/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { typedef void (*AppFocusChangeCallback)(); AppFocusChangeCallback appFocusChangeCallback = nullptr; typedef bool (*CheckEventBlockedByModalComps) (NSEvent*); CheckEventBlockedByModalComps isEventBlockedByModalComps = nullptr; typedef void (*MenuTrackingChangedCallback)(bool); MenuTrackingChangedCallback menuTrackingChangedCallback = nullptr; //============================================================================== struct AppDelegate { public: AppDelegate() { static AppDelegateClass cls; delegate = [cls.createInstance() init]; NSNotificationCenter* center = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; [center addObserver: delegate selector: @selector (mainMenuTrackingBegan:) name: NSMenuDidBeginTrackingNotification object: nil]; [center addObserver: delegate selector: @selector (mainMenuTrackingEnded:) name: NSMenuDidEndTrackingNotification object: nil]; if (JUCEApplicationBase::isStandaloneApp()) { [NSApp setDelegate: delegate]; [[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: delegate selector: @selector (broadcastMessageCallback:) name: getBroadcastEventName() object: nil suspensionBehavior: NSNotificationSuspensionBehaviorDeliverImmediately]; } else { [center addObserver: delegate selector: @selector (applicationDidResignActive:) name: NSApplicationDidResignActiveNotification object: NSApp]; [center addObserver: delegate selector: @selector (applicationDidBecomeActive:) name: NSApplicationDidBecomeActiveNotification object: NSApp]; [center addObserver: delegate selector: @selector (applicationWillUnhide:) name: NSApplicationWillUnhideNotification object: NSApp]; } } ~AppDelegate() { [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] cancelPerformSelectorsWithTarget: delegate]; [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: delegate]; if (JUCEApplicationBase::isStandaloneApp()) { [NSApp setDelegate: nil]; [[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: delegate name: getBroadcastEventName() object: nil]; } [delegate release]; } static NSString* getBroadcastEventName() { return juceStringToNS ("juce_" + String::toHexString (File::getSpecialLocation (File::currentExecutableFile).hashCode64())); } MessageQueue messageQueue; id delegate; private: //============================================================================== struct AppDelegateClass : public ObjCClass { AppDelegateClass() : ObjCClass ("JUCEAppDelegate_") { addMethod (@selector (applicationWillFinishLaunching:), applicationWillFinishLaunching, "v@:@@"); addMethod (@selector (getUrl:withReplyEvent:), getUrl_withReplyEvent, "v@:@@"); addMethod (@selector (applicationShouldTerminate:), applicationShouldTerminate, "I@:@"); addMethod (@selector (applicationWillTerminate:), applicationWillTerminate, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (application:openFile:), application_openFile, "c@:@@"); addMethod (@selector (application:openFiles:), application_openFiles, "v@:@@"); addMethod (@selector (applicationDidBecomeActive:), applicationDidBecomeActive, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (applicationDidResignActive:), applicationDidResignActive, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (applicationWillUnhide:), applicationWillUnhide, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (broadcastMessageCallback:), broadcastMessageCallback, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (mainMenuTrackingBegan:), mainMenuTrackingBegan, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (mainMenuTrackingEnded:), mainMenuTrackingEnded, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (dummyMethod), dummyMethod, "v@:"); registerClass(); } private: static void applicationWillFinishLaunching (id self, SEL, NSApplication*, NSNotification*) { [[NSAppleEventManager sharedAppleEventManager] setEventHandler: self andSelector: @selector (getUrl:withReplyEvent:) forEventClass: kInternetEventClass andEventID: kAEGetURL]; } static NSApplicationTerminateReply applicationShouldTerminate (id /*self*/, SEL, NSApplication*) { if (auto* app = JUCEApplicationBase::getInstance()) { app->systemRequestedQuit(); if (! MessageManager::getInstance()->hasStopMessageBeenSent()) return NSTerminateCancel; } return NSTerminateNow; } static void applicationWillTerminate (id /*self*/, SEL, NSNotification*) { JUCEApplicationBase::appWillTerminateByForce(); } static BOOL application_openFile (id /*self*/, SEL, NSApplication*, NSString* filename) { if (auto* app = JUCEApplicationBase::getInstance()) { app->anotherInstanceStarted (quotedIfContainsSpaces (filename)); return YES; } return NO; } static void application_openFiles (id /*self*/, SEL, NSApplication*, NSArray* filenames) { if (auto* app = JUCEApplicationBase::getInstance()) { StringArray files; for (NSString* f in filenames) files.add (quotedIfContainsSpaces (f)); if (files.size() > 0) app->anotherInstanceStarted (files.joinIntoString (" ")); } } static void applicationDidBecomeActive (id /*self*/, SEL, NSNotification*) { focusChanged(); } static void applicationDidResignActive (id /*self*/, SEL, NSNotification*) { focusChanged(); } static void applicationWillUnhide (id /*self*/, SEL, NSNotification*) { focusChanged(); } static void broadcastMessageCallback (id /*self*/, SEL, NSNotification* n) { NSDictionary* dict = (NSDictionary*) [n userInfo]; const String messageString (nsStringToJuce ((NSString*) [dict valueForKey: nsStringLiteral ("message")])); MessageManager::getInstance()->deliverBroadcastMessage (messageString); } static void mainMenuTrackingBegan (id /*self*/, SEL, NSNotification*) { if (menuTrackingChangedCallback != nullptr) (*menuTrackingChangedCallback) (true); } static void mainMenuTrackingEnded (id /*self*/, SEL, NSNotification*) { if (menuTrackingChangedCallback != nullptr) (*menuTrackingChangedCallback) (false); } static