/* * Carla Bridge Plugin * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Filipe Coelho * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For a full copy of the GNU General Public License see the GPL.txt file */ #include "CarlaBridgeClient.hpp" #include "CarlaBridgeToolkit.hpp" #include "CarlaBackendUtils.hpp" #include "CarlaBridgeUtils.hpp" #include "CarlaStandalone.hpp" #include "CarlaEngine.hpp" #include "CarlaPlugin.hpp" #include #include #include #if (QT_VERSION >= QT_VERSION_CHECK(5, 0, 0)) # include #else # include #endif #ifdef CARLA_OS_UNIX # include #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool gCloseNow = false; static bool gSaveNow = false; #ifdef CARLA_OS_WIN BOOL WINAPI closeSignalHandler(DWORD dwCtrlType) { if (dwCtrlType == CTRL_C_EVENT) { gCloseNow = true; return TRUE; } return FALSE; } #else void closeSignalHandler(int) { gCloseNow = true; } void saveSignalHandler(int) { gSaveNow = true; } #endif void initSignalHandler() { #ifdef CARLA_OS_WIN SetConsoleCtrlHandler(closeSignalHandler, TRUE); #elif defined(CARLA_OS_LINUX) || defined(CARLA_OS_HAIKU) struct sigaction sint; struct sigaction sterm; struct sigaction susr1; sint.sa_handler = closeSignalHandler; sint.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; sint.sa_restorer = nullptr; sigemptyset(&sint.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGINT, &sint, nullptr); sterm.sa_handler = closeSignalHandler; sterm.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; sterm.sa_restorer = nullptr; sigemptyset(&sterm.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sterm, nullptr); susr1.sa_handler = saveSignalHandler; susr1.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; susr1.sa_restorer = nullptr; sigemptyset(&susr1.sa_mask); sigaction(SIGUSR1, &susr1, nullptr); #endif } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Helpers extern CarlaBackend::CarlaEngine* carla_get_standalone_engine(); CARLA_BACKEND_START_NAMESPACE extern const char* findDSSIGUI(const char* const filename, const char* const label); CARLA_BACKEND_END_NAMESPACE CARLA_BRIDGE_START_NAMESPACE #if 0 } // Fix editor indentation #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CarlaPluginClient : public CarlaBridgeClient, public QObject { public: CarlaPluginClient(const bool useBridge, const char* const driverName, const char* audioBaseName, const char* controlBaseName) : CarlaBridgeClient(nullptr), QObject(nullptr), fEngine(nullptr), fPlugin(nullptr), fTimerId(0) { CARLA_ASSERT(driverName != nullptr); carla_debug("CarlaPluginClient::CarlaPluginClient(%s, \"%s\", %s, %s)", bool2str(useBridge), driverName, audioBaseName, controlBaseName); if (useBridge) carla_engine_init_bridge(audioBaseName, controlBaseName, driverName); else carla_engine_init("JACK", driverName); carla_set_engine_callback(callback, this); } ~CarlaPluginClient() { CARLA_ASSERT(fTimerId == 0); carla_debug("CarlaPluginClient::~CarlaPluginClient()"); carla_set_engine_about_to_close(); carla_engine_close(); } void oscInit(const char* const url) { CarlaBridgeClient::oscInit(url); fEngine = carla_get_standalone_engine(); fEngine->setOscBridgeData(fOscData); } void ready(const bool doSaveLoad) { CARLA_ASSERT(fTimerId == 0); fEngine = carla_get_standalone_engine(); fPlugin = fEngine->getPlugin(0); if (doSaveLoad) { fProjFileName = fPlugin->name(); fProjFileName += ".carxs"; fPlugin->loadStateFromFile(fProjFileName); } fTimerId = startTimer(50); } void idle() { if (fEngine != nullptr) fEngine->idle(); CarlaBridgeClient::oscIdle(); if (gSaveNow) { gSaveNow = false; CARLA_ASSERT(fPlugin != nullptr); if (fPlugin != nullptr && fProjFileName.isNotEmpty()) fPlugin->saveStateToFile(fProjFileName); } if (gCloseNow) { gCloseNow = false; if (fTimerId != 0) { killTimer(fTimerId); fTimerId = 0; } if (QApplication* const app = qApp) { if (! app->closingDown()) app->quit(); } } } void exec() { while (! gCloseNow) { idle(); carla_msleep(50); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // plugin management void saveNow() { qDebug("CarlaPluginClient::saveNow()"); CARLA_ASSERT(fEngine != nullptr); CARLA_ASSERT(fPlugin != nullptr); if (fPlugin == nullptr || fEngine == nullptr) return; fPlugin->prepareForSave(); for (uint32_t i=0; i < fPlugin->customDataCount(); i++) { const CarlaBackend::CustomData& cdata(fPlugin->customData(i)); fEngine->osc_send_bridge_set_custom_data(cdata.type, cdata.key, cdata.value); } if (fPlugin->options() & CarlaBackend::PLUGIN_OPTION_USE_CHUNKS) { void* data = nullptr; int32_t dataSize = fPlugin->chunkData(&data); if (data && dataSize >= 4) { QString filePath; filePath = QDir::tempPath(); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN filePath += "\\.CarlaChunk_"; #else filePath += "/.CarlaChunk_"; #endif filePath += fPlugin->name(); QFile