/* * Carla Native Plugins * Copyright (C) 2012-2021 Filipe Coelho * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For a full copy of the GNU General Public License see the doc/GPL.txt file. */ #include "CarlaNativePrograms.hpp" #include "midi-base.hpp" #include "water/files/FileInputStream.h" #include "water/midi/MidiFile.h" // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- class MidiFilePlugin : public NativePluginWithMidiPrograms, public AbstractMidiPlayer { public: enum Parameters { kParameterRepeating, kParameterHostSync, kParameterEnabled, kParameterInfoNumTracks, kParameterInfoLength, kParameterInfoPosition, kParameterCount }; MidiFilePlugin(const NativeHostDescriptor* const host) : NativePluginWithMidiPrograms(host, fPrograms, 0), fRepeatMode(false), #ifdef __MOD_DEVICES__ fHostSync(false), #else fHostSync(true), #endif fEnabled(true), fNeedsAllNotesOff(false), fWasPlayingBefore(false), fLastPosition(0.0f), fMidiOut(this), fFileLength(0.0f), fNumTracks(0.0f), fInternalTransportFrame(0), fMaxFrame(0), fLastFrame(0), fPrograms(hostGetFilePath("midi"), "*.mid;*.midi") { } protected: // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plugin parameter calls uint32_t getParameterCount() const override { return kParameterCount; } const NativeParameter* getParameterInfo(const uint32_t index) const override { static NativeParameter param; param.scalePointCount = 0; param.scalePoints = nullptr; param.unit = nullptr; param.ranges.step = 1.0f; param.ranges.stepSmall = 1.0f; param.ranges.stepLarge = 1.0f; param.designation = NATIVE_PARAMETER_DESIGNATION_NONE; switch (index) { case kParameterRepeating: param.name = "Repeat Mode"; param.hints = static_cast(NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_AUTOMABLE| NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_ENABLED| NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_BOOLEAN); param.ranges.def = 0.0f; param.ranges.min = 0.0f; param.ranges.max = 1.0f; break; case kParameterHostSync: param.name = "Host Sync"; param.hints = static_cast(NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_AUTOMABLE| NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_ENABLED| NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_BOOLEAN); #ifdef __MOD_DEVICES__ param.ranges.def = 0.0f; #else param.ranges.def = 1.0f; #endif param.ranges.min = 0.0f; param.ranges.max = 1.0f; break; case kParameterEnabled: param.name = "Enabled"; param.hints = static_cast(NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_AUTOMABLE| NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_ENABLED| NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_BOOLEAN| NATIVE_PARAMETER_USES_DESIGNATION); param.ranges.def = 1.0f; param.ranges.min = 0.0f; param.ranges.max = 1.0f; param.designation = NATIVE_PARAMETER_DESIGNATION_ENABLED; break; case kParameterInfoNumTracks: param.name = "Num Tracks"; param.hints = static_cast(NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_AUTOMABLE| NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_ENABLED| NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_INTEGER| NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_OUTPUT); param.ranges.def = 0.0f; param.ranges.min = 0.0f; param.ranges.max = 256.0f; break; case kParameterInfoLength: param.name = "Length"; param.hints = static_cast(NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_AUTOMABLE| NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_ENABLED| NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_OUTPUT); param.ranges.def = 0.0f; param.ranges.min = 0.0f; param.ranges.max = (float)INT64_MAX; param.unit = "s"; break; case kParameterInfoPosition: param.name = "Position"; param.hints = static_cast(NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_AUTOMABLE| NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_ENABLED| NATIVE_PARAMETER_IS_OUTPUT); param.ranges.def = 0.0f; param.ranges.min = 0.0f; param.ranges.max = 100.0f; param.unit = "%"; break; default: return nullptr; } return ¶m; } float getParameterValue(const uint32_t index) const override { switch (index) { case kParameterRepeating: return fRepeatMode ? 1.0f : 0.0f; case kParameterHostSync: return fHostSync ? 1.0f : 0.0f; case kParameterEnabled: return fEnabled ? 1.0f : 0.0f; case kParameterInfoNumTracks: return fNumTracks; case kParameterInfoLength: return fFileLength; case kParameterInfoPosition: return fLastPosition; default: return 0.0f; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plugin state calls void setParameterValue(const uint32_t index, const float value) override { const bool b = (value > 0.5f); switch (index) { case kParameterRepeating: if (fRepeatMode != b) { fRepeatMode = b; fNeedsAllNotesOff = true; } break; case kParameterHostSync: if (fHostSync != b) { fInternalTransportFrame = 0; fHostSync = b; } break; case kParameterEnabled: if (fEnabled != b) { fInternalTransportFrame = 0; fEnabled = b; } break; default: break; } } void setCustomData(const char* const key, const char* const value) override { CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(key != nullptr && key[0] != '\0',); CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_RETURN(value != nullptr && value[0] != '\0',); if (std::strcmp(key, "file") != 0) return; invalidateNextFilename(); _loadMidiFile(value); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plugin