- /*
- * Patchbay Canvas engine using QGraphicsView/Scene
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Filipe Coelho <falktx@falktx.com>
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * For a full copy of the GNU General Public License see the COPYING file
- */
- #include "patchcanvas.h"
- #include "patchscene.h"
- #include <QtCore/QSettings>
- #include <QtCore/QTimer>
- #include <QtGui/QAction>
- #include "canvasfadeanimation.h"
- #include "canvasline.h"
- #include "canvasbezierline.h"
- #include "canvasport.h"
- #include "canvasbox.h"
- CanvasObject::CanvasObject(QObject* parent) : QObject(parent) {}
- void CanvasObject::AnimationIdle()
- {
- PatchCanvas::CanvasFadeAnimation* animation = (PatchCanvas::CanvasFadeAnimation*)sender();
- if (animation)
- PatchCanvas::CanvasRemoveAnimation(animation);
- }
- void CanvasObject::AnimationHide()
- {
- PatchCanvas::CanvasFadeAnimation* animation = (PatchCanvas::CanvasFadeAnimation*)sender();
- if (animation)
- {
- if (animation->item())
- animation->item()->hide();
- PatchCanvas::CanvasRemoveAnimation(animation);
- }
- }
- void CanvasObject::AnimationDestroy()
- {
- PatchCanvas::CanvasFadeAnimation* animation = (PatchCanvas::CanvasFadeAnimation*)sender();
- if (animation)
- {
- if (animation->item())
- PatchCanvas::CanvasRemoveItemFX(animation->item());
- PatchCanvas::CanvasRemoveAnimation(animation);
- }
- }
- void CanvasObject::CanvasPostponedGroups()
- {
- PatchCanvas::CanvasPostponedGroups();
- }
- void CanvasObject::PortContextMenuDisconnect()
- {
- bool ok;
- int connection_id = ((QAction*)sender())->data().toInt(&ok);
- if (ok)
- PatchCanvas::CanvasCallback(PatchCanvas::ACTION_PORTS_DISCONNECT, connection_id, 0, "");
- }
- /* contructor and destructor */
- Canvas::Canvas()
- {
- qobject = 0;
- settings = 0;
- theme = 0;
- initiated = false;
- }
- Canvas::~Canvas()
- {
- if (qobject)
- delete qobject;
- if (settings)
- delete settings;
- if (theme)
- delete theme;
- }
- /* Global objects */
- Canvas canvas;
- options_t options = {
- /* theme_name */ getDefaultThemeName(),
- /* auto_hide_groups */ false,
- /* use_bezier_lines */ true,
- /* antialiasing */ ANTIALIASING_SMALL,
- /* eyecandy */ EYECANDY_SMALL
- };
- features_t features = {
- /* group_info */ false,
- /* group_rename */ false,
- /* port_info */ false,
- /* port_rename */ false,
- /* handle_group_pos */ false
- };
- /* Internal functions */
- const char* bool2str(bool check)
- {
- return check ? "true" : "false";
- }
- const char* port_mode2str(PortMode port_mode)
- {
- if (port_mode == PORT_MODE_NULL)
- return "PORT_MODE_NULL";
- else if (port_mode == PORT_MODE_INPUT)
- return "PORT_MODE_INPUT";
- else if (port_mode == PORT_MODE_OUTPUT)
- return "PORT_MODE_OUTPUT";
- else
- return "PORT_MODE_???";
- }
- const char* port_type2str(PortType port_type)
- {
- if (port_type == PORT_TYPE_NULL)
- return "PORT_TYPE_NULL";
- else if (port_type == PORT_TYPE_AUDIO_JACK)
- else if (port_type == PORT_TYPE_MIDI_JACK)
- else if (port_type == PORT_TYPE_MIDI_A2J)
- return "PORT_TYPE_MIDI_A2J";
- else if (port_type == PORT_TYPE_MIDI_ALSA)
- else
- return "PORT_TYPE_???";
- }
- const char* icon2str(Icon icon)
- {
- if (icon == ICON_HARDWARE)
- return "ICON_HARDWARE";
- else if (ICON_LADISH_ROOM)
- return "ICON_LADISH_ROOM";
- else
- return "ICON_???";
- }
- const char* split2str(SplitOption split)
- {
- if (split == SPLIT_UNDEF)
- return "SPLIT_UNDEF";
- else if (split == SPLIT_NO)
- return "SPLIT_NO";
- else if (split == SPLIT_YES)
- return "SPLIT_YES";
- else
- return "SPLIT_???";
- }
- /* PatchCanvas API */
- void setOptions(options_t* new_options)
- {
- if (canvas.initiated) return;
- options.theme_name = new_options->theme_name;
- options.auto_hide_groups = new_options->auto_hide_groups;
- options.use_bezier_lines = new_options->use_bezier_lines;
- options.antialiasing = new_options->antialiasing;
- options.eyecandy = new_options->eyecandy;
- }
