/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ TabBarButton::TabBarButton (const String& name, TabbedButtonBar& owner_) : Button (name), owner (owner_), overlapPixels (0), extraCompPlacement (afterText) { setWantsKeyboardFocus (false); } TabBarButton::~TabBarButton() {} int TabBarButton::getIndex() const { return owner.indexOfTabButton (this); } Colour TabBarButton::getTabBackgroundColour() const { return owner.getTabBackgroundColour (getIndex()); } bool TabBarButton::isFrontTab() const { return getToggleState(); } void TabBarButton::paintButton (Graphics& g, const bool isMouseOverButton, const bool isButtonDown) { getLookAndFeel().drawTabButton (*this, g, isMouseOverButton, isButtonDown); } void TabBarButton::clicked (const ModifierKeys& mods) { if (mods.isPopupMenu()) owner.popupMenuClickOnTab (getIndex(), getButtonText()); else owner.setCurrentTabIndex (getIndex()); } bool TabBarButton::hitTest (int mx, int my) { const Rectangle area (getActiveArea()); if (owner.isVertical()) { if (isPositiveAndBelow (mx, getWidth()) && my >= area.getY() + overlapPixels && my < area.getBottom() - overlapPixels) return true; } else { if (isPositiveAndBelow (my, getHeight()) && mx >= area.getX() + overlapPixels && mx < area.getRight() - overlapPixels) return true; } Path p; getLookAndFeel().createTabButtonShape (*this, p, false, false); return p.contains ((float) (mx - area.getX()), (float) (my - area.getY())); } int TabBarButton::getBestTabLength (const int depth) { return getLookAndFeel().getTabButtonBestWidth (*this, depth); } void TabBarButton::calcAreas (Rectangle& extraComp, Rectangle& textArea) const { LookAndFeel& lf = getLookAndFeel(); textArea = getActiveArea(); const int depth = owner.isVertical() ? textArea.getWidth() : textArea.getHeight(); const int overlap = lf.getTabButtonOverlap (depth); if (overlap > 0) { if (owner.isVertical()) textArea.reduce (0, overlap); else textArea.reduce (overlap, 0); } if (extraComponent != nullptr) { extraComp = lf.getTabButtonExtraComponentBounds (*this, textArea, *extraComponent); const TabbedButtonBar::Orientation orientation = owner.getOrientation(); if (orientation == TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtLeft || orientation == TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtRight) { if (extraComp.getCentreY() > textArea.getCentreY()) textArea.setBottom (jmin (textArea.getBottom(), extraComp.getY())); else textArea.setTop (jmax (textArea.getY(), extraComp.getBottom())); } else { if (extraComp.getCentreX() > textArea.getCentreX()) textArea.setRight (jmin (textArea.getRight(), extraComp.getX())); else textArea.setLeft (jmax (textArea.getX(), extraComp.getRight())); } } } Rectangle TabBarButton::getTextArea() const { Rectangle extraComp, textArea; calcAreas (extraComp, textArea); return textArea; } Rectangle TabBarButton::getActiveArea() const { Rectangle r (getLocalBounds()); const int spaceAroundImage = getLookAndFeel().getTabButtonSpaceAroundImage(); const TabbedButtonBar::Orientation orientation = owner.getOrientation(); if (orientation != TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtLeft) r.removeFromRight (spaceAroundImage); if (orientation != TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtRight) r.removeFromLeft (spaceAroundImage); if (orientation != TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtBottom) r.removeFromTop (spaceAroundImage); if (orientation != TabbedButtonBar::TabsAtTop) r.removeFromBottom (spaceAroundImage); return r; } void TabBarButton::setExtraComponent (Component* comp, ExtraComponentPlacement placement) { jassert (extraCompPlacement == beforeText || extraCompPlacement == afterText); extraCompPlacement = placement; addAndMakeVisible (extraComponent = comp); resized(); } void TabBarButton::childBoundsChanged (Component* c) { if (c == extraComponent) { owner.resized(); resized(); } } void TabBarButton::resized() { if (extraComponent != nullptr) { Rectangle extraComp, textArea; calcAreas (extraComp, textArea); if (! extraComp.isEmpty()) extraComponent->setBounds (extraComp); } } //============================================================================== class TabbedButtonBar::BehindFrontTabComp : public Component, public Button::Listener { public: BehindFrontTabComp (TabbedButtonBar& tb) : owner (tb) { setInterceptsMouseClicks (false, false); } void paint (Graphics& g) override { getLookAndFeel().drawTabAreaBehindFrontButton (owner, g, getWidth(), getHeight()); } void enablementChanged() override { repaint(); } void buttonClicked (Button*) override { owner.showExtraItemsMenu(); } private: TabbedButtonBar& owner; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (BehindFrontTabComp) }; //============================================================================== TabbedButtonBar::TabbedButtonBar (const Orientation orientation_) : orientation (orientation_), minimumScale (0.7), currentTabIndex (-1) { setInterceptsMouseClicks (false, true); addAndMakeVisible (behindFrontTab = new BehindFrontTabComp (*this)); setFocusContainer (true); } TabbedButtonBar::~TabbedButtonBar() { tabs.clear(); extraTabsButton = nullptr; } //============================================================================== void TabbedButtonBar::setOrientation (const Orientation newOrientation) { orientation = newOrientation; for (auto* child : getChildren()) child->resized(); resized(); } TabBarButton* TabbedButtonBar::createTabButton (const String& name, const int /*index*/) { return new TabBarButton (name, *this); } void TabbedButtonBar::setMinimumTabScaleFactor (double newMinimumScale) { minimumScale = newMinimumScale; resized(); } //============================================================================== void TabbedButtonBar::clearTabs() { tabs.clear(); extraTabsButton = nullptr; setCurrentTabIndex (-1); } void TabbedButtonBar::addTab (const String& tabName, Colour tabBackgroundColour, int insertIndex) { jassert (tabName.isNotEmpty()); // you have to give them all a name.. if (tabName.isNotEmpty()) { if (! isPositiveAndBelow (insertIndex, tabs.size())) insertIndex = tabs.size(); TabInfo* const currentTab = tabs [currentTabIndex]; TabInfo* newTab = new TabInfo(); newTab->name = tabName; newTab->colour = tabBackgroundColour; newTab->button = createTabButton (tabName, insertIndex); jassert (newTab->button != nullptr); tabs.insert (insertIndex, newTab); currentTabIndex = tabs.indexOf (currentTab); addAndMakeVisible (newTab->button, insertIndex); resized(); if (currentTabIndex < 0) setCurrentTabIndex (0); } } void TabbedButtonBar::setTabName (const int tabIndex, const String& newName) { if (TabInfo* const tab = tabs [tabIndex]) { if (tab->name != newName) { tab->name = newName; tab->button->setButtonText (newName); resized(); } } } void TabbedButtonBar::removeTab (const int indexToRemove, const bool animate) { if (isPositiveAndBelow (indexToRemove, tabs.size())) { int oldSelectedIndex = currentTabIndex; if (indexToRemove == currentTabIndex) oldSelectedIndex = -1; else if (indexToRemove < oldSelectedIndex) --oldSelectedIndex; tabs.remove (indexToRemove); setCurrentTabIndex (oldSelectedIndex); updateTabPositions (animate); } } void TabbedButtonBar::moveTab (const int currentIndex, const int newIndex, const bool animate) { TabInfo* const currentTab = tabs [currentTabIndex]; tabs.move (currentIndex, newIndex); currentTabIndex = tabs.indexOf (currentTab); updateTabPositions (animate); } int TabbedButtonBar::getNumTabs() const { return tabs.size(); } String TabbedButtonBar::getCurrentTabName() const { TabInfo* tab = tabs [currentTabIndex]; return tab == nullptr ? String() : tab->name; } StringArray TabbedButtonBar::getTabNames() const { StringArray names; for (int i = 0; i < tabs.size(); ++i) names.add (tabs.getUnchecked(i)->name); return names; } void TabbedButtonBar::setCurrentTabIndex (int newIndex, const bool sendChangeMessage_) { if (currentTabIndex != newIndex) { if (! isPositiveAndBelow (newIndex, tabs.size())) newIndex = -1; currentTabIndex = newIndex; for (int i = 0; i < tabs.size(); ++i) { TabBarButton* tb = tabs.getUnchecked(i)->button; tb->setToggleState (i == newIndex, dontSendNotification); } resized(); if (sendChangeMessage_) sendChangeMessage(); currentTabChanged (newIndex, getCurrentTabName()); } } TabBarButton* TabbedButtonBar::getTabButton (const int index) const { if (TabInfo* tab = tabs[index]) return static_cast (tab->button); return nullptr; } int TabbedButtonBar::indexOfTabButton (const TabBarButton* button) const { for (int i = tabs.size(); --i >= 0;) if (tabs.getUnchecked(i)->button == button) return i; return -1; } Rectangle TabbedButtonBar::getTargetBounds (TabBarButton* button) const { if (button == nullptr || indexOfTabButton (button) == -1) return Rectangle(); ComponentAnimator& animator = Desktop::getInstance().getAnimator(); return