PluginRefreshW 0 0 686 330 Carla - Refresh Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Preferred 30 20 Search for new... Qt::AlignCenter LADSPA DSSI LV2 VST2 VST3 AU JSFX 0 1 Qt::Horizontal SF2/3 SFZ Qt::Horizontal 40 5 Qt::Vertical 20 40 0 1 Qt::Vertical Native POSIX 32bit POSIX 64bit Windows 32bit Windows 64bit Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Fixed 20 20 Available tools: Qt::AlignCenter true 16 16 :/16x16/dialog-ok-apply.svgz true 16 16 :/16x16/dialog-ok-apply.svgz true python3-rdflib (LADSPA-RDF support) carla-discovery-win64 carla-discovery-native 16 16 :/16x16/dialog-ok-apply.svgz true 16 16 :/16x16/dialog-ok-apply.svgz true carla-discovery-posix32 16 16 :/16x16/dialog-ok-apply.svgz true 16 16 :/16x16/dialog-ok-apply.svgz true carla-discovery-posix64 carla-discovery-win32 Qt::Vertical 20 40 Options: Qt::AlignCenter true Carla will run small processing checks when scanning the plugins (to make sure they won't crash). You can disable these checks to get a faster scanning time (at your own risk). Run processing checks while scanning Qt::Vertical 20 40 Qt::Horizontal QSizePolicy::Preferred 30 20 Qt::Vertical 20 6 0 0 100 0 Press 'Scan' to begin the search Scan :/16x16/arrow-right.svgz:/16x16/arrow-right.svgz >> Skip Close :/16x16/window-close.svgz:/16x16/window-close.svgz b_close clicked() PluginRefreshW close() 426 231 236 125