file(filePath); if (file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly)) { QByteArray chunk((const char*)data, dataSize); file.write(chunk); file.close(); fEngine->osc_send_bridge_set_chunk_data(filePath.toUtf8().constData()); } } } fEngine->osc_send_bridge_configure(CARLA_BRIDGE_MSG_SAVED, ""); } void setCustomData(const char* const type, const char* const key, const char* const value) { carla_debug("CarlaPluginClient::setCustomData(\"%s\", \"%s\", \"%s\")", type, key, value); CARLA_ASSERT(fPlugin != nullptr); if (fPlugin != nullptr) fPlugin->setCustomData(type, key, value, true); } void setChunkData(const char* const filePath) { carla_debug("CarlaPluginClient::setChunkData(\"%s\")", filePath); CARLA_ASSERT(fPlugin != nullptr); if (fPlugin == nullptr) return; QString chunkFilePath(filePath); #ifdef CARLA_OS_WIN if (chunkFilePath.startsWith("/")) { // running under Wine, posix host chunkFilePath = chunkFilePath.replace(0, 1, "Z:/"); chunkFilePath = QDir::toNativeSeparators(chunkFilePath); } #endif QFile chunkFile(chunkFilePath); if (fPlugin != nullptr && chunkFile.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text)) { QTextStream in(&chunkFile); QString stringData(in.readAll()); chunkFile.close(); chunkFile.remove(); fPlugin->setChunkData(stringData.toUtf8().constData()); } } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- // processing void setParameter(const int32_t rindex, const float value) { carla_debug("CarlaPluginClient::setParameter(%i, %f)", rindex, value); CARLA_ASSERT(fPlugin != nullptr); if (fPlugin != nullptr) fPlugin->setParameterValueByRealIndex(rindex, value, true, true, false); } protected: void handleCallback(const CarlaBackend::CallbackType action, const int value1, const int value2, const float value3, const char* const valueStr) { CARLA_BACKEND_USE_NAMESPACE; // TODO switch (action) { case CALLBACK_PARAMETER_VALUE_CHANGED: if (isOscControlRegistered()) sendOscControl(value1, value3); break; case CALLBACK_SHOW_GUI: if (! isOscControlRegistered()) { if (value1 != 1) gCloseNow = true; } else { // show-gui button fEngine->osc_send_bridge_configure(CARLA_BRIDGE_MSG_HIDE_GUI, ""); } break; default: break; } return; (void)value2; (void)value3; (void)valueStr; } private: CarlaBackend::CarlaEngine* fEngine; CarlaBackend::CarlaPlugin* fPlugin; CarlaString fProjFileName; int fTimerId; void timerEvent(QTimerEvent* const event) { if (event->timerId() == fTimerId) idle(); QObject::timerEvent(event); } static void callback(void* ptr, CarlaBackend::CallbackType action, unsigned int pluginId, int value1, int value2, float value3, const char* valueStr) { return ((CarlaPluginClient*)ptr)->handleCallback(action, value1, value2, value3, valueStr); // unused (void)pluginId; } }; // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CarlaBridgeOsc::handleMsgShow() { carla_debug("CarlaBridgeOsc::handleMsgShow()"); CARLA_ASSERT(kClient != nullptr); if (kClient == nullptr) return 1; carla_show_gui(0, true); return 0; } int CarlaBridgeOsc::handleMsgHide() { carla_debug("CarlaBridgeOsc::handleMsgHide()"); CARLA_ASSERT(kClient != nullptr); if (kClient == nullptr) return 1; carla_show_gui(0, false); return 0; } int CarlaBridgeOsc::handleMsgQuit() { carla_debug("CarlaBridgeOsc::handleMsgQuit()"); CARLA_ASSERT(kClient != nullptr); gCloseNow = true; return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CarlaBridgeOsc::handleMsgPluginSaveNow() { carla_debug("CarlaBridgeOsc::handleMsgPluginSaveNow()"); CARLA_ASSERT(kClient != nullptr); if (kClient == nullptr) return 1; CarlaPluginClient* const plugClient = (CarlaPluginClient*)kClient; plugClient->saveNow(); return 0; } int CarlaBridgeOsc::handleMsgPluginSetChunk(CARLA_BRIDGE_OSC_HANDLE_ARGS) { carla_debug("CarlaBridgeOsc::handleMsgPluginSaveNow()"); CARLA_ASSERT(kClient != nullptr); CARLA_BRIDGE_OSC_CHECK_OSC_TYPES(1, "s"); if (kClient == nullptr) return 1; const char* const chunkFile = (const char*)&argv[0]->s; CarlaPluginClient* const plugClient = (CarlaPluginClient*)kClient; plugClient->setChunkData(chunkFile); return 0; } int CarlaBridgeOsc::handleMsgPluginSetCustomData(CARLA_BRIDGE_OSC_HANDLE_ARGS) { carla_debug("CarlaBridgeOsc::handleMsgPluginSaveNow()"); CARLA_ASSERT(kClient != nullptr); CARLA_BRIDGE_OSC_CHECK_OSC_TYPES(3, "sss"); if (kClient == nullptr) return 1; const char* const type = (const char*)&argv[0]->s; const char* const key = (const char*)&argv[1]->s; const char* const value = (const char*)&argv[2]->s; CarlaPluginClient* const plugClient = (CarlaPluginClient*)kClient; plugClient->setCustomData(type, key, value); return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARLA_BRIDGE_END_NAMESPACE int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { CARLA_BRIDGE_USE_NAMESPACE if (argc != 6 && argc != 7) { carla_stdout("usage: %s