- void setFeatures(features_t* new_features)
- {
- if (canvas.initiated) return;
- features.group_info = new_features->group_info;
- features.group_rename = new_features->group_rename;
- features.port_info = new_features->port_info;
- features.port_rename = new_features->port_rename;
- features.handle_group_pos = new_features->handle_group_pos;
- }
- void init(PatchScene* scene, Callback callback, bool debug)
- {
- if (debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::init(%p, %p, %s)", scene, callback, bool2str(debug));
- if (canvas.initiated)
- {
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::init() - already initiated");
- return;
- }
- if (!callback)
- {
- qFatal("PatchCanvas::init() - fatal error: callback not set");
- return;
- }
- canvas.scene = scene;
- canvas.callback = callback;
- canvas.debug = debug;
- canvas.last_z_value = 0;
- canvas.last_connection_id = 0;
- canvas.initial_pos = QPointF(0, 0);
- canvas.size_rect = QRectF();
- if (!canvas.qobject) canvas.qobject = new CanvasObject();
- if (!canvas.settings) canvas.settings = new QSettings(PATCHCANVAS_ORGANISATION_NAME, "PatchCanvas");
- if (canvas.theme)
- {
- delete canvas.theme;
- canvas.theme = 0;
- }
- for (int i=0; i<Theme::THEME_MAX; i++)
- {
- QString this_theme_name = getThemeName(static_cast<Theme::List>(i));
- if (this_theme_name == options.theme_name)
- {
- canvas.theme = new Theme(static_cast<Theme::List>(i));
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!canvas.theme)
- canvas.theme = new Theme(getDefaultTheme());
- canvas.scene->updateTheme();
- canvas.initiated = true;
- }
- void clear()
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::clear()");
- QList<int> group_list_ids;
- QList<int> port_list_ids;
- QList<int> connection_list_ids;
- foreach (const group_dict_t& group, canvas.group_list)
- group_list_ids.append(group.group_id);
- foreach (const port_dict_t& port, canvas.port_list)
- port_list_ids.append(port.port_id);
- foreach (const connection_dict_t& connection, canvas.connection_list)
- connection_list_ids.append(connection.connection_id);
- foreach (const int& idx, connection_list_ids)
- disconnectPorts(idx);
- foreach (const int& idx, port_list_ids)
- removePort(idx);
- foreach (const int& idx, group_list_ids)
- removeGroup(idx);
- canvas.last_z_value = 0;
- canvas.last_connection_id = 0;
- canvas.group_list.clear();
- canvas.port_list.clear();
- canvas.connection_list.clear();
- canvas.initiated = false;
- }
- void setInitialPos(int x, int y)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::setInitialPos(%i, %i)", x, y);
- canvas.initial_pos.setX(x);
- canvas.initial_pos.setY(y);
- }
- void setCanvasSize(int x, int y, int width, int height)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::setCanvasSize(%i, %i, %i, %i)", x, y, width, height);
- canvas.size_rect.setX(x);
- canvas.size_rect.setY(y);
- canvas.size_rect.setWidth(width);
- canvas.size_rect.setHeight(height);
- }
- void addGroup(int group_id, QString group_name, SplitOption split, Icon icon)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::addGroup(%i, %s, %s, %s)", group_id, group_name.toUtf8().constData(), split2str(split), icon2str(icon));
- foreach (const group_dict_t& group, canvas.group_list)
- {
- if (group.group_id == group_id)
- {
- qWarning("PatchCanvas::addGroup(%i, %s, %s, %s) - group already exists", group_id, group_name.toUtf8().constData(), split2str(split), icon2str(icon));
- return;
- }
- }
- if (split == SPLIT_UNDEF && features.handle_group_pos)
- split = static_cast<SplitOption>(canvas.settings->value(QString("CanvasPositions/%1_SPLIT").arg(group_name), split).toInt());
- CanvasBox* group_box = new CanvasBox(group_id, group_name, icon);
- group_dict_t group_dict;
- group_dict.group_id = group_id;
- group_dict.group_name = group_name;
- group_dict.split = (split == SPLIT_YES);
- group_dict.icon = icon;
- group_dict.widgets[0] = group_box;
- group_dict.widgets[1] = 0;
