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lilv_test.c 52KB

12 years ago
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12 years ago
  1. /*
  2. Copyright 2007-2011 David Robillard <>
  3. Copyright 2008 Krzysztof Foltman
  4. Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any
  5. purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
  6. copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
  14. */
  15. #define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200112L /* for setenv */
  16. #include <assert.h>
  17. #include <ctype.h>
  18. #include <errno.h>
  19. #include <float.h>
  20. #include <limits.h>
  21. #include <math.h>
  22. #include <stdio.h>
  23. #include <stdlib.h>
  24. #include <string.h>
  25. #include <sys/stat.h>
  26. #ifdef _WIN32
  27. # include <direct.h>
  28. # define mkdir(path, flags) _mkdir(path)
  29. # define setenv(n, v, r) SetEnvironmentVariable((n), (v))
  30. # define unsetenv(n) SetEnvironmentVariable((n), NULL)
  31. #else
  32. # include <dirent.h>
  33. # include <unistd.h>
  34. #endif
  35. #include "lilv/lilv.h"
  36. #include "../src/lilv_internal.h"
  37. #include "lv2/"
  38. #include "lv2/"
  39. #define TEST_PATH_MAX 1024
  40. #if defined(__APPLE__)
  41. # define SHLIB_EXT ".dylib"
  42. #elif defined(_WIN32)
  43. # define SHLIB_EXT ".dll"
  44. #else
  45. # define SHLIB_EXT ".so"
  46. #endif
  47. static char bundle_dir_name[TEST_PATH_MAX];
  48. static char bundle_dir_uri[TEST_PATH_MAX];
  49. static char manifest_name[TEST_PATH_MAX];
  50. static char content_name[TEST_PATH_MAX];
  51. static LilvWorld* world;
  52. int test_count = 0;
  53. int error_count = 0;
  54. static void
  55. delete_bundle(void)
  56. {
  57. unlink(content_name);
  58. unlink(manifest_name);
  59. remove(bundle_dir_name);
  60. }
  61. static void
  62. init_tests(void)
  63. {
  64. strncpy(bundle_dir_name, getenv("HOME"), 900);
  65. strcat(bundle_dir_name, "/.lv2");
  66. mkdir(bundle_dir_name, 0700);
  67. strcat(bundle_dir_name, "/lilv-test.lv2");
  68. sprintf(bundle_dir_uri, "file://%s/", bundle_dir_name);
  69. sprintf(manifest_name, "%s/manifest.ttl", bundle_dir_name);
  70. sprintf(content_name, "%s/plugin.ttl", bundle_dir_name);
  71. delete_bundle();
  72. }
  73. static void
  74. fatal_error(const char* err, const char* arg)
  75. {
  76. /* TODO: possibly change to vfprintf later */
  77. fprintf(stderr, err, arg);
  78. /* IMHO, the bundle should be left in place after an error, for possible investigation */
  79. /* delete_bundle(); */
  80. exit(1);
  81. }
  82. static void
  83. write_file(const char* name, const char* content)
  84. {
  85. FILE* f = fopen(name, "w");
  86. size_t len = strlen(content);
  87. if (fwrite(content, 1, len, f) != len)
  88. fatal_error("Cannot write file %s\n", name);
  89. fclose(f);
  90. }
  91. static int
  92. init_world(void)
  93. {
  94. world = lilv_world_new();
  95. return world != NULL;
  96. }
  97. static int
  98. load_all_bundles(void)
  99. {
  100. if (!init_world())
  101. return 0;
  102. lilv_world_load_all(world);
  103. return 1;
  104. }
  105. static void
  106. create_bundle(const char* manifest, const char* content)
  107. {
  108. if (mkdir(bundle_dir_name, 0700) && errno != EEXIST)
  109. fatal_error("Cannot create directory %s\n", bundle_dir_name);
  110. write_file(manifest_name, manifest);
  111. write_file(content_name, content);
  112. }
  113. static int
  114. start_bundle(const char* manifest, const char* content)
  115. {
  116. create_bundle(manifest, content);
  117. return load_all_bundles();
  118. }
  119. static void
  120. unload_bundle(void)
  121. {
  122. if (world)
  123. lilv_world_free(world);
  124. world = NULL;
  125. }
  126. static void
  127. cleanup(void)
  128. {
  129. delete_bundle();
  130. }
  131. /*****************************************************************************/
  132. #define TEST_CASE(name) { #name, test_##name }
  133. #define TEST_ASSERT(check) do {\
  134. test_count++;\
  135. if (!(check)) {\
  136. error_count++;\
  137. fprintf(stderr, "lilv_test.c:%d: error: %s\n", __LINE__, #check);\
  138. }\
  139. } while (0)
  140. typedef int (*TestFunc)(void);
  141. struct TestCase {
  142. const char* title;
  143. TestFunc func;
  144. };
  145. #define PREFIX_ATOM "@prefix atom: <> . \n"
  146. #define PREFIX_LINE "@prefix : <> .\n"
  147. #define PREFIX_LV2 "@prefix lv2: <> .\n"
  148. #define PREFIX_LV2EV "@prefix lv2ev: <> . \n"
  149. #define PREFIX_LV2UI "@prefix lv2ui: <> .\n"
  150. #define PREFIX_RDF "@prefix rdf: <> .\n"
  151. #define PREFIX_RDFS "@prefix rdfs: <> .\n"
  152. #define PREFIX_FOAF "@prefix foaf: <> .\n"
  153. #define PREFIX_DOAP "@prefix doap: <> .\n"
  156. #define PLUGIN_NAME(name) "doap:name \"" name "\""
  157. #define LICENSE_GPL "doap:license <>"
  158. static const char* uris_plugin = "";
  159. static LilvNode* plugin_uri_value;
  160. static LilvNode* plugin2_uri_value;
  161. /*****************************************************************************/
  162. static void
  163. init_uris(void)
  164. {
  165. plugin_uri_value = lilv_new_uri(world, uris_plugin);
  166. plugin2_uri_value = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  167. TEST_ASSERT(plugin_uri_value);
  168. TEST_ASSERT(plugin2_uri_value);
  169. }
  170. static void
  171. cleanup_uris(void)
  172. {
  173. lilv_node_free(plugin2_uri_value);
  174. lilv_node_free(plugin_uri_value);
  175. plugin2_uri_value = NULL;
  176. plugin_uri_value = NULL;
  177. }
  178. /*****************************************************************************/
  179. static int
  180. test_utils(void)
  181. {
  182. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_uri_to_path("file:///tmp/blah"), "/tmp/blah"));
  183. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_uri_to_path("file:/"));
  184. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_uri_to_path(""));
  185. return 1;
  186. }
  187. /*****************************************************************************/
  188. static int
  189. test_value(void)
  190. {
  191. if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
  192. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <foo" SHLIB_EXT "> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
  194. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; a lv2:CompressorPlugin ; "
  195. PLUGIN_NAME("Test plugin") " ; "
  196. LICENSE_GPL " ; "
  197. "lv2:port [ "
  198. " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
  199. " lv2:index 0 ; lv2:symbol \"foo\" ; lv2:name \"Foo\" ; "
  200. "] ."))
