# data file for the Fltk User Interface Designer (fluid) version 1.0302 header_name {.h} code_name {.cc} decl {//Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Nasca Octavian Paul} {private local } decl {//License: GNU GPL version 2 or later} {private local } decl {\#include } {public local } decl {\#include } {public local } decl {\#include } {public local } decl {\#include } {public local } decl {\#include "Fl_Osc_Dial.H"} {public local } decl {\#include "Fl_Osc_Input.H"} {public local } decl {\#include "PartNameButton.h"} {public local } decl {\#include "EffUI.h"} {public local } decl {\#include "BankUI.h"} {public local } decl {\#include "ADnoteUI.h"} {public local } decl {\#include "SUBnoteUI.h"} {public local } decl {\#include "PADnoteUI.h"} {public local } decl {\#include "../Misc/Config.h"} {public local } decl {\#include "../Misc/Master.h"} {public local } decl {\#include "../Misc/Part.h"} {public local } class PartSysEffSend {open : {public Fl_Group} } { Function {make_window()} {open private } { Fl_Window syseffsend { private xywh {604 244 100 100} type Double box NO_BOX class Fl_Group visible } { Fl_Dial {} { label 01 xywh {0 0 25 25} box ROUND_UP_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 10 align 130 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->size(25,25);} code1 {o->alt_init("/","Psysefxvol"+to_s(neff)+"/part"+to_s(npart));} code2 {o->mark_dead();} code3 {char tmp[10];snprintf(tmp,10,"%d",neff+1);o->copy_label(tmp);} class Fl_Osc_Dial } } } Function {PartSysEffSend(int x,int y, int w, int h, const char *label=0):Fl_Group(x,y,w,h,label)} {} { code {neff=0; npart=0;} {} } Function {init(int npart_,int neff_)} {} { code {npart=npart_; neff=neff_; make_window(); syseffsend->show(); end();} {} } Function {~PartSysEffSend()} {} { code {syseffsend->hide(); //delete(syseffsend);} {} } decl {int neff;} {private local } decl {int npart;} {private local } } class PartKitItem {open : {public Fl_Osc_Group} } { Function {make_window()} {open private } { Fl_Window partkititem { private xywh {488 521 670 100} type Double box NO_BOX class Fl_Osc_Group visible } { Fl_Group partkititemgroup { private xywh {55 0 605 20} class Fl_Osc_Group } { Fl_Counter minkcounter { xywh {225 0 55 15} type Simple minimum 0 maximum 128 step 1 code0 {o->init("Pminkey");} class Fl_Osc_Counter } Fl_Button {} { label m callback {o->oscWrite("grabMinKey");} tooltip {set the minimum key to the last pressed key} xywh {285 3 15 12} box THIN_UP_BOX labelsize 10 class Fl_Osc_Button } Fl_Button {} { label M callback {o->oscWrite("grabMaxKey");} tooltip {set the maximum key to the last pressed key} xywh {315 3 15 12} box THIN_UP_BOX labelsize 10 class Fl_Osc_Button } Fl_Button {} { label R callback {minkcounter->value(0); minkcounter->do_callback(); maxkcounter->value(127); maxkcounter->do_callback();} tooltip {reset the minimum key to 0 and maximum key to 127} xywh {300 3 15 12} box THIN_UP_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 10 } Fl_Button adeditbutton { label edit callback {partui->showparameters(n,0);} xywh {420 0 40 15} box THIN_UP_BOX labelsize 11 code1 {if (n==0) o->hide();} } Fl_Button subeditbutton { label edit callback {partui->showparameters(n,1);} xywh {490 0 40 15} box THIN_UP_BOX labelsize 11 code1 {if (n==0) o->hide();} } Fl_Check_Button mutedcheck { private xywh {60 0 20 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 11 align 4 code0 {o->init("Pmuted");} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Counter maxkcounter { xywh {335 0 55 15} type Simple minimum 0 maximum 128 step 1 code0 {o->init("Pmaxkey");} class Fl_Osc_Counter } Fl_Input labelbutton { label {Bass Drum} xywh {90 0 130 15} box THIN_DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 10 align 20 code0 {o->init("Pname");} class Fl_Osc_Input } Fl_Check_Button adcheck { callback {if (o->value()!