/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ class JuceMainMenuHandler : private MenuBarModel::Listener, private DeletedAtShutdown { public: JuceMainMenuHandler() { static JuceMenuCallbackClass cls; callback = [cls.createInstance() init]; JuceMenuCallbackClass::setOwner (callback, this); } ~JuceMainMenuHandler() { setMenu (nullptr, nullptr, String()); jassert (instance == this); instance = nullptr; [callback release]; } void setMenu (MenuBarModel* const newMenuBarModel, const PopupMenu* newExtraAppleMenuItems, const String& recentItemsName) { recentItemsMenuName = recentItemsName; if (currentModel != newMenuBarModel) { if (currentModel != nullptr) currentModel->removeListener (this); currentModel = newMenuBarModel; if (currentModel != nullptr) currentModel->addListener (this); menuBarItemsChanged (nullptr); } extraAppleMenuItems = createCopyIfNotNull (newExtraAppleMenuItems); } void addTopLevelMenu (NSMenu* parent, const PopupMenu& child, const String& name, int menuId, int topLevelIndex) { NSMenuItem* item = [parent addItemWithTitle: juceStringToNS (name) action: nil keyEquivalent: nsEmptyString()]; NSMenu* sub = createMenu (child, name, menuId, topLevelIndex, true); [parent setSubmenu: sub forItem: item]; [sub setAutoenablesItems: false]; [sub release]; } void updateTopLevelMenu (NSMenuItem* parentItem, const PopupMenu& menuToCopy, const String& name, int menuId, int topLevelIndex) { // Note: This method used to update the contents of the existing menu in-place, but that caused // weird side-effects which messed-up keyboard focus when switching between windows. By creating // a new menu and replacing the old one with it, that problem seems to be avoided.. NSMenu* menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle: juceStringToNS (name)]; for (PopupMenu::MenuItemIterator iter (menuToCopy); iter.next();) addMenuItem (iter, menu, menuId, topLevelIndex); [menu setAutoenablesItems: false]; [menu update]; [parentItem setSubmenu: menu]; [menu release]; } void updateTopLevelMenu (NSMenu* menu) { NSMenu* superMenu = [menu supermenu]; auto menuNames = currentModel->getMenuBarNames(); auto indexOfMenu = (int) [superMenu indexOfItemWithSubmenu: menu] - 1; [menu removeAllItems]; auto updatedPopup = currentModel->getMenuForIndex (indexOfMenu, menuNames[indexOfMenu]); for (PopupMenu::MenuItemIterator iter (updatedPopup); iter.next();) addMenuItem (iter, menu, 1, indexOfMenu); [menu update]; } void menuBarItemsChanged (MenuBarModel*) { if (isOpen) { defferedUpdateRequested = true; return; } lastUpdateTime = Time::getMillisecondCounter(); StringArray menuNames; if (currentModel != nullptr) menuNames = currentModel->getMenuBarNames(); NSMenu* menuBar = [[NSApp mainMenu] retain]; while ([menuBar numberOfItems] > 1 + menuNames.size()) [menuBar removeItemAtIndex: [menuBar numberOfItems] - 1]; int menuId = 1; for (int i = 0; i < menuNames.size(); ++i) { const PopupMenu menu (currentModel->getMenuForIndex (i, menuNames[i])); if (i >= [menuBar numberOfItems] - 1) addTopLevelMenu (menuBar, menu, menuNames[i], menuId, i); else updateTopLevelMenu ([menuBar itemAtIndex: 1 + i], menu, menuNames[i], menuId, i); } [menuBar release]; } void menuCommandInvoked (MenuBarModel*, const ApplicationCommandTarget::InvocationInfo& info) { if ((info.commandFlags & ApplicationCommandInfo::dontTriggerVisualFeedback) == 0 && info.invocationMethod != ApplicationCommandTarget::InvocationInfo::fromKeyPress) if (auto* item = findMenuItemWithTag ([NSApp mainMenu], info.commandID)) flashMenuBar ([item menu]); } void invoke (int commandId, ApplicationCommandManager* commandManager, int topLevelIndex) const { if (currentModel != nullptr) { if (commandManager != nullptr) { ApplicationCommandTarget::InvocationInfo info (commandId); info.invocationMethod = ApplicationCommandTarget::InvocationInfo::fromMenu; commandManager->invoke (info, true); } MessageManager::callAsync ([=]() { if (instance != nullptr) instance->invokeDirectly (commandId, topLevelIndex); }); } } void invokeDirectly (int commandId, int topLevelIndex) { if (currentModel != nullptr) currentModel->menuItemSelected (commandId, topLevelIndex); } void addMenuItem (PopupMenu::MenuItemIterator& iter, NSMenu* menuToAddTo, const int topLevelMenuId, const int topLevelIndex) { const PopupMenu::Item& i = iter.getItem(); NSString* text = juceStringToNS (i.text); if (text == nil) text = nsEmptyString(); if (i.isSeparator) { [menuToAddTo addItem: [NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; } else if (i.isSectionHeader) { NSMenuItem* item = [menuToAddTo addItemWithTitle: text action: nil keyEquivalent: nsEmptyString()]; [item setEnabled: false]; } else if (i.subMenu != nullptr) { if (i.text == recentItemsMenuName) { if (recent == nullptr) recent = new RecentFilesMenuItem(); if (recent->recentItem != nil) { if (NSMenu* parent = [recent->recentItem menu]) [parent removeItem: recent->recentItem]; [menuToAddTo addItem: recent->recentItem]; return; } } NSMenuItem* item = [menuToAddTo addItemWithTitle: text action: nil keyEquivalent: nsEmptyString()]; [item setTag: i.itemID]; [item setEnabled: i.isEnabled]; NSMenu* sub = createMenu (*i.subMenu, i.text, topLevelMenuId, topLevelIndex, false); [menuToAddTo setSubmenu: sub forItem: item]; [sub release]; } else { NSMenuItem* item = [menuToAddTo addItemWithTitle: text action: @selector (menuItemInvoked:) keyEquivalent: nsEmptyString()]; [item setTag: i.itemID]; [item setEnabled: i.isEnabled]; [item setState: i.isTicked ? NSOnState : NSOffState]; [item setTarget: (id) callback]; NSMutableArray* info = [NSMutableArray arrayWithObject: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong: (pointer_sized_uint) (void*) i.commandManager]]; [info addObject: [NSNumber numberWithInt: topLevelIndex]]; [item setRepresentedObject: info]; if (i.commandManager != nullptr) { for (auto& kp : i.commandManager->getKeyMappings()->getKeyPressesAssignedToCommand (i.itemID)) { if (kp != KeyPress::backspaceKey // (adding these is annoying because it flashes the menu bar && kp != KeyPress::deleteKey) // every time you press the key while editing text) { juce_wchar key = kp.getTextCharacter(); if (key == 0) key = (juce_wchar) kp.getKeyCode(); [item setKeyEquivalent: juceStringToNS (String::charToString (key).toLowerCase())]; [item setKeyEquivalentModifierMask: juceModsToNSMods (kp.getModifiers())]; } break; } } } } NSMenu* createMenu (const PopupMenu menu, const String& menuName, const int topLevelMenuId, const int topLevelIndex, const bool addDelegate) { NSMenu* m = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle: juceStringToNS (menuName)]; [m setAutoenablesItems: false]; if (addDelegate) { #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 [m setDelegate: (id) callback]; #else [m setDelegate: callback]; #endif } for (PopupMenu::MenuItemIterator iter (menu); iter.next();) addMenuItem (iter, m, topLevelMenuId, topLevelIndex); [m update]; return m; } static JuceMainMenuHandler* instance; MenuBarModel* currentModel = nullptr; ScopedPointer extraAppleMenuItems; uint32 lastUpdateTime = 0; NSObject* callback = nil; String recentItemsMenuName; bool isOpen = false, defferedUpdateRequested = false; private: struct RecentFilesMenuItem { RecentFilesMenuItem() : recentItem (nil) { if (NSNib* menuNib = [[[NSNib alloc] initWithNibNamed: @"RecentFilesMenuTemplate" bundle: nil] autorelease]) { NSArray* array = nil; #if (! defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_8)) || MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED < MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_8 [menuNib instantiateNibWithOwner: NSApp topLevelObjects: &array]; #else [menuNib instantiateWithOwner: NSApp topLevelObjects: &array]; #endif for (id object in array) { if ([object isKindOfClass: [NSMenu