/* ============================================================================== This file is part of the JUCE library. Copyright (c) 2017 - ROLI Ltd. JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source licensing. By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 5 End-User License Agreement and JUCE 5 Privacy Policy (both updated and effective as of the 27th April 2017). End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-5-licence Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-5-privacy-policy Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see www.gnu.org/licenses). JUCE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, AND ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PURPOSE, ARE DISCLAIMED. ============================================================================== */ namespace juce { Desktop::Desktop() : mouseSources (new MouseInputSource::SourceList()), mouseClickCounter (0), mouseWheelCounter (0), kioskModeComponent (nullptr), kioskModeReentrant (false), allowedOrientations (allOrientations), masterScaleFactor ((float) getDefaultMasterScale()) { displays = new Displays (*this); } Desktop::~Desktop() { setScreenSaverEnabled (true); animator.cancelAllAnimations (false); jassert (instance == this); instance = nullptr; // doh! If you don't delete all your windows before exiting, you're going to // be leaking memory! jassert (desktopComponents.size() == 0); } Desktop& JUCE_CALLTYPE Desktop::getInstance() { if (instance == nullptr) instance = new Desktop(); return *instance; } Desktop* Desktop::instance = nullptr; //============================================================================== int Desktop::getNumComponents() const noexcept { return desktopComponents.size(); } Component* Desktop::getComponent (const int index) const noexcept { return desktopComponents [index]; } Component* Desktop::findComponentAt (Point screenPosition) const { ASSERT_MESSAGE_MANAGER_IS_LOCKED for (int i = desktopComponents.size(); --i >= 0;) { Component* const c = desktopComponents.getUnchecked(i); if (c->isVisible()) { const Point relative (c->getLocalPoint (nullptr, screenPosition)); if (c->contains (relative)) return c->getComponentAt (relative); } } return nullptr; } //============================================================================== LookAndFeel& Desktop::getDefaultLookAndFeel() noexcept { if (currentLookAndFeel == nullptr) { if (defaultLookAndFeel == nullptr) defaultLookAndFeel = new LookAndFeel_V4(); currentLookAndFeel = defaultLookAndFeel; } return *currentLookAndFeel; } void Desktop::setDefaultLookAndFeel (LookAndFeel* newDefaultLookAndFeel) { ASSERT_MESSAGE_MANAGER_IS_LOCKED currentLookAndFeel = newDefaultLookAndFeel; for (int i = getNumComponents(); --i >= 0;) if (Component* const c = getComponent (i)) c->sendLookAndFeelChange(); } //============================================================================== void Desktop::addDesktopComponent (Component* const c) { jassert (c != nullptr); jassert (! desktopComponents.contains (c)); desktopComponents.addIfNotAlreadyThere (c); } void Desktop::removeDesktopComponent (Component* const c) { desktopComponents.removeFirstMatchingValue (c); } void Desktop::componentBroughtToFront (Component* const c) { const int index = desktopComponents.indexOf (c); jassert (index >= 0); if (index >= 0) { int newIndex = -1; if (! c->isAlwaysOnTop()) { newIndex = desktopComponents.size(); while (newIndex > 0 && desktopComponents.getUnchecked (newIndex - 1)->isAlwaysOnTop()) --newIndex; --newIndex; } desktopComponents.move (index, newIndex); } } //============================================================================== Point Desktop::getMousePosition() { return getMousePositionFloat().roundToInt(); } Point Desktop::getMousePositionFloat() { return getInstance().getMainMouseSource().getScreenPosition(); } void Desktop::setMousePosition (Point newPosition) { getInstance().getMainMouseSource().setScreenPosition (newPosition.toFloat()); } Point Desktop::getLastMouseDownPosition() { return