/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2022 - Raw Material Software Limited JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. The code included in this file is provided under the terms of the ISC license http://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license. Permission To use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { //============================================================================== /** A very simple ADSR envelope class. To use it, call setSampleRate() with the current sample rate and give it some parameters with setParameters() then call getNextSample() to get the envelope value to be applied to each audio sample or applyEnvelopeToBuffer() to apply the envelope to a whole buffer. Do not change the parameters during playback. If you change the parameters before the release stage has completed then you must call reset() before the next call to noteOn(). @tags{Audio} */ class JUCE_API ADSR { public: //============================================================================== ADSR() { recalculateRates(); } //============================================================================== /** Holds the parameters being used by an ADSR object. @tags{Audio} */ struct JUCE_API Parameters { Parameters() = default; Parameters (float attackTimeSeconds, float decayTimeSeconds, float sustainLevel, float releaseTimeSeconds) : attack (attackTimeSeconds), decay (decayTimeSeconds), sustain (sustainLevel), release (releaseTimeSeconds) { } float attack = 0.1f, decay = 0.1f, sustain = 1.0f, release = 0.1f; }; /** Sets the parameters that will be used by an ADSR object. You must have called setSampleRate() with the correct sample rate before this otherwise the values may be incorrect! @see getParameters */ void setParameters (const Parameters& newParameters) { // need to call setSampleRate() first! jassert (sampleRate > 0.0); parameters = newParameters; recalculateRates(); } /** Returns the parameters currently being used by an ADSR object. @see setParameters */ const Parameters& getParameters() const noexcept { return parameters; } /** Returns true if the envelope is in its attack, decay, sustain or release stage. */ bool isActive() const noexcept { return state != State::idle; } //============================================================================== /** Sets the sample rate that will be used for the envelope. This must be called before the getNextSample() or setParameters() methods. */ void setSampleRate (double newSampleRate) noexcept { jassert (newSampleRate > 0.0); sampleRate = newSampleRate; } //============================================================================== /** Resets the envelope to an idle state. */ void reset() noexcept { envelopeVal = 0.0f; state = State::idle; } /** Starts the attack phase of the envelope. */ void noteOn() noexcept { if (attackRate > 0.0f) { state = State::attack; } else if (decayRate > 0.0f) { envelopeVal = 1.0f; state = State::decay; } else { envelopeVal = parameters.sustain; state = State::sustain; } } /** Starts the release phase of the envelope. */ void noteOff() noexcept { if (state != State::idle) { if (parameters.release > 0.0f) { releaseRate = (float) (envelopeVal / (parameters.release * sampleRate)); state = State::release; } else { reset(); } } } //============================================================================== /** Returns the next sample value for an ADSR object. @see applyEnvelopeToBuffer */ float getNextSample() noexcept { switch (state) { case State::idle: { return 0.0f; } case State::attack: { envelopeVal += attackRate; if (envelopeVal >= 1.0f) { envelopeVal = 1.0f; goToNextState(); } break; } case State::decay: { envelopeVal -= decayRate; if (envelopeVal <= parameters.sustain) { envelopeVal = parameters.sustain; goToNextState(); } break; } case State::sustain: { envelopeVal = parameters.sustain; break; } case State::release: { envelopeVal -= releaseRate; if (envelopeVal <= 0.0f) goToNextState(); break; } } return envelopeVal; } /** This method will conveniently apply the next numSamples number of envelope values to an AudioBuffer. @see getNextSample */ template void applyEnvelopeToBuffer (AudioBuffer& buffer, int startSample, int numSamples) { jassert (startSample + numSamples <= buffer.getNumSamples()); if (state == State::idle) { buffer.clear (startSample, numSamples); return; } if (state == State::sustain) { buffer.applyGain (startSample, numSamples, parameters.sustain); return; } auto numChannels = buffer.getNumChannels(); while (--numSamples >= 0) { auto env = getNextSample(); for (int i = 0; i < numChannels; ++i) buffer.getWritePointer (i)[startSample] *= env; ++startSample; } } private: //============================================================================== void recalculateRates() noexcept { auto getRate = [] (float distance, float timeInSeconds, double sr) { return timeInSeconds > 0.0f ? (float) (distance / (timeInSeconds * sr)) : -1.0f; }; attackRate = getRate (1.0f, parameters.attack, sampleRate); decayRate = getRate (1.0f - parameters.sustain, parameters.decay, sampleRate); releaseRate = getRate (parameters.sustain, parameters.release, sampleRate); if ((state == State::attack && attackRate <= 0.0f) || (state == State::decay && (decayRate <= 0.0f || envelopeVal <= parameters.sustain)) || (state == State::release && releaseRate <= 0.0f)) { goToNextState(); } } void goToNextState() noexcept { if (state == State::attack) { state = (decayRate > 0.0f ? State::decay : State::sustain); return; } if (state == State::decay) { state = State::sustain; return; } if (state == State::release) reset(); } //============================================================================== enum class State { idle, attack, decay, sustain, release }; State state = State::idle; Parameters parameters; double sampleRate = 44100.0; float envelopeVal = 0.0f, attackRate = 0.0f, decayRate = 0.0f, releaseRate = 0.0f; }; } // namespace juce