class]]) { if (NSArray* items = [object itemArray]) { if (NSMenuItem* item = findRecentFilesItem (items)) { recentItem = [item retain]; break; } } } } } } ~RecentFilesMenuItem() { [recentItem release]; } static NSMenuItem* findRecentFilesItem (NSArray* const items) { for (id object in items) if (NSArray* subMenuItems = [[object submenu] itemArray]) for (id subObject in subMenuItems) if ([subObject isKindOfClass: [NSMenuItem class]]) return subObject; return nil; } NSMenuItem* recentItem; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (RecentFilesMenuItem) }; ScopedPointer recent; //============================================================================== static NSMenuItem* findMenuItemWithTag (NSMenu* const menu, int tag) { for (NSInteger i = [menu numberOfItems]; --i >= 0;) { NSMenuItem* m = [menu itemAtIndex: i]; if ([m tag] == tag) return m; if (NSMenu* sub = [m submenu]) if (NSMenuItem* found = findMenuItemWithTag (sub, tag)) return found; } return nil; } static void flashMenuBar (NSMenu* menu) { if ([[menu title] isEqualToString: nsStringLiteral ("Apple")]) return; [menu retain]; const unichar f35Key = NSF35FunctionKey; NSString* f35String = [NSString stringWithCharacters: &f35Key length: 1]; NSMenuItem* item = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: nsStringLiteral ("x") action: nil keyEquivalent: f35String]; [item setTarget: nil]; [menu insertItem: item atIndex: [menu numberOfItems]]; [item release]; if ([menu indexOfItem: item] >= 0) { NSEvent* f35Event = [NSEvent keyEventWithType: NSEventTypeKeyDown location: NSZeroPoint modifierFlags: NSEventModifierFlagCommand timestamp: 0 windowNumber: 0 context: [NSGraphicsContext currentContext] characters: f35String charactersIgnoringModifiers: f35String isARepeat: NO keyCode: 0]; [menu performKeyEquivalent: f35Event]; if ([menu indexOfItem: item] >= 0) [menu removeItem: item]; // (this throws if the item isn't actually in the menu) } [menu release]; } static unsigned int juceModsToNSMods (const ModifierKeys mods) { unsigned int m = 0; if (mods.isShiftDown()) m |= NSEventModifierFlagShift; if (mods.isCtrlDown()) m |= NSEventModifierFlagControl; if (mods.isAltDown()) m |= NSEventModifierFlagOption; if (mods.isCommandDown()) m |= NSEventModifierFlagCommand; return m; } //============================================================================== struct JuceMenuCallbackClass : public ObjCClass { JuceMenuCallbackClass() : ObjCClass ("JUCEMainMenu_") { addIvar ("owner"); addMethod (@selector (menuItemInvoked:), menuItemInvoked, "v@:@"); addMethod (@selector (menuNeedsUpdate:), menuNeedsUpdate, "v@:@"); #if defined (MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6) && MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_6 addProtocol (@protocol (NSMenuDelegate)); #endif registerClass(); } static void setOwner (id self, JuceMainMenuHandler* owner) { object_setInstanceVariable (self, "owner", owner); } private: static void menuItemInvoked (id self, SEL, NSMenuItem* item) { auto owner = getIvar (self, "owner"); if ([[item representedObject] isKindOfClass: [NSArray class]]) { // If the menu is being triggered by a keypress, the OS will have picked it up before we had a chance to offer it to // our own components, which may have wanted to intercept it. So, rather than dispatching directly, we'll feed it back // into the focused component and let it trigger the menu item indirectly. NSEvent* e = [NSApp currentEvent]; if ([e type] == NSEventTypeKeyDown || [e type] == NSEventTypeKeyUp) { if (auto* focused = juce::Component::getCurrentlyFocusedComponent()) { if (auto peer = dynamic_cast (focused->getPeer())) { if ([e type] == NSEventTypeKeyDown) peer->redirectKeyDown (e); else peer->redirectKeyUp (e); return; } } } NSArray* info = (NSArray*) [item representedObject]; owner->invoke ((int) [item tag], (ApplicationCommandManager*) (pointer_sized_int) [((NSNumber*) [info