/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2022 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 7 End-User License Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy. End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-7-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { const char* const Toolbar::toolbarDragDescriptor = "_toolbarItem_"; //============================================================================== class Toolbar::Spacer : public ToolbarItemComponent { public: Spacer (int itemID, float sizeToUse, bool shouldDrawBar) : ToolbarItemComponent (itemID, {}, false), fixedSize (sizeToUse), drawBar (shouldDrawBar) { setWantsKeyboardFocus (false); } bool getToolbarItemSizes (int toolbarThickness, bool /*isToolbarVertical*/, int& preferredSize, int& minSize, int& maxSize) override { if (fixedSize <= 0) { preferredSize = toolbarThickness * 2; minSize = 4; maxSize = 32768; } else { maxSize = roundToInt ((float) toolbarThickness * fixedSize); minSize = drawBar ? maxSize : jmin (4, maxSize); preferredSize = maxSize; if (getEditingMode() == editableOnPalette) preferredSize = maxSize = toolbarThickness / (drawBar ? 3 : 2); } return true; } void paintButtonArea (Graphics&, int, int, bool, bool) override { } void contentAreaChanged (const Rectangle&) override { } int getResizeOrder() const noexcept { return fixedSize <= 0 ? 0 : 1; } void paint (Graphics& g) override { auto w = getWidth(); auto h = getHeight(); if (drawBar) { g.setColour (findColour (Toolbar::separatorColourId, true)); auto thickness = 0.2f; if (isToolbarVertical()) g.fillRect ((float) w * 0.1f, (float) h * (0.5f - thickness * 0.5f), (float) w * 0.8f, (float) h * thickness); else g.fillRect ((float) w * (0.5f - thickness * 0.5f), (float) h * 0.1f, (float) w * thickness, (float) h * 0.8f); } if (getEditingMode() != normalMode && ! drawBar) { g.setColour (findColour (Toolbar::separatorColourId, true)); auto indentX = jmin (2, (w - 3) / 2); auto indentY = jmin (2, (h - 3) / 2); g.drawRect (indentX, indentY, w - indentX * 2, h - indentY * 2, 1); if (fixedSize <= 0) { float x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, hw, hl; if (isToolbarVertical()) { x1 = (float) w * 0.5f; y1 = (float) h * 0.4f; x2 = x1; y2 = (float) indentX * 2.0f; x3 = x1; y3 = (float) h * 0.6f; x4 = x1; y4 = (float) h - y2; hw = (float) w * 0.15f; hl = (float) w * 0.2f; } else { x1 = (float) w * 0.4f; y1 = (float) h * 0.5f; x2 = (float) indentX * 2.0f; y2 = y1; x3 = (float) w * 0.6f; y3 = y1; x4 = (float) w - x2; y4 = y1; hw = (float) h * 0.15f; hl = (float) h * 0.2f; } Path p; p.addArrow ({ x1, y1, x2, y2 }, 1.5f, hw, hl); p.addArrow ({ x3, y3, x4, y4 }, 1.5f, hw, hl); g.fillPath (p); } } } private: const float fixedSize; const bool drawBar; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (Spacer) }; //============================================================================== class Toolbar::MissingItemsComponent : public PopupMenu::CustomComponent { public: MissingItemsComponent (Toolbar& bar, int h) : PopupMenu::CustomComponent (true), owner (&bar), height (h) { for (int i = bar.items.size(); --i >= 0;) { auto* tc = bar.items.getUnchecked(i); if (tc != nullptr && dynamic_cast (tc) == nullptr && ! tc->isVisible()) { oldIndexes.insert (0, i); addAndMakeVisible (tc, 0); } } layout (400); } ~MissingItemsComponent() override { if (owner != nullptr) { for (int i = 0; i < getNumChildComponents(); ++i) { if (auto* tc = dynamic_cast (getChildComponent (i))) { tc->setVisible (false); auto index = oldIndexes.removeAndReturn (i); owner->addChildComponent (tc, index); --i; } } owner->resized(); } } void layout (const int preferredWidth) { const int indent = 8; auto x = indent; auto y = indent; int maxX = 0; for (auto* c : getChildren()) { if (auto* tc = dynamic_cast (c)) { int preferredSize = 1, minSize = 1, maxSize = 1; if (tc->getToolbarItemSizes (height, false, preferredSize, minSize, maxSize)) { if (x + preferredSize > preferredWidth && x > indent) { x = indent; y += height; } tc->setBounds (x, y, preferredSize, height); x += preferredSize; maxX = jmax (maxX, x); } } } setSize (maxX + 8, y + height + 8); } void getIdealSize (int& idealWidth, int& idealHeight) override { idealWidth = getWidth(); idealHeight = getHeight(); } private: Component::SafePointer owner; const int height; Array oldIndexes; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (MissingItemsComponent) }; //============================================================================== Toolbar::Toolbar() { lookAndFeelChanged(); initMissingItemButton(); } Toolbar::~Toolbar() { items.clear(); } void Toolbar::setVertical (const bool shouldBeVertical) { if (vertical != shouldBeVertical) { vertical = shouldBeVertical; resized(); } } void Toolbar::clear() { items.clear(); resized(); } ToolbarItemComponent* Toolbar::createItem (ToolbarItemFactory& factory, const int itemId) { if (itemId == ToolbarItemFactory::separatorBarId) return new Spacer (itemId, 0.1f, true); if (itemId == ToolbarItemFactory::spacerId) return new Spacer (itemId, 0.5f, false); if (itemId == ToolbarItemFactory::flexibleSpacerId) return new Spacer (itemId, 0.0f, false); return factory.createItem (itemId); } void Toolbar::addItemInternal (ToolbarItemFactory& factory, const int itemId, const int insertIndex) { // An ID can't be zero - this might indicate a mistake somewhere? jassert (itemId != 0); if (auto* tc = createItem (factory, itemId)) { #if JUCE_DEBUG Array allowedIds; factory.getAllToolbarItemIds (allowedIds); // If your factory can create an item for a given ID, it must also return // that ID from its getAllToolbarItemIds() method! jassert (allowedIds.contains (itemId)); #endif items.insert (insertIndex, tc); addAndMakeVisible (tc, insertIndex); } } void Toolbar::addItem (ToolbarItemFactory& factory, int itemId, int insertIndex) { addItemInternal (factory, itemId, insertIndex); resized(); } void Toolbar::addDefaultItems (ToolbarItemFactory& factoryToUse) { Array ids; factoryToUse.getDefaultItemSet (ids); clear(); for (auto i : ids) addItemInternal (factoryToUse, i, -1); resized(); } void Toolbar::removeToolbarItem (const int itemIndex) { items.remove (itemIndex); resized(); } ToolbarItemComponent* Toolbar::removeAndReturnItem (const int itemIndex) { if (auto* tc = items.removeAndReturn (itemIndex)) { removeChildComponent (tc); resized(); return tc; } return nullptr; } int Toolbar::getNumItems() const noexcept { return items.size(); } int Toolbar::getItemId (const int itemIndex) const noexcept { if (auto* tc = getItemComponent (itemIndex)) return tc->getItemId(); return 0; } ToolbarItemComponent* Toolbar::getItemComponent (const int itemIndex) const noexcept { return items[itemIndex]; } ToolbarItemComponent* Toolbar::getNextActiveComponent (int index, const int delta) const { for (;;) { index += delta; if (auto* tc = getItemComponent (index)) { if (tc->isActive) return tc; } else { return nullptr; } } } void Toolbar::setStyle (const ToolbarItemStyle& newStyle) { if (toolbarStyle != newStyle) { toolbarStyle = newStyle; updateAllItemPositions (false); } } String Toolbar::toString() const { String s ("TB:"); for (int i = 0; i < getNumItems(); ++i) s << getItemId(i) << ' '; return s.trimEnd(); } bool Toolbar::restoreFromString (ToolbarItemFactory& factoryToUse, const String& savedVersion) { if (! savedVersion.startsWith ("TB:")) return false; StringArray tokens; tokens.addTokens (savedVersion.substring (3), false); clear(); for (auto& t : tokens) addItemInternal (factoryToUse, t.getIntValue(), -1); resized(); return true; } void Toolbar::paint (Graphics& g) { getLookAndFeel().paintToolbarBackground (g, getWidth(), getHeight(), *this); } int Toolbar::getThickness() const noexcept { return vertical ? getWidth() : getHeight(); } int Toolbar::getLength() const noexcept { return vertical ? getHeight() : getWidth(); } void Toolbar::setEditingActive (const bool active) { if (isEditingActive != active) { isEditingActive = active; updateAllItemPositions (false); } } //============================================================================== void Toolbar::resized() { updateAllItemPositions (false); } void Toolbar::updateAllItemPositions (bool animate) { if (getWidth() > 0 && getHeight() > 0) { StretchableObjectResizer resizer; for (auto* tc : items) { tc->setEditingMode (isEditingActive ? ToolbarItemComponent::editableOnToolbar : ToolbarItemComponent::normalMode); tc->setStyle (toolbarStyle); auto* spacer = dynamic_cast (tc); int preferredSize = 1, minSize = 1, maxSize = 1; if (tc->getToolbarItemSizes (getThickness(), isVertical(), preferredSize, minSize, maxSize)) { tc->isActive = true; resizer.addItem (preferredSize, minSize, maxSize, spacer != nullptr ? spacer->getResizeOrder() : 2); } else { tc->isActive = false; tc->setVisible (false); } } resizer.resizeToFit (getLength()); int totalLength = 0; for (int i = 0; i < resizer.getNumItems(); ++i) totalLength += (int) resizer.getItemSize (i); const bool itemsOffTheEnd = totalLength > getLength(); auto extrasButtonSize = getThickness() / 2; missingItemsButton->setSize (extrasButtonSize, extrasButtonSize); missingItemsButton->setVisible (itemsOffTheEnd); missingItemsButton->setEnabled (! isEditingActive); if (vertical) missingItemsButton->setCentrePosition (getWidth() / 2, getHeight() - 4 - extrasButtonSize / 2); else missingItemsButton->setCentrePosition (getWidth() - 4 - extrasButtonSize / 2, getHeight() / 2); auto maxLength = itemsOffTheEnd ? (vertical ? missingItemsButton->getY() : missingItemsButton->getX()) - 4 : getLength(); int pos = 0, activeIndex = 0; for (auto* tc : items) { if (tc->isActive) { auto size = (int) resizer.getItemSize (activeIndex++); Rectangle newBounds; if (vertical) newBounds.setBounds (0, pos, getWidth(), size); else newBounds.setBounds (pos, 0, size, getHeight()); auto& animator = Desktop::getInstance().getAnimator(); if (animate) { animator.animateComponent (tc, newBounds, 1.0f, 200, false, 3.0, 0.0); } else { animator.cancelAnimation (tc, false); tc->setBounds (newBounds); } pos += size; tc->setVisible (pos <= maxLength && ((! tc->isBeingDragged) || tc->getEditingMode() == ToolbarItemComponent::editableOnPalette)); } } } } //============================================================================== void Toolbar::initMissingItemButton() { if (missingItemsButton == nullptr) return; addChildComponent (*missingItemsButton); missingItemsButton->setAlwaysOnTop (true); missingItemsButton->onClick = [this] { showMissingItems(); }; } void Toolbar::showMissingItems() { jassert (missingItemsButton->isShowing()); if (missingItemsButton->isShowing()) { PopupMenu m; auto comp = std::make_unique (*this, getThickness()); m.addCustomItem (1, std::move (comp), nullptr, TRANS ("Additional