- if (split == SPLIT_YES)
- {
- group_box->setSplit(true, PORT_MODE_OUTPUT);
- if (features.handle_group_pos)
- group_box->setPos(canvas.settings->value(QString("CanvasPositions/%1_OUTPUT").arg(group_name), CanvasGetNewGroupPos()).toPointF());
- else
- group_box->setPos(CanvasGetNewGroupPos());
- CanvasBox* group_sbox = new CanvasBox(group_id, group_name, icon);
- group_sbox->setSplit(true, PORT_MODE_INPUT);
- group_dict.widgets[1] = group_sbox;
- if (features.handle_group_pos)
- group_sbox->setPos(canvas.settings->value(QString("CanvasPositions/%1_INPUT").arg(group_name), CanvasGetNewGroupPos(true)).toPointF());
- else
- group_sbox->setPos(CanvasGetNewGroupPos(true));
- canvas.last_z_value += 1;
- group_sbox->setZValue(canvas.last_z_value);
- if (options.auto_hide_groups == false && options.eyecandy == EYECANDY_FULL)
- CanvasItemFX(group_sbox, true);
- }
- else
- {
- group_box->setSplit(false);
- if (features.handle_group_pos)
- group_box->setPos(canvas.settings->value(QString("CanvasPositions/%1").arg(group_name), CanvasGetNewGroupPos()).toPointF());
- else
- {
- // Special ladish fake-split groups
- bool horizontal = (icon == ICON_HARDWARE || icon == ICON_LADISH_ROOM);
- group_box->setPos(CanvasGetNewGroupPos(horizontal));
- }
- }
- canvas.last_z_value += 1;
- group_box->setZValue(canvas.last_z_value);
- canvas.group_list.append(group_dict);
- if (options.auto_hide_groups == false && options.eyecandy == EYECANDY_FULL)
- CanvasItemFX(group_box, true);
- QTimer::singleShot(0, canvas.scene, SLOT(update()));
- }
- void removeGroup(int group_id)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::removeGroup(%i)", group_id);
- foreach2 (const group_dict_t& group, canvas.group_list)
- if (group.group_id == group_id)
- {
- CanvasBox* item = group.widgets[0];
- QString group_name = group.group_name;
- if (group.split)
- {
- CanvasBox* s_item = group.widgets[1];
- if (features.handle_group_pos)
- {
- canvas.settings->setValue(QString("CanvasPositions/%1_OUTPUT").arg(group_name), item->pos());
- canvas.settings->setValue(QString("CanvasPositions/%1_INPUT").arg(group_name), s_item->pos());
- canvas.settings->setValue(QString("CanvasPositions/%1_SPLIT").arg(group_name), SPLIT_YES);
- }
- if (options.eyecandy == EYECANDY_FULL)
- {
- CanvasItemFX(s_item, false, true);
- }
- else
- {
- s_item->removeIconFromScene();
- canvas.scene->removeItem(s_item);
- delete s_item;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (features.handle_group_pos)
- {
- canvas.settings->setValue(QString("CanvasPositions/%1").arg(group_name), item->pos());
- canvas.settings->setValue(QString("CanvasPositions/%1_SPLIT").arg(group_name), SPLIT_NO);
- }
- }
- if (options.eyecandy == EYECANDY_FULL)
- {
- CanvasItemFX(item, false, true);
- }
- else
- {
- item->removeIconFromScene();
- canvas.scene->removeItem(item);
- delete item;
- }
- canvas.group_list.takeAt(i);
- QTimer::singleShot(0, canvas.scene, SLOT(update()));
- return;
- }
- }
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::removeGroup(%i) - unable to find group to remove", group_id);
- }
- void renameGroup(int group_id, QString new_group_name)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::renameGroup(%i, %s)", group_id, new_group_name.toUtf8().constData());
- foreach2 (group_dict_t& group, canvas.group_list)
- if (group.group_id == group_id)
- {
- group.group_name = new_group_name;
- group.widgets[0]->setGroupName(new_group_name);
- if (group.split && group.widgets[1])
- group.widgets[1]->setGroupName(new_group_name);
- QTimer::singleShot(0, canvas.scene, SLOT(update()));
- return;
- }
- }
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::renameGroup(%i, %s) - unable to find group to rename", group_id, new_group_name.toUtf8().constData());
- }
- void splitGroup(int group_id)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::splitGroup(%i)", group_id);
- CanvasBox* item = 0;
- QString group_name;
