#!/bin/bash if [ ! -f Makefile ]; then echo "Needs to be ran from the source root folder" exit 1 fi set -e cd source/modules mv lilv/config lilv_config rm -f */*.in rm -f */configure rm -f */configure.ac rm -f */juce_module_info rm -f */install rm -f */readme rm -rf */config rm -rf */contrib rm -rf */doc rm -rf */lib rm -rf */msw rm -rf */tests rm -f */*/INSTALL rm -f */*/NEWS rm -f */*/PACKAGING rm -f */*/README rm -f */*/*.in rm -f */*/*.ttl rm -f */*/waf rm -f */*/wscript rm -rf */*/bindings rm -rf */*/doc rm -rf */*/test rm -rf */*/tests rm -rf */*/utils mv lilv_config lilv/config cd ../..