/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2022 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 7 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy. End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-7-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { void LookAndFeel::playAlertSound() { NSBeep(); } //============================================================================== class OSXMessageBox : private AsyncUpdater { public: OSXMessageBox (const MessageBoxOptions& opts, std::unique_ptr&& c) : options (opts), callback (std::move (c)) { } int getResult() const { return convertResult ([getAlert() runModal]); } using AsyncUpdater::triggerAsyncUpdate; private: static int convertResult (NSModalResponse response) { switch (response) { case NSAlertFirstButtonReturn: return 0; case NSAlertSecondButtonReturn: return 1; case NSAlertThirdButtonReturn: return 2; default: break; } jassertfalse; return 0; } void handleAsyncUpdate() override { if (auto* comp = options.getAssociatedComponent()) { if (auto* peer = comp->getPeer()) { if (auto* view = static_cast (peer->getNativeHandle())) { if (auto* window = [view window]) { if (@available (macOS 10.9, *)) { [getAlert() beginSheetModalForWindow: window completionHandler: ^(NSModalResponse result) { handleModalFinished (result); }]; return; } } } } } handleModalFinished ([getAlert() runModal]); } void handleModalFinished (NSModalResponse result) { if (callback != nullptr) callback->modalStateFinished (convertResult (result)); delete this; } static void addButton (NSAlert* alert, const String& button) { if (! button.isEmpty()) [alert addButtonWithTitle: juceStringToNS (button)]; } NSAlert* getAlert() const { NSAlert* alert = [[[NSAlert alloc] init] autorelease]; [alert setMessageText: juceStringToNS (options.getTitle())]; [alert setInformativeText: juceStringToNS (options.getMessage())]; [alert setAlertStyle: options.getIconType() == MessageBoxIconType::WarningIcon ? NSAlertStyleCritical : NSAlertStyleInformational]; const auto button1Text = options.getButtonText (0); addButton (alert, button1Text.isEmpty() ? "OK" : button1Text); addButton (alert, options.getButtonText (1)); addButton (alert, options.getButtonText (2)); return alert; } MessageBoxOptions options; std::unique_ptr callback; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (OSXMessageBox) }; static int showDialog (const MessageBoxOptions& options, ModalComponentManager::Callback* callbackIn, AlertWindowMappings::MapFn mapFn) { #if JUCE_MODAL_LOOPS_PERMITTED if (callbackIn == nullptr) { jassert (mapFn != nullptr); OSXMessageBox messageBox (options, nullptr); return mapFn (messageBox.getResult()); } #endif auto messageBox = std::make_unique (options, AlertWindowMappings::getWrappedCallback (callbackIn, mapFn)); messageBox->triggerAsyncUpdate(); messageBox.release(); return 0; } #if JUCE_MODAL_LOOPS_PERMITTED void JUCE_CALLTYPE NativeMessageBox::showMessageBox (MessageBoxIconType iconType, const String& title, const String& message, Component* associatedComponent) { showDialog (MessageBoxOptions() .withIconType (iconType) .withTitle (title) .withMessage (message) .withButton (TRANS("OK")) .withAssociatedComponent (associatedComponent), nullptr, AlertWindowMappings::messageBox); } int JUCE_CALLTYPE NativeMessageBox::show (const MessageBoxOptions& options) { return showDialog (options, nullptr, AlertWindowMappings::noMapping); } #endif void JUCE_CALLTYPE NativeMessageBox::showMessageBoxAsync (MessageBoxIconType iconType, const String& title, const String& message, Component* associatedComponent, ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback) { showDialog (MessageBoxOptions() .withIconType (iconType) .withTitle (title) .withMessage (message) .withButton (TRANS("OK")) .withAssociatedComponent (associatedComponent), callback, AlertWindowMappings::messageBox); } bool JUCE_CALLTYPE NativeMessageBox::showOkCancelBox (MessageBoxIconType iconType, const String& title, const String& message, Component* associatedComponent, ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback) { return showDialog (MessageBoxOptions() .withIconType (iconType) .withTitle (title) .withMessage (message) .withButton (TRANS("OK")) .withButton (TRANS("Cancel")) .withAssociatedComponent (associatedComponent), callback, AlertWindowMappings::okCancel) != 0; } int JUCE_CALLTYPE NativeMessageBox::showYesNoCancelBox (MessageBoxIconType iconType, const String& title, const String& message, Component* associatedComponent, ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback) { return showDialog (MessageBoxOptions() .withIconType (iconType) .withTitle (title) .withMessage (message) .withButton (TRANS("Yes")) .withButton (TRANS("No")) .withButton (TRANS("Cancel")) .withAssociatedComponent (associatedComponent), callback, AlertWindowMappings::yesNoCancel); } int JUCE_CALLTYPE NativeMessageBox::showYesNoBox (MessageBoxIconType iconType, const String& title, const String& message, Component* associatedComponent, ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback) { return showDialog (MessageBoxOptions() .withIconType (iconType) .withTitle (title) .withMessage (message) .withButton (TRANS("Yes")) .withButton (TRANS("No")) .withAssociatedComponent (associatedComponent), callback, AlertWindowMappings::okCancel); } void JUCE_CALLTYPE NativeMessageBox::showAsync (const MessageBoxOptions& options, ModalComponentManager::Callback* callback) { showDialog (options, callback, AlertWindowMappings::noMapping); } void JUCE_CALLTYPE NativeMessageBox::showAsync (const MessageBoxOptions& options, std::function callback) { showAsync (options, ModalCallbackFunction::create (callback)); } //============================================================================== static NSRect getDragRect (NSView* view, NSEvent* event) { auto eventPos = [event locationInWindow]; return [view convertRect: NSMakeRect (eventPos.x - 16.0f, eventPos.y - 16.0f, 32.0f, 32.0f) fromView: nil]; } static NSView* getNSViewForDragEvent (Component* sourceComp) { if (sourceComp == nullptr) if (auto* draggingSource = Desktop::getInstance().getDraggingMouseSource (0)) sourceComp = draggingSource->getComponentUnderMouse(); if (sourceComp != nullptr) return (NSView*) sourceComp->getWindowHandle(); jassertfalse; // This method must be called in response to a component's mouseDown or mouseDrag event! return nil; } struct NSDraggingSourceHelper : public ObjCClass> { NSDraggingSourceHelper() : ObjCClass> ("JUCENSDraggingSourceHelper_") { addIvar*> ("callback"); addIvar ("text"); addIvar ("operation"); addMethod (@selector (dealloc), dealloc); addMethod (@selector (pasteboard:item:provideDataForType:), provideDataForType); addMethod (@selector (draggingSession:sourceOperationMaskForDraggingContext:), sourceOperationMaskForDraggingContext); addMethod (@selector (draggingSession:endedAtPoint:operation:), draggingSessionEnded); addProtocol (@protocol (NSPasteboardItemDataProvider)); registerClass(); } static void setText (id self, const String& text) { object_setInstanceVariable (self, "text", new String (text)); } static void setCompletionCallback (id self, std::function cb) { object_setInstanceVariable (self, "callback", new std::function (cb)); } static void setDragOperation (id self, NSDragOperation op) { object_setInstanceVariable (self, "operation", new NSDragOperation (op)); } private: static void dealloc (id self, SEL) { delete getIvar (self, "text"); delete getIvar*> (self, "callback"); delete getIvar (self, "operation"); sendSuperclassMessage (self, @selector (dealloc)); } static void provideDataForType (id self, SEL, NSPasteboard* sender, NSPasteboardItem*, NSString* type) { if ([type compare: NSPasteboardTypeString] == NSOrderedSame) if (auto* text = getIvar (self, "text")) [sender setData: [juceStringToNS (*text) dataUsingEncoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding] forType: NSPasteboardTypeString]; } static NSDragOperation sourceOperationMaskForDraggingContext (id self, SEL, NSDraggingSession*, NSDraggingContext) { return *getIvar (self, "operation"); } static void draggingSessionEnded (id self, SEL, NSDraggingSession*, NSPoint p, NSDragOperation) { // Our view doesn't receive a mouse up when the drag ends so we need to generate one here and send it... if (auto* view = getNSViewForDragEvent (nullptr)) if (auto* cgEvent = CGEventCreateMouseEvent (nullptr, kCGEventLeftMouseUp, CGPointMake (p.x, p.y), kCGMouseButtonLeft)) if (id e = [NSEvent eventWithCGEvent: cgEvent]) [view mouseUp: e]; if (auto* cb = getIvar*> (self, "callback")) cb->operator()(); } }; static NSDraggingSourceHelper draggingSourceHelper; bool DragAndDropContainer::performExternalDragDropOfText (const String& text, Component* sourceComponent, std::function callback) { if (text.isEmpty()) return false; if (auto* view = getNSViewForDragEvent (sourceComponent)) { JUCE_AUTORELEASEPOOL { if (auto event = [[view window] currentEvent]) { id helper = [draggingSourceHelper.createInstance() init]; NSDraggingSourceHelper::setText (helper, text); NSDraggingSourceHelper::setDragOperation (helper, NSDragOperationCopy); if (callback != nullptr) NSDraggingSourceHelper::setCompletionCallback (helper, callback); auto pasteboardItem = [[NSPasteboardItem new] autorelease]; [pasteboardItem setDataProvider: helper forTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObjects: NSPasteboardTypeString, nil]]; auto dragItem = [[[NSDraggingItem alloc] initWithPasteboardWriter: pasteboardItem] autorelease]; NSImage* image = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFile: nsEmptyString()]; [dragItem setDraggingFrame: getDragRect (view, event) contents: image]; if (auto session = [view beginDraggingSessionWithItems: [NSArray arrayWithObject: dragItem] event: event source: helper]) { session.animatesToStartingPositionsOnCancelOrFail = YES; session.draggingFormation = NSDraggingFormationNone; return true; } } } } return false; } bool DragAndDropContainer::performExternalDragDropOfFiles (const StringArray& files, bool canMoveFiles, Component* sourceComponent, std::function callback) { if (files.isEmpty()) return false; if (auto* view = getNSViewForDragEvent (sourceComponent)) { JUCE_AUTORELEASEPOOL { if (auto event = [[view window] currentEvent]) { auto dragItems = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease]; for (auto& filename : files) { auto* nsFilename = juceStringToNS (filename); auto fileURL = [NSURL fileURLWithPath: nsFilename]; auto dragItem = [[NSDraggingItem alloc] initWithPasteboardWriter: fileURL]; auto eventPos = [event locationInWindow]; auto dragRect = [view convertRect: NSMakeRect (eventPos.x - 16.0f, eventPos.y - 16.0f, 32.0f, 32.0f) fromView: nil]; auto dragImage = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFile: nsFilename]; [dragItem setDraggingFrame: dragRect contents: dragImage]; [dragItems addObject: dragItem]; [dragItem release]; } auto helper = [draggingSourceHelper.createInstance() autorelease]; if (callback != nullptr) NSDraggingSourceHelper::setCompletionCallback (helper, callback); NSDraggingSourceHelper::setDragOperation (helper, canMoveFiles ? NSDragOperationMove : NSDragOperationCopy); return [view beginDraggingSessionWithItems: dragItems event: event source: helper] != nullptr; } } } return false; } //============================================================================== bool Desktop::canUseSemiTransparentWindows() noexcept { return true; } Point MouseInputSource::getCurrentRawMousePosition() { JUCE_AUTORELEASEPOOL { auto p = [NSEvent mouseLocation]; return { (float) p.x, (float) (getMainScreenHeight() - p.y) }; } } void MouseInputSource::setRawMousePosition (Point newPosition) { // this rubbish needs to be done around the warp call, to avoid causing a // bizarre glitch.. CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition (false); CGWarpMouseCursorPosition (convertToCGPoint (newPosition)); CGAssociateMouseAndMouseCursorPosition (true); } double Desktop::getDefaultMasterScale() { return 1.0; } Desktop::DisplayOrientation Desktop::getCurrentOrientation() const { return upright; } bool Desktop::isDarkModeActive() const { return [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey: nsStringLiteral ("AppleInterfaceStyle")] isEqualToString: nsStringLiteral ("Dark")]; } class Desktop::NativeDarkModeChangeDetectorImpl { public: NativeDarkModeChangeDetectorImpl() { static DelegateClass delegateClass; delegate = [delegateClass.createInstance() init]; object_setInstanceVariable (delegate, "owner", this); JUCE_BEGIN_IGNORE_WARNINGS_GCC_LIKE ("-Wundeclared-selector") [[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver: delegate selector: @selector (darkModeChanged:) name: @"AppleInterfaceThemeChangedNotification" object: nil]; JUCE_END_IGNORE_WARNINGS_GCC_LIKE } ~NativeDarkModeChangeDetectorImpl() { object_setInstanceVariable (delegate, "owner", nullptr); [[NSDistributedNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver: delegate]; [delegate release]; } void darkModeChanged() { Desktop::getInstance().darkModeChanged(); } private: struct DelegateClass : public ObjCClass { DelegateClass() : ObjCClass ("JUCEDelegate_") { addIvar ("owner"); JUCE_BEGIN_IGNORE_WARNINGS_GCC_LIKE ("-Wundeclared-selector") addMethod (@selector (darkModeChanged:), darkModeChanged); JUCE_END_IGNORE_WARNINGS_GCC_LIKE registerClass(); } static void darkModeChanged (id self, SEL, NSNotification*) { if (auto* owner = getIvar (self, "owner")) owner->darkModeChanged(); } }; id delegate = nil; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (NativeDarkModeChangeDetectorImpl) }; std::unique_ptr Desktop::createNativeDarkModeChangeDetectorImpl() { return std::make_unique(); } //============================================================================== class ScreenSaverDefeater : public Timer { public: ScreenSaverDefeater() { startTimer (5000); timerCallback(); } void timerCallback() override { if (Process::isForegroundProcess()) { if (assertion == nullptr) assertion.reset (new PMAssertion()); } else { assertion.reset(); } } struct PMAssertion { PMAssertion() : assertionID (kIOPMNullAssertionID) { IOReturn res = IOPMAssertionCreateWithName (kIOPMAssertionTypePreventUserIdleDisplaySleep, kIOPMAssertionLevelOn, CFSTR ("JUCE Playback"), &assertionID); jassert (res == kIOReturnSuccess); ignoreUnused (res); } ~PMAssertion() { if (assertionID != kIOPMNullAssertionID) IOPMAssertionRelease (assertionID); } IOPMAssertionID assertionID; }; std::unique_ptr assertion; }; static std::unique_ptr screenSaverDefeater; void Desktop::setScreenSaverEnabled (const bool isEnabled) { if (isEnabled) screenSaverDefeater.reset(); else if (screenSaverDefeater == nullptr) screenSaverDefeater.reset (new ScreenSaverDefeater()); } bool Desktop::isScreenSaverEnabled() { return screenSaverDefeater == nullptr; } //============================================================================== struct DisplaySettingsChangeCallback : private DeletedAtShutdown { DisplaySettingsChangeCallback() { CGDisplayRegisterReconfigurationCallback (displayReconfigurationCallback, this); } ~DisplaySettingsChangeCallback() { CGDisplayRemoveReconfigurationCallback (displayReconfigurationCallback, this); clearSingletonInstance(); } static void displayReconfigurationCallback (CGDirectDisplayID, CGDisplayChangeSummaryFlags, void* userInfo) { if (auto* thisPtr = static_cast (userInfo)) if (thisPtr->forceDisplayUpdate != nullptr) thisPtr->forceDisplayUpdate(); } std::function forceDisplayUpdate; JUCE_DECLARE_SINGLETON (DisplaySettingsChangeCallback, false) JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (DisplaySettingsChangeCallback) }; JUCE_IMPLEMENT_SINGLETON (DisplaySettingsChangeCallback) static Rectangle convertDisplayRect (NSRect r, CGFloat mainScreenBottom) { r.origin.y = mainScreenBottom - (r.origin.y + r.size.height); return convertToRectInt (r); } static Displays::Display getDisplayFromScreen (NSScreen* s, CGFloat& mainScreenBottom, const float masterScale) { Displays::Display d; d.isMain = (mainScreenBottom == 0); if (d.isMain) mainScreenBottom = [s frame].size.height; d.userArea = convertDisplayRect ([s visibleFrame], mainScreenBottom) / masterScale; d.totalArea = convertDisplayRect ([s