/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE 7 technical preview. Copyright (c) 2022 - Raw Material Software Limited You may use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). For the technical preview this file cannot be licensed commercially. JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { AudioParameterChoice::AudioParameterChoice (const ParameterID& idToUse, const String& nameToUse, const StringArray& c, int def, const AudioParameterChoiceAttributes& attributes) : RangedAudioParameter (idToUse, nameToUse, attributes.getAudioProcessorParameterWithIDAttributes()), choices (c), range ([this] { NormalisableRange rangeWithInterval { 0.0f, (float) choices.size() - 1.0f, [] (float, float end, float v) { return jlimit (0.0f, end, v * end); }, [] (float, float end, float v) { return jlimit (0.0f, 1.0f, v / end); }, [] (float start, float end, float v) { return (float) roundToInt (juce::jlimit (start, end, v)); } }; rangeWithInterval.interval = 1.0f; return rangeWithInterval; }()), value ((float) def), defaultValue (convertTo0to1 ((float) def)), stringFromIndexFunction (attributes.getStringFromValueFunction() != nullptr ? attributes.getStringFromValueFunction() : [this] (int index, int) { return choices [index]; }), indexFromStringFunction (attributes.getValueFromStringFunction() != nullptr ? attributes.getValueFromStringFunction() : [this] (const String& text) { return choices.indexOf (text); }) { jassert (choices.size() > 1); // you must supply an actual set of items to choose from! } AudioParameterChoice::~AudioParameterChoice() { #if __cpp_lib_atomic_is_always_lock_free static_assert (std::atomic::is_always_lock_free, "AudioParameterChoice requires a lock-free std::atomic"); #endif } float AudioParameterChoice::getValue() const { return convertTo0to1 (value); } void AudioParameterChoice::setValue (float newValue) { value = convertFrom0to1 (newValue); valueChanged (getIndex()); } float AudioParameterChoice::getDefaultValue() const { return defaultValue; } int AudioParameterChoice::getNumSteps() const { return choices.size(); } bool AudioParameterChoice::isDiscrete() const { return true; } float AudioParameterChoice::getValueForText (const String& text) const { return convertTo0to1 ((float) indexFromStringFunction (text)); } String AudioParameterChoice::getText (float v, int length) const { return stringFromIndexFunction ((int) convertFrom0to1 (v), length); } void AudioParameterChoice::valueChanged (int) {} AudioParameterChoice& AudioParameterChoice::operator= (int newValue) { if (getIndex() != newValue) setValueNotifyingHost (convertTo0to1 ((float) newValue)); return *this; } //============================================================================== //============================================================================== #if JUCE_UNIT_TESTS struct AudioParameterChoiceTests : public UnitTest { AudioParameterChoiceTests() : UnitTest ("AudioParameterChoice", UnitTestCategories::audioProcessorParameters) {} void runTest() override { beginTest ("Three options switches at the correct points"); { AudioParameterChoice choice ({}, {}, { "a", "b", "c" }, {}); choice.setValueNotifyingHost (0.0f); expectEquals (choice.getIndex(), 0); choice.setValueNotifyingHost (0.2f); expectEquals (choice.getIndex(), 0); choice.setValueNotifyingHost (0.3f); expectEquals (choice.getIndex(), 1); choice.setValueNotifyingHost (0.7f); expectEquals (choice.getIndex(), 1); choice.setValueNotifyingHost (0.8f); expectEquals (choice.getIndex(), 2); choice.setValueNotifyingHost (1.0f); expectEquals (choice.getIndex(), 2); } beginTest ("Out-of-bounds input"); { AudioParameterChoice choiceParam ({}, {}, { "a", "b", "c" }, {}); choiceParam.setValueNotifyingHost (-0.5f); expectEquals (choiceParam.getIndex(), 0); choiceParam.setValueNotifyingHost (1.5f); expectEquals (choiceParam.getIndex(), 2); } } }; static AudioParameterChoiceTests audioParameterChoiceTests; #endif } // namespace juce