/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2022 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 7 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy. End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-7-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { class ComponentAnimator::AnimationTask { public: AnimationTask (Component* c) noexcept : component (c) {} ~AnimationTask() { proxy.deleteAndZero(); } void reset (const Rectangle& finalBounds, float finalAlpha, int millisecondsToSpendMoving, bool useProxyComponent, double startSpd, double endSpd) { msElapsed = 0; msTotal = jmax (1, millisecondsToSpendMoving); lastProgress = 0; destination = finalBounds; destAlpha = finalAlpha; isMoving = (finalBounds != component->getBounds()); isChangingAlpha = (finalAlpha != component->getAlpha()); left = component->getX(); top = component->getY(); right = component->getRight(); bottom = component->getBottom(); alpha = component->getAlpha(); const double invTotalDistance = 4.0 / (startSpd + endSpd + 2.0); startSpeed = jmax (0.0, startSpd * invTotalDistance); midSpeed = invTotalDistance; endSpeed = jmax (0.0, endSpd * invTotalDistance); proxy.deleteAndZero(); if (useProxyComponent) proxy = new ProxyComponent (*component); component->setVisible (! useProxyComponent); } bool useTimeslice (const int elapsed) { if (auto* c = proxy != nullptr ? proxy.getComponent() : component.get()) { msElapsed += elapsed; double newProgress = msElapsed / (double) msTotal; if (newProgress >= 0 && newProgress < 1.0) { const WeakReference weakRef (this); newProgress = timeToDistance (newProgress); const double delta = (newProgress - lastProgress) / (1.0 - lastProgress); jassert (newProgress >= lastProgress); lastProgress = newProgress; if (delta < 1.0) { bool stillBusy = false; if (isMoving) { left += (destination.getX() - left) * delta; top += (destination.getY() - top) * delta; right += (destination.getRight() - right) * delta; bottom += (destination.getBottom() - bottom) * delta; const Rectangle newBounds (roundToInt (left), roundToInt (top), roundToInt (right - left), roundToInt (bottom - top)); if (newBounds != destination) { c->setBounds (newBounds); stillBusy = true; } } // Check whether the animation was cancelled/deleted during // a callback during the setBounds method if (weakRef.wasObjectDeleted()) return false; if (isChangingAlpha) { alpha += (destAlpha - alpha) * delta; c->setAlpha ((float) alpha); stillBusy = true; } if (stillBusy) return true; } } } moveToFinalDestination(); return false; } void moveToFinalDestination() { if (component != nullptr) { const WeakReference weakRef (this); component->setAlpha ((float) destAlpha); component->setBounds (destination); if (! weakRef.wasObjectDeleted()) if (proxy != nullptr) component->setVisible (destAlpha > 0); } } //============================================================================== struct ProxyComponent : public Component { ProxyComponent (Component& c) { setWantsKeyboardFocus (false); setBounds (c.getBounds()); setTransform (c.getTransform()); setAlpha (c.getAlpha()); setInterceptsMouseClicks (false, false); if (auto* parent = c.getParentComponent()) parent->addAndMakeVisible (this); else if (c.isOnDesktop() && c.getPeer() != nullptr) addToDesktop (c.getPeer()->getStyleFlags() | ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresKeyPresses); else jassertfalse; // seem to be trying to animate a component that's not visible.. auto scale = (float) Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getDisplayForRect (getScreenBounds())->scale * Component::getApproximateScaleFactorForComponent (&c); image = c.createComponentSnapshot (c.getLocalBounds(), false, scale); setVisible (true); toBehind (&c); } void paint (Graphics& g) override { g.setOpacity (1.0f); g.drawImageTransformed (image, AffineTransform::scale ((float) getWidth() / (float) jmax (1, image.getWidth()), (float) getHeight() / (float) jmax (1, image.getHeight())), false); } private: std::unique_ptr