Items")); m.showMenuAsync (PopupMenu::Options().withTargetComponent (missingItemsButton.get())); } } //============================================================================== bool Toolbar::isInterestedInDragSource (const SourceDetails& dragSourceDetails) { return dragSourceDetails.description == toolbarDragDescriptor && isEditingActive; } void Toolbar::itemDragMove (const SourceDetails& dragSourceDetails) { if (auto* tc = dynamic_cast (dragSourceDetails.sourceComponent.get())) { if (! items.contains (tc)) { if (tc->getEditingMode() == ToolbarItemComponent::editableOnPalette) { if (auto* palette = tc->findParentComponentOfClass()) palette->replaceComponent (*tc); } else { jassert (tc->getEditingMode() == ToolbarItemComponent::editableOnToolbar); } items.add (tc); addChildComponent (tc); updateAllItemPositions (true); } auto& animator = Desktop::getInstance().getAnimator(); for (int i = getNumItems(); --i >= 0;) { auto currentIndex = items.indexOf (tc); auto newIndex = currentIndex; auto dragObjectLeft = vertical ? (dragSourceDetails.localPosition.getY() - tc->dragOffsetY) : (dragSourceDetails.localPosition.getX() - tc->dragOffsetX); auto dragObjectRight = dragObjectLeft + (vertical ? tc->getHeight() : tc->getWidth()); auto current = animator.getComponentDestination (getChildComponent (newIndex)); if (auto* prev = getNextActiveComponent (newIndex, -1)) { auto previousPos = animator.getComponentDestination (prev); if (std::abs (dragObjectLeft - (vertical ? previousPos.getY() : previousPos.getX())) < std::abs (dragObjectRight - (vertical ? current.getBottom() : current.getRight()))) { newIndex = getIndexOfChildComponent (prev); } } if (auto* next = getNextActiveComponent (newIndex, 1)) { auto nextPos = animator.getComponentDestination (next); if (std::abs (dragObjectLeft - (vertical ? current.getY() : current.getX())) > std::abs (dragObjectRight - (vertical ? nextPos.getBottom() : nextPos.getRight()))) { newIndex = getIndexOfChildComponent (next) + 1; } } if (newIndex == currentIndex) break; items.removeObject (tc, false); removeChildComponent (tc); addChildComponent (tc, newIndex); items.insert (newIndex, tc); updateAllItemPositions (true); } } } void Toolbar::itemDragExit (const SourceDetails& dragSourceDetails) { if (auto* tc = dynamic_cast (dragSourceDetails.sourceComponent.get())) { if (isParentOf (tc)) { items.removeObject (tc, false); removeChildComponent (tc); updateAllItemPositions (true); } } } void Toolbar::itemDropped (const SourceDetails& dragSourceDetails) { if (auto* tc = dynamic_cast (dragSourceDetails.sourceComponent.get())) tc->setState (Button::buttonNormal); } void Toolbar::lookAndFeelChanged() { missingItemsButton.reset (getLookAndFeel().createToolbarMissingItemsButton (*this)); initMissingItemButton(); } void Toolbar::mouseDown (const MouseEvent&) {} //============================================================================== class Toolbar::CustomisationDialog : public DialogWindow { public: CustomisationDialog (ToolbarItemFactory& factory, Toolbar& bar, int optionFlags) : DialogWindow (TRANS("Add/remove items from toolbar"), Colours::white, true, true), toolbar (bar) { setContentOwned (new CustomiserPanel (factory, toolbar, optionFlags), true); setResizable (true, true); setResizeLimits (400, 300, 1500, 1000); positionNearBar(); } ~CustomisationDialog() override { toolbar.setEditingActive (false); } void closeButtonPressed() override { setVisible (false); } bool canModalEventBeSentToComponent (const Component* comp) override { return toolbar.isParentOf (comp) || dynamic_cast (comp) != nullptr; } void