/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE 6 technical preview. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited You may use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). For this technical preview, this file is not subject to commercial licensing. JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { //============================================================================== class FileListTreeItem : public TreeViewItem, private TimeSliceClient, private AsyncUpdater, private ChangeListener { public: FileListTreeItem (FileTreeComponent& treeComp, DirectoryContentsList* parentContents, int indexInContents, const File& f, TimeSliceThread& t) : file (f), owner (treeComp), parentContentsList (parentContents), indexInContentsList (indexInContents), subContentsList (nullptr, false), thread (t) { DirectoryContentsList::FileInfo fileInfo; if (parentContents != nullptr && parentContents->getFileInfo (indexInContents, fileInfo)) { fileSize = File::descriptionOfSizeInBytes (fileInfo.fileSize); modTime = fileInfo.modificationTime.formatted ("%d %b '%y %H:%M"); isDirectory = fileInfo.isDirectory; } else { isDirectory = true; } } ~FileListTreeItem() override { thread.removeTimeSliceClient (this); clearSubItems(); removeSubContentsList(); } //============================================================================== bool mightContainSubItems() override { return isDirectory; } String getUniqueName() const override { return file.getFullPathName(); } int getItemHeight() const override { return owner.getItemHeight(); } var getDragSourceDescription() override { return owner.getDragAndDropDescription(); } void itemOpennessChanged (bool isNowOpen) override { if (isNowOpen) { clearSubItems(); isDirectory = file.isDirectory(); if (isDirectory) { if (subContentsList == nullptr) { jassert (parentContentsList != nullptr); auto l = new DirectoryContentsList (parentContentsList->getFilter(), thread); l->setDirectory (file, parentContentsList->isFindingDirectories(), parentContentsList->isFindingFiles()); setSubContentsList (l, true); } changeListenerCallback (nullptr); } } } void removeSubContentsList() { if (subContentsList != nullptr) { subContentsList->removeChangeListener (this); subContentsList.reset(); } } void setSubContentsList (DirectoryContentsList* newList, const bool canDeleteList) { removeSubContentsList(); subContentsList = OptionalScopedPointer (newList, canDeleteList); newList->addChangeListener (this); } bool selectFile (const File& target) { if (file == target) { setSelected (true, true); return true; } if (target.isAChildOf (file)) { setOpen (true); for (int maxRetries = 500; --maxRetries > 0;) { for (int i = 0; i < getNumSubItems(); ++i) if (auto* f = dynamic_cast (getSubItem (i))) if (f->selectFile (target)) return true; // if we've just opened and the contents are still loading, wait for it.. if (subContentsList != nullptr && subContentsList->isStillLoading()) { Thread::sleep (10); rebuildItemsFromContentList(); } else { break; } } } return false; } void changeListenerCallback (ChangeBroadcaster*) override { rebuildItemsFromContentList(); } void rebuildItemsFromContentList() { clearSubItems(); if (isOpen() && subContentsList != nullptr) { for (int i = 0; i < subContentsList->getNumFiles(); ++i) addSubItem (new FileListTreeItem (owner, subContentsList, i, subContentsList->getFile(i), thread)); } } void paintItem (Graphics& g, int width, int height) override { ScopedLock lock (iconUpdate); if (file != File()) { updateIcon (true); if (icon.isNull()) thread.addTimeSliceClient (this); } owner.getLookAndFeel().drawFileBrowserRow (g, width, height, file, file.getFileName(), &icon, fileSize, modTime, isDirectory, isSelected(), indexInContentsList, owner); } void itemClicked (const MouseEvent& e) override { owner.sendMouseClickMessage (file, e); } void itemDoubleClicked (const MouseEvent& e) override { TreeViewItem::itemDoubleClicked (e); owner.sendDoubleClickMessage (file); } void itemSelectionChanged (bool) override { owner.sendSelectionChangeMessage(); } int useTimeSlice() override { updateIcon (false); return -1; } void handleAsyncUpdate() override { owner.repaint(); } const File file; private: FileTreeComponent& owner; DirectoryContentsList* parentContentsList; int indexInContentsList; OptionalScopedPointer subContentsList; bool isDirectory; TimeSliceThread& thread; CriticalSection iconUpdate; Image icon; String fileSize, modTime; void updateIcon (const bool onlyUpdateIfCached) { if (icon.isNull()) { auto hashCode = (file.getFullPathName() + "_iconCacheSalt").hashCode(); auto im = ImageCache::getFromHashCode (hashCode); if (im.isNull() && ! onlyUpdateIfCached) { im = juce_createIconForFile (file); if (im.isValid()) ImageCache::addImageToCache (im, hashCode); } if (im.isValid()) { { ScopedLock lock (iconUpdate); icon = im; } triggerAsyncUpdate(); } } } JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (FileListTreeItem) }; //============================================================================== FileTreeComponent::FileTreeComponent (DirectoryContentsList& listToShow) : DirectoryContentsDisplayComponent (listToShow), itemHeight (22) { setRootItemVisible (false); refresh(); } FileTreeComponent::~FileTreeComponent() { deleteRootItem(); } void FileTreeComponent::refresh() { deleteRootItem(); auto root = new FileListTreeItem (*this, nullptr, 0, directoryContentsList.getDirectory(), directoryContentsList.getTimeSliceThread()); root->setSubContentsList (&directoryContentsList, false); setRootItem (root); } //============================================================================== File FileTreeComponent::getSelectedFile (const int index) const { if (auto* item = dynamic_cast (getSelectedItem (index))) return item->file; return {}; } void FileTreeComponent::deselectAllFiles() { clearSelectedItems(); } void FileTreeComponent::scrollToTop() { getViewport()->getVerticalScrollBar().setCurrentRangeStart (0); } void FileTreeComponent::setDragAndDropDescription (const String& description) { dragAndDropDescription = description; } void FileTreeComponent::setSelectedFile (const File& target) { if (auto* t = dynamic_cast (getRootItem())) if (! t->selectFile (target)) clearSelectedItems(); } void FileTreeComponent::setItemHeight (int newHeight) { if (itemHeight != newHeight) { itemHeight = newHeight; if (auto* root = getRootItem()) root->treeHasChanged(); } } } // namespace juce