Audio plugin host
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  1. #!/usr/bin/env python3
  2. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  3. # Carla plugin/slot skin code
  4. # Copyright (C) 2013-2014 Filipe Coelho <>
  5. #
  6. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
  7. # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
  8. # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
  9. # the License, or any later version.
  10. #
  11. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  12. # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  14. # GNU General Public License for more details.
  15. #
  16. # For a full copy of the GNU General Public License see the doc/GPL.txt file.
  17. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  18. # Imports (Config)
  19. from carla_config import *
  20. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. # Imports (Global)
  22. if config_UseQt5:
  23. from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QRectF
  24. from PyQt5.QtGui import QFont, QFontDatabase, QPen, QPixmap
  25. from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QFrame, QPushButton
  26. else:
  27. from PyQt4.QtCore import Qt, QRectF
  28. from PyQt4.QtGui import QFont, QFontDatabase, QFrame, QPen, QPixmap, QPushButton
  29. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. # Imports (Custom)
  31. import ui_carla_plugin_calf
  32. import ui_carla_plugin_classic
  33. import ui_carla_plugin_compact
  34. import ui_carla_plugin_default
  35. import ui_carla_plugin_presets
  36. from carla_widgets import *
  37. from digitalpeakmeter import DigitalPeakMeter
  38. from pixmapdial import PixmapDial
  39. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. # Plugin Skin Rules (WORK IN PROGRESS)
  41. # Base is a QFrame (NoFrame, Plain, 0-size lines), with "PluginWidget" as object name.
  42. # Spacing of the top-most layout must be 1px.
  43. # Top and bottom margins must be 3px (can be splitted between different qt layouts).
  44. # Left and right margins must be 6px (can be splitted between different qt layouts).
  45. # If the left or right side has built-in margins, say a transparent png border,
  46. # those margins must be taken into consideration.
  47. #
  48. # There's a top and bottom layout, separated by a horizontal line.
  49. # Compacted skins do not have the bottom layout and separating line.
  50. # T O P A R E A
  51. #
  52. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  53. # | <> | <> [ WIDGETS ] [ LEDS ] |
  54. # | BUTTONS <> | <> PLUGIN NAME < spacer > [ WIDGETS ] [ LEDS ] |
  55. # | <> | <> [ WIDGETS ] [ LEDS ] |
  56. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  57. #
  58. # Buttons area has size fixed. (TBA)
  59. # Spacers at the left of the plugin name must be 8x1 in size (fixed).
  60. # The line before the plugin name must be height-10px (fixed).
  61. # WIDGETS area can be extended to the left, if using meters they should have 80px.
  62. # WIDGETS margins are 4px for left+right and 2px for top+bottom, with 4px spacing.
  63. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  64. # Try to "shortify" a parameter name
  65. def getParameterShortName(paramName):
  66. paramName = paramName.split("/",1)[0].split(" (",1)[0].split(" [",1)[0].strip()
  67. paramLow = paramName.lower()
  68. # Cut useless prefix
  69. if paramLow.startswith("compressor "):
  70. paramName = paramName.replace("ompressor ", ".", 1)
  71. paramLow = paramName.lower()
  72. elif paramLow.startswith("room "):
  73. paramName = paramName.split(" ",1)[1]
  74. paramLow = paramName.lower()
  75. # Cut useless suffix
  76. if paramLow.endswith(" level"):
  77. paramName = paramName.rsplit(" ",1)[0]
  78. paramLow = paramName.lower()
  79. elif paramLow.endswith(" time"):
  80. paramName = paramName.rsplit(" ",1)[0]
  81. paramLow = paramName.lower()
  82. # Cut generic names
  83. if "attack" in paramLow:
  84. paramName = paramName.replace("ttack", "tk")
  85. elif "bandwidth" in paramLow:
  86. paramName = paramName.replace("andwidth", "w")
  87. elif "damping" in paramLow:
  88. paramName = paramName.replace("amping", "amp")
  89. elif "distortion" in paramLow:
  90. paramName = paramName.replace("istortion", "ist")
  91. elif "feedback" in paramLow:
  92. paramName = paramName.replace("eedback", "b")
  93. elif "frequency" in paramLow:
  94. paramName = paramName.replace("requency", "req")
  95. elif "input" in paramLow:
  96. paramName = paramName.replace("nput", "n")
  97. elif "makeup" in paramLow:
  98. paramName = paramName.replace("akeup", "kUp" if "Make" in paramName else "kup")
  99. elif "output" in paramLow:
  100. paramName = paramName.replace("utput", "ut")
  101. elif "random" in paramLow:
  102. paramName = paramName.replace("andom", "nd")
  103. elif "threshold" in paramLow:
  104. paramName = paramName.replace("hreshold", "hres")
  105. # remove space if last char from 1st word is lowercase and the first char from the 2nd is uppercase,
  106. # or if 2nd is a number
  107. if " " in paramName:
  108. name1, name2 = paramName.split(" ", 1)
  109. if (name1[-1].islower() and name2[0].isupper()) or name2.isdigit():
  110. paramName = paramName.replace(" ", "", 1)
  111. # cut stuff if too big
  112. if len(paramName) > 7:
  113. paramName = paramName.replace("a","").replace("e","").replace("i","").replace("o","").replace("u","")
  114. if len(paramName) > 7:
  115. paramName = paramName[:7]
  116. return paramName.strip()
  117. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  118. # Get RGB colors for a plugin category
  119. def getColorFromCategory(category):
  120. r = 40
  121. g = 40
  122. b = 40
  123. if category == PLUGIN_CATEGORY_MODULATOR:
  124. r += 10
  125. elif category == PLUGIN_CATEGORY_EQ:
  126. g += 10
  127. elif category == PLUGIN_CATEGORY_FILTER:
  128. b += 10
  129. elif category == PLUGIN_CATEGORY_DELAY:
  130. r += 15
  131. b -= 15
  132. elif category == PLUGIN_CATEGORY_DISTORTION:
  133. g += 10
  134. b += 10
  135. elif category == PLUGIN_CATEGORY_DYNAMICS:
  136. r += 10
  137. b += 10
  138. elif category == PLUGIN_CATEGORY_UTILITY:
  139. r += 10
  140. g += 10
  141. return (r, g, b)
  142. def getModColorFromCategory(category):
  143. if category == PLUGIN_CATEGORY_NONE:
  144. return (40, 40, 40)
  145. if category == PLUGIN_CATEGORY_SYNTH:
  146. return (30, 150, 49)
  147. if category == PLUGIN_CATEGORY_DELAY:
  148. return (47, 47, 47)
  150. return (255, 220, 25)
  151. if category == PLUGIN_CATEGORY_DISTORTION:
  152. return (255, 127, 25)
  153. if category == PLUGIN_CATEGORY_DYNAMICS:
  154. return (255, 25, 25)
  155. if category == PLUGIN_CATEGORY_MODULATOR:
  156. return (109, 31, 142)
  157. if category == PLUGIN_CATEGORY_UTILITY:
  158. return (95, 95, 95)
  159. if category == PLUGIN_CATEGORY_OTHER:
  160. return (92, 210, 254)
  161. return (40, 40, 40)
  162. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. #
  164. def setPixmapDialStyle(widget, parameterId, parameterCount, skinStyle):
  165. if "calf" in skinStyle:
  166. widget.setCustomPaintMode(PixmapDial.CUSTOM_PAINT_MODE_NO_GRADIENT)
  167. widget.setPixmap(7)
  168. elif skinStyle == "mod":
  169. widget.setCustomPaintMode(PixmapDial.CUSTOM_PAINT_MODE_NO_GRADIENT)
  170. widget.setPixmap(14)
  171. elif skinStyle == "openav":
  172. widget.setCustomPaintMode(PixmapDial.CUSTOM_PAINT_MODE_NO_GRADIENT)
  173. if parameterId == PARAMETER_DRYWET:
  174. widget.setPixmap(13)
  175. elif parameterId == PARAMETER_VOLUME:
