/* ZynAddSubFX - a software synthesizer Master.cpp - It sends Midi Messages to Parts, receives samples from parts, process them with system/insertion effects and mix them Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Nasca Octavian Paul Author: Nasca Octavian Paul This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License (version 2 or later) for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2) along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "Master.h" #include "Part.h" #include "../Params/LFOParams.h" #include "../Effects/EffectMgr.h" #include "../DSP/FFTwrapper.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; vuData::vuData(void) :outpeakl(0.0f), outpeakr(0.0f), maxoutpeakl(0.0f), maxoutpeakr(0.0f), rmspeakl(0.0f), rmspeakr(0.0f), clipped(0) {} static Master* masterInstance = NULL; Master::Master() { swaplr = 0; off = 0; smps = 0; bufl = new float[synth->buffersize]; bufr = new float[synth->buffersize]; pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); pthread_mutex_init(&vumutex, NULL); fft = new FFTwrapper(synth->oscilsize); shutup = 0; for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) { vuoutpeakpart[npart] = 1e-9; fakepeakpart[npart] = 0; } for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) part[npart] = new Part(µtonal, fft, &mutex); //Insertion Effects init for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_INS_EFX; ++nefx) insefx[nefx] = new EffectMgr(1, &mutex); //System Effects init for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_SYS_EFX; ++nefx) sysefx[nefx] = new EffectMgr(0, &mutex); defaults(); } void Master::defaults() { volume = 1.0f; setPvolume(80); setPkeyshift(64); for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) { part[npart]->defaults(); part[npart]->Prcvchn = npart % NUM_MIDI_CHANNELS; } partonoff(0, 1); //enable the first part for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_INS_EFX; ++nefx) { insefx[nefx]->defaults(); Pinsparts[nefx] = -1; } //System Effects init for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_SYS_EFX; ++nefx) { sysefx[nefx]->defaults(); for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) setPsysefxvol(npart, nefx, 0); for(int nefxto = 0; nefxto < NUM_SYS_EFX; ++nefxto) setPsysefxsend(nefx, nefxto, 0); } microtonal.defaults(); ShutUp(); } bool Master::mutexLock(lockset request) { switch(request) { case MUTEX_TRYLOCK: return !pthread_mutex_trylock(&mutex); case MUTEX_LOCK: return !pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); case MUTEX_UNLOCK: return !pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); } return false; } Master &Master::getInstance() { if (!masterInstance) masterInstance = new Master; return *masterInstance; } void Master::deleteInstance() { if (masterInstance) { delete masterInstance; masterInstance = NULL; } } /* * Note On Messages (velocity=0 for NoteOff) */ void Master::noteOn(char chan, char note, char velocity) { if(velocity) { for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) if(chan == part[npart]->Prcvchn) { fakepeakpart[npart] = velocity * 2; if(part[npart]->Penabled) part[npart]->NoteOn(note, velocity, keyshift); } } else this->noteOff(chan, note); HDDRecorder.triggernow(); } /* * Note Off Messages */ void Master::noteOff(char chan, char note) { for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) if((chan == part[npart]->Prcvchn) && part[npart]->Penabled) part[npart]->NoteOff(note); } /* * Pressure Messages (velocity=0 for NoteOff) */ void Master::polyphonicAftertouch(char chan, char note, char velocity) { if(velocity) { for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) if(chan == part[npart]->Prcvchn) if(part[npart]->Penabled) part[npart]->PolyphonicAftertouch(note, velocity, keyshift); } else