- Icon group_icon = ICON_APPLICATION;
- QList<port_dict_t> ports_data;
- QList<connection_dict_t> conns_data;
- // Step 1 - Store all Item data
- foreach (const group_dict_t& group, canvas.group_list)
- {
- if (group.group_id == group_id)
- {
- if (group.split)
- {
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::splitGroup(%i) - group is already splitted", group_id);
- return;
- }
- item = group.widgets[0];
- group_name = group.group_name;
- group_icon = group.icon;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!item)
- {
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::splitGroup(%i) - unable to find group to split", group_id);
- return;
- }
- QList<int> port_list_ids = QList<int>(item->getPortList());
- foreach (const port_dict_t& port, canvas.port_list)
- {
- if (port_list_ids.contains(port.port_id))
- {
- port_dict_t port_dict;
- port_dict.group_id = port.group_id;
- port_dict.port_id = port.port_id;
- port_dict.port_name = port.port_name;
- port_dict.port_mode = port.port_mode;
- port_dict.port_type = port.port_type;
- port_dict.widget = 0;
- ports_data.append(port_dict);
- }
- }
- foreach (const connection_dict_t& connection, canvas.connection_list)
- {
- if (port_list_ids.contains(connection.port_out_id) || port_list_ids.contains(connection.port_in_id))
- {
- connection_dict_t connection_dict;
- connection_dict.connection_id = connection.connection_id;
- connection_dict.port_in_id = connection.port_in_id;
- connection_dict.port_out_id = connection.port_out_id;
- connection_dict.widget = 0;
- conns_data.append(connection_dict);
- }
- }
- // Step 2 - Remove Item and Children
- foreach (const connection_dict_t& conn, conns_data)
- disconnectPorts(conn.connection_id);
- foreach (const int& port_id, port_list_ids)
- removePort(port_id);
- removeGroup(group_id);
- // Step 3 - Re-create Item, now splitted
- addGroup(group_id, group_name, SPLIT_YES, group_icon);
- foreach (const port_dict_t& port, ports_data)
- addPort(group_id, port.port_id, port.port_name, port.port_mode, port.port_type);
- foreach (const connection_dict_t& conn, conns_data)
- connectPorts(conn.connection_id, conn.port_out_id, conn.port_in_id);
- QTimer::singleShot(0, canvas.scene, SLOT(update()));
- }
- void joinGroup(int group_id)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::joinGroup(%i)", group_id);
- CanvasBox* item = 0;
- CanvasBox* s_item = 0;
- QString group_name;
- Icon group_icon = ICON_APPLICATION;
- QList<port_dict_t> ports_data;
- QList<connection_dict_t> conns_data;
- // Step 1 - Store all Item data
- foreach (const group_dict_t& group, canvas.group_list)
- {
- if (group.group_id == group_id)
- {
- if (group.split == false)
- {
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::joinGroup(%i) - group is not splitted", group_id);
- return;
- }
- item = group.widgets[0];
- s_item = group.widgets[1];
- group_name = group.group_name;
- group_icon = group.icon;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!item || !s_item)
- {
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::joinGroup(%i) - Unable to find groups to join", group_id);
- return;
- }
- QList<int> port_list_ids = QList<int>(item->getPortList());
- QList<int> port_list_idss = s_item->getPortList();
- foreach (const int& port_id, port_list_idss)
- {
- if (port_list_ids.contains(port_id) == false)
- port_list_ids.append(port_id);
- }
- foreach (const port_dict_t& port, canvas.port_list)
- {
- if (port_list_ids.contains(port.port_id))
- {
- port_dict_t port_dict;
- port_dict.group_id = port.group_id;
- port_dict.port_id = port.port_id;
- port_dict.port_name = port.port_name;
- port_dict.port_mode = port.port_mode;
- port_dict.port_type = port.port_type;
- port_dict.widget = 0;
- ports_data.append(port_dict);
- }
- }
- foreach (const connection_dict_t& connection, canvas.connection_list)
- {
- if (port_list_ids.contains(connection.port_out_id) || port_list_ids.contains(connection.port_in_id))
- {