objectAtIndex: 0]) unsignedLongLongValue], (int) [((NSNumber*) [info objectAtIndex: 1]) intValue]); } } static void menuNeedsUpdate (id self, SEL, NSMenu* menu) { getIvar (self, "owner")->updateTopLevelMenu (menu); } }; }; JuceMainMenuHandler* JuceMainMenuHandler::instance = nullptr; //============================================================================== class TemporaryMainMenuWithStandardCommands { public: TemporaryMainMenuWithStandardCommands() : oldMenu (MenuBarModel::getMacMainMenu()) { if (auto* appleMenu = MenuBarModel::getMacExtraAppleItemsMenu()) oldAppleMenu = new PopupMenu (*appleMenu); if (auto* handler = JuceMainMenuHandler::instance) oldRecentItems = handler->recentItemsMenuName; MenuBarModel::setMacMainMenu (nullptr); NSMenu* menu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle: nsStringLiteral ("Edit")]; NSMenuItem* item; item = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: NSLocalizedString (nsStringLiteral ("Cut"), nil) action: @selector (cut:) keyEquivalent: nsStringLiteral ("x")]; [menu addItem: item]; [item release]; item = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: NSLocalizedString (nsStringLiteral ("Copy"), nil) action: @selector (copy:) keyEquivalent: nsStringLiteral ("c")]; [menu addItem: item]; [item release]; item = [[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: NSLocalizedString (nsStringLiteral ("Paste"), nil) action: @selector (paste:) keyEquivalent: nsStringLiteral ("v")]; [menu addItem: item]; [item release]; item = [[NSApp mainMenu] addItemWithTitle: NSLocalizedString (nsStringLiteral ("Edit"), nil) action: nil keyEquivalent: nsEmptyString()]; [[NSApp mainMenu] setSubmenu: menu forItem: item]; [menu release]; // use a dummy modal component so that apps can tell that something is currently modal. dummyModalComponent.enterModalState (false); } ~TemporaryMainMenuWithStandardCommands() { MenuBarModel::setMacMainMenu (oldMenu, oldAppleMenu, oldRecentItems); } private: MenuBarModel* const oldMenu; ScopedPointer oldAppleMenu; String oldRecentItems; // The OS view already plays an alert when clicking outside // the modal comp, so this override avoids adding extra // inappropriate noises when the cancel button is pressed. // This override is also important because it stops the base class // calling ModalComponentManager::bringToFront, which can get // recursive when file dialogs are involved struct SilentDummyModalComp : public Component { SilentDummyModalComp() {} void inputAttemptWhenModal() override {} }; SilentDummyModalComp dummyModalComponent; }; //============================================================================== namespace MainMenuHelpers { static NSString* translateMenuName (const String& name) { return NSLocalizedString (juceStringToNS (TRANS (name)), nil); } static NSMenuItem* createMenuItem (NSMenu* menu, const String& name, SEL sel, NSString* key) { NSMenuItem* item = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: translateMenuName (name) action: sel keyEquivalent: key] autorelease]; [item setTarget: NSApp]; [menu addItem: item]; return item; } static void createStandardAppMenu (NSMenu* menu, const String& appName, const PopupMenu* extraItems) { if (extraItems != nullptr && JuceMainMenuHandler::instance != nullptr && extraItems->getNumItems() > 0) { for (PopupMenu::MenuItemIterator iter (*extraItems); iter.next();) JuceMainMenuHandler::instance->addMenuItem (iter, menu, 0, -1); [menu addItem: [NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; } // Services... NSMenuItem* services = [[[NSMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle: translateMenuName ("Services") action: nil keyEquivalent: nsEmptyString()] autorelease]; [menu addItem: services]; NSMenu* servicesMenu = [[[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle: translateMenuName ("Services")] autorelease]; [menu setSubmenu: servicesMenu