/* ZynAddSubFX - a software synthesizer ADnote.cpp - The "additive" synthesizer Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Nasca Octavian Paul Author: Nasca Octavian Paul This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License (version 2 or later) for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2) along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include "../globals.h" #include "../Misc/Util.h" #include "../DSP/Filter.h" #include "OscilGen.h" #include "ADnote.h" ADnote::ADnote(ADnoteParameters *pars, Controller *ctl_, float freq, float velocity, int portamento_, int midinote_, bool besilent) :SynthNote(freq, velocity, portamento_, midinote, besilent) { tmpwavel = new float [synth->buffersize]; tmpwaver = new float [synth->buffersize]; bypassl = new float [synth->buffersize]; bypassr = new float [synth->buffersize]; partparams = pars; ctl = ctl_; portamento = portamento_; midinote = midinote_; NoteEnabled = ON; basefreq = freq; if(velocity > 1.0f) velocity = 1.0f; this->velocity = velocity; time = 0.0f; stereo = pars->GlobalPar.PStereo; NoteGlobalPar.Detune = getdetune(pars->GlobalPar.PDetuneType, pars->GlobalPar.PCoarseDetune, pars->GlobalPar.PDetune); bandwidthDetuneMultiplier = pars->getBandwidthDetuneMultiplier(); if(pars->GlobalPar.PPanning == 0) NoteGlobalPar.Panning = RND; else NoteGlobalPar.Panning = pars->GlobalPar.PPanning / 128.0f; NoteGlobalPar.FilterCenterPitch = pars->GlobalPar.GlobalFilter->getfreq() //center freq + pars->GlobalPar.PFilterVelocityScale / 127.0f * 6.0f //velocity sensing * (VelF(velocity, pars->GlobalPar. PFilterVelocityScaleFunction) - 1); if(pars->GlobalPar.PPunchStrength != 0) { NoteGlobalPar.Punch.Enabled = 1; NoteGlobalPar.Punch.t = 1.0f; //start from 1.0f and to 0.0f NoteGlobalPar.Punch.initialvalue = ((powf(10, 1.5f * pars->GlobalPar.PPunchStrength / 127.0f) - 1.0f) * VelF(velocity, pars->GlobalPar.PPunchVelocitySensing)); float time = powf(10, 3.0f * pars->GlobalPar.PPunchTime / 127.0f) / 10000.0f; //0.1f .. 100 ms float stretch = powf(440.0f / freq, pars->GlobalPar.PPunchStretch / 64.0f); NoteGlobalPar.Punch.dt = 1.0f / (time * synth->samplerate_f * stretch); } else NoteGlobalPar.Punch.Enabled = 0; for(int nvoice = 0; nvoice < NUM_VOICES; ++nvoice) { pars->VoicePar[nvoice].OscilSmp->newrandseed(prng()); NoteVoicePar[nvoice].OscilSmp = NULL; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMSmp = NULL; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceOut = NULL; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVoice = -1; unison_size[nvoice] = 1; if(pars->VoicePar[nvoice].Enabled == 0) { NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Enabled = OFF; continue; //the voice is disabled } unison_stereo_spread[nvoice] = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].Unison_stereo_spread / 127.0f; int unison = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].Unison_size; if(unison < 1) unison = 1; //compute unison unison_size[nvoice] = unison; unison_base_freq_rap[nvoice] = new float[unison]; unison_freq_rap[nvoice] = new float[unison]; unison_invert_phase[nvoice] = new bool[unison]; float unison_spread = pars->getUnisonFrequencySpreadCents( nvoice); float unison_real_spread = powf(2.0f, (unison_spread * 0.5f) / 1200.0f); float unison_vibratto_a = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].Unison_vibratto / 127.0f; //0.0f .. 1.0f switch(unison) { case 1: unison_base_freq_rap[nvoice][0] = 1.0f; //if the unison is not used, always make the only subvoice to have the default note break; case 2: { //unison for 2 subvoices unison_base_freq_rap[nvoice][0] = 1.0f / unison_real_spread; unison_base_freq_rap[nvoice][1] = unison_real_spread; }; break; default: { //unison for more than 2 subvoices float unison_values[unison]; float min = -1e-6, max = 1e-6; for(int k = 0; k < unison; ++k) { float step = (k / (float) (unison - 1)) * 2.0f - 1.0f; //this makes the unison spread more uniform float val = step + (RND * 2.0f - 1.0f) / (unison - 1); unison_values[k] = limit(val, min, max); } float diff = max - min; for(int k = 0; k < unison; ++k) { unison_values[k] = (unison_values[k] - (max + min) * 0.5f) / diff; //the lowest value will be -1 and the highest will be 1 unison_base_freq_rap[nvoice][k] = powf(2.0f, (unison_spread * unison_values[k]) / 1200); } }; } //unison vibrattos if(unison > 1) for(int k = 0; k < unison; ++k) //reduce the frequency difference for larger vibrattos unison_base_freq_rap[nvoice][k] = 1.0f + (unison_base_freq_rap[ nvoice][k] - 1.0f) * (1.0f - unison_vibratto_a); unison_vibratto[nvoice].step = new float[unison]; unison_vibratto[nvoice].position = new float[unison]; unison_vibratto[nvoice].amplitude = (unison_real_spread - 1.0f) * unison_vibratto_a; float increments_per_second = synth->samplerate_f / synth->buffersize_f; float vibratto_base_period = 0.25f * powf( 2.0f, (1.0f - pars->VoicePar[nvoice]. Unison_vibratto_speed / 127.0f) * 4.0f); for(int k = 0; k < unison; ++k) { unison_vibratto[nvoice].position[k] = RND * 1.8f - 0.9f; //make period to vary randomly from 50% to 200% vibratto base period float vibratto_period = vibratto_base_period * powf(2.0f, RND * 2.0f - 1.0f); float m = 4.0f / (vibratto_period * increments_per_second); if(RND < 0.5f) m = -m; unison_vibratto[nvoice].step[k] = m; } if(unison == 1) { //no vibratto for a single voice unison_vibratto[nvoice].step[0] = 0.0f; unison_vibratto[nvoice].position[0] = 0.0f; unison_vibratto[nvoice].amplitude = 0.0f; } //phase invert for unison unison_invert_phase[nvoice][0] = false; if(unison != 1) { int inv = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].Unison_invert_phase; switch(inv) { case 0: for(int k = 0; k < unison; ++k) unison_invert_phase[nvoice][k] = false; break; case 1: for(int k = 0; k < unison; ++k) unison_invert_phase[nvoice][k] = (RND > 0.5f); break; default: for(int k = 0; k < unison; ++k) unison_invert_phase[nvoice][k] = (k % inv == 0) ? true : false; break; } } oscfreqhi[nvoice] = new int[unison]; oscfreqlo[nvoice] = new float[unison]; oscfreqhiFM[nvoice] = new unsigned int[unison]; oscfreqloFM[nvoice] = new float[unison]; oscposhi[nvoice] = new int[unison]; oscposlo[nvoice] = new float[unison]; oscposhiFM[nvoice] = new unsigned int[unison]; oscposloFM[nvoice] = new float[unison]; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Enabled = ON; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].fixedfreq = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].Pfixedfreq; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].fixedfreqET = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PfixedfreqET; //use the Globalpars.detunetype if the detunetype is 0 if(pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PDetuneType != 0) { NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Detune = getdetune( pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PDetuneType, pars->VoicePar[nvoice]. PCoarseDetune, 