/* * Carla Native Plugins * Copyright (C) 2012-2015 Filipe Coelho * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For a full copy of the GNU General Public License see the doc/GPL.txt file. */ #include "CarlaNative.hpp" #include "CarlaMathUtils.hpp" #include "CarlaJuceUtils.hpp" #include "juce_audio_basics.h" #include "zita-common.hpp" #include "zita-bls1/guiclass.cc" #include "zita-bls1/hp3filt.cc" #include "zita-bls1/jclient.cc" #include "zita-bls1/lfshelf2.cc" #include "zita-bls1/mainwin.cc" #include "zita-bls1/png2img.cc" #include "zita-bls1/rotary.cc" #include "zita-bls1/shuffler.cc" #include "zita-bls1/styles.cc" using juce::FloatVectorOperations; using juce::ScopedPointer; using namespace BLS1; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // BLS1 Plugin class BLS1Plugin : public NativePluginClass, public X_handler_thread::SetValueCallback, private Mainwin::ValueChangedCallback { public: static const uint32_t kNumInputs = 2; static const uint32_t kNumOutputs = 2; enum Parameters { kParameterINPBAL, kParameterHPFILT, kParameterSHGAIN, kParameterSHFREQ, kParameterLFFREQ, kParameterLFGAIN, kParameterNROTARY }; BLS1Plugin(const NativeHostDescriptor* const host) : NativePluginClass(host), fJackClient(), xresman(), jclient(nullptr), display(nullptr), rootwin(nullptr), mainwin(nullptr), handler(nullptr), handlerThread(this), leakDetector_BLS1Plugin() { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT(host != nullptr); carla_zeroStruct(fJackClient); fJackClient.clientName = "bls1"; fJackClient.bufferSize = getBufferSize(); fJackClient.sampleRate = getSampleRate(); int argc = 1; char* argv[] = { (char*)"bls1" }; xresman.init(&argc, argv, (char*)"bls1", nullptr, 0); jclient = new Jclient(xresman.rname(), &fJackClient); // set initial values fParameters[kParameterINPBAL] = 0.0f; fParameters[kParameterHPFILT] = 40.0f; fParameters[kParameterSHGAIN] = 15.0f; fParameters[kParameterSHFREQ] = 5e2f; fParameters[kParameterLFFREQ] = 80.0f; fParameters[kParameterLFGAIN] = 0.0f; jclient->set_inpbal(fParameters[kParameterINPBAL]); jclient->set_hpfilt(fParameters[kParameterHPFILT]); jclient->shuffler()->prepare(fParameters[kParameterSHGAIN], fParameters[kParameterSHFREQ]); jclient->set_loshelf(fParameters[kParameterLFGAIN], fParameters[kParameterLFFREQ]); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plugin parameter calls uint32_t getParameterCount() const override { return kParameterNROTARY; } const NativeParameter* getParameterInfo(const uint32_t index) const override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(index < kParameterNROTARY, nullptr); static NativeParameter param; int hints = NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_ENABLED|NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_AUTOMABLE; // reset param.name = nullptr; param.unit = nullptr; param.ranges.def = 0.0f; param.ranges.min = 0.0f; param.ranges.max = 1.0f; param.ranges.step = 1.0f; param.ranges.stepSmall = 1.0f; param.ranges.stepLarge = 1.0f; param.scalePointCount = 0; param.scalePoints = nullptr; switch (index) { case kParameterINPBAL: param.name = "Input balance"; //param.unit = "dB"; param.ranges.def = 0.0f; param.ranges.min = -3.0f; param.ranges.max = 3.0f; break; case kParameterHPFILT: hints |= NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_LOGARITHMIC; param.name = "Highpass filter"; param.ranges.def = 40.0f; param.ranges.min = 10.0f; param.ranges.max = 320.0f; break; case kParameterSHGAIN: param.name = "Shuffler gain"; param.ranges.def = 15.0f; param.ranges.min = 0.0f; param.ranges.max = 24.0f; break; case kParameterSHFREQ: hints |= NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_LOGARITHMIC; param.name = "Shuffler frequency"; param.ranges.def = 5e2f; param.ranges.min = 125.0f; param.ranges.max = 2e3f; break; case kParameterLFFREQ: hints |= NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_LOGARITHMIC; param.name = "LF shelf filter frequency"; param.ranges.def = 80.0f; param.ranges.min = 20.0f; param.ranges.max = 320.0f; break; case kParameterLFGAIN: param.name = "LF shelf filter gain"; param.ranges.def = 0.0f; param.ranges.min = -9.0f; param.ranges.max = 9.0f; break; } param.hints = static_cast(hints); return ¶m; } float getParameterValue(const uint32_t index) const override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(index < kParameterNROTARY, 0.0f); return fParameters[index]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plugin state calls void setParameterValue(const uint32_t index, const