/* * Carla ReWire Plugin * Copyright (C) 2014 Filipe Coelho * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For a full copy of the GNU General Public License see the doc/GPL.txt file. */ #include "CarlaPluginInternal.hpp" #include "CarlaEngine.hpp" #ifdef WANT_REWIRE #include "CarlaLibUtils.hpp" #include "CarlaMathUtils.hpp" // ----------------------------------------------------- CARLA_BACKEND_START_NAMESPACE #if 0 } #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // ReWire assumes sizeof(long) == 4 typedef int32_t rlong; typedef uint32_t rulong; static_assert(sizeof(rlong) == 4, "Incorrect rlong size"); static_assert(sizeof(rulong) == 4, "Incorrect rulong size"); // rewire is not for linux, so for easy testing+development, we can skip this #ifndef CARLA_OS_LINUX static_assert(sizeof(long) == 4, "Incorrect long size"); static_assert(sizeof(ulong) == 4, "Incorrect ulong size"); static_assert(sizeof(long) == sizeof(rlong), "long size mismatch"); static_assert(sizeof(ulong) == sizeof(rulong), "ulon size mismatch"); #endif struct RwOpenInfo { rulong size1; // 16 rulong size2; // 12 rlong sampleRate; rlong bufferSize; }; struct RwDevInfo { rulong size; // 8288 char name[32]; rlong channelCount; // max limited to 255 char channelNames[256][32]; rulong defaultChannels[8]; rulong stereoPairs[4]; rulong eventBufferSize; rlong version; }; struct RwAudioInfo { rulong size; // 12 rlong sampleRate; rlong bufferSize; }; struct RwBusInfo { rulong size; // 40 rulong channel; char name[32]; }; struct RwEventInfo { rulong size; // 132 FIXME? rulong bus[32]; }; struct RwEvent { // 24 ushort type; uchar d1, d2; rulong s1, s2, s3, s4, s5; }; struct RwEventBuffer { rulong size1; // 20 rulong size2; // 24 (of RwEvent) rulong count; rulong maxCount; #ifndef CARLA_OS_LINUX // pointers on 64bit linux are size 8, skip this RwEvent* buf; #else rulong buf; #endif }; struct RwAudioInInfo { rulong size; // 1116 RwEventBuffer evBuf; rulong channels[8]; #ifndef CARLA_OS_LINUX // pointers on 64bit linux are size 8, skip this float* audioBuf[256]; #else rulong audioBuf[256]; #endif rlong tickStart; rulong frames; rulong playMode; rulong tempo; // bpm rulong signNumerator; rulong signDenominator; rlong loopStartPos; rlong loopEndPos; rulong loopOn; }; struct RwAudioOutInfo { rulong size; // 56 RwEventBuffer evBuf; rulong channels[8]; }; static_assert(sizeof(RwOpenInfo) == 16, "Incorrect ReWire struct size"); static_assert(sizeof(RwDevInfo) == 8288, "Incorrect ReWire struct size"); static_assert(sizeof(RwAudioInfo) == 12, "Incorrect ReWire struct size"); static_assert(sizeof(RwBusInfo) == 40, "Incorrect ReWire struct size"); static_assert(sizeof(RwEventInfo) == 132, "Incorrect ReWire struct size"); static_assert(sizeof(RwEvent) == 24, "Incorrect ReWire struct size"); static_assert(sizeof(RwEventBuffer) == 20, "Incorrect ReWire struct size"); static_assert(sizeof(RwAudioInInfo) == 1116, "Incorrect ReWire struct size"); static_assert(sizeof(RwAudioOutInfo) == 56, "Incorrect ReWire struct size"); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- typedef void (*Fn_RWDEFCloseDevice)(); typedef void (*Fn_RWDEFDriveAudio)(RwAudioInInfo* in, RwAudioOutInfo* out); typedef void (*Fn_RWDEFGetDeviceInfo)(RwDevInfo* info); typedef void (*Fn_RWDEFGetDeviceNameAndVersion)(long* version, char* name); typedef void (*Fn_RWDEFGetEventBusInfo)(ushort index, RwBusInfo* info); typedef void (*Fn_RWDEFGetEventChannelInfo)(void* v1, void* v2); typedef void (*Fn_RWDEFGetEventControllerInfo)(void* v1, ushort index, void* v2); typedef void (*Fn_RWDEFGetEventInfo)(RwEventInfo* info); typedef void (*Fn_RWDEFGetEventNoteInfo)(void* v1, ushort index, void* v2); typedef void (*Fn_RWDEFIdle)(); typedef char (*Fn_RWDEFIsCloseOK)(); typedef char (*Fn_RWDEFIsPanelAppLaunched)(); typedef int (*Fn_RWDEFLaunchPanelApp)(); typedef int (*Fn_RWDEFOpenDevice)(RwOpenInfo* info); typedef int (*Fn_RWDEFQuitPanelApp)(); typedef void (*Fn_RWDEFSetAudioInfo)(RwAudioInfo* info); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct RewireBridge { void* lib; Fn_RWDEFCloseDevice RWDEFCloseDevice; Fn_RWDEFDriveAudio RWDEFDriveAudio; Fn_RWDEFGetDeviceInfo RWDEFGetDeviceInfo; Fn_RWDEFGetDeviceNameAndVersion RWDEFGetDeviceNameAndVersion; Fn_RWDEFGetEventBusInfo RWDEFGetEventBusInfo; Fn_RWDEFGetEventChannelInfo RWDEFGetEventChannelInfo; Fn_RWDEFGetEventControllerInfo RWDEFGetEventControllerInfo; Fn_RWDEFGetEventInfo RWDEFGetEventInfo; Fn_RWDEFGetEventNoteInfo RWDEFGetEventNoteInfo; Fn_RWDEFIdle RWDEFIdle; Fn_RWDEFIsCloseOK RWDEFIsCloseOK; Fn_RWDEFIsPanelAppLaunched RWDEFIsPanelAppLaunched; Fn_RWDEFLaunchPanelApp RWDEFLaunchPanelApp; Fn_RWDEFOpenDevice RWDEFOpenDevice; Fn_RWDEFQuitPanelApp RWDEFQuitPanelApp; Fn_RWDEFSetAudioInfo RWDEFSetAudioInfo; RewireBridge() : lib(nullptr), RWDEFCloseDevice(nullptr), RWDEFDriveAudio(nullptr), RWDEFGetDeviceInfo(nullptr), RWDEFGetDeviceNameAndVersion(nullptr), RWDEFGetEventBusInfo(nullptr), RWDEFGetEventChannelInfo(nullptr), RWDEFGetEventControllerInfo(nullptr), RWDEFGetEventInfo(nullptr), RWDEFGetEventNoteInfo(nullptr), RWDEFIdle(nullptr), RWDEFIsCloseOK(nullptr), RWDEFIsPanelAppLaunched(nullptr), RWDEFLaunchPanelApp(nullptr), RWDEFOpenDevice(nullptr), RWDEFQuitPanelApp(nullptr), RWDEFSetAudioInfo(nullptr) {} ~RewireBridge() { cleanup(); } int init(const char* const filename) { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(lib == nullptr, -2); CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(filename != nullptr && filename[0] != '\0', -2); lib = lib_open(filename); if (lib == nullptr) return -1; #define JOIN(a, b) a ## b #define LIB_SYMBOL(NAME) NAME = (Fn_##NAME)lib_symbol(lib, #NAME); //if (NAME == nullptr) cleanup(); return -2; LIB_SYMBOL(RWDEFCloseDevice) LIB_SYMBOL(RWDEFDriveAudio) LIB_SYMBOL(RWDEFGetDeviceInfo) LIB_SYMBOL(RWDEFGetDeviceNameAndVersion) LIB_SYMBOL(RWDEFGetEventBusInfo) LIB_SYMBOL(RWDEFGetEventChannelInfo) LIB_SYMBOL(RWDEFGetEventControllerInfo) LIB_SYMBOL(RWDEFGetEventInfo) LIB_SYMBOL(RWDEFGetEventNoteInfo) LIB_SYMBOL(RWDEFIdle) LIB_SYMBOL(RWDEFIsCloseOK) LIB_SYMBOL(RWDEFIsPanelAppLaunched) LIB_SYMBOL(RWDEFLaunchPanelApp) LIB_SYMBOL(RWDEFOpenDevice) LIB_SYMBOL(RWDEFQuitPanelApp) LIB_SYMBOL(RWDEFSetAudioInfo) #undef JOIN #undef LIB_SYMBOL return 0; } void cleanup() { if (lib != nullptr) { lib_close(lib); lib = nullptr; } RWDEFCloseDevice = nullptr; RWDEFDriveAudio = nullptr; RWDEFGetDeviceInfo = nullptr; RWDEFGetDeviceNameAndVersion = nullptr; RWDEFGetEventBusInfo = nullptr; RWDEFGetEventChannelInfo = nullptr; RWDEFGetEventControllerInfo = nullptr; RWDEFGetEventInfo = nullptr; RWDEFGetEventNoteInfo = nullptr; RWDEFIdle = nullptr; RWDEFIsCloseOK = nullptr; RWDEFIsPanelAppLaunched = nullptr; RWDEFLaunchPanelApp = nullptr; RWDEFOpenDevice = nullptr; RWDEFQuitPanelApp = nullptr; RWDEFSetAudioInfo = nullptr; } }; // ----------------------------------------------------- class ReWirePlugin : public CarlaPlugin { public: ReWirePlugin(CarlaEngine* const engine, const unsigned int id) : CarlaPlugin(engine, id), fIsOpen(false), fIsPanelLaunched(false), fLabel(nullptr) { carla_debug("ReWirePlugin::ReWirePlugin(%p, %i)", engine, id); carla_zeroStruct(fRwAudioIn); fRwAudioIn.size = sizeof(RwAudioInInfo); carla_zeroStruct(fRwAudioOut); fRwAudioOut.size = sizeof(RwAudioOutInfo); } ~ReWirePlugin() override { carla_debug("ReWirePlugin::~ReWirePlugin()"); // close panel if (fIsPanelLaunched) { fRw.RWDEFQuitPanelApp(); fIsPanelLaunched = false; } pData->singleMutex.lock(); pData->masterMutex.lock(); if (pData->client != nullptr && pData->client->isActive()) pData->client->deactivate(); if (pData->active) { deactivate(); pData->active = false; } if (fIsOpen) { for (; fRw.RWDEFIsCloseOK() == 0;) carla_msleep(2); fRw.RWDEFCloseDevice(); fIsOpen = false; } if (fLabel != nullptr) { delete[] fLabel; fLabel = nullptr; } clearBuffers(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Information (base) PluginType getType() const noexcept override { return PLUGIN_REWIRE; } PluginCategory getCategory() const noexcept override { return PLUGIN_CATEGORY_SYNTH; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Information (count) // nothing // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Information (current data) int32_t getChunkData(void** const dataPtr) const noexcept override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(pData->options & PLUGIN_OPTION_USE_CHUNKS, 0); CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fRw.lib != nullptr, 0); CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(dataPtr != nullptr, 0); // TODO return 0; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Information (per-plugin data) unsigned int getOptionsAvailable() const noexcept override { unsigned int options = 0x0; if (getMidiInCount() > 0) { options |= PLUGIN_OPTION_SEND_CONTROL_CHANGES; options |= PLUGIN_OPTION_SEND_CHANNEL_PRESSURE; options |= PLUGIN_OPTION_SEND_NOTE_AFTERTOUCH; options |= PLUGIN_OPTION_SEND_PITCHBEND; options |= PLUGIN_OPTION_SEND_ALL_SOUND_OFF; } return options; } float getParameterValue(const uint32_t parameterId) const noexcept override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(parameterId < pData->param.count, 0.0f); // TODO return 0.0f; } void getLabel(char* const strBuf) const noexcept override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fLabel != nullptr,) std::strcpy(strBuf, fLabel); } void getRealName(char* const strBuf) const noexcept override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fLabel != nullptr,) std::strcpy(strBuf, fLabel); } void getParameterName(const uint32_t parameterId, char* const strBuf) const noexcept override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fRw.lib != nullptr,); CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(parameterId < pData->param.count,); // TODO CarlaPlugin::getParameterName(parameterId, strBuf); } void getParameterUnit(const uint32_t parameterId, char* const strBuf) const noexcept override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fRw.lib != nullptr,); CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(parameterId < pData->param.count,); // TODO CarlaPlugin::getParameterUnit(parameterId, strBuf); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set data (state) // nothing // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set data (internal stuff) // nothing // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set data (plugin-specific stuff) void setParameterValue(const uint32_t parameterId, const float value, const bool sendGui, const bool sendOsc, const bool sendCallback) noexcept override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fRw.lib != nullptr,); CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(parameterId < pData->param.count,); const float fixedValue(pData->param.getFixedValue(parameterId, value)); // TODO CarlaPlugin::setParameterValue(parameterId, fixedValue, sendGui, sendOsc, sendCallback); } void