void dummyMethod (id /*self*/, SEL) {} // (used as a way of running a dummy thread) static void focusChanged() { if (appFocusChangeCallback != nullptr) (*appFocusChangeCallback)(); } static void getUrl_withReplyEvent (id /*self*/, SEL, NSAppleEventDescriptor* event, NSAppleEventDescriptor*) { if (auto* app = JUCEApplicationBase::getInstance()) app->anotherInstanceStarted (quotedIfContainsSpaces ([[event paramDescriptorForKeyword: keyDirectObject] stringValue])); } static String quotedIfContainsSpaces (NSString* file) { String s (nsStringToJuce (file)); if (s.containsChar (' ')) s = s.quoted ('"'); return s; } }; }; //============================================================================== void MessageManager::runDispatchLoop() { if (! quitMessagePosted) // check that the quit message wasn't already posted.. { JUCE_AUTORELEASEPOOL { // must only be called by the message thread! jassert (isThisTheMessageThread()); #if JUCE_PROJUCER_LIVE_BUILD runDispatchLoopUntil (std::numeric_limits::max()); #else #if JUCE_CATCH_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTIONS @try { [NSApp run]; } @catch (NSException* e) { // An AppKit exception will kill the app, but at least this provides a chance to log it., std::runtime_error ex (std::string ("NSException: ") + [[e name] UTF8String] + ", Reason:" + [[e reason] UTF8String]); JUCEApplicationBase::sendUnhandledException (&ex, __FILE__, __LINE__); } @finally { } #else [NSApp run]; #endif #endif } } } static void shutdownNSApp() { [NSApp stop: nil]; [NSEvent startPeriodicEventsAfterDelay: 0 withPeriod: 0.1]; } void MessageManager::stopDispatchLoop() { #if JUCE_PROJUCER_LIVE_BUILD quitMessagePosted = true; #else if (isThisTheMessageThread()) { quitMessagePosted = true; shutdownNSApp(); } else { struct QuitCallback : public CallbackMessage { QuitCallback() {} void messageCallback() override { MessageManager::getInstance()->stopDispatchLoop(); } }; (new QuitCallback())->post(); } #endif } #if JUCE_MODAL_LOOPS_PERMITTED bool MessageManager::runDispatchLoopUntil (int millisecondsToRunFor) { jassert (millisecondsToRunFor >= 0); jassert (isThisTheMessageThread()); // must only be called by the message thread uint32 endTime = Time::getMillisecondCounter() + (uint32) millisecondsToRunFor; while (! quitMessagePosted) { JUCE_AUTORELEASEPOOL { CFRunLoopRunInMode (kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 0.001, true); NSEvent* e = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask: NSEventMaskAny untilDate: [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow: 0.001] inMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode dequeue: YES]; if (e != nil && (isEventBlockedByModalComps == nullptr || ! (*isEventBlockedByModalComps) (e))) [NSApp sendEvent: e]; if (Time::getMillisecondCounter() >= endTime) break; } } return ! quitMessagePosted; } #endif //============================================================================== void initialiseNSApplication(); void initialiseNSApplication() { JUCE_AUTORELEASEPOOL { [NSApplication sharedApplication]; } } static AppDelegate* appDelegate = nullptr; void MessageManager::doPlatformSpecificInitialisation() { if (appDelegate == nil) appDelegate = new AppDelegate(); } void MessageManager::doPlatformSpecificShutdown() { delete appDelegate; appDelegate = nullptr; } bool MessageManager::postMessageToSystemQueue (MessageBase* message) { jassert (appDelegate != nil); appDelegate->messageQueue.post (message); return true; } void MessageManager::broadcastMessage (const String& message) { NSDictionary* info = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject: juceStringToNS (message) forKey: nsStringLiteral ("message")]; [[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName: AppDelegate::getBroadcastEventName() object: nil userInfo: info]; } // Special function used by some plugin classes to re-post carbon events void __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) repostCurrentNSEvent(); void __attribute__ ((visibility("default"))) repostCurrentNSEvent() { struct EventReposter : public CallbackMessage { EventReposter() : e ([[NSApp currentEvent] retain]) {} ~EventReposter() { [e release]; } void messageCallback() override { [NSApp postEvent: e atStart: YES]; } NSEvent* e; }; (new EventReposter())->post(); } //============================================================================== #if JUCE_MAC struct MountedVolumeListChangeDetector::Pimpl { Pimpl (MountedVolumeListChangeDetector& d) : owner (d) { static ObserverClass cls; delegate = [cls.createInstance() init]; ObserverClass::setOwner (delegate, this); NSNotificationCenter* nc = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter]; [nc addObserver: delegate selector: @selector (changed:) name: NSWorkspaceDidMountNotification object: nil]; [nc addObserver: delegate selector: @selector (changed:) name: NSWorkspaceDidUnmountNotification object: nil]; } ~Pimpl() { [[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] notificationCenter] removeObserver: delegate]; [delegate release]; } private: MountedVolumeListChangeDetector& owner; id delegate; struct ObserverClass : public ObjCClass { ObserverClass() : ObjCClass ("JUCEDriveObserver_") { addIvar ("owner"); addMethod (@selector (changed:), changed, "v@:@"); addProtocol (@protocol (NSTextInput)); registerClass(); } static Pimpl* getOwner (id self) { return getIvar (self, "owner"); } static void setOwner (id self, Pimpl* owner) { object_setInstanceVariable (self, "owner", owner); } static void changed (id self, SEL, NSNotification*) { getOwner (self)->owner.mountedVolumeListChanged(); } }; }; MountedVolumeListChangeDetector::MountedVolumeListChangeDetector() { pimpl = new Pimpl (*this); } MountedVolumeListChangeDetector::~MountedVolumeListChangeDetector() {} #endif } // namespace juce