=0) adeditbutton->activate(); else adeditbutton->deactivate();} private xywh {400 0 20 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 11 align 4 code0 {o->init("Padenabled");} code1 {if (n==0) o->hide();} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Check_Button subcheck { callback {if(o->value()!=0) subeditbutton->activate(); else subeditbutton->deactivate();} private xywh {470 0 20 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 11 align 4 code0 {o->init("Psubenabled");} code1 {if (n==0) o->hide();} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Choice sendtoeffect { xywh {615 0 45 15} down_box BORDER_BOX labelsize 10 align 5 textfont 1 textsize 10 code0 {char nrstr[10]; for(int i=0;iadd(nrstr);};o->add("OFF");} code1 {o->init("Psendtoparteffect");//TODO check semantics} class Fl_Osc_Choice } {} Fl_Button padeditbutton { label edit callback {partui->showparameters(n,2);} xywh {560 0 40 15} box THIN_UP_BOX labelsize 11 code1 {if (n==0) o->hide();} } Fl_Check_Button padcheck { callback {if (o->value()!=0) padeditbutton->activate(); else padeditbutton->deactivate();} private xywh {540 0 20 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 11 align 4 code0 {o->init("Ppadenabled");} code1 {if (n==0) o->hide();} class Fl_Osc_Check } } Fl_Check_Button enabledcheck { label 01 callback {int answer=1; //TODO special case if (o->value()==0 && !o->is_osc) answer=fl_choice("Delete the item?","No","Yes",NULL); if(!answer) o->value(true); if (o->value()==0) partkititemgroup->deactivate(); else partkititemgroup->activate(); o->redraw(); partui->showparameters(n,-1);//use to delete the ui, if it is not to item 0} private xywh {30 0 20 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labeltype EMBOSSED_LABEL labelfont 1 labelsize 13 align 4 code0 {snprintf(label,10,"%d",n+1);o->label(label);} code1 {o->init("Penabled");} code2 {if (n==0) o->deactivate();} class Fl_Osc_Check } } } Function {PartKitItem(int x,int y, int w, int h, const char *label=0):Fl_Osc_Group(x,y,w,h,label)} {} { code {n=0;} {} } Function {refresh()} {} { code {this->redraw();} {} } Function {init(int n_,class PartUI *partui_)} {} { code {n=n_; ext = "kit"+to_s(n)+"/"; partui=partui_; make_window(); //partkititem->show(); end();} {} } Function {~PartKitItem()} {} { code {} {} } decl {int n;} {private local } decl {char label[10];} {private local } decl {class PartUI *partui;} {private local } } class PartUI {open : {public Fl_Osc_Group} } { Function {make_window()} {open private } { Fl_Window partgroup { private xywh {703 379 385 180} type Double box NO_BOX class Fl_Group visible } { Fl_Group partgroupui {open xywh {0 0 385 180} class Fl_Osc_Group } { Fl_Dial {} { label Pan xywh {50 40 25 25} box ROUND_UP_BOX labelsize 11 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->init("Ppanning");} class Fl_Osc_Dial } Fl_Counter {} { label KeyShift xywh {195 45 90 20} labelsize 11 align 1 minimum -64 maximum 64 step 1 code0 {o->lstep(12);} code1 {o->init("Pkeyshift", 'i', -64);} class Fl_Osc_Counter } Fl_Scroll {} {open xywh {166 91 125 49} box UP_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 10 align 21 } { Fl_Pack {} {open xywh {171 96 115 35} type HORIZONTAL code0 {o->spacing(5);} code1 {for (int i=0;iinit(npart,i);}} } {} } Fl_Button {} { label {Grand Piano} callback {int event=Fl::event_button(); if (event==FL_RIGHT_MOUSE){ const char *tmp=fl_input("Instrument name:",o->label()); if (tmp!=NULL) o->oscWrite("Pname", "s", tmp); } else { if (event==FL_LEFT_MOUSE) bankui->show(); else instrumenteditwindow->show(); };} tooltip {left mousebutton - to choose/save/.. from/to bank or right mousebutton to change the name or middle button to change the instrument information} xywh {195 5 185 20} box UP_FRAME down_box DOWN_FRAME labelfont 1 labelsize 11 align 84 code0 {/*o->label((char *)part->Pname);*/} code1 {o->ext = "Pname";o->oscRegister("Pname");} class PartNameButton } Fl_Box {} { label {To Sys.Efx.