  201. return 0;
  202. init_uris();
  203. LilvNode* uval = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  204. LilvNode* sval = lilv_new_string(world, "Foo");
  205. LilvNode* ival = lilv_new_int(world, 42);
  206. LilvNode* fval = lilv_new_float(world, 1.6180);
  207. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_is_uri(uval));
  208. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_is_string(sval));
  209. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_is_int(ival));
  210. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_is_float(fval));
  211. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_node_is_literal(uval));
  212. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_is_literal(sval));
  213. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_is_literal(ival));
  214. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_is_literal(fval));
  215. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_uri(uval), ""));
  216. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(sval), "Foo"));
  217. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_as_int(ival) == 42);
  218. TEST_ASSERT(fabs(lilv_node_as_float(fval) - 1.6180) < FLT_EPSILON);
  219. char* tok = lilv_node_get_turtle_token(uval);
  220. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(tok, "<>"));
  221. free(tok);
  222. tok = lilv_node_get_turtle_token(sval);
  223. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(tok, "Foo"));
  224. free(tok);
  225. tok = lilv_node_get_turtle_token(ival);
  226. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(tok, "42"));
  227. free(tok);
  228. tok = lilv_node_get_turtle_token(fval);
  229. TEST_ASSERT(!strncmp(tok, "1.6180", 6));
  230. free(tok);
  231. LilvNode* uval_e = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  232. LilvNode* sval_e = lilv_new_string(world, "Foo");
  233. LilvNode* ival_e = lilv_new_int(world, 42);
  234. LilvNode* fval_e = lilv_new_float(world, 1.6180);
  235. LilvNode* uval_ne = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  236. LilvNode* sval_ne = lilv_new_string(world, "Bar");
  237. LilvNode* ival_ne = lilv_new_int(world, 24);
  238. LilvNode* fval_ne = lilv_new_float(world, 3.14159);
  239. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_equals(uval, uval_e));
  240. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_equals(sval, sval_e));
  241. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_equals(ival, ival_e));
  242. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_equals(fval, fval_e));
  243. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_node_equals(uval, uval_ne));
  244. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_node_equals(sval, sval_ne));
  245. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_node_equals(ival, ival_ne));
  246. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_node_equals(fval, fval_ne));
  247. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_node_equals(uval, sval));
  248. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_node_equals(sval, ival));
  249. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_node_equals(ival, fval));
  250. LilvNode* uval_dup = lilv_node_duplicate(uval);
  251. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_equals(uval, uval_dup));
  252. LilvNode* ifval = lilv_new_float(world, 42.0);
  253. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_node_equals(ival, ifval));
  254. lilv_node_free(ifval);
  255. LilvNode* nil = NULL;
  256. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_node_equals(uval, nil));
  257. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_node_equals(nil, uval));
  258. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_equals(nil, nil));
  259. LilvNode* nil2 = lilv_node_duplicate(nil);
  260. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_equals(nil, nil2));
  261. lilv_node_free(uval);
  262. lilv_node_free(sval);
  263. lilv_node_free(ival);
  264. lilv_node_free(fval);
  265. lilv_node_free(uval_e);
  266. lilv_node_free(sval_e);
  267. lilv_node_free(ival_e);
  268. lilv_node_free(fval_e);
  269. lilv_node_free(uval_ne);
  270. lilv_node_free(sval_ne);
  271. lilv_node_free(ival_ne);
  272. lilv_node_free(fval_ne);
  273. lilv_node_free(uval_dup);
  274. lilv_node_free(nil2);
  275. cleanup_uris();
  276. return 1;
  277. }
  278. /*****************************************************************************/
  279. static int discovery_plugin_found = 0;
  280. static void
  281. discovery_verify_plugin(const LilvPlugin* plugin)
  282. {
  283. const LilvNode* value = lilv_plugin_get_uri(plugin);
  284. if (lilv_node_equals(value, plugin_uri_value)) {
  285. const LilvNode* lib_uri = NULL;
  286. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_node_equals(value, plugin2_uri_value));
  287. discovery_plugin_found = 1;
  288. lib_uri = lilv_plugin_get_library_uri(plugin);
  289. TEST_ASSERT(lib_uri);
  290. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_is_uri(lib_uri));
  291. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_as_uri(lib_uri));
  292. TEST_ASSERT(strstr(lilv_node_as_uri(lib_uri), "foo" SHLIB_EXT));
  293. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_verify(plugin));
  294. }
  295. }
  296. static int
  297. test_discovery(void)
  298. {
  299. if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
  300. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <foo" SHLIB_EXT "> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
  302. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ;"
  303. PLUGIN_NAME("Test plugin") " ; "
  304. LICENSE_GPL " ; "
  305. "lv2:port [ a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ;"
  306. " lv2:index 0 ; lv2:symbol \"foo\" ; lv2:name \"bar\" ; ] ."))
  307. return 0;
  308. init_uris();
  309. const LilvPlugins* plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
  310. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugins_size(plugins) > 0);
  311. const LilvPlugin* explug = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri_value);
  312. TEST_ASSERT(explug != NULL);
  313. const LilvPlugin* explug2 = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin2_uri_value);
  314. TEST_ASSERT(explug2 == NULL);
  315. if (explug) {
  316. LilvNode* name = lilv_plugin_get_name(explug);
  317. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(name), "Test plugin"));
  318. lilv_node_free(name);
  319. }
  320. discovery_plugin_found = 0;
  321. LILV_FOREACH(plugins, i, plugins)
  322. discovery_verify_plugin(lilv_plugins_get(plugins, i));
  323. TEST_ASSERT(discovery_plugin_found);
  324. plugins = NULL;
  325. cleanup_uris();
  326. return 1;
  327. }
  328. /*****************************************************************************/
  329. static int
  330. test_lv2_path(void)
  331. {
  332. #ifndef _WIN32
  333. char* orig_lv2_path = lilv_strdup(getenv("LV2_PATH"));
  334. setenv("LV2_PATH", "~/.lv2:/usr/local/lib/lv2:/usr/lib/lv2", 1);
  335. world = lilv_world_new();
  336. lilv_world_load_all(world);
  337. const LilvPlugins* plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
  338. const size_t n_plugins = lilv_plugins_size(plugins);
  339. lilv_world_free(world);
  340. setenv("LV2_PATH", "$HOME/.lv2:/usr/local/lib/lv2:/usr/lib/lv2", 1);
  341. world = lilv_world_new();
  342. lilv_world_load_all(world);
  343. plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
  344. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugins_size(plugins) == n_plugins);
  345. lilv_world_free(world);
  346. world = NULL;
  347. if (orig_lv2_path) {
  348. setenv("LV2_PATH", orig_lv2_path, 1);
  349. } else {
  350. unsetenv("LV2_PATH");
  351. }
  352. free(orig_lv2_path);
  353. #endif
  354. return 1;
  355. }
  356. /*****************************************************************************/
  357. static int
  358. test_verify(void)
  359. {
  360. if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
  361. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <foo" SHLIB_EXT "> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
  363. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; "
  364. PLUGIN_NAME("Test plugin") " ; "
  365. LICENSE_GPL " ; "
  366. "lv2:port [ a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ;"
  367. " lv2:index 0 ; lv2:symbol \"foo\" ; lv2:name \"bar\" ] ."))
  368. return 0;
  369. init_uris();
  370. const LilvPlugins* plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
  371. const LilvPlugin* explug = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri_value);
  372. TEST_ASSERT(explug);
  373. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_verify(explug));
  374. cleanup_uris();
  375. return 1;
  376. }
  377. /*****************************************************************************/
  378. static int
  379. test_no_verify(void)
  380. {
  381. if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
  382. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <foo" SHLIB_EXT "> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
  384. ":plug a lv2:Plugin . "))
  385. return 0;
  386. init_uris();
  387. const LilvPlugins* plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
  388. const LilvPlugin* explug = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri_value);
  389. TEST_ASSERT(explug);
  390. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_plugin_verify(explug));
  391. cleanup_uris();
  392. return 1;
  393. }
  394. /*****************************************************************************/
  395. static int
  396. test_classes(void)
  397. {
  398. if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
  399. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <foo" SHLIB_EXT "> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
  401. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; a lv2:CompressorPlugin ; "
  402. PLUGIN_NAME("Test plugin") " ; "
  403. LICENSE_GPL " ; "
  404. "lv2:port [ "
  405. " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
  406. " lv2:index 0 ; lv2:symbol \"foo\" ; lv2:name \"Foo\" ; "
  407. "] ."))