  176. widget.setPixmap(12)
  177. else:
  178. widget.setPixmap(11)
  179. else:
  180. if parameterId == PARAMETER_DRYWET:
  181. widget.setCustomPaintMode(PixmapDial.CUSTOM_PAINT_MODE_CARLA_WET)
  182. elif parameterId == PARAMETER_VOLUME:
  183. widget.setCustomPaintMode(PixmapDial.CUSTOM_PAINT_MODE_CARLA_VOL)
  184. else:
  185. _r = 255 - int((float(parameterId)/float(parameterCount))*200.0)
  186. _g = 55 + int((float(parameterId)/float(parameterCount))*200.0)
  187. _b = 0 #(r-40)*4
  188. widget.setCustomPaintColor(QColor(_r, _g, _b))
  189. widget.setCustomPaintMode(PixmapDial.CUSTOM_PAINT_MODE_COLOR)
  190. widget.setPixmap(3)
  191. widget.forceWhiteLabelGradientText()
  192. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  193. # Abstract plugin slot
  194. class AbstractPluginSlot(QFrame, PluginEditParentMeta):
  195. #class AbstractPluginSlot(QFrame, PluginEditParentMeta, metaclass=PyQtMetaClass):
  196. def __init__(self, parent, host, pluginId, skinStyle):
  197. QFrame.__init__(self, parent)
  198. = host
  199. if False:
  200. # kdevelop likes this :)
  201. host = CarlaHostNull()
  202. = host
  203. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  204. # Get plugin info
  205. self.fPluginId = pluginId
  206. self.fPluginInfo = host.get_plugin_info(self.fPluginId)
  207. self.fSkinStyle = skinStyle
  208. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  209. # Internal stuff
  210. self.fIsActive = False
  211. self.fIsSelected = False
  212. self.fLastGreenLedState = False
  213. self.fLastBlueLedState = False
  214. self.fParameterIconTimer = ICON_STATE_NULL
  215. self.fParameterList = [] # index, widget
  216. audioCountInfo = host.get_audio_port_count_info(self.fPluginId)
  217. self.fPeaksInputCount = audioCountInfo['ins']
  218. self.fPeaksOutputCount = audioCountInfo['outs']
  219. if self.fPeaksInputCount > 2:
  220. self.fPeaksInputCount = 2
  221. if self.fPeaksOutputCount > 2:
  222. self.fPeaksOutputCount = 2
  223. # used during testing
  224. self.fIdleTimerId = 0
  225. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  226. # Set-up GUI
  227. self.fEditDialog = PluginEdit(self, host, self.fPluginId)
  228. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  229. # Set-up common widgets (as none)
  230. self.b_enable = None
  231. self.b_gui = None
  232. self.b_edit = None
  233. self.b_remove = None
  234. self.cb_presets = None
  235. self.label_name = None
  236. self.label_presets = None
  237. self.label_type = None
  238. self.led_control = None
  239. self.led_midi = None
  240. self.led_audio_in = None
  241. self.led_audio_out = None
  242. self.peak_in = None
  243. self.peak_out = None
  244. self.w_knobs_left = None
  245. self.w_knobs_right = None
  246. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  247. # Set-up connections
  248. host.PluginRenamedCallback.connect(self.slot_handlePluginRenamedCallback)
  249. host.PluginUnavailableCallback.connect(self.slot_handlePluginUnavailableCallback)
  250. host.ParameterValueChangedCallback.connect(self.slot_handleParameterValueChangedCallback)
  251. host.ParameterDefaultChangedCallback.connect(self.slot_handleParameterDefaultChangedCallback)
  252. host.ParameterMidiChannelChangedCallback.connect(self.slot_handleParameterMidiChannelChangedCallback)
  253. host.ParameterMidiCcChangedCallback.connect(self.slot_handleParameterMidiCcChangedCallback)
  254. host.ProgramChangedCallback.connect(self.slot_handleProgramChangedCallback)
  255. host.MidiProgramChangedCallback.connect(self.slot_handleMidiProgramChangedCallback)
  256. host.OptionChangedCallback.connect(self.slot_handleOptionChangedCallback)
  257. host.UiStateChangedCallback.connect(self.slot_handleUiStateChangedCallback)
  258. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  259. @pyqtSlot(int, str)
  260. def slot_handlePluginRenamedCallback(self, pluginId, newName):
  261. if self.fPluginId == pluginId:
  262. self.setName(newName)
  263. @pyqtSlot(int, str)
  264. def slot_handlePluginUnavailableCallback(self, pluginId, errorMsg):
  265. if self.fPluginId == pluginId:
  266. pass
  267. @pyqtSlot(int, int, float)
  268. def slot_handleParameterValueChangedCallback(self, pluginId, index, value):
  269. if self.fPluginId == pluginId:
  270. self.setParameterValue(index, value, True)
  271. @pyqtSlot(int, int, float)
  272. def slot_handleParameterDefaultChangedCallback(self, pluginId, index, value):
  273. if self.fPluginId == pluginId:
  274. self.setParameterDefault(index, value)
  275. @pyqtSlot(int, int, int)
  276. def slot_handleParameterMidiCcChangedCallback(self, pluginId, index, cc):
  277. if self.fPluginId == pluginId:
  278. self.setParameterMidiControl(index, cc)
  279. @pyqtSlot(int, int, int)
  280. def slot_handleParameterMidiChannelChangedCallback(self, pluginId, index, channel):
  281. if self.fPluginId == pluginId:
  282. self.setParameterMidiChannel(index, channel)
  283. @pyqtSlot(int, int)
  284. def slot_handleProgramChangedCallback(self, pluginId, index):
  285. if self.fPluginId == pluginId:
  286. self.setProgram(index, True)
  287. @pyqtSlot(int, int)
  288. def slot_handleMidiProgramChangedCallback(self, pluginId, index):
  289. if self.fPluginId == pluginId:
  290. self.setMidiProgram(index, True)
  291. @pyqtSlot(int, int, bool)
  292. def slot_handleOptionChangedCallback(self, pluginId, option, yesNo):
  293. if self.fPluginId == pluginId:
  294. self.setOption(option, yesNo)
  295. @pyqtSlot(int, int)
  296. def slot_handleUiStateChangedCallback(self, pluginId, state):
  297. if self.fPluginId == pluginId:
  298. self.customUiStateChanged(state)
  299. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  300. def ready(self):
  301. self.fIsActive = bool(, PARAMETER_ACTIVE) >= 0.5)
  302. if self.b_enable is not None:
  303. self.b_enable.setChecked(self.fIsActive)
  304. self.b_enable.clicked.connect(self.slot_enableClicked)
  305. if "calf" in self.fSkinStyle and not isinstance(self, PluginSlot_Compact):
  306. self.b_enable.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_calf3.png", ":/bitmaps/button_calf3_down.png", ":/bitmaps/button_calf3.png")
  307. else:
  308. self.b_enable.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_off.png", ":/bitmaps/button_on.png", ":/bitmaps/button_off.png")
  309. if self.b_gui is not None:
  310. self.b_gui.clicked.connect(self.slot_showCustomUi)
  311. self.b_gui.setEnabled(bool(self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_HAS_CUSTOM_UI))
  312. if "calf" in self.fSkinStyle and not isinstance(self, PluginSlot_Compact):
  313. self.b_gui.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_calf2.png", ":/bitmaps/button_calf2_down.png", ":/bitmaps/button_calf2_hover.png")
  314. elif self.fPluginInfo['iconName'] == "distrho" or self.fSkinStyle in ("3bandeq","3bandsplitter","pingpongpan"):
  315. self.b_gui.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_distrho.png", ":/bitmaps/button_distrho_down.png", ":/bitmaps/button_distrho_hover.png")
  316. elif self.fPluginInfo['iconName'] == "file":
  317. self.b_gui.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_file.png", ":/bitmaps/button_file_down.png", ":/bitmaps/button_file_hover.png")
  318. else:
  319. self.b_gui.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_gui.png", ":/bitmaps/button_gui_down.png", ":/bitmaps/button_gui_hover.png")
  320. if self.b_edit is not None:
  321. self.b_edit.clicked.connect(self.slot_showEditDialog)
  322. if "calf" in self.fSkinStyle and not isinstance(self, PluginSlot_Compact):