8192); //coarse detune NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FineDetune = getdetune( pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PDetuneType, 0, pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PDetune); //fine detune } else { NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Detune = getdetune( pars->GlobalPar.PDetuneType, pars->VoicePar[nvoice]. PCoarseDetune, 8192); //coarse detune NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FineDetune = getdetune( pars->GlobalPar.PDetuneType, 0, pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PDetune); //fine detune } if(pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMDetuneType != 0) NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMDetune = getdetune( pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMDetuneType, pars->VoicePar[nvoice]. PFMCoarseDetune, pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMDetune); else NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMDetune = getdetune( pars->GlobalPar.PDetuneType, pars->VoicePar[nvoice]. PFMCoarseDetune, pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMDetune); for(int k = 0; k < unison; ++k) { oscposhi[nvoice][k] = 0; oscposlo[nvoice][k] = 0.0f; oscposhiFM[nvoice][k] = 0; oscposloFM[nvoice][k] = 0.0f; } //the extra points contains the first point NoteVoicePar[nvoice].OscilSmp = new float[synth->oscilsize + OSCIL_SMP_EXTRA_SAMPLES]; //Get the voice's oscil or external's voice oscil int vc = nvoice; if(pars->VoicePar[nvoice].Pextoscil != -1) vc = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].Pextoscil; if(!pars->GlobalPar.Hrandgrouping) pars->VoicePar[vc].OscilSmp->newrandseed(prng()); int oscposhi_start = pars->VoicePar[vc].OscilSmp->get(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].OscilSmp, getvoicebasefreq(nvoice), pars->VoicePar[nvoice].Presonance); //I store the first elments to the last position for speedups for(int i = 0; i < OSCIL_SMP_EXTRA_SAMPLES; ++i) NoteVoicePar[nvoice].OscilSmp[synth->oscilsize + i] = NoteVoicePar[nvoice].OscilSmp[i]; oscposhi_start += (int)((pars->VoicePar[nvoice].Poscilphase - 64.0f) / 128.0f * synth->oscilsize + synth->oscilsize * 4); oscposhi_start %= synth->oscilsize; for(int k = 0; k < unison; ++k) { oscposhi[nvoice][k] = oscposhi_start; oscposhi_start = (int)(RND * (synth->oscilsize - 1)); //put random starting point for other subvoices } NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FreqLfo = NULL; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FreqEnvelope = NULL; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].AmpLfo = NULL; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].AmpEnvelope = NULL; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceFilterL = NULL; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceFilterR = NULL; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FilterEnvelope = NULL; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FilterLfo = NULL; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FilterCenterPitch = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].VoiceFilter->getfreq(); NoteVoicePar[nvoice].filterbypass = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].Pfilterbypass; switch(pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMEnabled) { case 1: NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMEnabled = MORPH; break; case 2: NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMEnabled = RING_MOD; break; case 3: NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMEnabled = PHASE_MOD; break; case 4: NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMEnabled = FREQ_MOD; break; case 5: NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMEnabled = PITCH_MOD; break; default: NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMEnabled = NONE; } NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVoice = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMVoice; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMFreqEnvelope = NULL; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMAmpEnvelope = NULL; //Compute the Voice's modulator volume (incl. damping) float fmvoldamp = powf(440.0f / getvoicebasefreq( nvoice), pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMVolumeDamp / 64.0f - 1.0f); switch(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMEnabled) { case PHASE_MOD: fmvoldamp = powf(440.0f / getvoicebasefreq( nvoice), pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMVolumeDamp / 64.0f); NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVolume = (expf(pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMVolume / 127.0f * FM_AMP_MULTIPLIER) - 1.0f) * fmvoldamp * 4.0f; break; case FREQ_MOD: NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVolume = (expf(pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMVolume / 127.0f * FM_AMP_MULTIPLIER) - 1.0f) * fmvoldamp * 4.0f; break; // case PITCH_MOD:NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVolume=(pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMVolume/127.0f*8.0f)*fmvoldamp;//??????????? // break; default: if(fmvoldamp > 1.0f) fmvoldamp = 1.0f; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVolume = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMVolume / 127.0f * fmvoldamp; } //Voice's modulator velocity sensing NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVolume *= VelF(velocity, partparams->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMVelocityScaleFunction); FMoldsmp[nvoice] = new float [unison]; for(int k = 0; k < unison; ++k) FMoldsmp[nvoice][k] = 0.0f; //this is for FM (integration) firsttick[nvoice] = 1; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].DelayTicks = (int)((expf(pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PDelay / 127.0f * logf(50.0f)) - 1.0f) / synth->buffersize_f / 10.0f * synth->samplerate_f); } max_unison = 1; for(int nvoice = 0; nvoice < NUM_VOICES; ++nvoice) if(unison_size[nvoice] > max_unison) max_unison = unison_size[nvoice]; tmpwave_unison = new float *[max_unison]; for(int k = 0; k < max_unison; ++k) { tmpwave_unison[k] = new float[synth->buffersize]; memset(tmpwave_unison[k], 0, synth->bufferbytes); } initparameters(); } // ADlegatonote: This function is (mostly) a copy of ADnote(...) and // initparameters() stuck together with some lines removed so that it // only alter the already playing note (to perform legato). It is // possible I left stuff that is not required for this. void ADnote::legatonote(float freq, float velocity, int portamento_, int midinote_, bool externcall) { ADnoteParameters *pars = partparams; // Manage legato stuff if(legato.update(freq, velocity, portamento_, midinote_, externcall)) return; portamento = portamento_; midinote = midinote_; basefreq = freq; if(velocity > 1.0f) velocity = 1.0f; this->velocity = velocity; NoteGlobalPar.Detune = getdetune(pars->GlobalPar.PDetuneType, pars->GlobalPar.PCoarseDetune, pars->GlobalPar.PDetune); bandwidthDetuneMultiplier = pars->getBandwidthDetuneMultiplier(); if(pars->GlobalPar.PPanning == 0) NoteGlobalPar.Panning = RND; else NoteGlobalPar.Panning = pars->GlobalPar.PPanning / 128.0f; //center freq NoteGlobalPar.FilterCenterPitch = pars->GlobalPar.GlobalFilter->getfreq() + pars->GlobalPar.PFilterVelocityScale / 127.0f * 6.0f //velocity sensing * (VelF(velocity, pars->GlobalPar. PFilterVelocityScaleFunction) - 1); for(int nvoice = 0; nvoice < NUM_VOICES; ++nvoice) { if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Enabled == OFF) continue; //(gf) Stay the same as first note in legato. NoteVoicePar[nvoice].fixedfreq = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].Pfixedfreq; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].fixedfreqET = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PfixedfreqET; //use the Globalpars.detunetype if the detunetype is 0 if(pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PDetuneType != 0) { NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Detune = getdetune( pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PDetuneType, pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PCoarseDetune, 8192); //coarse detune NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FineDetune = getdetune( pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PDetuneType, 0, pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PDetune); //fine detune } else { NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Detune = getdetune( pars->GlobalPar.PDetuneType, pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PCoarseDetune, 8192); //coarse detune NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FineDetune = getdetune( pars->GlobalPar.PDetuneType, 0, pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PDetune); //fine detune } if(pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMDetuneType != 0) NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMDetune = getdetune( pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMDetuneType, pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMCoarseDetune, pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMDetune); else NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMDetune = getdetune( pars->GlobalPar.PDetuneType, pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMCoarseDetune, pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMDetune); //Get the voice's oscil or external's voice oscil int vc = nvoice; if(pars->VoicePar[nvoice].Pextoscil != -1) vc = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].Pextoscil; if(!pars->GlobalPar.Hrandgrouping) pars->VoicePar[vc].OscilSmp->newrandseed(prng()); pars->VoicePar[vc].OscilSmp->get(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].OscilSmp, getvoicebasefreq(nvoice), pars->VoicePar[nvoice].Presonance); //(gf)Modif of the above line. //I store the first elments to the last position for speedups for(int i = 0; i < OSCIL_SMP_EXTRA_SAMPLES; ++i) NoteVoicePar[nvoice].OscilSmp[synth->oscilsize + i] = NoteVoicePar[nvoice].OscilSmp[i]; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FilterCenterPitch = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].VoiceFilter->getfreq(); NoteVoicePar[nvoice].filterbypass = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].Pfilterbypass; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVoice = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMVoice; //Compute the Voice's modulator volume (incl. damping) float fmvoldamp = powf(440.0f / getvoicebasefreq(nvoice), pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMVolumeDamp / 64.0f - 1.0f); switch(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMEnabled) { case PHASE_MOD: fmvoldamp = powf(440.0f / getvoicebasefreq( nvoice), pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMVolumeDamp / 64.0f); NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVolume = (expf(pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMVolume / 127.0f * FM_AMP_MULTIPLIER) - 1.0f) * fmvoldamp * 4.0f; break; case FREQ_MOD: NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVolume = (expf(pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMVolume / 127.0f * FM_AMP_MULTIPLIER) - 1.0f) * fmvoldamp * 4.0f; break; // case PITCH_MOD:NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVolume=(pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMVolume/127.0f*8.0f)*fmvoldamp;//??????????? // break; default: if(fmvoldamp > 1.0f) fmvoldamp = 1.0f; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVolume = pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMVolume / 127.0f * fmvoldamp; } //Voice's modulator velocity sensing NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVolume *= VelF(velocity, partparams->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMVelocityScaleFunction); NoteVoicePar[nvoice].DelayTicks = (int)((expf(pars->VoicePar[nvoice].PDelay / 127.0f * logf(50.0f)) - 1.0f) / synth->buffersize_f / 10.0f * synth->samplerate_f); } /// initparameters(); /////////////// // Altered content of initparameters(): int tmp[NUM_VOICES]; NoteGlobalPar.Volume = 4.0f * powf(0.1f, 3.0f * (1.0f - partparams->GlobalPar.PVolume / 96.0f)) //-60 dB .. 0 dB * VelF( velocity, partparams->GlobalPar. PAmpVelocityScaleFunction); //velocity sensing globalnewamplitude = NoteGlobalPar.Volume * NoteGlobalPar.AmpEnvelope->envout_dB() * NoteGlobalPar.AmpLfo->amplfoout(); NoteGlobalPar.FilterQ = partparams->GlobalPar.GlobalFilter->getq(); NoteGlobalPar.FilterFreqTracking = partparams->GlobalPar.GlobalFilter->getfreqtracking(basefreq); // Forbids the Modulation Voice to be greater or equal than voice for(int i = 0; i < NUM_VOICES; ++i) if(NoteVoicePar[i].FMVoice >= i) NoteVoicePar[i].FMVoice = -1; // Voice Parameter init for(unsigned nvoice = 0; nvoice < NUM_VOICES; ++nvoice) { if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Enabled == 0) continue; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].noisetype = partparams->VoicePar[nvoice].Type; /* Voice Amplitude Parameters Init */ NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Volume = powf(0.1f, 3.0f * (1.0f - partparams->VoicePar[nvoice].PVolume / 127.0f)) // -60 dB .. 