  408. return 0;
  409. init_uris();
  410. const LilvPluginClass* plugin = lilv_world_get_plugin_class(world);
  411. const LilvPluginClasses* classes = lilv_world_get_plugin_classes(world);
  412. LilvPluginClasses* children = lilv_plugin_class_get_children(plugin);
  413. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_class_get_parent_uri(plugin) == NULL);
  414. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_classes_size(classes) > lilv_plugin_classes_size(children));
  415. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(lilv_plugin_class_get_label(plugin)), "Plugin"));
  416. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(lilv_plugin_class_get_uri(plugin)),
  417. ""));
  418. LILV_FOREACH(plugin_classes, i, children) {
  419. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_equals(
  420. lilv_plugin_class_get_parent_uri(lilv_plugin_classes_get(children, i)),
  421. lilv_plugin_class_get_uri(plugin)));
  422. }
  423. LilvNode* some_uri = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  424. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_classes_get_by_uri(classes, some_uri) == NULL);
  425. lilv_node_free(some_uri);
  426. lilv_plugin_classes_free(children);
  427. cleanup_uris();
  428. return 1;
  429. }
  430. /*****************************************************************************/
  431. static int
  432. test_plugin(void)
  433. {
  434. if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
  435. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <foo" SHLIB_EXT "> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
  437. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; a lv2:CompressorPlugin ; "
  438. PLUGIN_NAME("Test plugin") " ; "
  439. LICENSE_GPL " ; "
  440. "lv2:optionalFeature lv2:hardRTCapable ; "
  441. "lv2:requiredFeature <> ; "
  442. "lv2:extensionData <> ;"
  443. ":foo 1.6180 ; "
  444. ":bar true ; "
  445. ":baz false ; "
  446. ":blank [ a <> ] ; "
  447. "doap:maintainer [ foaf:name \"David Robillard\" ; "
  448. " foaf:homepage <> ; foaf:mbox <> ] ; "
  449. "lv2:port [ "
  450. " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
  451. " lv2:index 0 ; lv2:symbol \"foo\" ; lv2:name \"bar\" ; "
  452. " lv2:minimum -1.0 ; lv2:maximum 1.0 ; lv2:default 0.5 "
  453. "] , [ "
  454. " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
  455. " lv2:index 1 ; lv2:symbol \"bar\" ; lv2:name \"Baz\" ; "
  456. " lv2:minimum -2.0 ; lv2:maximum 2.0 ; lv2:default 1.0 "
  457. "] , [ "
  458. " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:OutputPort ; "
  459. " lv2:index 2 ; lv2:symbol \"latency\" ; lv2:name \"Latency\" ; "
  460. " lv2:portProperty lv2:reportsLatency ; "
  461. " lv2:designation lv2:latency "
  462. "] . \n"
  463. ":thing doap:name \"Something else\" .\n"))
  464. return 0;
  465. init_uris();
  466. const LilvPlugins* plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
  467. const LilvPlugin* plug = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri_value);
  468. TEST_ASSERT(plug);
  469. const LilvPluginClass* klass = lilv_plugin_get_class(plug);
  470. const LilvNode* klass_uri = lilv_plugin_class_get_uri(klass);
  471. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(klass_uri),
  472. ""));
  473. LilvNode* rdf_type = lilv_new_uri(
  474. world, "");
  475. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_world_ask(world,
  476. lilv_plugin_get_uri(plug),
  477. rdf_type,
  478. klass_uri));
  479. lilv_node_free(rdf_type);
  480. const LilvNode* plug_bundle_uri = lilv_plugin_get_bundle_uri(plug);
  481. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(plug_bundle_uri), bundle_dir_uri));
  482. const LilvNodes* data_uris = lilv_plugin_get_data_uris(plug);
  483. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(data_uris) == 2);
  484. char* manifest_uri = (char*)malloc(TEST_PATH_MAX);
  485. char* data_uri = (char*)malloc(TEST_PATH_MAX);
  486. snprintf(manifest_uri, TEST_PATH_MAX, "%s%s",
  487. lilv_node_as_string(plug_bundle_uri), "manifest.ttl");
  488. snprintf(data_uri, TEST_PATH_MAX, "%s%s",
  489. lilv_node_as_string(plug_bundle_uri), "plugin.ttl");
  490. LilvNode* manifest_uri_val = lilv_new_uri(world, manifest_uri);
  491. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_contains(data_uris, manifest_uri_val));
  492. lilv_node_free(manifest_uri_val);
  493. LilvNode* data_uri_val = lilv_new_uri(world, data_uri);
  494. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_contains(data_uris, data_uri_val));
  495. lilv_node_free(data_uri_val);
  496. free(manifest_uri);
  497. free(data_uri);
  498. float mins[3];
  499. float maxs[3];
  500. float defs[3];
  501. lilv_plugin_get_port_ranges_float(plug, mins, maxs, defs);
  502. TEST_ASSERT(mins[0] == -1.0f);
  503. TEST_ASSERT(maxs[0] == 1.0f);
  504. TEST_ASSERT(defs[0] == 0.5f);
  505. LilvNode* audio_class = lilv_new_uri(world,
  506. "");
  507. LilvNode* control_class = lilv_new_uri(world,
  508. "");
  509. LilvNode* in_class = lilv_new_uri(world,
  510. "");
  511. LilvNode* out_class = lilv_new_uri(world,
  512. "");
  513. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(plug, control_class, NULL) == 3);
  514. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(plug, audio_class, NULL) == 0);
  515. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(plug, in_class, NULL) == 2);
  516. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(plug, out_class, NULL) == 1);
  517. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(plug, control_class, in_class, NULL) == 2);
  518. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(plug, control_class, out_class, NULL) == 1);
  519. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(plug, audio_class, in_class, NULL) == 0);
  520. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports_of_class(plug, audio_class, out_class, NULL) == 0);
  521. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_has_latency(plug));
  522. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_latency_port_index(plug) == 2);
  523. LilvNode* lv2_latency = lilv_new_uri(world,
  524. "");
  525. const LilvPort* latency_port = lilv_plugin_get_port_by_designation(
  526. plug, out_class, lv2_latency);
  527. lilv_node_free(lv2_latency);
  528. TEST_ASSERT(latency_port);
  529. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_port_get_index(plug, latency_port) == 2);
  530. LilvNode* rt_feature = lilv_new_uri(world,
  531. "");
  532. LilvNode* event_feature = lilv_new_uri(world,
  533. "");
  534. LilvNode* pretend_feature = lilv_new_uri(world,
  535. "");
  536. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_has_feature(plug, rt_feature));
  537. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_has_feature(plug, event_feature));
  538. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_plugin_has_feature(plug, pretend_feature));
  539. lilv_node_free(rt_feature);
  540. lilv_node_free(event_feature);
  541. lilv_node_free(pretend_feature);
  542. LilvNodes* supported = lilv_plugin_get_supported_features(plug);
  543. LilvNodes* required = lilv_plugin_get_required_features(plug);
  544. LilvNodes* optional = lilv_plugin_get_optional_features(plug);
  545. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(supported) == 2);
  546. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(required) == 1);
  547. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(optional) == 1);
  548. lilv_nodes_free(supported);
  549. lilv_nodes_free(required);
  550. lilv_nodes_free(optional);
  551. LilvNode* foo_p = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  552. LilvNodes* foos = lilv_plugin_get_value(plug, foo_p);
  553. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(foos) == 1);
  554. TEST_ASSERT(fabs(lilv_node_as_float(lilv_nodes_get_first(foos)) - 1.6180) < FLT_EPSILON);
  555. lilv_node_free(foo_p);
  556. lilv_nodes_free(foos);
  557. LilvNode* bar_p = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  558. LilvNodes* bars = lilv_plugin_get_value(plug, bar_p);
  559. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(bars) == 1);
  560. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_as_bool(lilv_nodes_get_first(bars)) == true);
