/* ZynAddSubFX - a software synthesizer BankView.cpp - View Of Bank Fields Copyright (C) 2016 Mark McCurry This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ #include "BankView.h" #include "../Misc/Util.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace zyncarla; BankList::BankList(int x,int y, int w, int h, const char *label) :Fl_Osc_Choice(x,y,w,h,label) {} void BankList::init(std::string path) { ext = path; oscRegister("bank/bank_select"); oscRegister(path.c_str()); oscWrite("bank/banks", ""); } void BankList::OSC_raw(const char *msg) { if(!strcmp(msg, "/bank/bank_select") && !strcmp(rtosc_argument_string(msg),"iss")) { const int pos = rtosc_argument(msg, 0).i; const char *path = rtosc_argument(msg, 1).s; value(0); if(pos == 0) this->clear(); if(pos <= this->size()-2) { return; } this->add(path); } if(!strcmp(msg, "/bank/bank_select")&& !strcmp(rtosc_argument_string(msg),"i")) { int val = rtosc_argument(msg, 0).i; if(value() != val) { value(val); for(int i=0; i<160; ++i) osc->write("/bank/slot"+to_s(i), ""); } } } BankSlot::BankSlot(int x,int y, int w, int h, const char *label) :Fl_Button(x,y,w,h,label), nslot(-1) { memset(labelstr, 0, sizeof(labelstr)); box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); labelfont(0); labelsize(13); align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE|FL_ALIGN_CLIP); } int BankSlot::handle(int event) { int what = 0; if (Fl::event_inside(this)) { what=0; if ((event==FL_RELEASE)&&(Fl::event_button()==1)) what=1; if ((event==FL_RELEASE)&&(Fl::event_button()==3)) what=2; } int tmp=Fl_Button::handle(event); if (what && Fl::event_inside(this)) bv->react(what, nslot); return tmp; } void BankSlot::init(int nslot_, BankView *bv_) { nslot = nslot_; bv = bv_; snprintf(labelstr, 127, "%d.", nslot_); label(labelstr); } void BankSlot::update(const char *name__, const char *fname__) { name_ = name__; filename_ = fname__; snprintf(labelstr, 127, "%d. %s", nslot, name_.c_str()); label(labelstr); if(name_.empty()) label(""); color(empty() ? 46 : 51); #ifdef NTK_GUI redraw(); #endif } bool BankSlot::empty(void) const { return filename_.empty(); } const char *BankSlot::name(void) const { return name_.c_str(); } const char *BankSlot::filename(void) const { return filename_.c_str(); } /* void BankSlot::init(int nslot_, int *what_, int *whatslot_,void (BankProcess_:: *fnc_)(void),BankProcess_ *bp_,Bank *bank_,int *nselected_) { nslot=nslot_; what=what_; whatslot=whatslot_; fnc=fnc_; bp=bp_; //bank=bank_; nselected=nselected_; box(FL_THIN_UP_BOX); labelfont(0); labelsize(13); align(FL_ALIGN_LEFT|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE|FL_ALIGN_CLIP); highlight=0; //refresh(); } */ /* void BankSlot::refresh() { if (bank->emptyslot(nslot)) color(46); else if (bank->isPADsynth_used(nslot)) color(26); else color(51); if (*nselected==nslot) color(6); copy_label(bank->getnamenumbered(nslot).c_str()); } */ static int modeCb(const char *label) { if(!strcmp("Read", label)) return 1; else if(!strcmp("Write", label)) return 2; else if(!strcmp("Clear", label)) return 3; else if(!strcmp("Swap", label)) return 4; return -1; } static void modeButtonCb(Fl_Widget *w, void *v) { BankViewControls *bvc = (BankViewControls*)v; bvc->mode(modeCb(w->label())); } BankViewControls::BankViewControls(int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *label) :Fl_Group(x,y,w,h,label) { //Margin const int m = 10; //Width per elm const float W = w/4; read = new Fl_Check_Button(x+m+0*W, y+m, W-2*m, h-2*m, "Read"); write = new Fl_Check_Button(x+m+1*W, y+m, W-2*m, h-2*m, "Write"); clear = new Fl_Check_Button(x+m+2*W, y+m, W-2*m, h-2*m, "Clear"); swap = new Fl_Check_Button(x+m+3*W, y+m, W-2*m, h-2*m, "Swap"); read->box(FL_BORDER_BOX); write->box(FL_BORDER_BOX); clear->box(FL_BORDER_BOX); swap->box(FL_BORDER_BOX); read->callback(modeButtonCb, this); write->callback(modeButtonCb, this); clear->callback(modeButtonCb, this); swap->callback(modeButtonCb, this); mode(1); } int BankViewControls::mode(void) const { return mode_; } void