  323. self.b_edit.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_calf2.png", ":/bitmaps/button_calf2_down.png", ":/bitmaps/button_calf2_hover.png")
  324. else:
  325. self.b_edit.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_edit.png", ":/bitmaps/button_edit_down.png", ":/bitmaps/button_edit_hover.png")
  326. else:
  327. # Edit button *must* be available
  328. self.b_edit = QPushButton(self)
  329. self.b_edit.setCheckable(True)
  330. self.b_edit.hide()
  331. if self.b_remove is not None:
  332. self.b_remove.clicked.connect(self.slot_removePlugin)
  333. if self.label_name is not None:
  334. self.label_name.setEnabled(self.fIsActive)
  335. self.label_name.setText(self.fPluginInfo['name'])
  336. nameFont = self.label_name.font()
  337. if self.fSkinStyle == "openav":
  338. QFontDatabase.addApplicationFont(":/fonts/uranium.ttf")
  339. nameFont.setFamily("Uranium")
  340. nameFont.setPixelSize(15)
  341. nameFont.setCapitalization(QFont.AllUppercase)
  342. elif "calf" in self.fSkinStyle:
  343. nameFont.setBold(True)
  344. nameFont.setPixelSize(12)
  345. else:
  346. nameFont.setBold(True)
  347. nameFont.setPixelSize(11)
  348. self.label_name.setFont(nameFont)
  349. if self.label_presets is not None:
  350. presetFont = self.label_presets.font()
  351. presetFont.setBold(True)
  352. presetFont.setPixelSize(10)
  353. self.label_presets.setFont(presetFont)
  354. if self.label_type is not None:
  355. self.label_type.setText(getPluginTypeAsString(self.fPluginInfo['type']))
  356. if self.led_control is not None:
  357. self.led_control.setColor(self.led_control.YELLOW)
  358. self.led_control.setEnabled(False)
  359. if self.led_midi is not None:
  360. self.led_midi.setColor(self.led_midi.RED)
  361. self.led_midi.setEnabled(False)
  362. if self.led_audio_in is not None:
  363. self.led_audio_in.setColor(self.led_audio_in.GREEN)
  364. self.led_audio_in.setEnabled(False)
  365. if self.led_audio_out is not None:
  366. self.led_audio_out.setColor(self.led_audio_out.BLUE)
  367. self.led_audio_out.setEnabled(False)
  368. if self.peak_in is not None:
  369. self.peak_in.setChannelCount(self.fPeaksInputCount)
  370. self.peak_in.setMeterColor(DigitalPeakMeter.COLOR_GREEN)
  371. self.peak_in.setMeterOrientation(DigitalPeakMeter.HORIZONTAL)
  372. if "calf" in self.fSkinStyle:
  373. self.peak_in.setMeterStyle(DigitalPeakMeter.STYLE_CALF)
  374. elif self.fSkinStyle == "rncbc":
  375. self.peak_in.setMeterStyle(DigitalPeakMeter.STYLE_RNCBC)
  376. elif self.fSkinStyle in ("mod", "openav", "zynfx"):
  377. self.peak_in.setMeterStyle(DigitalPeakMeter.STYLE_OPENAV)
  378. if self.fPeaksInputCount == 0 and not isinstance(self, PluginSlot_Classic):
  379. self.peak_in.hide()
  380. if self.peak_out is not None:
  381. self.peak_out.setChannelCount(self.fPeaksOutputCount)
  382. self.peak_out.setMeterColor(DigitalPeakMeter.COLOR_BLUE)
  383. self.peak_out.setMeterOrientation(DigitalPeakMeter.HORIZONTAL)
  384. if "calf" in self.fSkinStyle:
  385. self.peak_out.setMeterStyle(DigitalPeakMeter.STYLE_CALF)
  386. elif self.fSkinStyle == "rncbc":
  387. self.peak_out.setMeterStyle(DigitalPeakMeter.STYLE_RNCBC)
  388. elif self.fSkinStyle in ("mod", "openav", "zynfx"):
  389. self.peak_out.setMeterStyle(DigitalPeakMeter.STYLE_OPENAV)
  390. if self.fPeaksOutputCount == 0 and not isinstance(self, PluginSlot_Classic):
  391. self.peak_out.hide()
  392. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  393. if self.fSkinStyle == "mod":
  394. styleSheet = """
  395. QFrame#PluginWidget {
  396. background-color: rgb(%i, %i, %i);
  397. }
  398. QLabel#label_name { color: #FFFFFF; }
  399. QLabel#label_name:disabled { color: #505050; }
  400. """ % getModColorFromCategory(self.fPluginInfo['category'])
  401. elif self.fSkinStyle == "openav":
  402. styleSheet = """
  403. QFrame#PluginWidget {
  404. background-color: qlineargradient(x1: 0, y1: 0, x2: 0, y2: 1,
  405. stop: 0 #303030, stop: %f #111111, stop: 1.0 #111111);
  406. }
  407. QLabel#label_name { color: #FF5100; }
  408. QLabel#label_name:disabled { color: #505050; }
  409. """ % (0.95 if isinstance(self, PluginSlot_Compact) else 0.35)
  410. else:
  411. if self.fSkinStyle in ("3bandeq", "calf_black", "calf_blue", "nekobi", "zynfx"):
  412. styleSheet2 = "background-image: url(:/bitmaps/background_%s.png);" % self.fSkinStyle
  413. else:
  414. styleSheet2 = "background-color: rgb(%i, %i, %i);" % getColorFromCategory(self.fPluginInfo['category'])
  415. styleSheet2 += "background-image: url(:/bitmaps/background_noise1.png);"
  416. styleSheet = """
  417. QFrame#PluginWidget {
  418. %s
  419. background-repeat: repeat-xy;
  420. }
  421. QLabel#label_name,
  422. QLabel#label_audio_in,
  423. QLabel#label_audio_out,
  424. QLabel#label_midi,
  425. QLabel#label_presets { color: #BBB; }
  426. QLabel#label_name:disabled { color: #555; }
  427. """ % styleSheet2
  428. self.setStyleSheet(styleSheet)
  429. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  430. # Set-up parameters
  431. if self.w_knobs_left is not None:
  432. parameterCount =
  433. if "calf" in self.fSkinStyle:
  434. maxWidgets = 7
  435. else:
  436. maxWidgets = 8
  437. index = 0
  438. for i in range(parameterCount):
  439. if index >= maxWidgets:
  440. break
  441. paramInfo =, i)
  442. paramData =, i)
  443. paramRanges =, i)
  444. if paramData['type'] != PARAMETER_INPUT:
  445. continue
  446. if paramData['hints'] & PARAMETER_IS_BOOLEAN:
  447. continue
  448. if (paramData['hints'] & PARAMETER_IS_INTEGER) != 0 and paramRanges['max']-paramRanges['min'] <= 10.0:
  449. continue
  450. if (paramData['hints'] & PARAMETER_IS_ENABLED) == 0:
  451. continue
  452. if paramInfo['name'].startswith("unused"):
  453. continue
  454. paramName = getParameterShortName(paramInfo['name'])
  455. widget = PixmapDial(self, i)
  456. widget.setLabel(paramName)
  457. widget.setMinimum(paramRanges['min'])
  458. widget.setMaximum(paramRanges['max'])
  459. setPixmapDialStyle(widget, i, parameterCount, self.fSkinStyle)
  460. index += 1
  461. self.fParameterList.append([i, widget])
  462. self.w_knobs_left.layout().addWidget(widget)
  463. if self.w_knobs_right is not None and (self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_CAN_DRYWET) != 0:
  464. widget = PixmapDial(self, PARAMETER_DRYWET)
  465. widget.setLabel("Dry/Wet")
  466. widget.setMinimum(0.0)
  467. widget.setMaximum(1.0)
  468. setPixmapDialStyle(widget, PARAMETER_DRYWET, 0, self.fSkinStyle)
  469. self.fParameterList.append([PARAMETER_DRYWET, widget])
  470. self.w_knobs_right.layout().addWidget(widget)
  471. if self.w_knobs_right is not None and (self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_CAN_VOLUME) != 0:
  472. widget = PixmapDial(self, PARAMETER_VOLUME)
  473. widget.setLabel("Volume")
  474. widget.setMinimum(0.0)
  475. widget.setMaximum(1.27)
  476. setPixmapDialStyle(widget, PARAMETER_VOLUME, 0, self.fSkinStyle)
  477. self.fParameterList.append([PARAMETER_VOLUME, widget])
  478. self.w_knobs_right.layout().addWidget(widget)
  479. for paramIndex, paramWidget in self.fParameterList:
  480. paramWidget.setContextMenuPolicy(Qt.CustomContextMenu)
  481. paramWidget.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.slot_knobCustomMenu)
  482. paramWidget.realValueChanged.connect(self.slot_parameterValueChanged)
  483. paramWidget.setValue(, paramIndex))
  484. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  485. self.setWindowTitle(self.fPluginInfo['name'])