this->noteOff(chan, note); } /* * Controllers */ void Master::setController(char chan, int type, int par) { if((type == C_dataentryhi) || (type == C_dataentrylo) || (type == C_nrpnhi) || (type == C_nrpnlo)) { //Process RPN and NRPN by the Master (ignore the chan) ctl.setparameternumber(type, par); int parhi = -1, parlo = -1, valhi = -1, vallo = -1; if(ctl.getnrpn(&parhi, &parlo, &valhi, &vallo) == 0) //this is NRPN //fprintf(stderr,"rcv. NRPN: %d %d %d %d\n",parhi,parlo,valhi,vallo); switch(parhi) { case 0x04: //System Effects if(parlo < NUM_SYS_EFX) sysefx[parlo]->seteffectpar_nolock(valhi, vallo); ; break; case 0x08: //Insertion Effects if(parlo < NUM_INS_EFX) insefx[parlo]->seteffectpar_nolock(valhi, vallo); ; break; } ; } else if(type == C_bankselectmsb) { // Change current bank if(((unsigned int)par < bank.banks.size()) && (bank.banks[par].dir != bank.bankfiletitle)) bank.loadbank(bank.banks[par].dir); } else { //other controllers for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) //Send the controller to all part assigned to the channel if((chan == part[npart]->Prcvchn) && (part[npart]->Penabled != 0)) part[npart]->SetController(type, par); ; if(type == C_allsoundsoff) { //cleanup insertion/system FX for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_SYS_EFX; ++nefx) sysefx[nefx]->cleanup(); for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_INS_EFX; ++nefx) insefx[nefx]->cleanup(); } } } void Master::setProgram(char chan, unsigned int pgm) { for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) if(chan == part[npart]->Prcvchn) { bank.loadfromslot(pgm, part[npart]); //Hack to get pad note parameters to update //this is not real time safe and makes assumptions about the calling //convention of this function... pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); part[npart]->applyparameters(); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); } } void Master::vuUpdate(const float *outl, const float *outr) { //Peak computation (for vumeters) vu.outpeakl = 1e-12; vu.outpeakr = 1e-12; for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { if(fabs(outl[i]) > vu.outpeakl) vu.outpeakl = fabs(outl[i]); if(fabs(outr[i]) > vu.outpeakr) vu.outpeakr = fabs(outr[i]); } if((vu.outpeakl > 1.0f) || (vu.outpeakr > 1.0f)) vu.clipped = 1; if(vu.maxoutpeakl < vu.outpeakl) vu.maxoutpeakl = vu.outpeakl; if(vu.maxoutpeakr < vu.outpeakr) vu.maxoutpeakr = vu.outpeakr; //RMS Peak computation (for vumeters) vu.rmspeakl = 1e-12; vu.rmspeakr = 1e-12; for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { vu.rmspeakl += outl[i] * outl[i]; vu.rmspeakr += outr[i] * outr[i]; } vu.rmspeakl = sqrt(vu.rmspeakl / synth->buffersize_f); vu.rmspeakr = sqrt(vu.rmspeakr / synth->buffersize_f); //Part Peak computation (for Part vumeters or fake part vumeters) for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) { vuoutpeakpart[npart] = 1.0e-12f; if(part[npart]->Penabled != 0) { float *outl = part[npart]->partoutl, *outr = part[npart]->partoutr; for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { float tmp = fabs(outl[i] + outr[i]); if(tmp > vuoutpeakpart[npart]) vuoutpeakpart[npart] = tmp; } vuoutpeakpart[npart] *= volume; } else if(fakepeakpart[npart] > 1) fakepeakpart[npart]--; } } /* * Enable/Disable a part */ void Master::partonoff(int npart, int what) { if(npart >= NUM_MIDI_PARTS) return; if(what == 0) { //disable part fakepeakpart[npart] = 0; part[npart]->Penabled = 0; part[npart]->cleanup(); for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_INS_EFX; ++nefx) { if(Pinsparts[nefx] == npart) insefx[nefx]->cleanup(); ; } } else { //enabled part[npart]->Penabled = 1; fakepeakpart[npart] = 0; } } /* * Master audio out (the final sound) */ void Master::AudioOut(float *outl, float *outr) { //Swaps the Left channel with Right Channel if(swaplr) swap(outl, outr); //clean up the output samples (should not be needed?) memset(outl, 0, synth->bufferbytes); memset(outr, 0, synth->bufferbytes); //Compute part samples and store them part[npart]->partoutl,partoutr for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) { if(part[npart]->Penabled != 0 && !pthread_mutex_trylock(&part[npart]->load_mutex)) { part[npart]->ComputePartSmps(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&part[npart]->load_mutex); } } //Insertion effects for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_INS_EFX; ++nefx) if(Pinsparts[nefx] >= 0) { int efxpart = Pinsparts[nefx]; if(part[efxpart]->Penabled) insefx[nefx]->out(part[efxpart]->partoutl, part[efxpart]->partoutr); } //Apply the part volumes and pannings (after insertion effects) for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) { if(part[npart]->Penabled == 0) continue; Stereo newvol(part[npart]->volume), oldvol(part[npart]->oldvolumel, part[npart]->oldvolumer); float pan = part[npart]->panning; if(pan < 0.5f) newvol.l *= pan * 2.0f; else newvol.r *= (1.0f - pan) * 2.0f; //the volume or the panning has changed and needs interpolation if(ABOVE_AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLD(oldvol.l, newvol.l) || ABOVE_AMPLITUDE_THRESHOLD(oldvol.r, newvol.r)) { for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { Stereo vol(INTERPOLATE_AMPLITUDE(oldvol.l, newvol.l, i, synth->buffersize), INTERPOLATE_AMPLITUDE(oldvol.r, newvol.r, i, synth->buffersize)); part[npart]->partoutl[i] *= vol.l; part[npart]->partoutr[i] *= vol.r; } part[npart]->oldvolumel = newvol.l; part[npart]->oldvolumer = newvol.r; } else for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { //the volume did not changed part[npart]->partoutl[i] *= newvol.l; part[npart]->partoutr[i] *= newvol.r; } } //System effects for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_SYS_EFX; ++nefx) { if(sysefx[nefx]->geteffect() == 0) continue; //the effect is disabled float *tmpmixl = getTmpBuffer(); float *tmpmixr = getTmpBuffer(); //Clean up the samples used by the system effects memset(tmpmixl, 0, synth->bufferbytes); memset(tmpmixr, 0, synth->bufferbytes); //Mix the channels according to the part settings about System Effect for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) { //skip if the part has no output to effect if(Psysefxvol[nefx][npart] == 0) continue; //skip if the part is disabled if(part[npart]->Penabled == 0) continue; //the output volume of each part to system effect const float vol = sysefxvol[nefx][npart]; for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { tmpmixl[i] += part[npart]->partoutl[i] * vol; tmpmixr[i] += part[npart]->partoutr[i] * vol; } } // system effect send to next ones for(int nefxfrom = 0; nefxfrom < nefx; ++nefxfrom) if(Psysefxsend[nefxfrom][nefx] != 0) { const float vol = sysefxsend[nefxfrom][nefx]; for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { tmpmixl[i] += sysefx[nefxfrom]->efxoutl[i] * vol; tmpmixr[i] += sysefx[nefxfrom]->efxoutr[i] * vol; } } sysefx[nefx]->out(tmpmixl, tmpmixr); //Add the System Effect to sound output const float outvol = sysefx[nefx]->sysefxgetvolume(); for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { outl[i] += tmpmixl[i] * outvol; outr[i] += tmpmixr[i] * outvol; } returnTmpBuffer(tmpmixl); returnTmpBuffer(tmpmixr); } //Mix all parts for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) if(part[npart]->Penabled) //only mix active parts for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { //the volume did not changed outl[i] += part[npart]->partoutl[i]; outr[i] += part[npart]->partoutr[i]; } //Insertion effects for Master Out