviceIndex)); if (b->pimpl->device == nil) b = 0; return b.release(); } namespace { NSArray* findDiskBurnerDevices() { NSMutableArray* results = [NSMutableArray array]; NSArray* devs = [DRDevice devices]; for (int i = 0; i < [devs count]; ++i) { NSDictionary* dic = [[devs objectAtIndex: i] info]; NSString* name = [dic valueForKey: DRDeviceProductNameKey]; if (name != nil) [results addObject: name]; } return results; } } StringArray AudioCDBurner::findAvailableDevices() { NSArray* names = findDiskBurnerDevices(); StringArray s; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < [names count]; ++i) s.add (CharPointer_UTF8 ([[names objectAtIndex: i] UTF8String])); return s; } AudioCDBurner::DiskState AudioCDBurner::getDiskState() const { return pimpl->getDiskState(); } bool AudioCDBurner::isDiskPresent() const { return getDiskState() == writableDiskPresent; } bool AudioCDBurner::openTray() { return pimpl->openTray(); } AudioCDBurner::DiskState AudioCDBurner::waitUntilStateChange (int timeOutMilliseconds) { const int64 timeout = Time::currentTimeMillis() + timeOutMilliseconds; DiskState oldState = getDiskState(); DiskState newState = oldState; while (newState == oldState && Time::currentTimeMillis() < timeout) { newState = getDiskState(); Thread::sleep (100); } return newState; } Array AudioCDBurner::getAvailableWriteSpeeds() const { return pimpl->getAvailableWriteSpeeds(); } bool AudioCDBurner::setBufferUnderrunProtection (const bool shouldBeEnabled) { return pimpl->setBufferUnderrunProtection (shouldBeEnabled); } int AudioCDBurner::getNumAvailableAudioBlocks() const { return pimpl->getNumAvailableAudioBlocks(); } bool AudioCDBurner::addAudioTrack (AudioSource* source, int numSamps) { if ([pimpl->device->device isValid]) { pimpl->device->addSourceTrack (source, numSamps); return true; } return false; } String AudioCDBurner::burn (AudioCDBurner::BurnProgressListener* listener, bool ejectDiscAfterwards, bool performFakeBurnForTesting, int writeSpeed) { if ([pimpl->device->device isValid]) return pimpl->device->burn (listener, ejectDiscAfterwards, performFakeBurnForTesting, writeSpeed); return "Couldn't open or write to the CD device"; }