- /*
- ==============================================================================
- This file is part of the JUCE library.
- Copyright (c) 2022 - Raw Material Software Limited
- JUCE is an open source library subject to commercial or open-source
- licensing.
- By using JUCE, you agree to the terms of both the JUCE 7 End-User License
- Agreement and JUCE Privacy Policy.
- End User License Agreement: www.juce.com/juce-7-licence
- Privacy Policy: www.juce.com/juce-privacy-policy
- Or: You may also use this code under the terms of the GPL v3 (see
- www.gnu.org/licenses).
- ==============================================================================
- */
- namespace juce
- {
- static constexpr float referenceFontSize = 1024.0f;
- static CTFontRef getCTFontFromTypeface (const Font&);
- namespace CoreTextTypeLayout
- {
- static String findBestAvailableStyle (const Font& font, CGAffineTransform& requiredTransform)
- {
- auto availableStyles = Font::findAllTypefaceStyles (font.getTypefaceName());
- auto style = font.getTypefaceStyle();
- if (! availableStyles.contains (style))
- {
- if (font.isItalic()) // Fake-up an italic font if there isn't a real one.
- requiredTransform = CGAffineTransformMake (1.0f, 0, 0.1f, 1.0f, 0, 0);
- return availableStyles[0];
- }
- return style;
- }
- static float getFontTotalHeight (CTFontRef font)
- {
- return std::abs ((float) CTFontGetAscent (font))
- + std::abs ((float) CTFontGetDescent (font));
- }
- static float getHeightToPointsFactor (CTFontRef font)
- {
- return referenceFontSize / getFontTotalHeight (font);
- }
- static CFUniquePtr<CTFontRef> getFontWithPointSize (CTFontRef font, float pointSize)
- {
- return CFUniquePtr<CTFontRef> (CTFontCreateCopyWithAttributes (font, pointSize, nullptr, nullptr));
- }
- static CFUniquePtr<CTFontRef> createCTFont (const Font& font, const float fontSizePoints, CGAffineTransform& transformRequired)
- {
- CFUniquePtr<CFStringRef> cfFontFamily (FontStyleHelpers::getConcreteFamilyName (font).toCFString());
- CFUniquePtr<CFStringRef> cfFontStyle (findBestAvailableStyle (font, transformRequired).toCFString());
- CFStringRef keys[] = { kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute, kCTFontStyleNameAttribute };
- CFTypeRef values[] = { cfFontFamily.get(), cfFontStyle.get() };
- CFUniquePtr<CFDictionaryRef> fontDescAttributes (CFDictionaryCreate (nullptr,
- (const void**) &keys,
- (const void**) &values,
- numElementsInArray (keys),
- &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
- &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks));
- CFUniquePtr<CTFontDescriptorRef> ctFontDescRef (CTFontDescriptorCreateWithAttributes (fontDescAttributes.get()));
- return CFUniquePtr<CTFontRef> (CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor (ctFontDescRef.get(), fontSizePoints, nullptr));
- }
- //==============================================================================
- struct Advances
- {
- Advances (CTRunRef run, CFIndex numGlyphs) : advances (CTRunGetAdvancesPtr (run))
- {
- if (advances == nullptr)
- {
- local.malloc (numGlyphs);
- CTRunGetAdvances (run, CFRangeMake (0, 0), local);
- advances = local;
- }
- }
- const CGSize* advances;
- HeapBlock<CGSize> local;
- };
- struct Glyphs
- {
- Glyphs (CTRunRef run, size_t numGlyphs) : glyphs (CTRunGetGlyphsPtr (run))
- {
- if (glyphs == nullptr)
- {
- local.malloc (numGlyphs);
- CTRunGetGlyphs (run, CFRangeMake (0, 0), local);
- glyphs = local;
- }
- }
- const CGGlyph* glyphs;
- HeapBlock<CGGlyph> local;
- };
- struct Positions
- {
- Positions (CTRunRef run, size_t numGlyphs) : points (CTRunGetPositionsPtr (run))
- {
- if (points == nullptr)
- {
- local.malloc (numGlyphs);
- CTRunGetPositions (run, CFRangeMake (0, 0), local);
- points = local;
- }
- }
- const CGPoint* points;
