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carla_about_juce.ui 4.8KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  2. <ui version="4.0">
  3. <class>JuceAboutW</class>
  4. <widget class="QDialog" name="JuceAboutW">
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  14. <string>About JUCE</string>
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  37. <pixmap resource="../resources.qrc">:/48x48/juce.png</pixmap>
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  59. <widget class="QLabel" name="l_text1">
  60. <property name="text">
  61. <string>&lt;b&gt;About JUCE&lt;/b&gt;</string>
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  81. <item>
  82. <widget class="QLabel" name="l_text2">
  83. <property name="text">
  84. <string>This program uses JUCE version 3.x.x.</string>
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  88. <item>
  89. <spacer name="verticalSpacer_4">
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  104. <item>
  105. <widget class="QLabel" name="l_text3">
  106. <property name="text">
  107. <string>JUCE (Jules' Utility Class Extensions) is an all-encompassing C++ class library for developing cross-platform software.
  108. It contains pretty much everything you're likely to need to create most applications, and is particularly well-suited for building highly-customised GUIs, and for handling graphics and sound.
  109. JUCE is licensed under the GNU Public Licence version 2.0.
  110. One module (juce_core) is permissively licensed under the ISC.
  111. Copyright (C) 2017 ROLI Ltd.</string>
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  150. <include location="../resources.qrc"/>
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  154. <sender>buttonBox</sender>
  155. <signal>accepted()</signal>
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  157. <slot>accept()</slot>
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  170. <sender>buttonBox</sender>
  171. <signal>rejected()</signal>
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