/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE 7 technical preview. Copyright (c) 2022 - Raw Material Software Limited You may use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). For the technical preview this file cannot be licensed commercially. JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { // tests that some coordinates aren't NaNs #define JUCE_CHECK_COORDS_ARE_VALID(x, y) \ jassert (x == x && y == y); //============================================================================== namespace PathHelpers { const float ellipseAngularIncrement = 0.05f; static String nextToken (String::CharPointerType& t) { t.incrementToEndOfWhitespace(); auto start = t; size_t numChars = 0; while (! (t.isEmpty() || t.isWhitespace())) { ++t; ++numChars; } return { start, numChars }; } inline double lengthOf (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) noexcept { return juce_hypot ((double) (x1 - x2), (double) (y1 - y2)); } } //============================================================================== const float Path::lineMarker = 100001.0f; const float Path::moveMarker = 100002.0f; const float Path::quadMarker = 100003.0f; const float Path::cubicMarker = 100004.0f; const float Path::closeSubPathMarker = 100005.0f; const float Path::defaultToleranceForTesting = 1.0f; const float Path::defaultToleranceForMeasurement = 0.6f; static bool isMarker (float value, float marker) noexcept { return value == marker; } //============================================================================== Path::PathBounds::PathBounds() noexcept { } Rectangle Path::PathBounds::getRectangle() const noexcept { return { pathXMin, pathYMin, pathXMax - pathXMin, pathYMax - pathYMin }; } void Path::PathBounds::reset() noexcept { pathXMin = pathYMin = pathYMax = pathXMax = 0; } void Path::PathBounds::reset (float x, float y) noexcept { pathXMin = pathXMax = x; pathYMin = pathYMax = y; } void Path::PathBounds::extend (float x, float y) noexcept { if (x < pathXMin) pathXMin = x; else if (x > pathXMax) pathXMax = x; if (y < pathYMin) pathYMin = y; else if (y > pathYMax) pathYMax = y; } //============================================================================== Path::Path() { } Path::~Path() { } Path::Path (const Path& other) : data (other.data), bounds (other.bounds), useNonZeroWinding (other.useNonZeroWinding) { } Path& Path::operator= (const Path& other) { if (this != &other) { data = other.data; bounds = other.bounds; useNonZeroWinding = other.useNonZeroWinding; } return *this; } Path::Path (Path&& other) noexcept : data (std::move (other.data)), bounds (other.bounds), useNonZeroWinding (other.useNonZeroWinding) { } Path& Path::operator= (Path&& other) noexcept { data = std::move (other.data); bounds = other.bounds; useNonZeroWinding = other.useNonZeroWinding; return *this; } bool Path::operator== (const Path& other) const noexcept { return useNonZeroWinding == other.useNonZeroWinding && data == other.data; } bool Path::operator!= (const Path& other) const noexcept { return ! operator== (other); } void Path::clear() noexcept { data.clearQuick(); bounds.reset(); } void Path::swapWithPath (Path& other) noexcept { data.swapWith (other.data); std::swap (bounds.pathXMin, other.bounds.pathXMin); std::swap (bounds.pathXMax, other.bounds.pathXMax); std::swap (bounds.pathYMin, other.bounds.pathYMin); std::swap (bounds.pathYMax, other.bounds.pathYMax); std::swap (useNonZeroWinding, other.useNonZeroWinding); } //============================================================================== void Path::setUsingNonZeroWinding (const bool isNonZero) noexcept { useNonZeroWinding = isNonZero; } void Path::scaleToFit (float x, float y, float w, float h, bool preserveProportions) noexcept { applyTransform (getTransformToScaleToFit (x, y, w, h, preserveProportions)); } //============================================================================== bool Path::isEmpty() const noexcept { for (auto i = data.begin(), e = data.end(); i != e; ++i) { auto type = *i; if (isMarker (type, moveMarker)) { i += 2; } else if (isMarker (type, lineMarker) || isMarker (type, quadMarker) || isMarker (type, cubicMarker)) { return false; } } return true; } Rectangle Path::getBounds() const noexcept { return bounds.getRectangle(); } Rectangle Path::getBoundsTransformed (const AffineTransform& transform) const noexcept { return getBounds().transformedBy (transform); } //============================================================================== void Path::preallocateSpace (int numExtraCoordsToMakeSpaceFor) { data.ensureStorageAllocated (data.size() + numExtraCoordsToMakeSpaceFor); } void Path::startNewSubPath (const float x, const float y) { JUCE_CHECK_COORDS_ARE_VALID (x, y) if (data.isEmpty()) bounds.reset (x, y); else bounds.extend (x, y); data.add (moveMarker, x, y); } void Path::startNewSubPath (Point start) { startNewSubPath (start.x, start.y); } void Path::lineTo (const float x, const float y) { JUCE_CHECK_COORDS_ARE_VALID (x, y) if (data.isEmpty()) startNewSubPath (0, 0); data.add (lineMarker, x, y); bounds.extend (x, y); } void Path::lineTo (Point end) { lineTo (end.x, end.y); } void Path::quadraticTo (const float x1, const float y1, const float x2, const float y2) { JUCE_CHECK_COORDS_ARE_VALID (x1, y1) JUCE_CHECK_COORDS_ARE_VALID (x2, y2) if (data.isEmpty()) startNewSubPath (0, 0); data.add (quadMarker, x1, y1, x2, y2); bounds.extend (x1, y1, x2, y2); } void Path::quadraticTo (Point controlPoint, Point endPoint) { quadraticTo (controlPoint.x, controlPoint.y, endPoint.x, endPoint.y); } void Path::cubicTo (const float x1, const float y1, const float x2, const float y2, const float x3, const float y3) { JUCE_CHECK_COORDS_ARE_VALID (x1, y1) JUCE_CHECK_COORDS_ARE_VALID (x2, y2) JUCE_CHECK_COORDS_ARE_VALID (x3, y3) if (data.isEmpty()) startNewSubPath (0, 0); data.add (cubicMarker, x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); bounds.extend (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); } void Path::cubicTo (Point controlPoint1, Point controlPoint2, Point endPoint) { cubicTo (controlPoint1.x, controlPoint1.y, controlPoint2.x, controlPoint2.y, endPoint.x, endPoint.y); } void Path::closeSubPath() { if (! (data.isEmpty() || isMarker (data.getLast(), closeSubPathMarker))) data.add (closeSubPathMarker); } Point Path::getCurrentPosition() const { if (data.isEmpty()) return {}; auto* i = data.end() - 1; if (isMarker (*i, closeSubPathMarker)) { while (i != data.begin()) { if (isMarker (*--i, moveMarker)) { i += 2; break; } } } if (i != data.begin()) return { *(i - 1), *i }; return {}; } void Path::addRectangle (float x, float y, float w, float h) { auto x1 = x, y1 = y, x2 = x + w, y2 = y + h; if (w < 0) std::swap (x1, x2); if (h < 0) std::swap (y1, y2); if (data.isEmpty()) { bounds.pathXMin = x1; bounds.pathXMax = x2; bounds.pathYMin = y1; bounds.pathYMax = y2; } else { bounds.pathXMin = jmin (bounds.pathXMin, x1); bounds.pathXMax = jmax (bounds.pathXMax, x2); bounds.pathYMin = jmin (bounds.pathYMin, y1); bounds.pathYMax = jmax (bounds.pathYMax, y2); } data.add (moveMarker, x1, y2, lineMarker, x1, y1, lineMarker, x2, y1, lineMarker, x2, y2, closeSubPathMarker); } void Path::addRoundedRectangle (float x, float y, float w, float h, float csx, float csy) { addRoundedRectangle (x, y, w, h, csx, csy, true, true, true, true); } void Path::addRoundedRectangle (const float x, const float y, const float w, const float h, float csx, float csy, const bool curveTopLeft, const bool curveTopRight, const bool curveBottomLeft, const bool curveBottomRight) { csx = jmin (csx, w * 0.5f); csy = jmin (csy, h * 0.5f); auto cs45x = csx * 0.45f; auto cs45y = csy * 0.45f; auto x2 = x + w; auto y2 = y + h; if (curveTopLeft) { startNewSubPath (x, y + csy); cubicTo (x, y + cs45y, x + cs45x, y, x + csx, y); } else { startNewSubPath (x, y); } if (curveTopRight) { lineTo (x2 - csx, y); cubicTo (x2 - cs45x, y, x2, y + cs45y, x2, y + csy); } else { lineTo (x2, y); } if (curveBottomRight) { lineTo (x2, y2 - csy); cubicTo (x2, y2 - cs45y, x2 - cs45x, y2, x2 - csx, y2); } else { lineTo (x2, y2); } if (curveBottomLeft) { lineTo (x + csx, y2); cubicTo (x + cs45x, y2, x, y2 - cs45y, x, y2 - csy); } else { lineTo (x, y2); } closeSubPath(); } void Path::addRoundedRectangle (float