/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2013 - Raw Material Software Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ TooltipWindow::TooltipWindow (Component* const parentComp, const int delayMs) : Component ("tooltip"), lastComponentUnderMouse (nullptr), millisecondsBeforeTipAppears (delayMs), mouseClicks (0), mouseWheelMoves (0), lastCompChangeTime (0), lastHideTime (0), reentrant (false) { if (Desktop::getInstance().getMainMouseSource().canHover()) startTimer (123); setAlwaysOnTop (true); setOpaque (true); if (parentComp != nullptr) parentComp->addChildComponent (this); } TooltipWindow::~TooltipWindow() { hideTip(); } void TooltipWindow::setMillisecondsBeforeTipAppears (const int newTimeMs) noexcept { millisecondsBeforeTipAppears = newTimeMs; } void TooltipWindow::paint (Graphics& g) { getLookAndFeel().drawTooltip (g, tipShowing, getWidth(), getHeight()); } void TooltipWindow::mouseEnter (const MouseEvent&) { hideTip(); } void TooltipWindow::updatePosition (const String& tip, Point pos, Rectangle parentArea) { setBounds (getLookAndFeel().getTooltipBounds (tip, pos, parentArea)); setVisible (true); } void TooltipWindow::displayTip (Point screenPos, const String& tip) { jassert (tip.isNotEmpty()); if (! reentrant) { ScopedValueSetter setter (reentrant, true, false); if (tipShowing != tip) { tipShowing = tip; repaint(); } if (Component* const parent = getParentComponent()) { updatePosition (tip, parent->getLocalPoint (nullptr, screenPos), parent->getLocalBounds()); } else { updatePosition (tip, screenPos, Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays() .getDisplayContaining (screenPos).userArea); addToDesktop (ComponentPeer::windowHasDropShadow | ComponentPeer::windowIsTemporary | ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresKeyPresses); } toFront (false); } } String TooltipWindow::getTipFor (Component* const c) { if (c != nullptr && Process::isForegroundProcess() && ! ModifierKeys::getCurrentModifiers().isAnyMouseButtonDown()) { if (TooltipClient* const ttc = dynamic_cast (c)) if (! c->isCurrentlyBlockedByAnotherModalComponent()) return ttc->getTooltip(); } return String(); } void TooltipWindow::hideTip() { if (! reentrant) { tipShowing.clear(); removeFromDesktop(); setVisible (false); } } void TooltipWindow::timerCallback() { Desktop& desktop = Desktop::getInstance(); const MouseInputSource mouseSource (desktop.getMainMouseSource()); const unsigned int now = Time::getApproximateMillisecondCounter(); Component* const newComp = mouseSource.isMouse() ? mouseSource.getComponentUnderMouse() : nullptr; const String newTip (getTipFor (newComp)); const bool tipChanged = (newTip != lastTipUnderMouse || newComp != lastComponentUnderMouse); lastComponentUnderMouse = newComp; lastTipUnderMouse = newTip; const int clickCount = desktop.getMouseButtonClickCounter(); const int wheelCount = desktop.getMouseWheelMoveCounter(); const bool mouseWasClicked = (clickCount > mouseClicks || wheelCount > mouseWheelMoves); mouseClicks = clickCount; mouseWheelMoves = wheelCount; const Point mousePos (mouseSource.getScreenPosition()); const bool mouseMovedQuickly = mousePos.getDistanceFrom (lastMousePos) > 12; lastMousePos = mousePos; if (tipChanged || mouseWasClicked || mouseMovedQuickly) lastCompChangeTime = now; if (isVisible() || now < lastHideTime + 500) { // if a tip is currently visible (or has just disappeared), update to a new one // immediately if needed.. if (newComp == nullptr || mouseWasClicked || newTip.isEmpty()) { if (isVisible()) { lastHideTime = now; hideTip(); } } else if (tipChanged) { displayTip (mousePos.roundToInt(), newTip); } } else { // if there isn't currently a tip, but one is needed, only let it // appear after a timeout.. if (newTip.isNotEmpty() && newTip != tipShowing && now > lastCompChangeTime + (unsigned int) millisecondsBeforeTipAppears) { displayTip (mousePos.roundToInt(), newTip); } } }