/* ZynAddSubFX - a software synthesizer SUBnoteParameters.cpp - Parameters for SUBnote (SUBsynth) Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Nasca Octavian Paul Author: Nasca Octavian Paul This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License (version 2 or later) for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2) along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "../globals.h" #include "SUBnoteParameters.h" #include "EnvelopeParams.h" #include "FilterParams.h" #include "../Misc/Util.h" #include #include #include #include #define rObject SUBnoteParameters using namespace rtosc; static const rtosc::Ports SUBnotePorts = { rSelf(SUBnoteParameters), rPaste, rToggle(Pstereo, "Stereo Enable"), rParamZyn(PVolume, "Volume"), rParamZyn(PPanning, "Left Right Panning"), rParamZyn(PAmpVelocityScaleFunction, "Amplitude Velocity Sensing function"), rParamI(PDetune, "Detune in detune type units"), rParamI(PCoarseDetune, "Coarse Detune"), //Real values needed rOption(PDetuneType, rOptions("100 cents", "200 cents", "500 cents"), "Detune Scale"), rToggle(PFreqEnvelopeEnabled, "Enable for Frequency Envelope"), rToggle(PBandWidthEnvelopeEnabled, "Enable for Bandwidth Envelope"), rToggle(PGlobalFilterEnabled, "Enable for Global Filter"), rParamZyn(PGlobalFilterVelocityScale, "Filter Velocity Magnitude"), rParamZyn(PGlobalFilterVelocityScaleFunction, "Filter Velocity Function Shape"), //rRecur(FreqEnvelope, EnvelopeParams), //rToggle(),//continue rToggle(Pfixedfreq, "Base frequency fixed frequency enable"), rParamZyn(PfixedfreqET, "Equal temeperate control for fixed frequency operation"), #undef rChangeCb #define rChangeCb obj->updateFrequencyMultipliers(); rParamI(POvertoneSpread.type, rMap(min, 0), rMap(max, 7), "Spread of harmonic frequencies"), rParamI(POvertoneSpread.par1, rMap(min, 0), rMap(max, 255), "Overtone Parameter"), rParamI(POvertoneSpread.par2, rMap(min, 0), rMap(max, 255), "Overtone Parameter"), rParamI(POvertoneSpread.par3, rMap(min, 0), rMap(max, 255), "Overtone Parameter"), #undef rChangeCb #define rChangeCb rParamZyn(Pnumstages, rMap(min, 1), rMap(max, 5), "Number of filter stages"), rParamZyn(Pbandwidth, "Bandwidth of filters"), rParamZyn(Phmagtype, "How the magnitudes are computed (0=linear,1=-60dB,2=-60dB)"), rArray(Phmag, MAX_SUB_HARMONICS, "Harmonic magnitudes"), rArray(Phrelbw, MAX_SUB_HARMONICS, "Relative bandwidth"), rParamZyn(Pbwscale, "Bandwidth scaling with frequency"), rRecurp(AmpEnvelope, "Amplitude envelope"), rRecurp(FreqEnvelope, "Frequency Envelope"), rRecurp(BandWidthEnvelope, "Bandwidth Envelope"), rRecurp(GlobalFilterEnvelope, "Post Filter Envelope"), rRecurp(GlobalFilter, "Post Filter"), rOption(Pstart, rOptions("zero", "random", "ones"), "How harmonics are initialized"), {"clear:", rDoc("Reset all harmonics to equal bandwidth/zero amplitude"), NULL, [](const char *, RtData &d) { SUBnoteParameters *obj = (SUBnoteParameters *)d.obj; for(int i=0; iPhmag[i] = 0; obj->Phrelbw[i] = 64; } obj->Phmag[0] = 127; }}, {"detunevalue:", rDoc("Get note detune value"), NULL, [](const char *, RtData &d) { SUBnoteParameters *obj = (SUBnoteParameters *)d.obj; d.reply(d.loc, "f", getdetune(obj->PDetuneType, 0, obj->PDetune)); }}, //weird stuff for PCoarseDetune {"octave::c:i", rProp(parameter) rDoc("Note octave shift"), NULL, [](const char *msg, RtData &d) { SUBnoteParameters *obj = (SUBnoteParameters *)d.obj; if(!rtosc_narguments(msg)) { int k=obj->PCoarseDetune/1024; if (k>=8) k-=16; d.reply(d.loc, "i", k); } else { int k=(int) rtosc_argument(msg, 0).i; if (k<0) k+=16; obj->PCoarseDetune = k*1024 + obj->PCoarseDetune%1024; } }}, {"coarsedetune::c:i", rProp(parameter) rDoc("Note coarse detune"), NULL, [](const char *msg, RtData &d) { SUBnoteParameters *obj = (SUBnoteParameters *)d.obj; if(!rtosc_narguments(msg)) { int k=obj->PCoarseDetune%1024; if (k>=512) k-=1024; d.reply(d.loc, "i", k); } else { int k=(int) rtosc_argument(msg, 0).i; if (k<0) k+=1024; obj->PCoarseDetune = k + (obj->PCoarseDetune/1024)*1024; } }}, }; const rtosc::Ports &SUBnoteParameters::ports = SUBnotePorts; SUBnoteParameters::SUBnoteParameters():Presets() { setpresettype("Psubsynth"); AmpEnvelope = new EnvelopeParams(64, 1); AmpEnvelope->ADSRinit_dB(0, 40, 127, 25); FreqEnvelope = new EnvelopeParams(64, 0); FreqEnvelope->ASRinit(30, 50, 64, 60); BandWidthEnvelope = new EnvelopeParams(64, 0); BandWidthEnvelope->ASRinit_bw(100, 70, 64, 60); GlobalFilter = new FilterParams(2, 80, 40); GlobalFilterEnvelope = new EnvelopeParams(0, 1); GlobalFilterEnvelope->ADSRinit_filter(64, 40, 64, 70, 60, 64); defaults(); } void SUBnoteParameters::defaults() { PVolume = 96; PPanning = 64; PAmpVelocityScaleFunction = 90; Pfixedfreq = 0; PfixedfreqET = 0; Pnumstages = 2; Pbandwidth = 40; Phmagtype = 0; Pbwscale = 64; Pstereo = 1; Pstart = 1; PDetune = 8192; PCoarseDetune = 0; PDetuneType = 1; PFreqEnvelopeEnabled = 0; PBandWidthEnvelopeEnabled = 0; POvertoneSpread.type = 0; POvertoneSpread.par1 = 0; POvertoneSpread.par2 = 0; POvertoneSpread.par3 = 0; updateFrequencyMultipliers(); for(int n = 0; n < MAX_SUB_HARMONICS; ++n) { Phmag[n] = 0; Phrelbw[n] = 64; } Phmag[0] = 127; PGlobalFilterEnabled = 0; PGlobalFilterVelocityScale = 64; PGlobalFilterVelocityScaleFunction = 64; AmpEnvelope->defaults(); FreqEnvelope->defaults(); BandWidthEnvelope->defaults(); GlobalFilter->defaults(); GlobalFilterEnvelope->defaults(); } SUBnoteParameters::~SUBnoteParameters() { delete (AmpEnvelope); delete (FreqEnvelope); delete (BandWidthEnvelope); delete (GlobalFilter); delete (GlobalFilterEnvelope); } void SUBnoteParameters::add2XML(XMLwrapper *xml) { xml->addpar("num_stages", Pnumstages); xml->addpar("harmonic_mag_type", Phmagtype); xml->addpar("start", Pstart); xml->beginbranch("HARMONICS"); for(int i = 0; i < MAX_SUB_HARMONICS; ++i) { if((Phmag[i] == 