0 dB * VelF(velocity, partparams->VoicePar[nvoice].PAmpVelocityScaleFunction); //velocity if(partparams->VoicePar[nvoice].PVolumeminus != 0) NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Volume = -NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Volume; if(partparams->VoicePar[nvoice].PPanning == 0) NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Panning = RND; // random panning else NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Panning = partparams->VoicePar[nvoice].PPanning / 128.0f; newamplitude[nvoice] = 1.0f; if((partparams->VoicePar[nvoice].PAmpEnvelopeEnabled != 0) && (NoteVoicePar[nvoice].AmpEnvelope != NULL)) newamplitude[nvoice] *= NoteVoicePar[nvoice].AmpEnvelope->envout_dB(); if((partparams->VoicePar[nvoice].PAmpLfoEnabled != 0) && (NoteVoicePar[nvoice].AmpLfo != NULL)) newamplitude[nvoice] *= NoteVoicePar[nvoice].AmpLfo->amplfoout(); NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FilterFreqTracking = partparams->VoicePar[nvoice].VoiceFilter->getfreqtracking(basefreq); /* Voice Modulation Parameters Init */ if((NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMEnabled != NONE) && (NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVoice < 0)) { partparams->VoicePar[nvoice].FMSmp->newrandseed(prng()); //Perform Anti-aliasing only on MORPH or RING MODULATION int vc = nvoice; if(partparams->VoicePar[nvoice].PextFMoscil != -1) vc = partparams->VoicePar[nvoice].PextFMoscil; if(!partparams->GlobalPar.Hrandgrouping) partparams->VoicePar[vc].FMSmp->newrandseed(prng()); for(int i = 0; i < OSCIL_SMP_EXTRA_SAMPLES; ++i) NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMSmp[synth->oscilsize + i] = NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMSmp[i]; } FMnewamplitude[nvoice] = NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVolume * ctl->fmamp.relamp; if((partparams->VoicePar[nvoice].PFMAmpEnvelopeEnabled != 0) && (NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMAmpEnvelope != NULL)) FMnewamplitude[nvoice] *= NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMAmpEnvelope->envout_dB(); } for(int nvoice = 0; nvoice < NUM_VOICES; ++nvoice) { for(unsigned i = nvoice + 1; i < NUM_VOICES; ++i) tmp[i] = 0; for(unsigned i = nvoice + 1; i < NUM_VOICES; ++i) if((NoteVoicePar[i].FMVoice == nvoice) && (tmp[i] == 0)) tmp[i] = 1; } } /* * Kill a voice of ADnote */ void ADnote::KillVoice(int nvoice) { delete [] oscfreqhi[nvoice]; delete [] oscfreqlo[nvoice]; delete [] oscfreqhiFM[nvoice]; delete [] oscfreqloFM[nvoice]; delete [] oscposhi[nvoice]; delete [] oscposlo[nvoice]; delete [] oscposhiFM[nvoice]; delete [] oscposloFM[nvoice]; delete [] unison_base_freq_rap[nvoice]; delete [] unison_freq_rap[nvoice]; delete [] unison_invert_phase[nvoice]; delete [] FMoldsmp[nvoice]; delete [] unison_vibratto[nvoice].step; delete [] unison_vibratto[nvoice].position; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].kill(); } /* * Kill the note */ void ADnote::KillNote() { for(unsigned nvoice = 0; nvoice < NUM_VOICES; ++nvoice) { if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Enabled == ON) KillVoice(nvoice); if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceOut) delete NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceOut; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceOut = NULL; } NoteGlobalPar.kill(); NoteEnabled = OFF; } ADnote::~ADnote() { if(NoteEnabled == ON) KillNote(); delete [] tmpwavel; delete [] tmpwaver; delete [] bypassl; delete [] bypassr; for(int k = 0; k < max_unison; ++k) delete[] tmpwave_unison[k]; delete[] tmpwave_unison; } /* * Init the parameters */ void ADnote::initparameters() { int tmp[NUM_VOICES]; // Global Parameters NoteGlobalPar.initparameters(partparams->GlobalPar, basefreq, velocity, stereo); NoteGlobalPar.AmpEnvelope->envout_dB(); //discard the first envelope output globalnewamplitude = NoteGlobalPar.Volume * NoteGlobalPar.AmpEnvelope->envout_dB() * NoteGlobalPar.AmpLfo->amplfoout(); // Forbids the Modulation Voice to be greater or equal than voice for(int i = 0; i < NUM_VOICES; ++i) if(NoteVoicePar[i].FMVoice >= i) NoteVoicePar[i].FMVoice = -1; // Voice Parameter init for(int nvoice = 0; nvoice < NUM_VOICES; ++nvoice) { Voice &vce = NoteVoicePar[nvoice]; ADnoteVoiceParam ¶m = partparams->VoicePar[nvoice]; if(vce.Enabled == 0) continue; vce.noisetype = param.Type; /* Voice Amplitude Parameters Init */ vce.Volume = powf(0.1f, 3.0f * (1.0f - param.PVolume / 127.0f)) // -60dB..0dB * VelF(velocity, param.PAmpVelocityScaleFunction); if(param.PVolumeminus) vce.Volume = -vce.Volume; if(param.PPanning == 0) vce.Panning = RND; // random panning else vce.Panning = param.PPanning / 128.0f; newamplitude[nvoice] = 1.0f; if(param.PAmpEnvelopeEnabled) { vce.AmpEnvelope = new Envelope(param.AmpEnvelope, basefreq); vce.AmpEnvelope->envout_dB(); //discard the first envelope sample newamplitude[nvoice] *= vce.AmpEnvelope->envout_dB(); } if(param.PAmpLfoEnabled) { vce.AmpLfo = new LFO(param.AmpLfo, basefreq); newamplitude[nvoice] *= vce.AmpLfo->amplfoout(); } /* Voice Frequency Parameters Init */ if(param.PFreqEnvelopeEnabled != 0) vce.FreqEnvelope = new Envelope(param.FreqEnvelope, basefreq); if(param.PFreqLfoEnabled != 0) vce.FreqLfo = new LFO(param.FreqLfo, basefreq); /* Voice Filter Parameters Init */ if(param.PFilterEnabled != 0) { vce.VoiceFilterL = Filter::generate(param.VoiceFilter); vce.VoiceFilterR = Filter::generate(param.VoiceFilter); } if(param.PFilterEnvelopeEnabled != 0) vce.FilterEnvelope = new Envelope(param.FilterEnvelope, basefreq); if(param.PFilterLfoEnabled != 0) vce.FilterLfo = new LFO(param.FilterLfo, basefreq); vce.FilterFreqTracking = param.VoiceFilter->getfreqtracking(basefreq); /* Voice Modulation Parameters Init */ if((vce.FMEnabled != NONE) && (vce.FMVoice < 0)) { param.FMSmp->newrandseed(prng()); vce.FMSmp = new float[synth->oscilsize + OSCIL_SMP_EXTRA_SAMPLES]; //Perform Anti-aliasing only on MORPH or RING MODULATION int vc = nvoice; if(param.PextFMoscil != -1) vc = param.PextFMoscil; float tmp = 1.0f; if((partparams->VoicePar[vc].FMSmp->Padaptiveharmonics != 0) || (vce.FMEnabled == MORPH) || (vce.FMEnabled == RING_MOD)) tmp = getFMvoicebasefreq(nvoice); if(!partparams->GlobalPar.Hrandgrouping) partparams->VoicePar[vc].FMSmp->newrandseed(prng()); for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) oscposhiFM[nvoice][k] = (oscposhi[nvoice][k] + partparams->VoicePar[vc].FMSmp->get( vce.FMSmp, tmp)) % synth->oscilsize; for(int i = 0; i < OSCIL_SMP_EXTRA_SAMPLES; ++i) vce.FMSmp[synth->oscilsize + i] = vce.FMSmp[i]; int oscposhiFM_add = (int)((param.PFMoscilphase - 64.0f) / 128.0f * synth->oscilsize + synth->oscilsize * 4); for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { oscposhiFM[nvoice][k] += oscposhiFM_add; oscposhiFM[nvoice][k] %= synth->oscilsize; } } if(param.PFMFreqEnvelopeEnabled != 0) vce.FMFreqEnvelope = new Envelope(param.FMFreqEnvelope, basefreq); FMnewamplitude[nvoice] = vce.FMVolume * ctl->fmamp.relamp; if(param.PFMAmpEnvelopeEnabled != 0) { vce.FMAmpEnvelope = new Envelope(param.FMAmpEnvelope, basefreq); FMnewamplitude[nvoice] *= vce.FMAmpEnvelope->envout_dB(); } } for(int nvoice = 0; nvoice < NUM_VOICES; ++nvoice) { for(int i = nvoice + 1; i < NUM_VOICES; ++i) tmp[i] = 0; for(int i = nvoice + 1; i < NUM_VOICES; ++i) if((NoteVoicePar[i].FMVoice == nvoice) && (tmp[i] == 0)) { NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceOut = new float[synth->buffersize]; tmp[i] = 1; } if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceOut) memset(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceOut, 