createAccessibilityHandler() override { return createIgnoredAccessibilityHandler (*this); } Image image; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (ProxyComponent) }; WeakReference component; Component::SafePointer proxy; Rectangle destination; double destAlpha; int msElapsed, msTotal; double startSpeed, midSpeed, endSpeed, lastProgress; double left, top, right, bottom, alpha; bool isMoving, isChangingAlpha; private: double timeToDistance (const double time) const noexcept { return (time < 0.5) ? time * (startSpeed + time * (midSpeed - startSpeed)) : 0.5 * (startSpeed + 0.5 * (midSpeed - startSpeed)) + (time - 0.5) * (midSpeed + (time - 0.5) * (endSpeed - midSpeed)); } JUCE_DECLARE_WEAK_REFERENCEABLE (AnimationTask) JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (AnimationTask) }; //============================================================================== ComponentAnimator::ComponentAnimator() : lastTime (0) {} ComponentAnimator::~ComponentAnimator() {} //============================================================================== ComponentAnimator::AnimationTask* ComponentAnimator::findTaskFor (Component* const component) const noexcept { for (int i = tasks.size(); --i >= 0;) if (component == tasks.getUnchecked(i)->component.get()) return tasks.getUnchecked(i); return nullptr; } void ComponentAnimator::animateComponent (Component* const component, const Rectangle& finalBounds, const float finalAlpha, const int millisecondsToSpendMoving, const bool useProxyComponent, const double startSpeed, const double endSpeed) { // the speeds must be 0 or greater! jassert (startSpeed >= 0 && endSpeed >= 0); if (component != nullptr) { auto* at = findTaskFor (component); if (at == nullptr) { at = new AnimationTask (component); tasks.add (at); sendChangeMessage(); } at->reset (finalBounds, finalAlpha, millisecondsToSpendMoving, useProxyComponent, startSpeed, endSpeed); if (! isTimerRunning()) { lastTime = Time::getMillisecondCounter(); startTimerHz (50); } } } void ComponentAnimator::fadeOut (Component* component, int millisecondsToTake) { if (component != nullptr) { if (component->isShowing() && millisecondsToTake > 0) animateComponent (component, component->getBounds(), 0.0f, millisecondsToTake, true, 1.0, 1.0); component->setVisible (false); } } void ComponentAnimator::fadeIn (Component* component, int millisecondsToTake) { if (component != nullptr && ! (component->isVisible() && component->getAlpha() == 1.0f)) { component->setAlpha (0.0f); component->setVisible (true); animateComponent (component, component->getBounds(), 1.0f, millisecondsToTake, false, 1.0, 1.0); } } void ComponentAnimator::cancelAllAnimations (const bool moveComponentsToTheirFinalPositions) { if (tasks.size() > 0) { if (moveComponentsToTheirFinalPositions) for (int i = tasks.size(); --i >= 0;) tasks.getUnchecked(i)->moveToFinalDestination(); tasks.clear(); sendChangeMessage(); } } void ComponentAnimator::cancelAnimation (Component* const component, const bool moveComponentToItsFinalPosition) { if (auto* at = findTaskFor (component)) { if (moveComponentToItsFinalPosition) at->moveToFinalDestination(); tasks.removeObject (at); sendChangeMessage(); } } Rectangle ComponentAnimator::getComponentDestination (Component* const component) { jassert (component != nullptr); if (auto* at = findTaskFor (component)) return at->destination; return component->getBounds(); } bool ComponentAnimator::isAnimating (Component* component) const noexcept { return findTaskFor (component) != nullptr; } bool ComponentAnimator::isAnimating() const noexcept { return tasks.size() != 0; } void ComponentAnimator::timerCallback() { auto timeNow = Time::getMillisecondCounter(); if (lastTime == 0) lastTime = timeNow; auto elapsed = (int) (timeNow - lastTime); for (auto* task : Array (tasks.begin(), tasks.size())) { if (tasks.contains (task) && ! task->useTimeslice (elapsed)) { tasks.removeObject (task); sendChangeMessage(); } } lastTime = timeNow; if (tasks.size() == 0) stopTimer(); } } // namespace juce