  561. lilv_node_free(bar_p);
  562. lilv_nodes_free(bars);
  563. LilvNode* baz_p = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  564. LilvNodes* bazs = lilv_plugin_get_value(plug, baz_p);
  565. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(bazs) == 1);
  566. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_as_bool(lilv_nodes_get_first(bazs)) == false);
  567. lilv_node_free(baz_p);
  568. lilv_nodes_free(bazs);
  569. LilvNode* blank_p = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  570. LilvNodes* blanks = lilv_plugin_get_value(plug, blank_p);
  571. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(blanks) == 1);
  572. LilvNode* blank = lilv_nodes_get_first(blanks);
  573. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_is_blank(blank));
  574. const char* blank_str = lilv_node_as_blank(blank);
  575. char* blank_tok = lilv_node_get_turtle_token(blank);
  576. TEST_ASSERT(!strncmp(blank_tok, "_:", 2));
  577. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(blank_tok + 2, blank_str));
  578. free(blank_tok);
  579. lilv_node_free(blank_p);
  580. lilv_nodes_free(blanks);
  581. LilvNode* author_name = lilv_plugin_get_author_name(plug);
  582. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(author_name), "David Robillard"));
  583. lilv_node_free(author_name);
  584. LilvNode* author_email = lilv_plugin_get_author_email(plug);
  585. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(author_email), ""));
  586. lilv_node_free(author_email);
  587. LilvNode* author_homepage = lilv_plugin_get_author_homepage(plug);
  588. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(author_homepage), ""));
  589. lilv_node_free(author_homepage);
  590. LilvNode* thing_uri = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  591. LilvNode* name_p = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  592. LilvNodes* thing_names = lilv_world_find_nodes(world, thing_uri, name_p, NULL);
  593. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(thing_names) == 1);
  594. LilvNode* thing_name = lilv_nodes_get_first(thing_names);
  595. TEST_ASSERT(thing_name);
  596. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_is_string(thing_name));
  597. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(thing_name), "Something else"));
  598. LilvNode* thing_name2 = lilv_world_get(world, thing_uri, name_p, NULL);
  599. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_equals(thing_name, thing_name2));
  600. LilvUIs* uis = lilv_plugin_get_uis(plug);
  601. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_uis_size(uis) == 0);
  602. lilv_uis_free(uis);
  603. LilvNode* extdata = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  604. LilvNode* noextdata = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  605. LilvNodes* extdatas = lilv_plugin_get_extension_data(plug);
  606. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_has_extension_data(plug, extdata));
  607. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_plugin_has_extension_data(plug, noextdata));
  608. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(extdatas) == 1);
  609. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_equals(lilv_nodes_get_first(extdatas), extdata));
  610. lilv_node_free(noextdata);
  611. lilv_node_free(extdata);
  612. lilv_nodes_free(extdatas);
  613. lilv_nodes_free(thing_names);
  614. lilv_node_free(thing_uri);
  615. lilv_node_free(thing_name2);
  616. lilv_node_free(name_p);
  617. lilv_node_free(control_class);
  618. lilv_node_free(audio_class);
  619. lilv_node_free(in_class);
  620. lilv_node_free(out_class);
  621. cleanup_uris();
  622. return 1;
  623. }
  624. /*****************************************************************************/
  625. static int
  626. test_port(void)
  627. {
  628. if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
  629. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <foo" SHLIB_EXT "> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
  631. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; "
  632. PLUGIN_NAME("Test plugin") " ; "
  633. LICENSE_GPL " ; "
  634. "doap:homepage <> ; "
  635. "lv2:port [ "
  636. " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
  637. " lv2:index 0 ; lv2:symbol \"foo\" ; "
  638. " lv2:name \"store\" ; "
  639. " lv2:name \"dépanneur\"@fr-ca ; lv2:name \"épicerie\"@fr-fr ; "
  640. " lv2:name \"tienda\"@es ; "
  641. " rdfs:comment \"comment\"@en , \"commentaires\"@fr ; "
  642. " lv2:portProperty lv2:integer ; "
  643. " lv2:minimum -1.0 ; lv2:maximum 1.0 ; lv2:default 0.5 ; "
  644. " lv2:scalePoint [ rdfs:label \"Sin\"; rdf:value 3 ] ; "
  645. " lv2:scalePoint [ rdfs:label \"Cos\"; rdf:value 4 ] "
  646. "] , [\n"
  647. " a lv2:EventPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
  648. " lv2:index 1 ; lv2:symbol \"event_in\" ; "
  649. " lv2:name \"Event Input\" ; "
  650. " lv2ev:supportsEvent <> ;"
  651. " atom:supports <> "
  652. "] ."))
  653. return 0;
  654. init_uris();
  655. const LilvPlugins* plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
  656. const LilvPlugin* plug = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri_value);
  657. TEST_ASSERT(plug);
  658. LilvNode* psym = lilv_new_string(world, "foo");
  659. const LilvPort* p = lilv_plugin_get_port_by_index(plug, 0);
  660. const LilvPort* p2 = lilv_plugin_get_port_by_symbol(plug, psym);
  661. lilv_node_free(psym);
  662. TEST_ASSERT(p != NULL);
  663. TEST_ASSERT(p2 != NULL);
  664. TEST_ASSERT(p == p2);
  665. LilvNode* nopsym = lilv_new_string(world, "thisaintnoportfoo");
  666. const LilvPort* p3 = lilv_plugin_get_port_by_symbol(plug, nopsym);
  667. TEST_ASSERT(p3 == NULL);
  668. lilv_node_free(nopsym);
  669. LilvNode* audio_class = lilv_new_uri(world,
  670. "");
  671. LilvNode* control_class = lilv_new_uri(world,
  672. "");
  673. LilvNode* in_class = lilv_new_uri(world,
  674. "");
  675. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(lilv_port_get_classes(plug, p)) == 2);
  676. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_plugin_get_num_ports(plug) == 2);
  677. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_port_is_a(plug, p, control_class));
  678. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_port_is_a(plug, p, in_class));
  679. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_port_is_a(plug, p, audio_class));
  680. LilvNodes* port_properties = lilv_port_get_properties(plug, p);
  681. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(port_properties) == 1);
  682. lilv_nodes_free(port_properties);
  683. // Untranslated name (current locale is set to "C" in main)
  684. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(lilv_port_get_symbol(plug, p)), "foo"));
  685. LilvNode* name = lilv_port_get_name(plug, p);
  686. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(name), "store"));
  687. lilv_node_free(name);
  688. // Exact language match
  689. setenv("LANG", "fr_FR", 1);
  690. name = lilv_port_get_name(plug, p);
  691. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(name), "épicerie"));
  692. lilv_node_free(name);
  693. // Exact language match (with charset suffix)
  694. setenv("LANG", "fr_CA.utf8", 1);
  695. name = lilv_port_get_name(plug, p);
  696. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(name), "dépanneur"));
  697. lilv_node_free(name);
  698. // Partial language match (choose value translated for different country)
  699. setenv("LANG", "fr_BE", 1);
  700. name = lilv_port_get_name(plug, p);
  701. TEST_ASSERT((!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(name), "dépanneur"))
  702. ||(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(name), "épicerie")));
  703. lilv_node_free(name);
  704. // Partial language match (choose country-less language tagged value)
  705. setenv("LANG", "es_MX", 1);
  706. name = lilv_port_get_name(plug, p);
  707. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(name), "tienda"));
  708. lilv_node_free(name);
  709. // No language match (choose untranslated value)
  710. setenv("LANG", "cn", 1);
  711. name = lilv_port_get_name(plug, p);
  712. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(name), "store"));