} xywh {166 81 95 10} labelfont 1 labelsize 10 } Fl_Check_Button {} { label NoteOn tooltip {set if the part receives NoteOn messages} xywh {10 155 65 20} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 11 code0 {o->init("Pnoteon");} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Counter minkcounter { label {Min.k} callback {if (minkcounter->value() > maxkcounter->value()) o->textcolor(FL_RED); else o->textcolor(FL_BLACK);} tooltip {Minimum key (that the part receives NoteOn messages)} xywh {295 125 40 15} type Simple labelfont 1 labelsize 10 minimum 0 maximum 127 step 1 textsize 10 code0 {o->init("Pminkey");} class Fl_Osc_Counter } Fl_Counter maxkcounter { label {Max.k} callback {if (minkcounter->value() > maxkcounter->value()) o->textcolor(FL_RED); else o->textcolor(FL_BLACK);} tooltip {Maximum key (that the part receives NoteOn messages)} xywh {340 125 40 15} type Simple labelfont 1 labelsize 10 minimum 0 maximum 127 step 1 textsize 10 code0 {o->init("Pmaxkey");} class Fl_Osc_Counter } Fl_Dial {} { label Volume tooltip {Part Volume} xywh {10 35 30 30} box ROUND_UP_BOX labelsize 11 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->init("Pvolume");} class Fl_Osc_Dial } Fl_Dial {} { label {Vel.Ofs.} tooltip {Velocity Offset} xywh {135 40 25 25} box ROUND_UP_BOX labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->init("Pveloffs");} class Fl_Osc_Dial } Fl_Dial {} { label {Vel.Sns.} tooltip {Velocity Sensing Function} xywh {95 40 25 25} box ROUND_UP_BOX labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->init("Pvelsns");} class Fl_Osc_Dial } Fl_Button {} { label Controllers callback {ctlwindow->show();} xywh {295 90 85 30} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } Fl_Check_Button {} { label Portamento tooltip {Enable/Disable the portamento} xywh {95 155 88 20} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 11 code0 {o->init("ctl/portamento.portamento");} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Button {} { label {Edit instrument} callback {instrumenteditwindow->show();} xywh {15 90 130 30} color 52 labelfont 1 labelsize 13 } Fl_Button {} { label m callback {o->oscWrite("captureMin"); o->oscWrite("Pminkey"); o->oscWrite("Pmaxkey");} tooltip {set the minimum key to the last pressed key} xywh {315 155 15 12} box THIN_UP_BOX labelsize 10 class Fl_Osc_Button } Fl_Button {} { label M callback {o->oscWrite("captureMax"); o->oscWrite("Pminkey"); o->oscWrite("Pmaxkey");} tooltip {set the maximum key to the last pressed key} xywh {345 155 15 12} box THIN_UP_BOX labelsize 10 class Fl_Osc_Button } Fl_Button {} { label R callback {o->oscWrite("Pminkey", "i", 0); o->oscWrite("Pmaxkey", "i", 127);} tooltip {reset the minimum key to 0 and maximum key to 127} xywh {330 155 15 12} box THIN_UP_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 10 class Fl_Osc_Button } Fl_Choice {} { label {MIDI Chn.Rcv.} tooltip {receive from Midi channel} xywh {310 45 70 20} down_box BORDER_BOX labelsize 10 align 5 textfont 1 textsize 10 code0 {char nrstr[10]; for(int i=0;iadd(nrstr); else o->add("Drms10");};} code1 {o->init("Prcvchn");} class Fl_Osc_Choice } {} Fl_Counter keylimitlist { label KLmt tooltip {Key Limit} xywh {215 155 50 20} labelsize 10 align 8 textfont 1 textsize 10 code0 {o->init("Pkeylimit",'i');} code1 {o->step(1.0,10.0);} code2 {o->range(0,127);} class Fl_Osc_Counter } Fl_Choice {} { label {Mode :} tooltip {Poly, Mono or Legato mode} xywh {80 130 64 18} down_box BORDER_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 11 textfont 1 textsize 10 code0 {o->add("Poly"); o->add("Mono"); o->add("Legato");} code1 {o->init("polyType");} class Fl_Osc_Choice } {} } Fl_Check_Button partenablebutton { label Enabled callback {if (o->value()==0) partgroupui->deactivate(); else partgroupui->activate();} xywh {90 5 75 20} down_box DOWN_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 11 code0 {o->init("Penabled");} class Fl_Osc_Check } } Fl_Window ctlwindow { label Controllers private