float value) override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(index < kParameterNROTARY,); fParameters[index] = value; switch (index) { case kParameterINPBAL: jclient->set_inpbal(value); break; case kParameterHPFILT: jclient->set_hpfilt(value); break; case kParameterSHGAIN: jclient->shuffler()->prepare(value, fParameters[kParameterSHFREQ]); break; case kParameterSHFREQ: jclient->shuffler()->prepare(fParameters[kParameterSHGAIN], value); break; case kParameterLFFREQ: jclient->set_loshelf(fParameters[kParameterLFGAIN], value); break; case kParameterLFGAIN: jclient->set_loshelf(value, fParameters[kParameterLFFREQ]); break; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plugin process calls void process(float** const inBuffer, float** const outBuffer, const uint32_t frames, const NativeMidiEvent* const, const uint32_t) override { if (! fJackClient.active) { const int iframes(static_cast(frames)); for (uint32_t i=0; idpy() == nullptr) return hostUiUnavailable(); styles_init(display, &xresman, getResourceDir()); rootwin = new X_rootwin(display); mainwin = new Mainwin(rootwin, &xresman, 0, 0, jclient, this); rootwin->handle_event(); mainwin->x_set_title(getUiName()); handler = new X_handler(display, mainwin, EV_X11); if (const uintptr_t winId = getUiParentId()) XSetTransientForHint(display->dpy(), mainwin->win(), static_cast(winId)); handler->next_event(); XFlush(display->dpy()); handlerThread.setupAndRun(handler, rootwin, mainwin); } else { if (handlerThread.isThreadRunning()) handlerThread.stopThread(); handler = nullptr; mainwin = nullptr; rootwin = nullptr; display = nullptr; } } void uiIdle() override { if (mainwin == nullptr) return; if (handlerThread.wasClosed()) { { const CarlaMutexLocker cml(handlerThread.getLock()); handler = nullptr; mainwin = nullptr; rootwin = nullptr; display = nullptr; } uiClosed(); } } void uiSetParameterValue(const uint32_t index, const float value) override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(index < kParameterNROTARY,); if (mainwin == nullptr) return; handlerThread.setParameterValueLater(index, value); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plugin dispatcher calls void bufferSizeChanged(const uint32_t bufferSize) override { fJackClient.bufferSize = bufferSize; } void sampleRateChanged(const double sampleRate) override { fJackClient.sampleRate = sampleRate; } void uiNameChanged(const char* const uiName) override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(uiName != nullptr && uiName[0] != '\0',); if (mainwin == nullptr) return; const CarlaMutexLocker cml(handlerThread.getLock()); mainwin->x_set_title(uiName); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Mainwin callbacks void valueChangedCallback(uint index, double value) override { fParameters[index] = value; uiParameterChanged(index, value); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // X_handler_thread callbacks void setParameterValueFromHandlerThread(uint32_t index, float value) override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(mainwin != nullptr,); mainwin->_rotary[index]->set_value(value); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- private: // Fake jack client jack_client_t fJackClient; // Zita stuff (core) X_resman xresman; ScopedPointer jclient; ScopedPointer display; ScopedPointer rootwin; ScopedPointer mainwin; ScopedPointer handler; X_handler_thread handlerThread; float fParameters[kParameterNROTARY]; PluginClassEND(BLS1Plugin) CARLA_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR(BLS1Plugin) }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static const NativePluginDescriptor bls1Desc = { /* category */ NATIVE_PLUGIN_CATEGORY_FILTER, /* hints */ static_cast(NATIVE_PLUGIN_IS_RTSAFE |NATIVE_PLUGIN_HAS_UI |NATIVE_PLUGIN_NEEDS_FIXED_BUFFERS |NATIVE_PLUGIN_NEEDS_UI_MAIN_THREAD |NATIVE_PLUGIN_USES_PARENT_ID), /* supports */ static_cast(0x0), /* audioIns */ BLS1Plugin::kNumInputs, /* audioOuts */ BLS1Plugin::kNumOutputs, /* midiIns */ 0, /* midiOuts */ 0, /* paramIns */ BLS1Plugin::kParameterNROTARY, /* paramOuts */ 0, /* name */ "BLS1", /* label */ "bls1", /* maker */ "falkTX, Fons Adriaensen", /* copyright */ "GPL v2+", PluginDescriptorFILL(BLS1Plugin) }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CARLA_EXPORT void carla_register_native_plugin_zita_bls1(); CARLA_EXPORT void carla_register_native_plugin_zita_bls1() { carla_register_native_plugin(&bls1Desc); } // -----------------------------------------------------------------------