  713. lilv_node_free(name);
  714. setenv("LANG", "en_CA.utf-8", 1);
  715. // Language tagged value with no untranslated values
  716. LilvNode* rdfs_comment = lilv_new_uri(world, LILV_NS_RDFS "comment");
  717. LilvNodes* comments = lilv_port_get_value(plug, p, rdfs_comment);
  718. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(lilv_nodes_get_first(comments)),
  719. "comment"));
  720. LilvNode* comment = lilv_port_get(plug, p, rdfs_comment);
  721. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(comment), "comment"));
  722. lilv_node_free(comment);
  723. lilv_nodes_free(comments);
  724. setenv("LANG", "fr", 1);
  725. comments = lilv_port_get_value(plug, p, rdfs_comment);
  726. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(lilv_nodes_get_first(comments)),
  727. "commentaires"));
  728. lilv_nodes_free(comments);
  729. setenv("LANG", "cn", 1);
  730. comments = lilv_port_get_value(plug, p, rdfs_comment);
  731. TEST_ASSERT(!comments);
  732. lilv_nodes_free(comments);
  733. lilv_node_free(rdfs_comment);
  734. setenv("LANG", "C", 1); // Reset locale
  735. LilvScalePoints* points = lilv_port_get_scale_points(plug, p);
  736. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_scale_points_size(points) == 2);
  737. LilvIter* sp_iter = lilv_scale_points_begin(points);
  738. const LilvScalePoint* sp0 = lilv_scale_points_get(points, sp_iter);
  739. TEST_ASSERT(sp0);
  740. sp_iter = lilv_scale_points_next(points, sp_iter);
  741. const LilvScalePoint* sp1 = lilv_scale_points_get(points, sp_iter);
  742. TEST_ASSERT(sp1);
  744. ((!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(lilv_scale_point_get_label(sp0)), "Sin")
  745. && lilv_node_as_float(lilv_scale_point_get_value(sp0)) == 3)
  746. &&
  747. (!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(lilv_scale_point_get_label(sp1)), "Cos")
  748. && lilv_node_as_float(lilv_scale_point_get_value(sp1)) == 4))
  749. ||
  750. ((!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(lilv_scale_point_get_label(sp0)), "Cos")
  751. && lilv_node_as_float(lilv_scale_point_get_value(sp0)) == 4)
  752. &&
  753. (!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(lilv_scale_point_get_label(sp1)), "Sin")
  754. && lilv_node_as_float(lilv_scale_point_get_value(sp1)) == 3)));
  755. LilvNode* homepage_p = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  756. LilvNodes* homepages = lilv_plugin_get_value(plug, homepage_p);
  757. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(homepages) == 1);
  758. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(lilv_nodes_get_first(homepages)),
  759. ""));
  760. LilvNode *min, *max, *def;
  761. lilv_port_get_range(plug, p, &def, &min, &max);
  762. TEST_ASSERT(def);
  763. TEST_ASSERT(min);
  764. TEST_ASSERT(max);
  765. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_as_float(def) == 0.5);
  766. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_as_float(min) == -1.0);
  767. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_as_float(max) == 1.0);
  768. LilvNode* integer_prop = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  769. LilvNode* toggled_prop = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  770. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_port_has_property(plug, p, integer_prop));
  771. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_port_has_property(plug, p, toggled_prop));
  772. const LilvPort* ep = lilv_plugin_get_port_by_index(plug, 1);
  773. LilvNode* event_type = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  774. LilvNode* event_type_2 = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  775. LilvNode* atom_event = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  776. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_port_supports_event(plug, ep, event_type));
  777. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_port_supports_event(plug, ep, event_type_2));
  778. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_port_supports_event(plug, ep, atom_event));
  779. LilvNode* name_p = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  780. LilvNodes* names = lilv_port_get_value(plug, p, name_p);
  781. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(names) == 1);
  782. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(lilv_nodes_get_first(names)),
  783. "store"));
  784. lilv_nodes_free(names);
  785. LilvNode* true_val = lilv_new_bool(world, true);
  786. LilvNode* false_val = lilv_new_bool(world, false);
  787. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_node_equals(true_val, false_val));
  788. lilv_world_set_option(world, LILV_OPTION_FILTER_LANG, false_val);
  789. names = lilv_port_get_value(plug, p, name_p);
  790. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(names) == 4);
  791. lilv_nodes_free(names);
  792. lilv_world_set_option(world, LILV_OPTION_FILTER_LANG, true_val);
  793. lilv_node_free(false_val);
  794. lilv_node_free(true_val);
  795. names = lilv_port_get_value(plug, ep, name_p);
  796. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(names) == 1);
  797. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_node_as_string(lilv_nodes_get_first(names)),
  798. "Event Input"));
  799. lilv_nodes_free(names);
  800. lilv_node_free(name_p);
  801. lilv_node_free(integer_prop);
  802. lilv_node_free(toggled_prop);
  803. lilv_node_free(event_type);
  804. lilv_node_free(event_type_2);
  805. lilv_node_free(atom_event);
  806. lilv_node_free(min);
  807. lilv_node_free(max);
  808. lilv_node_free(def);
  809. lilv_node_free(homepage_p);
  810. lilv_nodes_free(homepages);
  811. lilv_scale_points_free(points);
  812. lilv_node_free(control_class);
  813. lilv_node_free(audio_class);
  814. lilv_node_free(in_class);
  815. cleanup_uris();
  816. return 1;
  817. }
  818. /*****************************************************************************/
  819. static unsigned
  820. ui_supported(const char* container_type_uri,
  821. const char* ui_type_uri)
  822. {
  823. return !strcmp(container_type_uri, ui_type_uri);
  824. }
  825. static int
  826. test_ui(void)
  827. {
  828. if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
  829. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <foo" SHLIB_EXT "> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
  831. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; a lv2:CompressorPlugin ; "
  832. PLUGIN_NAME("Test plugin") " ; "
  833. LICENSE_GPL " ; "
  834. "lv2:optionalFeature lv2:hardRTCapable ; "
  835. "lv2:requiredFeature <> ; "
  836. "lv2ui:ui :ui , :ui2 , :ui3 , :ui4 ; "
  837. "doap:maintainer [ foaf:name \"David Robillard\" ; "
  838. " foaf:homepage <> ; foaf:mbox <> ] ; "
  839. "lv2:port [ "
  840. " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
  841. " lv2:index 0 ; lv2:symbol \"foo\" ; lv2:name \"bar\" ; "
  842. " lv2:minimum -1.0 ; lv2:maximum 1.0 ; lv2:default 0.5 "
  843. "] , [ "
  844. " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
  845. " lv2:index 1 ; lv2:symbol \"bar\" ; lv2:name \"Baz\" ; "
  846. " lv2:minimum -2.0 ; lv2:maximum 2.0 ; lv2:default 1.0 "
  847. "] , [ "
  848. " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:OutputPort ; "
  849. " lv2:index 2 ; lv2:symbol \"latency\" ; lv2:name \"Latency\" ; "
  850. " lv2:portProperty lv2:reportsLatency "
  851. "] .\n"
  852. ":ui a lv2ui:GtkUI ; "
  853. " lv2ui:requiredFeature lv2ui:makeResident ; "
  854. " lv2ui:binary <ui" SHLIB_EXT "> ; "
  855. " lv2ui:optionalFeature lv2ui:ext_presets . "
  856. ":ui2 a lv2ui:GtkUI ; lv2ui:binary <ui2" SHLIB_EXT "> . "
  857. ":ui3 a lv2ui:GtkUI ; lv2ui:binary <ui3" SHLIB_EXT "> . "
  858. ":ui4 a lv2ui:GtkUI ; lv2ui:binary <ui4" SHLIB_EXT "> . "))
  859. return 0;
  860. init_uris();
  861. const LilvPlugins* plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
  862. const LilvPlugin* plug = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri_value);
  863. TEST_ASSERT(plug);
  864. LilvUIs* uis = lilv_plugin_get_uis(plug);
  865. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_uis_size(uis) == 4);
  866. const LilvUI* ui0 = lilv_uis_get(uis, lilv_uis_begin(uis));
