/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ namespace MidiBufferHelpers { inline int getEventTime (const void* const d) noexcept { return *static_cast (d); } inline uint16 getEventDataSize (const void* const d) noexcept { return *reinterpret_cast (static_cast (d) + sizeof (int)); } inline uint16 getEventTotalSize (const void* const d) noexcept { return getEventDataSize (d) + sizeof (int) + sizeof (uint16); } static int findActualEventLength (const uint8* const data, const int maxBytes) noexcept { unsigned int byte = (unsigned int) *data; int size = 0; if (byte == 0xf0 || byte == 0xf7) { const uint8* d = data + 1; while (d < data + maxBytes) if (*d++ == 0xf7) break; size = (int) (d - data); } else if (byte == 0xff) { int n; const int bytesLeft = MidiMessage::readVariableLengthVal (data + 1, n); size = jmin (maxBytes, n + 2 + bytesLeft); } else if (byte >= 0x80) { size = jmin (maxBytes, MidiMessage::getMessageLengthFromFirstByte ((uint8) byte)); } return size; } } //============================================================================== MidiBuffer::MidiBuffer() noexcept : bytesUsed (0) { } MidiBuffer::MidiBuffer (const MidiMessage& message) noexcept : bytesUsed (0) { addEvent (message, 0); } MidiBuffer::MidiBuffer (const MidiBuffer& other) noexcept : data (other.data), bytesUsed (other.bytesUsed) { } MidiBuffer& MidiBuffer::operator= (const MidiBuffer& other) noexcept { bytesUsed = other.bytesUsed; data = other.data; return *this; } void MidiBuffer::swapWith (MidiBuffer& other) noexcept { data.swapWith (other.data); std::swap (bytesUsed, other.bytesUsed); } MidiBuffer::~MidiBuffer() { } inline uint8* MidiBuffer::getData() const noexcept { return static_cast (data.getData()); } void MidiBuffer::clear() noexcept { bytesUsed = 0; } void MidiBuffer::clear (const int startSample, const int numSamples) { uint8* const start = findEventAfter (getData(), startSample - 1); uint8* const end = findEventAfter (start, startSample + numSamples - 1); if (end > start) { const int bytesToMove = bytesUsed - (int) (end - getData()); if (bytesToMove > 0) memmove (start, end, (size_t) bytesToMove); bytesUsed -= (int) (end - start); } } void MidiBuffer::addEvent (const MidiMessage& m, const int sampleNumber) { addEvent (m.getRawData(), m.getRawDataSize(), sampleNumber); } void MidiBuffer::addEvent (const void* const newData, const int maxBytes, const int sampleNumber) { const int numBytes = MidiBufferHelpers::findActualEventLength (static_cast (newData), maxBytes); if (numBytes > 0) { size_t spaceNeeded = (size_t) bytesUsed + (size_t) numBytes + sizeof (int) + sizeof (uint16); data.ensureSize ((spaceNeeded + spaceNeeded / 2 + 8) & ~(size_t) 7); uint8* d = findEventAfter (getData(), sampleNumber); const int bytesToMove = bytesUsed - (int) (d - getData()); if (bytesToMove > 0) memmove (d + numBytes + sizeof (int) + sizeof (uint16), d, (size_t) bytesToMove); *reinterpret_cast (d) = sampleNumber; d += sizeof (int); *reinterpret_cast (d) = (uint16) numBytes; d += sizeof (uint16); memcpy (d, newData, (size_t) numBytes); bytesUsed += sizeof (int) + sizeof (uint16) + (size_t) numBytes; } } void MidiBuffer::addEvents (const MidiBuffer& otherBuffer, const int startSample, const int numSamples, const int sampleDeltaToAdd) { Iterator i (otherBuffer); i.setNextSamplePosition (startSample); const uint8* eventData; int eventSize, position; while (i.getNextEvent (eventData, eventSize, position) && (position < startSample + numSamples || numSamples < 0)) { addEvent (eventData, eventSize, position + sampleDeltaToAdd); } } void MidiBuffer::ensureSize (size_t minimumNumBytes) { data.ensureSize (minimumNumBytes); } bool MidiBuffer::isEmpty() const noexcept { return bytesUsed == 0; } int MidiBuffer::getNumEvents() const noexcept { int n = 0; const uint8* d = getData(); const uint8* const end = d + bytesUsed; while (d < end) { d += MidiBufferHelpers::getEventTotalSize (d); ++n; } return n; } int MidiBuffer::getFirstEventTime() const noexcept { return bytesUsed > 0 ? MidiBufferHelpers::getEventTime (data.getData()) : 0; } int MidiBuffer::getLastEventTime() const noexcept { if (bytesUsed == 0) return 0; const uint8* d = getData(); const uint8* const endData = d + bytesUsed; for (;;) { const uint8* const nextOne = d + MidiBufferHelpers::getEventTotalSize (d); if (nextOne >= endData) return MidiBufferHelpers::getEventTime (d); d = nextOne; } } uint8* MidiBuffer::findEventAfter (uint8* d, const int samplePosition) const noexcept { const uint8* const endData = getData() + bytesUsed; while (d < endData && MidiBufferHelpers::getEventTime (d) <= samplePosition) d += MidiBufferHelpers::getEventTotalSize (d); return d; } //============================================================================== MidiBuffer::Iterator::Iterator (const MidiBuffer& b) noexcept : buffer (b), data (b.getData()) { } MidiBuffer::Iterator::~Iterator() noexcept { } void MidiBuffer::Iterator::setNextSamplePosition (const int samplePosition) noexcept { data = buffer.getData(); const uint8* dataEnd = data + buffer.bytesUsed; while (data < dataEnd && MidiBufferHelpers::getEventTime (data) < samplePosition) data += MidiBufferHelpers::getEventTotalSize (data); } bool MidiBuffer::Iterator::getNextEvent (const uint8* &midiData, int& numBytes, int& samplePosition) noexcept { if (data >= buffer.getData() + buffer.bytesUsed) return false; samplePosition = MidiBufferHelpers::getEventTime (data); numBytes = MidiBufferHelpers::getEventDataSize (data); data += sizeof (int) + sizeof (uint16); midiData = data; data += numBytes; return true; } bool MidiBuffer::Iterator::getNextEvent (MidiMessage& result, int& samplePosition) noexcept { if (data >= buffer.getData() + buffer.bytesUsed) return false; samplePosition = MidiBufferHelpers::getEventTime (data); const int numBytes = MidiBufferHelpers::getEventDataSize (data); data += sizeof (int) + sizeof (uint16); result = MidiMessage (data, numBytes, samplePosition); data += numBytes; return true; }