/* * Carla Engine * Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Filipe Coelho * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For a full copy of the GNU General Public License see the doc/GPL.txt file. */ #ifndef CARLA_ENGINE_INTERNAL_HPP_INCLUDED #define CARLA_ENGINE_INTERNAL_HPP_INCLUDED #include "CarlaEngine.hpp" #include "CarlaEngineOsc.hpp" #include "CarlaEngineThread.hpp" #include "CarlaPlugin.hpp" #include "CarlaMutex.hpp" #ifdef HAVE_JUCE # include "juce_audio_basics.h" using juce::FloatVectorOperations; #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Engine helper macro, sets lastError and returns false/NULL #define CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN_ERR(cond, err) if (cond) pass(); else { carla_safe_assert(#cond, __FILE__, __LINE__); setLastError(err); return false; } #define CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN_ERRN(cond, err) if (cond) pass(); else { carla_safe_assert(#cond, __FILE__, __LINE__); setLastError(err); return nullptr; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Float operations #ifdef HAVE_JUCE # define FLOAT_ADD(bufDst, bufSrc, frames) FloatVectorOperations::add(bufDst, bufSrc, frames) # define FLOAT_COPY(bufDst, bufSrc, frames) FloatVectorOperations::copy(bufDst, bufSrc, frames) # define FLOAT_CLEAR(buf, frames) FloatVectorOperations::clear(buf, frames) #else # define FLOAT_ADD(bufDst, bufSrc, frames) carla_addFloat(bufDst, bufSrc, frames) # define FLOAT_COPY(bufDst, bufSrc, frames) carla_copyFloat(bufDst, bufSrc, frames) # define FLOAT_CLEAR(buf, frames) carla_zeroFloat(buf, frames) #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CARLA_BACKEND_START_NAMESPACE #if 0 } // Fix editor indentation #endif // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static inline const char* EngineType2Str(const EngineType type) { switch (type) { case kEngineTypeNull: return "kEngineTypeNull"; case kEngineTypeJack: return "kEngineTypeJack"; case kEngineTypeJuce: return "kEngineTypeJuce"; case kEngineTypeRtAudio: return "kEngineTypeRtAudio"; case kEngineTypePlugin: return "kEngineTypePlugin"; case kEngineTypeBridge: return "kEngineTypeBridge"; } carla_stderr("CarlaBackend::EngineType2Str(%i) - invalid type", type); return nullptr; } static inline const char* EnginePortType2Str(const EnginePortType type) { switch (type) { case kEnginePortTypeNull: return "kEnginePortTypeNull"; case kEnginePortTypeAudio: return "kEnginePortTypeAudio"; case kEnginePortTypeCV: return "kEnginePortTypeCV"; case kEnginePortTypeEvent: return "kEnginePortTypeEvent"; } carla_stderr("CarlaBackend::EnginePortType2Str(%i) - invalid type", type); return nullptr; } static inline const char* EngineEventType2Str(const EngineEventType type) { switch (type) { case kEngineEventTypeNull: return "kEngineEventTypeNull"; case kEngineEventTypeControl: return "kEngineEventTypeControl"; case kEngineEventTypeMidi: return "kEngineEventTypeMidi"; } carla_stderr("CarlaBackend::EngineEventType2Str(%i) - invalid type", type); return nullptr; } static inline const char* EngineControlEventType2Str(const EngineControlEventType type) { switch (type) { case kEngineControlEventTypeNull: return "kEngineNullEvent"; case kEngineControlEventTypeParameter: return "kEngineControlEventTypeParameter"; case kEngineControlEventTypeMidiBank: return "kEngineControlEventTypeMidiBank"; case kEngineControlEventTypeMidiProgram: return "kEngineControlEventTypeMidiProgram"; case kEngineControlEventTypeAllSoundOff: return "kEngineControlEventTypeAllSoundOff"; case kEngineControlEventTypeAllNotesOff: return "kEngineControlEventTypeAllNotesOff"; } carla_stderr("CarlaBackend::EngineControlEventType2Str(%i) - invalid type", type); return nullptr; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- const unsigned short kEngineMaxInternalEventCount = 512; enum EnginePostAction { kEnginePostActionNull, kEnginePostActionZeroCount, kEnginePostActionRemovePlugin, kEnginePostActionSwitchPlugins }; struct EnginePluginData { CarlaPlugin* plugin; float insPeak[2]; float outsPeak[2]; void clear() { plugin = nullptr; insPeak[0] = insPeak[1] = 0.0f; outsPeak[0] = outsPeak[1] = 0.0f; } }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- struct CarlaEngineProtectedData { CarlaEngineOsc osc; CarlaEngineThread thread; const CarlaOscData* oscData; EngineCallbackFunc