- HeapBlock<CGPoint> local;
- };
- struct LineInfo
- {
- LineInfo (CTFrameRef frame, CTLineRef line, CFIndex lineIndex)
- {
- CTFrameGetLineOrigins (frame, CFRangeMake (lineIndex, 1), &origin);
- CTLineGetTypographicBounds (line, &ascent, &descent, &leading);
- }
- CGPoint origin;
- CGFloat ascent, descent, leading;
- };
- static CFUniquePtr<CTFontRef> getOrCreateFont (const Font& f)
- {
- if (auto ctf = getCTFontFromTypeface (f))
- {
- CFRetain (ctf);
- return CFUniquePtr<CTFontRef> (ctf);
- }
- CGAffineTransform transform;
- return createCTFont (f, referenceFontSize, transform);
- }
- //==============================================================================
- static CTTextAlignment getTextAlignment (const AttributedString& text)
- {
- const auto flags = text.getJustification().getOnlyHorizontalFlags();
- if (@available (macOS 10.8, *))
- {
- switch (flags)
- {
- case Justification::right: return kCTTextAlignmentRight;
- case Justification::horizontallyCentred: return kCTTextAlignmentCenter;
- case Justification::horizontallyJustified: return kCTTextAlignmentJustified;
- default: return kCTTextAlignmentLeft;
- }
- }
- JUCE_BEGIN_IGNORE_WARNINGS_GCC_LIKE ("-Wdeprecated-declarations")
- switch (flags)
- {
- case Justification::right: return kCTRightTextAlignment;
- case Justification::horizontallyCentred: return kCTCenterTextAlignment;
- case Justification::horizontallyJustified: return kCTJustifiedTextAlignment;
- default: return kCTLeftTextAlignment;
- }
- }
- static CTLineBreakMode getLineBreakMode (const AttributedString& text)
- {
- switch (text.getWordWrap())
- {
- case AttributedString::none: return kCTLineBreakByClipping;
- case AttributedString::byChar: return kCTLineBreakByCharWrapping;
- case AttributedString::byWord:
- default: return kCTLineBreakByWordWrapping;
- }
- }
- static CTWritingDirection getWritingDirection (const AttributedString& text)
- {
- switch (text.getReadingDirection())
- {
- case AttributedString::rightToLeft: return kCTWritingDirectionRightToLeft;
- case AttributedString::leftToRight: return kCTWritingDirectionLeftToRight;
- case AttributedString::natural:
- default: return kCTWritingDirectionNatural;
- }
- }
- //==============================================================================
- // A flatmap that properly retains/releases font refs
- class FontMap
- {
- public:
- void emplace (CTFontRef ctFontRef, Font value)
- {
- pairs.emplace (std::lower_bound (pairs.begin(), pairs.end(), ctFontRef), ctFontRef, std::move (value));
- }
- const Font* find (CTFontRef ctFontRef) const
- {
- const auto iter = std::lower_bound (pairs.begin(), pairs.end(), ctFontRef);
- if (iter == pairs.end())
- return nullptr;
- if (iter->key.get() != ctFontRef)
- return nullptr;
- return &iter->value;
- }
- private:
- struct Pair
- {
- Pair (CTFontRef ref, Font font) : key (ref), value (std::move (font)) { CFRetain (ref); }
- bool operator< (CTFontRef other) const { return key.get() < other; }
- CFUniquePtr<CTFontRef> key;
- Font value;
- };
- std::vector<Pair> pairs;
- };
- struct AttributedStringAndFontMap
- {
- CFUniquePtr<CFAttributedStringRef> string;
- FontMap fontMap;
- };
- static AttributedStringAndFontMap createCFAttributedString (const AttributedString& text)
- {
- FontMap fontMap;
- const detail::ColorSpacePtr rgbColourSpace { CGColorSpaceCreateWithName (kCGColorSpaceSRGB) };
- auto attribString = CFAttributedStringCreateMutable (kCFAllocatorDefault, 0);
- CFUniquePtr<CFStringRef> cfText (text.getText().toCFString());
- CFAttributedStringReplaceString (attribString, CFRangeMake (0, 0), cfText.get());
- const auto numCharacterAttributes = text.getNumAttributes();
- const auto attribStringLen = CFAttributedStringGetLength (attribString);
- const auto beginPtr = text.getText().toUTF16();
