/* * Carla Native Plugins * Copyright (C) 2013 Filipe Coelho * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * For a full copy of the GNU General Public License see the doc/GPL.txt file. */ #ifndef MIDI_BASE_HPP_INCLUDED #define MIDI_BASE_HPP_INCLUDED #include "CarlaMIDI.h" #include "CarlaMutex.hpp" #include "LinkedList.hpp" #include "CarlaMathUtils.hpp" #define MAX_EVENT_DATA_SIZE 4 #define MIN_PREALLOCATED_EVENT_COUNT 100 #define MAX_PREALLOCATED_EVENT_COUNT 1000 struct RawMidiEvent { uint64_t time; uint8_t size; uint8_t data[MAX_EVENT_DATA_SIZE]; RawMidiEvent() : time(0), size(0) { carla_fill(data, 0, MAX_EVENT_DATA_SIZE); } }; class AbstractMidiPlayer { public: virtual ~AbstractMidiPlayer() {} virtual void writeMidiEvent(const uint64_t timePosFrame, const RawMidiEvent* const event) = 0; }; class MidiPattern { public: MidiPattern(AbstractMidiPlayer* const player) : kPlayer(player) //fStartTime(0), //fDuration(0) { CARLA_ASSERT(kPlayer != nullptr); } ~MidiPattern() { fData.clear(); } void addControl(const uint64_t time, const uint8_t channel, const uint8_t control, const uint8_t value) { RawMidiEvent* ctrlEvent(new RawMidiEvent()); ctrlEvent->time = time; ctrlEvent->size = 3; ctrlEvent->data[0] = uint8_t(MIDI_STATUS_CONTROL_CHANGE | (channel & 0x0F)); ctrlEvent->data[1] = control; ctrlEvent->data[2] = value; append(ctrlEvent); } void addChannelPressure(const uint64_t time, const uint8_t channel, const uint8_t pressure) { RawMidiEvent* pressureEvent(new RawMidiEvent()); pressureEvent->time = time; pressureEvent->size = 2; pressureEvent->data[0] = uint8_t(MIDI_STATUS_CHANNEL_PRESSURE | (channel & 0x0F)); pressureEvent->data[1] = pressure; append(pressureEvent); } void addNote(const uint64_t time, const uint8_t channel, const uint8_t pitch, const uint8_t velocity, const uint32_t duration) { addNoteOn(time, channel, pitch, velocity); addNoteOff(time+duration, channel, pitch, velocity); } void addNoteOn(const uint64_t time, const uint8_t channel, const uint8_t pitch, const uint8_t velocity) { RawMidiEvent* noteOnEvent(new RawMidiEvent()); noteOnEvent->time = time; noteOnEvent->size = 3; noteOnEvent->data[0] = uint8_t(MIDI_STATUS_NOTE_ON | (channel & 0x0F)); noteOnEvent->data[1] = pitch; noteOnEvent->data[2] = velocity; append(noteOnEvent); } void addNoteOff(const uint64_t time, const uint8_t channel, const uint8_t pitch, const uint8_t velocity = 0) { RawMidiEvent* noteOffEvent(new RawMidiEvent()); noteOffEvent->time = time; noteOffEvent->size = 3; noteOffEvent->data[0] = uint8_t(MIDI_STATUS_NOTE_OFF | (channel & 0x0F)); noteOffEvent->data[1] = pitch; noteOffEvent->data[2] = velocity; append(noteOffEvent); } void addNoteAftertouch(const uint64_t time, const uint8_t channel, const uint8_t pitch, const uint8_t pressure) { RawMidiEvent* noteAfterEvent(new RawMidiEvent()); noteAfterEvent->time = time; noteAfterEvent->size = 3; noteAfterEvent->data[0] = uint8_t(MIDI_STATUS_POLYPHONIC_AFTERTOUCH | (channel & 0x0F)); noteAfterEvent->data[1] = pitch; noteAfterEvent->data[2] = pressure; append(noteAfterEvent); } void addProgram(const uint64_t time, const uint8_t channel, const uint8_t bank, const uint8_t program) { RawMidiEvent* bankEvent(new RawMidiEvent()); bankEvent->time = time; bankEvent->size = 3; bankEvent->data[0] = uint8_t(MIDI_STATUS_CONTROL_CHANGE | (channel & 0x0F)); bankEvent->data[1] = MIDI_CONTROL_BANK_SELECT; bankEvent->data[2] = bank; RawMidiEvent* programEvent(new RawMidiEvent()); programEvent->time = time; programEvent->size = 2; programEvent->data[0] = uint8_t(MIDI_STATUS_PROGRAM_CHANGE | (channel & 0x0F)); programEvent->data[1] = program; append(bankEvent); append(programEvent); } void addPitchbend(const uint64_t time, const uint8_t channel, const uint8_t lsb, const uint8_t msb) { RawMidiEvent* pressureEvent(new RawMidiEvent()); pressureEvent->time = time; pressureEvent->size = 3; pressureEvent->data[0] = uint8_t(MIDI_STATUS_PITCH_WHEEL_CONTROL | (channel & 0x0F)); pressureEvent->data[1] = lsb; pressureEvent->data[2] = msb; append(pressureEvent); } void addRaw(const uint64_t time, const uint8_t* data, const uint8_t size) { RawMidiEvent* rawEvent(new RawMidiEvent()); rawEvent->time = time; rawEvent->size = size; carla_copy(rawEvent->data, data, size); append(rawEvent); } void play(uint64_t timePosFrame, uint32_t frames) { if (! fMutex.tryLock()) return; for (LinkedList::Itenerator it = fData.begin(); it.valid(); it.next()) { const RawMidiEvent* const rawMidiEvent(it.getValue()); if (timePosFrame > rawMidiEvent->time) continue; if (timePosFrame + frames <= rawMidiEvent->time) continue; kPlayer->writeMidiEvent(timePosFrame, rawMidiEvent); } fMutex.unlock(); } void clear() { const CarlaMutexLocker sl(fMutex); fData.clear(); } private: AbstractMidiPlayer* const kPlayer; //uint32_t fStartTime; // unused //uint32_t fDuration; // unused CarlaMutex fMutex; LinkedList fData; void append(const RawMidiEvent* const event) { if (fData.isEmpty()) { const CarlaMutexLocker sl(fMutex); fData.append(event); return; } for (LinkedList::Itenerator it = fData.begin(); it.valid(); it.next()) { const RawMidiEvent* const oldEvent(it.getValue()); if (event->time >= oldEvent->time) continue; const CarlaMutexLocker sl(fMutex); fData.insertAt(event, it); return; } const CarlaMutexLocker sl(fMutex); fData.append(event); } }; #endif // MIDI_BASE_HPP_INCLUDED