- connection_dict_t connection_dict;
- connection_dict.connection_id = connection.connection_id;
- connection_dict.port_in_id = connection.port_in_id;
- connection_dict.port_out_id = connection.port_out_id;
- connection_dict.widget = 0;
- conns_data.append(connection_dict);
- }
- }
- // Step 2 - Remove Item and Children
- foreach (const connection_dict_t& conn, conns_data)
- disconnectPorts(conn.connection_id);
- foreach (const int& port_id, port_list_ids)
- removePort(port_id);
- removeGroup(group_id);
- // Step 3 - Re-create Item, now together
- addGroup(group_id, group_name, SPLIT_NO, group_icon);
- foreach (const port_dict_t& port, ports_data)
- addPort(group_id, port.port_id, port.port_name, port.port_mode, port.port_type);
- foreach (const connection_dict_t& conn, conns_data)
- connectPorts(conn.connection_id, conn.port_out_id, conn.port_in_id);
- QTimer::singleShot(0, canvas.scene, SLOT(update()));
- }
- QPointF getGroupPos(int group_id, PortMode port_mode)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::getGroupPos(%i, %s)", group_id, port_mode2str(port_mode));
- foreach (const group_dict_t& group, canvas.group_list)
- {
- if (group.group_id == group_id)
- {
- if (group.split)
- {
- if (port_mode == PORT_MODE_OUTPUT)
- return group.widgets[0]->pos();
- else if (port_mode == PORT_MODE_INPUT)
- return group.widgets[1]->pos();
- else
- return QPointF(0, 0);
- }
- else
- return group.widgets[0]->pos();
- }
- }
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::getGroupPos(%i, %s) - unable to find group", group_id, port_mode2str(port_mode));
- return QPointF(0,0);
- }
- void setGroupPos(int group_id, int group_pos_x, int group_pos_y)
- {
- setGroupPos(group_id, group_pos_x, group_pos_y, group_pos_x, group_pos_y);
- }
- void setGroupPos(int group_id, int group_pos_x, int group_pos_y, int group_pos_xs, int group_pos_ys)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::setGroupPos(%i, %i, %i, %i, %i)", group_id, group_pos_x, group_pos_y, group_pos_xs, group_pos_ys);
- foreach (const group_dict_t& group, canvas.group_list)
- {
- if (group.group_id == group_id)
- {
- group.widgets[0]->setPos(group_pos_x, group_pos_y);
- if (group.split && group.widgets[1])
- {
- group.widgets[1]->setPos(group_pos_xs, group_pos_ys);
- }
- QTimer::singleShot(0, canvas.scene, SLOT(update()));
- return;
- }
- }
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::setGroupPos(%i, %i, %i, %i, %i) - unable to find group to reposition", group_id, group_pos_x, group_pos_y, group_pos_xs, group_pos_ys);
- }
- void setGroupIcon(int group_id, Icon icon)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::setGroupIcon(%i, %s)", group_id, icon2str(icon));
- foreach2 (group_dict_t& group, canvas.group_list)
- if (group.group_id == group_id)
- {
- group.icon = icon;
- group.widgets[0]->setIcon(icon);
- if (group.split && group.widgets[1])
- group.widgets[1]->setIcon(icon);
- QTimer::singleShot(0, canvas.scene, SLOT(update()));
- return;
- }
- }
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::setGroupIcon(%i, %s) - unable to find group to change icon", group_id, icon2str(icon));
- }
- void addPort(int group_id, int port_id, QString port_name, PortMode port_mode, PortType port_type)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::addPort(%i, %i, %s, %s, %s)", group_id, port_id, port_name.toUtf8().constData(), port_mode2str(port_mode), port_type2str(port_type));
- foreach (const port_dict_t& port, canvas.port_list)
- {
- if (port.group_id == group_id and port.port_id == port_id)
- {
- qWarning("PatchCanvas::addPort(%i, %i, %s, %s, %s) - port already exists" , group_id, port_id, port_name.toUtf8().constData(), port_mode2str(port_mode), port_type2str(port_type));
- return;
- }
- }
- CanvasBox* box_widget = 0;
- CanvasPort* port_widget = 0;
- foreach (const group_dict_t& group, canvas.group_list)
- {
- if (group.group_id == group_id)
- {
- int n;