- auto currentPosition = beginPtr;
- for (int i = 0; i < numCharacterAttributes; currentPosition += text.getAttribute (i).range.getLength(), ++i)
- {
- const auto& attr = text.getAttribute (i);
- const auto wordBegin = currentPosition.getAddress() - beginPtr.getAddress();
- if (attribStringLen <= wordBegin)
- continue;
- const auto wordEndAddress = (currentPosition + attr.range.getLength()).getAddress();
- const auto wordEnd = jmin (attribStringLen, (CFIndex) (wordEndAddress - beginPtr.getAddress()));
- const auto range = CFRangeMake (wordBegin, wordEnd - wordBegin);
- if (auto ctFontRef = getOrCreateFont (attr.font))
- {
- ctFontRef = getFontWithPointSize (ctFontRef.get(), attr.font.getHeight() * getHeightToPointsFactor (ctFontRef.get()));
- fontMap.emplace (ctFontRef.get(), attr.font);
- CFAttributedStringSetAttribute (attribString, range, kCTFontAttributeName, ctFontRef.get());
- if (attr.font.isUnderlined())
- {
- auto underline = kCTUnderlineStyleSingle;
- CFUniquePtr<CFNumberRef> numberRef (CFNumberCreate (nullptr, kCFNumberIntType, &underline));
- CFAttributedStringSetAttribute (attribString, range, kCTUnderlineStyleAttributeName, numberRef.get());
- }
- auto extraKerning = attr.font.getExtraKerningFactor();
- if (extraKerning != 0)
- {
- extraKerning *= attr.font.getHeight();
- CFUniquePtr<CFNumberRef> numberRef (CFNumberCreate (nullptr, kCFNumberFloatType, &extraKerning));
- CFAttributedStringSetAttribute (attribString, range, kCTKernAttributeName, numberRef.get());
- }
- }
- {
- auto col = attr.colour;
- const CGFloat components[] = { col.getFloatRed(),
- col.getFloatGreen(),
- col.getFloatBlue(),
- col.getFloatAlpha() };
- auto colour = CGColorCreate (rgbColourSpace.get(), components);
- CFAttributedStringSetAttribute (attribString, range, kCTForegroundColorAttributeName, colour);
- CGColorRelease (colour);
- }
- }
- // Paragraph Attributes
- auto ctTextAlignment = getTextAlignment (text);
- auto ctLineBreakMode = getLineBreakMode (text);
- auto ctWritingDirection = getWritingDirection (text);
- CGFloat ctLineSpacing = text.getLineSpacing();
- CTParagraphStyleSetting settings[] =
- {
- { kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierAlignment, sizeof (CTTextAlignment), &ctTextAlignment },
- { kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierLineBreakMode, sizeof (CTLineBreakMode), &ctLineBreakMode },
- { kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierBaseWritingDirection, sizeof (CTWritingDirection), &ctWritingDirection},
- { kCTParagraphStyleSpecifierLineSpacingAdjustment, sizeof (CGFloat), &ctLineSpacing }
- };
- CFUniquePtr<CTParagraphStyleRef> ctParagraphStyleRef (CTParagraphStyleCreate (settings, (size_t) numElementsInArray (settings)));
- CFAttributedStringSetAttribute (attribString, CFRangeMake (0, CFAttributedStringGetLength (attribString)),
- kCTParagraphStyleAttributeName, ctParagraphStyleRef.get());
- return { CFUniquePtr<CFAttributedStringRef> (attribString), std::move (fontMap) };
- }
- struct FramesetterAndFontMap
- {
- CFUniquePtr<CTFramesetterRef> framesetter;
- FontMap fontMap;
- };
- static FramesetterAndFontMap createCTFramesetter (const AttributedString& text)
- {
- auto attribStringAndMap = createCFAttributedString (text);
- return { CFUniquePtr<CTFramesetterRef> (CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString (attribStringAndMap.string.get())),
- std::move (attribStringAndMap.fontMap) };
- }
- static CFUniquePtr<CTFrameRef> createCTFrame (CTFramesetterRef framesetter, CGRect bounds)
- {
- auto path = CGPathCreateMutable();
- CGPathAddRect (path, nullptr, bounds);
- CFUniquePtr<CTFrameRef> frame (CTFramesetterCreateFrame (framesetter, CFRangeMake (0, 0), path, nullptr));
- CGPathRelease (path);
- return frame;
- }
- struct FrameAndFontMap