xywh {777 376 500 135} type Double box NO_BOX class Fl_Osc_Window visible } { Fl_Box {} { xywh {0 0 0 0} code0 {ctlwindow->osc = osc;} code1 {ctlwindow->base = "/part"+to_s(npart)+"/ctl/";} } Fl_Check_Button {} { label Expr tooltip {Expression enable} xywh {155 58 45 20} box THIN_UP_BOX down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 10 code0 {o->init("expression.receive");} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Dial {} { label PanDpth tooltip {Panning Depth} xywh {10 55 30 30} labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->init("panning.depth");} class Fl_Osc_Dial } Fl_Dial {} { label FltCut tooltip {Filter Cutoff depth} xywh {90 55 30 30} labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->init("filtercutoff.depth");} class Fl_Osc_Dial } Fl_Dial {} { label FltQ tooltip {Filter Q depth} xywh {50 55 30 30} labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->init("filterq.depth");} class Fl_Osc_Dial } Fl_Dial {} { label BwDpth tooltip {BandWidth depth} xywh {125 10 30 30} labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->init("bandwidth.depth");} class Fl_Osc_Dial } Fl_Dial {} { label ModWh tooltip {Modulation Wheel depth} xywh {50 10 30 30} labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->init("modwheel.depth");} class Fl_Osc_Dial } Fl_Check_Button benddir { label Downward callback {if (o->value()) {bendrng->oscMove("pitchwheel.bendrange_down");} else {bendrng->oscMove("pitchwheel.bendrange");}} xywh {205 37 69 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 10 } Fl_Counter bendrng { label {PWheelB.Rng (cents)} tooltip {Pitch Wheel Bend Range (cents)} xywh {165 15 110 20} labelsize 10 align 1 minimum -6400 maximum 6400 step 1 code0 {o->init("pitchwheel.bendrange", 'i');} code1 {o->lstep(100);} class Fl_Osc_Counter } Fl_Check_Button bendsplt { label Split callback {if(o->value()) {benddir->activate();} else {benddir->deactivate(); benddir->value(0); benddir->do_callback();}} xywh {167 37 38 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 10 code0 {o->init("pitchwheel.is_split");} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Check_Button {} { label FMamp tooltip {FM amplitude enable} xywh {205 58 60 20} box THIN_UP_BOX down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 10 code0 {o->init("fmamp.receive");} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Check_Button {} { label Vol tooltip {Volume enable} xywh {155 83 45 20} box THIN_UP_BOX down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 10 code0 {o->init("volume.receive");} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Check_Button {} { label Sustain callback {//TODO /*if (ctl.sustain.receive==0) { ReleaseSustainedKeys(); ctl.setsustain(0); };*/} tooltip {Sustain pedal enable} xywh {205 83 60 20} box THIN_UP_BOX down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 10 code0 {o->init("sustain.receive");} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Button {} { label Close callback {ctlwindow->hide();} xywh {400 110 95 20} box THIN_UP_BOX } Fl_Button {} { label {Reset all controllers} callback {o->oscWrite("defaults");//part->SetController(C_resetallcontrollers,0);} xywh {5 110 210 20} box THIN_UP_BOX class Fl_Osc_Button } Fl_Group {} { label Portamento open xywh {280 15 160 90} box UP_FRAME labelsize 10 class Fl_Osc_Group } { Fl_Check_Button {} { label Rcv tooltip {Receive Portamento Controllers} xywh {285 20 40 20} box THIN_UP_BOX down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 10 code0 {o->init("portamento.receive");} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Dial {} { label time tooltip {Portamento time} xywh {285 60 25 25} labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->init("portamento.time");} class Fl_Osc_Dial } Fl_Counter {} { label thresh tooltip {Minimum or max. difference of the notes in order to do the portamento (x 100 cents)} xywh {340 20 50 20} type Simple labelsize 10 minimum 0 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->init("portamento.pitchthresh");} class Fl_Osc_Counter } Fl_Check_Button {} { label {th.type} tooltip {Threshold type (min/max)} xywh {365 70 15 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 10 align 2 code0 {o->init("portamento.pitchthreshtype");} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Box {} { label {x100 cnt.