0, synth->bufferbytes); } } /* * Computes the relative frequency of each unison voice and it's vibratto * This must be called before setfreq* functions */ void ADnote::compute_unison_freq_rap(int nvoice) { if(unison_size[nvoice] == 1) { //no unison unison_freq_rap[nvoice][0] = 1.0f; return; } float relbw = ctl->bandwidth.relbw * bandwidthDetuneMultiplier; for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { float pos = unison_vibratto[nvoice].position[k]; float step = unison_vibratto[nvoice].step[k]; pos += step; if(pos <= -1.0f) { pos = -1.0f; step = -step; } if(pos >= 1.0f) { pos = 1.0f; step = -step; } float vibratto_val = (pos - 0.333333333f * pos * pos * pos) * 1.5f; //make the vibratto lfo smoother unison_freq_rap[nvoice][k] = 1.0f + ((unison_base_freq_rap[nvoice][k] - 1.0f) + vibratto_val * unison_vibratto[nvoice].amplitude) * relbw; unison_vibratto[nvoice].position[k] = pos; step = unison_vibratto[nvoice].step[k] = step; } } /* * Computes the frequency of an oscillator */ void ADnote::setfreq(int nvoice, float in_freq) { for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { float freq = fabs(in_freq) * unison_freq_rap[nvoice][k]; float speed = freq * synth->oscilsize_f / synth->samplerate_f; if(speed > synth->oscilsize_f) speed = synth->oscilsize_f; F2I(speed, oscfreqhi[nvoice][k]); oscfreqlo[nvoice][k] = speed - floor(speed); } } /* * Computes the frequency of an modullator oscillator */ void ADnote::setfreqFM(int nvoice, float in_freq) { for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { float freq = fabs(in_freq) * unison_freq_rap[nvoice][k]; float speed = freq * synth->oscilsize_f / synth->samplerate_f; if(speed > synth->samplerate_f) speed = synth->samplerate_f; F2I(speed, oscfreqhiFM[nvoice][k]); oscfreqloFM[nvoice][k] = speed - floor(speed); } } /* * Get Voice base frequency */ float ADnote::getvoicebasefreq(int nvoice) const { float detune = NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Detune / 100.0f + NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FineDetune / 100.0f * ctl->bandwidth.relbw * bandwidthDetuneMultiplier + NoteGlobalPar.Detune / 100.0f; if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].fixedfreq == 0) return this->basefreq * powf(2, detune / 12.0f); else { //the fixed freq is enabled float fixedfreq = 440.0f; int fixedfreqET = NoteVoicePar[nvoice].fixedfreqET; if(fixedfreqET != 0) { //if the frequency varies according the keyboard note float tmp = (midinote - 69.0f) / 12.0f * (powf(2.0f, (fixedfreqET - 1) / 63.0f) - 1.0f); if(fixedfreqET <= 64) fixedfreq *= powf(2.0f, tmp); else fixedfreq *= powf(3.0f, tmp); } return fixedfreq * powf(2.0f, detune / 12.0f); } } /* * Get Voice's Modullator base frequency */ float ADnote::getFMvoicebasefreq(int nvoice) const { float detune = NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMDetune / 100.0f; return getvoicebasefreq(nvoice) * powf(2, detune / 12.0f); } /* * Computes all the parameters for each tick */ void ADnote::computecurrentparameters() { int nvoice; float voicefreq, voicepitch, filterpitch, filterfreq, FMfreq, FMrelativepitch, globalpitch, globalfilterpitch; globalpitch = 0.01f * (NoteGlobalPar.FreqEnvelope->envout() + NoteGlobalPar.FreqLfo->lfoout() * ctl->modwheel.relmod); globaloldamplitude = globalnewamplitude; globalnewamplitude = NoteGlobalPar.Volume * NoteGlobalPar.AmpEnvelope->envout_dB() * NoteGlobalPar.AmpLfo->amplfoout(); globalfilterpitch = NoteGlobalPar.FilterEnvelope->envout() + NoteGlobalPar.FilterLfo->lfoout() + NoteGlobalPar.FilterCenterPitch; float tmpfilterfreq = globalfilterpitch + ctl->filtercutoff.relfreq + NoteGlobalPar.FilterFreqTracking; tmpfilterfreq = Filter::getrealfreq(tmpfilterfreq); float globalfilterq = NoteGlobalPar.FilterQ * ctl->filterq.relq; NoteGlobalPar.GlobalFilterL->setfreq_and_q(tmpfilterfreq, globalfilterq); if(stereo != 0) NoteGlobalPar.GlobalFilterR->setfreq_and_q(tmpfilterfreq, globalfilterq); //compute the portamento, if it is used by this note float portamentofreqrap = 1.0f; if(portamento != 0) { //this voice use portamento portamentofreqrap = ctl->portamento.freqrap; if(ctl->portamento.used == 0) //the portamento has finished portamento = 0; //this note is no longer "portamented" } //compute parameters for all voices for(nvoice = 0; nvoice < NUM_VOICES; ++nvoice) { if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Enabled != ON) continue; NoteVoicePar[nvoice].DelayTicks -= 1; if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].DelayTicks > 0) continue; compute_unison_freq_rap(nvoice); /*******************/ /* Voice Amplitude */ /*******************/ oldamplitude[nvoice] = newamplitude[nvoice]; newamplitude[nvoice] = 1.0f; if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].AmpEnvelope != NULL) newamplitude[nvoice] *= NoteVoicePar[nvoice].AmpEnvelope->envout_dB(); if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].AmpLfo != NULL) newamplitude[nvoice] *= NoteVoicePar[nvoice].AmpLfo->amplfoout(); /****************/ /* Voice Filter */ /****************/ if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceFilterL != NULL) { filterpitch = NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FilterCenterPitch; if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FilterEnvelope != NULL) filterpitch += NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FilterEnvelope->envout(); if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FilterLfo != NULL) filterpitch += NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FilterLfo->lfoout(); filterfreq = filterpitch + NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FilterFreqTracking; filterfreq = Filter::getrealfreq(filterfreq); NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceFilterL->setfreq(filterfreq); if(stereo && NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceFilterR) NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceFilterR->setfreq(filterfreq); } if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].noisetype == 0) { //compute only if the voice isn't noise /*******************/ /* Voice Frequency */ /*******************/ voicepitch = 0.0f; if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FreqLfo != NULL) voicepitch += NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FreqLfo->lfoout() / 100.0f * ctl->bandwidth.relbw; if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FreqEnvelope != NULL) voicepitch += NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FreqEnvelope->envout() / 100.0f; voicefreq = getvoicebasefreq(nvoice) * powf(2, (voicepitch + globalpitch) / 12.0f); //Hz frequency voicefreq *= ctl->pitchwheel.relfreq; //change the frequency by the controller setfreq(nvoice, voicefreq * portamentofreqrap); /***************/ /* Modulator */ /***************/ if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMEnabled != NONE) { FMrelativepitch = NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMDetune / 100.0f; if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMFreqEnvelope != NULL) FMrelativepitch += NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMFreqEnvelope->envout() / 100; FMfreq = powf(2.0f, FMrelativepitch / 12.0f) * voicefreq * portamentofreqrap; setfreqFM(nvoice, FMfreq); FMoldamplitude[nvoice] = FMnewamplitude[nvoice]; FMnewamplitude[nvoice] = NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVolume * ctl->fmamp.relamp; if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMAmpEnvelope != NULL) FMnewamplitude[nvoice] *= NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMAmpEnvelope->envout_dB(); } } } time += synth->buffersize_f / synth->samplerate_f; } /* * Fadein in a way that removes clicks but keep sound "punchy" */ inline void ADnote::fadein(float *smps) const { int zerocrossings = 0; for(int i = 1; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) if((smps[i - 1] < 0.0f) && (smps[i] > 0.0f)) zerocrossings++; //this is only the possitive crossings float tmp = (synth->buffersize_f - 1.0f) / (zerocrossings + 1) / 3.0f; if(tmp < 8.0f) tmp = 8.0f; int n; F2I(tmp, n); //how many samples is the fade-in if(n > synth->buffersize) n = synth->buffersize; for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { //fade-in float tmp = 0.5f - cosf((float)i / (float) n * PI) * 0.5f; smps[i] *= tmp; } } /* * Computes the Oscillator (Without Modulation) - LinearInterpolation */ inline void ADnote::ComputeVoiceOscillator_LinearInterpolation(int nvoice) { int i, poshi; float poslo; for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { poshi = oscposhi[nvoice][k]; poslo = oscposlo[nvoice][k]; int freqhi = oscfreqhi[nvoice][k]; float freqlo = oscfreqlo[nvoice][k]; float *smps = NoteVoicePar[nvoice].OscilSmp; float *tw = tmpwave_unison[k]; for(i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { tw[i] = smps[poshi] * (1.0f - poslo) + smps[poshi + 1] * poslo; poslo += freqlo; if(poslo >= 1.0f) { poslo -= 1.0f; poshi++; } poshi += freqhi; poshi &= synth->oscilsize - 1; } oscposhi[nvoice][k] = poshi; oscposlo[nvoice][k] = poslo; } } /* * Computes the Oscillator (Without Modulation) - CubicInterpolation * The differences from the Linear are to little to deserve to be used. This is because I am using a large synth->oscilsize (>512) inline void ADnote::ComputeVoiceOscillator_CubicInterpolation(int nvoice){ int i,poshi; float poslo; poshi=oscposhi[nvoice]; poslo=oscposlo[nvoice]; float *smps=NoteVoicePar[nvoice].OscilSmp; float xm1,x0,x1,x2,a,b,c; for (i=0;ibuffersize;i++){ xm1=smps[poshi]; x0=smps[poshi+1]; x1=smps[poshi+2]; x2=smps[poshi+3]; a=(3.0f * (x0-x1) - xm1 + x2) / 2.0f; b = 2.0f*x1 + xm1 - (5.0f*x0 + x2) / 2.0f; c = (x1 - xm1) / 2.0f; tmpwave[i]=(((a * poslo) + b) * poslo + c) * poslo + x0; printf("a\n"); //tmpwave[i]=smps[poshi]*(1.0f-poslo)+smps[poshi+1]*poslo; poslo+=oscfreqlo[nvoice]; if (poslo>=1.0f) { poslo-=1.0f; poshi++; }; poshi+=oscfreqhi[nvoice]; poshi&=synth->oscilsize-1; }; oscposhi[nvoice]=poshi; oscposlo[nvoice]=poslo; }; */ /* * Computes the Oscillator (Morphing) */ inline void ADnote::ComputeVoiceOscillatorMorph(int nvoice) { int i; float amp; ComputeVoiceOscillator_LinearInterpolation(nvoice); if(FMnewamplitude[nvoice] > 1.0f) FMnewamplitude[nvoice] = 1.0f; if(FMoldamplitude[nvoice] > 1.0f) FMoldamplitude[nvoice] = 1.0f; if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVoice >= 0) { //if I use VoiceOut[] as modullator int FMVoice = NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVoice; for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { float *tw = tmpwave_unison[k]; for(i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { amp = INTERPOLATE_AMPLITUDE(FMoldamplitude[nvoice], FMnewamplitude[nvoice], i, synth->buffersize); tw[i] = tw[i] * (1.0f - amp) + amp * NoteVoicePar[FMVoice].VoiceOut[i]; } } } else for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { int poshiFM = oscposhiFM[nvoice][k]; float posloFM = oscposloFM[nvoice][k]; int freqhiFM = oscfreqhiFM[nvoice][k]; float freqloFM = oscfreqloFM[nvoice][k]; float *tw = tmpwave_unison[k]; for(i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { amp = INTERPOLATE_AMPLITUDE(FMoldamplitude[nvoice], FMnewamplitude[nvoice], i, synth->buffersize); tw[i] = tw[i] * (1.0f - amp) + amp * (NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMSmp[poshiFM] * (1 - posloFM) + NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMSmp[poshiFM + 1] * posloFM); posloFM += freqloFM; if(posloFM >= 1.0f) { posloFM -= 1.0f; poshiFM++; } poshiFM += freqhiFM; poshiFM &= synth->oscilsize - 1; } oscposhiFM[nvoice][k] = poshiFM; oscposloFM[nvoice][k] = posloFM; } } /* * Computes the Oscillator (Ring Modulation) */ inline void ADnote::ComputeVoiceOscillatorRingModulation(int nvoice) { int i; float amp; ComputeVoiceOscillator_LinearInterpolation(nvoice); if(FMnewamplitude[nvoice] > 1.0f) FMnewamplitude[nvoice] = 1.0f; if(FMoldamplitude[nvoice] > 1.0f) FMoldamplitude[nvoice] = 1.0f; if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVoice >= 0) // if I use VoiceOut[] as modullator for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { float *tw = tmpwave_unison[k]; for(i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { amp = INTERPOLATE_AMPLITUDE(FMoldamplitude[nvoice], FMnewamplitude[nvoice], i, synth->buffersize); int FMVoice = NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVoice; tw[i] *= (1.0f - amp) + amp * NoteVoicePar[FMVoice].VoiceOut[i]; } } else for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { int poshiFM = oscposhiFM[nvoice][k]; float posloFM = oscposloFM[nvoice][k]; int freqhiFM = oscfreqhiFM[nvoice][k]; float freqloFM = oscfreqloFM[nvoice][k]; float *tw = tmpwave_unison[k]; for(i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { amp = INTERPOLATE_AMPLITUDE(FMoldamplitude[nvoice], FMnewamplitude[nvoice], i, synth->buffersize); tw[i] *= (NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMSmp[poshiFM] * (1.0f - posloFM) + NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMSmp[poshiFM + 1] * posloFM) * amp + (1.0f - amp); posloFM += freqloFM; if(posloFM >= 1.0f) { posloFM -= 1.0f; poshiFM++; } poshiFM += freqhiFM; poshiFM &= synth->oscilsize - 1; } oscposhiFM[nvoice][k] = poshiFM; oscposloFM[nvoice][k] = posloFM; } } /* * Computes the Oscillator (Phase Modulation or Frequency Modulation) */ inline void ADnote::ComputeVoiceOscillatorFrequencyModulation(int nvoice, int FMmode) { int carposhi = 0; int i, FMmodfreqhi = 0; float FMmodfreqlo = 0, carposlo = 0; if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVoice >= 0) //if I use VoiceOut[] as modulator for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { float *tw = tmpwave_unison[k]; memcpy(tw, NoteVoicePar[NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMVoice].VoiceOut, synth->bufferbytes); } else //Compute the modulator and store it