/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { bool juce_performDragDropFiles (const StringArray&, const bool copyFiles, bool& shouldStop); bool juce_performDragDropText (const String&, bool& shouldStop); //============================================================================== class DragAndDropContainer::DragImageComponent : public Component, private Timer { public: DragImageComponent (const Image& im, const var& desc, Component* const sourceComponent, Component* const mouseSource, DragAndDropContainer& ddc, Point offset) : sourceDetails (desc, sourceComponent, Point()), image (im), owner (ddc), mouseDragSource (mouseSource), imageOffset (offset) { updateSize(); if (mouseDragSource == nullptr) mouseDragSource = sourceComponent; mouseDragSource->addMouseListener (this, false); startTimer (200); setInterceptsMouseClicks (false, false); setAlwaysOnTop (true); } ~DragImageComponent() { if (owner.dragImageComponent == this) owner.dragImageComponent.release(); if (mouseDragSource != nullptr) { mouseDragSource->removeMouseListener (this); if (DragAndDropTarget* const current = getCurrentlyOver()) if (current->isInterestedInDragSource (sourceDetails)) current->itemDragExit (sourceDetails); } owner.dragOperationEnded (sourceDetails); } void paint (Graphics& g) override { if (isOpaque()) g.fillAll (Colours::white); g.setOpacity (1.0f); g.drawImageAt (image, 0, 0); } void mouseUp (const MouseEvent& e) override { if (e.originalComponent != this) { if (mouseDragSource != nullptr) mouseDragSource->removeMouseListener (this); // (note: use a local copy of this in case the callback runs // a modal loop and deletes this object before the method completes) DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails details (sourceDetails); DragAndDropTarget* finalTarget = nullptr; const bool wasVisible = isVisible(); setVisible (false); Component* unused; finalTarget = findTarget (e.getScreenPosition(), details.localPosition, unused); if (wasVisible) // fade the component and remove it - it'll be deleted later by the timer callback dismissWithAnimation (finalTarget == nullptr); if (Component* parent = getParentComponent()) parent->removeChildComponent (this); if (finalTarget != nullptr) { currentlyOverComp = nullptr; finalTarget->itemDropped (details); } // careful - this object could now be deleted.. } } void mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e) override { if (e.originalComponent != this) updateLocation (true, e.getScreenPosition()); } void updateLocation (const bool canDoExternalDrag, Point screenPos) { DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails details (sourceDetails); setNewScreenPos (screenPos); Component* newTargetComp; DragAndDropTarget* const newTarget = findTarget (screenPos, details.localPosition, newTargetComp); setVisible (newTarget == nullptr || newTarget->shouldDrawDragImageWhenOver()); if (newTargetComp != currentlyOverComp) { if (DragAndDropTarget* const lastTarget = getCurrentlyOver()) if (details.sourceComponent != nullptr && lastTarget->isInterestedInDragSource (details)) lastTarget->itemDragExit (details); currentlyOverComp = newTargetComp; if (newTarget != nullptr && newTarget->isInterestedInDragSource (details)) newTarget->itemDragEnter (details); } sendDragMove (details); if (canDoExternalDrag) { const Time now (Time::getCurrentTime()); if (getCurrentlyOver() != nullptr) lastTimeOverTarget = now; else if (now > lastTimeOverTarget + RelativeTime::milliseconds (700)) checkForExternalDrag (details, screenPos); } forceMouseCursorUpdate(); } void updateImage (const Image& newImage) { image = newImage; updateSize(); repaint(); } void timerCallback() override { forceMouseCursorUpdate(); if (sourceDetails.sourceComponent == nullptr) { deleteSelf(); } else if (! isMouseButtonDownAnywhere()) { if (mouseDragSource != nullptr) mouseDragSource->removeMouseListener (this); deleteSelf(); } } bool keyPressed (const KeyPress& key) override { if (key == KeyPress::escapeKey) { dismissWithAnimation (true); deleteSelf(); return true; } return false; } bool canModalEventBeSentToComponent (const Component* targetComponent) override { return targetComponent == mouseDragSource; } // (overridden to avoid beeps when dragging) void inputAttemptWhenModal() override {} DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails sourceDetails; private: Image image; DragAndDropContainer& owner; WeakReference mouseDragSource, currentlyOverComp; const Point imageOffset; bool hasCheckedForExternalDrag = false; Time lastTimeOverTarget; void updateSize() { setSize (image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()); } void forceMouseCursorUpdate() { Desktop::getInstance().getMainMouseSource().forceMouseCursorUpdate(); } DragAndDropTarget* getCurrentlyOver() const noexcept { return dynamic_cast (currentlyOverComp.get()); } static Component* findDesktopComponentBelow (Point screenPos) { Desktop& desktop = Desktop::getInstance(); for (int i = desktop.getNumComponents(); --i >= 0;) { Component* c = desktop.getComponent(i); if (Component* hit = c->getComponentAt (c->getLocalPoint (nullptr, screenPos))) return hit; } return nullptr; } DragAndDropTarget* findTarget (Point screenPos, Point& relativePos, Component*& resultComponent) const { Component* hit = getParentComponent(); if (hit == nullptr) hit = findDesktopComponentBelow (screenPos); else hit = hit->getComponentAt (hit->getLocalPoint (nullptr, screenPos)); // (note: use a local copy of this in case the callback runs // a modal loop and deletes this object before the method completes) const DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails details (sourceDetails); while (hit != nullptr) { if (DragAndDropTarget* const ddt = dynamic_cast (hit)) { if (ddt->isInterestedInDragSource (details)) { relativePos = hit->getLocalPoint (nullptr, screenPos); resultComponent = hit; return ddt; } } hit = hit->getParentComponent(); } resultComponent = nullptr; return nullptr; } void setNewScreenPos (Point screenPos) { Point newPos (screenPos - imageOffset); if (Component* p = getParentComponent()) newPos = p->getLocalPoint (nullptr, newPos); setTopLeftPosition (newPos); } void sendDragMove (DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails& details) const { if (DragAndDropTarget* const target = getCurrentlyOver()) if (target->isInterestedInDragSource (details)) target->itemDragMove (details); } void checkForExternalDrag (DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails& details, Point screenPos) { if (! hasCheckedForExternalDrag) { if (Desktop::getInstance().findComponentAt (screenPos) == nullptr) { hasCheckedForExternalDrag = true; if (ModifierKeys::getCurrentModifiersRealtime().isAnyMouseButtonDown()) { StringArray files; bool canMoveFiles = false; if (owner.shouldDropFilesWhenDraggedExternally (details, files, canMoveFiles) && ! files.isEmpty()) { MessageManager::callAsync ([=]() { DragAndDropContainer::performExternalDragDropOfFiles (files, canMoveFiles); }); deleteSelf(); return; } String text; if (owner.shouldDropTextWhenDraggedExternally (details, text) && text.isNotEmpty()) { MessageManager::callAsync ([=]() { DragAndDropContainer::performExternalDragDropOfText (text); }); deleteSelf(); return; } } } } } void deleteSelf() { delete this; } void dismissWithAnimation (const bool shouldSnapBack) { setVisible (true); ComponentAnimator& animator = Desktop::getInstance().getAnimator(); if (shouldSnapBack && sourceDetails.sourceComponent != nullptr) { const Point target (sourceDetails.sourceComponent->localPointToGlobal (sourceDetails.sourceComponent->getLocalBounds().getCentre())); const Point ourCentre (localPointToGlobal (getLocalBounds().getCentre())); animator.animateComponent (this, getBounds() + (target - ourCentre), 0.0f, 120, true, 1.0, 1.0); } else { animator.fadeOut (this, 120); } } JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE (DragImageComponent) }; //============================================================================== DragAndDropContainer::DragAndDropContainer() { } DragAndDropContainer::~DragAndDropContainer() { dragImageComponent = nullptr; } void DragAndDropContainer::startDragging (const var& sourceDescription, Component* sourceComponent, Image dragImage, const bool allowDraggingToExternalWindows, const Point* imageOffsetFromMouse) { if (dragImageComponent == nullptr) { MouseInputSource* const draggingSource = Desktop::getInstance().getDraggingMouseSource (0); if (draggingSource == nullptr || ! draggingSource->isDragging()) { jassertfalse; // You must call startDragging() from within a mouseDown or mouseDrag callback! return; } const Point lastMouseDown (draggingSource->getLastMouseDownPosition().roundToInt()); Point