process calls void process2(const float* const*, float**, const uint32_t frames, const NativeMidiEvent* const, const uint32_t) override { const uint32_t maxFrame = fMaxFrame; bool playing; uint64_t frame; if (fHostSync) { const NativeTimeInfo* const timePos = getTimeInfo(); playing = fEnabled && timePos->playing; frame = timePos->frame; } else { playing = fEnabled; frame = fInternalTransportFrame; if (playing) fInternalTransportFrame += frames; } if (fRepeatMode && maxFrame != 0 && frame >= maxFrame) frame %= maxFrame; if (fWasPlayingBefore != playing || frame < fLastFrame) { fNeedsAllNotesOff = true; fWasPlayingBefore = playing; } if (fNeedsAllNotesOff) { NativeMidiEvent midiEvent; midiEvent.port = 0; midiEvent.time = 0; midiEvent.data[0] = 0; midiEvent.data[1] = MIDI_CONTROL_ALL_NOTES_OFF; midiEvent.data[2] = 0; midiEvent.data[3] = 0; midiEvent.size = 3; for (int channel=MAX_MIDI_CHANNELS; --channel >= 0;) { midiEvent.data[0] = uint8_t(MIDI_STATUS_CONTROL_CHANGE | (channel & MIDI_CHANNEL_BIT)); NativePluginClass::writeMidiEvent(&midiEvent); } fNeedsAllNotesOff = false; } if (fWasPlayingBefore) if (! fMidiOut.play(static_cast(frame), frames)) fNeedsAllNotesOff = true; fLastFrame = frame; if (frame < maxFrame) fLastPosition = static_cast(frame) / static_cast(maxFrame) * 100.0f; else fLastPosition = 100.0f; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plugin UI calls void uiShow(const bool show) override { if (! show) return; if (const char* const filename = uiOpenFile(false, "Open MIDI File", "MIDI Files (*.mid *.midi);;")) uiCustomDataChanged("file", filename); uiClosed(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Plugin state calls char* getState() const override { return fMidiOut.getState(); } void setState(const char* const data) override { fMidiOut.setState(data); } void setStateFromFile(const char* const filename) override { _loadMidiFile(filename); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // AbstractMidiPlayer calls void writeMidiEvent(const uint8_t port, const double timePosFrame, const RawMidiEvent* const event) override { NativeMidiEvent midiEvent; midiEvent.port = port; midiEvent.time = static_cast(timePosFrame); midiEvent.size = event->size; midiEvent.data[0] = event->data[0]; midiEvent.data[1] = event->data[1]; midiEvent.data[2] = event->data[2]; midiEvent.data[3] = event->data[3]; NativePluginClass::writeMidiEvent(&midiEvent); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------- private: bool fRepeatMode; bool fHostSync; bool fEnabled; bool fNeedsAllNotesOff; bool fWasPlayingBefore; float fLastPosition; MidiPattern fMidiOut; float fFileLength; float fNumTracks; uint32_t fInternalTransportFrame; uint32_t fMaxFrame; uint64_t fLastFrame; NativeMidiPrograms fPrograms; void _loadMidiFile(const char* const filename) { fMidiOut.clear(); fInternalTransportFrame = 0; fFileLength = 0.0f; fNumTracks = 0.0f; fMaxFrame = 0; fLastFrame = 0; fLastPosition = 0.0f; using namespace water; const String jfilename = String(CharPointer_UTF8(filename)); File file(jfilename); if (! file.existsAsFile()) return; FileInputStream fileStream(file); MidiFile midiFile; if (! midiFile.readFrom(fileStream)) return; midiFile.convertTimestampTicksToSeconds(); const double sampleRate = getSampleRate(); const size_t numTracks = midiFile.getNumTracks(); for (size_t i=0; igetNumEvents(); jgetEventPointer(j)); CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_CONTINUE(midiEventHolder != nullptr); const MidiMessage& midiMessage(midiEventHolder->message); const int dataSize = midiMessage.getRawDataSize(); if (dataSize <= 0 || dataSize > MAX_EVENT_DATA_SIZE) continue; const uint8_t* const data = midiMessage.getRawData(); if (! MIDI_IS_CHANNEL_MESSAGE(data[0])) continue; const double time = midiMessage.getTimeStamp() * sampleRate; // const double time = track->getEventTime(i) * sampleRate; CARLA_SAFE_ASSERT_CONTINUE(time >= 0.0); fMidiOut.addRaw(static_cast(time + 0.5), midiMessage.getRawData(), static_cast(dataSize)); } } const double lastTimeStamp = midiFile.getLastTimestamp(); fFileLength = static_cast(lastTimeStamp); fNumTracks = static_cast(numTracks); fNeedsAllNotesOff = true; fInternalTransportFrame = 0; fLastFrame = 0; fMaxFrame = static_cast(lastTimeStamp * sampleRate + 0.5); } PluginClassEND(MidiFilePlugin) CARLA_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR(MidiFilePlugin) }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static const NativePluginDescriptor midifileDesc = { /* category */ NATIVE_PLUGIN_CATEGORY_UTILITY, /* hints */ static_cast(NATIVE_PLUGIN_IS_RTSAFE |NATIVE_PLUGIN_HAS_UI |NATIVE_PLUGIN_NEEDS_UI_OPEN_SAVE |NATIVE_PLUGIN_REQUESTS_IDLE |NATIVE_PLUGIN_USES_STATE |NATIVE_PLUGIN_USES_TIME), /* supports */ NATIVE_PLUGIN_SUPPORTS_NOTHING, /* audioIns */ 0, /* audioOuts */ 0, /* midiIns */ 0, /* midiOuts */ 1, /* paramIns */ 0, /* paramOuts */ 0, /* name */ "MIDI File", /* label */ "midifile", /* maker */ "falkTX", /* copyright */ "GNU GPL v2+", PluginDescriptorFILL(MidiFilePlugin) }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- CARLA_EXPORT void carla_register_native_plugin_midifile(); CARLA_EXPORT void carla_register_native_plugin_midifile() { carla_register_native_plugin(&midifileDesc); } // -----------------------------------------------------------------------