- if (group.split && group.widgets[0]->getSplittedMode() != port_mode && group.widgets[1])
- n = 1;
- else
- n = 0;
- box_widget = group.widgets[n];
- port_widget = box_widget->addPortFromGroup(port_id, port_name, port_mode, port_type);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!box_widget || !port_widget)
- {
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::addPort(%i, %i, %s, %s, %s) - unable to find parent group", group_id, port_id, port_name.toUtf8().constData(), port_mode2str(port_mode), port_type2str(port_type));
- return;
- }
- if (options.eyecandy == EYECANDY_FULL)
- CanvasItemFX(port_widget, true);
- port_dict_t port_dict;
- port_dict.group_id = group_id;
- port_dict.port_id = port_id;
- port_dict.port_name = port_name;
- port_dict.port_mode = port_mode;
- port_dict.port_type = port_type;
- port_dict.widget = port_widget;
- canvas.port_list.append(port_dict);
- box_widget->updatePositions();
- QTimer::singleShot(0, canvas.scene, SLOT(update()));
- }
- void removePort(int port_id)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::removePort(%i)", port_id);
- foreach2 (const port_dict_t& port, canvas.port_list)
- if (port.port_id == port_id)
- {
- CanvasPort* item = port.widget;
- ((CanvasBox*)item->parentItem())->removePortFromGroup(port_id);
- canvas.scene->removeItem(item);
- delete item;
- canvas.port_list.takeAt(i);
- QTimer::singleShot(0, canvas.scene, SLOT(update()));
- return;
- }
- }
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::removePort(%i) - unable to find port to remove", port_id);
- }
- void renamePort(int port_id, QString new_port_name)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::renamePort(%i, %s)", port_id, new_port_name.toUtf8().constData());
- foreach2 (port_dict_t& port, canvas.port_list)
- if (port.port_id == port_id)
- {
- port.port_name = new_port_name;
- port.widget->setPortName(new_port_name);
- ((CanvasBox*)port.widget->parentItem())->updatePositions();
- QTimer::singleShot(0, canvas.scene, SLOT(update()));
- return;
- }
- }
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::renamePort(%i, %s) - unable to find port to rename", port_id, new_port_name.toUtf8().constData());
- }
- void connectPorts(int connection_id, int port_out_id, int port_in_id)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::connectPorts(%i, %i, %i)", connection_id, port_out_id, port_in_id);
- CanvasPort* port_out = 0;
- CanvasPort* port_in = 0;
- CanvasBox* port_out_parent = 0;
- CanvasBox* port_in_parent = 0;
- foreach (const port_dict_t& port, canvas.port_list)
- {
- if (port.port_id == port_out_id)
- {
- port_out = port.widget;
- port_out_parent = (CanvasBox*)port_out->parentItem();
- }
- else if (port.port_id == port_in_id)
- {
- port_in = port.widget;
- port_in_parent = (CanvasBox*)port_in->parentItem();
- }
- }
- if (!port_out || !port_in)
- {
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::connectPorts(%i, %i, %i) - Unable to find ports to connect", connection_id, port_out_id, port_in_id);
- return;
- }
- connection_dict_t connection_dict;
- connection_dict.connection_id = connection_id;
- connection_dict.port_out_id = port_out_id;
- connection_dict.port_in_id = port_in_id;
- if (options.use_bezier_lines)
- connection_dict.widget = new CanvasBezierLine(port_out, port_in, 0);
- else
- connection_dict.widget = new CanvasLine(port_out, port_in, 0);
- port_out_parent->addLineFromGroup(connection_dict.widget, connection_id);
- port_in_parent->addLineFromGroup(connection_dict.widget, connection_id);
- canvas.last_z_value += 1;
- port_out_parent->setZValue(canvas.last_z_value);
- port_in_parent->setZValue(canvas.last_z_value);
- canvas.last_z_value += 1;
- connection_dict.widget->setZValue(canvas.last_z_value);
- canvas.connection_list.append(connection_dict);
- if (options.eyecandy == EYECANDY_FULL)
- {
- QGraphicsItem* item = (options.use_bezier_lines) ? (QGraphicsItem*)(CanvasBezierLine*)connection_dict.widget : (QGraphicsItem*)(CanvasLine*)connection_dict.widget;