BankViewControls::mode(int m) { mode_ = m; int M = m-1; assert(0 <= M && M <= 3); Fl_Button *buttons[4]{read, write, clear, swap}; for(int i=0; i<4; ++i) buttons[i]->value(i==M); } BankView::BankView(int x,int y, int w, int h, const char *label) :Fl_Group(x,y,w,h,label), Fl_Osc_Widget(), bvc(NULL), slots{0}, nselected(-1), npart(0), cbwig_(0) {} BankView::~BankView(void) { if(osc) { osc->removeLink("/bankview", this); osc->removeLink("/bank/search_results", this); } } void BankView::init(Fl_Osc_Interface *osc_, BankViewControls *bvc_, int *npart_) { assert(osc_); osc = osc_; bvc = bvc_; npart = npart_; osc->createLink("/bankview", this); osc->createLink("/bank/search_results", this); //Element Size const float width = w()/5.0; const float height = h()/32.0; //Offsets const int X = x(); const int Y = y(); begin(); //Place All Slots for(int i=0; i<5; ++i) for(int j=0; j<32; ++j) slots[i*32 + j] = new BankSlot(X + i*width, Y + j*height, width, height); end(); //Initialize callbacks for(int i=0; i<160; ++i) slots[i]->init(i, this); //Create Slot Listeners for(int i=0; i<160; ++i) osc->createLink("/bank/slot"+to_s(i), this); //Request Values for(int i=0; i<160; ++i) osc->write("/bank/slot"+to_s(i), ""); } /* * React to user input. * This consists of the events: * - Rename Slot (right click) * - Read From Slot * - Write To Slot * - Swap Slot First Selection * - Swap Slot Second Selction * * TODO restore autoclose functionality */ void BankView::react(int event, int nslot) { BankSlot &slot = *slots[nslot]; const bool isempty = slot.empty(); const int mode = bvc->mode(); //Rename slot if (event==2 && !isempty && mode!=4) { if(const char *name=fl_input("Slot (instrument) name:", slot.name())) { osc->write("/bank/rename_slot", "is", nslot, name); osc->write("/bank/slot"+to_s(nslot), ""); } } //Reads from slot if ((event==1)&&(mode==1) && !isempty){ printf("Loading a part #%d with file '%s'\n", nslot, slot.filename()); osc->write("/load-part", "iss", *npart, slot.filename(), slot.name()); osc->writeValue("/part"+to_s(*npart)+"/Pname", slot.name()); if(cbwig_) cbwig_->do_callback(); } //save(write) to slot if(event==1 && mode==2){ if(isempty || fl_choice("Overwrite the slot no. %d ?","No","Yes",NULL,nslot+1)) { osc->write("/bank/save_to_slot", "ii", *npart, nslot); osc->write("/bank/slot"+to_s(nslot), ""); } bvc->mode(1); } //Clears the slot if(event==1 && mode==3) { if (!isempty && fl_choice("Clear the slot no. %d ?","No","Yes",NULL, nslot+1)) { osc->write("/bank/clear_slot", "i", nslot); osc->write("/bank/slot"+to_s(nslot), ""); } bvc->mode(1); } //Swap if(mode==4) { if(event==1 && nselected>=0){ osc->write("/bank/swap_slots", "ii", nselected, nslot); osc->write("/bank/slot"+to_s(nslot), ""); osc->write("/bank/slot"+to_s(nselected), ""); nselected=-1; } else if(nselected<0 || event==2) { nselected=nslot; }; }; } void BankView::OSC_raw(const char *msg) { if(!strcmp(msg, "/bank/search_results")) { const char *ptr = rtosc_argument_string(msg); int slot = 0; while (ptr[0] == 's' && ptr[1] == 's') { const char *bank = rtosc_argument(msg, 2*slot).s; const char *fname = rtosc_argument(msg, 2*slot + 1).s; /* store search results directly into slot */ slots[slot]->update(bank, fname); if (++slot == 160) break; ptr += 2; } while (slot < 160) slots[slot++]->update("", ""); } else if(!strcmp(rtosc_argument_string(msg), "iss")) { int nslot = rtosc_argument(msg,0).i; const char *name = rtosc_argument(msg,1).s; const char *fname = rtosc_argument(msg,2).s; if(0 <= nslot && nslot < 160) slots[nslot]->update(name, fname); } else if(!strcmp(rtosc_argument_string(msg), "ss")) { while(*msg && !isdigit(*msg)) msg++; int nslot = atoi(msg); const char *name = rtosc_argument(msg,0).s; const char *fname = rtosc_argument(msg,1).s; if(0 <= nslot && nslot < 160) slots[nslot]->update(name, fname); } } void BankView::cbwig(Fl_Widget *w) { cbwig_ = w; } void BankView::refresh(void) { assert(osc); //Odd case during initialization if(!osc) return; for(int i=0; i<160; ++i) osc->write("/bank/slot"+to_s(i), ""); }