x, float y, float w, float h, float cs) { addRoundedRectangle (x, y, w, h, cs, cs); } void Path::addTriangle (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3) { addTriangle ({ x1, y1 }, { x2, y2 }, { x3, y3 }); } void Path::addTriangle (Point p1, Point p2, Point p3) { startNewSubPath (p1); lineTo (p2); lineTo (p3); closeSubPath(); } void Path::addQuadrilateral (float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float x3, float y3, float x4, float y4) { startNewSubPath (x1, y1); lineTo (x2, y2); lineTo (x3, y3); lineTo (x4, y4); closeSubPath(); } void Path::addEllipse (float x, float y, float w, float h) { addEllipse ({ x, y, w, h }); } void Path::addEllipse (Rectangle area) { auto hw = area.getWidth() * 0.5f; auto hw55 = hw * 0.55f; auto hh = area.getHeight() * 0.5f; auto hh55 = hh * 0.55f; auto cx = area.getX() + hw; auto cy = area.getY() + hh; startNewSubPath (cx, cy - hh); cubicTo (cx + hw55, cy - hh, cx + hw, cy - hh55, cx + hw, cy); cubicTo (cx + hw, cy + hh55, cx + hw55, cy + hh, cx, cy + hh); cubicTo (cx - hw55, cy + hh, cx - hw, cy + hh55, cx - hw, cy); cubicTo (cx - hw, cy - hh55, cx - hw55, cy - hh, cx, cy - hh); closeSubPath(); } void Path::addArc (float x, float y, float w, float h, float fromRadians, float toRadians, bool startAsNewSubPath) { auto radiusX = w / 2.0f; auto radiusY = h / 2.0f; addCentredArc (x + radiusX, y + radiusY, radiusX, radiusY, 0.0f, fromRadians, toRadians, startAsNewSubPath); } void Path::addCentredArc (float centreX, float centreY, float radiusX, float radiusY, float rotationOfEllipse, float fromRadians, float toRadians, bool startAsNewSubPath) { if (radiusX > 0.0f && radiusY > 0.0f) { Point centre (centreX, centreY); auto rotation = AffineTransform::rotation (rotationOfEllipse, centreX, centreY); auto angle = fromRadians; if (startAsNewSubPath) startNewSubPath (centre.getPointOnCircumference (radiusX, radiusY, angle).transformedBy (rotation)); if (fromRadians < toRadians) { if (startAsNewSubPath) angle += PathHelpers::ellipseAngularIncrement; while (angle < toRadians) { lineTo (centre.getPointOnCircumference (radiusX, radiusY, angle).transformedBy (rotation)); angle += PathHelpers::ellipseAngularIncrement; } } else { if (startAsNewSubPath) angle -= PathHelpers::ellipseAngularIncrement; while (angle > toRadians) { lineTo (centre.getPointOnCircumference (radiusX, radiusY, angle).transformedBy (rotation)); angle -= PathHelpers::ellipseAngularIncrement; } } lineTo (centre.getPointOnCircumference (radiusX, radiusY, toRadians).transformedBy (rotation)); } } void Path::addPieSegment (float x, float y, float width, float height, float fromRadians, float toRadians, float innerCircleProportionalSize) { auto radiusX = width * 0.5f; auto radiusY = height * 0.5f; Point centre (x + radiusX, y + radiusY); startNewSubPath (centre.getPointOnCircumference (radiusX, radiusY, fromRadians)); addArc (x, y, width, height, fromRadians, toRadians); if (std::abs (fromRadians - toRadians) > MathConstants::pi * 1.999f) { closeSubPath(); if (innerCircleProportionalSize > 0) { radiusX *= innerCircleProportionalSize; radiusY *= innerCircleProportionalSize; startNewSubPath (centre.getPointOnCircumference (radiusX, radiusY, toRadians)); addArc (centre.x - radiusX, centre.y - radiusY, radiusX * 2.0f, radiusY * 2.0f, toRadians, fromRadians); } } else { if (innerCircleProportionalSize > 0) { radiusX *= innerCircleProportionalSize; radiusY *= innerCircleProportionalSize; addArc (centre.x - radiusX, centre.y - radiusY, radiusX * 2.0f, radiusY * 2.0f, toRadians, fromRadians); } else { lineTo (centre); } } closeSubPath(); } void Path::addPieSegment (Rectangle segmentBounds, float fromRadians, float toRadians, float innerCircleProportionalSize) { addPieSegment (segmentBounds.getX(), segmentBounds.getY(), segmentBounds.getWidth(), segmentBounds.getHeight(), fromRadians, toRadians, innerCircleProportionalSize); } //============================================================================== void Path::addLineSegment (Line line, float lineThickness) { auto reversed = line.reversed(); lineThickness *= 0.5f; startNewSubPath (line.getPointAlongLine (0, lineThickness)); lineTo (line.getPointAlongLine (0, -lineThickness)); lineTo (reversed.getPointAlongLine (0, lineThickness)); lineTo (reversed.getPointAlongLine (0, -lineThickness)); closeSubPath(); } void Path::addArrow (Line line, float lineThickness, float arrowheadWidth, float arrowheadLength) { auto reversed = line.reversed(); lineThickness *= 0.5f; arrowheadWidth *= 0.5f; arrowheadLength = jmin (arrowheadLength, 0.8f * line.getLength()); startNewSubPath (line.getPointAlongLine (0, lineThickness)); lineTo (line.getPointAlongLine (0, -lineThickness)); lineTo (reversed.getPointAlongLine (arrowheadLength, lineThickness)); lineTo (reversed.getPointAlongLine (arrowheadLength, arrowheadWidth)); lineTo (line.getEnd()); lineTo (reversed.getPointAlongLine (arrowheadLength, -arrowheadWidth)); lineTo (reversed.getPointAlongLine (arrowheadLength, -lineThickness)); closeSubPath(); } void Path::addPolygon (Point centre, int numberOfSides, float radius, float startAngle) { jassert (numberOfSides > 1); // this would be silly. if (numberOfSides > 1) { auto angleBetweenPoints = MathConstants::twoPi / (float) numberOfSides; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSides; ++i) { auto angle = startAngle + (float) i * angleBetweenPoints; auto p = centre.getPointOnCircumference (radius, angle); if (i == 0) startNewSubPath (p); else lineTo (p); } closeSubPath(); } } void Path::addStar (Point centre, int numberOfPoints, float innerRadius, float outerRadius, float startAngle) { jassert (numberOfPoints > 1); // this would be silly. if (numberOfPoints > 1) { auto angleBetweenPoints = MathConstants::twoPi / (float) numberOfPoints; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPoints; ++i) { auto angle = startAngle + (float) i * angleBetweenPoints; auto p = centre.getPointOnCircumference (outerRadius, angle); if (i == 0) startNewSubPath (p); else lineTo (p); lineTo (centre.getPointOnCircumference (innerRadius, angle + angleBetweenPoints * 0.5f)); } closeSubPath(); } } void Path::addBubble (Rectangle bodyArea, Rectangle maximumArea, Point arrowTip, float cornerSize, float arrowBaseWidth) { auto halfW = bodyArea.getWidth() / 2.0f; auto halfH = bodyArea.getHeight() / 2.0f; auto cornerSizeW = jmin (cornerSize, halfW); auto cornerSizeH = jmin (cornerSize, halfH); auto cornerSizeW2 = 2.0f * cornerSizeW; auto cornerSizeH2 = 2.0f * cornerSizeH; startNewSubPath (bodyArea.getX() + cornerSizeW, bodyArea.getY()); auto targetLimit = bodyArea.reduced (jmin (halfW - 1.0f, cornerSizeW + arrowBaseWidth), jmin (halfH - 1.0f, cornerSizeH + arrowBaseWidth)); if (Rectangle (targetLimit.getX(), maximumArea.getY(), targetLimit.getWidth(), bodyArea.getY() - maximumArea.getY()).contains (arrowTip)) { lineTo (arrowTip.x - arrowBaseWidth, bodyArea.getY()); lineTo (arrowTip.x, arrowTip.y); lineTo (arrowTip.x + arrowBaseWidth, bodyArea.getY()); } lineTo (bodyArea.getRight() - cornerSizeW, bodyArea.getY()); addArc (bodyArea.getRight() - cornerSizeW2, bodyArea.getY(), cornerSizeW2, cornerSizeH2, 0, MathConstants::halfPi); if (Rectangle (bodyArea.getRight(), targetLimit.getY(), maximumArea.getRight() - bodyArea.getRight(), targetLimit.getHeight()).contains (arrowTip)) { lineTo (bodyArea.getRight(), arrowTip.y - arrowBaseWidth); lineTo (arrowTip.x, arrowTip.y); lineTo (bodyArea.getRight(), arrowTip.y + arrowBaseWidth); } lineTo (bodyArea.getRight(), bodyArea.getBottom() - cornerSizeH); addArc (bodyArea.getRight() - cornerSizeW2, bodyArea.getBottom() - cornerSizeH2, cornerSizeW2, cornerSizeH2, MathConstants::halfPi, MathConstants::pi); if (Rectangle (targetLimit.getX(), bodyArea.getBottom(), targetLimit.getWidth(), maximumArea.getBottom() - bodyArea.getBottom()).contains (arrowTip)) { lineTo (arrowTip.x + arrowBaseWidth, bodyArea.getBottom()); lineTo (arrowTip.x, arrowTip.y); lineTo (arrowTip.x - arrowBaseWidth, bodyArea.getBottom()); } lineTo (bodyArea.getX() + cornerSizeW, bodyArea.getBottom()); addArc (bodyArea.getX(), bodyArea.getBottom() - cornerSizeH2, cornerSizeW2, cornerSizeH2, MathConstants::pi, MathConstants::pi * 1.5f); if (Rectangle (maximumArea.getX(), targetLimit.getY(), bodyArea.getX() - maximumArea.getX(), targetLimit.getHeight()).contains (arrowTip)) { lineTo (bodyArea.getX(), arrowTip.y + arrowBaseWidth); lineTo (arrowTip.x, arrowTip.y); lineTo (bodyArea.getX(), arrowTip.y - arrowBaseWidth); } lineTo (bodyArea.getX(), bodyArea.getY() + cornerSizeH); addArc (bodyArea.getX(), bodyArea.getY(), cornerSizeW2, cornerSizeH2, MathConstants::pi * 1.5f, MathConstants::twoPi - 0.05f); closeSubPath(); } void Path::addPath (const Path& other) { const auto* d = other.data.