/* * DISTRHO Plugin Framework (DPF) * Copyright (C) 2012-2016 Filipe Coelho * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with * or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this * permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD * TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN * NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL * DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER * IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #ifndef DISTRHO_EXTERNAL_WINDOW_HPP_INCLUDED #define DISTRHO_EXTERNAL_WINDOW_HPP_INCLUDED #include "String.hpp" #ifdef DISTRHO_OS_UNIX # include # include # include # include #else # error Unsupported platform! #endif START_NAMESPACE_DISTRHO // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // ExternalWindow class class ExternalWindow { public: ExternalWindow(const uint w = 1, const uint h = 1, const char* const t = "") : width(w), height(h), title(t), pid(0) {} virtual ~ExternalWindow() { terminateAndWaitForProcess(); } uint getWidth() const noexcept { return width; } uint getHeight() const noexcept { return height; } const char* getTitle() const noexcept { return title; } void setTitle(const char* const t) noexcept { title = t; } bool isRunning() noexcept { if (pid <= 0) return false; const pid_t p = ::waitpid(pid, nullptr, WNOHANG); if (p == pid || (p == -1 && errno == ECHILD)) { printf("NOTICE: Child process exited while idle\n"); pid = 0; return false; } return true; } protected: bool startExternalProcess(const char* args[]) { terminateAndWaitForProcess(); pid = vfork(); switch (pid) { case 0: execvp(args[0], (char**)args); _exit(1); return false; case -1: printf("Could not start external ui\n"); return false; default: return true; } } private: uint width; uint height; String title; pid_t pid; friend class UIExporter; void terminateAndWaitForProcess() { if (pid <= 0) return; printf("Waiting for previous process to stop,,,\n"); bool sendTerm = true; for (pid_t p;;) { p = ::waitpid(pid, nullptr, WNOHANG); switch (p) { case 0: if (sendTerm) { sendTerm = false; ::kill(pid, SIGTERM); } break; case -1: if (errno == ECHILD) { printf("Done! (no such process)\n"); pid = 0; return; } break; default: if (p == pid) { printf("Done! (clean wait)\n"); pid = 0; return; } break; } // 5 msec usleep(5*1000); } } DISTRHO_DECLARE_NON_COPY_CLASS(ExternalWindow) }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- END_NAMESPACE_DISTRHO #endif // DISTRHO_EXTERNAL_WINDOW_HPP_INCLUDED