  867. TEST_ASSERT(ui0);
  868. LilvNode* ui_uri = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  869. LilvNode* ui2_uri = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  870. LilvNode* ui3_uri = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  871. LilvNode* noui_uri = lilv_new_uri(world, "");
  872. const LilvUI* ui0_2 = lilv_uis_get_by_uri(uis, ui_uri);
  873. TEST_ASSERT(ui0 == ui0_2);
  874. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_equals(lilv_ui_get_uri(ui0_2), ui_uri));
  875. const LilvUI* ui2 = lilv_uis_get_by_uri(uis, ui2_uri);
  876. TEST_ASSERT(ui2 != ui0);
  877. const LilvUI* ui3 = lilv_uis_get_by_uri(uis, ui3_uri);
  878. TEST_ASSERT(ui3 != ui0);
  879. const LilvUI* noui = lilv_uis_get_by_uri(uis, noui_uri);
  880. TEST_ASSERT(noui == NULL);
  881. const LilvNodes* classes = lilv_ui_get_classes(ui0);
  882. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_nodes_size(classes) == 1);
  883. LilvNode* ui_class_uri = lilv_new_uri(world,
  884. "");
  885. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_equals(lilv_nodes_get_first(classes), ui_class_uri));
  886. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_ui_is_a(ui0, ui_class_uri));
  887. const LilvNode* ui_type = NULL;
  888. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_ui_is_supported(ui0, ui_supported, ui_class_uri, &ui_type));
  889. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_equals(ui_type, ui_class_uri));
  890. const LilvNode* plug_bundle_uri = lilv_plugin_get_bundle_uri(plug);
  891. const LilvNode* ui_bundle_uri = lilv_ui_get_bundle_uri(ui0);
  892. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_equals(plug_bundle_uri, ui_bundle_uri));
  893. char* ui_binary_uri_str = (char*)malloc(TEST_PATH_MAX);
  894. snprintf(ui_binary_uri_str, TEST_PATH_MAX, "%s%s",
  895. lilv_node_as_string(plug_bundle_uri), "ui" SHLIB_EXT);
  896. const LilvNode* ui_binary_uri = lilv_ui_get_binary_uri(ui0);
  897. LilvNode* expected_uri = lilv_new_uri(world, ui_binary_uri_str);
  898. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_equals(expected_uri, ui_binary_uri));
  899. free(ui_binary_uri_str);
  900. lilv_node_free(ui_class_uri);
  901. lilv_node_free(ui_uri);
  902. lilv_node_free(ui2_uri);
  903. lilv_node_free(ui3_uri);
  904. lilv_node_free(noui_uri);
  905. lilv_node_free(expected_uri);
  906. lilv_uis_free(uis);
  907. cleanup_uris();
  908. return 1;
  909. }
  910. /*****************************************************************************/
  911. uint32_t atom_Float = 0;
  912. float in = 1.0;
  913. float out = 42.0;
  914. static const void*
  915. get_port_value(const char* port_symbol,
  916. void* user_data,
  917. uint32_t* size,
  918. uint32_t* type)
  919. {
  920. if (!strcmp(port_symbol, "input")) {
  921. *size = sizeof(float);
  922. *type = atom_Float;
  923. return &in;
  924. } else if (!strcmp(port_symbol, "output")) {
  925. *size = sizeof(float);
  926. *type = atom_Float;
  927. return &out;
  928. } else {
  929. fprintf(stderr, "error: get_port_value for nonexistent port `%s'\n",
  930. port_symbol);
  931. *size = *type = 0;
  932. return NULL;
  933. }
  934. }
  935. static void
  936. set_port_value(const char* port_symbol,
  937. void* user_data,
  938. const void* value,
  939. uint32_t size,
  940. uint32_t type)
  941. {
  942. if (!strcmp(port_symbol, "input")) {
  943. in = *(float*)value;
  944. } else if (!strcmp(port_symbol, "output")) {
  945. out = *(float*)value;
  946. } else {
  947. fprintf(stderr, "error: set_port_value for nonexistent port `%s'\n",
  948. port_symbol);
  949. }
  950. }
  951. char** uris = NULL;
  952. size_t n_uris = 0;
  953. static LV2_URID
  954. map_uri(LV2_URID_Map_Handle handle,
  955. const char* uri)
  956. {
  957. for (size_t i = 0; i < n_uris; ++i) {
  958. if (!strcmp(uris[i], uri)) {
  959. return i + 1;
  960. }
  961. }
  962. assert(serd_uri_string_has_scheme((const uint8_t*)uri));
  963. uris = (char**)realloc(uris, ++n_uris * sizeof(char*));
  964. uris[n_uris - 1] = lilv_strdup(uri);
  965. return n_uris;
  966. }
  967. static const char*
  968. unmap_uri(LV2_URID_Map_Handle handle,
  969. LV2_URID urid)
  970. {
  971. if (urid > 0 && urid <= n_uris) {
  972. return uris[urid - 1];
  973. }
  974. return NULL;
  975. }
  976. static char* temp_dir = NULL;
  977. static char*
  978. lilv_make_path(LV2_State_Make_Path_Handle handle,
  979. const char* path)
  980. {
  981. return lilv_path_join(temp_dir, path);
  982. }
  983. static int
  984. test_state(void)
  985. {
  986. init_world();
  987. uint8_t* abs_bundle = (uint8_t*)lilv_path_absolute(LILV_TEST_BUNDLE);
  988. SerdNode bundle = serd_node_new_file_uri(abs_bundle, 0, 0, true);
  989. LilvNode* bundle_uri = lilv_new_uri(world, (const char*)bundle.buf);
  990. LilvNode* plugin_uri = lilv_new_uri(world,
  991. "");
  992. lilv_world_load_bundle(world, bundle_uri);
  993. free(abs_bundle);
  994. serd_node_free(&bundle);
  995. const LilvPlugins* plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
  996. const LilvPlugin* plugin = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri);
  997. TEST_ASSERT(plugin);
  998. LV2_URID_Map map = { NULL, map_uri };
  999. LV2_Feature map_feature = { LV2_URID_MAP_URI, &map };
  1000. LV2_URID_Unmap unmap = { NULL, unmap_uri };
  1001. LV2_Feature unmap_feature = { LV2_URID_UNMAP_URI, &unmap };
  1002. const LV2_Feature* features[] = { &map_feature, &unmap_feature, NULL };
  1003. atom_Float =, "");
  1004. LilvNode* num = lilv_new_int(world, 5);
  1005. LilvState* nostate = lilv_state_new_from_file(world, &map, num, "/junk");
  1006. TEST_ASSERT(!nostate);
  1007. LilvInstance* instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, features);
  1008. TEST_ASSERT(instance);
  1009. lilv_instance_activate(instance);
  1010. lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 0, &in);
  1011. lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 1, &out);
  1012. lilv_instance_run(instance, 1);
  1013. TEST_ASSERT(in == 1.0);
  1014. TEST_ASSERT(out == 1.0);
  1015. temp_dir = lilv_realpath("temp");
  1016. const char* file_dir = NULL;
  1017. char* copy_dir = NULL;
  1018. char* link_dir = NULL;
  1019. char* save_dir = NULL;
  1020. // Get instance state state
  1021. LilvState* state = lilv_state_new_from_instance(
  1022. plugin, instance, &map,
  1023. file_dir, copy_dir, link_dir, save_dir,
  1024. get_port_value, world, 0, NULL);
  1025. // Get another instance state
  1026. LilvState* state2 = lilv_state_new_from_instance(
  1027. plugin, instance, &map,
  1028. file_dir, copy_dir, link_dir, save_dir,
  1029. get_port_value, world, 0, NULL);
  1030. // Ensure they are equal
  1031. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_state_equals(state, state2));
  1032. // Check that we can't save a state with no URI
  1033. char* bad_state_str = lilv_state_to_string(
  1034. world, &map, &unmap, state, NULL, NULL);
  1035. TEST_ASSERT(!bad_state_str);
  1036. // Check that we can't restore the NULL string (and it doesn't crash)
  1037. LilvState* bad_state = lilv_state_new_from_string(world, &map, NULL);
  1038. TEST_ASSERT(!bad_state);
  1039. // Save state to a string
  1040. char* state1_str = lilv_state_to_string(
  1041. world, &map, &unmap, state, "", NULL);
  1042. // Restore from string
  1043. LilvState* from_str = lilv_state_new_from_string(world, &map, state1_str);
  1044. // Ensure they are equal
  1045. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_state_equals(state, from_str));
  1046. free(state1_str);
  1047. const LilvNode* state_plugin_uri = lilv_state_get_plugin_uri(state);
  1048. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_node_equals(state_plugin_uri, plugin_uri));
  1049. // Tinker with the label of the first state
  1050. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_state_get_label(state) == NULL);
  1051. lilv_state_set_label(state, "Test State Old Label");
  1052. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_state_get_label(state), "Test State Old Label"));
  1053. lilv_state_set_label(state, "Test State");
  1054. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp(lilv_state_get_label(state), "Test State"));