0) && (xml->minimal)) continue; xml->beginbranch("HARMONIC", i); xml->addpar("mag", Phmag[i]); xml->addpar("relbw", Phrelbw[i]); xml->endbranch(); } xml->endbranch(); xml->beginbranch("AMPLITUDE_PARAMETERS"); xml->addparbool("stereo", Pstereo); xml->addpar("volume", PVolume); xml->addpar("panning", PPanning); xml->addpar("velocity_sensing", PAmpVelocityScaleFunction); xml->beginbranch("AMPLITUDE_ENVELOPE"); AmpEnvelope->add2XML(xml); xml->endbranch(); xml->endbranch(); xml->beginbranch("FREQUENCY_PARAMETERS"); xml->addparbool("fixed_freq", Pfixedfreq); xml->addpar("fixed_freq_et", PfixedfreqET); xml->addpar("detune", PDetune); xml->addpar("coarse_detune", PCoarseDetune); xml->addpar("overtone_spread_type", POvertoneSpread.type); xml->addpar("overtone_spread_par1", POvertoneSpread.par1); xml->addpar("overtone_spread_par2", POvertoneSpread.par2); xml->addpar("overtone_spread_par3", POvertoneSpread.par3); xml->addpar("detune_type", PDetuneType); xml->addpar("bandwidth", Pbandwidth); xml->addpar("bandwidth_scale", Pbwscale); xml->addparbool("freq_envelope_enabled", PFreqEnvelopeEnabled); if((PFreqEnvelopeEnabled != 0) || (!xml->minimal)) { xml->beginbranch("FREQUENCY_ENVELOPE"); FreqEnvelope->add2XML(xml); xml->endbranch(); } xml->addparbool("band_width_envelope_enabled", PBandWidthEnvelopeEnabled); if((PBandWidthEnvelopeEnabled != 0) || (!xml->minimal)) { xml->beginbranch("BANDWIDTH_ENVELOPE"); BandWidthEnvelope->add2XML(xml); xml->endbranch(); } xml->endbranch(); xml->beginbranch("FILTER_PARAMETERS"); xml->addparbool("enabled", PGlobalFilterEnabled); if((PGlobalFilterEnabled != 0) || (!xml->minimal)) { xml->beginbranch("FILTER"); GlobalFilter->add2XML(xml); xml->endbranch(); xml->addpar("filter_velocity_sensing", PGlobalFilterVelocityScaleFunction); xml->addpar("filter_velocity_sensing_amplitude", PGlobalFilterVelocityScale); xml->beginbranch("FILTER_ENVELOPE"); GlobalFilterEnvelope->add2XML(xml); xml->endbranch(); } xml->endbranch(); } void SUBnoteParameters::updateFrequencyMultipliers(void) { float par1 = POvertoneSpread.par1 / 255.0f; float par1pow = powf(10.0f, -(1.0f - POvertoneSpread.par1 / 255.0f) * 3.0f); float par2 = POvertoneSpread.par2 / 255.0f; float par3 = 1.0f - POvertoneSpread.par3 / 255.0f; float result; float tmp = 0.0f; int thresh = 0; for(int n = 0; n < MAX_SUB_HARMONICS; ++n) { float n1 = n + 1.0f; switch(POvertoneSpread.type) { case 1: thresh = (int)(100.0f * par2 * par2) + 1; if (n1 < thresh) result = n1; else result = n1 + 8.0f * (n1 - thresh) * par1pow; break; case 2: thresh = (int)(100.0f * par2 * par2) + 1; if (n1 < thresh) result = n1; else result = n1 + 0.9f * (thresh - n1) * par1pow; break; case 3: tmp = par1pow * 100.0f + 1.0f; result = powf(n / tmp, 1.0f - 0.8f * par2) * tmp + 1.0f; break; case 4: result = n * (1.0f - par1pow) + powf(0.1f * n, 3.0f * par2 + 1.0f) * 10.0f * par1pow + 1.0f; break; case 5: result = n1 + 2.0f * sinf(n * par2 * par2 * PI * 0.999f) * sqrt(par1pow); break; case 6: tmp = powf(2.0f * par2, 2.0f) + 0.1f; result = n * powf(par1 * powf(0.8f * n, tmp) + 1.0f, tmp) + 1.0f; break; case 7: result = (n1 + par1) / (par1 + 1); break; default: result = n1; } float iresult = floor(result + 0.5f); POvertoneFreqMult[n] = iresult + par3 * (result - iresult); } } #define doPaste(x) this->x = sub.x; #define doPPaste(x) this->x->paste(*sub.x); void SUBnoteParameters::paste(SUBnoteParameters &sub) { doPaste(Pstereo); doPaste(PVolume); doPaste(PPanning); doPaste(PAmpVelocityScaleFunction); doPPaste(AmpEnvelope); //Frequency Parameters