  486. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  487. def getFixedHeight(self):
  488. return 32
  489. def getHints(self):
  490. return self.fPluginInfo['hints']
  491. def getPluginId(self):
  492. return self.fPluginId
  493. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  494. def setPluginId(self, idx):
  495. self.fPluginId = idx
  496. self.fEditDialog.setPluginId(idx)
  497. def setName(self, name):
  498. self.fEditDialog.setName(name)
  499. if self.label_name is not None:
  500. self.label_name.setText(name)
  501. def setSelected(self, yesNo):
  502. if self.fIsSelected == yesNo:
  503. return
  504. self.fIsSelected = yesNo
  505. self.update()
  506. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  507. def setActive(self, active, sendCallback=False, sendHost=True):
  508. self.fIsActive = active
  509. if sendCallback:
  510. self.fParameterIconTimer = ICON_STATE_ON
  511. self.activeChanged(active)
  512. if sendHost:
  513., active)
  514. if active:
  515. self.fEditDialog.clearNotes()
  516. self.midiActivityChanged(False)
  517. if self.label_name is not None:
  518. self.label_name.setEnabled(self.fIsActive)
  519. # called from rack, checks if param is possible first
  520. def setInternalParameter(self, parameterId, value):
  521. if parameterId <= PARAMETER_MAX or parameterId >= PARAMETER_NULL:
  522. return
  523. elif parameterId == PARAMETER_ACTIVE:
  524. return self.setActive(bool(value), True, True)
  525. elif parameterId == PARAMETER_DRYWET:
  526. if (self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_CAN_DRYWET) == 0: return
  527., value)
  528. elif parameterId == PARAMETER_VOLUME:
  529. if (self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_CAN_VOLUME) == 0: return
  530., value)
  531. elif parameterId == PARAMETER_BALANCE_LEFT:
  532. if (self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_CAN_BALANCE) == 0: return
  533., value)
  534. elif parameterId == PARAMETER_BALANCE_RIGHT:
  535. if (self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_CAN_BALANCE) == 0: return
  536., value)
  537. elif parameterId == PARAMETER_PANNING:
  538. if (self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_CAN_PANNING) == 0: return
  539., value)
  540. elif parameterId == PARAMETER_CTRL_CHANNEL:
  541., value)
  542. self.fEditDialog.setParameterValue(parameterId, value)
  543. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  544. def setParameterValue(self, parameterId, value, sendCallback):
  545. if parameterId == PARAMETER_ACTIVE:
  546. return self.setActive(bool(value), True, False)
  547. self.fEditDialog.setParameterValue(parameterId, value)
  548. if sendCallback:
  549. self.fParameterIconTimer = ICON_STATE_ON
  550. self.editDialogParameterValueChanged(self.fPluginId, parameterId, value)
  551. def setParameterDefault(self, parameterId, value):
  552. self.fEditDialog.setParameterDefault(parameterId, value)
  553. def setParameterMidiControl(self, parameterId, control):
  554. self.fEditDialog.setParameterMidiControl(parameterId, control)
  555. def setParameterMidiChannel(self, parameterId, channel):
  556. self.fEditDialog.setParameterMidiChannel(parameterId, channel)
  557. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  558. def setProgram(self, index, sendCallback):
  559. self.fEditDialog.setProgram(index)
  560. if sendCallback:
  561. self.fParameterIconTimer = ICON_STATE_ON
  562. self.editDialogProgramChanged(self.fPluginId, index)
  563. self.updateParameterValues()
  564. def setMidiProgram(self, index, sendCallback):
  565. self.fEditDialog.setMidiProgram(index)
  566. if sendCallback:
  567. self.fParameterIconTimer = ICON_STATE_ON
  568. self.editDialogMidiProgramChanged(self.fPluginId, index)
  569. self.updateParameterValues()
  570. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  571. def setOption(self, option, yesNo):
  572. self.fEditDialog.setOption(option, yesNo)
  573. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  574. def activeChanged(self, onOff):
  575. self.fIsActive = onOff
  576. if self.b_enable is None:
  577. return
  578. self.b_enable.blockSignals(True)
  579. self.b_enable.setChecked(onOff)
  580. self.b_enable.blockSignals(False)
  581. def customUiStateChanged(self, state):
  582. if self.b_gui is None:
  583. return
  584. self.b_gui.blockSignals(True)
  585. if state == 0:
  586. self.b_gui.setChecked(False)
  587. self.b_gui.setEnabled(True)
  588. elif state == 1:
  589. self.b_gui.setChecked(True)
  590. self.b_gui.setEnabled(True)
  591. elif state == -1:
  592. self.b_gui.setChecked(False)
  593. self.b_gui.setEnabled(False)
  594. self.b_gui.blockSignals(False)
  595. def parameterActivityChanged(self, onOff):
  596. if self.led_control is None:
  597. return
  598. self.led_control.setChecked(onOff)
  599. def midiActivityChanged(self, onOff):
  600. if self.led_midi is None:
  601. return
  602. self.led_midi.setChecked(onOff)
  603. def optionChanged(self, option, yesNo):
  604. pass
  605. # -----------------------------------------------------------------
  606. # PluginEdit callbacks
  607. def editDialogVisibilityChanged(self, pluginId, visible):
  608. if self.b_edit is None:
  609. return
  610. self.b_edit.blockSignals(True)
  611. self.b_edit.setChecked(visible)
  612. self.b_edit.blockSignals(False)
  613. def editDialogPluginHintsChanged(self, pluginId, hints):
  614. self.fPluginInfo['hints'] = hints
  615. for paramIndex, paramWidget in self.fParameterList:
  616. if paramIndex == PARAMETER_DRYWET:
  617. paramWidget.setVisible(hints & PLUGIN_CAN_DRYWET)
  618. elif paramIndex == PARAMETER_VOLUME:
  619. paramWidget.setVisible(hints & PLUGIN_CAN_VOLUME)
  620. if self.b_gui is not None:
  621. self.b_gui.setEnabled(bool(hints & PLUGIN_HAS_CUSTOM_UI))
  622. def editDialogParameterValueChanged(self, pluginId, parameterId, value):
  623. for paramIndex, paramWidget in self.fParameterList:
  624. if paramIndex != parameterId:
  625. continue
  626. paramWidget.blockSignals(True)
  627. paramWidget.setValue(value)
  628. paramWidget.blockSignals(False)
  629. break
  630. def editDialogProgramChanged(self, pluginId, index):
  631. if self.cb_presets is None:
  632. return
  633. self.cb_presets.blockSignals(True)
  634. self.cb_presets.setCurrentIndex(index)
  635. self.cb_presets.blockSignals(False)
  636. # FIXME
  637. self.updateParameterValues()
  638. def editDialogMidiProgramChanged(self, pluginId, index):
  639. if self.cb_presets is None:
  640. return
  641. self.cb_presets.blockSignals(True)
  642. self.cb_presets.setCurrentIndex(index)
  643. self.cb_presets.blockSignals(False)
  644. # FIXME
  645. self.updateParameterValues()
  646. def editDialogNotePressed(self, pluginId, note):
  647. pass
  648. def editDialogNoteReleased(self, pluginId, note):
  649. pass
  650. def editDialogMidiActivityChanged(self, pluginId, onOff):
  651. self.midiActivityChanged(onOff)
  652. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  653. def idleFast(self):
  654. # Input peaks
  655. if self.fPeaksInputCount > 0:
  656. if self.fPeaksInputCount > 1:
  657. peak1 =, True)
  658. peak2 =, False)
  659. ledState = bool(peak1 != 0.0 or peak2 != 0.0)
  660. if self.peak_in is not None:
  661. self.peak_in.displayMeter(1, peak1)
  662. self.peak_in.displayMeter(2, peak2)
  663. else:
  664. peak =, True)
  665. ledState = bool(peak != 0.0)
  666. if self.peak_in is not None:
  667. self.peak_in.displayMeter(1, peak)
  668. if self.fLastGreenLedState != ledState and self.led_audio_in is not None:
  669. self.fLastGreenLedState = ledState
