/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { Viewport::Viewport (const String& name) : Component (name) { // content holder is used to clip the contents so they don't overlap the scrollbars addAndMakeVisible (contentHolder); contentHolder.setInterceptsMouseClicks (false, true); scrollBarThickness = getLookAndFeel().getDefaultScrollbarWidth(); addChildComponent (verticalScrollBar = createScrollBarComponent (true)); addChildComponent (horizontalScrollBar = createScrollBarComponent (false)); getVerticalScrollBar().addListener (this); getHorizontalScrollBar().addListener (this); setInterceptsMouseClicks (false, true); setWantsKeyboardFocus (true); } Viewport::~Viewport() { setScrollOnDragEnabled (false); deleteOrRemoveContentComp(); } //============================================================================== void Viewport::visibleAreaChanged (const Rectangle&) {} void Viewport::viewedComponentChanged (Component*) {} //============================================================================== void Viewport::deleteOrRemoveContentComp() { if (contentComp != nullptr) { contentComp->removeComponentListener (this); if (deleteContent) { // This sets the content comp to a null pointer before deleting the old one, in case // anything tries to use the old one while it's in mid-deletion.. ScopedPointer oldCompDeleter (contentComp); contentComp = nullptr; } else { contentHolder.removeChildComponent (contentComp); contentComp = nullptr; } } } void Viewport::setViewedComponent (Component* const newViewedComponent, const bool deleteComponentWhenNoLongerNeeded) { if (contentComp.get() != newViewedComponent) { deleteOrRemoveContentComp(); contentComp = newViewedComponent; deleteContent = deleteComponentWhenNoLongerNeeded; if (contentComp != nullptr) { contentHolder.addAndMakeVisible (contentComp); setViewPosition (Point()); contentComp->addComponentListener (this); } viewedComponentChanged (contentComp); updateVisibleArea(); } } int Viewport::getMaximumVisibleWidth() const { return contentHolder.getWidth(); } int Viewport::getMaximumVisibleHeight() const { return contentHolder.getHeight(); } bool Viewport::canScrollVertically() const noexcept { return contentComp->getY() < 0 || contentComp->getBottom() > getHeight(); } bool Viewport::canScrollHorizontally() const noexcept { return contentComp->getX() < 0 || contentComp->getRight() > getWidth(); } Point Viewport::viewportPosToCompPos (Point pos) const { jassert (contentComp != nullptr); auto contentBounds = contentHolder.getLocalArea (contentComp, contentComp->getLocalBounds()); Point p (jmax (jmin (0, contentHolder.getWidth() - contentBounds.getWidth()), jmin (0, -(pos.x))), jmax (jmin (0, contentHolder.getHeight() - contentBounds.getHeight()), jmin (0, -(pos.y)))); return p.transformedBy (contentComp->getTransform().inverted()); } void Viewport::setViewPosition (const int xPixelsOffset, const int yPixelsOffset) { setViewPosition ({ xPixelsOffset, yPixelsOffset }); } void Viewport::setViewPosition (Point newPosition) { if (contentComp != nullptr) contentComp->setTopLeftPosition (viewportPosToCompPos (newPosition)); } void Viewport::setViewPositionProportionately (const double x, const double y) { if (contentComp != nullptr) setViewPosition (jmax (0, roundToInt (x * (contentComp->getWidth() - getWidth()))), jmax (0, roundToInt (y * (contentComp->getHeight() - getHeight())))); } bool Viewport::autoScroll (const int mouseX, const int mouseY, const int activeBorderThickness, const int maximumSpeed) { if (contentComp != nullptr) { int dx = 0, dy = 0; if (getHorizontalScrollBar().isVisible() || canScrollHorizontally()) { if (mouseX < activeBorderThickness) dx = activeBorderThickness - mouseX; else if (mouseX >= contentHolder.getWidth() - activeBorderThickness) dx = (contentHolder.getWidth() - activeBorderThickness) - mouseX; if (dx < 