- {
- CFUniquePtr<CTFrameRef> frame;
- FontMap fontMap;
- };
- static FrameAndFontMap createCTFrame (const AttributedString& text, CGRect bounds)
- {
- auto framesetterAndMap = createCTFramesetter (text);
- return { createCTFrame (framesetterAndMap.framesetter.get(), bounds),
- std::move (framesetterAndMap.fontMap) };
- }
- static Range<float> getLineVerticalRange (CTFrameRef frame, CFArrayRef lines, int lineIndex)
- {
- LineInfo info (frame, (CTLineRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (lines, lineIndex), lineIndex);
- return { (float) (info.origin.y - info.descent),
- (float) (info.origin.y + info.ascent) };
- }
- static float findCTFrameHeight (CTFrameRef frame)
- {
- auto lines = CTFrameGetLines (frame);
- auto numLines = CFArrayGetCount (lines);
- if (numLines == 0)
- return 0;
- auto range = getLineVerticalRange (frame, lines, 0);
- if (numLines > 1)
- range = range.getUnionWith (getLineVerticalRange (frame, lines, (int) numLines - 1));
- return range.getLength();
- }
- static bool areAllFontsDefaultWidth (const AttributedString& text)
- {
- auto numCharacterAttributes = text.getNumAttributes();
- for (int i = 0; i < numCharacterAttributes; ++i)
- if (text.getAttribute (i).font.getHorizontalScale() != 1.0f)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- static bool drawToCGContext (const AttributedString& text, const Rectangle<float>& area,
- const CGContextRef& context, float flipHeight)
- {
- if (! areAllFontsDefaultWidth (text))
- return false;
- auto framesetter = createCTFramesetter (text).framesetter;
- // Ugly hack to fix a bug in OS X Sierra where the CTFrame needs to be slightly
- // larger than the font height - otherwise the CTFrame will be invalid
- CFRange fitrange;
- auto suggestedSingleLineFrameSize =
- CTFramesetterSuggestFrameSizeWithConstraints (framesetter.get(), CFRangeMake (0, 0), nullptr,
- CGSizeMake (CGFLOAT_MAX, CGFLOAT_MAX), &fitrange);
- auto minCTFrameHeight = (float) suggestedSingleLineFrameSize.height;
- auto verticalJustification = text.getJustification().getOnlyVerticalFlags();
- auto ctFrameArea = [area, minCTFrameHeight, verticalJustification]
- {
- if (minCTFrameHeight < area.getHeight())
- return area;
- if (verticalJustification == Justification::verticallyCentred)
- return area.withSizeKeepingCentre (area.getWidth(), minCTFrameHeight);
- auto frameArea = area.withHeight (minCTFrameHeight);
- if (verticalJustification == Justification::bottom)
- return frameArea.withBottomY (area.getBottom());
- return frameArea;
- }();
- auto frame = createCTFrame (framesetter.get(), CGRectMake ((CGFloat) ctFrameArea.getX(), flipHeight - (CGFloat) ctFrameArea.getBottom(),
- (CGFloat) ctFrameArea.getWidth(), (CGFloat) ctFrameArea.getHeight()));
- auto textMatrix = CGContextGetTextMatrix (context);
- CGContextSaveGState (context);
- if (verticalJustification == Justification::verticallyCentred
- || verticalJustification == Justification::bottom)
- {
- auto adjust = ctFrameArea.getHeight() - findCTFrameHeight (frame.get());
- if (verticalJustification == Justification::verticallyCentred)
- adjust *= 0.5f;
- CGContextTranslateCTM (context, 0, -adjust);
- }
- CTFrameDraw (frame.get(), context);
- CGContextRestoreGState (context);
- CGContextSetTextMatrix (context, textMatrix);
- return true;
- }
- static void createLayout (TextLayout& glyphLayout, const AttributedString& text)
- {
- auto boundsHeight = glyphLayout.getHeight();
- auto frameAndMap = createCTFrame (text, CGRectMake (0, 0, glyphLayout.getWidth(), boundsHeight));
- auto lines = CTFrameGetLines (frameAndMap.frame.get());
- auto numLines = CFArrayGetCount (lines);
- glyphLayout.ensureStorageAllocated ((int) numLines);
- for (CFIndex i = 0; i < numLines; ++i)
- {
- auto line = (CTLineRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (lines, i);