  670. self.led_audio_in.setChecked(ledState)
  671. # Output peaks
  672. if self.fPeaksOutputCount > 0:
  673. if self.fPeaksOutputCount > 1:
  674. peak1 =, True)
  675. peak2 =, False)
  676. ledState = bool(peak1 != 0.0 or peak2 != 0.0)
  677. if self.peak_out is not None:
  678. self.peak_out.displayMeter(1, peak1)
  679. self.peak_out.displayMeter(2, peak2)
  680. else:
  681. peak =, True)
  682. ledState = bool(peak != 0.0)
  683. if self.peak_out is not None:
  684. self.peak_out.displayMeter(1, peak)
  685. if self.fLastBlueLedState != ledState and self.led_audio_out is not None:
  686. self.fLastBlueLedState = ledState
  687. self.led_audio_out.setChecked(ledState)
  688. def idleSlow(self):
  689. if self.fParameterIconTimer == ICON_STATE_ON:
  690. self.parameterActivityChanged(True)
  691. self.fParameterIconTimer = ICON_STATE_WAIT
  692. elif self.fParameterIconTimer == ICON_STATE_WAIT:
  693. self.fParameterIconTimer = ICON_STATE_OFF
  694. elif self.fParameterIconTimer == ICON_STATE_OFF:
  695. self.parameterActivityChanged(False)
  696. self.fParameterIconTimer = ICON_STATE_NULL
  697. self.fEditDialog.idleSlow()
  698. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  699. def drawOutline(self):
  700. painter = QPainter(self)
  701. if self.fIsSelected:
  702. painter.setPen(QPen(Qt.cyan, 4))
  703. painter.setBrush(Qt.transparent)
  704. painter.drawRect(0, 0, self.width(), self.height())
  705. else:
  706. painter.setPen(QPen(, 1))
  707. painter.setBrush(
  708. painter.drawLine(0, self.height()-1, self.width(), self.height()-1)
  709. def updateParameterValues(self):
  710. for paramIndex, paramWidget in self.fParameterList:
  711. if paramIndex < 0:
  712. continue
  713. paramWidget.blockSignals(True)
  714. paramWidget.setValue(, paramIndex))
  715. paramWidget.blockSignals(False)
  716. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  717. @pyqtSlot(bool)
  718. def slot_enableClicked(self, yesNo):
  719. self.setActive(yesNo, False, True)
  720. @pyqtSlot()
  721. def slot_showDefaultCustomMenu(self):
  722. menu = QMenu(self)
  723. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  724. # Expand/Minimize
  725. actCompact = menu.addAction("Expand") if isinstance(self, PluginSlot_Compact) else"Minimize"))
  726. menu.addSeparator()
  727. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  728. # Bypass and Enable/Disable
  729. actBypass = menu.addAction("Bypass"))
  730. actEnable = menu.addAction("Disable") if self.fIsActive else"Enable"))
  731. menu.addSeparator()
  732. if self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_CAN_DRYWET:
  733. actBypass.setCheckable(True)
  734. actBypass.setChecked(, PARAMETER_DRYWET) == 0.0)
  735. else:
  736. actBypass.setVisible(False)
  737. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  738. # Reset and Randomize parameters
  739. actReset = menu.addAction("Reset parameters"))
  740. actRandom = menu.addAction("Randomize parameters"))
  741. menu.addSeparator()
  742. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  743. # Edit and Show Custom UI
  744. actEdit = menu.addAction("Edit"))
  745. actGui = menu.addAction("Show Custom UI"))
  746. menu.addSeparator()
  747. if self.b_edit is not None:
  748. actEdit.setCheckable(True)
  749. actEdit.setChecked(self.b_edit.isChecked())
  750. else:
  751. actEdit.setVisible(False)
  752. if self.b_gui is not None:
  753. actGui.setCheckable(True)
  754. actGui.setChecked(self.b_gui.isChecked())
  755. actGui.setEnabled(self.b_gui.isEnabled())
  756. else:
  757. actGui.setVisible(False)
  758. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  759. # Other stuff
  760. actClone = menu.addAction("Clone"))
  761. actReplace = menu.addAction("Replace..."))
  762. actRename = menu.addAction("Rename..."))
  763. actRemove = menu.addAction("Remove"))
  764. if self.fIdleTimerId != 0:
  765. actRemove.setVisible(False)
  766. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  767. # exec
  768. actSel = menu.exec_(QCursor.pos())
  769. if not actSel:
  770. return
  771. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  772. # Expand/Minimize
  773. elif actSel == actCompact:
  774. # FIXME
  775. gCarla.gui.compactPlugin(self.fPluginId)
  776. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  777. # Bypass and Enable/Disable
  778. elif actSel == actBypass:
  779. value = 0.0 if actBypass.isChecked() else 1.0
  780., value)
  781. self.setParameterValue(PARAMETER_DRYWET, value, True)
  782. elif actSel == actEnable:
  783. self.setActive(not self.fIsActive, True, True)
  784. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  785. # Reset and Randomize parameters
  786. elif actSel == actReset:
  788. elif actSel == actRandom:
  790. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  791. # Edit and Show Custom UI
  792. elif actSel == actEdit:
  794. elif actSel == actGui:
  796. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  797. # Clone
  798. elif actSel == actClone:
  799. if not
  800. CustomMessageBox(self, QMessageBox.Warning,"Error"),"Operation failed"),
  801., QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.Ok)
  802. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  803. # Rename
  804. elif actSel == actRename:
  805. oldName = self.fPluginInfo['name']
  806. newNameTry = QInputDialog.getText(self,"Rename Plugin"),"New plugin name:"), QLineEdit.Normal, oldName)
  807. if not (newNameTry[1] and newNameTry[0] and oldName != newNameTry[0]):
  808. return
  809. newName = newNameTry[0]
  810. if, newName):
  811. self.setName(newName)
  812. else:
  813. CustomMessageBox(self, QMessageBox.Warning,"Error"),"Operation failed"),
  814., QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.Ok)
  815. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  816. # Replace
  817. elif actSel == actReplace:
  818. # FIXME
  819. gCarla.gui.slot_pluginAdd(self.fPluginId)
  820. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  821. # Remove
  822. elif actSel == actRemove:
  823. if not
  824. CustomMessageBox(self, QMessageBox.Warning,"Error"),"Operation failed"),
  825., QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.Ok)
  826. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  827. @pyqtSlot()
  828. def slot_knobCustomMenu(self):
  829. sender = self.sender()
  830. index = sender.fIndex
  831. minimum = sender.fMinimum
  832. maximum = sender.fMaximum
  833. current = sender.fRealValue
  834. label = sender.fLabel
  836. return
  838. default = 1.0
  839. elif index == PARAMETER_BALANCE_LEFT:
  840. default = -1.0
  841. elif index == PARAMETER_BALANCE_RIGHT:
  842. default = 1.0
  843. elif index == PARAMETER_PANNING:
  844. default = 0.0
  845. else:
  846. default =, index)
  847. if index < PARAMETER_NULL:
  848. # show in integer percentage
  849. textReset ="Reset (%i%%)" % round(default*100.0))
  850. textMinim ="Set to Minimum (%i%%)" % round(minimum*100.0))
  851. textMaxim ="Set to Maximum (%i%%)" % round(maximum*100.0))
  852. else:
  853. # show in full float value
  854. textReset ="Reset (%f)" % default)
  855. textMinim ="Set to Minimum (%f)" % minimum)
  856. textMaxim ="Set to Maximum (%f)" % maximum)
  857. menu = QMenu(self)
  858. actReset = menu.addAction(textReset)
  859. menu.addSeparator()
  860. actMinimum = menu.addAction(textMinim)
  861. actCenter = menu.addAction("Set to Center"))
  862. actMaximum = menu.addAction(textMaxim)
  863. menu.addSeparator()
  864. actSet = menu.addAction("Set value..."))