in tmpwave_unison[][] for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { int poshiFM = oscposhiFM[nvoice][k]; float posloFM = oscposloFM[nvoice][k]; int freqhiFM = oscfreqhiFM[nvoice][k]; float freqloFM = oscfreqloFM[nvoice][k]; float *tw = tmpwave_unison[k]; for(i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { tw[i] = (NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMSmp[poshiFM] * (1.0f - posloFM) + NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMSmp[poshiFM + 1] * posloFM); posloFM += freqloFM; if(posloFM >= 1.0f) { posloFM = fmod(posloFM, 1.0f); poshiFM++; } poshiFM += freqhiFM; poshiFM &= synth->oscilsize - 1; } oscposhiFM[nvoice][k] = poshiFM; oscposloFM[nvoice][k] = posloFM; } // Amplitude interpolation if(ABOVE_AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLD(FMoldamplitude[nvoice], FMnewamplitude[nvoice])) for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { float *tw = tmpwave_unison[k]; for(i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) tw[i] *= INTERPOLATE_AMPLITUDE(FMoldamplitude[nvoice], FMnewamplitude[nvoice], i, synth->buffersize); } else for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { float *tw = tmpwave_unison[k]; for(i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) tw[i] *= FMnewamplitude[nvoice]; } //normalize: makes all sample-rates, oscil_sizes to produce same sound if(FMmode != 0) { //Frequency modulation float normalize = synth->oscilsize_f / 262144.0f * 44100.0f / synth->samplerate_f; for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { float *tw = tmpwave_unison[k]; float fmold = FMoldsmp[nvoice][k]; for(i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { fmold = fmod(fmold + tw[i] * normalize, synth->oscilsize); tw[i] = fmold; } FMoldsmp[nvoice][k] = fmold; } } else { //Phase modulation float normalize = synth->oscilsize_f / 262144.0f; for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { float *tw = tmpwave_unison[k]; for(i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) tw[i] *= normalize; } } //do the modulation for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { float *tw = tmpwave_unison[k]; int poshi = oscposhi[nvoice][k]; float poslo = oscposlo[nvoice][k]; int freqhi = oscfreqhi[nvoice][k]; float freqlo = oscfreqlo[nvoice][k]; for(i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { F2I(tw[i], FMmodfreqhi); FMmodfreqlo = fmod(tw[i] + 0.0000000001f, 1.0f); if(FMmodfreqhi < 0) FMmodfreqlo++; //carrier carposhi = poshi + FMmodfreqhi; carposlo = poslo + FMmodfreqlo; if(carposlo >= 1.0f) { carposhi++; carposlo = fmod(carposlo, 1.0f); } carposhi &= (synth->oscilsize - 1); tw[i] = NoteVoicePar[nvoice].OscilSmp[carposhi] * (1.0f - carposlo) + NoteVoicePar[nvoice].OscilSmp[carposhi + 1] * carposlo; poslo += freqlo; if(poslo >= 1.0f) { poslo = fmod(poslo, 1.0f); poshi++; } poshi += freqhi; poshi &= synth->oscilsize - 1; } oscposhi[nvoice][k] = poshi; oscposlo[nvoice][k] = poslo; } } /*Calculeaza Oscilatorul cu PITCH MODULATION*/ inline void ADnote::ComputeVoiceOscillatorPitchModulation(int /*nvoice*/) { //TODO } /* * Computes the Noise */ inline void ADnote::ComputeVoiceNoise(int nvoice) { for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { float *tw = tmpwave_unison[k]; for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) tw[i] = RND * 2.0f - 1.0f; } } /* * Compute the ADnote samples * Returns 0 if the note is finished */ int ADnote::noteout(float *outl, float *outr) { memcpy(outl, denormalkillbuf, synth->bufferbytes); memcpy(outr, denormalkillbuf, synth->bufferbytes); if(NoteEnabled == OFF) return 0; memset(bypassl, 0, synth->bufferbytes); memset(bypassr, 0, synth->bufferbytes); computecurrentparameters(); for(unsigned nvoice = 0; nvoice < NUM_VOICES; ++nvoice) { if((NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Enabled != ON) || (NoteVoicePar[nvoice].DelayTicks > 0)) continue; if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].noisetype == 0) //voice mode=sound switch(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].FMEnabled) { case MORPH: ComputeVoiceOscillatorMorph(nvoice); break; case RING_MOD: ComputeVoiceOscillatorRingModulation(nvoice); break; case PHASE_MOD: ComputeVoiceOscillatorFrequencyModulation(nvoice, 0); break; case FREQ_MOD: ComputeVoiceOscillatorFrequencyModulation(nvoice, 1); break; //case PITCH_MOD:ComputeVoiceOscillatorPitchModulation(nvoice);break; default: ComputeVoiceOscillator_LinearInterpolation(nvoice); //if (config.cfg.Interpolation) ComputeVoiceOscillator_CubicInterpolation(nvoice); } else ComputeVoiceNoise(nvoice); // Voice Processing //mix subvoices into voice memset(tmpwavel, 0, synth->bufferbytes); if(stereo) memset(tmpwaver, 0, synth->bufferbytes); for(int k = 0; k < unison_size[nvoice]; ++k) { float *tw = tmpwave_unison[k]; if(stereo) { float stereo_pos = 0; if(unison_size[nvoice] > 1) stereo_pos = k / (float)(unison_size[nvoice] - 1) * 2.0f - 1.0f; float stereo_spread = unison_stereo_spread[nvoice] * 2.0f; //between 0 and 2.0f if(stereo_spread > 1.0f) { float stereo_pos_1 = (stereo_pos >= 0.0f) ? 1.0f : -1.0f; stereo_pos = (2.0f - stereo_spread) * stereo_pos + (stereo_spread - 1.0f) * stereo_pos_1; } else stereo_pos *= stereo_spread; if(unison_size[nvoice] == 1) stereo_pos = 0.0f; float panning = (stereo_pos + 1.0f) * 0.5f; float lvol = (1.0f - panning) * 2.0f; if(lvol > 1.0f) lvol = 1.0f; float rvol = panning * 2.0f; if(rvol > 1.0f) rvol = 1.0f; if(unison_invert_phase[nvoice][k]) { lvol = -lvol; rvol = -rvol; } for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) tmpwavel[i] += tw[i] * lvol; for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) tmpwaver[i] += tw[i] * rvol; } else for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) tmpwavel[i] += tw[i]; } float unison_amplitude = 1.0f / sqrt(unison_size[nvoice]); //reduce the amplitude for large unison sizes // Amplitude float oldam = oldamplitude[nvoice] * unison_amplitude; float newam = newamplitude[nvoice] * unison_amplitude; if(ABOVE_AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLD(oldam, newam)) { int rest = synth->buffersize; //test if the amplitude if raising and the difference is high if((newam > oldam) && ((newam - oldam) > 0.25f)) { rest = 10; if(rest > synth->buffersize) rest = synth->buffersize; for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize - rest; ++i) tmpwavel[i] *= oldam; if(stereo) for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize - rest; ++i) tmpwaver[i] *= oldam; } // Amplitude interpolation for(int i = 0; i < rest; ++i) { float amp = INTERPOLATE_AMPLITUDE(oldam, newam, i, rest); tmpwavel[i + (synth->buffersize - rest)] *= amp; if(stereo) tmpwaver[i + (synth->buffersize - rest)] *= amp; } } else { for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) tmpwavel[i] *= newam; if(stereo) for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) tmpwaver[i] *= newam; } // Fade in if(firsttick[nvoice] != 