frame], mainScreenBottom) / masterScale; d.scale = masterScale; if ([s respondsToSelector: @selector (backingScaleFactor)]) d.scale *= s.backingScaleFactor; NSSize dpi = [[[s deviceDescription] objectForKey: NSDeviceResolution] sizeValue]; d.dpi = (dpi.width + dpi.height) / 2.0; return d; } void Displays::findDisplays (const float masterScale) { JUCE_AUTORELEASEPOOL { if (DisplaySettingsChangeCallback::getInstanceWithoutCreating() == nullptr) DisplaySettingsChangeCallback::getInstance()->forceDisplayUpdate = [this] { refresh(); }; CGFloat mainScreenBottom = 0; for (NSScreen* s in [NSScreen screens]) displays.add (getDisplayFromScreen (s, mainScreenBottom, masterScale)); } } //============================================================================== bool juce_areThereAnyAlwaysOnTopWindows() { for (NSWindow* window in [NSApp windows]) if ([window level] > NSNormalWindowLevel) return true; return false; } //============================================================================== static void selectImageForDrawing (const Image& image) { [NSGraphicsContext saveGraphicsState]; if (@available (macOS 10.10, *)) { [NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext: [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithCGContext: juce_getImageContext (image) flipped: false]]; return; } JUCE_BEGIN_IGNORE_WARNINGS_GCC_LIKE ("-Wdeprecated-declarations") [NSGraphicsContext setCurrentContext: [NSGraphicsContext graphicsContextWithGraphicsPort: juce_getImageContext (image) flipped: false]]; JUCE_END_IGNORE_WARNINGS_GCC_LIKE } static void releaseImageAfterDrawing() { [[NSGraphicsContext currentContext] flushGraphics]; [NSGraphicsContext restoreGraphicsState]; } Image juce_createIconForFile (const File& file) { JUCE_AUTORELEASEPOOL { NSImage* image = [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] iconForFile: juceStringToNS (file.getFullPathName())]; Image result (Image::ARGB, (int) [image size].width, (int) [image size].height, true); selectImageForDrawing (result); [image drawAtPoint: NSMakePoint (0, 0) fromRect: NSMakeRect (0, 0, [image size].width, [image size].height) operation: NSCompositingOperationSourceOver fraction: 1.0f]; releaseImageAfterDrawing(); return result; } } static Image createNSWindowSnapshot (NSWindow* nsWindow) { JUCE_AUTORELEASEPOOL { CGImageRef screenShot = CGWindowListCreateImage (CGRectNull, kCGWindowListOptionIncludingWindow, (CGWindowID) [nsWindow windowNumber], kCGWindowImageBoundsIgnoreFraming); NSBitmapImageRep* bitmapRep = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithCGImage: screenShot]; Image result (Image::ARGB, (int) [bitmapRep size].width, (int) [bitmapRep size].height, true); selectImageForDrawing (result); [bitmapRep drawAtPoint: NSMakePoint (0, 0)]; releaseImageAfterDrawing(); [bitmapRep release]; CGImageRelease (screenShot); return result; } } Image createSnapshotOfNativeWindow (void* nativeWindowHandle) { if (id windowOrView = (id) nativeWindowHandle) { if ([windowOrView isKindOfClass: [NSWindow class]]) return createNSWindowSnapshot ((NSWindow*) windowOrView); if ([windowOrView isKindOfClass: [NSView class]]) return createNSWindowSnapshot ([(NSView*) windowOrView window]); } return {}; } //============================================================================== void SystemClipboard::copyTextToClipboard (const String& text) { NSPasteboard* pb = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard]; [pb declareTypes: [NSArray arrayWithObject: NSPasteboardTypeString] owner: nil]; [pb setString: juceStringToNS (text) forType: NSPasteboardTypeString]; } String SystemClipboard::getTextFromClipboard() { return nsStringToJuce ([[NSPasteboard generalPasteboard] stringForType: NSPasteboardTypeString]); } void Process::setDockIconVisible (bool isVisible) { ProcessSerialNumber psn { 0, kCurrentProcess }; OSStatus err = TransformProcessType (&psn, isVisible ? kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication : kProcessTransformToUIElementApplication); jassert (err == 0); ignoreUnused (err); } } // namespace juce