callback; void* callbackPtr; unsigned int hints; uint32_t bufferSize; double sampleRate; bool aboutToClose; // don't re-activate thread if true unsigned int curPluginCount; // number of plugins loaded (0...max) unsigned int maxPluginNumber; // number of plugins allowed (0, 16, 99 or 255) unsigned int nextPluginId; // invalid if == maxPluginNumber CarlaString lastError; CarlaString name; EngineOptions options; EngineTimeInfo timeInfo; EnginePluginData* plugins; struct InternalEvents { EngineEvent* in; EngineEvent* out; InternalEvents() noexcept : in(nullptr), out(nullptr) {} ~InternalEvents() { CARLA_ASSERT(in == nullptr); CARLA_ASSERT(out == nullptr); } } bufEvents; struct InternalTime { bool playing; uint64_t frame; InternalTime() noexcept : playing(false), frame(0) {} } time; struct NextAction { EnginePostAction opcode; unsigned int pluginId; unsigned int value; CarlaMutex mutex; NextAction() noexcept : opcode(kEnginePostActionNull), pluginId(0), value(0) {} ~NextAction() { CARLA_ASSERT(opcode == kEnginePostActionNull); } void ready() noexcept { mutex.lock(); mutex.unlock(); } } nextAction; CarlaEngineProtectedData(CarlaEngine* const engine) : osc(engine), thread(engine), oscData(nullptr), callback(nullptr), callbackPtr(nullptr), hints(0x0), bufferSize(0), sampleRate(0.0), aboutToClose(false), curPluginCount(0), maxPluginNumber(0), nextPluginId(0), plugins(nullptr) {} #ifdef CARLA_PROPER_CPP11_SUPPORT CarlaEngineProtectedData() = delete; CARLA_DECLARE_NON_COPY_STRUCT(CarlaEngineProtectedData) #endif ~CarlaEngineProtectedData() { CARLA_ASSERT(curPluginCount == 0); CARLA_ASSERT(maxPluginNumber == 0); CARLA_ASSERT(nextPluginId == 0); CARLA_ASSERT(plugins == nullptr); } void doPluginRemove() { CARLA_ASSERT(curPluginCount > 0); CARLA_ASSERT(nextAction.pluginId < curPluginCount); --curPluginCount; // move all plugins 1 spot backwards for (unsigned int i=nextAction.pluginId; i < curPluginCount; ++i) { CarlaPlugin* const plugin(plugins[i+1].plugin); CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_BREAK(plugin != nullptr); plugin->setId(i); plugins[i].plugin = plugin; plugins[i].insPeak[0] = 0.0f; plugins[i].insPeak[1] = 0.0f; plugins[i].outsPeak[0] = 0.0f; plugins[i].outsPeak[1] = 0.0f; } const unsigned int id(curPluginCount); // reset last plugin (now removed) plugins[id].plugin = nullptr; plugins[id].insPeak[0] = 0.0f; plugins[id].insPeak[1] = 0.0f; plugins[id].outsPeak[0] = 0.0f; plugins[id].outsPeak[1] = 0.0f; } void doPluginsSwitch() { CARLA_ASSERT(curPluginCount >= 2); const unsigned int idA(nextAction.pluginId); const unsigned int idB(nextAction.value); CARLA_ASSERT(idA < curPluginCount); CARLA_ASSERT(idB < curPluginCount); CARLA_ASSERT(plugins[idA].plugin != nullptr); CARLA_ASSERT(plugins[idB].plugin != nullptr); #if 0 std::swap(plugins[idA].plugin, plugins[idB].plugin); #else CarlaPlugin* const tmp(plugins[idA].plugin); plugins[idA].plugin = plugins[idB].plugin; plugins[idB].plugin = tmp; #endif } void doNextPluginAction(const bool unlock) noexcept { switch (nextAction.opcode) { case kEnginePostActionNull: break; case kEnginePostActionZeroCount: curPluginCount = 0; break; case kEnginePostActionRemovePlugin: doPluginRemove(); break; case kEnginePostActionSwitchPlugins: doPluginsSwitch(); break; } nextAction.opcode = kEnginePostActionNull; nextAction.pluginId = 0; nextAction.value = 0; if (unlock) nextAction.mutex.unlock(); } class ScopedActionLock { public: ScopedActionLock(CarlaEngineProtectedData* const data, const EnginePostAction action, const unsigned int pluginId, const unsigned int value, const bool lockWait) : fData(data) { fData->nextAction.mutex.lock(); CARLA_ASSERT(fData->nextAction.opcode == kEnginePostActionNull); fData->nextAction.opcode = action; fData->nextAction.pluginId = pluginId; fData->nextAction.value = value; if (lockWait) { // block wait for unlock on processing side carla_stdout("ScopedPluginAction(%i) - blocking START", pluginId); fData->nextAction.mutex.lock(); carla_stdout("ScopedPluginAction(%i) - blocking DONE", pluginId); } else { fData->doNextPluginAction(false); } } ~ScopedActionLock() noexcept { fData->nextAction.mutex.unlock(); } private: CarlaEngineProtectedData* const fData; }; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CARLA_BACKEND_END_NAMESPACE #endif // CARLA_ENGINE_INTERNAL_HPP_INCLUDED