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < other.data.size();) { auto type = d[i++]; if (isMarker (type, moveMarker)) { startNewSubPath (d[i], d[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (isMarker (type, lineMarker)) { lineTo (d[i], d[i + 1]); i += 2; } else if (isMarker (type, quadMarker)) { quadraticTo (d[i], d[i + 1], d[i + 2], d[i + 3]); i += 4; } else if (isMarker (type, cubicMarker)) { cubicTo (d[i], d[i + 1], d[i + 2], d[i + 3], d[i + 4], d[i + 5]); i += 6; } else if (isMarker (type, closeSubPathMarker)) { closeSubPath(); } else { // something's gone wrong with the element list! jassertfalse; } } } void Path::addPath (const Path& other, const AffineTransform& transformToApply) { const auto* d = other.data.begin(); for (int i = 0; i < other.data.size();) { auto type = d[i++]; if (isMarker (type, closeSubPathMarker)) { closeSubPath(); } else { auto x = d[i++]; auto y = d[i++]; transformToApply.transformPoint (x, y); if (isMarker (type, moveMarker)) { startNewSubPath (x, y); } else if (isMarker (type, lineMarker)) { lineTo (x, y); } else if (isMarker (type, quadMarker)) { auto x2 = d[i++]; auto y2 = d[i++]; transformToApply.transformPoint (x2, y2); quadraticTo (x, y, x2, y2); } else if (isMarker (type, cubicMarker)) { auto x2 = d[i++]; auto y2 = d[i++]; auto x3 = d[i++]; auto y3 = d[i++]; transformToApply.transformPoints (x2, y2, x3, y3); cubicTo (x, y, x2, y2, x3, y3); } else { // something's gone wrong with the element list! jassertfalse; } } } } //============================================================================== void Path::applyTransform (const AffineTransform& transform) noexcept { bounds.reset(); bool firstPoint = true; float* d = data.begin(); auto* end = data.end(); while (d < end) { auto type = *d++; if (isMarker (type, moveMarker)) { transform.transformPoint (d[0], d[1]); JUCE_CHECK_COORDS_ARE_VALID (d[0], d[1]) if (firstPoint) { firstPoint = false; bounds.reset (d[0], d[1]); } else { bounds.extend (d[0], d[1]); } d += 2; } else if (isMarker (type, lineMarker)) { transform.transformPoint (d[0], d[1]); JUCE_CHECK_COORDS_ARE_VALID (d[0], d[1]) bounds.extend (d[0], d[1]); d += 2; } else if (isMarker (type, quadMarker)) { transform.transformPoints (d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]); JUCE_CHECK_COORDS_ARE_VALID (d[0], d[1]) JUCE_CHECK_COORDS_ARE_VALID (d[2], d[3]) bounds.extend (d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3]); d += 4; } else if (isMarker (type, cubicMarker)) { transform.transformPoints (d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5]); JUCE_CHECK_COORDS_ARE_VALID (d[0], d[1]) JUCE_CHECK_COORDS_ARE_VALID (d[2], d[3]) JUCE_CHECK_COORDS_ARE_VALID (d[4], d[5]) bounds.extend (d[0], d[1], d[2], d[3], d[4], d[5]); d += 6; } } } //============================================================================== AffineTransform Path::getTransformToScaleToFit (Rectangle area, bool preserveProportions, Justification justification) const { return getTransformToScaleToFit (area.getX(), area.getY(), area.getWidth(), area.getHeight(), preserveProportions, justification); } AffineTransform Path::getTransformToScaleToFit (float x, float y, float w, float h, bool preserveProportions, Justification justification) const { auto boundsRect = getBounds(); if (preserveProportions) { if (w <= 0 || h <= 0 || boundsRect.isEmpty()) return AffineTransform(); float newW, newH; auto srcRatio = boundsRect.getHeight() / boundsRect.getWidth(); if (srcRatio > h / w) { newW = h / srcRatio; newH = h; } else { newW = w; newH = w * srcRatio; } auto newXCentre = x; auto newYCentre = y; if (justification.testFlags (Justification::left)) newXCentre += newW * 0.5f; else if (justification.testFlags (Justification::right)) newXCentre += w - newW * 0.5f; else newXCentre += w * 0.5f; if (justification.testFlags (Justification::top)) newYCentre += newH * 0.5f; else if (justification.testFlags (Justification::bottom)) newYCentre += h - newH * 0.5f; else newYCentre += h * 0.5f; return AffineTransform::translation (boundsRect.getWidth() * -0.5f - boundsRect.getX(), boundsRect.getHeight() * -0.5f - boundsRect.getY()) .scaled (newW / boundsRect.getWidth(), newH / boundsRect.getHeight()) .translated (newXCentre, newYCentre); } else { return AffineTransform::translation (-boundsRect.getX(), -boundsRect.getY()) .scaled (w / boundsRect.getWidth(), h / boundsRect.getHeight()) .translated (x, y); } } //============================================================================== bool Path::contains (float x, float y, float tolerance) const { if (x <= bounds.pathXMin || x >= bounds.pathXMax || y <= bounds.pathYMin || y >= bounds.pathYMax) return false; PathFlatteningIterator i (*this, AffineTransform(), tolerance); int positiveCrossings = 0; int negativeCrossings = 0; while (i.next()) { if ((i.y1 <= y && i.y2 > y) || (i.y2 <= y && i.y1 > y)) { auto intersectX = i.x1 + (i.x2 - i.x1) * (y - i.y1) / (i.y2 - i.y1); if (intersectX <= x) { if (i.y1 < i.y2) ++positiveCrossings; else ++negativeCrossings; } } } return useNonZeroWinding ? (negativeCrossings != positiveCrossings) : ((negativeCrossings + positiveCrossings) & 1) != 0; } bool Path::contains (Point point, float tolerance) const { return contains (point.x, point.y, tolerance); } bool Path::intersectsLine (Line line, float tolerance) const { PathFlatteningIterator i (*this, AffineTransform(), tolerance); Point intersection; while (i.next()) if (line.intersects (Line (i.x1, i.y1, i.x2, i.y2), intersection)) return true; return false; } Line Path::getClippedLine (Line line, bool keepSectionOutsidePath) const { Line result (line); const bool startInside = contains (line.getStart()); const bool endInside = contains (line.getEnd()); if (startInside == endInside) { if (keepSectionOutsidePath == startInside) result = Line(); } else { PathFlatteningIterator i (*this, AffineTransform()); Point intersection; while (i.next()) { if (line.intersects ({ i.x1, i.y1, i.x2, i.y2 }, intersection)) { if ((startInside && keepSectionOutsidePath) || (endInside && ! keepSectionOutsidePath)) result.setStart (intersection); else result.setEnd (intersection); } } } return result; } float Path::getLength (const AffineTransform& transform, float tolerance) const { float length = 0; PathFlatteningIterator i (*this, transform, tolerance); while (i.next()) length += Line (i.x1, i.y1, i.x2, i.y2).getLength(); return length; } Point Path::getPointAlongPath (float distanceFromStart, const AffineTransform& transform, float tolerance) const { PathFlatteningIterator i (*this, transform, tolerance); while (i.next()) { const Line line (i.x1, i.y1, i.x2, i.y2); auto lineLength = line.getLength(); if (distanceFromStart <= lineLength) return line.getPointAlongLine (distanceFromStart); distanceFromStart -= lineLength; } return { i.x2, i.y2 }; } float Path::getNearestPoint (Point targetPoint, Point& pointOnPath, const AffineTransform& transform, float tolerance) const { PathFlatteningIterator i (*this, transform, tolerance); float bestPosition = 0, bestDistance = std::numeric_limits::max(); float length = 0; Point pointOnLine; while (i.next()) { const Line line (i.x1, i.y1, i.x2, i.y2); auto distance = line.getDistanceFromPoint (targetPoint, pointOnLine); if (distance < bestDistance) { bestDistance = distance; bestPosition = length + pointOnLine.getDistanceFrom (line.getStart()); pointOnPath = pointOnLine; } length += line.getLength(); } return bestPosition; } //============================================================================== Path Path::createPathWithRoundedCorners (const float cornerRadius) const { if (cornerRadius <= 0.01f) return *this; Path p; int n = 0, indexOfPathStart = 0, indexOfPathStartThis = 0; auto* elements = data.begin(); bool lastWasLine = false, firstWasLine = false; while (n < data.size()) { auto type = elements[n++]; if (isMarker (type, moveMarker)) { indexOfPathStart = p.data.size(); indexOfPathStartThis = n - 1; auto x = elements[n++]; auto y = elements[n++]; p.startNewSubPath (x, y); lastWasLine = false; firstWasLine = (isMarker (elements[n], lineMarker)); } else if (isMarker (type, lineMarker) || isMarker (type, closeSubPathMarker)) { float startX = 0, startY = 0, joinX = 0, joinY = 0, endX, endY; if (isMarker (type, lineMarker)) { endX = elements[n++]; endY = elements[n++]; if (n > 8) { startX = elements[n - 8]; startY = elements[n - 7]; joinX = elements[n - 5]; joinY = elements[n - 4]; } } else { endX = elements[indexOfPathStartThis + 1]; endY = elements[indexOfPathStartThis + 2]; if (n > 6) { startX = elements[n - 6]; startY = elements[n - 5]; joinX = elements[n - 3]; joinY = elements[n - 2]; } } if (lastWasLine) { auto len1 = PathHelpers::lengthOf (startX, startY, joinX, joinY); if (len1 > 0) { auto propNeeded = jmin (0.5, cornerRadius / len1); *(p.data.end() - 2) = (float) (joinX - (joinX - startX) * propNeeded); *(p.data.end() - 1) = (float) (joinY - (joinY - startY) * propNeeded); } auto len2 = PathHelpers::lengthOf (endX, endY, joinX, joinY); if (len2 > 0) { auto propNeeded = jmin (0.5, cornerRadius / len2); p.quadraticTo (joinX, joinY, (float) (joinX + (endX - joinX) * propNeeded), (float) (joinY + (endY - joinY) * propNeeded)); } p.lineTo (endX, endY); } else if (isMarker (type, lineMarker)) { p.lineTo (endX, endY); lastWasLine = true; } if (isMarker (type, closeSubPathMarker)) { if (firstWasLine) { startX = elements[n - 3]; startY = elements[n - 2]; joinX = endX; joinY = endY; endX = elements[indexOfPathStartThis + 4]; endY = elements[indexOfPathStartThis + 5]; auto len1 = PathHelpers::lengthOf (startX, startY, joinX, joinY); if (len1 > 0) { auto propNeeded = jmin (0.5, cornerRadius / len1); *(p.data.end() - 2) = (float) (joinX - (joinX - startX) * propNeeded); *(p.data.end() - 1) = (float) (joinY - (joinY - startY) * propNeeded); } auto len2 = PathHelpers::lengthOf (endX, endY, joinX, joinY); if (len2 > 0) { auto propNeeded = jmin (0.5, cornerRadius / len2); endX = (float) (joinX + (endX - joinX) * propNeeded); endY = (float) (joinY + (endY - joinY) * propNeeded); p.quadraticTo (joinX, joinY, endX, endY); p.data.begin()[indexOfPathStart + 1] = endX; p.data.begin()[indexOfPathStart + 2] = endY; } } p.closeSubPath(); } } else if (isMarker (type, quadMarker)) { lastWasLine = false; auto x1 = elements[n++]; auto y1 = elements[n++]; auto x2 = elements[n++]; auto y2 = elements[n++]; p.quadraticTo (x1, y1, x2, y2); } else if (isMarker (type, cubicMarker)) { lastWasLine = false; auto x1 = elements[n++]; auto y1 = elements[n++]; auto x2 = elements[n++]; auto y2 = elements[n++]; auto x3 = elements[n++]; auto y3 = elements[n++]; p.cubicTo (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); } } return p; } //============================================================================== void Path::loadPathFromStream (InputStream& source) { while (! source.isExhausted()) { switch (source.readByte()) { case 'm': { auto x = source.readFloat(); auto y = source.readFloat(); startNewSubPath (x, y); break; } case 'l': { auto x = source.readFloat(); auto y = source.readFloat(); lineTo (x, y); break; } case 'q': { auto x1 = source.readFloat(); auto y1 = source.readFloat(); auto x2 = source.readFloat(); auto y2 = source.readFloat(); quadraticTo (x1, y1, x2, y2); break; } case 'b': { auto x1 = source.readFloat(); auto y1 = source.readFloat(); auto x2 = source.readFloat(); auto y2 = source.readFloat(); auto x3 = source.readFloat(); auto y3 = source.readFloat(); cubicTo (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3); break; } case 'c': closeSubPath(); break; case 'n': useNonZeroWinding = true; break; case 'z': useNonZeroWinding = false; break; case 'e': return; // end of path marker default: jassertfalse; // illegal char in the stream break; } } } void Path::loadPathFromData (const void* const pathData, const size_t numberOfBytes) { MemoryInputStream in (pathData, numberOfBytes, false); loadPathFromStream (in); } void Path::writePathToStream (OutputStream& dest) const { dest.writeByte (useNonZeroWinding ? 