imageOffset; if (dragImage.isNull()) { dragImage = sourceComponent->createComponentSnapshot (sourceComponent->getLocalBounds()) .convertedToFormat (Image::ARGB); dragImage.multiplyAllAlphas (0.6f); const int lo = 150; const int hi = 400; Point relPos (sourceComponent->getLocalPoint (nullptr, lastMouseDown)); Point clipped (dragImage.getBounds().getConstrainedPoint (relPos)); Random random; for (int y = dragImage.getHeight(); --y >= 0;) { const double dy = (y - clipped.getY()) * (y - clipped.getY()); for (int x = dragImage.getWidth(); --x >= 0;) { const int dx = x - clipped.getX(); const int distance = roundToInt (std::sqrt (dx * dx + dy)); if (distance > lo) { const float alpha = (distance > hi) ? 0 : (hi - distance) / (float) (hi - lo) + random.nextFloat() * 0.008f; dragImage.multiplyAlphaAt (x, y, alpha); } } } imageOffset = clipped; } else { if (imageOffsetFromMouse == nullptr) imageOffset = dragImage.getBounds().getCentre(); else imageOffset = dragImage.getBounds().getConstrainedPoint (-*imageOffsetFromMouse); } dragImageComponent = new DragImageComponent (dragImage, sourceDescription, sourceComponent, draggingSource->getComponentUnderMouse(), *this, imageOffset); if (allowDraggingToExternalWindows) { if (! Desktop::canUseSemiTransparentWindows()) dragImageComponent->setOpaque (true); dragImageComponent->addToDesktop (ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresMouseClicks | ComponentPeer::windowIsTemporary | ComponentPeer::windowIgnoresKeyPresses); } else { if (Component* const thisComp = dynamic_cast (this)) { thisComp->addChildComponent (dragImageComponent); } else { jassertfalse; // Your DragAndDropContainer needs to be a Component! return; } } static_cast (dragImageComponent.get())->updateLocation (false, lastMouseDown); dragImageComponent->enterModalState(); #if JUCE_WINDOWS // Under heavy load, the layered window's paint callback can often be lost by the OS, // so forcing a repaint at least once makes sure that the window becomes visible.. if (ComponentPeer* const peer = dragImageComponent->getPeer()) peer->performAnyPendingRepaintsNow(); #endif dragOperationStarted (dragImageComponent->sourceDetails); } } bool DragAndDropContainer::isDragAndDropActive() const { return dragImageComponent != nullptr; } var DragAndDropContainer::getCurrentDragDescription() const { return dragImageComponent != nullptr ? dragImageComponent->sourceDetails.description : var(); } void DragAndDropContainer::setCurrentDragImage (const Image& newImage) { if (dragImageComponent != nullptr) dragImageComponent->updateImage (newImage); } DragAndDropContainer* DragAndDropContainer::findParentDragContainerFor (Component* c) { return c != nullptr ? c->findParentComponentOfClass() : nullptr; } bool DragAndDropContainer::shouldDropFilesWhenDraggedExternally (const DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails&, StringArray&, bool&) { return false; } bool DragAndDropContainer::shouldDropTextWhenDraggedExternally (const DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails&, String&) { return false; } void DragAndDropContainer::dragOperationStarted (const DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails&) {} void DragAndDropContainer::dragOperationEnded (const DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails&) {} //============================================================================== DragAndDropTarget::SourceDetails::SourceDetails (const var& desc, Component* comp, Point pos) noexcept : description (desc), sourceComponent (comp), localPosition (pos) { } void DragAndDropTarget::itemDragEnter (const SourceDetails&) {} void DragAndDropTarget::itemDragMove (const SourceDetails&) {} void DragAndDropTarget::itemDragExit (const SourceDetails&) {} bool DragAndDropTarget::shouldDrawDragImageWhenOver() { return true; } //============================================================================== void FileDragAndDropTarget::fileDragEnter (const StringArray&, int, int) {} void FileDragAndDropTarget::fileDragMove (const StringArray&, int, int) {} void FileDragAndDropTarget::fileDragExit (const StringArray&) {} void TextDragAndDropTarget::textDragEnter (const String&, int, int) {} void TextDragAndDropTarget::textDragMove (const String&, int, int) {} void TextDragAndDropTarget::textDragExit (const String&) {} } // namespace juce