- auto runs = CTLineGetGlyphRuns (line);
- auto numRuns = CFArrayGetCount (runs);
- auto cfrlineStringRange = CTLineGetStringRange (line);
- auto lineStringEnd = cfrlineStringRange.location + cfrlineStringRange.length;
- Range<int> lineStringRange ((int) cfrlineStringRange.location, (int) lineStringEnd);
- LineInfo lineInfo (frameAndMap.frame.get(), line, i);
- auto glyphLine = std::make_unique<TextLayout::Line> (lineStringRange,
- Point<float> ((float) lineInfo.origin.x,
- (float) (boundsHeight - lineInfo.origin.y)),
- (float) lineInfo.ascent,
- (float) lineInfo.descent,
- (float) lineInfo.leading,
- (int) numRuns);
- for (CFIndex j = 0; j < numRuns; ++j)
- {
- auto run = (CTRunRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (runs, j);
- auto numGlyphs = CTRunGetGlyphCount (run);
- auto runStringRange = CTRunGetStringRange (run);
- auto glyphRun = new TextLayout::Run (Range<int> ((int) runStringRange.location,
- (int) (runStringRange.location + runStringRange.length - 1)),
- (int) numGlyphs);
- glyphLine->runs.add (glyphRun);
- CFDictionaryRef runAttributes = CTRunGetAttributes (run);
- CTFontRef ctRunFont;
- if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent (runAttributes, kCTFontAttributeName, (const void**) &ctRunFont))
- {
- glyphRun->font = [&]
- {
- if (auto* it = frameAndMap.fontMap.find (ctRunFont))
- return *it;
- CFUniquePtr<CFStringRef> cfsFontName (CTFontCopyPostScriptName (ctRunFont));
- CFUniquePtr<CTFontRef> ctFontRef (CTFontCreateWithName (cfsFontName.get(), referenceFontSize, nullptr));
- auto fontHeightToPointsFactor = getHeightToPointsFactor (ctFontRef.get());
- CFUniquePtr<CFStringRef> cfsFontFamily ((CFStringRef) CTFontCopyAttribute (ctRunFont, kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute));
- CFUniquePtr<CFStringRef> cfsFontStyle ((CFStringRef) CTFontCopyAttribute (ctRunFont, kCTFontStyleNameAttribute));
- Font result (String::fromCFString (cfsFontFamily.get()),
- String::fromCFString (cfsFontStyle.get()),
- (float) (CTFontGetSize (ctRunFont) / fontHeightToPointsFactor));
- auto isUnderlined = [&]
- {
- CFNumberRef underlineStyle;
- if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent (runAttributes, kCTUnderlineStyleAttributeName, (const void**) &underlineStyle))
- {
- if (CFGetTypeID (underlineStyle) == CFNumberGetTypeID())
- {
- int value = 0;
- CFNumberGetValue (underlineStyle, kCFNumberLongType, (void*) &value);
- return value != 0;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }();
- result.setUnderline (isUnderlined);
- return result;
- }();
- }
- CGColorRef cgRunColor;
- if (CFDictionaryGetValueIfPresent (runAttributes, kCTForegroundColorAttributeName, (const void**) &cgRunColor)
- && CGColorGetNumberOfComponents (cgRunColor) == 4)
- {
- auto* components = CGColorGetComponents (cgRunColor);
- glyphRun->colour = Colour::fromFloatRGBA ((float) components[0],
- (float) components[1],
- (float) components[2],
- (float) components[3]);
- }
- const Glyphs glyphs (run, (size_t) numGlyphs);
- const Advances advances (run, numGlyphs);
- const Positions positions (run, (size_t) numGlyphs);
- for (CFIndex k = 0; k < numGlyphs; ++k)
- glyphRun->glyphs.add (TextLayout::Glyph (glyphs.glyphs[k],
- convertToPointFloat (positions.points[k]),
- (float) advances.advances[k].width));
- }
- glyphLayout.addLine (std::move (glyphLine));
- }
- }
- }
- //==============================================================================
- class OSXTypeface : public Typeface
- {
- public:
- OSXTypeface (const Font& font)
- : Typeface (font.getTypefaceName(), font.getTypefaceStyle()), canBeUsedForLayout (true)
- {
- ctFontRef = CoreTextTypeLayout::createCTFont (font, referenceFontSize, renderingTransform);
- if (ctFontRef != nullptr)