setChunkData(const char* const stringData) override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(pData->options & PLUGIN_OPTION_USE_CHUNKS,); CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fRw.lib != nullptr,); CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(stringData != nullptr,); // TODO } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set ui stuff void showCustomUI(const bool yesNo) override { if (yesNo) { if (! fRw.RWDEFIsPanelAppLaunched()) fRw.RWDEFLaunchPanelApp(); fIsPanelLaunched = true; } else { if (fRw.RWDEFIsPanelAppLaunched()) fRw.RWDEFQuitPanelApp(); fIsPanelLaunched = false; } } void idle() override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fRw.lib != nullptr,); fRw.RWDEFIdle(); // check if panel has been closed if (fIsPanelLaunched && ! fRw.RWDEFIsPanelAppLaunched()) { // FIXME //fIsPanelLaunched = true; //pData->engine->callback(ENGINE_CALLBACK_UI_STATE_CHANGED, pData->id, 0, 0, 0.0f, nullptr); // static int counter = 0; // // if (counter % 1000) // { // carla_stdout("Panel is closed?"); // } // // ++counter; } CarlaPlugin::idle(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plugin state void reload() override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(pData->engine != nullptr,); CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fRw.lib != nullptr,); carla_debug("ReWirePlugin::reload() - start"); const EngineProcessMode processMode(pData->engine->getProccessMode()); // Safely disable plugin for reload const ScopedDisabler sd(this); if (pData->active) deactivate(); clearBuffers(); uint32_t aIns, aOuts, mIns, mOuts, params; bool needsCtrlIn, needsCtrlOut; needsCtrlIn = needsCtrlOut = false; RwDevInfo devInfo; carla_zeroStruct(devInfo); devInfo.size = sizeof(RwDevInfo); fRw.RWDEFGetDeviceInfo(&devInfo); if (devInfo.channelCount > 0) aIns = aOuts = static_cast(devInfo.channelCount); mIns = mOuts = 0; // TODO, should always be 1 params = 0; // TODO? if (aIns > 0) { pData->audioIn.createNew(aIns); } if (aOuts > 0) { pData->audioOut.createNew(aOuts); needsCtrlIn = true; } if (params > 0) { pData->param.createNew(params, false); needsCtrlIn = true; } const uint portNameSize(pData->engine->getMaxPortNameSize()); CarlaString portName; // Audio Ins for (uint32_t j=0; j < aIns; ++j) { portName.clear(); if (processMode == ENGINE_PROCESS_MODE_SINGLE_CLIENT) { portName = pData->name; portName += ":"; } portName += "i"; portName += devInfo.channelNames[j]; portName.truncate(portNameSize); pData->audioIn.ports[j].port = (CarlaEngineAudioPort*)pData->client->addPort(kEnginePortTypeAudio, portName, true); pData->audioIn.ports[j].rindex = j; } // Audio Outs for (uint32_t j=0; j < aOuts; ++j) { portName.clear(); if (processMode == ENGINE_PROCESS_MODE_SINGLE_CLIENT) { portName = pData->name; portName += ":"; } portName += "o"; portName += devInfo.channelNames[j]; portName.truncate(portNameSize); pData->audioOut.ports[j].port = (CarlaEngineAudioPort*)pData->client->addPort(kEnginePortTypeAudio, portName, false); pData->audioOut.ports[j].rindex = j; } if (needsCtrlIn) { portName.clear(); if (processMode == ENGINE_PROCESS_MODE_SINGLE_CLIENT) { portName = pData->name; portName += ":"; } portName += "events-in"; portName.truncate(portNameSize); pData->event.portIn = (CarlaEngineEventPort*)pData->client->addPort(kEnginePortTypeEvent, portName, true); } if (needsCtrlOut) { portName.clear(); if (processMode == ENGINE_PROCESS_MODE_SINGLE_CLIENT) { portName = pData->name; portName += ":"; } portName += "events-out"; portName.truncate(portNameSize); pData->event.portOut = (CarlaEngineEventPort*)pData->client->addPort(kEnginePortTypeEvent, portName, false); } // plugin hints pData->hints = 0x0; pData->hints |= PLUGIN_IS_SYNTH; pData->hints |= PLUGIN_HAS_CUSTOM_UI; if (aOuts > 0 && (aIns == aOuts || aIns == 1)) pData->hints |= PLUGIN_CAN_DRYWET; if (aOuts > 0) pData->hints |= PLUGIN_CAN_VOLUME; if (aOuts >= 2 && aOuts % 2 == 0) pData->hints |= PLUGIN_CAN_BALANCE; // extra plugin hints pData->extraHints = 0x0; if (mIns > 0) pData->extraHints |= PLUGIN_EXTRA_HINT_HAS_MIDI_IN; if (mOuts > 0) pData->extraHints |= PLUGIN_EXTRA_HINT_HAS_MIDI_OUT; if (aIns <= 2 && aOuts <= 2 && (aIns == aOuts || aIns == 0 || aOuts == 0)) pData->extraHints |= PLUGIN_EXTRA_HINT_CAN_RUN_RACK; bufferSizeChanged(pData->engine->getBufferSize()); if (pData->active) activate(); carla_debug("ReWirePlugin::reload() - end"); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plugin processing void activate() noexcept override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fRw.lib != nullptr,); // TODO } void deactivate() noexcept override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(fRw.lib != nullptr,); // TODO } void process(float** const inBuffer, float** const outBuffer, const uint32_t frames) override { // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check if active if (! pData->active) { // disable any output sound for (uint32_t i=0; i < pData->audioOut.count; ++i) FLOAT_CLEAR(outBuffer[i], frames); return; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Check if needs reset if (pData->needsReset) { if (pData->latency > 0) { for (uint32_t i=0; i < pData->audioIn.count; ++i) FLOAT_CLEAR(pData->latencyBuffers[i], pData->latency); } pData->needsReset = false; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set TimeInfo const EngineTimeInfo& timeInfo(pData->engine->getTimeInfo()); //fRwAudioIn.playMode; // ??? //fRwAudioIn.frames = timeInfo.frame; // not sure if buf or tranport frames if (timeInfo.valid & EngineTimeInfo::kValidBBT) { double ppqBar = double(timeInfo.bbt.bar - 1) * timeInfo.bbt.beatsPerBar; double ppqBeat = double(timeInfo.bbt.beat - 1); double ppqTick = double(timeInfo.bbt.tick) / timeInfo.bbt.ticksPerBeat; // PPQ Pos, ??? fRwAudioIn.tickStart = static_cast(ppqBar + ppqBeat + ppqTick); // Tempo fRwAudioIn.tempo = static_cast(timeInfo.bbt.beatsPerMinute); // Bars //fTimeInfo.barStartPos = ppqBar; // Time Signature fRwAudioIn.signNumerator = static_cast(timeInfo.bbt.beatsPerBar); fRwAudioIn.signDenominator = static_cast(timeInfo.bbt.beatType); } else { fRwAudioIn.tickStart = 0; fRwAudioIn.tempo = 120; fRwAudioIn.signNumerator = 4; fRwAudioIn.signDenominator = 4; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plugin processing (no events) { processSingle(inBuffer, outBuffer, frames, 0); } // End of Plugin processing (no events) } bool processSingle(float** const inBuffer, float** const outBuffer, const uint32_t frames, const uint32_t timeOffset) { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(frames > 0, false); if (pData->audioIn.count > 0) { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(inBuffer != nullptr, false); } if (pData->audioOut.count > 0) { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(outBuffer != nullptr, false); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Try lock, silence otherwise if (pData->engine->isOffline()) { pData->singleMutex.lock(); } else if (! pData->singleMutex.tryLock()) { for (uint32_t i=0; i < pData->audioOut.count; ++i) { for (uint32_t k=0; k < frames; ++k) outBuffer[i][k+timeOffset] = 0.0f; } return false; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Set audio