} xywh {340 50 55 15} labelsize 10 align 16 } Fl_Dial {} { label {t.dn/up} tooltip {Portamento time stretch (up/down)} xywh {315 60 25 25} labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->init("portamento.updowntimestretch");} class Fl_Osc_Dial } Fl_Dial propta { label {Prp.Rate} tooltip {Distance required to double change from nonpropotinal portamento time} xywh {405 20 25 25} labelsize 9 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->init("portamento.propRate");} class Fl_Osc_Dial } Fl_Dial proptb { label {Prp.Dpth} tooltip {The difference from nonproportinal portamento} xywh {405 60 25 25} labelsize 9 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->init("portamento.propDepth");} class Fl_Osc_Dial } Fl_Check_Button {} { label {Proprt.} callback {if(o->value()){propta->activate();proptb->activate();} else {propta->deactivate();proptb->deactivate();}} tooltip {Enable Proportinal Portamento (over fixed Portamento)} xywh {285 40 50 15} box THIN_UP_BOX down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 9 code0 {o->init("portamento.proportional");} class Fl_Osc_Check } } Fl_Group {} { label Resonance xywh {445 15 50 90} box UP_FRAME labelsize 10 class Fl_Osc_Group } { Fl_Dial {} { label BWdpth tooltip {BandWidth controller depth} xywh {455 60 25 25} labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->init("resonancebandwidth.depth");} class Fl_Osc_Dial } Fl_Dial {} { label CFdpth tooltip {Center Frequency controller Depth} xywh {455 20 25 25} labelsize 10 maximum 127 step 1 code0 {o->init("resonancecenter.depth");} class Fl_Osc_Dial } } Fl_Check_Button {} { label {Exp MWh} tooltip {Exponential modulation wheel} xywh {10 15 40 25} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 10 align 148 code0 {o->init("modwheel.exponential");} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Check_Button {} { label {Exp BW} tooltip {Exponential BandWidth Controller} xywh {85 15 35 25} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 10 align 148 code0 {o->init("bandwidth.exponential");} class Fl_Osc_Check } } Fl_Window partfx { label {Part's Insert Effects} private xywh {569 775 390 145} type Double box NO_BOX class Fl_Osc_Window visible } { Fl_Box {} { xywh {0 0 0 0} code0 {partfx->osc = osc;} code1 {partfx->base = part_path;} } Fl_Counter inseffnocounter { label {FX No.} callback {ninseff=(int) o->value()-1; insefftype->oscMove("partefx"+to_s(ninseff)+"/efftype"); inseffectuigroup->reext("partefx"+to_s(ninseff)+"/"); bypasseff->oscMove("Pefxbypass"+to_s(ninseff)); /*insefftype->value(part->partefx[ninseff]->geteffect());*/ //insefftype->do_callback(); inseffectui->refresh(); int x=127;/*part->Pefxroute[ninseff];*/ if (x==127) x=1; sendtochoice->value(x);} xywh {5 110 80 20} type Simple labelfont 1 align 6 minimum 1 maximum 127 step 1 textfont 1 code0 {o->bounds(1,NUM_PART_EFX);} code1 {o->value(ninseff+1);} } Fl_Choice insefftype { label EffType callback {inseffectui->efftype = o->value(); inseffectui->refresh();} xywh {155 110 70 15} down_box BORDER_BOX labelsize 10 align 6 code0 {o->init(("partefx"+to_s(ninseff)+"/efftype").c_str());} class Fl_Osc_Choice } { MenuItem {} { label {No Effect} xywh {35 35 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10 } MenuItem {} { label Reverb xywh {45 45 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10 } MenuItem {} { label Echo xywh {55 55 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10 } MenuItem {} { label Chorus xywh {65 65 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10 } MenuItem {} { label Phaser xywh {70 70 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10 } MenuItem {} { label AlienWah xywh {80 80 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10 } MenuItem {} { label Distortion xywh {90 90 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10 } MenuItem {} { label EQ xywh {100 100 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10 } MenuItem {} { label DynFilter xywh {110 110 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10 } } Fl_Group inseffectuigroup { xywh {5 5 380 100} box FLAT_BOX color 48 class Fl_Osc_Group } { Fl_Box {} { xywh {0 0 0 0} code0 {inseffectuigroup->ext = "partefx0/";} } Fl_Group inseffectui { xywh {5 5 380 95} code0 {o->init(true);} class EffUI } {} } Fl_Button {} { label Close callback {partfx->hide();} xywh {325 115 60 20} box THIN_UP_BOX } Fl_Choice sendtochoice { label {Send To.} callback {(void)o;/*int x=(int) o->value(); part->Pefxroute[ninseff]=x; if (x==2) part->partefx[ninseff]->setdryonly(true); else part->partefx[ninseff]->setdryonly(false);*/} xywh {235 110 80 15} down_box BORDER_BOX labelsize 10 align 6 code0 {/*int x=part->Pefxroute[ninseff]; if (x==127) x=1;*/} code1 {o->init(("Pefxroute"+to_s(ninseff)).c_str());} class Fl_Osc_Choice } { MenuItem {} { label {Next Effect} xywh {45 45 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10 } MenuItem {} { label {Part Out} xywh {55 55 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10 } MenuItem {} { label {Dry Out} xywh {65 65 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 10 } } Fl_Check_Button bypasseff { label bypass tooltip {if the effect is not used (is bypassed)} xywh {90 110 60 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 11 code0 {o->init("Pefxbypass"+to_s(ninseff));} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Button {} { label C callback {presetsui->copy(partfx->loc());} xywh {90 127 25 15} box THIN_UP_BOX color 179 labelfont 1 labelsize 11 labelcolor 55 } Fl_Button {} { label P callback {presetsui->paste(partfx->loc(),inseffectui);} xywh {120 127 25 15} box THIN_UP_BOX color 179 labelfont 1 labelsize 11 labelcolor 55 } } Fl_Window instrumentkitlist { label {Instrument Kit} xywh {601 611 670 370} type Double box NO_BOX class Fl_Osc_Window visible } { Fl_Box {} { xywh {0 0 0 0} code0 {instrumentkitlist->osc = osc;} code1 {instrumentkitlist->base = "/part"+to_s(npart)+"/";} } Fl_Button {} { label {Close Window} callback {instrumentkitlist->hide();} xywh {375 350 160 20} box THIN_UP_BOX } Fl_Scroll kitlist {open xywh {0 15 670 330} type VERTICAL box UP_FRAME } { Fl_Pack {} { xywh {0 20 670 320} code0 {for (int i=0;iinit(i,this);}} } {} } Fl_Box {} { label {No.} xywh {5 0 25 15} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 align 18 } Fl_Box {} { label {M.} xywh {55 0 25 15} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 align 18 } Fl_Box {} { label {Min.k} xywh {235 0 40 15} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 align 18 } Fl_Box {} { label {Max.k} xywh {345 0 40 15} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 align 18 } Fl_Box {} { label ADsynth xywh {405 0 50 15} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 align 18 } Fl_Box {} { label SUBsynth xywh {470 0 60 15} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 align 18 } Fl_Choice {} { label Mode callback {if (o->value()==0) { kitlist->deactivate(); } else { kitlist->activate(); };} xywh {35 350 70 15} down_box BORDER_BOX labelsize 11 textfont 1 textsize 11 code0 {o->init("Pkitmode");} class Fl_Osc_Choice } { MenuItem {} { label OFF xywh {0 0 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label MULTI xywh {10 10 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label SINGLE xywh {20 20 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } } Fl_Check_Button {} { label {Drum mode} xywh {285 350 70 15} down_box DOWN_BOX labelsize 10 code0 {o->init("Pdrummode");} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Box {} { label {FX.r.