0) dx = jmax (dx, -maximumSpeed, contentHolder.getWidth() - contentComp->getRight()); else dx = jmin (dx, maximumSpeed, -contentComp->getX()); } if (getVerticalScrollBar().isVisible() || canScrollVertically()) { if (mouseY < activeBorderThickness) dy = activeBorderThickness - mouseY; else if (mouseY >= contentHolder.getHeight() - activeBorderThickness) dy = (contentHolder.getHeight() - activeBorderThickness) - mouseY; if (dy < 0) dy = jmax (dy, -maximumSpeed, contentHolder.getHeight() - contentComp->getBottom()); else dy = jmin (dy, maximumSpeed, -contentComp->getY()); } if (dx != 0 || dy != 0) { contentComp->setTopLeftPosition (contentComp->getX() + dx, contentComp->getY() + dy); return true; } } return false; } void Viewport::componentMovedOrResized (Component&, bool, bool) { updateVisibleArea(); } //============================================================================== typedef AnimatedPosition ViewportDragPosition; struct Viewport::DragToScrollListener : private MouseListener, private ViewportDragPosition::Listener { DragToScrollListener (Viewport& v) : viewport (v) { viewport.contentHolder.addMouseListener (this, true); offsetX.addListener (this); offsetY.addListener (this); offsetX.behaviour.setMinimumVelocity (60); offsetY.behaviour.setMinimumVelocity (60); } ~DragToScrollListener() { viewport.contentHolder.removeMouseListener (this); } void positionChanged (ViewportDragPosition&, double) override { viewport.setViewPosition (originalViewPos - Point ((int) offsetX.getPosition(), (int) offsetY.getPosition())); } void mouseDown (const MouseEvent& e) override { if (doesMouseEventComponentBlockViewportDrag (e.eventComponent)) isViewportDragBlocked = true; offsetX.setPosition (offsetX.getPosition()); offsetY.setPosition (offsetY.getPosition()); ++numTouches; } void mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& e) override { if (numTouches == 1 && ! isViewportDragBlocked) { auto totalOffset = e.getOffsetFromDragStart().toFloat(); if (! isDragging && totalOffset.getDistanceFromOrigin() > 8.0f) { isDragging = true; originalViewPos = viewport.getViewPosition(); offsetX.setPosition (0.0); offsetX.beginDrag(); offsetY.setPosition (0.0); offsetY.beginDrag(); } if (isDragging) { offsetX.drag (totalOffset.x); offsetY.drag (totalOffset.y); } } } void mouseUp (const MouseEvent& e) override { if (doesMouseEventComponentBlockViewportDrag (e.eventComponent)) isViewportDragBlocked = false; if (--numTouches <= 0) { offsetX.endDrag(); offsetY.endDrag(); isDragging = false; numTouches = 0; } } bool doesMouseEventComponentBlockViewportDrag (const Component* eventComp) { for (auto c = eventComp; c != nullptr && c != &viewport; c = c->getParentComponent()) if (c->getViewportIgnoreDragFlag()) return true; return false; } Viewport& viewport; ViewportDragPosition offsetX, offsetY; Point originalViewPos; int numTouches = 0; bool isDragging = false; bool isViewportDragBlocked = false; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (DragToScrollListener) }; void Viewport::setScrollOnDragEnabled (bool shouldScrollOnDrag) { if (isScrollOnDragEnabled() != shouldScrollOnDrag) { if (shouldScrollOnDrag) dragToScrollListener = new DragToScrollListener (*this); else dragToScrollListener = nullptr; } } bool Viewport::isScrollOnDragEnabled() const noexcept { return dragToScrollListener != nullptr; } bool Viewport::isCurrentlyScrollingOnDrag() const noexcept { return dragToScrollListener != nullptr && dragToScrollListener->isDragging; } //============================================================================== void Viewport::lookAndFeelChanged() { if (! customScrollBarThickness) { scrollBarThickness = getLookAndFeel().getDefaultScrollbarWidth(); resized(); } } void Viewport::resized() { updateVisibleArea(); } //============================================================================== void