for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_INS_EFX; ++nefx) if(Pinsparts[nefx] == -2) insefx[nefx]->out(outl, outr); //Master Volume for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { outl[i] *= volume; outr[i] *= volume; } if(!pthread_mutex_trylock(&vumutex)) { vuUpdate(outl, outr); pthread_mutex_unlock(&vumutex); } //Shutup if it is asked (with fade-out) if(shutup) { for(int i = 0; i < synth->buffersize; ++i) { float tmp = (synth->buffersize_f - i) / synth->buffersize_f; outl[i] *= tmp; outr[i] *= tmp; } ShutUp(); } //update the LFO's time LFOParams::time++; dump.inctick(); } //TODO review the respective code from yoshimi for this //If memory serves correctly, libsamplerate was used void Master::GetAudioOutSamples(size_t nsamples, unsigned samplerate, float *outl, float *outr) { off_t out_off = 0; //Fail when resampling rather than doing a poor job if(synth->samplerate != samplerate) { printf("darn it: %d vs %d\n", synth->samplerate, samplerate); return; } while(nsamples) { //use all available samples if(nsamples >= smps) { memcpy(outl + out_off, bufl + off, sizeof(float) * smps); memcpy(outr + out_off, bufr + off, sizeof(float) * smps); nsamples -= smps; //generate samples AudioOut(bufl, bufr); off = 0; out_off += smps; smps = synth->buffersize; } else { //use some samples memcpy(outl + out_off, bufl + off, sizeof(float) * nsamples); memcpy(outr + out_off, bufr + off, sizeof(float) * nsamples); smps -= nsamples; off += nsamples; nsamples = 0; } } } Master::~Master() { delete []bufl; delete []bufr; for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) delete part[npart]; for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_INS_EFX; ++nefx) delete insefx[nefx]; for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_SYS_EFX; ++nefx) delete sysefx[nefx]; delete fft; pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); pthread_mutex_destroy(&vumutex); } /* * Parameter control */ void Master::setPvolume(char Pvolume_) { Pvolume = Pvolume_; volume = dB2rap((Pvolume - 96.0f) / 96.0f * 40.0f); } void Master::setPkeyshift(char Pkeyshift_) { Pkeyshift = Pkeyshift_; keyshift = (int)Pkeyshift - 64; } void Master::setPsysefxvol(int Ppart, int Pefx, char Pvol) { Psysefxvol[Pefx][Ppart] = Pvol; sysefxvol[Pefx][Ppart] = powf(0.1f, (1.0f - Pvol / 96.0f) * 2.0f); } void Master::setPsysefxsend(int Pefxfrom, int Pefxto, char Pvol) { Psysefxsend[Pefxfrom][Pefxto] = Pvol; sysefxsend[Pefxfrom][Pefxto] = powf(0.1f, (1.0f - Pvol / 96.0f) * 2.0f); } /* * Panic! (Clean up all parts and effects) */ void Master::ShutUp() { for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) { part[npart]->cleanup(); fakepeakpart[npart] = 0; } for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_INS_EFX; ++nefx) insefx[nefx]->cleanup(); for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_SYS_EFX; ++nefx) sysefx[nefx]->cleanup(); vuresetpeaks(); shutup = 0; } /* * Reset peaks and clear the "cliped" flag (for VU-meter) */ void Master::vuresetpeaks() { pthread_mutex_lock(&vumutex); vu.outpeakl = 1e-9; vu.outpeakr = 1e-9; vu.maxoutpeakl = 1e-9; vu.maxoutpeakr = 1e-9; vu.clipped = 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&vumutex); } vuData Master::getVuData() { vuData tmp; pthread_mutex_lock(&vumutex); tmp = vu; pthread_mutex_unlock(&vumutex); return tmp; } void Master::applyparameters(bool lockmutex) { for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) part[npart]->applyparameters(lockmutex); } void Master::add2XML(XMLwrapper *xml) { xml->addpar("volume", Pvolume); xml->addpar("key_shift", Pkeyshift); xml->addparbool("nrpn_receive", ctl.NRPN.receive); xml->beginbranch("MICROTONAL"); microtonal.add2XML(xml); xml->endbranch(); for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) { xml->beginbranch("PART", npart); part[npart]->add2XML(xml); xml->endbranch(); } xml->beginbranch("SYSTEM_EFFECTS"); for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_SYS_EFX; ++nefx) { xml->beginbranch("SYSTEM_EFFECT", nefx); xml->beginbranch("EFFECT"); sysefx[nefx]->add2XML(xml); xml->endbranch(); for(int pefx = 0; pefx < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++pefx) { xml->beginbranch("VOLUME", pefx); xml->addpar("vol", Psysefxvol[nefx][pefx]); xml->endbranch(); } for(int tonefx = nefx + 1; tonefx < NUM_SYS_EFX; ++tonefx) { xml->beginbranch("SENDTO", tonefx); xml->addpar("send_vol", Psysefxsend[nefx][tonefx]); xml->endbranch(); } xml->endbranch(); } xml->endbranch(); xml->beginbranch("INSERTION_EFFECTS"); for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_INS_EFX; ++nefx) { xml->beginbranch("INSERTION_EFFECT", nefx); xml->addpar("part", Pinsparts[nefx]); xml->beginbranch("EFFECT"); insefx[nefx]->add2XML(xml); xml->endbranch(); xml->endbranch(); } xml->endbranch(); } int Master::getalldata(char **data) { XMLwrapper *xml = new XMLwrapper(); xml->beginbranch("MASTER"); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); add2XML(xml); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); xml->endbranch(); *data = xml->getXMLdata(); delete (xml); return strlen(*data) + 1; } void Master::putalldata(char *data, int /*size*/) { XMLwrapper *xml = new XMLwrapper(); if(!xml->putXMLdata(data)) { delete (xml); return; } if(xml->enterbranch("MASTER") == 0) return; pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); getfromXML(xml); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); xml->exitbranch(); delete (xml); } int Master::saveXML(const char *filename) { XMLwrapper *xml = new XMLwrapper(); xml->beginbranch("MASTER"); add2XML(xml); xml->endbranch(); int result = xml->saveXMLfile(filename); delete (xml); return result; } int Master::loadXML(const char *filename) { XMLwrapper *xml = new XMLwrapper(); if(xml->loadXMLfile(filename) < 0) { delete (xml); return -1; } if(xml->enterbranch("MASTER") == 0) return -10; getfromXML(xml); xml->exitbranch(); delete (xml); return 0; } void Master::getfromXML(XMLwrapper *xml) { setPvolume(xml->getpar127("volume", Pvolume)); setPkeyshift(xml->getpar127("key_shift", Pkeyshift)); ctl.NRPN.receive = xml->getparbool("nrpn_receive", ctl.NRPN.receive); part[0]->Penabled = 0; for(int npart = 0; npart < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++npart) { if(xml->enterbranch("PART", npart) == 0) continue; part[npart]->getfromXML(xml); xml->exitbranch(); } if(xml->enterbranch("MICROTONAL")) { microtonal.getfromXML(xml); xml->exitbranch(); } sysefx[0]->changeeffect(0); if(xml->enterbranch("SYSTEM_EFFECTS")) { for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_SYS_EFX; ++nefx) { if(xml->enterbranch("SYSTEM_EFFECT", nefx) == 0) continue; if(xml->enterbranch("EFFECT")) { sysefx[nefx]->getfromXML(xml); xml->exitbranch(); } for(int partefx = 0; partefx < NUM_MIDI_PARTS; ++partefx) { if(xml->enterbranch("VOLUME", partefx) == 0) continue; setPsysefxvol(partefx, nefx, xml->getpar127("vol", Psysefxvol[partefx][nefx])); xml->exitbranch(); } for(int tonefx = nefx + 1; tonefx < NUM_SYS_EFX; ++tonefx) { if(xml->enterbranch("SENDTO", tonefx) == 0) continue; setPsysefxsend(nefx, tonefx, xml->getpar127("send_vol", Psysefxsend[nefx][tonefx])); xml->exitbranch(); } xml->exitbranch(); } xml->exitbranch(); } if(xml->enterbranch("INSERTION_EFFECTS")) { for(int nefx = 0; nefx < NUM_INS_EFX; ++nefx) { if(xml->enterbranch("INSERTION_EFFECT", nefx) == 0) continue; Pinsparts[nefx] = xml->getpar("part", Pinsparts[nefx], -2, NUM_MIDI_PARTS); if(xml->enterbranch("EFFECT")) { insefx[nefx]->getfromXML(xml); xml->exitbranch(); } xml->exitbranch(); } xml->exitbranch(); } }