- {
- fontRef = CTFontCopyGraphicsFont (ctFontRef.get(), nullptr);
- initialiseMetrics();
- }
- }
- OSXTypeface (const void* data, size_t dataSize)
- : Typeface ({}, {}), canBeUsedForLayout (false), dataCopy (data, dataSize)
- {
- // We can't use CFDataCreate here as this triggers a false positive in ASAN
- // so copy the data manually and use CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy
- CFUniquePtr<CFDataRef> cfData (CFDataCreateWithBytesNoCopy (kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8*) dataCopy.getData(),
- (CFIndex) dataCopy.getSize(), kCFAllocatorNull));
- auto provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData (cfData.get());
- #if JUCE_IOS
- // Workaround for a an obscure iOS bug which can cause the app to dead-lock
- // when loading custom type faces. See: http://www.openradar.me/18778790 and
- // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40242370/app-hangs-in-simulator
- [UIFont systemFontOfSize: 12];
- #endif
- fontRef = CGFontCreateWithDataProvider (provider);
- CGDataProviderRelease (provider);
- if (fontRef != nullptr)
- {
- if (@available (macOS 10.11, *))
- canBeUsedForLayout = CTFontManagerRegisterGraphicsFont (fontRef, nullptr);
- ctFontRef.reset (CTFontCreateWithGraphicsFont (fontRef, referenceFontSize, nullptr, nullptr));
- if (ctFontRef != nullptr)
- {
- if (auto fontName = CFUniquePtr<CFStringRef> (CTFontCopyName (ctFontRef.get(), kCTFontFamilyNameKey)))
- name = String::fromCFString (fontName.get());
- if (auto fontStyle = CFUniquePtr<CFStringRef> (CTFontCopyName (ctFontRef.get(), kCTFontStyleNameKey)))
- style = String::fromCFString (fontStyle.get());
- initialiseMetrics();
- }
- }
- }
- void initialiseMetrics()
- {
- auto ctAscent = std::abs ((float) CTFontGetAscent (ctFontRef.get()));
- auto ctDescent = std::abs ((float) CTFontGetDescent (ctFontRef.get()));
- auto ctTotalHeight = ctAscent + ctDescent;
- ascent = ctAscent / ctTotalHeight;
- unitsToHeightScaleFactor = 1.0f / ctTotalHeight;
- pathTransform = AffineTransform::scale (unitsToHeightScaleFactor);
- fontHeightToPointsFactor = referenceFontSize / ctTotalHeight;
- const short zero = 0;
- CFUniquePtr<CFNumberRef> numberRef (CFNumberCreate (nullptr, kCFNumberShortType, &zero));
- CFStringRef keys[] = { kCTFontAttributeName, kCTLigatureAttributeName };
- CFTypeRef values[] = { ctFontRef.get(), numberRef.get() };
- attributedStringAtts.reset (CFDictionaryCreate (nullptr, (const void**) &keys,
- (const void**) &values, numElementsInArray (keys),
- &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks));
- }
- ~OSXTypeface() override
- {
- if (fontRef != nullptr)
- {
- if (@available (macOS 10.8, *))
- if (dataCopy.getSize() != 0)
- CTFontManagerUnregisterGraphicsFont (fontRef, nullptr);
- CGFontRelease (fontRef);
- }
- }
- float getAscent() const override { return ascent; }
- float getDescent() const override { return 1.0f - ascent; }
- float getHeightToPointsFactor() const override { return fontHeightToPointsFactor; }
- float getStringWidth (const String& text) override
- {
- float x = 0;
- if (ctFontRef != nullptr && text.isNotEmpty())
- {
- CFUniquePtr<CFStringRef> cfText (text.toCFString());
- CFUniquePtr<CFAttributedStringRef> attribString (CFAttributedStringCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, cfText.get(), attributedStringAtts.get()));
- CFUniquePtr<CTLineRef> line (CTLineCreateWithAttributedString (attribString.get()));
- auto runArray = CTLineGetGlyphRuns (line.get());
- for (CFIndex i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount (runArray); ++i)
- {
- auto run = (CTRunRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (runArray, i);
- auto length = CTRunGetGlyphCount (run);
- const CoreTextTypeLayout::Advances advances (run, length);