Viewport::updateVisibleArea() { auto scrollbarWidth = getScrollBarThickness(); const bool canShowAnyBars = getWidth() > scrollbarWidth && getHeight() > scrollbarWidth; const bool canShowHBar = showHScrollbar && canShowAnyBars; const bool canShowVBar = showVScrollbar && canShowAnyBars; bool hBarVisible = false, vBarVisible = false; Rectangle contentArea; for (int i = 3; --i >= 0;) { hBarVisible = canShowHBar && ! getHorizontalScrollBar().autoHides(); vBarVisible = canShowVBar && ! getVerticalScrollBar().autoHides(); contentArea = getLocalBounds(); if (contentComp != nullptr && ! contentArea.contains (contentComp->getBounds())) { hBarVisible = canShowHBar && (hBarVisible || contentComp->getX() < 0 || contentComp->getRight() > contentArea.getWidth()); vBarVisible = canShowVBar && (vBarVisible || contentComp->getY() < 0 || contentComp->getBottom() > contentArea.getHeight()); if (vBarVisible) contentArea.setWidth (getWidth() - scrollbarWidth); if (hBarVisible) contentArea.setHeight (getHeight() - scrollbarWidth); if (! contentArea.contains (contentComp->getBounds())) { hBarVisible = canShowHBar && (hBarVisible || contentComp->getRight() > contentArea.getWidth()); vBarVisible = canShowVBar && (vBarVisible || contentComp->getBottom() > contentArea.getHeight()); } } if (vBarVisible) contentArea.setWidth (getWidth() - scrollbarWidth); if (hBarVisible) contentArea.setHeight (getHeight() - scrollbarWidth); if (contentComp == nullptr) { contentHolder.setBounds (contentArea); break; } auto oldContentBounds = contentComp->getBounds(); contentHolder.setBounds (contentArea); // If the content has changed its size, that might affect our scrollbars, so go round again and re-caclulate.. if (oldContentBounds == contentComp->getBounds()) break; } Rectangle contentBounds; if (contentComp != nullptr) contentBounds = contentHolder.getLocalArea (contentComp, contentComp->getLocalBounds()); auto visibleOrigin = -contentBounds.getPosition(); auto& hbar = getHorizontalScrollBar(); auto& vbar = getVerticalScrollBar(); hbar.setBounds (0, contentArea.getHeight(), contentArea.getWidth(), scrollbarWidth); hbar.setRangeLimits (0.0, contentBounds.getWidth()); hbar.setCurrentRange (visibleOrigin.x, contentArea.getWidth()); hbar.setSingleStepSize (singleStepX); hbar.cancelPendingUpdate(); if (canShowHBar && ! hBarVisible) visibleOrigin.setX (0); vbar.setBounds (contentArea.getWidth(), 0, scrollbarWidth, contentArea.getHeight()); vbar.setRangeLimits (0.0, contentBounds.getHeight()); vbar.setCurrentRange (visibleOrigin.y, contentArea.getHeight()); vbar.setSingleStepSize (singleStepY); vbar.cancelPendingUpdate(); if (canShowVBar && ! vBarVisible) visibleOrigin.setY (0); // Force the visibility *after* setting the ranges to avoid flicker caused by edge conditions in the numbers. hbar.setVisible (hBarVisible); vbar.setVisible (vBarVisible); if (contentComp != nullptr) { auto newContentCompPos = viewportPosToCompPos (visibleOrigin); if (contentComp->getBounds().getPosition() != newContentCompPos) { contentComp->setTopLeftPosition (newContentCompPos); // (this will re-entrantly call updateVisibleArea again) return; } } const Rectangle visibleArea (visibleOrigin.x, visibleOrigin.y, jmin (contentBounds.getWidth() - visibleOrigin.x, contentArea.getWidth()), jmin (contentBounds.getHeight() - visibleOrigin.y, contentArea.getHeight())); if (lastVisibleArea != visibleArea) { lastVisibleArea = visibleArea; visibleAreaChanged (visibleArea); } hbar.handleUpdateNowIfNeeded(); vbar.handleUpdateNowIfNeeded(); } //============================================================================== void Viewport::setSingleStepSizes (const int stepX, const int stepY) { if (singleStepX != stepX || singleStepY != stepY) { singleStepX = stepX; singleStepY = stepY; updateVisibleArea(); } } void Viewport::setScrollBarsShown (const bool