  866. menu.removeAction(actCenter)
  867. actSelected = menu.exec_(QCursor.pos())
  868. if actSelected == actSet:
  869. if index < PARAMETER_NULL:
  870. value, ok = QInputDialog.getInt(self,"Set value"), label, round(current*100), round(minimum*100), round(maximum*100), 1)
  871. if not ok:
  872. return
  873. value = float(value)/100.0
  874. else:
  875. paramInfo =, index)
  876. paramRanges =, index)
  877. scalePoints = []
  878. for i in range(paramInfo['scalePointCount']):
  879. scalePoints.append(, index, i))
  880. dialog = CustomInputDialog(self, label, current, minimum, maximum,
  881. paramRanges['step'], paramRanges['stepSmall'], scalePoints)
  882. if not dialog.exec_():
  883. return
  884. value = dialog.returnValue()
  885. elif actSelected == actMinimum:
  886. value = minimum
  887. elif actSelected == actMaximum:
  888. value = maximum
  889. elif actSelected == actReset:
  890. value = default
  891. elif actSelected == actCenter:
  892. value = 0.0
  893. else:
  894. return
  895. self.sender().setValue(value)
  896. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  897. @pyqtSlot(bool)
  898. def slot_showCustomUi(self, show):
  899., show)
  900. @pyqtSlot(bool)
  901. def slot_showEditDialog(self, show):
  902. self.fEditDialog.setVisible(show)
  903. @pyqtSlot()
  904. def slot_removePlugin(self):
  905. if not
  906. CustomMessageBox(self, QMessageBox.Warning,"Error"),"Operation failed"),
  907., QMessageBox.Ok, QMessageBox.Ok)
  908. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  909. @pyqtSlot(int)
  910. def slot_parameterValueChanged(self, value):
  911. index = self.sender().getIndex()
  912. if index < 0:
  913. self.setInternalParameter(index, value)
  914. else:
  915., index, value)
  916. self.setParameterValue(index, value, False)
  917. @pyqtSlot(int)
  918. def slot_programChanged(self, index):
  919., index)
  920. self.setProgram(index, False)
  921. @pyqtSlot(int)
  922. def slot_midiProgramChanged(self, index):
  923., index)
  924. self.setMidiProgram(index, False)
  925. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  926. def testTimer(self):
  927. self.fIdleTimerId = self.startTimer(25)
  928. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  929. def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event):
  930. QFrame.mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, event)
  931. # FIXME
  932. gCarla.gui.compactPlugin(self.fPluginId)
  933. def closeEvent(self, event):
  934. if self.fIdleTimerId != 0:
  935. self.killTimer(self.fIdleTimerId)
  936. self.fIdleTimerId = 0
  938. QFrame.closeEvent(self, event)
  939. def timerEvent(self, event):
  940. if event.timerId() == self.fIdleTimerId:
  942. self.idleFast()
  943. self.idleSlow()
  944. QFrame.timerEvent(self, event)
  945. def paintEvent(self, event):
  946. self.drawOutline()
  947. QFrame.paintEvent(self, event)
  948. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  949. class PluginSlot_Calf(AbstractPluginSlot):
  950. def __init__(self, parent, host, pluginId, skinStyle):
  951. AbstractPluginSlot.__init__(self, parent, host, pluginId, skinStyle)
  952. self.ui = ui_carla_plugin_calf.Ui_PluginWidget()
  953. self.ui.setupUi(self)
  954. audioCount =
  955. midiCount =
  956. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  957. # Internal stuff
  958. self.fButtonFont = self.ui.b_gui.font()
  959. self.fButtonFont.setBold(False)
  960. self.fButtonFont.setPixelSize(10)
  961. self.fButtonColorOn = QColor( 18, 41, 87)
  962. self.fButtonColorOff = QColor(150, 150, 150)
  963. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  964. # Set-up GUI
  965. self.ui.label_active.setFont(self.fButtonFont)
  966. self.ui.b_remove.setPixmaps(":/bitmaps/button_calf1.png", ":/bitmaps/button_calf1_down.png", ":/bitmaps/button_calf1_hover.png")
  967. self.ui.b_edit.setTopText("Edit"), self.fButtonColorOn, self.fButtonFont)
  968. self.ui.b_remove.setTopText("Remove"), self.fButtonColorOn, self.fButtonFont)
  969. if self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_HAS_CUSTOM_UI:
  970. self.ui.b_gui.setTopText("GUI"), self.fButtonColorOn, self.fButtonFont)
  971. else:
  972. self.ui.b_gui.setTopText("GUI"), self.fButtonColorOff, self.fButtonFont)
  973. if audioCount['ins'] == 0:
  974. self.ui.label_audio_in.hide()
  975. if audioCount['outs'] == 0:
  976. self.ui.label_audio_out.hide()
  977. if midiCount['ins'] == 0:
  978. self.ui.label_midi.hide()
  979. self.ui.led_midi.hide()
  980. if self.fIdleTimerId != 0:
  981. self.ui.b_remove.setEnabled(False)
  982. self.ui.b_remove.setVisible(False)
  983. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  984. self.b_enable = self.ui.b_enable
  985. self.b_gui = self.ui.b_gui
  986. self.b_edit = self.ui.b_edit
  987. self.b_remove = self.ui.b_remove
  988. self.label_name = self.ui.label_name
  989. self.led_midi = self.ui.led_midi
  990. self.peak_in = self.ui.peak_in
  991. self.peak_out = self.ui.peak_out
  992. self.w_knobs_left = self.ui.w_knobs
  993. self.ready()
  994. self.ui.led_midi.setColor(self.ui.led_midi.CALF)
  995. self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.slot_showDefaultCustomMenu)
  996. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  997. def getFixedHeight(self):
  998. return 94 if max(self.peak_in.channelCount(), self.peak_out.channelCount()) < 2 else 106
  999. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  1000. def editDialogPluginHintsChanged(self, pluginId, hints):
  1001. if hints & PLUGIN_HAS_CUSTOM_UI:
  1002. self.ui.b_gui.setTopText("GUI"), self.fButtonColorOn, self.fButtonFont)
  1003. else:
  1004. self.ui.b_gui.setTopText("GUI"), self.fButtonColorOff, self.fButtonFont)
  1005. AbstractPluginSlot.editDialogPluginHintsChanged(self, pluginId, hints)
  1006. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  1007. def paintEvent(self, event):
  1008. isBlack = bool(self.fSkinStyle == "calf_black")
  1009. painter = QPainter(self)
  1010. painter.setBrush(Qt.transparent)
  1011. painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(20, 20, 20) if isBlack else QColor(75, 86, 99), 1))
  1012. painter.drawRect(0, 1, self.width()-1, self.height()-3)
  1013. painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(45, 45, 45) if isBlack else QColor(86, 99, 114), 1))
  1014. painter.drawLine(0, 0, self.width(), 0)
  1015. AbstractPluginSlot.paintEvent(self, event)
  1016. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1017. class PluginSlot_Classic(AbstractPluginSlot):
  1018. def __init__(self, parent, host, pluginId):
  1019. AbstractPluginSlot.__init__(self, parent, host, pluginId, "classic")
  1020. self.ui = ui_carla_plugin_classic.Ui_PluginWidget()
  1021. self.ui.setupUi(self)
  1022. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  1023. # Internal stuff
  1024. self.fColorTop = QColor(60, 60, 60)
  1025. self.fColorBottom = QColor(47, 47, 47)
  1026. self.fColorSeprtr = QColor(70, 70, 70)
  1027. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  1028. self.b_enable = self.ui.b_enable
  1029. self.b_gui = self.ui.b_gui
  1030. self.b_edit = self.ui.b_edit
  1031. self.label_name = self.ui.label_name
  1032. self.led_control = self.ui.led_control
  1033. self.led_midi = self.ui.led_midi
  1034. self.led_audio_in = self.ui.led_audio_in
  1035. self.led_audio_out = self.ui.led_audio_out
  1036. self.peak_in = self.ui.peak_in
  1037. self.peak_out = self.ui.peak_out
  1038. self.ready()
  1039. self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.slot_showDefaultCustomMenu)
  1040. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  1041. def getFixedHeight(self):
  1042. return 36
  1043. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  1044. def paintEvent(self, event):
  1045. painter = QPainter(self)
  1047. areaX = self.ui.area_right.x()+7
  1048. width = self.width()
  1049. height = self.height()
  1050. painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(17, 17, 17), 1))
  1051. painter.setBrush(QColor(17, 17, 17))
  1052. painter.drawRect(0, 0, width, height)
  1053. painter.setPen(self.fColorSeprtr.lighter(110))
  1054. painter.setBrush(self.fColorBottom)
  1055. painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, True)
  1056. # name -> leds arc
