/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2022 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 7 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy. End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-7-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { Label::Label (const String& name, const String& labelText) : Component (name), textValue (labelText), lastTextValue (labelText) { setColour (TextEditor::textColourId, Colours::black); setColour (TextEditor::backgroundColourId, Colours::transparentBlack); setColour (TextEditor::outlineColourId, Colours::transparentBlack); textValue.addListener (this); } Label::~Label() { textValue.removeListener (this); if (ownerComponent != nullptr) ownerComponent->removeComponentListener (this); editor.reset(); } //============================================================================== void Label::setText (const String& newText, NotificationType notification) { hideEditor (true); if (lastTextValue != newText) { lastTextValue = newText; textValue = newText; repaint(); textWasChanged(); if (ownerComponent != nullptr) componentMovedOrResized (*ownerComponent, true, true); if (notification != dontSendNotification) callChangeListeners(); } } String Label::getText (bool returnActiveEditorContents) const { return (returnActiveEditorContents && isBeingEdited()) ? editor->getText() : textValue.toString(); } void Label::valueChanged (Value&) { if (lastTextValue != textValue.toString()) setText (textValue.toString(), sendNotification); } //============================================================================== void Label::setFont (const Font& newFont) { if (font != newFont) { font = newFont; repaint(); } } Font Label::getFont() const noexcept { return font; } void Label::setEditable (bool editOnSingleClick, bool editOnDoubleClick, bool lossOfFocusDiscards) { editSingleClick = editOnSingleClick; editDoubleClick = editOnDoubleClick; lossOfFocusDiscardsChanges = lossOfFocusDiscards; const auto isKeybordFocusable = (editOnSingleClick || editOnDoubleClick); setWantsKeyboardFocus (isKeybordFocusable); setFocusContainerType (isKeybordFocusable ? FocusContainerType::keyboardFocusContainer : FocusContainerType::none); invalidateAccessibilityHandler(); } void Label::setJustificationType (Justification newJustification) { if (justification != newJustification) { justification = newJustification; repaint(); } } void Label::setBorderSize (BorderSize newBorder) { if (border != newBorder) { border = newBorder; repaint(); } } //============================================================================== Component* Label::getAttachedComponent() const { return ownerComponent.get(); } void Label::attachToComponent (Component* owner, bool onLeft) { jassert (owner != this); // Not a great idea to try to attach it to itself! if (ownerComponent != nullptr) ownerComponent->removeComponentListener (this); ownerComponent = owner; leftOfOwnerComp = onLeft; if (ownerComponent != nullptr) { setVisible (ownerComponent->isVisible()); ownerComponent->addComponentListener (this); componentParentHierarchyChanged (*ownerComponent); componentMovedOrResized (*ownerComponent, true, true); } } void Label::componentMovedOrResized (Component& component, bool /*wasMoved*/, bool /*wasResized*/) { auto& lf = getLookAndFeel(); auto f = lf.getLabelFont (*this); auto borderSize = lf.getLabelBorderSize (*this); if (leftOfOwnerComp) { auto width = jmin (roundToInt (f.getStringWidthFloat (textValue.toString()) + 0.5f) + borderSize.getLeftAndRight(), component.getX()); setBounds (component.getX() - width, component.getY(), width, component.getHeight()); } else { auto height = borderSize.getTopAndBottom() + 6 + roundToInt (f.getHeight() + 0.5f); setBounds (component.getX(), component.getY() - height, component.getWidth(), height); } } void Label::componentParentHierarchyChanged (Component& component) { if (auto* parent = component.getParentComponent()) parent->addChildComponent (this); } void Label::componentVisibilityChanged (Component& component) { setVisible (component.isVisible()); } //============================================================================== void Label::textWasEdited() {} void Label::textWasChanged() {} void Label::editorShown (TextEditor* textEditor) { Component::BailOutChecker checker (this); listeners.callChecked (checker, [this, textEditor] (Label::Listener& l) { l.editorShown (this, *textEditor); }); if (checker.shouldBailOut()) return; if (onEditorShow != nullptr) onEditorShow(); } void Label::editorAboutToBeHidden (TextEditor* textEditor) { Component::BailOutChecker checker (this); listeners.callChecked (checker, [this, textEditor] (Label::Listener& l) { l.editorHidden (this, *textEditor); }); if (checker.shouldBailOut()) return; if (onEditorHide != nullptr) onEditorHide(); } void Label::showEditor() { if (editor == nullptr) { editor.reset (createEditorComponent()); editor->setSize (10, 10); addAndMakeVisible (editor.get()); editor->setText (getText(), false); editor->setKeyboardType (keyboardType); editor->addListener (this); editor->grabKeyboardFocus(); if (editor == nullptr) // may be deleted by a callback return; editor->setHighlightedRegion (Range (0, textValue.toString().length())); resized(); repaint(); editorShown (editor.get()); enterModalState (false); editor->grabKeyboardFocus(); } } bool Label::updateFromTextEditorContents (TextEditor& ed) { auto newText = ed.getText(); if (textValue.toString() != newText) { lastTextValue = newText; textValue = newText; repaint(); textWasChanged(); if (ownerComponent != nullptr) componentMovedOrResized (*ownerComponent, true, true); return true; } return false; } void Label::hideEditor (bool discardCurrentEditorContents) { if (editor != nullptr) { WeakReference deletionChecker (this); std::unique_ptr outgoingEditor; std::swap (outgoingEditor, editor); editorAboutToBeHidden (outgoingEditor.get()); const bool changed = (! discardCurrentEditorContents) && updateFromTextEditorContents (*outgoingEditor); outgoingEditor.reset(); if (deletionChecker != nullptr) repaint(); if (changed) textWasEdited(); if (deletionChecker != nullptr) exitModalState (0); if (changed && deletionChecker != nullptr) callChangeListeners(); } } void Label::inputAttemptWhenModal() { if (editor != nullptr) { if (lossOfFocusDiscardsChanges) textEditorEscapeKeyPressed (*editor); else textEditorReturnKeyPressed (*editor); } } bool Label::isBeingEdited() const noexcept { return editor != nullptr; } static void copyColourIfSpecified (Label& l, TextEditor& ed, int colourID, int targetColourID) { if (l.isColourSpecified (colourID) || l.getLookAndFeel().isColourSpecified (colourID)) ed.setColour (targetColourID, l.findColour (colourID)); } TextEditor* Label::createEditorComponent() { auto* ed = new TextEditor (getName()); ed->applyFontToAllText (getLookAndFeel().getLabelFont (*this)); copyAllExplicitColoursTo (*ed); copyColourIfSpecified (*this, *ed, textWhenEditingColourId, TextEditor::textColourId); copyColourIfSpecified (*this, *ed, backgroundWhenEditingColourId, TextEditor::backgroundColourId); copyColourIfSpecified (*this, *ed, outlineWhenEditingColourId, TextEditor::focusedOutlineColourId); return ed; } TextEditor* Label::getCurrentTextEditor() const noexcept { return editor.get(); } //============================================================================== void Label::paint (Graphics& g) { getLookAndFeel().drawLabel (g, *this); } void Label::mouseUp (const MouseEvent& e) { if (editSingleClick && isEnabled() && contains (e.getPosition()) && ! (e.mouseWasDraggedSinceMouseDown() || e.mods.isPopupMenu())) { showEditor(); } } void Label::mouseDoubleClick (const MouseEvent& e) { if (editDoubleClick && isEnabled() && ! e.mods.isPopupMenu()) { showEditor(); } } void Label::resized() { if (editor != nullptr) editor->setBounds (getLocalBounds()); } void Label::focusGained (FocusChangeType cause) { if (editSingleClick && isEnabled() && cause == focusChangedByTabKey) { showEditor(); } } void Label::enablementChanged() { repaint(); } void Label::colourChanged() { repaint(); } void Label::setMinimumHorizontalScale (const float newScale) { if (minimumHorizontalScale != newScale) { minimumHorizontalScale = newScale; repaint(); } } //============================================================================== // We'll use a custom focus traverser here to make sure focus goes from the // text editor to another component rather than back to the label itself. class LabelKeyboardFocusTraverser : public KeyboardFocusTraverser { public: explicit LabelKeyboardFocusTraverser (Label& l) : owner (l) {} Component* getDefaultComponent (Component* parent) override { if (auto* container = getKeyboardFocusContainer (parent)) return KeyboardFocusTraverser::getDefaultComponent (container); return nullptr; } Component* getNextComponent (Component* c) override { return KeyboardFocusTraverser::getNextComponent (getComp (c)); } Component* getPreviousComponent (Component* c) override { return KeyboardFocusTraverser::getPreviousComponent (getComp (c)); } std::vector getAllComponents (Component* parent) override { if (auto* container = getKeyboardFocusContainer (parent)) return KeyboardFocusTraverser::getAllComponents (container); return {}; } private: Component* getComp (Component* current) const { if (auto* ed = owner.getCurrentTextEditor()) if (current == ed) return current->getParentComponent(); return current; } Component* getKeyboardFocusContainer (Component* parent) const { if (owner.getCurrentTextEditor() != nullptr && parent == &owner) return owner.findKeyboardFocusContainer(); return parent; } Label& owner; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (LabelKeyboardFocusTraverser) }; std::unique_ptr Label::createKeyboardFocusTraverser() { return std::make_unique (*this); } //============================================================================== void Label::addListener (Label::Listener* l) { listeners.add (l); } void Label::removeListener (Label::Listener* l) { listeners.remove (l); } void Label::callChangeListeners() { Component::BailOutChecker checker (this); listeners.callChecked (checker, [this] (Listener& l) { l.labelTextChanged (this); }); if (checker.shouldBailOut()) return; if (onTextChange != nullptr) onTextChange(); } //============================================================================== void Label::textEditorTextChanged (TextEditor& ed) { if (editor != nullptr) { jassert (&ed == editor.get()); if (! (hasKeyboardFocus (true) || isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent())) { if (lossOfFocusDiscardsChanges) textEditorEscapeKeyPressed (ed); else textEditorReturnKeyPressed (ed); } } } void Label::textEditorReturnKeyPressed (TextEditor& ed) { if (editor != nullptr) { jassert (&ed == editor.get()); WeakReference deletionChecker (this); bool changed = updateFromTextEditorContents (ed); hideEditor (true); if (changed && deletionChecker != nullptr) { textWasEdited(); if (deletionChecker != nullptr) callChangeListeners(); } } } void Label::textEditorEscapeKeyPressed (TextEditor& ed) { if (editor != nullptr) { jassertquiet (&ed == editor.get()); editor->setText (textValue.toString(), false); hideEditor (true); } } void Label::textEditorFocusLost (TextEditor& ed) { textEditorTextChanged (ed); } //============================================================================== class LabelAccessibilityHandler : public AccessibilityHandler { public: explicit LabelAccessibilityHandler (Label& labelToWrap) : AccessibilityHandler (labelToWrap, labelToWrap.isEditable() ? AccessibilityRole::editableText : AccessibilityRole::label, getAccessibilityActions (labelToWrap), { std::make_unique (labelToWrap) }), label (labelToWrap) { } String getTitle() const override { return label.getText(); } String getHelp() const override { return label.getTooltip(); } AccessibleState getCurrentState() const override { if (label.isBeingEdited()) return {}; // allow focus to pass through to the TextEditor return AccessibilityHandler::getCurrentState(); } private: class LabelValueInterface : public AccessibilityTextValueInterface { public: explicit LabelValueInterface (Label& labelToWrap) : label (labelToWrap) { } bool isReadOnly() const override { return true; } String getCurrentValueAsString() const override { return label.getText(); } void setValueAsString (const String&) override {} private: Label& label; //============================================================================== JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (LabelValueInterface) }; static AccessibilityActions getAccessibilityActions (Label& label) { if (label.isEditable()) return AccessibilityActions().addAction (AccessibilityActionType::press, [&label] { label.showEditor(); }); return {}; } Label& label; //============================================================================== JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (LabelAccessibilityHandler) }; std::unique_ptr Label::createAccessibilityHandler() { return std::make_unique (*this); } } // namespace juce