} xywh {620 0 30 15} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 align 18 } Fl_Box {} { label PADsynth xywh {540 0 60 15} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 align 18 } } Fl_Window instrumenteditwindow { label {Instrument Edit} open xywh {262 621 395 360} type Double box NO_BOX class Fl_Osc_Window visible } { Fl_Box {} { xywh {0 0 0 0} code0 {instrumenteditwindow->osc = osc;} code1 {instrumenteditwindow->base = "/part"+to_s(npart)+"/";} } Fl_Group editgroup { xywh {0 220 395 110} box UP_FRAME class Fl_Osc_Group } { Fl_Box {} { xywh {0 220 0 0} code0 {editgroup->ext = "kit0/";} } Fl_Group {} { label PADsynth xywh {205 245 100 80} box ENGRAVED_FRAME labelfont 1 } { Fl_Button padeditbutton { label Edit callback {showparameters(0,2);} xywh {215 280 80 35} color 51 selection_color 51 labelfont 1 labelsize 13 align 128 } Fl_Check_Button padsynenabledcheck { label Enabled callback {if (o->value()==0) padeditbutton->deactivate(); else padeditbutton->activate();} tooltip {enable/disable PADsynth} xywh {215 255 80 20} box UP_BOX down_box DOWN_BOX color 51 selection_color 0 labelfont 1 labelsize 11 code1 {o->init("Ppadenabled");} class Fl_Osc_Check } } Fl_Group {} { label ADsynth xywh {5 245 100 80} box ENGRAVED_FRAME labelfont 1 } { Fl_Check_Button adsynenabledcheck { label Enabled callback {if (o->value()==0) adeditbutton->deactivate(); else adeditbutton->activate();} tooltip {enable/disable ADsynth} xywh {15 255 80 20} box UP_BOX down_box DOWN_BOX color 51 selection_color 0 labelfont 1 labelsize 11 code1 {o->init("Padenabled");} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Button adeditbutton { label Edit callback {showparameters(0,0);} xywh {15 281 80 34} color 51 selection_color 51 labelfont 1 labelsize 13 align 128 } } Fl_Group {} { label SUBsynth xywh {105 245 100 80} box ENGRAVED_FRAME labelfont 1 } { Fl_Check_Button subsynenabledcheck { label Enabled callback {if (o->value()==0) subeditbutton->deactivate(); else subeditbutton->activate();} tooltip {enable/disable SUBsynth} xywh {115 255 80 20} box UP_BOX down_box DOWN_BOX color 51 selection_color 0 labelfont 1 labelsize 11 code1 {o->init("Psubenabled");} class Fl_Osc_Check } Fl_Button subeditbutton { label Edit callback {showparameters(0,1);} xywh {115 280 80 35} color 51 selection_color 51 labelfont 1 labelsize 13 align 128 } } Fl_Button {} { label {Kit Edit} callback {instrumentkitlist->show();} xywh {310 245 80 35} color 51 selection_color 51 labelfont 1 align 128 } Fl_Button {} { label Effects callback {partfx->show();} xywh {310 290 80 35} color 51 selection_color 51 labelfont 1 labelsize 13 } } Fl_Group {} { xywh {0 5 395 215} box UP_FRAME } { Fl_Input {} { label {Author and Copyright} xywh {5 60 385 50} type Multiline color 124 labelsize 10 align 5 code0 {o->maximum_size(MAX_INFO_TEXT_SIZE);} code1 {o->init("info.Pauthor");} class Fl_Osc_Input } Fl_Input {} { label Comments xywh {5 125 385 90} type Multiline color 124 labelsize 11 align 5 code0 {o->maximum_size(MAX_INFO_TEXT_SIZE);} code1 {o->init("info.Pcomments");} class Fl_Osc_Input } Fl_Choice {} { label {Type:} xywh {5 25 155 20} down_box BORDER_BOX labelfont 1 labelsize 11 align 5 textsize 10 code0 {o->init("info.Ptype");} class Fl_Osc_Choice } { MenuItem {} { label {--------------------------} xywh {20 20 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label Piano xywh {10 10 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label {Chromatic Percussion} xywh {20 20 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label Organ xywh {30 30 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label Guitar xywh {40 40 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label Bass xywh {50 50 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label {Solo Strings} xywh {60 60 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label Ensemble xywh {70 