'n' : 'z'); for (auto* i = data.begin(); i != data.end();) { auto type = *i++; if (isMarker (type, moveMarker)) { dest.writeByte ('m'); dest.writeFloat (*i++); dest.writeFloat (*i++); } else if (isMarker (type, lineMarker)) { dest.writeByte ('l'); dest.writeFloat (*i++); dest.writeFloat (*i++); } else if (isMarker (type, quadMarker)) { dest.writeByte ('q'); dest.writeFloat (*i++); dest.writeFloat (*i++); dest.writeFloat (*i++); dest.writeFloat (*i++); } else if (isMarker (type, cubicMarker)) { dest.writeByte ('b'); dest.writeFloat (*i++); dest.writeFloat (*i++); dest.writeFloat (*i++); dest.writeFloat (*i++); dest.writeFloat (*i++); dest.writeFloat (*i++); } else if (isMarker (type, closeSubPathMarker)) { dest.writeByte ('c'); } } dest.writeByte ('e'); // marks the end-of-path } String Path::toString() const { MemoryOutputStream s (2048); if (! useNonZeroWinding) s << 'a'; float lastMarker = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < data.size();) { auto type = data.begin()[i++]; char markerChar = 0; int numCoords = 0; if (isMarker (type, moveMarker)) { markerChar = 'm'; numCoords = 2; } else if (isMarker (type, lineMarker)) { markerChar = 'l'; numCoords = 2; } else if (isMarker (type, quadMarker)) { markerChar = 'q'; numCoords = 4; } else if (isMarker (type, cubicMarker)) { markerChar = 'c'; numCoords = 6; } else { jassert (isMarker (type, closeSubPathMarker)); markerChar = 'z'; } if (! isMarker (type, lastMarker)) { if (s.getDataSize() != 0) s << ' '; s << markerChar; lastMarker = type; } while (--numCoords >= 0 && i < data.size()) { String coord (data.begin()[i++], 3); while (coord.endsWithChar ('0') && coord != "0") coord = coord.dropLastCharacters (1); if (coord.endsWithChar ('.')) coord = coord.dropLastCharacters (1); if (s.getDataSize() != 0) s << ' '; s << coord; } } return s.toUTF8(); } void Path::restoreFromString (StringRef stringVersion) { clear(); setUsingNonZeroWinding (true); auto t = stringVersion.text; juce_wchar marker = 'm'; int numValues = 2; float values[6]; for (;;) { auto token = PathHelpers::nextToken (t); auto firstChar = token[0]; int startNum = 0; if (firstChar == 0) break; if (firstChar == 'm' || firstChar == 'l') { marker = firstChar; numValues = 2; } else if (firstChar == 'q') { marker = firstChar; numValues = 4; } else if (firstChar == 'c') { marker = firstChar; numValues = 6; } else if (firstChar == 'z') { marker = firstChar; numValues = 0; } else if (firstChar == 'a') { setUsingNonZeroWinding (false); continue; } else { ++startNum; values [0] = token.getFloatValue(); } for (int i = startNum; i < numValues; ++i) values [i] = PathHelpers::nextToken (t).getFloatValue(); switch (marker) { case 'm': startNewSubPath (values[0], values[1]); break; case 'l': lineTo (values[0], values[1]); break; case 'q': quadraticTo (values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3]); break; case 'c': cubicTo (values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3], values[4], values[5]); break; case 'z': closeSubPath(); break; default: jassertfalse; break; // illegal string format? } } } //============================================================================== Path::Iterator::Iterator (const Path& p) noexcept : elementType (startNewSubPath), path (p), index (path.data.begin()) { } Path::Iterator::~Iterator() noexcept { } bool Path::Iterator::next() noexcept { if (index != path.data.end()) { auto type = *index++; if (isMarker (type, moveMarker)) { elementType = startNewSubPath; x1 = *index++; y1 = *index++; } else if (isMarker (type, lineMarker)) { elementType = lineTo; x1 = *index++; y1 = *index++; } else if (isMarker (type, quadMarker)) { elementType = quadraticTo; x1 = *index++; y1 = *index++; x2 = *index++; y2 = *index++; } else if (isMarker (type, cubicMarker)) { elementType = cubicTo; x1 = *index++; y1 = *index++; x2 = *index++; y2 = *index++; x3 = *index++; y3 = *index++; } else if (isMarker (type, closeSubPathMarker)) { elementType = closePath; } return true; } return false; } #undef JUCE_CHECK_COORDS_ARE_VALID } // namespace juce