showVerticalScrollbarIfNeeded, const bool showHorizontalScrollbarIfNeeded, const bool allowVerticalScrollingWithoutScrollbar, const bool allowHorizontalScrollingWithoutScrollbar) { allowScrollingWithoutScrollbarV = allowVerticalScrollingWithoutScrollbar; allowScrollingWithoutScrollbarH = allowHorizontalScrollingWithoutScrollbar; if (showVScrollbar != showVerticalScrollbarIfNeeded || showHScrollbar != showHorizontalScrollbarIfNeeded) { showVScrollbar = showVerticalScrollbarIfNeeded; showHScrollbar = showHorizontalScrollbarIfNeeded; updateVisibleArea(); } } void Viewport::setScrollBarThickness (const int thickness) { int newThickness; // To stay compatible with the previous code: use the // default thickness if thickness parameter is zero // or negative if (thickness <= 0) { customScrollBarThickness = false; newThickness = getLookAndFeel().getDefaultScrollbarWidth(); } else { customScrollBarThickness = true; newThickness = thickness; } if (scrollBarThickness != newThickness) { scrollBarThickness = newThickness; updateVisibleArea(); } } int Viewport::getScrollBarThickness() const { return scrollBarThickness; } void Viewport::scrollBarMoved (ScrollBar* scrollBarThatHasMoved, double newRangeStart) { const int newRangeStartInt = roundToInt (newRangeStart); if (scrollBarThatHasMoved == horizontalScrollBar) { setViewPosition (newRangeStartInt, getViewPositionY()); } else if (scrollBarThatHasMoved == verticalScrollBar) { setViewPosition (getViewPositionX(), newRangeStartInt); } } void Viewport::mouseWheelMove (const MouseEvent& e, const MouseWheelDetails& wheel) { if (! useMouseWheelMoveIfNeeded (e, wheel)) Component::mouseWheelMove (e, wheel); } static int rescaleMouseWheelDistance (float distance, int singleStepSize) noexcept { if (distance == 0.0f) return 0; distance *= 14.0f * singleStepSize; return roundToInt (distance < 0 ? jmin (distance, -1.0f) : jmax (distance, 1.0f)); } bool Viewport::useMouseWheelMoveIfNeeded (const MouseEvent& e, const MouseWheelDetails& wheel) { if (! (e.mods.isAltDown() || e.mods.isCtrlDown() || e.mods.isCommandDown())) { const bool canScrollVert = (allowScrollingWithoutScrollbarV || getVerticalScrollBar().isVisible()); const bool canScrollHorz = (allowScrollingWithoutScrollbarH || getHorizontalScrollBar().isVisible()); if (canScrollHorz || canScrollVert) { auto deltaX = rescaleMouseWheelDistance (wheel.deltaX, singleStepX); auto deltaY = rescaleMouseWheelDistance (wheel.deltaY, singleStepY); auto pos = getViewPosition(); if (deltaX != 0 && deltaY != 0 && canScrollHorz && canScrollVert) { pos.x -= deltaX; pos.y -= deltaY; } else if (canScrollHorz && (deltaX != 0 || e.mods.isShiftDown() || ! canScrollVert)) { pos.x -= deltaX != 0 ? deltaX : deltaY; } else if (canScrollVert && deltaY != 0) { pos.y -= deltaY; } if (pos != getViewPosition()) { setViewPosition (pos); return true; } } } return false; } static bool isUpDownKeyPress (const KeyPress& key) { return key == KeyPress::upKey || key == KeyPress::downKey || key == KeyPress::pageUpKey || key == KeyPress::pageDownKey || key == KeyPress::homeKey || key == KeyPress::endKey; } static bool isLeftRightKeyPress (const KeyPress& key) { return key == KeyPress::leftKey || key == KeyPress::rightKey; } bool Viewport::keyPressed (const KeyPress& key) { const bool isUpDownKey = isUpDownKeyPress (key); if (getVerticalScrollBar().isVisible() && isUpDownKey) return getVerticalScrollBar().keyPressed (key); const bool isLeftRightKey = isLeftRightKeyPress (key); if (getHorizontalScrollBar().isVisible() && (isUpDownKey || isLeftRightKey)) return getHorizontalScrollBar().keyPressed (key); return false; } bool Viewport::respondsToKey (const KeyPress& key) { return isUpDownKeyPress (key) || isLeftRightKeyPress (key); } ScrollBar* Viewport::createScrollBarComponent (bool isVertical) { return new ScrollBar (isVertical); } } // namespace juce