forItem: services]; [NSApp setServicesMenu: servicesMenu]; [menu addItem: [NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; createMenuItem (menu, TRANS("Hide") + String (" ") + appName, @selector (hide:), nsStringLiteral ("h")); [createMenuItem (menu, TRANS("Hide Others"), @selector (hideOtherApplications:), nsStringLiteral ("h")) setKeyEquivalentModifierMask: NSEventModifierFlagCommand | NSEventModifierFlagOption]; createMenuItem (menu, TRANS("Show All"), @selector (unhideAllApplications:), nsEmptyString()); [menu addItem: [NSMenuItem separatorItem]]; createMenuItem (menu, TRANS("Quit") + String (" ") + appName, @selector (terminate:), nsStringLiteral ("q")); } // Since our app has no NIB, this initialises a standard app menu... static void rebuildMainMenu (const PopupMenu* extraItems) { // this can't be used in a plugin! jassert (JUCEApplicationBase::isStandaloneApp()); if (auto* app = JUCEApplicationBase::getInstance()) { JUCE_AUTORELEASEPOOL { NSMenu* mainMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle: nsStringLiteral ("MainMenu")]; NSMenuItem* item = [mainMenu addItemWithTitle: nsStringLiteral ("Apple") action: nil keyEquivalent: nsEmptyString()]; NSMenu* appMenu = [[NSMenu alloc] initWithTitle: nsStringLiteral ("Apple")]; [NSApp performSelector: @selector (setAppleMenu:) withObject: appMenu]; [mainMenu setSubmenu: appMenu forItem: item]; [NSApp setMainMenu: mainMenu]; MainMenuHelpers::createStandardAppMenu (appMenu, app->getApplicationName(), extraItems); [appMenu release]; [mainMenu release]; } } } } void MenuBarModel::setMacMainMenu (MenuBarModel* newMenuBarModel, const PopupMenu* extraAppleMenuItems, const String& recentItemsMenuName) { if (getMacMainMenu() != newMenuBarModel) { JUCE_AUTORELEASEPOOL { if (newMenuBarModel == nullptr) { delete JuceMainMenuHandler::instance; jassert (JuceMainMenuHandler::instance == nullptr); // should be zeroed in the destructor jassert (extraAppleMenuItems == nullptr); // you can't specify some extra items without also supplying a model extraAppleMenuItems = nullptr; } else { if (JuceMainMenuHandler::instance == nullptr) JuceMainMenuHandler::instance = new JuceMainMenuHandler(); JuceMainMenuHandler::instance->setMenu (newMenuBarModel, extraAppleMenuItems, recentItemsMenuName); } } } MainMenuHelpers::rebuildMainMenu (extraAppleMenuItems); if (newMenuBarModel != nullptr) newMenuBarModel->menuItemsChanged(); } MenuBarModel* MenuBarModel::getMacMainMenu() { if (auto* mm = JuceMainMenuHandler::instance) return mm->currentModel; return nullptr; } const PopupMenu* MenuBarModel::getMacExtraAppleItemsMenu() { if (auto* mm = JuceMainMenuHandler::instance) return mm->extraAppleMenuItems.get(); return nullptr; } typedef void (*MenuTrackingChangedCallback) (bool); extern MenuTrackingChangedCallback menuTrackingChangedCallback; static void mainMenuTrackingChanged (bool isTracking) { PopupMenu::dismissAllActiveMenus(); if (auto* menuHandler = JuceMainMenuHandler::instance) { menuHandler->isOpen = isTracking; if (auto* model = menuHandler->currentModel) model->handleMenuBarActivate (isTracking); if (menuHandler->defferedUpdateRequested && ! isTracking) { menuHandler->defferedUpdateRequested = false; menuHandler->menuBarItemsChanged (menuHandler->currentModel); } } } void juce_initialiseMacMainMenu() { menuTrackingChangedCallback = mainMenuTrackingChanged; if (JuceMainMenuHandler::instance == nullptr) MainMenuHelpers::rebuildMainMenu (nullptr); } // (used from other modules that need to create an NSMenu) NSMenu* createNSMenu (const PopupMenu& menu, const String& name, int topLevelMenuId, int topLevelIndex, bool addDelegate) { juce_initialiseMacMainMenu(); if (auto* mm = JuceMainMenuHandler::instance) return mm->createMenu (menu, name, topLevelMenuId, topLevelIndex, addDelegate); jassertfalse; // calling this before making sure the OSX main menu stuff was initialised? return nil; }