  1055. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_state_equals(state, state2)); // Label changed
  1056. // Run and get a new instance state (which should now differ)
  1057. lilv_instance_run(instance, 1);
  1058. LilvState* state3 = lilv_state_new_from_instance(
  1059. plugin, instance, &map,
  1060. file_dir, copy_dir, link_dir, save_dir,
  1061. get_port_value, world, 0, NULL);
  1062. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_state_equals(state2, state3)); // num_runs changed
  1063. // Restore instance state to original state
  1064. lilv_state_restore(state2, instance, set_port_value, NULL, 0, NULL);
  1065. // Take a new snapshot and ensure it matches the set state
  1066. LilvState* state4 = lilv_state_new_from_instance(
  1067. plugin, instance, &map,
  1068. file_dir, copy_dir, link_dir, save_dir,
  1069. get_port_value, world, 0, NULL);
  1070. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_state_equals(state2, state4));
  1071. // Save state to a directory
  1072. int ret = lilv_state_save(world, &map, &unmap, state, NULL,
  1073. "state.lv2", "state.ttl");
  1074. TEST_ASSERT(!ret);
  1075. // Load state from directory
  1076. LilvState* state5 = lilv_state_new_from_file(world, &map, NULL,
  1077. "state.lv2/state.ttl");
  1078. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_state_equals(state, state5)); // Round trip accuracy
  1079. // Save state with URI to a directory
  1080. const char* state_uri = "";
  1081. ret = lilv_state_save(world, &map, &unmap, state, state_uri,
  1082. "state6.lv2", "state6.ttl");
  1083. TEST_ASSERT(!ret);
  1084. // Load default bundle into world and load state from it
  1085. uint8_t* state6_path = (uint8_t*)lilv_path_absolute("state6.lv2/");
  1086. SerdNode state6_uri = serd_node_new_file_uri(state6_path, 0, 0, true);
  1087. LilvNode* test_state_bundle = lilv_new_uri(world, (const char*)state6_uri.buf);
  1088. LilvNode* test_state_node = lilv_new_uri(world, state_uri);
  1089. lilv_world_load_bundle(world, test_state_bundle);
  1090. lilv_world_load_resource(world, test_state_node);
  1091. serd_node_free(&state6_uri);
  1092. free(state6_path);
  1093. LilvState* state6 = lilv_state_new_from_world(world, &map, test_state_node);
  1094. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_state_equals(state, state6)); // Round trip accuracy
  1095. lilv_node_free(test_state_bundle);
  1096. lilv_node_free(test_state_node);
  1097. unsetenv("LV2_STATE_BUNDLE");
  1098. // Make directories and test files support
  1099. mkdir("temp", 0700);
  1100. file_dir = temp_dir;
  1101. mkdir("files", 0700);
  1102. copy_dir = lilv_realpath("files");
  1103. mkdir("links", 0700);
  1104. link_dir = lilv_realpath("links");
  1105. LV2_State_Make_Path make_path = { NULL, lilv_make_path };
  1106. LV2_Feature make_path_feature = { LV2_STATE__makePath, &make_path };
  1107. const LV2_Feature* ffeatures[] = { &make_path_feature, &map_feature, NULL };
  1108. lilv_instance_deactivate(instance);
  1109. lilv_instance_free(instance);
  1110. instance = lilv_plugin_instantiate(plugin, 48000.0, ffeatures);
  1111. lilv_instance_activate(instance);
  1112. lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 0, &in);
  1113. lilv_instance_connect_port(instance, 1, &out);
  1114. lilv_instance_run(instance, 1);
  1115. // Get instance state state
  1116. LilvState* fstate = lilv_state_new_from_instance(
  1117. plugin, instance, &map,
  1118. file_dir, copy_dir, link_dir, "fstate.lv2",
  1119. get_port_value, world, 0, ffeatures);
  1120. // Get another instance state
  1121. LilvState* fstate2 = lilv_state_new_from_instance(
  1122. plugin, instance, &map,
  1123. file_dir, copy_dir, link_dir, "fstate2.lv2",
  1124. get_port_value, world, 0, ffeatures);
  1125. // Should be identical
  1126. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_state_equals(fstate, fstate2));
  1127. // Run, writing more to rec file
  1128. lilv_instance_run(instance, 2);
  1129. // Get yet another instance state
  1130. LilvState* fstate3 = lilv_state_new_from_instance(
  1131. plugin, instance, &map, file_dir, copy_dir, link_dir, "fstate3.lv2",
  1132. get_port_value, world, 0, ffeatures);
  1133. // Should be different
  1134. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_state_equals(fstate, fstate3));
  1135. // Save state to a directory
  1136. ret = lilv_state_save(world, &map, &unmap, fstate, NULL,
  1137. "fstate.lv2", "fstate.ttl");
  1138. TEST_ASSERT(!ret);
  1139. // Load state from directory
  1140. LilvState* fstate4 = lilv_state_new_from_file(world, &map, NULL,
  1141. "fstate.lv2/fstate.ttl");
  1142. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_state_equals(fstate, fstate4)); // Round trip accuracy
  1143. // Restore instance state to loaded state
  1144. lilv_state_restore(fstate4, instance, set_port_value, NULL, 0, ffeatures);
  1145. // Take a new snapshot and ensure it matches
  1146. LilvState* fstate5 = lilv_state_new_from_instance(
  1147. plugin, instance, &map,
  1148. file_dir, copy_dir, link_dir, "fstate5.lv2",
  1149. get_port_value, world, 0, ffeatures);
  1150. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_state_equals(fstate3, fstate5));
  1151. // Save state to a (different) directory again
  1152. ret = lilv_state_save(world, &map, &unmap, fstate, NULL,
  1153. "fstate6.lv2", "fstate6.ttl");
  1154. TEST_ASSERT(!ret);
  1155. // Reload it and ensure it's identical to the other loaded version
  1156. LilvState* fstate6 = lilv_state_new_from_file(world, &map, NULL,
  1157. "fstate6.lv2/fstate6.ttl");
  1158. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_state_equals(fstate4, fstate6));
  1159. // Run, changing rec file (without changing size)
  1160. lilv_instance_run(instance, 3);
  1161. // Take a new snapshot
  1162. LilvState* fstate7 = lilv_state_new_from_instance(
  1163. plugin, instance, &map,
  1164. file_dir, copy_dir, link_dir, "fstate7.lv2",
  1165. get_port_value, world, 0, ffeatures);
  1166. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_state_equals(fstate6, fstate7));
  1167. // Save the changed state to a (different) directory again
  1168. ret = lilv_state_save(world, &map, &unmap, fstate7, NULL,
  1169. "fstate7.lv2", "fstate7.ttl");
  1170. TEST_ASSERT(!ret);
  1171. // Reload it and ensure it's changed
  1172. LilvState* fstate72 = lilv_state_new_from_file(world, &map, NULL,
  1173. "fstate7.lv2/fstate7.ttl");
  1174. TEST_ASSERT(lilv_state_equals(fstate72, fstate7));
  1175. TEST_ASSERT(!lilv_state_equals(fstate6, fstate72));
  1176. lilv_instance_deactivate(instance);
  1177. lilv_instance_free(instance);
  1178. lilv_node_free(num);
  1179. lilv_state_free(state);
  1180. lilv_state_free(from_str);
  1181. lilv_state_free(state2);
  1182. lilv_state_free(state3);
  1183. lilv_state_free(state4);
  1184. lilv_state_free(state5);
  1185. lilv_state_free(state6);
  1186. lilv_state_free(fstate);
  1187. lilv_state_free(fstate2);
  1188. lilv_state_free(fstate3);
  1189. lilv_state_free(fstate4);
  1190. lilv_state_free(fstate5);
  1191. lilv_state_free(fstate6);
  1192. lilv_state_free(fstate7);
  1193. lilv_state_free(fstate72);
  1194. // Free URI map
  1195. for (size_t i = 0; i < n_uris; ++i) {
  1196. free(uris[i]);
  1197. }
  1198. free(uris);
  1199. n_uris = 0;
  1200. lilv_node_free(plugin_uri);
  1201. lilv_node_free(bundle_uri);
  1202. free(link_dir);
  1203. free(copy_dir);
  1204. free(temp_dir);
  1205. cleanup_uris();
  1206. return 1;
  1207. }
  1208. /*****************************************************************************/
  1209. static int
  1210. test_bad_port_symbol(void)
  1211. {
  1212. if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
  1213. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <foo" SHLIB_EXT "> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
  1215. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; "
  1216. PLUGIN_NAME("Test plugin") " ; "
  1217. LICENSE_GPL " ; "
  1218. "doap:homepage <> ; "
  1219. "lv2:port [ "
  1220. " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
  1221. " lv2:index 0 ; lv2:symbol \"0invalid\" ;"
  1222. " lv2:name \"Invalid\" ; "
  1223. "] ."))