  1057. path = QPainterPath()
  1058. path.moveTo(areaX-20, height-4)
  1059. path.cubicTo(areaX, height-5, areaX-20, 4.75, areaX, 4.75)
  1060. path.lineTo(areaX, height-5)
  1061. painter.drawPath(path)
  1062. painter.setPen(self.fColorSeprtr)
  1063. painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, False)
  1064. # separator lines
  1065. painter.drawLine(0, height-5, areaX-20, height-5)
  1066. painter.drawLine(areaX, 4, width, 4)
  1067. painter.setPen(self.fColorBottom)
  1068. painter.setBrush(self.fColorBottom)
  1069. # top, bottom and left lines
  1070. painter.drawLine(0, 0, width, 0)
  1071. painter.drawRect(0, height-4, areaX, 4)
  1072. painter.drawRoundedRect(areaX-20, height-5, areaX, 5, 22, 22)
  1073. painter.drawLine(0, 0, 0, height)
  1074. # fill the rest
  1075. painter.drawRect(areaX-1, 5, width, height)
  1076. # bottom 1px line
  1077. painter.setPen(self.fColorSeprtr)
  1078. painter.drawLine(0, height-1, width, height-1)
  1079. painter.restore()
  1080. AbstractPluginSlot.paintEvent(self, event)
  1081. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1082. class PluginSlot_Compact(AbstractPluginSlot):
  1083. def __init__(self, parent, host, pluginId, skinStyle):
  1084. AbstractPluginSlot.__init__(self, parent, host, pluginId, skinStyle)
  1085. self.ui = ui_carla_plugin_compact.Ui_PluginWidget()
  1086. self.ui.setupUi(self)
  1087. self.b_enable = self.ui.b_enable
  1088. self.b_gui = self.ui.b_gui
  1089. self.b_edit = self.ui.b_edit
  1090. self.label_name = self.ui.label_name
  1091. self.led_control = self.ui.led_control
  1092. self.led_midi = self.ui.led_midi
  1093. self.led_audio_in = self.ui.led_audio_in
  1094. self.led_audio_out = self.ui.led_audio_out
  1095. self.peak_in = self.ui.peak_in
  1096. self.peak_out = self.ui.peak_out
  1097. self.ready()
  1098. self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.slot_showDefaultCustomMenu)
  1099. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  1100. def getFixedHeight(self):
  1101. if self.fSkinStyle == "calf_blue":
  1102. return 36
  1103. return 30
  1104. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1105. class PluginSlot_Default(AbstractPluginSlot):
  1106. def __init__(self, parent, host, pluginId, skinStyle):
  1107. AbstractPluginSlot.__init__(self, parent, host, pluginId, skinStyle)
  1108. self.ui = ui_carla_plugin_default.Ui_PluginWidget()
  1109. self.ui.setupUi(self)
  1110. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  1111. self.b_enable = self.ui.b_enable
  1112. self.b_gui = self.ui.b_gui
  1113. self.b_edit = self.ui.b_edit
  1114. self.label_name = self.ui.label_name
  1115. self.led_control = self.ui.led_control
  1116. self.led_midi = self.ui.led_midi
  1117. self.led_audio_in = self.ui.led_audio_in
  1118. self.led_audio_out = self.ui.led_audio_out
  1119. self.peak_in = self.ui.peak_in
  1120. self.peak_out = self.ui.peak_out
  1121. self.w_knobs_left = self.ui.w_knobs_left
  1122. self.w_knobs_right = self.ui.w_knobs_right
  1123. self.ready()
  1124. self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.slot_showDefaultCustomMenu)
  1125. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  1126. def getFixedHeight(self):
  1127. if self.fSkinStyle == "mod":
  1128. return 86
  1129. return 80
  1130. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  1131. def paintEvent(self, event):
  1132. painter = QPainter(self)
  1133. painter.setBrush(Qt.transparent)
  1134. painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(42, 42, 42), 1))
  1135. painter.drawRect(0, 1, self.width()-1, self.getFixedHeight()-3)
  1136. painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(60, 60, 60), 1))
  1137. painter.drawLine(0, 0, self.width(), 0)
  1138. AbstractPluginSlot.paintEvent(self, event)
  1139. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1140. class PluginSlot_Presets(AbstractPluginSlot):
  1141. def __init__(self, parent, host, pluginId, skinStyle):
  1142. AbstractPluginSlot.__init__(self, parent, host, pluginId, skinStyle)
  1143. self.ui = ui_carla_plugin_presets.Ui_PluginWidget()
  1144. self.ui.setupUi(self)
  1145. usingMidiPrograms = bool(skinStyle != "presets")
  1146. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  1147. # Set-up programs
  1148. if usingMidiPrograms:
  1149. programCount =
  1150. else:
  1151. programCount =
  1152. if programCount > 0:
  1153. self.ui.cb_presets.setEnabled(True)
  1154. self.ui.label_presets.setEnabled(True)
  1155. for i in range(programCount):
  1156. if usingMidiPrograms:
  1157. progName =, i)['name']
  1158. else:
  1159. progName =, i)
  1160. self.ui.cb_presets.addItem(progName)
  1161. if usingMidiPrograms:
  1162. curProg =
  1163. else:
  1164. curProg =
  1165. self.ui.cb_presets.setCurrentIndex(curProg)
  1166. else:
  1167. self.ui.cb_presets.setEnabled(False)
  1168. self.ui.cb_presets.setVisible(False)
  1169. self.ui.label_presets.setEnabled(False)
  1170. self.ui.label_presets.setVisible(False)
  1171. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  1172. self.b_enable = self.ui.b_enable
  1173. self.b_gui = self.ui.b_gui
  1174. self.b_edit = self.ui.b_edit
  1175. self.cb_presets = self.ui.cb_presets
  1176. self.label_name = self.ui.label_name
  1177. self.label_presets = self.ui.label_presets
  1178. self.led_control = self.ui.led_control
  1179. self.led_midi = self.ui.led_midi
  1180. self.led_audio_in = self.ui.led_audio_in
  1181. self.led_audio_out = self.ui.led_audio_out
  1182. self.peak_in = self.ui.peak_in
  1183. self.peak_out = self.ui.peak_out
  1184. if skinStyle == "zynfx":
  1185. self.setupZynFxParams()
  1186. else:
  1187. self.w_knobs_left = self.ui.w_knobs_left
  1188. self.w_knobs_right = self.ui.w_knobs_right
  1189. self.ready()
  1190. self.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.slot_showDefaultCustomMenu)
  1191. if usingMidiPrograms:
  1192. self.ui.cb_presets.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.slot_midiProgramChanged)
  1193. else:
  1194. self.ui.cb_presets.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.slot_programChanged)
  1195. # -------------------------------------------------------------
  1196. def setupZynFxParams(self):
  1197. parameterCount =
  1198. index = 0
  1199. for i in range(parameterCount):
  1200. if index >= 8:
  1201. break
  1202. paramInfo =, i)
  1203. paramData =, i)
  1204. paramRanges =, i)
  1205. if paramData['type'] != PARAMETER_INPUT:
  1206. continue
  1207. if paramData['hints'] & PARAMETER_IS_BOOLEAN:
  1208. continue
  1209. if (paramData['hints'] & PARAMETER_IS_ENABLED) == 0:
  1210. continue
  1211. paramName = paramInfo['name']
  1212. if paramName.startswith("unused"):
  1213. continue
  1214. # real zyn fx plugins
  1215. if self.fPluginInfo['label'] == "zynalienwah":
  1216. if i == 0: paramName = "Freq"
  1217. elif i == 1: paramName = "Rnd"
  1218. elif i == 2: paramName = "L type" # combobox
  1219. elif i == 3: paramName = "St.df"
  1220. elif i == 5: paramName = "Fb"
  1221. elif i == 7: paramName = "L/R"
  1222. elif self.fPluginInfo['label'] == "zynchorus":
  1223. if i == 0: paramName = "Freq"
  1224. elif i == 1: paramName = "Rnd"
  1225. elif i == 2: paramName = "L type" # combobox
  1226. elif i == 3: paramName = "St.df"
  1227. elif i == 6: paramName = "Fb"
  1228. elif i == 7: paramName = "L/R"
  1229. elif i == 8: paramName = "Flngr" # button
  1230. elif i == 9: paramName = "Subst" # button
  1231. elif self.fPluginInfo['label'] == "zyndistortion":
  1232. if i == 0: paramName = "LRc."
  1233. elif i == 4: paramName = "Neg." # button
  1234. elif i == 5: paramName = "LPF"
  1235. elif i == 6: paramName = "HPF"
  1236. elif i == 7: paramName = "St." # button
  1237. elif i == 8: paramName = "PF" # button
  1238. elif self.fPluginInfo['label'] == "zyndynamicfilter":
  1239. if i == 0: paramName = "Freq"
  1240. elif i == 1: paramName = "Rnd"
  1241. elif i == 2: paramName = "L type" # combobox
  1242. elif i == 3: paramName = "St.df"
  1243. elif i == 4: paramName = "LfoD"
  1244. elif i == 5: paramName = "A.S."
  1245. elif i == 6: paramName = "A.Inv." # button
  1246. elif i == 7: paramName = "A.M."
  1247. elif self.fPluginInfo['label'] == "zynecho":
  1248. if i == 1: paramName = "LRdl."
