/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE 6 technical preview. Copyright (c) 2020 - Raw Material Software Limited You may use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). For this technical preview, this file is not subject to commercial licensing. JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { class AndroidViewComponent::Pimpl : public ComponentMovementWatcher { public: Pimpl (const LocalRef& v, Component& comp) : ComponentMovementWatcher (&comp), view (v), owner (comp) { if (owner.isShowing()) componentPeerChanged(); } ~Pimpl() override { removeFromParent(); } void componentMovedOrResized (bool /*wasMoved*/, bool /*wasResized*/) override { auto* topComp = owner.getTopLevelComponent(); if (topComp->getPeer() != nullptr) { auto pos = topComp->getLocalPoint (&owner, Point()); Rectangle r (pos.x, pos.y, owner.getWidth(), owner.getHeight()); r *= Desktop::getInstance().getDisplays().getMainDisplay().scale; getEnv()->CallVoidMethod (view, AndroidView.layout, r.getX(), r.getY(), r.getRight(), r.getBottom()); } } void componentPeerChanged() override { auto* peer = owner.getPeer(); if (currentPeer != peer) { removeFromParent(); currentPeer = peer; addToParent(); } enum { VISIBLE = 0, INVISIBLE = 4 }; getEnv()->CallVoidMethod (view, AndroidView.setVisibility, owner.isShowing() ? VISIBLE : INVISIBLE); } void componentVisibilityChanged() override { componentPeerChanged(); } void componentBroughtToFront (Component& comp) override { ComponentMovementWatcher::componentBroughtToFront (comp); } Rectangle getViewBounds() const { auto* env = getEnv(); int width = env->CallIntMethod (view, AndroidView.getWidth); int height = env->CallIntMethod (view, AndroidView.getHeight); return Rectangle (width, height); } GlobalRef view; private: void addToParent() { if (currentPeer != nullptr) { jobject peerView = (jobject) currentPeer->getNativeHandle(); // NB: Assuming a parent is always of ViewGroup type auto* env = getEnv(); env->CallVoidMethod (peerView, AndroidViewGroup.addView, view.get()); componentMovedOrResized (false, false); } } void removeFromParent() { auto* env = getEnv(); auto parentView = env->CallObjectMethod (view, AndroidView.getParent); if (parentView != nullptr) { // Assuming a parent is always of ViewGroup type env->CallVoidMethod (parentView, AndroidViewGroup.removeView, view.get()); } } Component& owner; ComponentPeer* currentPeer = nullptr; JUCE_DECLARE_NON_COPYABLE_WITH_LEAK_DETECTOR (Pimpl) }; //============================================================================== AndroidViewComponent::AndroidViewComponent() { } AndroidViewComponent::~AndroidViewComponent() {} void AndroidViewComponent::setView (void* view) { if (view != getView()) { pimpl.reset(); if (view != nullptr) { // explicitly create a new local ref here so that we don't // delete the users pointer auto* env = getEnv(); auto localref = LocalRef(env->NewLocalRef((jobject) view)); pimpl.reset (new Pimpl (localref, *this)); } } } void* AndroidViewComponent::getView() const { return pimpl == nullptr ? nullptr : (void*) pimpl->view; } void AndroidViewComponent::resizeToFitView() { if (pimpl != nullptr) setBounds (pimpl->getViewBounds()); } void AndroidViewComponent::paint (Graphics&) {} } // namespace juce