  1224. return 0;
  1225. init_uris();
  1226. const LilvPlugins* plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
  1227. const LilvPlugin* plug = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri_value);
  1228. uint32_t n_ports = lilv_plugin_get_num_ports(plug);
  1229. TEST_ASSERT(n_ports == 0);
  1230. cleanup_uris();
  1231. return 1;
  1232. }
  1233. /*****************************************************************************/
  1234. static int
  1235. test_bad_port_index(void)
  1236. {
  1237. if (!start_bundle(MANIFEST_PREFIXES
  1238. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; lv2:binary <foo" SHLIB_EXT "> ; rdfs:seeAlso <plugin.ttl> .\n",
  1240. ":plug a lv2:Plugin ; "
  1241. PLUGIN_NAME("Test plugin") " ; "
  1242. LICENSE_GPL " ; "
  1243. "doap:homepage <> ; "
  1244. "lv2:port [ "
  1245. " a lv2:ControlPort ; a lv2:InputPort ; "
  1246. " lv2:index \"notaninteger\" ; lv2:symbol \"invalid\" ;"
  1247. " lv2:name \"Invalid\" ; "
  1248. "] ."))
  1249. return 0;
  1250. init_uris();
  1251. const LilvPlugins* plugins = lilv_world_get_all_plugins(world);
  1252. const LilvPlugin* plug = lilv_plugins_get_by_uri(plugins, plugin_uri_value);
  1253. uint32_t n_ports = lilv_plugin_get_num_ports(plug);
  1254. TEST_ASSERT(n_ports == 0);
  1255. cleanup_uris();
  1256. return 1;
  1257. }
  1258. /*****************************************************************************/
  1259. static int
  1260. test_string(void)
  1261. {
  1262. char* s = NULL;
  1263. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_dirname("/foo/bar")), "/foo")); free(s);
  1264. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_dirname("/foo/bar/")), "/foo")); free(s);
  1265. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_dirname("/foo///bar/")), "/foo")); free(s);
  1266. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_dirname("/foo///bar//")), "/foo")); free(s);
  1267. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_dirname("foo")), ".")); free(s);
  1268. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_dirname("/foo")), "/")); free(s);
  1269. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_dirname("/")), "/")); free(s);
  1270. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_dirname("//")), "/")); free(s);
  1271. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_path_relative_to("/a/b", "/a/")), "b")); free(s);
  1272. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_path_relative_to("/a", "/b/c/")), "/a")); free(s);
  1273. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_path_relative_to("/a/b/c", "/a/b/d/")), "../c")); free(s);
  1274. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_path_relative_to("/a/b/c", "/a/b/d/e/")), "../../c")); free(s);
  1275. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_path_join("/a", "b")), "/a/b")); free(s);
  1276. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_path_join("/a", "/b")), "/a/b")); free(s);
  1277. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_path_join("/a/", "/b")), "/a/b")); free(s);
  1278. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_path_join("/a/", "b")), "/a/b")); free(s);
  1279. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_path_join("/a", NULL)), "/a/")); free(s);
  1280. #ifndef _WIN32
  1281. setenv("LILV_TEST_1", "test", 1);
  1282. char* home_foo = lilv_strjoin(getenv("HOME"), "/foo", NULL);
  1283. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_expand("$LILV_TEST_1")), "test")); free(s);
  1284. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_expand("~")), getenv("HOME"))); free(s);
  1285. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_expand("~foo")), "~foo")); free(s);
  1286. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_expand("~/foo")), home_foo)); free(s);
  1287. TEST_ASSERT(!strcmp((s = lilv_expand("$NOT_A_VAR")), "$NOT_A_VAR")); free(s);
  1288. free(home_foo);
  1289. unsetenv("LILV_TEST_1");
  1290. #endif
  1291. return 1;
  1292. }
  1293. /*****************************************************************************/
  1294. /* add tests here */
  1295. static struct TestCase tests[] = {
  1296. TEST_CASE(utils),
  1297. TEST_CASE(value),
  1298. TEST_CASE(verify),
  1299. TEST_CASE(no_verify),
  1300. TEST_CASE(discovery),
  1301. TEST_CASE(lv2_path),
  1302. TEST_CASE(classes),
  1303. TEST_CASE(plugin),
  1304. TEST_CASE(port),
  1305. TEST_CASE(ui),
  1306. TEST_CASE(bad_port_symbol),
  1307. TEST_CASE(bad_port_index),
  1308. TEST_CASE(bad_port_index),
  1309. TEST_CASE(string),
  1310. TEST_CASE(state),
  1311. { NULL, NULL }
  1312. };
  1313. static void
  1314. run_tests(void)
  1315. {
  1316. int i;
  1317. for (i = 0; tests[i].title; i++) {
  1318. printf("*** Test %s\n", tests[i].title);
  1319. if (!tests[i].func()) {
  1320. printf("\nTest failed\n");
  1321. /* test case that wasn't able to be executed at all counts as 1 test + 1 error */
  1322. error_count++;
  1323. test_count++;
  1324. }
  1325. unload_bundle();
  1326. cleanup();
  1327. }
  1328. }
  1329. int
  1330. main(int argc, char* argv[])
  1331. {
  1332. if (argc != 1) {
  1333. printf("Syntax: %s\n", argv[0]);
  1334. return 0;
  1335. }
  1336. setenv("LANG", "C", 1);
  1337. init_tests();
  1338. run_tests();
  1339. cleanup();
  1340. printf("\n*** Test Results: %d tests, %d errors\n\n", test_count, error_count);
  1341. return error_count ? 1 : 0;
  1342. }