  1249. elif i == 2: paramName = "LRc."
  1250. elif i == 3: paramName = "Fb."
  1251. elif i == 4: paramName = "Damp"
  1252. elif self.fPluginInfo['label'] == "zynphaser":
  1253. if i == 0: paramName = "Freq"
  1254. elif i == 1: paramName = "Rnd"
  1255. elif i == 2: paramName = "L type" # combobox
  1256. elif i == 3: paramName = "St.df"
  1257. elif i == 5: paramName = "Fb"
  1258. elif i == 7: paramName = "L/R"
  1259. elif i == 8: paramName = "Subst" # button
  1260. elif i == 9: paramName = "Phase"
  1261. elif i == 11: paramName = "Dist"
  1262. elif self.fPluginInfo['label'] == "zynreverb":
  1263. if i == 2: paramName = "I.delfb"
  1264. elif i == 5: paramName = "LPF"
  1265. elif i == 6: paramName = "HPF"
  1266. elif i == 9: paramName = "R.S."
  1267. elif i == 10: paramName = "I.del"
  1268. else:
  1269. paramName = getParameterShortName(paramName)
  1270. widget = PixmapDial(self, i)
  1271. widget.setLabel(paramName)
  1272. widget.setMinimum(paramRanges['min'])
  1273. widget.setMaximum(paramRanges['max'])
  1274. widget.setPixmap(3)
  1275. widget.setCustomPaintColor(QColor(83, 173, 10))
  1276. widget.setCustomPaintMode(PixmapDial.CUSTOM_PAINT_MODE_COLOR)
  1277. widget.forceWhiteLabelGradientText()
  1278. if (paramData['hints'] & PARAMETER_IS_ENABLED) == 0:
  1279. widget.setEnabled(False)
  1280. self.fParameterList.append([i, widget])
  1281. self.ui.w_knobs_left.layout().addWidget(widget)
  1282. if self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_CAN_DRYWET:
  1283. widget = PixmapDial(self, PARAMETER_DRYWET)
  1284. widget.setLabel("Wet")
  1285. widget.setMinimum(0.0)
  1286. widget.setMaximum(1.0)
  1287. widget.setPixmap(3)
  1288. widget.setCustomPaintMode(PixmapDial.CUSTOM_PAINT_MODE_CARLA_WET)
  1289. widget.forceWhiteLabelGradientText()
  1290. self.fParameterList.append([PARAMETER_DRYWET, widget])
  1291. self.ui.w_knobs_right.layout().addWidget(widget)
  1292. if self.fPluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_CAN_VOLUME:
  1293. widget = PixmapDial(self, PARAMETER_VOLUME)
  1294. widget.setLabel("Volume")
  1295. widget.setMinimum(0.0)
  1296. widget.setMaximum(1.27)
  1297. widget.setPixmap(3)
  1298. widget.setCustomPaintMode(PixmapDial.CUSTOM_PAINT_MODE_CARLA_VOL)
  1299. widget.forceWhiteLabelGradientText()
  1300. self.fParameterList.append([PARAMETER_VOLUME, widget])
  1301. self.ui.w_knobs_right.layout().addWidget(widget)
  1302. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  1303. def getFixedHeight(self):
  1304. return 80
  1305. #------------------------------------------------------------------
  1306. def paintEvent(self, event):
  1307. painter = QPainter(self)
  1308. painter.setBrush(Qt.transparent)
  1309. painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(50, 50, 50), 1))
  1310. painter.drawRect(0, 1, self.width()-1, self.height()-3)
  1311. painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(64, 64, 64), 1))
  1312. painter.drawLine(0, 0, self.width(), 0)
  1313. AbstractPluginSlot.paintEvent(self, event)
  1314. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1315. def getSkinStyle(host, pluginId):
  1316. if False:
  1317. # kdevelop likes this :)
  1318. host = CarlaHostNull()
  1319. progCount = 0
  1320. pluginInfo = PyCarlaPluginInfo
  1321. pluginName = ""
  1322. pluginInfo = host.get_plugin_info(pluginId)
  1323. pluginName = host.get_real_plugin_name(pluginId)
  1324. pluginLabel = pluginInfo['label'].lower()
  1325. pluginMaker = pluginInfo['maker']
  1326. uniqueId = pluginInfo['uniqueId']
  1327. if pluginInfo['type'] in (PLUGIN_VST2, PLUGIN_VST3, PLUGIN_AU):
  1328. progCount = host.get_program_count(pluginId)
  1329. else:
  1330. progCount = host.get_midi_program_count(pluginId)
  1331. # Samplers
  1332. if pluginInfo['type'] == PLUGIN_GIG:
  1333. return "gig"
  1334. if pluginInfo['type'] == PLUGIN_SF2:
  1335. return "sf2"
  1336. if pluginInfo['type'] == PLUGIN_SFZ:
  1337. return "sfz"
  1338. # Calf
  1339. if pluginName.split(" ", 1)[0].lower() == "calf":
  1340. return "calf_black" if "mono" in pluginLabel else "calf_blue"
  1341. # MOD
  1342. #if pluginLabel.startswith("") or pluginLabel.startswith(""):
  1343. #return "mod"
  1344. # OpenAV
  1345. if pluginMaker == "OpenAV Productions":
  1346. return "openav"
  1347. # ZynFX
  1348. if pluginInfo['type'] == PLUGIN_INTERNAL:
  1349. if pluginLabel.startswith("zyn") and pluginInfo['category'] != PLUGIN_CATEGORY_SYNTH:
  1350. return "zynfx"
  1351. if pluginInfo['type'] == PLUGIN_LADSPA:
  1352. if pluginLabel.startswith("zyn") and pluginMaker.startswith("Josep Andreu"):
  1353. return "zynfx"
  1354. if pluginInfo['type'] == PLUGIN_LV2:
  1355. if pluginLabel.startswith("") and pluginName != "ZynAddSubFX":
  1356. return "zynfx"
  1357. # Presets
  1358. if progCount > 1 and (pluginInfo['hints'] & PLUGIN_USES_MULTI_PROGS) == 0:
  1359. if pluginInfo['type'] in (PLUGIN_VST2, PLUGIN_VST3, PLUGIN_AU):
  1360. return "presets"
  1361. return "mpresets"
  1362. # DISTRHO Plugins (needs to be last)
  1363. if pluginMaker.startswith("falkTX, ") or pluginMaker == "DISTRHO" or pluginLabel.startswith(""):
  1364. return pluginLabel.replace("","")
  1365. return "default"
  1366. def createPluginSlot(parent, host, pluginId, options):
  1367. if not options['useSkins']:
  1368. return PluginSlot_Classic(parent, host, pluginId)
  1369. skinStyle = getSkinStyle(host, pluginId)
  1370. if "compact" in skinStyle or options['compact']:
  1371. return PluginSlot_Compact(parent, host, pluginId, skinStyle)
  1372. if "calf" in skinStyle:
  1373. return PluginSlot_Calf(parent, host, pluginId, skinStyle)
  1374. if skinStyle in ("mpresets", "presets", "zynfx"):
  1375. return PluginSlot_Presets(parent, host, pluginId, skinStyle)
  1376. return PluginSlot_Default(parent, host, pluginId, skinStyle)
  1377. # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1378. # Main Testing
  1379. if __name__ == '__main__':
  1380. from carla_app import CarlaApplication
  1381. from carla_host import initHost, loadHostSettings
  1382. import resources_rc
  1383. app = CarlaApplication("Carla-Skins")
  1384. host = initHost("Skins", None, False, False, False)
  1385. loadHostSettings(host)
  1386. host.engine_init("JACK", "Carla-Widgets")
  1387. host.add_plugin(BINARY_NATIVE, PLUGIN_INTERNAL, "", "", "zynreverb", 0, None, 0x0)
  1388. #host.add_plugin(BINARY_NATIVE, PLUGIN_DSSI, "/usr/lib/dssi/", "karplong", "karplong", 0, None, 0x0)
  1389. #host.add_plugin(BINARY_NATIVE, PLUGIN_LV2, "", "", "", 0, None, 0x0)
  1390. #host.add_plugin(BINARY_NATIVE, PLUGIN_LV2, "", "", "", 0, None, 0x0)
  1391. host.set_active(0, True)
  1392. #gui = createPluginSlot(None, host, 0, True)
  1393. gui = PluginSlot_Compact(None, host, 0, "default")
  1394. gui.testTimer()
  1396. app.exec_()