doPaste(PDetune); doPaste(PCoarseDetune); doPaste(PDetuneType); doPaste(PFreqEnvelopeEnabled); doPPaste(FreqEnvelope); doPaste(PBandWidthEnvelopeEnabled); doPPaste(BandWidthEnvelope); //Filter Parameters (Global) doPaste(PGlobalFilterEnabled); doPPaste(GlobalFilter); doPaste(PGlobalFilterVelocityScale); doPaste(PGlobalFilterVelocityScaleFunction); doPPaste(GlobalFilterEnvelope); //Other Parameters doPaste(Pfixedfreq); doPaste(PfixedfreqET); doPaste(POvertoneSpread.type); doPaste(POvertoneSpread.par1); doPaste(POvertoneSpread.par2); doPaste(POvertoneSpread.par3); for(int i=0; igetpar127("num_stages", Pnumstages); Phmagtype = xml->getpar127("harmonic_mag_type", Phmagtype); Pstart = xml->getpar127("start", Pstart); if(xml->enterbranch("HARMONICS")) { Phmag[0] = 0; for(int i = 0; i < MAX_SUB_HARMONICS; ++i) { if(xml->enterbranch("HARMONIC", i) == 0) continue; Phmag[i] = xml->getpar127("mag", Phmag[i]); Phrelbw[i] = xml->getpar127("relbw", Phrelbw[i]); xml->exitbranch(); } xml->exitbranch(); } if(xml->enterbranch("AMPLITUDE_PARAMETERS")) { Pstereo = xml->getparbool("stereo", Pstereo); PVolume = xml->getpar127("volume", PVolume); PPanning = xml->getpar127("panning", PPanning); PAmpVelocityScaleFunction = xml->getpar127("velocity_sensing", PAmpVelocityScaleFunction); if(xml->enterbranch("AMPLITUDE_ENVELOPE")) { AmpEnvelope->getfromXML(xml); xml->exitbranch(); } xml->exitbranch(); } if(xml->enterbranch("FREQUENCY_PARAMETERS")) { Pfixedfreq = xml->getparbool("fixed_freq", Pfixedfreq); PfixedfreqET = xml->getpar127("fixed_freq_et", PfixedfreqET); PDetune = xml->getpar("detune", PDetune, 0, 16383); PCoarseDetune = xml->getpar("coarse_detune", PCoarseDetune, 0, 16383); POvertoneSpread.type = xml->getpar127("overtone_spread_type", POvertoneSpread.type); POvertoneSpread.par1 = xml->getpar("overtone_spread_par1", POvertoneSpread.par1, 0, 255); POvertoneSpread.par2 = xml->getpar("overtone_spread_par2", POvertoneSpread.par2, 0, 255); POvertoneSpread.par3 = xml->getpar("overtone_spread_par3", POvertoneSpread.par3, 0, 255); updateFrequencyMultipliers(); PDetuneType = xml->getpar127("detune_type", PDetuneType); Pbandwidth = xml->getpar127("bandwidth", Pbandwidth); Pbwscale = xml->getpar127("bandwidth_scale", Pbwscale); PFreqEnvelopeEnabled = xml->getparbool("freq_envelope_enabled", PFreqEnvelopeEnabled); if(xml->enterbranch("FREQUENCY_ENVELOPE")) { FreqEnvelope->getfromXML(xml); xml->exitbranch(); } PBandWidthEnvelopeEnabled = xml->getparbool( "band_width_envelope_enabled", PBandWidthEnvelopeEnabled); if(xml->enterbranch("BANDWIDTH_ENVELOPE")) { BandWidthEnvelope->getfromXML(xml); xml->exitbranch(); } xml->exitbranch(); } if(xml->enterbranch("FILTER_PARAMETERS")) { PGlobalFilterEnabled = xml->getparbool("enabled", PGlobalFilterEnabled); if(xml->enterbranch("FILTER")) { GlobalFilter->getfromXML(xml); xml->exitbranch(); } PGlobalFilterVelocityScaleFunction = xml->getpar127( "filter_velocity_sensing", PGlobalFilterVelocityScaleFunction); PGlobalFilterVelocityScale = xml->getpar127( "filter_velocity_sensing_amplitude", PGlobalFilterVelocityScale); if(xml->enterbranch("FILTER_ENVELOPE")) { GlobalFilterEnvelope->getfromXML(xml); xml->exitbranch(); } xml->exitbranch(); } }