animator.isAnimating (button) ? animator.getComponentDestination (button) : button->getBounds(); } void TabbedButtonBar::lookAndFeelChanged() { extraTabsButton = nullptr; resized(); } void TabbedButtonBar::paint (Graphics& g) { getLookAndFeel().drawTabbedButtonBarBackground (*this, g); } void TabbedButtonBar::resized() { updateTabPositions (false); } //============================================================================== void TabbedButtonBar::updateTabPositions (bool animate) { LookAndFeel& lf = getLookAndFeel(); int depth = getWidth(); int length = getHeight(); if (! isVertical()) std::swap (depth, length); const int overlap = lf.getTabButtonOverlap (depth) + lf.getTabButtonSpaceAroundImage() * 2; int totalLength = jmax (0, overlap); int numVisibleButtons = tabs.size(); for (int i = 0; i < tabs.size(); ++i) { TabBarButton* const tb = tabs.getUnchecked(i)->button; totalLength += tb->getBestTabLength (depth) - overlap; tb->overlapPixels = jmax (0, overlap / 2); } double scale = 1.0; if (totalLength > length) scale = jmax (minimumScale, length / (double) totalLength); const bool isTooBig = (int) (totalLength * scale) > length; int tabsButtonPos = 0; if (isTooBig) { if (extraTabsButton == nullptr) { addAndMakeVisible (extraTabsButton = lf.createTabBarExtrasButton()); extraTabsButton->addListener (behindFrontTab); extraTabsButton->setAlwaysOnTop (true); extraTabsButton->setTriggeredOnMouseDown (true); } const int buttonSize = jmin (proportionOfWidth (0.7f), proportionOfHeight (0.7f)); extraTabsButton->setSize (buttonSize, buttonSize); if (isVertical()) { tabsButtonPos = getHeight() - buttonSize / 2 - 1; extraTabsButton->setCentrePosition (getWidth() / 2, tabsButtonPos); } else { tabsButtonPos = getWidth() - buttonSize / 2 - 1; extraTabsButton->setCentrePosition (tabsButtonPos, getHeight() / 2); } totalLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tabs.size(); ++i) { TabBarButton* const tb = tabs.getUnchecked(i)->button; const int newLength = totalLength + tb->getBestTabLength (depth); if (i > 0 && newLength * minimumScale > tabsButtonPos) { totalLength += overlap; break; } numVisibleButtons = i + 1; totalLength = newLength - overlap; } scale = jmax (minimumScale, tabsButtonPos / (double) totalLength); } else { extraTabsButton = nullptr; } int pos = 0; TabBarButton* frontTab = nullptr; ComponentAnimator& animator = Desktop::getInstance().getAnimator(); for (int i = 0; i < tabs.size(); ++i) { if (TabBarButton* const tb = getTabButton (i)) { const int bestLength = roundToInt (scale * tb->getBestTabLength (depth)); if (i < numVisibleButtons) { const Rectangle newBounds (isVertical() ? Rectangle (0, pos, getWidth(), bestLength) : Rectangle (pos, 0, bestLength, getHeight())); if (animate) { animator.animateComponent (tb, newBounds, 1.0f, 200, false, 3.0, 0.0); } else { animator.cancelAnimation (tb, false); tb->setBounds (newBounds); } tb->toBack(); if (i == currentTabIndex) frontTab = tb; tb->setVisible (true); } else { tb->setVisible (false); } pos += bestLength - overlap; } } behindFrontTab->setBounds (getLocalBounds()); if (frontTab != nullptr) { frontTab->toFront (false); behindFrontTab->toBehind (frontTab); } } //============================================================================== Colour TabbedButtonBar::getTabBackgroundColour (const int tabIndex) { if (TabInfo* tab = tabs [tabIndex]) return tab->colour; return Colours::transparentBlack; } void TabbedButtonBar::setTabBackgroundColour (const int tabIndex, Colour newColour) { if (TabInfo* const tab = tabs [tabIndex]) { if (tab->colour != newColour) { tab->colour = newColour; repaint(); } } } void TabbedButtonBar::extraItemsMenuCallback (int result, TabbedButtonBar* bar) { if (bar != nullptr && result > 0) bar->setCurrentTabIndex (result - 1); } void TabbedButtonBar::showExtraItemsMenu() { PopupMenu m; for (int i = 0; i < tabs.size(); ++i) { const TabInfo* const tab = tabs.getUnchecked(i); if (! tab->button->isVisible()) m.addItem (i + 1, tab->name, true, i == currentTabIndex); } m.showMenuAsync (PopupMenu::Options().withTargetComponent (extraTabsButton), ModalCallbackFunction::forComponent (extraItemsMenuCallback, this)); } //============================================================================== void TabbedButtonBar::currentTabChanged (const int, const String&) { } void TabbedButtonBar::popupMenuClickOnTab (const int, const String&) { }