getInstance().getMainMouseSource().getLastMouseDownPosition().roundToInt(); } int Desktop::getMouseButtonClickCounter() const noexcept { return mouseClickCounter; } int Desktop::getMouseWheelMoveCounter() const noexcept { return mouseWheelCounter; } void Desktop::incrementMouseClickCounter() noexcept { ++mouseClickCounter; } void Desktop::incrementMouseWheelCounter() noexcept { ++mouseWheelCounter; } const Array& Desktop::getMouseSources() const noexcept { return mouseSources->sourceArray; } int Desktop::getNumMouseSources() const noexcept { return mouseSources->sources.size(); } int Desktop::getNumDraggingMouseSources() const noexcept { return mouseSources->getNumDraggingMouseSources(); } MouseInputSource* Desktop::getMouseSource (int index) const noexcept { return mouseSources->getMouseSource (index); } MouseInputSource* Desktop::getDraggingMouseSource (int index) const noexcept { return mouseSources->getDraggingMouseSource (index); } MouseInputSource Desktop::getMainMouseSource() const noexcept { return MouseInputSource (mouseSources->sources.getUnchecked(0)); } void Desktop::beginDragAutoRepeat (int interval) { mouseSources->beginDragAutoRepeat (interval); } //============================================================================== void Desktop::addFocusChangeListener (FocusChangeListener* const listener) { focusListeners.add (listener); } void Desktop::removeFocusChangeListener (FocusChangeListener* const listener) { focusListeners.remove (listener); } void Desktop::triggerFocusCallback() { triggerAsyncUpdate(); } void Desktop::handleAsyncUpdate() { // The component may be deleted during this operation, but we'll use a SafePointer rather than a // BailOutChecker so that any remaining listeners will still get a callback (with a null pointer). WeakReference currentFocus (Component::getCurrentlyFocusedComponent()); focusListeners.call (&FocusChangeListener::globalFocusChanged, currentFocus); } //============================================================================== void Desktop::resetTimer() { if (mouseListeners.size() == 0) stopTimer(); else startTimer (100); lastFakeMouseMove = getMousePositionFloat(); } ListenerList& Desktop::getMouseListeners() { resetTimer(); return mouseListeners; } void Desktop::addGlobalMouseListener (MouseListener* const listener) { ASSERT_MESSAGE_MANAGER_IS_LOCKED mouseListeners.add (listener); resetTimer(); } void Desktop::removeGlobalMouseListener (MouseListener* const listener) { ASSERT_MESSAGE_MANAGER_IS_LOCKED mouseListeners.remove (listener); resetTimer(); } void Desktop::timerCallback() { if (lastFakeMouseMove != getMousePositionFloat()) sendMouseMove(); } void Desktop::sendMouseMove() { if (! mouseListeners.isEmpty()) { startTimer (20); lastFakeMouseMove = getMousePositionFloat(); if (auto* target = findComponentAt (lastFakeMouseMove.roundToInt())) { Component::BailOutChecker checker (target); const Point pos (target->getLocalPoint (nullptr, lastFakeMouseMove)); const Time now (Time::getCurrentTime()); const MouseEvent me (getMainMouseSource(), pos, ModifierKeys::getCurrentModifiers(), MouseInputSource::invalidPressure, MouseInputSource::invalidOrientation, MouseInputSource::invalidRotation, MouseInputSource::invalidTiltX, MouseInputSource::invalidTiltY, target, target, now, pos, now, 0, false); if (me.mods.isAnyMouseButtonDown()) mouseListeners.callChecked (checker, &MouseListener::mouseDrag, me); else mouseListeners.callChecked (checker, &MouseListener::mouseMove, me); } } } //============================================================================== Desktop::Displays::Displays (Desktop& desktop) { init (desktop); } Desktop::Displays::~Displays() {} const Desktop::Displays::Display& Desktop::Displays::getMainDisplay() const noexcept { ASSERT_MESSAGE_MANAGER_IS_LOCKED jassert (displays.getReference(0).isMain); return displays.getReference(0); } const Desktop::Displays::Display& Desktop::Displays::getDisplayContaining (Point position) const noexcept { ASSERT_MESSAGE_MANAGER_IS_LOCKED