/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { Drawable::Drawable() { setInterceptsMouseClicks (false, false); setPaintingIsUnclipped (true); } Drawable::Drawable (const Drawable& other) : Component (other.getName()) { setInterceptsMouseClicks (false, false); setPaintingIsUnclipped (true); setComponentID (other.getComponentID()); setTransform (other.getTransform()); } Drawable::~Drawable() { } void Drawable::applyDrawableClipPath (Graphics& g) { if (drawableClipPath != nullptr) { auto clipPath = drawableClipPath->getOutlineAsPath(); if (! clipPath.isEmpty()) g.getInternalContext().clipToPath (clipPath, {}); } } //============================================================================== void Drawable::draw (Graphics& g, float opacity, const AffineTransform& transform) const { const_cast (this)->nonConstDraw (g, opacity, transform); } void Drawable::nonConstDraw (Graphics& g, float opacity, const AffineTransform& transform) { Graphics::ScopedSaveState ss (g); g.addTransform (AffineTransform::translation ((float) -(originRelativeToComponent.x), (float) -(originRelativeToComponent.y)) .followedBy (getTransform()) .followedBy (transform)); applyDrawableClipPath (g); if (! g.isClipEmpty()) { if (opacity < 1.0f) { g.beginTransparencyLayer (opacity); paintEntireComponent (g, true); g.endTransparencyLayer(); } else { paintEntireComponent (g, true); } } } void Drawable::drawAt (Graphics& g, float x, float y, float opacity) const { draw (g, opacity, AffineTransform::translation (x, y)); } void Drawable::drawWithin (Graphics& g, Rectangle destArea, RectanglePlacement placement, float opacity) const { draw (g, opacity, placement.getTransformToFit (getDrawableBounds(), destArea)); } //============================================================================== DrawableComposite* Drawable::getParent() const { return dynamic_cast (getParentComponent()); } void Drawable::setClipPath (Drawable* clipPath) { if (drawableClipPath != clipPath) { drawableClipPath = clipPath; repaint(); } } void Drawable::transformContextToCorrectOrigin (Graphics& g) { g.setOrigin (originRelativeToComponent); } void Drawable::parentHierarchyChanged() { setBoundsToEnclose (getDrawableBounds()); } void Drawable::setBoundsToEnclose (Rectangle area) { Point parentOrigin; if (auto* parent = getParent()) parentOrigin = parent->originRelativeToComponent; auto newBounds = area.getSmallestIntegerContainer() + parentOrigin; originRelativeToComponent = parentOrigin - newBounds.getPosition(); setBounds (newBounds); } //============================================================================== bool Drawable::replaceColour (Colour original, Colour replacement) { bool changed = false; for (auto* c : getChildren()) if (auto* d = dynamic_cast (c)) changed = d->replaceColour (original, replacement) || changed; return changed; } //============================================================================== void Drawable::setOriginWithOriginalSize (Point originWithinParent) { setTransform (AffineTransform::translation (originWithinParent.x, originWithinParent.y)); } void Drawable::setTransformToFit (const Rectangle& area, RectanglePlacement placement) { if (! area.isEmpty()) setTransform (placement.getTransformToFit (getDrawableBounds(), area)); } //============================================================================== Drawable* Drawable::createFromImageData (const void* data, const size_t numBytes) { Drawable* result = nullptr; auto image = ImageFileFormat::loadFrom (data, numBytes); if (image.isValid()) { auto* di = new DrawableImage(); di->setImage (image); result = di; } else { auto asString = String::createStringFromData (data, (int) numBytes); XmlDocument doc (asString); ScopedPointer outer (doc.getDocumentElement (true)); if (outer != nullptr && outer->hasTagName ("svg")) { ScopedPointer svg (doc.getDocumentElement()); if (svg != nullptr) result = Drawable::createFromSVG (*svg); } } return result; } Drawable* Drawable::createFromImageDataStream (InputStream& dataSource) { MemoryOutputStream mo; mo << dataSource; return createFromImageData (mo.getData(), mo.getDataSize()); } Drawable* Drawable::createFromImageFile (const File& file) { FileInputStream fin (file); return fin.openedOk() ? createFromImageDataStream (fin) : nullptr; } //============================================================================== template struct DrawableTypeHandler : public ComponentBuilder::TypeHandler { DrawableTypeHandler() : ComponentBuilder::TypeHandler (DrawableClass::valueTreeType) { } Component* addNewComponentFromState (const ValueTree& state, Component* parent) { auto* d = new DrawableClass(); if (parent != nullptr) parent->addAndMakeVisible (d); updateComponentFromState (d, state); return d; } void updateComponentFromState (Component* component, const ValueTree& state) { if (auto* d = dynamic_cast (component)) d->refreshFromValueTree (state, *this->getBuilder()); else jassertfalse; } }; void Drawable::registerDrawableTypeHandlers (ComponentBuilder& builder) { builder.registerTypeHandler (new DrawableTypeHandler()); builder.registerTypeHandler (new DrawableTypeHandler()); builder.registerTypeHandler (new DrawableTypeHandler()); builder.registerTypeHandler (new DrawableTypeHandler()); builder.registerTypeHandler (new DrawableTypeHandler()); } Drawable* Drawable::createFromValueTree (const ValueTree& tree, ComponentBuilder::ImageProvider* imageProvider) { ComponentBuilder builder (tree); builder.setImageProvider (imageProvider); registerDrawableTypeHandlers (builder); ScopedPointer comp (builder.createComponent()); auto* d = dynamic_cast (static_cast (comp)); if (d != nullptr) comp.release(); return d; } //============================================================================== Drawable::ValueTreeWrapperBase::ValueTreeWrapperBase (const ValueTree& s) : state (s) { } String Drawable::ValueTreeWrapperBase::getID() const { return state [ComponentBuilder::idProperty]; } void Drawable::ValueTreeWrapperBase::setID (const String& newID) { if (newID.isEmpty()) state.removeProperty (ComponentBuilder::idProperty, nullptr); else state.setProperty (ComponentBuilder::idProperty, newID, nullptr); } } // namespace juce