0) { fadein(&tmpwavel[0]); if(stereo) fadein(&tmpwaver[0]); firsttick[nvoice] = 0; } // Filter if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceFilterL != NULL) NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceFilterL->filterout(&tmpwavel[0]); if((stereo) && (NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceFilterR != NULL)) NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceFilterR->filterout(&tmpwaver[0]); //check if the amplitude envelope is finished, if yes, the voice will be fadeout if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].AmpEnvelope != NULL) if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].AmpEnvelope->finished() != 0) { for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) tmpwavel[i] *= 1.0f - (float)i / synth->buffersize_f; if(stereo) for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) tmpwaver[i] *= 1.0f - (float)i / synth->buffersize_f; } //the voice is killed later // Put the ADnote samples in VoiceOut (without appling Global volume, because I wish to use this voice as a modullator) if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceOut != NULL) { if(stereo) for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceOut[i] = tmpwavel[i] + tmpwaver[i]; else //mono for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) NoteVoicePar[nvoice].VoiceOut[i] = tmpwavel[i]; } // Add the voice that do not bypass the filter to out if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].filterbypass == 0) { //no bypass if(stereo) for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { //stereo outl[i] += tmpwavel[i] * NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Volume * NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Panning * 2.0f; outr[i] += tmpwaver[i] * NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Volume * (1.0f - NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Panning) * 2.0f; } else for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) //mono outl[i] += tmpwavel[i] * NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Volume; } else { //bypass the filter if(stereo) for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { //stereo bypassl[i] += tmpwavel[i] * NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Volume * NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Panning * 2.0f; bypassr[i] += tmpwaver[i] * NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Volume * (1.0f - NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Panning) * 2.0f; } else for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) //mono bypassl[i] += tmpwavel[i] * NoteVoicePar[nvoice].Volume; } // chech if there is necesary to proces the voice longer (if the Amplitude envelope isn't finished) if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].AmpEnvelope != NULL) if(NoteVoicePar[nvoice].AmpEnvelope->finished() != 0) KillVoice(nvoice); } //Processing Global parameters NoteGlobalPar.GlobalFilterL->filterout(&outl[0]); if(stereo == 0) { //set the right channel=left channel memcpy(outr, outl, synth->bufferbytes); memcpy(bypassr, bypassl, synth->bufferbytes); } else NoteGlobalPar.GlobalFilterR->filterout(&outr[0]); for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { outl[i] += bypassl[i]; outr[i] += bypassr[i]; } if(ABOVE_AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLD(globaloldamplitude, globalnewamplitude)) // Amplitude Interpolation for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { float tmpvol = INTERPOLATE_AMPLITUDE(globaloldamplitude, globalnewamplitude, i, synth->buffersize); outl[i] *= tmpvol * NoteGlobalPar.Panning; outr[i] *= tmpvol * (1.0f - NoteGlobalPar.Panning); } else for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { outl[i] *= globalnewamplitude * NoteGlobalPar.Panning; outr[i] *= globalnewamplitude * (1.0f - NoteGlobalPar.Panning); } //Apply the punch if(NoteGlobalPar.Punch.Enabled != 0) for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { float punchamp = NoteGlobalPar.Punch.initialvalue * NoteGlobalPar.Punch.t + 1.0f; outl[i] *= punchamp; outr[i] *= punchamp; NoteGlobalPar.Punch.t -= NoteGlobalPar.Punch.dt; if(NoteGlobalPar.Punch.t < 0.0f) { NoteGlobalPar.Punch.Enabled = 0; break; } } // Apply legato-specific sound signal modifications legato.apply(*this, outl, outr); // Check if the global amplitude is finished. // If it does, disable the note if(NoteGlobalPar.AmpEnvelope->finished()) { for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { //fade-out float tmp = 1.0f - (float)i / synth->buffersize_f; outl[i] *= tmp; outr[i] *= tmp; } KillNote(); } return 1; } /* * Relase the key (NoteOff) */ void ADnote::relasekey() { for(int nvoice = 0; nvoice < NUM_VOICES; ++nvoice) NoteVoicePar[nvoice].releasekey(); NoteGlobalPar.FreqEnvelope->relasekey(); NoteGlobalPar.FilterEnvelope->relasekey(); NoteGlobalPar.AmpEnvelope->relasekey(); } /* * Check if the note is finished */ int ADnote::finished() const { if(NoteEnabled == ON) return 0; else return 1; } void ADnote::Voice::releasekey() { if(!Enabled) return; if(AmpEnvelope) AmpEnvelope->relasekey(); if(FreqEnvelope) FreqEnvelope->relasekey(); if(FilterEnvelope) FilterEnvelope->relasekey(); if(FMFreqEnvelope) FMFreqEnvelope->relasekey(); if(FMAmpEnvelope) FMAmpEnvelope->relasekey(); } template static inline void nullify(T &t) {delete t; t = NULL; } template static inline void arrayNullify(T &t) {delete [] t; t = NULL; } void ADnote::Voice::kill() { arrayNullify(OscilSmp); nullify(FreqEnvelope); nullify(FreqLfo); nullify(AmpEnvelope); nullify(AmpLfo); nullify(VoiceFilterL); nullify(VoiceFilterR); nullify(FilterEnvelope); nullify(FilterLfo); nullify(FMFreqEnvelope); nullify(FMAmpEnvelope); if((FMEnabled != NONE) && (FMVoice < 0)) { delete[] FMSmp; FMSmp = NULL; } if(VoiceOut) memset(VoiceOut, 0, synth->bufferbytes); //do not delete, yet: perhaps is used by another voice Enabled = OFF; } void ADnote::Global::kill() { nullify(FreqEnvelope); nullify(FreqLfo); nullify(AmpEnvelope); nullify(AmpLfo); nullify(GlobalFilterL); nullify(GlobalFilterR); nullify(FilterEnvelope); nullify(FilterLfo); } void ADnote::Global::initparameters(const ADnoteGlobalParam ¶m, float basefreq, float velocity, bool stereo) { FreqEnvelope = new Envelope(param.FreqEnvelope, basefreq); FreqLfo = new LFO(param.FreqLfo, basefreq); AmpEnvelope = new Envelope(param.AmpEnvelope, basefreq); AmpLfo = new LFO(param.AmpLfo, basefreq); Volume = 4.0f * powf(0.1f, 3.0f * (1.0f - param.PVolume / 96.0f)) //-60 dB .. 0 dB * VelF(velocity, param.PAmpVelocityScaleFunction); //sensing GlobalFilterL = Filter::generate(param.GlobalFilter); if(stereo) GlobalFilterR = Filter::generate(param.GlobalFilter); else GlobalFilterR = NULL; FilterEnvelope = new Envelope(param.FilterEnvelope, basefreq); FilterLfo = new LFO(param.FilterLfo, basefreq); FilterQ = param.GlobalFilter->getq(); FilterFreqTracking = param.GlobalFilter->getfreqtracking(basefreq); }