- for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j)
- x += (float) advances.advances[j].width;
- }
- x *= unitsToHeightScaleFactor;
- }
- return x;
- }
- void getGlyphPositions (const String& text, Array<int>& resultGlyphs, Array<float>& xOffsets) override
- {
- xOffsets.add (0);
- if (ctFontRef != nullptr && text.isNotEmpty())
- {
- float x = 0;
- CFUniquePtr<CFStringRef> cfText (text.toCFString());
- CFUniquePtr<CFAttributedStringRef> attribString (CFAttributedStringCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, cfText.get(), attributedStringAtts.get()));
- CFUniquePtr<CTLineRef> line (CTLineCreateWithAttributedString (attribString.get()));
- auto runArray = CTLineGetGlyphRuns (line.get());
- for (CFIndex i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount (runArray); ++i)
- {
- auto run = (CTRunRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (runArray, i);
- auto length = CTRunGetGlyphCount (run);
- const CoreTextTypeLayout::Advances advances (run, length);
- const CoreTextTypeLayout::Glyphs glyphs (run, (size_t) length);
- for (int j = 0; j < length; ++j)
- {
- x += (float) advances.advances[j].width;
- xOffsets.add (x * unitsToHeightScaleFactor);
- resultGlyphs.add (glyphs.glyphs[j]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- bool getOutlineForGlyph (int glyphNumber, Path& path) override
- {
- jassert (path.isEmpty()); // we might need to apply a transform to the path, so this must be empty
- if (auto pathRef = CFUniquePtr<CGPathRef> (CTFontCreatePathForGlyph (ctFontRef.get(), (CGGlyph) glyphNumber, &renderingTransform)))
- {
- CGPathApply (pathRef.get(), &path, pathApplier);
- if (! pathTransform.isIdentity())
- path.applyTransform (pathTransform);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- //==============================================================================
- CGFontRef fontRef = {};
- CFUniquePtr<CTFontRef> ctFontRef;
- float fontHeightToPointsFactor = 1.0f;
- CGAffineTransform renderingTransform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
- bool canBeUsedForLayout;
- private:
- MemoryBlock dataCopy;
- CFUniquePtr<CFDictionaryRef> attributedStringAtts;
- float ascent = 0, unitsToHeightScaleFactor = 0;
- AffineTransform pathTransform;
- static void pathApplier (void* info, const CGPathElement* element)
- {
- auto& path = *static_cast<Path*> (info);
- auto* p = element->points;
- switch (element->type)
- {
- case kCGPathElementMoveToPoint: path.startNewSubPath ((float) p[0].x, (float) -p[0].y); break;
- case kCGPathElementAddLineToPoint: path.lineTo ((float) p[0].x, (float) -p[0].y); break;
- case kCGPathElementAddQuadCurveToPoint: path.quadraticTo ((float) p[0].x, (float) -p[0].y,
- (float) p[1].x, (float) -p[1].y); break;
- case kCGPathElementAddCurveToPoint: path.cubicTo ((float) p[0].x, (float) -p[0].y,
- (float) p[1].x, (float) -p[1].y,
- (float) p[2].x, (float) -p[2].y); break;
- case kCGPathElementCloseSubpath: path.closeSubPath(); break;
- default: jassertfalse; break;
- }
- }
- };
- CTFontRef getCTFontFromTypeface (const Font& f)
- {
- const auto typeface = f.getTypefacePtr();
- if (auto* tf = dynamic_cast<OSXTypeface*> (typeface.get()))
- return tf->ctFontRef.get();
- return {};
- }
- StringArray Font::findAllTypefaceNames()
- {
- StringArray names;
- #if JUCE_MAC
- // CTFontManager only exists on OS X 10.6 and later, it does not exist on iOS
- CFUniquePtr<CFArrayRef> fontFamilyArray (CTFontManagerCopyAvailableFontFamilyNames());
- for (CFIndex i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount (fontFamilyArray.get()); ++i)
- {
- auto family = String::fromCFString ((CFStringRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (fontFamilyArray.get(), i));
- if (! family.startsWithChar ('.')) // ignore fonts that start with a '.'