- CanvasItemFX(item, true);
- }
- QTimer::singleShot(0, canvas.scene, SLOT(update()));
- }
- void disconnectPorts(int connection_id)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::disconnectPorts(%i)", connection_id);
- int port_1_id, port_2_id;
- AbstractCanvasLine* line = 0;
- QGraphicsItem* item1 = 0;
- QGraphicsItem* item2 = 0;
- foreach2 (const connection_dict_t& connection, canvas.connection_list)
- if (connection.connection_id == connection_id)
- {
- port_1_id = connection.port_out_id;
- port_2_id = connection.port_in_id;
- line = connection.widget;
- canvas.connection_list.takeAt(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!line)
- {
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::disconnectPorts(%i) - unable to find connection ports", connection_id);
- return;
- }
- foreach (const port_dict_t& port, canvas.port_list)
- {
- if (port.port_id == port_1_id)
- {
- item1 = port.widget;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!item1)
- {
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::disconnectPorts(%i) - unable to find output port", connection_id);
- return;
- }
- foreach (const port_dict_t& port, canvas.port_list)
- {
- if (port.port_id == port_2_id)
- {
- item2 = port.widget;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!item2)
- {
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::disconnectPorts(%i) - unable to find input port", connection_id);
- return;
- }
- ((CanvasBox*)item1->parentItem())->removeLineFromGroup(connection_id);
- ((CanvasBox*)item2->parentItem())->removeLineFromGroup(connection_id);
- if (options.eyecandy == EYECANDY_FULL)
- {
- QGraphicsItem* item = (options.use_bezier_lines) ? (QGraphicsItem*)(CanvasBezierLine*)line : (QGraphicsItem*)(CanvasLine*)line;
- CanvasItemFX(item, false, true);
- }
- else
- line->deleteFromScene();
- QTimer::singleShot(0, canvas.scene, SLOT(update()));
- }
- void arrange()
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::Arrange()");
- }
- void updateZValues()
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::updateZValues()");
- foreach (const group_dict_t& group, canvas.group_list)
- {
- group.widgets[0]->resetLinesZValue();
- if (group.split and group.widgets[1])
- group.widgets[1]->resetLinesZValue();
- }
- }
- /* Extra Internal functions */
- QString CanvasGetGroupName(int group_id)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::CanvasGetGroupName(%i)", group_id);
- foreach (const group_dict_t& group, canvas.group_list)
- {
- if (group.group_id == group_id)
- return group.group_name;
- }
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::CanvasGetGroupName(%i) - unable to find group", group_id);
- return "";
- }
- int CanvasGetGroupPortCount(int group_id)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::CanvasGetGroupPortCount(%i)", group_id);
- int port_count = 0;
- foreach (const port_dict_t& port, canvas.port_list)
- {
- if (port.group_id == group_id)
- port_count += 1;
- }
- return port_count;
- }
- QPointF CanvasGetNewGroupPos(bool horizontal)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::CanvasGetNewGroupPos(%s)", bool2str(horizontal));
- QPointF new_pos(canvas.initial_pos.x(), canvas.initial_pos.y());
- QList<QGraphicsItem*> items = canvas.scene->items();
- bool break_loop = false;
- while (break_loop == false)
- {
- bool break_for = false;
- for (int i=0; i < items.count(); i++)
- {
- QGraphicsItem* item = items[i];
- if (item && item->type() == CanvasBoxType)
- {
- if (item->sceneBoundingRect().contains(new_pos))
- {
- if (horizontal)
- new_pos += QPointF(item->boundingRect().width()+15, 0);
- else
- new_pos += QPointF(0, item->boundingRect().height()+15);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (i >= items.count()-1 && break_for == false)
- break_loop = true;
- }
- }
- return new_pos;
- }
- QString CanvasGetFullPortName(int port_id)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::CanvasGetFullPortName(%i)", port_id);