const Display* best = &displays.getReference(0); double bestDistance = 1.0e10; for (int i = displays.size(); --i >= 0;) { const Display& d = displays.getReference(i); if (d.totalArea.contains (position)) { best = &d; break; } const double distance = d.totalArea.getCentre().getDistanceFrom (position); if (distance < bestDistance) { bestDistance = distance; best = &d; } } return *best; } RectangleList Desktop::Displays::getRectangleList (bool userAreasOnly) const { ASSERT_MESSAGE_MANAGER_IS_LOCKED RectangleList rl; for (int i = 0; i < displays.size(); ++i) { const Display& d = displays.getReference(i); rl.addWithoutMerging (userAreasOnly ? d.userArea : d.totalArea); } return rl; } Rectangle Desktop::Displays::getTotalBounds (bool userAreasOnly) const { return getRectangleList (userAreasOnly).getBounds(); } bool operator== (const Desktop::Displays::Display& d1, const Desktop::Displays::Display& d2) noexcept; bool operator== (const Desktop::Displays::Display& d1, const Desktop::Displays::Display& d2) noexcept { return d1.userArea == d2.userArea && d1.totalArea == d2.totalArea && d1.scale == d2.scale && d1.isMain == d2.isMain; } bool operator!= (const Desktop::Displays::Display& d1, const Desktop::Displays::Display& d2) noexcept; bool operator!= (const Desktop::Displays::Display& d1, const Desktop::Displays::Display& d2) noexcept { return ! (d1 == d2); } void Desktop::Displays::init (Desktop& desktop) { findDisplays (desktop.getGlobalScaleFactor()); } void Desktop::Displays::refresh() { Array oldDisplays; oldDisplays.swapWith (displays); init (Desktop::getInstance()); if (oldDisplays != displays) { for (int i = ComponentPeer::getNumPeers(); --i >= 0;) if (ComponentPeer* const peer = ComponentPeer::getPeer (i)) peer->handleScreenSizeChange(); } } //============================================================================== void Desktop::setKioskModeComponent (Component* componentToUse, const bool allowMenusAndBars) { if (kioskModeReentrant) return; const ScopedValueSetter setter (kioskModeReentrant, true, false); if (kioskModeComponent != componentToUse) { // agh! Don't delete or remove a component from the desktop while it's still the kiosk component! jassert (kioskModeComponent == nullptr || ComponentPeer::getPeerFor (kioskModeComponent) != nullptr); if (Component* const oldKioskComp = kioskModeComponent) { kioskModeComponent = nullptr; // (to make sure that isKioskMode() returns false when resizing the old one) setKioskComponent (oldKioskComp, false, allowMenusAndBars); oldKioskComp->setBounds (kioskComponentOriginalBounds); } kioskModeComponent = componentToUse; if (kioskModeComponent != nullptr) { // Only components that are already on the desktop can be put into kiosk mode! jassert (ComponentPeer::getPeerFor (kioskModeComponent) != nullptr); kioskComponentOriginalBounds = kioskModeComponent->getBounds(); setKioskComponent (kioskModeComponent, true, allowMenusAndBars); } } } //============================================================================== void Desktop::setOrientationsEnabled (const int newOrientations) { if (allowedOrientations != newOrientations) { // Dodgy set of flags being passed here! Make sure you specify at least one permitted orientation. jassert (newOrientations != 0 && (newOrientations & ~allOrientations) == 0); allowedOrientations = newOrientations; allowedOrientationsChanged(); } } int Desktop::getOrientationsEnabled() const noexcept { return allowedOrientations; } bool Desktop::isOrientationEnabled (const DisplayOrientation orientation) const noexcept { // Make sure you only pass one valid flag in here... jassert (orientation == upright || orientation == upsideDown || orientation == rotatedClockwise || orientation == rotatedAntiClockwise); return (allowedOrientations & orientation) != 0; } void Desktop::setGlobalScaleFactor (float newScaleFactor) noexcept { ASSERT_MESSAGE_MANAGER_IS_LOCKED if (masterScaleFactor != newScaleFactor) { masterScaleFactor = newScaleFactor; displays->refresh(); } } } // namespace juce