- names.addIfNotAlreadyThere (family);
- }
- #else
- CFUniquePtr<CTFontCollectionRef> fontCollectionRef (CTFontCollectionCreateFromAvailableFonts (nullptr));
- CFUniquePtr<CFArrayRef> fontDescriptorArray (CTFontCollectionCreateMatchingFontDescriptors (fontCollectionRef.get()));
- for (CFIndex i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount (fontDescriptorArray.get()); ++i)
- {
- auto ctFontDescriptorRef = (CTFontDescriptorRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (fontDescriptorArray.get(), i);
- CFUniquePtr<CFStringRef> cfsFontFamily ((CFStringRef) CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute (ctFontDescriptorRef, kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute));
- names.addIfNotAlreadyThere (String::fromCFString (cfsFontFamily.get()));
- }
- #endif
- names.sort (true);
- return names;
- }
- StringArray Font::findAllTypefaceStyles (const String& family)
- {
- if (FontStyleHelpers::isPlaceholderFamilyName (family))
- return findAllTypefaceStyles (FontStyleHelpers::getConcreteFamilyNameFromPlaceholder (family));
- StringArray results;
- CFUniquePtr<CFStringRef> cfsFontFamily (family.toCFString());
- CFStringRef keys[] = { kCTFontFamilyNameAttribute };
- CFTypeRef values[] = { cfsFontFamily.get() };
- CFUniquePtr<CFDictionaryRef> fontDescAttributes (CFDictionaryCreate (nullptr, (const void**) &keys, (const void**) &values, numElementsInArray (keys),
- &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks));
- CFUniquePtr<CTFontDescriptorRef> ctFontDescRef (CTFontDescriptorCreateWithAttributes (fontDescAttributes.get()));
- CFUniquePtr<CFArrayRef> fontFamilyArray (CFArrayCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void**) &ctFontDescRef, 1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks));
- CFUniquePtr<CTFontCollectionRef> fontCollectionRef (CTFontCollectionCreateWithFontDescriptors (fontFamilyArray.get(), nullptr));
- if (auto fontDescriptorArray = CFUniquePtr<CFArrayRef> (CTFontCollectionCreateMatchingFontDescriptors (fontCollectionRef.get())))
- {
- for (CFIndex i = 0; i < CFArrayGetCount (fontDescriptorArray.get()); ++i)
- {
- auto ctFontDescriptorRef = (CTFontDescriptorRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (fontDescriptorArray.get(), i);
- CFUniquePtr<CFStringRef> cfsFontStyle ((CFStringRef) CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute (ctFontDescriptorRef, kCTFontStyleNameAttribute));
- results.add (String::fromCFString (cfsFontStyle.get()));
- }
- }
- return results;
- }
- //==============================================================================
- Typeface::Ptr Typeface::createSystemTypefaceFor (const Font& font) { return *new OSXTypeface (font); }
- Typeface::Ptr Typeface::createSystemTypefaceFor (const void* data, size_t size) { return *new OSXTypeface (data, size); }
- void Typeface::scanFolderForFonts (const File& folder)
- {
- for (auto& file : folder.findChildFiles (File::findFiles, false, "*.otf;*.ttf"))
- if (auto urlref = CFUniquePtr<CFURLRef> (CFURLCreateWithFileSystemPath (kCFAllocatorDefault, file.getFullPathName().toCFString(), kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle, true)))
- CTFontManagerRegisterFontsForURL (urlref.get(), kCTFontManagerScopeProcess, nullptr);
- }
- struct DefaultFontNames
- {
- #if JUCE_IOS
- String defaultSans { "Helvetica" },
- defaultSerif { "Times New Roman" },
- defaultFixed { "Courier New" };
- #else
- String defaultSans { "Lucida Grande" },
- defaultSerif { "Times New Roman" },
- defaultFixed { "Menlo" };
- #endif
- };
- Typeface::Ptr Font::getDefaultTypefaceForFont (const Font& font)
- {
- static DefaultFontNames defaultNames;
- auto newFont = font;
- auto faceName = font.getTypefaceName();
- if (faceName == getDefaultSansSerifFontName()) newFont.setTypefaceName (defaultNames.defaultSans);
- else if (faceName == getDefaultSerifFontName()) newFont.setTypefaceName (defaultNames.defaultSerif);
- else if (faceName == getDefaultMonospacedFontName()) newFont.setTypefaceName (defaultNames.defaultFixed);
- if (font.getTypefaceStyle() == getDefaultStyle())
- newFont.setTypefaceStyle ("Regular");
- return Typeface::createSystemTypefaceFor (newFont);
- }
- static bool canAllTypefacesBeUsedInLayout (const AttributedString& text)
- {
- auto numCharacterAttributes = text.getNumAttributes();
- for (int i = 0; i < numCharacterAttributes; ++i)
- {
- auto typeface = text.getAttribute (i).font.getTypefacePtr();
- if (auto tf = dynamic_cast<OSXTypeface*> (typeface.get()))
- if (tf->canBeUsedForLayout)
- continue;
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool TextLayout::createNativeLayout (const AttributedString& text)
- {
- if (canAllTypefacesBeUsedInLayout (text) && CoreTextTypeLayout::areAllFontsDefaultWidth (text))
- {
- CoreTextTypeLayout::createLayout (*this, text);
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- } // namespace juce