positionNearBar() { auto screenSize = toolbar.getParentMonitorArea(); auto pos = toolbar.getScreenPosition(); const int gap = 8; if (toolbar.isVertical()) { if (pos.x > screenSize.getCentreX()) pos.x -= getWidth() - gap; else pos.x += toolbar.getWidth() + gap; } else { pos.x += (toolbar.getWidth() - getWidth()) / 2; if (pos.y > screenSize.getCentreY()) pos.y -= getHeight() - gap; else pos.y += toolbar.getHeight() + gap; } setTopLeftPosition (pos); } private: Toolbar& toolbar; class CustomiserPanel : public Component { public: CustomiserPanel (ToolbarItemFactory& tbf, Toolbar& bar, int optionFlags) : factory (tbf), toolbar (bar), palette (tbf, bar), instructions ({}, TRANS ("You can drag the items above and drop them onto a toolbar to add them.") + "\n\n" + TRANS ("Items on the toolbar can also be dragged around to change their order, or dragged off the edge to delete them.")), defaultButton (TRANS ("Restore to default set of items")) { addAndMakeVisible (palette); if ((optionFlags & (Toolbar::allowIconsOnlyChoice | Toolbar::allowIconsWithTextChoice | Toolbar::allowTextOnlyChoice)) != 0) { addAndMakeVisible (styleBox); styleBox.setEditableText (false); if ((optionFlags & Toolbar::allowIconsOnlyChoice) != 0) styleBox.addItem (TRANS("Show icons only"), 1); if ((optionFlags & Toolbar::allowIconsWithTextChoice) != 0) styleBox.addItem (TRANS("Show icons and descriptions"), 2); if ((optionFlags & Toolbar::allowTextOnlyChoice) != 0) styleBox.addItem (TRANS("Show descriptions only"), 3); int selectedStyle = 0; switch (bar.getStyle()) { case Toolbar::iconsOnly: selectedStyle = 1; break; case Toolbar::iconsWithText: selectedStyle = 2; break; case Toolbar::textOnly: selectedStyle = 3; break; default: break; } styleBox.setSelectedId (selectedStyle); styleBox.onChange = [this] { updateStyle(); }; } if ((optionFlags & Toolbar::showResetToDefaultsButton) != 0) { addAndMakeVisible (defaultButton); defaultButton.onClick = [this] { toolbar.addDefaultItems (factory); }; } addAndMakeVisible (instructions); instructions.setFont (Font (13.0f)); setSize (500, 300); } void updateStyle() { switch (styleBox.getSelectedId()) { case 1: toolbar.setStyle (Toolbar::iconsOnly); break; case 2: toolbar.setStyle (Toolbar::iconsWithText); break; case 3: toolbar.setStyle (Toolbar::textOnly); break; default: break; } palette.resized(); // to make it update the styles } void paint (Graphics& g) override { Colour background; if (auto* dw = findParentComponentOfClass()) background = dw->getBackgroundColour(); g.setColour (background.contrasting().withAlpha (0.3f)); g.fillRect (palette.getX(), palette.getBottom() - 1, palette.getWidth(), 1); } void resized() override { palette.setBounds (0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight() - 120); styleBox.setBounds (10, getHeight() - 110, 200, 22); defaultButton.changeWidthToFitText (22); defaultButton.setTopLeftPosition (240, getHeight() - 110); instructions.setBounds (10, getHeight() - 80, getWidth() - 20, 80); } private: ToolbarItemFactory& factory; Toolbar& toolbar; ToolbarItemPalette palette; Label instructions; ComboBox styleBox; TextButton defaultButton; }; }; void Toolbar::showCustomisationDialog (ToolbarItemFactory& factory, const int optionFlags) { setEditingActive (true); (new CustomisationDialog (factory, *this, optionFlags)) ->enterModalState (true, nullptr, true); } //============================================================================== std::unique_ptr Toolbar::createAccessibilityHandler() { return std::make_unique (*this, AccessibilityRole::group); } } // namespace juce