/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2015 - ROLI Ltd. Permission is granted to use this software under the terms of either: a) the GPL v2 (or any later version) b) the Affero GPL v3 Details of these licenses can be found at: www.gnu.org/licenses JUCE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To release a closed-source product which uses JUCE, commercial licenses are available: visit www.juce.com for more information. ============================================================================== */ namespace { int getLength (const Array& atts) noexcept { return atts.size() != 0 ? atts.getReference (atts.size() - 1).range.getEnd() : 0; } void splitAttributeRanges (Array& atts, int position) { for (int i = atts.size(); --i >= 0;) { const AttributedString::Attribute& att = atts.getReference (i); const int offset = position - att.range.getStart(); if (offset >= 0) { if (offset > 0 && position < att.range.getEnd()) { atts.insert (i + 1, att); atts.getReference (i).range.setEnd (position); atts.getReference (i + 1).range.setStart (position); } break; } } } Range splitAttributeRanges (Array& atts, Range newRange) { newRange = newRange.getIntersectionWith (Range (0, getLength (atts))); if (! newRange.isEmpty()) { splitAttributeRanges (atts, newRange.getStart()); splitAttributeRanges (atts, newRange.getEnd()); } return newRange; } void mergeAdjacentRanges (Array& atts) { for (int i = atts.size() - 1; --i >= 0;) { AttributedString::Attribute& a1 = atts.getReference (i); AttributedString::Attribute& a2 = atts.getReference (i + 1); if (a1.colour == a2.colour && a1.font == a2.font) { a1.range.setEnd (a2.range.getEnd()); atts.remove (i + 1); if (i < atts.size() - 1) ++i; } } } void appendRange (Array& atts, int length, const Font* f, const Colour* c) { if (atts.size() == 0) { atts.add (AttributedString::Attribute (Range (0, length), f != nullptr ? *f : Font(), c != nullptr ? *c : Colour (0xff000000))); } else { const int start = getLength (atts); atts.add (AttributedString::Attribute (Range (start, start + length), f != nullptr ? *f : atts.getReference (atts.size() - 1).font, c != nullptr ? *c : atts.getReference (atts.size() - 1).colour)); mergeAdjacentRanges (atts); } } void applyFontAndColour (Array& atts, Range range, const Font* f, const Colour* c) { range = splitAttributeRanges (atts, range); for (int i = 0; i < atts.size(); ++i) { AttributedString::Attribute& att = atts.getReference (i); if (range.getStart() < att.range.getEnd()) { if (range.getEnd() <= att.range.getStart()) break; if (c != nullptr) att.colour = *c; if (f != nullptr) att.font = *f; } } mergeAdjacentRanges (atts); } void truncate (Array& atts, int newLength) { splitAttributeRanges (atts, newLength); for (int i = atts.size(); --i >= 0;) if (atts.getReference (i).range.getStart() >= newLength) atts.remove (i); } } //============================================================================== AttributedString::Attribute::Attribute() noexcept : colour (0xff000000) {} AttributedString::Attribute::~Attribute() noexcept {} #if JUCE_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_MOVE_SEMANTICS AttributedString::Attribute::Attribute (Attribute&& other) noexcept : range (other.range), font (static_cast (other.font)), colour (other.colour) { } AttributedString::Attribute& AttributedString::Attribute::operator= (Attribute&& other) noexcept { range = other.range; font = static_cast (other.font); colour = other.colour; return *this; } #endif AttributedString::Attribute::Attribute (const Attribute& other) noexcept : range (other.range), font (other.font), colour (other.colour) { } AttributedString::Attribute& AttributedString::Attribute::operator= (const Attribute& other) noexcept { range = other.range; font = other.font; colour = other.colour; return *this; } AttributedString::Attribute::Attribute (Range r, const Font& f, Colour c) noexcept : range (r), font (f), colour (c) { } //============================================================================== AttributedString::AttributedString() : lineSpacing (0.0f), justification (Justification::left), wordWrap (AttributedString::byWord), readingDirection (AttributedString::natural) { } AttributedString::AttributedString (const String& newString) : lineSpacing (0.0f), justification (Justification::left), wordWrap (AttributedString::byWord), readingDirection (AttributedString::natural) { setText (newString); } AttributedString::AttributedString (const AttributedString& other) : text (other.text), lineSpacing (other.lineSpacing), justification (other.justification), wordWrap (other.wordWrap), readingDirection (other.readingDirection), attributes (other.attributes) { } AttributedString& AttributedString::operator= (const AttributedString& other) { if (this != &other) { text = other.text; lineSpacing = other.lineSpacing; justification = other.justification; wordWrap = other.wordWrap; readingDirection = other.readingDirection; attributes = other.attributes; } return *this; } #if JUCE_COMPILER_SUPPORTS_MOVE_SEMANTICS AttributedString::AttributedString (AttributedString&& other) noexcept : text (static_cast (other.text)), lineSpacing (other.lineSpacing), justification (other.justification), wordWrap (other.wordWrap), readingDirection (other.readingDirection), attributes (static_cast&&> (other.attributes)) { } AttributedString& AttributedString::operator= (AttributedString&& other) noexcept { text = static_cast (other.text); lineSpacing = other.lineSpacing; justification = other.justification; wordWrap = other.wordWrap; readingDirection = other.readingDirection; attributes = static_cast&&> (other.attributes); return *this; } #endif AttributedString::~AttributedString() noexcept {} void AttributedString::setText (const String& newText) { const int newLength = newText.length(); const int oldLength = getLength (attributes); if (newLength > oldLength) appendRange (attributes, newLength - oldLength, nullptr, nullptr); else if (newLength < oldLength) truncate (attributes, newLength); text = newText; } void AttributedString::append (const String& textToAppend) { text += textToAppend; appendRange (attributes, textToAppend.length(), nullptr, nullptr); } void AttributedString::append (const String& textToAppend, const Font& font) { text += textToAppend; appendRange (attributes, textToAppend.length(), &font, nullptr); } void AttributedString::append (const String& textToAppend, Colour colour) { text += textToAppend; appendRange (attributes, textToAppend.length(), nullptr, &colour); } void AttributedString::append (const String& textToAppend, const Font& font, Colour colour) { text += textToAppend; appendRange (attributes, textToAppend.length(), &font, &colour); } void AttributedString::append (const AttributedString& other) { const int originalLength = getLength (attributes); const int originalNumAtts = attributes.size(); text += other.text; attributes.addArray (other.attributes); for (int i = originalNumAtts; i < attributes.size(); ++i) attributes.getReference (i).range += originalLength; mergeAdjacentRanges (attributes); } void AttributedString::clear() { text.clear(); attributes.clear(); } void AttributedString::setJustification (Justification newJustification) noexcept { justification = newJustification; } void AttributedString::setWordWrap (WordWrap newWordWrap) noexcept { wordWrap = newWordWrap; } void AttributedString::setReadingDirection (ReadingDirection newReadingDirection) noexcept { readingDirection = newReadingDirection; } void AttributedString::setLineSpacing (const float newLineSpacing) noexcept { lineSpacing = newLineSpacing; } void AttributedString::setColour (Range range, Colour colour) { applyFontAndColour (attributes, range, nullptr, &colour); } void AttributedString::setFont (Range range, const Font& font) { applyFontAndColour (attributes, range, &font, nullptr); } void AttributedString::setColour (Colour colour) { setColour (Range (0, getLength (attributes)), colour); } void AttributedString::setFont (const Font& font) { setFont (Range (0, getLength (attributes)), font); } void AttributedString::draw (Graphics& g, const Rectangle& area) const { if (text.isNotEmpty() && g.clipRegionIntersects (area.getSmallestIntegerContainer())) { jassert (text.length() == getLength (attributes)); if (! g.getInternalContext().drawTextLayout (*this, area)) { TextLayout layout; layout.createLayout (*this, area.getWidth()); layout.draw (g, area); } } }