- foreach (const port_dict_t& port, canvas.port_list)
- {
- if (port.port_id == port_id)
- {
- int group_id = port.group_id;
- foreach (const group_dict_t& group, canvas.group_list)
- {
- if (group.group_id == group_id)
- return group.group_name + ":" + port.port_name;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::CanvasGetFullPortName(%i) - unable to find port", port_id);
- return "";
- }
- QList<int> CanvasGetPortConnectionList(int port_id)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::CanvasGetPortConnectionList(%i)", port_id);
- QList<int> port_con_list;
- foreach (const connection_dict_t& connection, canvas.connection_list)
- {
- if (connection.port_out_id == port_id || connection.port_in_id == port_id)
- port_con_list.append(connection.connection_id);
- }
- return port_con_list;
- }
- int CanvasGetConnectedPort(int connection_id, int port_id)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::CanvasGetConnectedPort(%i, %i)", connection_id, port_id);
- foreach (const connection_dict_t& connection, canvas.connection_list)
- {
- if (connection.connection_id == connection_id)
- {
- if (connection.port_out_id == port_id)
- return connection.port_in_id;
- else
- return connection.port_out_id;
- }
- }
- qCritical("PatchCanvas::CanvasGetConnectedPort(%i, %i) - unable to find connection", connection_id, port_id);
- return 0;
- }
- void CanvasRemoveAnimation(CanvasFadeAnimation* f_animation)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::CanvasRemoveAnimation(%p)", f_animation);
- foreach2 (const animation_dict_t& animation, canvas.animation_list)
- if (animation.animation == f_animation)
- {
- delete animation.animation;
- canvas.animation_list.takeAt(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- void CanvasPostponedGroups()
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::CanvasPostponedGroups()");
- }
- void CanvasCallback(CallbackAction action, int value1, int value2, QString value_str)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::CanvasCallback(%i, %i, %i, %s)", action, value1, value2, value_str.toStdString().data());
- canvas.callback(action, value1, value2, value_str);
- }
- void CanvasItemFX(QGraphicsItem* item, bool show, bool destroy)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::CanvasItemFX(%p, %s, %s)", item, bool2str(show), bool2str(destroy));
- // Check if item already has an animationItemFX
- foreach2 (const animation_dict_t& animation, canvas.animation_list)
- if (animation.item == item)
- {
- if (animation.animation)
- {
- animation.animation->stop();
- delete animation.animation;
- }
- canvas.animation_list.takeAt(i);
- break;
- }
- }
- CanvasFadeAnimation* animation = new CanvasFadeAnimation(item, show);
- animation->setDuration(show ? 750 : 500);
- animation_dict_t animation_dict;
- animation_dict.animation = animation;
- animation_dict.item = item;
- canvas.animation_list.append(animation_dict);
- if (show)
- {
- QObject::connect(animation, SIGNAL(finished()), canvas.qobject, SLOT(AnimationIdle()));
- }
- else
- {
- if (destroy)
- QObject::connect(animation, SIGNAL(finished()), canvas.qobject, SLOT(AnimationDestroy()));
- else
- QObject::connect(animation, SIGNAL(finished()), canvas.qobject, SLOT(AnimationHide()));
- }
- animation->start();
- }
- void CanvasRemoveItemFX(QGraphicsItem* item)
- {
- if (canvas.debug)
- qDebug("PatchCanvas::CanvasRemoveItemFX(%p)", item);
- switch (item->type())
- {
- case CanvasBoxType:
- {
- CanvasBox* box = (CanvasBox*)item;
- box->removeIconFromScene();
- canvas.scene->removeItem(box);
- delete box;
- }
- case CanvasPortType:
- {
- CanvasPort* port = (CanvasPort*)item;
- canvas.scene->removeItem(port);
- delete port;
- }
- case CanvasLineType:
- case CanvasBezierLineType:
- {
- AbstractCanvasLine* line = (AbstractCanvasLine*)item;
- line->deleteFromScene();
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
- }