buffers //rulong channels[8]; fRwAudioIn.frames = frames; #ifndef CARLA_OS_LINUX for (uint32_t i=0; i < pData->audioOut.count; ++i) { fRwAudioIn.audioBuf[i] = outBuffer[i]+timeOffset; FLOAT_COPY(fRwAudioIn.audioBuf[i], inBuffer[i]+timeOffset, frames); } #endif // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Run plugin fRw.RWDEFDriveAudio(&fRwAudioIn, &fRwAudioOut); #ifndef BUILD_BRIDGE // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Post-processing (dry/wet, volume and balance) { const bool doVolume = (pData->hints & PLUGIN_CAN_VOLUME) != 0 && pData->postProc.volume != 1.0f; const bool doDryWet = (pData->hints & PLUGIN_CAN_DRYWET) != 0 && pData->postProc.dryWet != 1.0f; const bool doBalance = (pData->hints & PLUGIN_CAN_BALANCE) != 0 && (pData->postProc.balanceLeft != -1.0f || pData->postProc.balanceRight != 1.0f); bool isPair; float bufValue, oldBufLeft[doBalance ? frames : 1]; for (uint32_t i=0; i < pData->audioOut.count; ++i) { // Dry/Wet if (doDryWet) { for (uint32_t k=0; k < frames; ++k) { bufValue = inBuffer[(pData->audioIn.count == 1) ? 0 : i][k+timeOffset]; outBuffer[i][k+timeOffset] = (outBuffer[i][k+timeOffset] * pData->postProc.dryWet) + (bufValue * (1.0f - pData->postProc.dryWet)); } } // Balance if (doBalance) { isPair = (i % 2 == 0); if (isPair) { CARLA_ASSERT(i+1 < pData->audioOut.count); FLOAT_COPY(oldBufLeft, outBuffer[i]+timeOffset, frames); } float balRangeL = (pData->postProc.balanceLeft + 1.0f)/2.0f; float balRangeR = (pData->postProc.balanceRight + 1.0f)/2.0f; for (uint32_t k=0; k < frames; ++k) { if (isPair) { // left outBuffer[i][k+timeOffset] = oldBufLeft[k] * (1.0f - balRangeL); outBuffer[i][k+timeOffset] += outBuffer[i+1][k+timeOffset] * (1.0f - balRangeR); } else { // right outBuffer[i][k+timeOffset] = outBuffer[i][k+timeOffset] * balRangeR; outBuffer[i][k+timeOffset] += oldBufLeft[k] * balRangeL; } } } // Volume if (doVolume) { for (uint32_t k=0; k < frames; ++k) outBuffer[i][k+timeOffset] *= pData->postProc.volume; } } } // End of Post-processing #endif // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pData->singleMutex.unlock(); return true; } void bufferSizeChanged(const uint32_t newBufferSize) override { CARLA_ASSERT_INT(newBufferSize > 0, newBufferSize); carla_debug("ReWirePlugin::bufferSizeChanged(%i)", newBufferSize); if (pData->active) deactivate(); RwAudioInfo audioInfo; audioInfo.size = sizeof(RwAudioInfo); audioInfo.bufferSize = static_cast(newBufferSize); audioInfo.sampleRate = static_cast(pData->engine->getSampleRate()); fRw.RWDEFSetAudioInfo(&audioInfo); if (pData->active) activate(); } void sampleRateChanged(const double newSampleRate) override { CARLA_ASSERT_INT(newSampleRate > 0.0, newSampleRate); carla_debug("ReWirePlugin::sampleRateChanged(%g)", newSampleRate); if (pData->active) deactivate(); RwAudioInfo audioInfo; audioInfo.size = sizeof(RwAudioInfo); audioInfo.bufferSize = static_cast(pData->engine->getBufferSize()); audioInfo.sampleRate = static_cast(newSampleRate); fRw.RWDEFSetAudioInfo(&audioInfo); if (pData->active) activate(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plugin buffers // nothing // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Post-poned UI Stuff // nothing // ------------------------------------------------------------------- protected: // TODO // ------------------------------------------------------------------- public: bool init(const char* const filename, const char* const name) { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(pData->engine != nullptr, false); // --------------------------------------------------------------- // first checks if (pData->client != nullptr) { pData->engine->setLastError("Plugin client is already registered"); return false; } if (filename == nullptr || filename[0] == '\0') { pData->engine->setLastError("null filename"); return false; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // open DLL int ret = fRw.init(filename); if (ret != 0) { if (ret == -1) pData->engine->setLastError(lib_error(filename)); else pData->engine->setLastError("Not a valid ReWire application"); return false; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // get info long version; char nameBuf[STR_MAX+1]; carla_zeroChar(nameBuf, STR_MAX+1); fRw.RWDEFGetDeviceNameAndVersion(&version, nameBuf); if (nameBuf[0] == '\0') { pData->engine->setLastError("ReWire application has no name"); return false; } fLabel = carla_strdup(nameBuf); if (name != nullptr && name[0] != '\0') pData->name = pData->engine->getUniquePluginName(name); else pData->name = pData->engine->getUniquePluginName(nameBuf); pData->filename = carla_strdup(filename); // --------------------------------------------------------------- // register client pData->client = pData->engine->addClient(this); if (pData->client == nullptr || ! pData->client->isOk()) { pData->engine->setLastError("Failed to register plugin client"); return false; } // --------------------------------------------------------------- // initialize app RwOpenInfo info; info.size1 = sizeof(RwOpenInfo); info.size2 = 12; info.bufferSize = static_cast(pData->engine->getBufferSize()); info.sampleRate = static_cast(pData->engine->getSampleRate()); ret = fRw.RWDEFOpenDevice(&info); carla_stdout("RW open ret = %i", ret); // TODO check ret fIsOpen = true; // --------------------------------------------------------------- // load plugin settings { // set default options pData->options = 0x0; pData->options |= PLUGIN_OPTION_FIXED_BUFFERS; pData->options |= PLUGIN_OPTION_USE_CHUNKS; // TODO if (getMidiInCount() > 0) { pData->options |= PLUGIN_OPTION_SEND_CHANNEL_PRESSURE; pData->options |= PLUGIN_OPTION_SEND_NOTE_AFTERTOUCH; pData->options |= PLUGIN_OPTION_SEND_PITCHBEND; pData->options |= PLUGIN_OPTION_SEND_ALL_SOUND_OFF; } // set identifier string CarlaString identifier("ReWire/"); identifier += fLabel; pData->identifier = identifier.dup(); // load settings pData->options = pData->loadSettings(pData->options, getOptionsAvailable()); // ignore settings, we need this anyway pData->options |= PLUGIN_OPTION_FIXED_BUFFERS; pData->options |= PLUGIN_OPTION_USE_CHUNKS; } return true; } private: RewireBridge fRw; RwAudioInInfo fRwAudioIn; RwAudioOutInfo fRwAudioOut; bool fIsOpen; bool fIsPanelLaunched; const char* fLabel; CARLA_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR(ReWirePlugin) }; CARLA_BACKEND_END_NAMESPACE #endif // WANT_REWIRE // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CARLA_BACKEND_START_NAMESPACE CarlaPlugin* CarlaPlugin::newReWire(const Initializer& init) { carla_debug("CarlaPlugin::newReWire({%p, \"%s\", \"%s\"})", init.engine, init.filename, init.name); #ifdef WANT_REWIRE ReWirePlugin* const plugin(new ReWirePlugin(init.engine, init.id)); if (! plugin->init(init.filename, init.name)) { delete plugin; return nullptr; } plugin->reload(); if (init.engine->getProccessMode() == ENGINE_PROCESS_MODE_CONTINUOUS_RACK && ! plugin->canRunInRack()) { init.engine->setLastError("Carla's rack mode can only work with Stereo ReWire applications, sorry!"); delete plugin; return nullptr; } return plugin; #else init.engine->setLastError("ReWire support not available"); return nullptr; #endif } CARLA_BACKEND_END_NAMESPACE // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------