70 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label Brass xywh {80 80 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label Reed xywh {90 90 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label Pipe xywh {100 100 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label {Synth Lead} xywh {110 110 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label {Synth Pad} xywh {120 120 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label {Synth Effects} xywh {130 130 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label Ethnic xywh {140 140 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label Percussive xywh {150 150 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } MenuItem {} { label {Sound Effects} xywh {160 160 100 20} labelfont 1 labelsize 11 } } } Fl_Button {} { label Close callback {instrumenteditwindow->hide();} xywh {150 335 95 25} box THIN_UP_BOX } } } Function {PartUI(int x,int y, int w, int h, const char *label=0):Fl_Osc_Group(x,y,w,h,label)} {open } { code {adnoteui=NULL; subnoteui=NULL; padnoteui=NULL; lastkititem=-1;} {} } Function {init(std::string part_path_, int npart_,BankUI *bankui_, std::string loc_, Fl_Osc_Interface *osc_)} {open } { code {assert(osc_); assert(!loc_.empty()); bankui=bankui_; part_path = part_path_; base = part_path; npart=npart_; ninseff=0; osc=osc_; loc=loc_; make_window(); \#ifdef NTK_GUI adsynenabledcheck->selection_color(55); subsynenabledcheck->selection_color(55); padsynenabledcheck->selection_color(55); \#endif partgroup->position(this->parent()->x()+2,this->parent()->y()+2); partgroup->show(); end(); //if (config.ui.showinstrumentinfo!=0) instrumenteditwindow->show(); } {} } Function {showparameters(int kititem,int engine)} {open } { code { if (engine==-1){//this is used if I want to clear the engine from the part //if (kititem==lastkititem) kititem=-1; //else kititem=lastkititem; delete adnoteui; delete subnoteui; delete padnoteui; adnoteui=NULL;subnoteui=NULL;padnoteui=NULL; return; } if (kititem!=lastkititem){ delete adnoteui; delete subnoteui; delete padnoteui; adnoteui=NULL;subnoteui=NULL;padnoteui=NULL; lastkititem=kititem; if(kititem>=NUM_KIT_ITEMS) return;//bad kit item if(kititem<0) return; } if(!adnoteui && engine==0)//adsynenabledcheck->value()) adnoteui=new ADnoteUI(loc+"kit"+to_s(kititem)+"/adpars/", osc); if(!subnoteui && engine==1)//subsynenabledcheck->value()) subnoteui=new SUBnoteUI(osc, loc+"kit"+to_s(kititem)+"/subpars/"); if(!padnoteui && engine==2)//padsynenabledcheck->value()) padnoteui=new PADnoteUI(loc+"kit"+to_s(kititem)+"/padpars/", osc); if (engine==0&&adnoteui) adnoteui->ADnoteGlobalParameters->show(); if (engine==1&&subnoteui) subnoteui->SUBparameters->show(); if (engine==2&&padnoteui) padnoteui->padnotewindow->show();} {} } Function {~PartUI()} {} { code {delete adnoteui; delete subnoteui; delete padnoteui; partgroup->hide(); //delete(partgroup); ctlwindow->hide(); delete(ctlwindow); partfx->hide(); delete(partfx); instrumentkitlist->hide(); delete(instrumentkitlist); instrumenteditwindow->hide(); delete(instrumenteditwindow);} {} } decl {BankUI *bankui;} {private local } decl {ADnoteUI *adnoteui;} {private local } decl {SUBnoteUI *subnoteui;} {private local } decl {PADnoteUI *padnoteui;} {private local } decl {PartSysEffSend *psyef[NUM_SYS_EFX];} {private local } decl {int npart;} {private local } decl {int ninseff;} {private local } decl {int lastkititem;} {private local } decl {PartKitItem *partkititem[NUM_KIT_ITEMS];} {private local } decl {std::string part_path;} {private local } decl {std::string loc;} {private local } decl {Fl_Osc_Interface *osc;} {private local } Function {rebase(std::string new_loc)} {open } { code { loc = new_loc; partgroupui->rebase(new_loc); ctlwindow->rebase(new_loc+"ctl/"); partfx->rebase(new_loc); instrumentkitlist->rebase(new_loc); instrumenteditwindow->rebase(new_loc); partenablebutton->rebase(new_loc); } {selected } } }