/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE 6 technical preview. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited You may use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). For this technical preview, this file is not subject to commercial licensing. JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { class ContentSharer::ContentSharerNativeImpl : public ContentSharer::Pimpl, private Component { public: ContentSharerNativeImpl (ContentSharer& cs) : owner (cs) { static PopoverDelegateClass cls; popoverDelegate.reset ([cls.createInstance() init]); } ~ContentSharerNativeImpl() override { exitModalState (0); } void shareFiles (const Array& files) override { auto urls = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity: (NSUInteger) files.size()]; for (const auto& f : files) { NSString* nativeFilePath = nil; if (f.isLocalFile()) { nativeFilePath = juceStringToNS (f.getLocalFile().getFullPathName()); } else { auto filePath = f.toString (false); auto* fileDirectory = filePath.contains ("/") ? juceStringToNS (filePath.upToLastOccurrenceOf ("/", false, false)) : [NSString string]; auto fileName = juceStringToNS (filePath.fromLastOccurrenceOf ("/", false, false) .upToLastOccurrenceOf (".", false, false)); auto fileExt = juceStringToNS (filePath.fromLastOccurrenceOf (".", false, false)); if ([fileDirectory length] == NSUInteger (0)) nativeFilePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: fileName ofType: fileExt]; else nativeFilePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: fileName ofType: fileExt inDirectory: fileDirectory]; } if (nativeFilePath != nil) [urls addObject: [NSURL fileURLWithPath: nativeFilePath]]; } share (urls); } void shareText (const String& text) override { auto array = [NSArray arrayWithObject: juceStringToNS (text)]; share (array); } private: void share (NSArray* items) { if ([items count] == 0) { jassertfalse; owner.sharingFinished (false, "No valid items found for sharing."); return; } controller.reset ([[UIActivityViewController alloc] initWithActivityItems: items applicationActivities: nil]); controller.get().excludedActivityTypes = nil; controller.get().completionWithItemsHandler = ^ (UIActivityType type, BOOL completed, NSArray* returnedItems, NSError* error) { ignoreUnused (type); ignoreUnused (returnedItems); succeeded = completed; if (error != nil) errorDescription = nsStringToJuce ([error localizedDescription]); exitModalState (0); }; controller.get().modalTransitionStyle = UIModalTransitionStyleCoverVertical; auto bounds = Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getMainDisplay().userArea; setBounds (bounds); setAlwaysOnTop (true); addToDesktop (0); enterModalState (true, ModalCallbackFunction::create ([this] (int) { owner.sharingFinished (succeeded, errorDescription); }), false); } static bool isIPad() { return [UIDevice currentDevice].userInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad; } //============================================================================== void parentHierarchyChanged() override { auto* newPeer = dynamic_cast (getPeer()); if (peer != newPeer) { peer = newPeer; if (isIPad()) { controller.get().preferredContentSize = peer->view.frame.size; auto screenBounds = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds; auto* popoverController = controller.get().popoverPresentationController; popoverController.sourceView = peer->view; popoverController.sourceRect = CGRectMake (0.f, screenBounds.size.height - 10.f, screenBounds.size.width, 10.f); popoverController.canOverlapSourceViewRect = YES; popoverController.delegate = popoverDelegate.get(); } if (auto* parentController = peer->controller) [parentController showViewController: controller.get() sender: parentController]; } } //============================================================================== struct PopoverDelegateClass : public ObjCClass> { PopoverDelegateClass() : ObjCClass> ("PopoverDelegateClass_") { addMethod (@selector (popoverPresentationController:willRepositionPopoverToRect:inView:), willRepositionPopover, "v@:@@@"); registerClass(); } //============================================================================== static void willRepositionPopover (id, SEL, UIPopoverPresentationController*, CGRect* rect, UIView*) { auto screenBounds = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds; rect->origin.x = 0.f; rect->origin.y = screenBounds.size.height - 10.f; rect->size.width = screenBounds.size.width; rect->size.height = 10.f; } }; ContentSharer& owner; UIViewComponentPeer* peer = nullptr; std::unique_ptr controller; std::unique_ptr, NSObjectDeleter> popoverDelegate; bool succeeded = false; String errorDescription; }; //============================================================================== ContentSharer::Pimpl* ContentSharer::createPimpl() { return new ContentSharerNativeImpl (*this); } } // namespace juce